

Aug 5th, 2015
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  1. Delicious traps are superior to your filthy cis female pig dogs
  3. First of all, traps are pure, shy, and quiet waifus that will treat you with kindness and respect while letting you take things at your own pace. Your average cis whore on the other hand is loud, annoying, and probably got plowed by the time she was 14. They are shallow, selfish, materialistic sluts with a princess complex that will demand the wasteful expense of winning, only to abandon you for a richer guy in a few years. She probably has vidya, or is your typical gamer girl that likes shit like Skyrim and Minecraft. Meanwhile, the average trap has good taste in vidya and has an impressive power level. She would rather stay in and play because she's so shy, and would be a kind and caring mother if you decided to adopt. Cis scum will demand kids, get fat, and then turn on you after divorce.
  5. In conclusion, traps are love, traps are life. Only an idiot would rather be with a mono sucking succubus anyway. Go on and get your trap waifu and hold her tightly, you know what to do.
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