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- workflows:
- ios-build:
- name: iOS Build Workflow
- triggering:
- events:
- - push
- max_build_duration: 60
- environment:
- flutter: stable
- xcode: 15.0
- scripts:
- - name: Clean Flutter project
- script: |
- set -x
- rm -rf ios/Pods ios/Podfile.lock pubspec.lock
- flutter clean
- flutter pub get
- flutter gen-l10n
- - name: Check Flutter and CocoaPods
- script: |
- set -x
- flutter doctor
- cd ios
- pod --version
- pod cache clean --all
- pod install
- pod install --repo-update
- - name: Generate localizations
- script: flutter gen-l10n
- - name: Build iOS Release
- script: |
- set -x
- xcodebuild -workspace ios/Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos -archivePath $HOME/Runner.xcarchive archive | xcpretty
- - name: Export IPA
- script: |
- set -x
- xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $HOME/Runner.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist ios/ExportOptions.plist -exportPath $HOME
- mv $HOME/Runner.ipa $HOME/BetterMusic.ipa
- - name: Package IPA
- script: |
- set -x
- mkdir -p Payload
- cp -r $HOME/BetterMusic.ipa Payload/
- zip -r BetterMusic.ipa Payload
- rm -rf Payload
- artifacts:
- - BetterMusic.ipa
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