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a guest
Sep 23rd, 2024
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  1. We've released a HUGE update with translations, fixes, and more!
  2. Most major issues have been fixed, and compatibility expanded.
  3. We recommend resetting OE's configs, and re-editing them as you see fit.
  4. If your language is missing, come help us translate the mod on Discord!
  6. Oh yeah, you can also disable this popup in your Client configs.
  7. [23:02:03.411] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  8. [23:02:03.816] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  9. [23:02:03.937] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  10. [23:02:03.988] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  11. [23:12:03.418] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  12. [23:12:03.841] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  13. [23:12:03.951] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  14. [23:12:04.003] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  15. [23:22:03.453] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  16. [23:22:03.860] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  17. [23:22:03.966] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  18. [23:22:04.019] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  19. [23:32:03.436] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  20. [23:32:03.860] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  21. [23:32:03.978] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  22. [23:32:04.038] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  23. [23:42:03.419] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  24. [23:42:03.817] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  25. [23:42:03.935] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  26. [23:42:03.994] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  27. [23:50:26.990] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving map data
  28. [23:50:28.258] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving world data
  29. [23:50:28.676] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Validating world save
  30. [23:50:28.788] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Backing up world file
  31. [23:50:28.838] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Saving modded world data
  32. [23:50:29.872] [.NET TP Worker/INFO] [tML]: tModLoader RAM usage during OutOfMemoryException: 5.1 GB
  33. [23:50:29.877] [.NET TP Worker/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  34. System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
  35. at System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
  36. at System.IO.MemoryStream.EnsureCapacity(Int32 value)
  37. at System.IO.MemoryStream.Write(ReadOnlySpan`1 buffer)
  38. at System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(UInt16 value)
  39. at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TileIO.IOImpl`2.SaveData(Boolean[]& hasObj)
  40. at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TileIO.IOImpl`2.Save(TagCompound tag)
  41. at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TileIO.SaveBasics()
  42. at DMD<System.Void Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO:Save(System.String, System.Boolean)>(String path, Boolean isCloudSave)
  43. at Hook<System.Void androLib.IO.WorldFileManager::WorldIO_SaveDetour(androLib.IO.WorldFileManager+orig_WorldIO_Save,System.String,System.Boolean)>(String , Boolean )
  44. at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.ModLoader.IO.WorldIO:Save(System.String, System.Boolean)>(String , Boolean )
  45. at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.InternalSaveWorld(Boolean useCloudSaving, Boolean resetTime)
  46. at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.<>c__DisplayClass58_0.<SaveWorld>b__0()
  47. at Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.ProtectedInvoke(Action action)
  48. at DMD<System.Void Terraria.IO.WorldFile:SaveWorld(System.Boolean, System.Boolean)>(Boolean useCloudSaving, Boolean resetTime)
  49. at SyncProxy<System.Void Terraria.IO.WorldFile:SaveWorld(System.Boolean, System.Boolean)>(Boolean , Boolean )
  50. at Terraria.IO.WorldFile.SaveWorld()
  51. at Terraria.WorldGen.SaveAndQuitCallBack(Object threadContext)
  52. at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
  53. at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
  54. at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
  56. [23:50:29.878] [.NET TP Worker/FATAL] [tML]: Game ran out of memory. You'll have to find which mod is consuming lots of memory, and contact the devs or remove it.
  57. [23:50:29.879] [.NET TP Worker/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: shutdown
  58. [23:50:29.888] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
  59. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  60. at Terraria.GameContent.RGB.CommonConditions.Depth.IsPlayerInFrontOfDirtWall(Player player)
  61. at Terraria.GameContent.RGB.CommonConditions.Depth.<>c.<.cctor>b__8_1(Player player)
  62. at ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.ShaderSelector.UpdateShaderVisibility(Single timeElapsed)
  63. at ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.ChromaEngine.Update(Single totalTime)
  64. at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime& gameTime)
  65. at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
  66. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
  67. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop()
  68. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
  69. at Terraria.Program.RunGame()
  70. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_(Boolean isServer)
  71. at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
  72. at Terraria.MonoLaunch.Main_End(String[] args)
  73. at Terraria.MonoLaunch.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Main>b__1()
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