

May 13th, 2016
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  1. lORD qWILFISH joined
  2. derivations: and there's no
  3. derivations: compelling evidence against the idea
  4. derivations: it's just got tons of supporting info
  5. Hiro97: true, but you don't need to only learn science. you need to learn how to write etc. and it is science and makes sense but it is still a theory
  6. derivations: the fact that it conflicts with religious views is what makes it seem not to be a fact, but it has as much evidence as black holes
  7. #SpaceBass: Hiro97: why is that SpaceBass?
  8. Hiro97: and the fact of the matter is that lots of scientists actually don't support it derivations
  9. #SpaceBass: When I was young I was on track to join the actual arsenal team, and after that I was a realy good competiton swimmer
  10. #SpaceBass: But I quit both
  11. Hiro97: why?
  12. #SpaceBass: Because I was so burned out after days of school
  13. Hiro97: for school?
  14. #SpaceBass: Learning shit I have no use for
  15. Hiro97: ah
  16. #SpaceBass: That I was too tired
  17. #SpaceBass: Because of school, I didn't get to do what I wanted to with my life
  18. #SpaceBass: School is a giant waste of time for 90% of students
  19. Hiro97: you mean like arsenal, football?
  20. #SpaceBass: Yeah
  21. Hiro97: daaaaamn
  22. #SpaceBass: I played for the arsenal kids club thing for like 10 years
  23. +Dawg: spacebass
  24. +Dawg: when you come to aus
  25. +Dawg: dont buy crown lager
  26. +Dawg: tastes bad
  27. +Dawg: confirming
  28. #SpaceBass: >lager
  29. #SpaceBass: Nah m8
  30. #SpaceBass: But yeah if I'd been allowed to quit school at age like 14
  31. #SpaceBass: I'd have been much better off than I am now
  32. #SpaceBass: I wouldn't have started smoking
  33. #SpaceBass: I'd still be playing sports
  34. doubles▲illuminati: i feel you
  35. doubles▲illuminati: :/
  36. #SpaceBass: But instead I wasted my time learning fucking art and geography
  37. #SpaceBass: Even with music, I've been playing bass for 9 years and love music
  38. #SpaceBass: But if I discovered it earler
  39. #SpaceBass: Instead of going to shit music class
  40. #SpaceBass: And learning about shit
  41. #SpaceBass: I'd have been playing since earlier
  42. #SpaceBass: Music class in school put me off music more than anything
  43. #SpaceBass: >drama class
  44. #SpaceBass: Yeah I have loads of use for that now
  45. #SpaceBass: School is probablt one of the worst things that happened to me purely based on how much of my time it wasted
  46. #SpaceBass: Primary school I understand, you have to learn basic maths and english and stuff
  47. Connni joined; Connni left
  48. doubles▲illuminati: yeah
  49. #SpaceBass: But jesus fuck stop making kids take like 12 classes and spend the entire day wasting energy so you can't focus on the things you really want to do
  50. doubles▲illuminati: ^
  51. #SpaceBass: School in england teaches you to smoke, skip class, swear and generally be badly behaved
  52. #SpaceBass: Thats it
  53. Hiro97: I can believe that school is bad for some people
  54. #SpaceBass: Its bad for most people honestly
  55. Hiro97: yeah
  56. #SpaceBass: You ask a kid what he wants to be when he grows up
  57. #SpaceBass: "Rock star / sports star / space man" etc
  58. #SpaceBass: It sounds stupid
  59. #SpaceBass: But if you actually let them fucking try and be what they want to be from a young age
  60. #SpaceBass: Instead of forcing them to learn geography, art, music, drama and all that shit
  61. #SpaceBass: Suddenly they don't seem like such stupid dreams
  62. #SpaceBass: Because when you're a kid, you learn fast
  63. derivations left
  64. #SpaceBass: And you spend that time learning stuff that doesn't matter and has no use
  65. Hiro97: einstein had trouble with school
  66. KamikazePhone joined
  67. Hiro97: so you're making sense
  68. #SpaceBass: I'm making sense because I'm speaking from experience
  69. #SpaceBass: School was the biggest waste of time in my entire life
  70. #SpaceBass: From age 5 to 18 I was being forced to learn stuff I've never once used in the real world
  71. #SpaceBass: My teacher used to tell me
  72. #SpaceBass: "You won't have a calculator in your pocket all the time so you better listen"
  73. #SpaceBass: Yes
  74. #SpaceBass: Yes I fucking do
  75. Hiro97: tbh, 90% of what I learned in school, I'm not using now
  76. +TUO left
  77. Hiro97: I just accepted it, since I had no other choice
  78. #SpaceBass: The only thing I learnt in school that I still use alot today is how to roll a joint
  79. #SpaceBass: Well I stopped smoking but yeah
  80. Hiro97: lol
  81. Hiro97: luckily I never approached these things
  82. #SpaceBass: I wouldn't have
  83. Hiro97: but I have friends who did/do
  84. #SpaceBass: If I'd been allowed to play football and swim instead of going to school
  85. Carbonific left
  86. Hiro97: so if you're thinking of having kids later, are you going to give them home education?
  87. KamikazePhone left
  88. #SpaceBass: As much as I'd like to, thats also pretty hard
  89. Hiro97: now that I think about it, I don't want my kids to go through this bullshit
  90. #SpaceBass: That would assume people having enough money to both keep kids home all day and not work to look after them
  91. Hiro97: mhm
  92. #SpaceBass: I wouldn't want my kids removed from school, I'd want the school system to change so it actually teaches kids important stuff
  93. #SpaceBass: School never taught me about budgeting or bills
  94. #SpaceBass: Or about actual everyday life
  95. #SpaceBass: It was all about remembering numbers to write on a test
  96. +Lolk joined
  97. #SpaceBass: And it was useless
  98. Hiro97: true
  99. #SpaceBass: I have not one single time ever used algebra
  100. Hiro97: maybe our generation needs to change it then
  101. #SpaceBass: Or thought "I wish I listened in maths class"
  102. #SpaceBass: Never
  103. #SpaceBass: In fact my school was so good I wasn't allowed in maths class
  104. Hiro97: ?
  105. +Lolk: why should school teach about paying bills
  106. Ruby D: nah
  107. Ruby D: SpaceBass was so good
  108. #SpaceBass: I got kicked out of maths class by my teacher perma lol
  109. +Lolk: that's like setting kids up
  110. Ruby D: that he was exempt from maths
  111. +Lolk: for mediocrity
  112. #SpaceBass: Lolk
  113. Ruby D: SpaceBass what was your grade in maths
  114. #SpaceBass: School set me up for that
  115. Ruby D: GCSE
  116. #SpaceBass: If I'd quit I'd be playing pro sports
  117. #SpaceBass: Be it swimming or football
  118. #SpaceBass: I think I got D ruby
  119. Ruby D: woah
  120. #SpaceBass: iirc I missed a C by 2 marsk, 3 times
  121. #SpaceBass: marks*
  122. #SpaceBass: But its fine because
  123. +Lolk: r u saying all athletes in the UK
  124. +Lolk: didnt go to school
  125. #SpaceBass: No
  126. Ruby D: what was your result
  127. Ruby D: in GCSE
  128. #SpaceBass: I'm saying that I didn't have the energy
  129. #SpaceBass: To do what I loved
  130. Ruby D: I'm currently doing GCSE
  131. #SpaceBass: Because of school
  132. Ruby D: SpaceBass was iirc in Arsenal's youth
  133. #SpaceBass: And because of school I had to quit
  134. +Lolk: how did the other sportsman have energy
  135. #SpaceBass: idk, maybe not having to travel for an hour and 20 mins to school
  136. Hiro97: we had like a system at our school were top-atlete kids only go 10hours a week to school
  137. #SpaceBass: Then an hour and 20 mins back
  138. #SpaceBass: Then travel to practise
  139. #SpaceBass: Then play football for 2 hours
  140. +Lolk: o shit why did you school so far away
  141. #SpaceBass: Because all the schools where I live are awful
  142. #SpaceBass: And this school had full size sports pitches
  143. #SpaceBass: But shit teachers and lessons
  144. #SpaceBass: I tried as hard as I could to carry on with football
  145. #SpaceBass: But it wasn't viable because school
  146. #SpaceBass: I'm not saying all kids would benefit from not going
  147. #SpaceBass: Just that I would have
  148. #SpaceBass: The point of school is to set you up for life, but it did the opposite for me
  149. #SpaceBass: It made sure I never got to do the things I enjoyed
  150. +Lolk: i disagree
  151. +Lolk: the point of school is to set you up for rich af jobs
  152. Ruby D: ^
  153. #SpaceBass: Oh yeah it did that
  154. #SpaceBass: I'm suuuuuuuper rich
  155. #SpaceBass: And a CEO
  156. +Lolk: and to allow you find out what you want to study more
  157. #SpaceBass: Look at how effecitve it was
  158. #SpaceBass: I knew what I wanted to learn already
  159. #SpaceBass: The day I started
  160. +Lolk: if the point of school was to teach you how to balance a checkbook and pay taxes
  161. +Lolk: literally everyone would be retarded
  162. Hiro97: that's not true Lolk
  163. #SpaceBass: Are you implying that 90% of this country isn't retarded
  164. #SpaceBass: Because they are
  165. Hiro97: my dad had a PhD degree and we are poor af
  166. #SpaceBass: From experience, school is not for everyone
  167. +Lolk: i mean
  168. Hiro97: he can't find a job
  169. Dream Leader Vyl: Degrees mean nothing without personal talent to back it up.
  170. #SpaceBass: I have friends in uni
  171. +Lolk: what was his phd
  172. #SpaceBass: They're in debt
  173. #SpaceBass: They have no jobs
  174. Dream Leader Vyl: One of life's most biggest misconception.
  175. Hiro97: bio engineering
  176. #SpaceBass: I have money
  177. #SpaceBass: They don't
  178. #SpaceBass: Who did school work for
  179. +Lolk: how tf does he not have a job lol
  180. Dream Leader Vyl: I have a diploma in pharmacy, I am a pharmacy technician
  181. #SpaceBass: Because he got a degree that 1000s of other people have
  182. #SpaceBass: There are no jobs
  183. Hiro97: they Always tell him that his degree is too high
  184. Dream Leader Vyl: and I work at a vitamin shope.
  185. Dream Leader Vyl: a damn vitamin shope.
  186. Dream Leader Vyl: Waste of 15,000
  187. Ruby D: ngl
  188. Hiro97: because the higher the degree, the more you have to pay my dad
  189. #SpaceBass: I'm sorry but the education system (at least at working class levels) is flawed
  190. Ruby D: school is an investment
  191. #SpaceBass: And needs fixing
  192. Dream Leader Vyl: I also have a degree in spamming hypnosis and spore.
  193. Dream Leader Vyl: But we'll get to that later.
  194. #SpaceBass: School SHOULD be an investment
  195. #SpaceBass: But its not
  196. Ruby D: it is basically for the rich and middle class
  197. +Lolk: yea i agree
  198. +Lolk: that schools purpose is to push you towards a higher education
  199. #SpaceBass: If you can afford to go to a rich private school
  200. #SpaceBass: You're ok
  201. Ruby D: since you pay really high fees
  202. +Lolk: and not to a working-class life
  203. Dream Leader Vyl: Do something fun like, make Source Film Maker videos and start a patreon.
  204. #SpaceBass: But in public school you learn misbehaviour, drugs and laziness
  205. Dream Leader Vyl: It's the hot profession these days.
  206. +Lolk: and if you just want to work a simple job your whole life
  207. Hiro97: make one Dream Leader Vyl and spam sleep ;)
  208. +Lolk: high school would seem pointless
  209. #SpaceBass: Lolk are you american?
  210. +Lolk: ya
  211. #SpaceBass: Yeah see england is different
  212. #SpaceBass: English schools are the worst place to try learn anythiung
  213. +Lolk: idk about england
  214. Ruby D: idk about others but
  215. +Lolk: but in the us
  216. Ruby D: asian schools
  217. Ruby D: are pretty difficult
  218. Ruby D: ngl
  219. Hiro97: I've heard that you can choose your classes in US?
  220. #SpaceBass: Take it from me, I'd be better off if I'd quit school at 13 and played football full time
  221. +Lolk: private schools are about the same quality as public schools
  222. Hiro97: is that true lolk?
  223. #SpaceBass: Its not like that here
  224. #SpaceBass: Public schools are terrible
  225. +Lolk: ya hiro
  226. Hiro97: see that's cool
  227. Hiro97: here we don't have that
  228. #SpaceBass: When we get to year 10 we can drop some subjects
  229. #SpaceBass: But not before spending 3 years learning the ones we drop
  230. +Lolk: the only reason ppl pay for private school here
  231. #SpaceBass: What a waste of time
  232. +Lolk: is so they can be surrounded by other rich kids
  233. +Lolk: and avoid "hoodlums"
  234. Kid-KD left
  235. #SpaceBass: You spend 3 years learning something you know you're dropping in 3 years anyway
  236. #SpaceBass: Whats the point
  237. #SpaceBass: Thats a shit system
  238. +Lolk: but like
  239. +Lolk: my public school beat the local private school
  240. +Lolk: in like every academic competition
  241. +Lolk: it was p funny
  242. Dream Leader Vyl: Every kid just need emotional support. My mother always told me "As long as you pass, I don't care"
  243. Dream Leader Vyl: and you know, I didn't care/
  244. Dream Leader Vyl: D's for days :p
  245. Hiro97 left
  246. Dream Leader Vyl: Taking the GED is far easier than most people realize. Get that, skip the pointless 4 years of highschool
  247. Dream Leader Vyl: Start doing what you love at least 2 years ahead of everyone else.
  248. +Lolk: i mean a lot of the purpose of high school
  249. #SpaceBass: We have GCSEs here as the "you need these or you won't get a job" qualification
  250. #SpaceBass: Most people have 6 or 7
  251. +Lolk: is so you grow socially
  252. #SpaceBass: I have 14
  253. #SpaceBass: And they're USELESS
  254. +Lolk: and learn to manage your own schedule
  255. #SpaceBass: We spend our entire childhood being told "if you don't have GCSEs you won't be able to work"
  256. #SpaceBass: lol
  257. Dream Leader Vyl: @Lolk you're saying that in a age where most people are constantly looking at their phones?
  258. +Lolk: which a lot of ppl surprisingly suck at
  259. #SpaceBass: Good lie
  260. Dream Leader Vyl: This isn't the 90s when I grew up
  261. Dream Leader Vyl: Children are on computers at like
  262. Dream Leader Vyl: age 3
  263. #SpaceBass: ^
  264. Dream Leader Vyl: I didn't even know what comptuers were until
  265. Dream Leader Vyl: I was nearly an adult
  266. #SpaceBass: School is outdated, I can look up anything they're going to teach me when and if I need it
  267. +Lolk: lol almost all homeschooled children
  268. +Lolk: are pretty socially awkward
  269. #SpaceBass: Or my school computer class
  270. Dream Leader Vyl: Much of my studying was done on youtube. No joke! Search anything for pharmacy technician on youtube
  271. #SpaceBass: Look at all the powerpoint we use
  272. Dream Leader Vyl: it's right there, literally.
  273. #SpaceBass: Look at how helpful it was
  274. #SpaceBass: Coding is the thing now but back then teachers said it wouldn't matter
  275. #SpaceBass: And that we didn't need to learn something thats barely used
  276. +Lolk: also Dream Leader Vyl
  277. Dream Leader Vyl: You can be homeschooled Lolk, but that doesn't mean you have to be sheltered
  278. #SpaceBass: Fuck schol
  279. Dream Leader Vyl: there is a big difference.
  280. #SpaceBass: school
  281. #SpaceBass: lol
  282. +Lolk: id dont see how ppl always on their phones
  283. +Lolk: counters my point
  284. #SpaceBass: Because the school system no longer works
  285. #SpaceBass: It doesnt cater to this generation
  286. Dream Leader Vyl: Being social is becoming much less of a thing when people can simply drown themselves in their fantasies online
  287. Dream Leader Vyl: I'd wager most people in public are complete phonies
  288. +Lolk: i mean that's only us
  289. #SpaceBass: They need to accept that all the worlds knowledge is now in the pocket of every child with a phone
  290. +Lolk: most people dont invest their lives in online communities lol
  291. Dream Leader Vyl: basically what Space says.
  292. Dream Leader Vyl: Lolk
  293. Dream Leader Vyl: you know
  294. #SpaceBass: School as it stands is outdated and needs to be changed
  295. Dream Leader Vyl: they do
  296. Water XY joined
  297. Dream Leader Vyl: its called twitter and facebook
  298. #SpaceBass: lol
  299. Dream Leader Vyl: its really an epedemic
  300. +Lolk: lol
  301. #SpaceBass: Social media is dangerous
  302. +Lolk: if that was tru
  303. +Lolk: we wouldnt have received any doctors, etc.
  304. +Lolk: the past 7 years
  305. +Lolk: if anything
  306. Dream Leader Vyl: It is true, it's not true for parts of the world, of course, but you have to acknowledge that even as I work
  307. Dream Leader Vyl: people are on their phones during work hours
  308. #SpaceBass: Lolk my doctor googles stuff
  309. +Lolk: it just filters out the weak-minded
  310. #SpaceBass: In the room
  311. Dream Leader Vyl: And no one gives two poops
  312. #SpaceBass: With me looking
  313. +Lolk: there's nothing wrong with checking yourself
  314. Dream Leader Vyl: We as vitamin clerks google stuff when customers ask questions we don't know the answer to
  315. +Lolk: would you prefer your doctor didnt go to school
  316. Dream Leader Vyl: It's a thing
  317. +Lolk: and just googled everything lol
  318. #SpaceBass: He does
  319. Dream Leader Vyl: I get what you're saying Lolk
  320. #SpaceBass: He googles everything
  321. #SpaceBass: Its unnerving
  322. Dream Leader Vyl: Certain profession NEED hands on experience. Is why I said earlier that a degree means NOTHIGN
  323. Dream Leader Vyl: if you don't have the talent to back it up.
  324. Dream Leader Vyl: nothing~
  325. trap dustshoot left
  326. +Lolk: again there's nothing wrong with checking yourself
  327. +Lolk: and i agree
  328. #SpaceBass: School is important but they teach the wrong stuff
  329. +Lolk: but i bet $
  330. #SpaceBass: Times have changed and schools haven't
  331. +Lolk: that ppl wouldnt survive med school
  332. +Lolk: or other professional schools
  333. Dream Leader Vyl: Art, programming, web design, inventing.
  334. waterxy left
  335. Dream Leader Vyl: Gardening, cooking
  336. +Lolk: if they didnt have high school
  337. Scald XY joined
  338. Dream Leader Vyl: many profession can be mastered sitting on your butt
  339. +Lolk: to introduce the basics
  340. #SpaceBass: My main point is I knew from day 1 I never needed art or drama class
  341. +Lolk: and teach them how to study/work/etc
  342. #SpaceBass: I could have saved 4 hours a week to do the things I still enjoy today
  343. #SpaceBass: And be miles better at them
  344. Dream Leader Vyl: @Space amen
  345. #SpaceBass: Its not about cutting core subjects
  346. #SpaceBass: Its about identifying kids are different
  347. Dream Leader Vyl: Lolk, depends on your living situation, for many they have support up the butt, they get ahead
  348. #SpaceBass: And allowing them freedom
  349. #SpaceBass: I never used art or drama or music class
  350. Dream Leader Vyl: Drama class helps heaps
  351. Dream Leader Vyl: what you talking about
  352. +Lolk: i know plenty of successful adults
  353. Dream Leader Vyl: ;p you have to learn acting
  354. #SpaceBass: I learnt more about music in 1 afternoon with drugs and the internet than I did in 5 years of school
  355. Dream Leader Vyl: one does not simply
  356. +Lolk: who started poor
  357. Dream Leader Vyl: act
  358. +Lolk: it's all about motivation
  359. +Lolk: and SpaceBass i'd argue that fine arts taught me more than my core classes
  360. Dream Leader Vyl: motivation comes with emotional support
  361. +Lolk: but i dont really want to get into that
  362. Dream Leader Vyl: without that, its hard to stay motivated
  363. Dream Leader Vyl: anyone that says otheriwse
  364. Dream Leader Vyl: iwse
  365. #SpaceBass: How old are you lolk if you don't mind me asking
  366. Dream Leader Vyl: likely lying
  367. +Lolk: like there's a direct correlation in my school
  368. +Lolk: between ppl in band/choir/orchestra
  369. n1n1 joined
  370. +Lolk: and like considerably better grades
  371. n1n1 left
  372. +Lolk: 20
  373. Dream Leader Vyl: I played the piccolo in music class
  374. #SpaceBass: ah not too much younger than me
  375. Dream Leader Vyl: ;p I'm quite the musical dweeb
  376. #SpaceBass: But I'm arguing england stuff here
  377. #SpaceBass: It diff from US
  378. +Lolk: yea idk uk
  379. +Lolk: so this whole argument
  380. +Lolk: could have been pointless lol
  381. #SpaceBass: More a discussion lol
  382. +Lolk: argument = discussion
  383. #SpaceBass: I'm just saying that in my case
  384. +Lolk: in an academic since
  385. +Lolk: just
  386. #SpaceBass: School was a waste
  387. +Lolk: move to the US :D
  388. #SpaceBass: I want to
  389. Dream Leader Vyl: I never been to the UK so I can't speak for everyone. But I took the GED late and I was pretty salty I did.
  390. Dream Leader Vyl: really salty
  391. +Lolk: and raise your kids there
  392. Dream Leader Vyl: like....... missing 95% moves then losing salty
  393. Dream Leader Vyl: During my schooling, one thing was always going through my mind
  394. Dream Leader Vyl: "Why do people have to pay to learn medicine?"
  395. Dream Leader Vyl: Should places WANT more medics, more pharmacist, more doctors?
  396. Dream Leader Vyl: Why would any place try to hinder that by making people pay
  397. #SpaceBass: The way it works here is:
  398. #SpaceBass: Primary school you're told "you have to prepare for the SATs, if you don't do well you won't get into a good secondary school"
  399. #SpaceBass: Secondary school: You have to get good GCSE results or you won't go to a good college"
  400. #SpaceBass: College: Gotta do well on your A levels or you won't get into a good uni"
  401. #SpaceBass: Uni: lol you're poor as fuck, in debt and now you have the same bit of paper as 1000s of other people
  402. #SpaceBass: Heres an entry level job
  403. #SpaceBass: Thats UK education
  404. #SpaceBass: And its why I'm better off than my friends who went to uni
  405. Dream Leader Vyl: @Space, I cried reading that
  406. Dream Leader Vyl: lmao
  407. #SpaceBass: I have more money and more time than anyone I know who went to uni
  408. #SpaceBass: Its a waste of fucking time
  409. #SpaceBass: I've never been asked for my qualifications for a job
  410. Dream Leader Vyl: You have to pick your battles Space, there are many jobs you can't simply know everything and expect to get ahead, but yeah
  411. #SpaceBass: Its a joke
  412. Dream Leader Vyl: pretty much.
  413. Dream Leader Vyl: IN dept for no reason hahaha
  414. #SpaceBass: If you want to do something
  415. #SpaceBass: Then uni is a good idea
  416. #SpaceBass: I'm not saying don't go
  417. #SpaceBass: I'm saying that not everyone needs it
  418. Dream Leader Vyl: ^
  419. #SpaceBass: And that people need to realise that with school
  420. #SpaceBass: It doesn't work for all people and done wrong it can ruin someones life more than it helps
  421. Dream Leader Vyl: It's to who you know. I've seen many crappy workers get promoted at my job because of being buddies with my store manager
  422. +Lolk: i mean in your case
  423. +Lolk: id say choosing to go to a school 1.5 hours away ruined your life
  424. +Lolk: more than school itself
  425. #SpaceBass: If I'd gone to a school where I live I'd have gotten stabbed or on worse drugs than weed
  426. +Lolk: i doubt that
  427. #SpaceBass: When I have the choice between a school in a nice area with sports equipment
  428. +Lolk: but you would have 3 extra hours a day
  429. +Lolk: for sports
  430. #SpaceBass: And a school neat my hour where a teacher got stabbed
  431. +Lolk: if that's what you wanted to do
  432. #SpaceBass: I'm choosing the school with better results / no stabbings
  433. +Lolk: you'd learn street smarts in that school as well :D
  434. #SpaceBass: The schools in my area teach you how to be a little hoodrat shit head
  435. SpearMKW joined
  436. +Lolk: like how to fight with a knife
  437. SpearMKW left
  438. #SpaceBass: I got street smarts lol
  439. #SpaceBass: As much as I hate that term
  440. #SpaceBass: Also
  441. #SpaceBass: It wasn't about a journey
  442. #SpaceBass: I have mad ADHD and tbh being around people drains energy
  443. +Lolk: i hate ppl as well
  444. #SpaceBass: The strain of having to pretend I cared about school
  445. pipipapa347 left
  446. #SpaceBass: Left me too tired to do what I wanted
  447. #SpaceBass: I should have been working out and playing sports
  448. #SpaceBass: But instead I was in a classroom
  449. #SpaceBass: Learning about boring shit
  450. #SpaceBass: That I haven't once used
  451. #SpaceBass: irl
  452. +Lolk: i honestly think your scenario
  453. +Lolk: doesnt apply to many more ppl
  454. #SpaceBass: It doesnt have the chance too
  455. +Lolk: enough to say that secondary school doesnt matter
  456. #SpaceBass: I'm not saying it doesn't matter
  457. +Lolk: for some
  458. #SpaceBass: I'm saying the system is wrong
  459. No1MachopFanVGC joined
  460. #SpaceBass: Its done wrong
  461. #SpaceBass: Its not effectiver
  462. +Lolk: what could they do to make it better
  463. #SpaceBass: School is important
  464. #SpaceBass: But what they teach in school these days is not
  465. Dream Leader Vyl: Think about it this way. School is a bit like video games. You cannot cater to simply one group(s) of people. If you teach everyone a little bit of everything then everyone gets equal amounts of academics from their school.
  466. #SpaceBass: First thing: stop blaming the fucking teachers for failures
  467. Dream Leader Vyl: It may not apply to you personally allot, but everyone needs to get something.
  468. +Lolk: u r from the uk as well Dream Leader Vyl?
  469. #SpaceBass: If a kid plays up, bring back the fucking cane
  470. Dream Leader Vyl: Dominican republic
  471. +Lolk: do they really not let you pick classes
  472. KoganRaah joined
  473. #SpaceBass: When you start school, you should be asked, what do you want to do with your life
  474. +Lolk: do they let you pick classes SpaceBass
  475. Dream Leader Vyl: They do, but, way too early for anyone to give a thoughtful awnser.
  476. #SpaceBass: The school should then try its best to teach you about that thing, plus some other light things like maths / english / science
  477. Dream Leader Vyl: honestly, people get asked that when their like
  478. Dream Leader Vyl: 8 years old :D
  479. #SpaceBass: They let you pick here in year 10 Lolk but
  480. #SpaceBass: It only lets you pick subjects they teach
  481. #SpaceBass: I picked history for one, then got told I'm learning about womens rights and the french revolution
  482. +Lolk: yea i encourage schools to have a fuckton of class options
  483. #SpaceBass: Guess if I ever went back
  484. Dream Leader Vyl: At those ages, everyone is over enthusiastic, no one knows what they want.
  485. Dream Leader Vyl: Well, a rare few.
  486. #SpaceBass: I had no interest in what they wanted to teach me
  487. Scald XY left
  488. #SpaceBass: Kids should be taught what they want to learn
  489. Paraplegic left
  490. Dream Leader Vyl: That's a really, err
  491. Dream Leader Vyl: bad idea Space haha.
  492. #SpaceBass: I wanted to learn history, actual music and sports
  493. #SpaceBass: I got nothing
  494. Dream Leader Vyl: Most people just don't know what they want in life, not until at least til they reach high school.
  495. The_Stigg joined
  496. #SpaceBass: And the ones that do
  497. #SpaceBass: Shouldn't be punished
  498. #SpaceBass: They should be allowed
  499. Dream Leader Vyl: Opinions change. Even if you wanted to be a game designer at 13
  500. Dream Leader Vyl: chances are, you'll be a animator at 21
  501. #SpaceBass: I was the top footballer in the youth school of one of the top football clubs in the world
  502. #SpaceBass: But nah you gotta learn maths
  503. #SpaceBass: And geography
  504. Dream Leader Vyl: lmao
  505. #SpaceBass: Thanks school!
  506. +TUO joined
  507. Dream Leader Vyl: Can't argue with that
  508. +Lolk: i mean i would never encourage someone who wants to be an athlete
  509. +Lolk: to not go to school either
  510. #SpaceBass: I wasn't asking to not go7
  511. Dream Leader Vyl: Well, yeah, Lolk has a point
  512. Momo Mentos joined
  513. #SpaceBass: I was aking to drop classes like geography, art and drama
  514. The_Stigg: does Klutz work on mega stones?
  515. #SpaceBass: So I could have time for something I had talent for
  516. Dream Leader Vyl: No
  517. Dream Leader Vyl: Mega items aren't considered items.
  518. Momo Mentos: SpaceBass what do you have talent for?
  519. The_Stigg: k thanks
  520. #SpaceBass: Used to be football, swimming and running
  521. +Lolk: also if they let you drop those classes
  522. #SpaceBass: Now its bass
  523. +Lolk: and you decided mid school you didnt want to do sports
  524. +Lolk: or maybe you get injured
  525. Dream Leader Vyl: Klutz....on megas, that would be funny.
  526. Dream Leader Vyl: Sit down Mawhile, go back to being PU
  527. Sora Zachary∆ joined
  528. +Lolk: you would be significantly less educated
  529. Vera dun☾ left
  530. #SpaceBass: But Lolk my point is, I remember nothing from any of those classes
  531. #SpaceBass: if I'd quit them and got injured
  532. #SpaceBass: I'd know exactly the same amount
  533. #SpaceBass: I don't do art
  534. #SpaceBass: I don't act
  535. #SpaceBass: They were 100% useless
  536. +Lolk: idk about that
  537. +Lolk: and why tf did you pick acting as your fine art
  538. #SpaceBass: I didn't7
  539. #SpaceBass: I was forced to do art class from year 7 until year 10
  540. #SpaceBass: Like every child in england
  541. Dream Leader Vyl: I think the reason they want athletes to be somewhat smart, lets be real. Is to ensure they have something to fall back on should they go another path if and or are forced to down the road.
  542. #SpaceBass: Athletes are not smart
  543. +Lolk: acting is fuckin dumb
  544. KamikazePhone joined
  545. #SpaceBass: EPL players are fucking retards
  546. The_Stigg: thats a little generalized, dont ya think?
  547. #SpaceBass: They're all stupid fucks with dumb hair that have more money than sense
  548. #SpaceBass: That go over to one weak ass tackle
  549. Dream Leader Vyl: If you got injured and couldn't play Football anymore, but you have a 7th grade education, what are you going to do?
  550. +Lolk: like i encourage everyone to learn an instrument
  551. Dream Leader Vyl: ^ Youtube 15 minutes of fame
  552. +Lolk: cause you become exponentially smarter
  553. Dream Leader Vyl: Please
  554. Dream Leader Vyl: Gimme
  555. +Lolk: in every subject
  556. Dream Leader Vyl: In other words Lolk, something that helps people to relax and focus?
  557. #SpaceBass: Fact is I have no use for anything I learnt in art class
  558. #SpaceBass: I don't draw
  559. #SpaceBass: I don't look at art
  560. Dream Leader Vyl: you don't draw?
  561. Dream Leader Vyl: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  562. #SpaceBass: I have no use for ANYTHING I learnt in drama class
  563. #SpaceBass: I don't act
  564. tai_lopez9001 joined
  565. +Lolk: ya Dream Leader Vyl
  566. Dream Leader Vyl: How dare you say such wicked words
  567. #SpaceBass: It was a waste of time
  568. #SpaceBass: 100%
  569. +Lolk: i bet doing art has similar effects
  570. #SpaceBass: I'd love to draw
  571. #SpaceBass: But I'm shit at it and it doesn't really interest me
  572. Dream Leader Vyl: I don't even hear you right now Space
  573. Dream Leader Vyl: you're talking non sense ;O
  574. #SpaceBass: If I'd spent 3 hours a week I spent in art class, playing football
  575. #SpaceBass: I'd be beter
  576. #SpaceBass: Or playing bass, or even learning something I do care abputy
  577. #SpaceBass: about
  578. #SpaceBass: It was wasted, un used time
  579. #SpaceBass: I slept most of it
  580. #SpaceBass: You're trying to teach kids things they don't care about
  581. +Lolk: i bet you did learn things in art that you dont even realize
  582. #SpaceBass: I bet I didn't lol
  583. +Lolk: like abstract thinking processes
  584. +Lolk: and greater creativity
  585. Dream Leader Vyl: ^ can't argue with that
  586. #SpaceBass: ngl magic mushrooms taught me more about abstact thinking and creativity
  587. Dream Leader Vyl: it really does help you Space
  588. #SpaceBass: Than any art class did
  589. Dream Leader Vyl: This is tough, you're both right ;p
  590. +Lolk: lol maybe
  591. Dream Leader Vyl: Drugs do work
  592. +Lolk: i cant argue with da shrooms
  593. Dream Leader Vyl: yes
  594. #SpaceBass: I think drugs should be taught about properly in school
  595. KamikazePhone left
  596. Dream Leader Vyl: lmao
  597. #SpaceBass: They're illegal because people made them illegal but how do we know they weren't put here so we can better understand
  598. #SpaceBass: My life would be much worse if I'd never done the drugs I have
  599. #SpaceBass: (Do'nt do drugs)
  600. +Lolk: "this one works best when you shove it up your butthole"
  601. lORD qWILFISH left
  602. +Lolk: "let me demonstrate"
  603. #SpaceBass: loooool
  604. Dream Leader Vyl: There are too many political and financial incentives to keep drugs illegal. That won't be happening anytime soon Space.
  605. AuraRayquaza joined
  606. #SpaceBass: I know
  607. +Lolk: "ok class we lost funding so everyone share this needle"
  608. #SpaceBass: They encourage free thinking
  609. #SpaceBass: Which is bad
  610. #SpaceBass: School is desinged to discourage free thought
  611. +Lolk: r u kidding Dream Leader Vyl
  612. #SpaceBass: You think what we tell you to
  613. Dream Leader Vyl: Sometimes.
  614. +Lolk: the government would make so much money
  615. Dream Leader Vyl: Exactly
  616. +Lolk: legalizing weed and taxing it
  617. Dream Leader Vyl: Well
  618. Dream Leader Vyl: Both
  619. Dream Leader Vyl: Really
  620. Dream Leader Vyl: it's both
  621. #SpaceBass: Just look up colorado taxes
  622. #SpaceBass: They make bank
  623. Dream Leader Vyl: But that wouldn't be politically correct
  624. +Lolk: also jails would be less populate
  625. +Lolk: d
  626. Dream Leader Vyl: Mind you.
  627. #SpaceBass: Political correctness is one of the problems in school
  628. +Lolk: and cigarettes are way fucking worse than weed
  629. Dream Leader Vyl: More private prisons = more money for the goverment.
  630. +Lolk: nah i think political correctness is a great concept
  631. +Lolk: it's just really new
  632. +Lolk: and underdeveloped
  633. Dream Leader Vyl: More prisoners = more guns = more money.
  634. Dream Leader Vyl: Stuff of that nature.
  635. #SpaceBass: I smoked tobacco for 10 years because weed is too expensive to smoke by itself
  636. +Lolk: and noone knows what it exactly means
  637. #SpaceBass: So 1000s of kids get hooked on tobacco
  638. #SpaceBass: Because they like weed
  639. Dream Leader Vyl: Actually the youth would be greatly impacted if
  640. Dream Leader Vyl: weed was legal.
  641. +Lolk: it's calming
  642. +Lolk: and fucking NATURAL
  643. Dream Leader Vyl: Yeah yeah
  644. #SpaceBass: If weed was legal it wouldnt be this huge 'cool to do' thing
  645. +Lolk: like alcohol is just as bad
  646. #SpaceBass: It'd just be a thing
  647. rubsomebacononit left
  648. +Lolk: if not worse
  649. Dream Leader Vyl: But not everyone takes it medicinally you have to understand that.
  650. +Lolk: like you dont beat your wife
  651. rubsomebacononit joined
  652. Dream Leader Vyl: Same with drinking yes.
  653. +Lolk: high on weed
  654. #SpaceBass: Dream Leader Vyl the thing is
  655. The_Stigg left
  656. #SpaceBass: What people put in their body
  657. #SpaceBass: Is that persons business and no one elses
  658. #SpaceBass: If I want to OD on heroin I should be free to do so
  659. #SpaceBass: Of my own will
  660. +Lolk: i mean i understand shit like banning bath salts
  661. +Lolk: where people turn into ravenous monsters
  662. +Lolk: that try to eat other people
  663. Dream Leader Vyl: I can tell you one thing though. If you're going to legalize drugs, legalize all drugs. I mean ALL of them. The weak will waste themselves, cleaning up our societies and help manage the over populating of humans.
  664. Dream Leader Vyl: Real talk.
  665. +Lolk: lol im a major proponent of natural selection
  666. #SpaceBass: ^
  667. #SpaceBass: Remove safety info
  668. #SpaceBass: On everything
  669. Dream Leader Vyl: ^ no
  670. Oral_Irony and loatist joined
  671. Dream Leader Vyl: People need options, but they also need freedom.
  672. +Lolk: more like just let ppl take drugs and kill themselves
  673. +Dawg: yeah because western societies where drugs are legal, are the reason for over population
  674. #SpaceBass: Humans obsession with safety and nannying is whats killing us
  675. +Dawg: shut the fuck up
  676. Dream Leader Vyl: Don't make it impossible for people who are truthfully uninformed. That is like purposely trying to get them sick or worse.
  677. #SpaceBass: The stupid arent being allowed to die
  678. +Dawg: because as a result of daily life any of us could become the stupid in an instance
  679. +Lolk: more like just free drugs
  680. +Lolk: and let ppl who want to ruin their lives
  681. +Lolk: do so
  682. loatist: I was considering coming back for the sake of the new generation soon but uhh
  683. loatist: I think I'm good
  684. Dream Leader Vyl: But you'd still have to inform people. Just don't force people to live a certain way. That is all I'm saying, that is true freedom.
  685. loatist: ^Anarchism
  686. #SpaceBass: All drugs should be legal full stop
  687. Dream Leader Vyl: Let them know the consequences, and let them do it if they still so please.
  688. Sora Zachary∆ left
  689. loatist: True freedom is no government.
  690. #SpaceBass: The government know nothing of drugs anyway
  691. #SpaceBass: The stuff the government give me is better than most illegal drugs
  692. Momo Mentos left
  693. +Lolk: im sure by our generation in power
  694. loatist: I'm suretheyve tested many on inmates anyway
  695. +Lolk: weed will be legal
  696. #SpaceBass: But its not illegal
  697. #SpaceBass: Because money
  698. Dream Leader Vyl: We need the govement, but like all things, we need moderation
  699. #SpaceBass: My doctor even told me "its better than cocaine"
  700. Dream Leader Vyl: government~
  701. CLawliet joined
  702. +Lolk: i had this thought the other day
  703. +Lolk: about how no matter where you are born
  704. +Lolk: you are born into a government made by people
  705. +Lolk: not nature
  706. +Lolk: like no one has the option to be truly "free"
  707. loatist: if you were born in nature you would more than likely be dead
  708. Dream Leader Vyl: Well.......Nature isn't the most
  709. Dream Leader Vyl: say
  710. Dream Leader Vyl: know
  711. +Lolk: and there should be a place
  712. #SpaceBass: Its my biggest problem with life lolk
  713. 1ord Bendtner joined
  714. Dream Leader Vyl: ;p it isn't
  715. +Lolk: where you have a choice
  716. Dream Leader Vyl: Nature says, if you're sick
  717. Dream Leader Vyl: you're worthless
  718. Dream Leader Vyl: Hyena food
  719. +Lolk: to live by your own rules
  720. loatist: Go move to New Guinea then hun.
  721. +Lolk: like turn greenland into a lawless society
  722. #SpaceBass: Although the thing with the government
  723. +Jack Higgins joined
  724. #SpaceBass: Is they're easy to manipulate
  725. +Lolk: it would be complete anarchy
  726. +Lolk: but at least you have the choice
  727. +Lolk: to live that way
  728. #SpaceBass: And if you can, you get a pretty easy life
  729. #SpaceBass: <
  730. +Lolk: lol do u live off the govt SpaceBass
  731. Dream Leader Vyl: ;p A lawless society is a doomed society.
  732. Nicowhaat left
  733. #SpaceBass: I spent the last 2 years making the UK governent my bitch
  734. loatist: I have a sub in class that literally told us hes a total golddigger
  735. +Lolk: but at least you have the choice Dream Leader Vyl
  736. loatist: and that his wife calls him a bitch but she makes 4x more than him
  737. +Lolk: lol gimme more details SpaceBass
  738. #SpaceBass: lolk I do live off the government but they owe me it for some mistakes they made
  739. loatist: who needs the government when we have rich people to live off of
  740. #SpaceBass: ie: arresting me for something I didn't do because "she said you did it"
  741. Dream Leader Vyl: @Lolk, would you have a choice if I demanded the computer you're on right now or I'd blow your brains out?
  742. #SpaceBass: Keeping me on bail for 2 years with no evidence
  743. Dream Leader Vyl: Knowing if I did, I wouldn't be punished and would ultimately take the comptuer?
  744. Transformicer joined; Checkmater left
  745. +Lolk: i never said i wanted to live in a lawless society
  746. Dream Leader Vyl: oh
  747. Dream Leader Vyl: my bad then ;p
  748. loatist: ........
  749. +Lolk: im just saying that no one has the choice
  750. loatist: Lolk
  751. +Lolk: to live outside rules made by other people
  752. loatist: That isnt true freedom
  753. Dream Leader Vyl: Depends if those rules were set with the intent for they being useful for a certain group(s) of people.
  754. +Lolk: what isnt
  755. loatist: They don't have the freedom to just do that
  756. loatist: laws restrict our freedom in place of safety.
  757. +Lolk: that's what i said loatist
  758. loatist: People making laws
  759. loatist: against killing others or stealing
  760. loatist: thats not true freedom.
  761. loatist left
  762. +Lolk: i agree loatist
  763. loatist joined
  764. +Lolk: im totally fine with my freedoms being taken away
  765. #SpaceBass: There is a law in the UK that says the police cannot be taken to court for negligence because its "agasint the public interest"
  766. %Yoda2798 joined
  767. +Lolk: for the sake of safety
  768. #SpaceBass: They can kill whoever they want but you can't sue them
  769. Hyjack left
  770. +Lolk: but i just said that there is no place for people who go
  771. #SpaceBass: They fucked me over for 2 years and didn't even say sorry
  772. +Lolk: who want complete "freedom"
  773. loatist: Like I said...
  774. loatist: New Guinea
  775. #SpaceBass: What about somalia Lolk
  776. +Lolk: is there really no laws there
  777. #SpaceBass: You can be an irl pirate therer
  778. loatist: Or as far north in canada as you can go
  779. +Lolk: i mean if i hated government
  780. +Lolk: i would totally move to somalia
  781. +Lolk: and just live like rambo
  782. #SpaceBass: I AM THE CAPTAIN NOW
  783. +Lolk: until i died
  784. loatist: Make a commune in the Yukon
  785. lORD qWILFISH joined; lORD qWILFISH left
  786. +Lolk: i couldnt do the yukon loatist
  787. loatist: go fuck around in yemen, they dont have any of the
  788. +Lolk: cause cold af
  789. loatist: their shit together*
  790. lol nice ladder joined; lol nice ladder left
  791. +Lolk: and i dont plan on skinning mooses to survive
  792. #SpaceBass: Fuck fighting a moose lol
  793. +Lolk: im sure somalia is nice and toasty
  794. loatist: Full of malaria
  795. #SpaceBass: What I never understood is cold countries
  796. loatist: Mosquito master race
  797. +Lolk: well that is the cost
  798. #SpaceBass: Why settle somewhere thats cold
  799. +Lolk: of choosing to live without laws
  800. #SpaceBass: Go somewhere hot
  801. +Lolk: you die quickly
  802. TheBreakerLP left
  803. +Lolk: but some people could see that as being truly free
  804. loatist: you die quick living in somalia as a white boy in general
  805. +Lolk: nah i like the cold SpaceBass
  806. Nicowhaat joined
  807. +Lolk: just not if you are living off the grid lol
  808. #SpaceBass: Freedom isn't free
  809. #SpaceBass: FREEDOM COSTS A BUCK 0 5
  810. #SpaceBass: But yeah I agree lolk, people should have the choice of living by law
  811. #SpaceBass: But it shouldn't be the same place as the place with law
  812. #SpaceBass: I mean without law
  813. +Lolk: yes ofc
  814. #SpaceBass: Although
  815. +Lolk: imagine like a fence
  816. Ruby D left
  817. #SpaceBass: There some places like that
  818. #SpaceBass: I can go to like
  819. +Lolk: in between law and lawless societies lol
  820. #SpaceBass: Hackney
  821. #SpaceBass: And the poice don't go there
  822. #SpaceBass: police
  823. Ruby D joined
  824. +Lolk: no offense
  825. gaetanopa062994 joined
  826. +Lolk: but the uk sounds like a terrible place
  827. #SpaceBass: It is
  828. #SpaceBass: I'm not offended at all
  829. +Lolk: well england
  830. +Lolk: scotland looks pretty on google
  831. +Lolk: :D
  832. #SpaceBass: Scotland is bad
  833. #SpaceBass: come @ me yoda
  834. %Yoda2798: D:
  835. +Lolk: ooo yoda is scottish
  836. %Yoda2798: what's so bad about it space
  837. #SpaceBass: But the bad places in the US are worse than the bad places in the Uk
  838. %Yoda2798: what about
  839. #SpaceBass: Detroit is living in mad max times
  840. +Lolk: also i have a friend in wales who loves it
  841. %Yoda2798: cough cough Glasgow
  842. +Lolk: and yea i bet SpaceBass
  843. #SpaceBass: We don't have guns
  844. #SpaceBass: Or crystal meth
  845. #SpaceBass: Well we have both but they're rarely heard of
  846. +Lolk: gun control debates
  847. loatist: Excuse me
  848. +Lolk: are the worst part about living in america
  849. loatist: I literally live in and arnd Detroitou
  850. +Lolk: like listening to them give me cancer
  851. loatist: It is not that fuckin bad
  852. #SpaceBass: >flint michigan
  853. tai_lopez9001 left
  854. loatist: Flint is shit
  855. #SpaceBass: kek
  856. +Lolk: also real talk
  857. loatist: Flint=/=Detroit
  858. +Lolk: cork is such a cool substance
  859. Oral_Irony left
  860. loatist: Tru
  861. #SpaceBass: Cork is p baller
  862. +Lolk: like it's legit fascinating
  863. +Lolk: i want a cork farm
  864. #SpaceBass: I like how we move from an hour of political and social discussion to I FUCKING LOVE CORK
  865. loatist: Is any sexual talk completely banned on showdown still
  866. #SpaceBass: y
  867. #SpaceBass: BOOBS
  868. n1n1 joined
  869. #SpaceBass: RIP my mods
  870. loatist: y/n
  871. +Lolk: id fuck a cork
  872. #SpaceBass: loooool
  873. +Lolk: come at me mods
  874. Sora Zachary∆ joined
  875. +Lolk: i almost said id fuck a cork p***y
  876. loatist: I wonder if a kid was scared of gay people and he actually put a cork in his butt
  877. +Lolk: but that might be too far
  878. #SpaceBass: You know what else we don't have in england
  879. #SpaceBass: Child beauty pagents
  880. loatist: god
  881. +Lolk: you're missing out
  882. loatist: good
  883. loatist: its awful
  884. +Lolk: toddlers in tiaras
  885. +Lolk: is americas greatest tv show
  886. loatist: no british honeybooboo
  887. #SpaceBass: Americans: look up a show called jeremy kyle
  888. #SpaceBass: Its like british jerry springer
  889. +Lolk: god bless honeybooboo
  890. #SpaceBass: But not scripted
  891. #SpaceBass: The people really are that trash
  892. loatist: I only watch American Horror Story or Steven Universe (no I don't tumblr, I just like the show, hate the fanbase)
  893. n1n1 left
  894. +Lolk: are those really
  895. +Lolk: the only two shows you watch
  896. doubles▲illuminati:
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