
Alola Girls Ch. 22 (BBW, WG)

Jul 15th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 22
  3. The next morning, Jack woke up to a very strange sound, a small stream of water hitting the carpet at the foot of his bed, almost like...
  5. Jack rose with alarm, thinking someone was peeing on the carpet at the foot of his bed. He opened his eyes to a very unexpected sight: Dawn had a collar on with a chain, was kneeling at the foot of his bed, and urinating on his carpet. She turned around and gasped as she saw Jack awake.
  7. “What the fuck are you doing?” Jack demanded.
  9. Dawn’s eyes became like a deer in headlights. “I... last night... Zinnia...”
  11. Jack’s surprise had woken up one his bedmates, Zinnia, while Lillie. “Take a breath. What’s going on? And why are you chained to the bed?”
  13. Dawn had luckily stopped peeing, but seemed very uncomfortable. “Jack uh... Yes. Zinnia chained me up last night...”
  15. Zinnia had just finished a yawn and started giggling.
  17. “Okay... And you’re peeing on the carpet because?”
  19. Dawn tensed. “I didn’t want to wake you up, and I figured I could clean it later when I...” She trailed off, head clearly overloaded.
  21. “Zinnia, where’s the key?” Jack asked.
  23. Zinnia yawned again. “Uh... Lemme think, it’s all a blur after the hot tub.” Zinnia stopped to try to remember. Her eyes suddenly bulged and she gasped. “Fuck, it might be up my ass.”
  25. “What?” Jack said in disbelief and started laughing. “Are you serious?”
  27. “I remember teasing Dawn with that last night...” Zinnia said, starting to reach around her backside. “I don’t think so...” Zinnia looked at the bedside table and laughed. “Shit, it’s right here.” She said, handing the key off to Jack. Jack swiped it and hopped off the bed completely naked.
  29. “I’m really sorry, Master Jack.” Dawn apologized.
  31. Jack shook his head, still having a hard time processing what had just happened. “We must’ve had a lot of fun last night.” He said, ducking under the bed and seeing the tied up chain around one of the bed’s legs and a little heart-shaped lock keeping the set up together.
  33. “Yes you did.” Dawn replied. “Zinnia wanted me to spectate...”
  35. “And the chain?” Jack asked as he reached underneath the bed with the key, feeling for the lock.
  37. “Just got them off the Internet, wanted to try ‘em out.” Zinnia said.
  39. “You have multiple chains?” Jack said, finding the lock and turning the key, freeing Dawn.
  41. “Well yeah.” Zinnia said.
  43. “Dawn, go use the bathroom.” Jack ordered.
  45. “Right away, Master.” Dawn said, getting off the ground and scurrying over as quickly as she could.
  47. Once the door shut, Zinnia began to speak. “So how do we punish her?”
  49. Jack shook his head. “I don’t know, maybe just leave this one be? I don’t remember how hard we went last night.”
  51. “Obviously not hard enough if she’s peeing on your carpet. Or maybe that means we did a perfect job... Want me to rub her face in it?” Zinnia asked.
  53. “Honestly, no. But I like where your head’s at... If anything, she deserves a bit of a reward.” Jack said. “I know we’ve done a lot of kinky shit with her, but no one’s ever had like, real sex with her right?”
  55. Zinnia shrugged. “I’ve been too fucked up some of those nights to remember. But I know her pussy gets wet every time.”
  57. “And how do you know that?” Jack asked.
  59. “I see it in her eyes, how do you think I picked up on it so quickly? Plus she touches herself when I’m going hard on her.” Zinnia said.
  61. “Well she never touches herself around me.” Jack replied.
  63. “She doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction. Not yet at least...” Zinnia stopped as the bathroom door swung wide open and Dawn scurried out, bowing her head.
  65. “My apologies Master Jack, Mistress Zinnia. I’ll clean up my mess as quickly as possible-”
  67. “Dawn, Zinnia thinks you should be punished.” He said, getting up from the floor and circling Dawn.
  69. Zinnia took the cue and crossed her arms. “When a Rockruff pees on the carpet, the best way to make sure it doesn’t do that again is to rub its face in it.” Zinnia said wickedly. “I told Jack that’s what we should do with you.”
  71. Jack stopped his ominous circling of Dawn in front of her face and looked her straight in the eye.
  73. “I deserve it.” Dawn said.
  75. Zinnia got up out of her seat, still naked as well, and waddled over to Jack and Dawn. Jack felt his erection growing with each step Zinnia and her wobbling 360 pound body took. “I bet she’ll like it, actually.” She remarked.
  77. Dawn remained silent.
  79. “You’re blushing.” Zinnia said, then moved closer, and put her hands under Dawn’s skirt. “And your loins are frothing.”
  81. Dawn nodded nervously.
  83. “I love the work you’ve done on her, Zinnia.” Jack said, breaking character a bit. “From a spoiled brat a month ago, to submissive little maid who gets turned on at the thought of having her faced rubbing in her own piss.” He stopped and gave Zinnia a kiss. “Dawn, I think you deserve a little reward.” He took the back of her neck in his hand and guided her down to the carpet, to the wet stain she’d made just a couple minutes prior. Dawn closed her eyes as Jack rubbed Dawn’s right cheek in the stain.
  85. “I can see her nipples through her uniform.” Zinnia teased. “What a freak.”
  87. At this point Jack noticed Lillie had awoken and was watching the action. He then guided Dawn’s head away from the stain. “Okay Dawn, now go rinse your face off and get then come right back and lay down on the bed.” Dawn nodded wordlessly and went back to the bathroom. Jack made eye contact with Zinnia, who smiled devilishly, then put a hand on her tremendous rear. Jack nodded, and they waited until Dawn re-appeared, obediently laying her upper body on the bed. “Okay Zinnia, you know what comes next.”
  89. Zinnia waddled onto the bed, then got in position, putting her naked ass over Dawn’s face, and then slowly lowered herself onto Dawn. Zinnia transitioned her enormous body into a comfortable position, her belly overhang covered a good chunk of Dawn’s upper body, leaving her lower body exposed and hanging off the bed.
  91. “Oh you like that, don’t you?” Zinnia cooed as she began rubbing her ass in Dawn’s face. “Make sure I didn’t put the other key up there.” Zinnia ordered, and when Zinnia’s face jolted in surprise, he knew Dawn’s tongue had made contact. Zinnia looked at Jack hungrily, then signaled Jack to get to work down below.
  93. “You know, Dawn, you can touch yourself.” Jack mentioned. Dawn immediately freed a hand from underneath Zinnia’s heft and stuck it right between her legs, lifting up her skirt.
  95. The scene continued for a couple minutes, Jack told Lillie to get them some food from the kitchen and she waddled off. Finally, Jack decided to take the plunge and got on his hands and knees. “Dawn, I think you’ve earned a reward for putting up with Zinnia and I so much.” He said. “Your pussy juices look delicious.” he said, realizing how weird that sounded, but hopefully it got his point across.
  97. Dawn’s legs twitched, and she grabbed a hold of her panties and began to lower them. Jack grabbed them and slid the pussy juice-drenched panties down her legs and tossed them aside. Then Dawn spread her legs as far as she could spread them. “Well that’s consent enough for me.” Jack thought to himself, and took the plunge.
  99. He kissed her lower lips and gave it a lick for good luck. She’d been dripping for a while, and the scent of her juices was decently ripe, but he pressed on. He used his usual bag of tricks, nothing to crazy like he did for Zinnia or Misty, but stayed quite standard and really got her to moan.
  101. “Oooooh she’s really liking it, boss.” Zinnia said.
  103. A few minutes passed, and Dawn’s legs began to quiver the oh so special quiver, and he knew she was close. He took a deep breath and assaulted her pussy with his tongue and lips, and soon her legs were spazzing out and her body bucked and writhed with pleasure. He gave her sopping wet cunt a tender kiss and retreated, Dawn’s pussy juices dripping down his face.
  105. Dawn tapped out from under Zinnia, and Zinnia began maneuvering herself off of Dawn. “Fuck that was...” Dawn said, panting with delight. “That was great. Thank you, Jack.” She said, still red faced and in the haze of pleasure.
  107. “Want some donuts?” Lillie asked, she’d snuck in the while the trio was busy. Zinnia cheered and Dawn waved her on over. Jack went to wash Dawn’s stink off of his face, put his robe on, and went out into the house.
  109. Jack went to the kitchen and took saw Serena chowing down on a donut. “Morning -mmph- boss.” Serena said, mouth full of dough.
  111. “Morning Serena, sleep alright?”
  113. She nodded. “I feel like I missed out on all the fun.”
  115. “You did, but you’ll be apart of it soon enough. There’ll be a lot more nights like that in the future, I have a good feeling about it.” Jack explained. “Anyone else up?”
  117. Serena smiled and nodded. “Hilda and some very large woman? Courtney I think?”
  119. The morning’s weirdness had his mind in a fog, but the longer he thought on it, the more he recognized the name. “From the dinner!” He said. She was the wife of some CEO and was great with computers. She was also almost Lillie’s size back then. He bolted over to the office in his robe to snatch a site and was not disappointed.
  121. Hilda was seated besides the usual office chair, which was occupied by an enormous form, threatening to spill out of the comfy office chair. He noticed two empty boxes of donuts on the ground next to Hilda. He walked in, seeing the massive Courney woman was very focused on something. Hilda turned to him put a hand over her mouth, shooshing him without a sound. Jack walked up to get a view of the titanic “hacker” woman Hilda had brought in.
  123. She was actually bigger than Lillie, and even more massive compared to Hilda. Courtney’s belly pressed right up against the desk, and she looked almost stuck in the office chair due to how large her blubbery hips were. If he had to guess, he thought this woman looked to be between 450 and 460 pounds.
  125. “Paydirt!” Courtney exclaimed.
  127. “So you...” Hilda began, but swallowed a donut before she could finish.
  129. “Yup.” Courtney pumped her fist in the air, causing all of her arm fat to shift. “Donut please.” She asked, calmly getting back to business on the computer.
  131. Hilda grabbed a donut from a box on her lap and held it up to Courtney’s lips. Courtney heaved her body a bit more forward as she took bites out of the donut, not breaking her focus on the screen. Jack watched, mesmerized by the triple chinned woman chowing down on donuts like it was nothing.
  133. “Okay, so here’s the file...” Courtney said. “...and the password...” Courtney keyed in a long set of digits lightning fast. “And here.” Courtney, pointing a finger in the air.
  135. A picture of a very odd looking object appeared on the screen. A white crystal shaped like a diamond, with a diamond-like protrusion coming from the top and bottom of it. It also had a black colored design like a twinkling star at its core.
  137. “Crystalline Anomaly...” Hilda read aloud. “To whomever may be reading this file, read with caution and keep this information confidential...” Hilda turned to Courtney. “Uh, no offense...” Hilda said.
  139. “What? This sounds so interesting.” Courtney protested.
  141. Hilda grimaced. “But you’re being paid for getting into the file, not for knowing its contents.”
  143. “Courtney...” Jack began sternly. “There’s a lot more going on than you think you know. I promise you’ll be compensated well for keeping quiet.”
  145. Courtney grimaced. “Triple my fee and I’ll leave.”
  147. “Done.” Jack said.
  149. “Okay...” Courtney said, a bit dejected. “Can you help me get out of this chair then?”
  151. It took a lot of effort to get the 450 pound woman out of a very tight chair, but after a few minutes, Hilda and Jack managed it. “Tell Serena to whip you up something good!” Jack said.
  153. “Thanks for that, boss.” Hilda said. “Now let’s see... Crystalline Anomaly, yadda yadda yadda... Okay, here we are.” Jack went and locked the door. “This object resembles a Z-Crystal, and was found in the Farthest Hollow in the Ten Carat Hill, like many other Z-Crystals. I won’t name what scientists I commissioned to study this object, but they believe it to be a type of Z-Crystal. They could not find a compatible Pokemon for it, however. It responds to other Z-Crystals in a peculiar way.” Hilda took a breath and read the next paragraph.
  155. “I consulted some historians about Ten Carat Hill, and got some troubling responses. An ancient Kahuna’s writing marks the Ten Carat Hill as the place of a final battle between a violent being called Necrozma, a being whose blinding force terrorized Alola. The Kahunas, Tapu Guardians, the ancient King of Alola, and his best trainers fought a battle so destructive the Hill was hollowed out into the form known today with the Farthest Hollow at the top as opposed to a true summit. Due to the twinkling star on its core, and its peculiar reaction to Z-Crystals, I have a feeling this could be some sort of remnant of Necrozma. I hid this object away in the HeaHea Natural History Museum vault. At the time of this writing, no object similar to it has been found. It is marked ‘crystalline anomaly’ and donated while their archives don’t have it registered, just say ‘Necro-Z’ to the curator and you will gain access to it should you ever have need of it.” Hilda took a deep breath and read the bottom line.
  157. “Jack, I hope you never need to go down this rabbit hole. Be very careful who you trust with this. The only reason this should be removed from the vault should be for further study and nothing else. If the being Necrozma ever does return, I recommend you destroy the anomaly. I’m sorry I couldn’t mention this in the Will, but it must remain as secret as possible. Sincerely, your father, Arthur Cobal.” Hilda finished reading.
  159. “Wow.” Jack said, still absorbing all of the information Hilda had just read aloud.
  161. “This is serious...” Hilda remarked.
  163. “Yeah. Lusamine and Sabrina mentioned a cataclysm every time they keep asking to analyze it.” Jack said. “Honestly, I ought to tell Kukui. He’s been studying Z-Moves and Z-Crystals.”
  165. “Your first thought is to tell somebody?” Hilda asked.
  167. “Aether wants to see it, thinking they can save the world. If they really can save the world then maybe I should let them look at it. But Kukui would know who to consult before going to Aether.” Jack explained. “And besides, it probably should be studied a bit. How long ago was this study done?” Jack asked.
  169. “The file was last saved five years ago, but the study was about twenty years ago...”
  171. Jack’s eyes widened. “Five years ago was when I was named his beneficiary.” He paused and thought more on the dilemma. “Twenty years is a long time... Maybe it’s time to get some more opinions.”
  173. “Yeah...” Hilda sighed. “This just keeps getting worse... But anyways, I trust Kukui. Should we show him this?”
  175. “Yeah, I’ll call him.” Jack said. He dialed the number and Kukui picked up.
  177. “Mr. Cobal, how’s it going?” Kukui asked, out of breath.
  179. “Hey Kukui, you got a minute?”
  181. “Of course.” Kukui said. “What’s up?”
  183. “Remember that special thing I talked to you about at that academy award ceremony last month?”
  185. “Shit yeah! Your staff finally get that info?”
  187. “Yeah.” Jack said, and hushed his voice. “Are you alone?”
  189. “Uh, yeah...” Kukui said. “Found something real didn’t you?”
  191. “You need to come over here as soon as you can, Kukui.” Jack said. “Could be big stuff.”
  193. “Gocha, I’m in the middle of a workout, but I’ll shower up real quick and be over there. Gimme half an hour.”
  195. “Great, thanks Kukui.” Jack said.
  197. Jack left the room with a knot in his stomach and looked for Courtney, finding her in the kitchen sitting on two chairs and watching Courtney whip up a batch of cookies.
  199. “Hey there.” Jack said, approaching Courtney.
  201. “So, anything interesting come up?” Courtney asked.
  203. Jack shrugged. “Yeah, something like that. Basically a ‘if Cobal Industries goes bankrupt, there’s a backup plan’ sort of thing.” Jack lied.
  205. “Oh, well that’s not too bad then.” Courtney said. “Do I still get triple fee?”
  207. “Of course.” Jack said. “Just send Hilda the bill, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of for the trouble.”
  209. He retreated back to the office and stewed with Hilda until Kukui arrived. They followed the security cameras until Kukui was at the door and Jack opened it before he knocked. “Kukui, thanks dude!” He said, giving him a big hug. They got their greetings out of the way while Hilda pulled up the file once more.
  211. “So lets get down to business.” Kukui said as Hilda rolled the office chair back. Kukui read the word file and spent a long time looking at the object’s picture. When he finished he took a deep breath and cracked his neck. “That’s some serious shit.”
  213. “That it is.” Jack said. “You have anything to add? Aether keeps hounding me about it, saying it could avoid a cataclysm. They keep wanting to analyze it.”
  215. Kukui grimaced. “They must’ve known one of the scientists or something...” He pondered. “When were the studies done?”
  217. “Twenty years ago, apparently.” Hilda replied.
  219. “It should definitely be looked at with some more contemporary instruments... But with that investigation and all the weirdness with Lillie and Nebby, you need someone else to look at it.” Kukui thought aloud.
  221. “Any idea who?” Jack asked. “I know Aether has most of the brainpower on something like this.”
  223. Kukui nodded. “There is one person who could have the facilities to give it a good analysis...”
  225. “Name?” Hilda asked, whipping her phone out.
  227. Kukui shook his head. “Well... It’s Professor Burnett. My estranged wife.”
  229. “Shit.” Jack replied.
  231. “Well, as long as I’m not there you should be okay.” Kukui said. “She lives in Heahea on Akala Island.”
  233. “Great. That’s where the museum is anyways, right?” Jack asked. Hilda nodded. “So, when can we go? Tonight?”
  235. Kukui shook his head. “Can’t do tonight.”
  237. “What’s up?”
  239. “Professor Juniper has to go back to Unova tomorrow, so the academy’s staff is throwing a good-bye party for her and Bianca.”
  241. “That’s sudden.” Jack said.
  243. “Well, Juniper’s been holding out on some information.” Kukui said bitterly. “Just found out last night. Told the staff, they wanted to do this for her. Wanna come? Could use an extra dude.”
  245. Jack shrugged. “Yeah sure. Where you having it?”
  247. “My place. Probably be on the beach for a lot of the time so no glass.” Kukui said. “Festivities starting at 5:00.”
  249. “Great. I’ll have a bodyguard with me if that’s alright.”
  251. “Of course.” Kukui said.
  253. “Anyways, so after tonight, what’s the plan?” Hilda butted in, getting the guys back on track.
  255. “I can go to Akala tomrrow then.” Jack said, Kukui nodded.
  257. “I’ll hit up Kahili, see if we can stay at the Hano Grand Resort.” Hilda said.
  259. “Oh, nice.” Kukui said. “Well, I gotta get back to party prepping.” Kukui said. “Thanks for telling me about this, I’ll look up what I can when I get a chance, maybe join you on Akala if I’m needed.”
  261. “Of course, thanks for coming by.” Jack said, giving him a fist bump. “What you want me to bring?” Jack asked.
  263. “Anything you can, food, booze, lots of it.” Kukui said.
  265. “Oh I can do that.” Jack said. “How many you expecting?”
  267. “Good number of the staff from the Academy, so like, maybe fifteen with you and a bodyguard included?” Kukui replied. “Mostly ladies you’re familiar with. Some dudes too. Bring a swimsuit.”
  269. “Will do.” Jack said. “Any preference on bodyguard I bring with me?” Jack realized he probably shouldn’t bring May since a lot of alcohol would be consumed. Or maybe he should bring her to DD.
  271. “One who knows how to party.” Kukui said. “See you tonight dude.” They fist bumped one more time and Kukui was out the door.
  273. “Gonna join us tonight?” Jack said, turning to Hilda.
  275. “No, actually going to get you packed for Akala. I should probably go with you since I know this information, and at least one bodyguard should join us.” Hilda said.
  277. “How long you think we’ll need to be there?” Jack asked.
  279. “However long it takes that Professor Burnet to analyze it.” Hilda said. “Hopefully she’s not too busy with other projects right now.”
  281. “She could become the benefactor of a generous grant.” Jack said. “We’ve been looking for something else to start funding, right?”
  283. “Yeah, I’ll get on that too.” Hilda said, sounding a bit annoyed.
  285. “Anyway I could help?” He asked.
  287. Hilda shook her head. “Actually yeah. Just get out of the office so I can start making the arrangements.” She gave him a dismissing wave and turned her chair around, typing furiously.
  289. After that, it was a usual day around the Cobal property. Jack spent a couple hours training his Pokemon with Zinnia. He’d caught a Rufflet in his yard a few weeks back, and learning aerial maneuvers with her Salamence was really helping it out. Jack’s Mightyena, Magnezone, and Breloom watched as he he practiced with his recently acquired Marshtomp. While he did graduate one of the training academies in Hoenn, he didn’t get high enough marks for one of the Hoenn “traidtional starters." He’d ordered Mudkip as a sort of retribution in his eyes, and Mudkip had fit right in, evolving into Marshtomp quite quickly upon arriving.
  291. After that and some workouts, he had some fun with Domino, Skyla, and Zinnia. When the clock struck 4:30, he was lugging thirty wracks of beer to the back of the SUV with Misty, who would be accompanying him. Coolers filled with ice were already in the back of the SUV, and as he went back to the walk-in fridge for the last wrack,he saw Serena boxing up the last of the massive amount of macarons he’d asked her to make.
  293. “Thanks Serena.” Jack said, slightly out of breath as he walked by, case of beer in hand.
  295. “Of course. Make sure those girls eat up. I put tons of extra calories in em just for them.” She said gleefully.
  297. A few minutes later, they were all loaded up. Jack and Misty both had swimsuits on, Misty’s one piece resembled a bed sheet due to the bulk of the 390 pound red-head.
  299. “Have fun you guys!” Zinnia called out to them, waving as Jack pulled the car out of the carport.
  301. “Don’t go driving home tonight!” May called out.
  303. “We won’t!” Misty yelled back.
  305. With that, the overweight women were in his rearview mirror, and he noticed Zinnia giving Dawn a spank and smiled.
  307. “It’s too bad Zinnia’s on her period.” Misty said. “I’m sure she’d love to party with Clair again.”
  309. Jack smiled. “I think Zinnia’s gonna find a way to entertain herself. Besides, I feel like it’s been a while since it’s just been you and me, Misty.”
  311. “Yeah. Zinnia’s a greedy one.” Misty said. “But I’m a big fan of sharing. I have a feeling I’ll be sharing you a lot tonight.”
  313. Jack shrugged. “Yeah, Bianca’s last night, she’s probably been feeling a little neglected.”
  315. “I haven’t seen her for a while, not since they came over a while back, that time we had that orgy in the hot tub.”
  317. “There have been a lot of orgies in that hot tub.” Jack replied.
  319. “Yeah, but with Juniper and Kukui.” Misty said. “I remember sucking on Bianca’s boobs a lot. And I think Juniper ate my ass at one point.” She continued nonchalantly.
  321. “Well don’t go sitting in some sand in case there’s a repeat tonight.” Jack jokingly warned.
  323. “Same goes for you, boss. Kukui said there’ll only be a few guys there tonight right? You’re going to be in high demand.”
  325. Jack smiled. “I like the sound of that.”
  327. They arrived ten minutes early, and got all the beers in the coolers and Macarons in Kukui’s kitchen when Jack heard a familiar yell.
  329. “Jack, heeeeey!” Bianca’s voice called out. The blonde-haired, glasses wearing beauty looked gorgeous with a skimpy bikini top covering her massive, fatty breasts, and long green skirt. Jack estimated she wasn’t that far behind Misty, probably weighing around 370 pounds.
  331. “Bianca, how’s it going?” He asked as he opened his arms up wide for a big hug.
  333. “Kukui didn’t say you were coming!” Bianca squealed as she squeezed him with her flabby arms. “It’s my last night in Alola so you’re coming to my room at some point.”
  335. Jack smiled sheepishly. “Whatever you say...”
  337. Bianca then whispered in his ear. “We can have some friends join, y’know?” Bianca said, then gave his ear playful nip of her teeth. When she looked him in the face to kiss him, he smelt booze.
  339. Jack felt himself get harder the longer he oggled Bianca’s massive breasts and knew he wanted to start the party early and started kissing her back, and in moments, the make out session began, both of them rubbing body parts against the other. Jack’s erection brushed up against Bianca’s protuberant gut, while one of his hands found its way to her jelly-roll ass. “Room, now.” He grunted, and the two scurried off.
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