
Red and Kalineith: Rules and Guidelines

Feb 22nd, 2016
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  1. Objectives:
  2. Kalineith can only be freed after two things happened. Red dies, and Kalineith has a simple objective.
  3. The term 'simple objective' may seem vague, but thats exactly what it can not be.
  4. Her objective can not be 'Kill someone' as Kill implies she /will/ succeed no if ands or buts, instead it must be 'Fight Someone' as Fighting someone has the chance of her losing. Once she has finished the objective she must return to hell and heal Red, the catch of the deal she holds forcefully with Red.
  5. Most if not all objectives must follow this. A chance of loss must almost always be there.
  7. Healing:
  8. Whenever Kalineith objective is complete, she returns to Red. However, the only way for her to leave in the first place is for Red to die. Because of this she must bring Red back to life. Kalineith does not heal Red, she uses her power at its bare minimum to hold her together, replace body parts. This is why Red's blood does not run like normal. It is thick, black and ink like. It is believed that organs to entire limbs have been replaced and 'healed' by this substance. Holding Red together and forcing her soul to stay. It is unsure why Red has no memory when she awakes. Is it Kalineith not letting her know, or a mentally nine year old child broken mind rejecting reality?
  10. Gateway:
  11. Red and Kalineith are not like the usual Demon Possession, not a puppet and master. Kalineith at most can push Red to suicide, but nothing too advance, throat slitting, jumping off a high building, the likes. When ever Red dies she becomes a gateway to hell. While the dammed and low level demons try to get out this way only Kalineith can enter and leave. The portal comes from Reds shadow, often growing to cover most of a room, or growing longer and longer then it may connect to other shadows. A part of the portal seems to stay with Kailneith in the form of the black puddle most of her attacks come from. It is similar to the substance that holds Red together.
  13. Defeat
  14. Kalineith is not invincible, she can die by many means. Such as Holy items, or Stronger Demons, but due to the fact it is not a possession exorcisms will have no effect on her. However, one major factor as kept her and Red kicking for thousands of years. If Kalineith dies, Red will be alive, free, But only for a few seconds as all the pain and death that Red has experienced in her thousands of years of living will take there effect. For the few seconds she is alive she would feel more pain then the History of everyone in the city, Then her soul will be dammed to hell. Because of this, no past hero could defeat Kalineith. As they could not only kill an innocent child, but damn her to hell.
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