
matter isn't closed

Mar 2nd, 2014
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  1. Session Start: Sun Mar 02 16:31:54 2014
  2. Session Ident: #rebelyellops
  3. [16:31] * Now talking in #rebelyellops
  4. [16:31] * Topic is 'Casting call for new Good, Bad, Ugly - gmolly - o'cours - The Good! submit suggests for Bad and Ugly'
  5. [16:31] * Set by gmolly on Fri Feb 28 07:56:31
  6. [16:31] -renton- Welcome to #RebelYell! Please read the Channel Guidelines ==>
  7. [16:31] -renton- Have an interesting topic for the channel topic? Ask an op to put it there for you :)
  8. [16:32] * renton sets mode: +o gmolly
  9. [16:32] * ED209 sets mode: +v gmolly
  10. [16:36] <@gmolly> patron i think moebious was doing a schtick
  11. [16:36] * Tina`a ( has joined #rebelyellops
  12. [16:36] <@^Patron> No he was being his usual self
  13. [16:36] * ED209 sets mode: +v Tina`a
  14. [16:36] <+Tina`a> What was that for?
  15. [16:36] <@gmolly> i don't know if his usual self *isn't* joking - i don't think this was unacceptasble
  16. [16:36] * ED209 sets mode: +o Tina`a
  17. [16:37] <@Tina`a> What was that for?
  18. [16:37] <@Tina`a> sorry if I'm repeating but I was alittle lagged getting voiced
  19. [16:37] <@Tina`a> are you telling him for swearing?
  20. [16:37] <@^Patron> <+moebious> we wil fuck your angosaxon ass .. then pass you around to messicans and n*ggas
  21. [16:37] <@gmolly> i saw that - and addressed it
  22. [16:37] <@^Patron> <+moebious> fuck you, fath, joo bitch
  23. [16:37] <@gmolly> i don't think he needed a !tell
  24. [16:38] <@^Patron> Guideline 1
  25. [16:38] <@gmolly> and it disrupted the chat
  26. [16:38] <@gmolly> i'm sorry he left
  27. [16:38] <@gmolly> his usual self is harsh - but i don't think it's too bad in the context of the room
  28. [16:38] <@Tina`a> ^Patron and what is wrong with what he said? they were piling on him
  29. [16:38] <@gmolly> we've lost his voice in this argument
  30. [16:38] <@gmolly> yes - a pile-on is worth some consideration
  31. [16:38] <@Tina`a> conversation killed
  32. [16:39] <@gmolly> i agree
  33. [16:39] <@gmolly> and i don't think it was necessary
  34. [16:39] <@Tina`a> they were totes baiting him
  35. [16:39] <@gmolly> now we've lost the opposition - tina is alone and has to carry all the water herself
  36. [16:39] <@gmolly> unbalanced
  37. [16:39] <@gmolly> yes - baiting - they 'won' and WE lost by letting them silence his voice rather than argue
  38. [16:41] <@gmolly> i thought moebious was in the spirit of the pileon - maybe too much too 'too' - but not bad faithed
  39. [16:41] <@^Patron> I thank you both of your opinions....
  40. [16:41] <@^Patron> *for
  41. [16:43] <@gmolly> i would like more allowance for people who are targeted by a pileon - in the middle of a discussion
  42. [16:43] <@gmolly> yes - and i'm going to push for my opinion
  43. [16:43] <@Tina`a> I'm sorry I don't even understand what he was silenced for
  44. [16:43] <@gmolly> the 'anglosaxon ass comment and the joo bitch comments
  45. [16:43] <@Tina`a> people talk about jews all the time in rebelyell
  46. [16:43] <@gmolly> but i had already spoken to him patron
  47. [16:44] <@Tina`a> ah come on
  48. [16:44] <@Tina`a> are we back to Miss Prissy's library chat now?
  49. [16:44] <@gmolly> i don't think two ops should op the same guy - especially if we're gonna disagree
  50. [16:44] <@gmolly> and - i know this is gonna lose me some points - but i'm going to push for my thinking on this
  51. [16:45] <@gmolly> this is kind of fun - it's rare i don't argue my side all by myself in #here
  52. [16:51] <@gmolly> patron - had you spoken to/warned moebious before the !tell?
  53. [16:52] <@^Patron> No you did
  54. [16:52] * @Tina`a ( Quit (Quit: Quit: Eat your pheasant, drink your wine, your days are numbered, bourgeois swine)
  55. [16:52] <@^Patron> What was his reply to you
  56. [16:53] <@gmolly> he didn't reply - which was fine - he might not've seen, his second post wasn't that bad either
  57. [16:53] <@^Patron> <@gmolly> oy moebious please
  58. [16:53] <@^Patron> <+moebious> gmolly, get in line
  59. [16:53] <@^Patron> Yes he did
  60. [16:53] <@gmolly> my point is this - if i'm opping- you could let me handle it, if we disagree  - we should do that in #here
  61. [16:53] <@gmolly> he was joking to my other comment
  62. [16:53] <@gmolly> i took ut as as joke - and not worth 'opping' for
  63. [16:54] <@^Patron> Matter is closed as far as I am discussion required....
  64. [16:55] <@gmolly> well.... i disagree - i'm 'unhappy' - i think you could be mildly interested and respectful of my happiness
  65. [16:55] <@gmolly> we disagree on this opping - i had spoken first - i was active and opping - you should not be jumping in front of me i think
  66. [16:55] <@gmolly> i don't like the idea of two or more ops pouncing on a chatter
  67. [16:56] <@gmolly> matter isn't closed - i see a problem here - indi flounced off today because we disagree on an opping matter
  68. [16:57] <@gmolly> now you're 'dismissing' our disagreement - albeit i won't undo your action/decision - i think you *could* respect my disagreement if not my position
  69. [16:58] <@gmolly> in fact - i'm going to ask that in future - we work more closely together on these tells and bans - mention or run it by the other op in #here - especially if the other active op is the cm - me
  70. [17:00] <@gmolly> moebious was not disrupting chat - he was a major part of it, he wasn't out of line if he was close to it - the *opping* action disrupted/derailed the discussion
  71. [17:01] <@gmolly> that's exactly what we don't want - nobody was hurt by his comments, becoming unhinged because he was too vile
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