
WD New Haven Session 2 (Essence)

Jul 21st, 2015
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  1. ⓘ WD New Haven -Active Player: Nonagon- September 8th, 2007
  2. Saff|GM
  3. You've been in New Haven for about six months now and through some petty thefts, though nothing as big as your McDonald's fiasco, and some stays in shelters you seem to be doing decently well. You don't have a place, and that's balls... but it's something. In your time in town, you found out that the group that you pissed off your first night there was called Lightshow. Typical group. Somehow has to run the underground fights, after all.
  4. Saff|GM
  5. Strangely enough, after your arrival... there seemed to be an intense surge of capes entering the scene. There was a corporate-sponsored group of capes that popped up recently. There were auditions but... They were REALLY cheesy. You've seen them out and about a few times. Nothing much to say.
  6. Saff|GM
  7. It's midday, and you're enjoying the last few days of summer weather. It's all downhill from here. Once winter comes, sleeping on park benches doesn't really work out. ||
  8. Nonagon|Essence
  9. Dominique needs money, and fast. Something big, flashy. A bank robbery? Too hard, too many layers of security. The obvious solution is to go after the more criminal element, with the lack of funding and legitimacy that lets the banks lock their cash up so type. She'd tried something to that effect her first night here, but her Breaker state had been wearing thin and it hadn't been particularly combat focused anyway.
  10. Fuck sleeping in shelters and on benches. She was going to go bigger, hit these Lightshow fucks and steal their money, use it herself. She cracks her neck. She just needs to find out where they operate. She starts asking around, quietly, for information on the group and their whereabouts. ||
  11. Saff|GM
  12. You remember that they were located somewhere near city hall. Somewhere in the sewers. There was an entrance that didn't involve log fluming down a storm drain, but you didn't bother to check what building the entrance was in. Bummer. There's always standing around and waiting until the bass starts bumping from underground again.
  13. Your asking turns a few results. Someone gave you a location. Fucking FINALLY. They open around sunset, apparently. ||
  14. ← Antioch has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  15. Nonagon|Essence
  16. Now that she knows where they are, it's a matter of getting there in the right condition. The sewers are mostly concrete, and what she needs is proper stone to act as a focus. She's not going to try another robbery with a goddamn mud form again. She looks around town for good old fashioned rock, preferably close to the entrance. ||
  17. Saff|GM
  18. There are a few buildings around you that are clearly composed of granite. Now we're talking.||
  19. Nonagon|Essence
  20. Dominique smiles, finding the quietest spot she can before touching the granite and willing herself into her Breaker state. ||
  21. Saff|GM
  22. Your skin begins to harden, taking on the attributes of the sturdy stone. It's rough and sandpapery, not polished at all, but it feels strong. Your earth forms always feel the most stable, and this is no exception. You feel like you can kick some ass.||
  23. Nonagon|Essence
  24. Essence rolls her now granite shoulders and heads towards her destination: the underground fighting arena. ||
  25. Saff|GM
  26. You make it through the building with the entrance to the sewers without any real problems. It's kind of dead at the moment. You slip in and make your way down the stairs, stone feet clomping and echoing. Guess rock isn't that stealthy.||
  27. Nonagon|Essence
  28. She's not looking to be stealthy, just to be rich. She heads for the arena proper, listening for sounds of activity. ||
  29. Saff|GM
  30. You can hear some music, but it's not the bumping bass that you had heard the first night that you were there. You can hear some hushed whispers, and it looks as if the door to the room is closed||
  31. Nonagon|Essence
  32. She decides to wait, finding a quiet corner and curling up there. No point in robbing the place now; best to wait until people show up and actually start betting. ||
  33. Saff|GM
  34. You wait for a while, and no one seems to be coming in or going out. What on earth is going on?||
  35. Nonagon|Essence
  36. Mmm. No fight tonight? She needs the money... she grinds her teeth (or her approximation thereof, rather), and stands up again, headed back for the room. When she reaches the door, she kicks it, hard. ||
  37. Saff|GM
  38. You kick the door, but all it does is make a lot of noise. Shit.||
  39. Nonagon|Essence
  40. Fucking hell. Essence kicks the door again, harder this time, grunting as she does it. ||
  41. Saff|GM
  42. This time, you manage to bang the door down. However, there's a redhead with a mask hastily thrown on standing in front of you. She looks quite perturbed. "Sorry, we're closed." She says, her voice soft and sing-song. Actually, she... Why is she singing?
  43. Saff|GM
  44. You feel... really calm. This girl. She's pretty nice, actually. They're closed. You don't want to mess with that.||
  45. Nonagon|Essence
  46. ...yeah. She shouldn't mess with that. Still. She wants to come by later, when they're open, to rob them. "When do you open again?" ||
  47. Saff|GM
  48. "Few hours. There's nothing going on here. Everything is fine." Yeah.... Yeah. You probably shouldn't be an asshole. They probably just have to clean something up.||
  49. Nonagon|Essence
  50. "Alright. I'll be back later, then." Essence pauses. "You guys aren't packing up or anything, are you? It's going to be here, right?" ||
  51. Saff|GM
  52. "Yeah. We'll be here. Come by around uh... Nine. Nine sounds good?" She looks back behind her, nods a few times, then turns back to you. "Nine. We'll be ready then."||
  53. Nonagon|Essence
  54. Essence looks around the room, trying to see if there's another entrance. When she comes back later, she might want to come in a different way... especially since she broke this door already. ||
  55. Saff|GM
  56. You can see a table of three other people, one of them is panicking quite obviously actually. One is pretty obviously stoned off his ass, and the other.... They seem to be the competent one there. You do not see another door.||
  57. → Yumgar|Mobile has joined
  58. Nonagon|Essence
  59. Well. There's really nothing to do, at this point. "Sorry to bother you," Essence says, as she backs away from the door, headed out. She'll find a quiet spot, end her Breaker state, and try again at nine. ||
  60. Saff|GM
  61. It's 8:15 at the moment. You find a small spot in a bathroom in the building to de-breaker state. Your head finally starts to feel a little bit clearer. There's not much else in the building, though there are probably a few computers you could dick around on until you can go back.||
  62. Nonagon|Essence
  63. There's nothing to really do but dick around on the computer. She decides to look up Lightshow, see if there's anything interesting about their team online. She tries to sit so that she can see the exit, in case they come up through it. ||
  64. Saff|GM
  65. You find them pretty quickly on the parahumans wiki, under New Haven. There are a few names listed under the gang. Cassette, MP3, Fugue, and Shatterbeam. They all seem to link to articles, though how complete they are could be a gamble. The main Lightshow article states that they came into town less than a month before you did.||
  66. Nonagon|Essence
  67. Dominique skims through their individual articles, looking to see what kind of abilities they have, or are known to have. ||
  68. Saff|GM
  69. Cassette's page is nearly full, though it doesn't tell you more than what you witnessed yourself your first night in town. She's the one with the force field boxing gloves. You do find out that she has regenerative abilities, though. You identify her as the blonde woman you saw freaking out at the table.
  70. MP3 is listed as a tentative tinker. A comment on the page mentions that his EP that he tries to pass off to people sucks. Not much else.
  71. You find the red-headed woman next. Fugue. Master, manages to pacify people and get them to trust her through... song? Well, that explains a bit.
  72. Shatterbeam is listed as a human flashlight. Lame.||
  73. Nonagon|Essence
  74. Goddammit. Stupid fucking Masters... Dominique heads out, looking for somebody with an mp3 player or the like. She'll steal it, run for it, and use it to block out the sound of the song. A foolproof plan. ||
  75. Saff|GM
  76. You walk down the street, looking out for people with said device. You find someone, a woman not too much older than you, with one clearly rolled up in headphones, stuffed in her back pocket.||
  77. Nonagon|Essence
  78. Dominique walks up next to the girl, her hand quickly grabbing the player, and runs for it. ||
  79. Saff|GM
  80. The girl notices that you have taken her MP3, but you manage to run just fast enough to lose her. That was close. TOO close. You're hiding in some bushes, waiting for the danger to pass. But, at least you got your tunes.||
  81. ⓘ soulpelt| is now known as soulpelt|Elhanan
  82. Nonagon|Essence
  83. Now to repeat her early attempt, but this time, with a little protection. She shoves the earbuds as deep as she can in her ear, and cranks up the volume, loud enough that she shouldn't be able to hear anything else, before finding some granite to take advantage of again. ||
  84. Saff|GM
  85. You re-assume your granite form and head back down to the HQ. The door has been put back up, but it's.... not on the hinges. It's just kind of... There? You don't know about music, but there aren't flashing lights coming out of the cracks. That's... Weird.||
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