
shop3 config

Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. PREFIX: '&8(&a&lShop&7)&a '
  2. LANG:
  3. CONSOLE: Console
  4. MSG:
  5. ERROR: Error occured, please contact the server owner.
  6. INGAMEONLY: This command can be used only in the game.
  7. NOACCESS: You don't have access to do this.
  8. NOTLOADED: Your data isn't loaded yet, please try again later.
  9. NOTLOADEDTARGET: This player's data isn't loaded yet, please try again later.
  10. RELOADED: Configuration reloaded!
  11. USAGE:
  12. SUBCOMMAND: 'Invalid command usage. Correct usage: %usage%'
  13. CMD:
  14. SHOP:
  16. ITEM:
  17. USAGE: /shop addmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> <value> [buy|sell]
  18. ADDED: &aYou set &c%player%'s %type% &aprice modifier for the %item% item in %shop% shop to &c%modifier%&a.
  19. ADDEDBY: &aYour %type% price modifier for the %item% item in %shop% shop was set to &c%modifier%&a by &c%player%&a.
  20. SHOP:
  21. USAGE: /shop addmodifier shop <player> <shop> <value> [buy|sell]
  22. ADDED: You set &c%player%'s %type% &aprice modifier for all items in %shop% shop to &c%modifier%&a.
  23. ADDEDBY: Your %type% price modifier for all items in %shop% shop was set to &c%modifier%&a by &c%player%&a.
  24. GLOBAL:
  25. USAGE: /shop addmodifier global <player> <value> [buy|sell]
  26. ADDED: You set &c%player%'s&a %type% price modifier to &c%modifier%&a.
  27. ADDEDBY: Your %type% price modifier was set to &c%modifier%&a by &c%player%&a.
  29. VIEW:
  30. VIEW: |-
  31. &c%player%&f's modifiers:
  32. &aGlobal modifiers:
  33. %global%
  34. &aShop modifiers:
  35. %shop%
  36. &aItem modifiers:
  37. %item%
  38. ENTRY:
  39. ITEM: 'Item: &c%item%&a, shop: &c%shop%&a, buy: &c%buy%&a, sell: &c%sell%&a'
  40. SHOP: 'Shop: &c%shop%&a, buy: &c%buy%&a, sell: &c%sell%&a'
  41. GLOBAL: 'Buy: &c%buy%&a, sell: &c%sell%&a'
  43. ITEM:
  44. USAGE: /shop resetmodifier item <player> <shop> <item> [buy|sell]
  45. RESET: You reset &c%player%'s&a %type% price modifier for the %item% item in %shop% shop.
  46. RESETBY: Your %type% price modifier for the %item% item in %shop% shop was reset by &c%player%&a.
  47. SHOP:
  48. USAGE: /shop resetmodifier shop <player> <shop> [buy|sell]
  49. RESET: You reset &c%player%'s&a %type% price modifier for all items in %shop% shop.
  50. RESETBY: Your %type% price modifier for all items in %shop% shop was set to by &c%player%&a.
  51. GLOBAL:
  52. USAGE: /shop resetmodifier global <player> [buy|sell]
  53. RESET: You reset &c%player%'s&a %type% price modifier.
  54. RESETBY: Your %type% price modifier was set to &c%modifier%&a by &c%player%&a.
  56. INVALIDAMOUNT: Invalid modifier value specified. Valid values are for instance 0.50 which is 50%, 2.0 which is 200% etc.
  57. INVALIDTYPE: Invalid modifier type specified. Valid values are buy, sell and both.
  58. BUY: buy
  59. SELL: sell
  60. BOTH: buy & sell
  61. INVALIDPLAYER: &cInvalid player name specified.
  62. INVALIDSHOP: &cShop with ID &a%shop%&c not found.
  63. INVALIDITEM: &cItem with ID &a%item%&c not found in &a%shop%&c.
  64. NOACCESSTOSHOP: &cYou don't have access to &a%shop%&c shop.
  65. NODIRECTACCESSTOSHOP: &cYou can't access the &a%shop%&c shop.
  66. MAINMENUDISABLED: &cYou can't use this command. Please use /shop <id> instead.
  67. WORLDBANNED: &cYou can't access the shop in this world.
  68. WORLDBANNEDTARGET: '&c%player% can''t access the shop in that world.'
  69. GAMEMODEBANNED: &cYou can't access the shop when in gamemode &a%gamemode%.
  70. GAMEMODEBANNEDTARGET: &c'%player% can''t access the shop when in gamemode &a%gamemode%.'
  71. ITEM:
  72. FULLINVENTORY: &cYou don't have enough free space in your inventory.
  73. CANNOTAFFORD: &cYou need &a%price%$&c to buy &a%amount% x %item%&c.
  74. CANNOTBUY: &cYou can't buy this item.
  75. CANNOTSELL: &cYou can't sell this item.
  76. BOUGHT: You bought &c%amount% x %item%&a for &c%price%$&a.
  77. BOUGHTFREE: You received &c%amount% x %item%&a.
  78. NOTENOUGH: You don't have &c%amount% x %item%&a to sell.
  79. SOLD: You sold &a%amount% x %item%&f for &a%price%$&f.
  80. SOLDFREE: You gave away &a%amount% x %item%&f.
  81. SOLDALL: You sold all %item%&a&o (%amount% x %item%&)&a for &a%price%$&a.
  82. SOLDALLFREE: You gave away all %item%&a&o (%amount% x %item%)&a.
  83. NOACCESS: &cYou don't have access to this item.
  84. ENCHANT:
  85. CANNOTAPPLY: Enchantment &c%enchantment%&f cannot be applied to the item you're holding.
  86. ALREADYAPPLIED: This item already has &c%enchantment%&f applied.
  87. LEVELDIFF: You need an item with at least &c%enchantment% %level%&f applied.
  88. CANNOTAFFORD: You need &c%price%$&f to buy &c%enchantment%&f.
  89. MAX: This item already has the maximum amount of enchantments (%amount%).
  90. TOOMANY: You can't enchant more than %amount% items at once.
  91. BOUGHT: You bought &c%enchantment%&f enchantment for &c%price%$&f.
  93. PERMISSIONSDISABLED: &cPermissions are disabled, please contact server's owner.
  94. ALREADYHAVE: &aYou already have the &c%permission%&a permission.
  95. CANNOTAFFORD: &cYou need &a$%price%&a to buy &c%permission%&a.
  96. BOUGHT: You bought &c%permission%&a permission for &c%price%$&a.
  97. COMMAND:
  98. BOUGHT: You bought the command for &c$%price%&a.
  99. CANNOTAFFORD: You need &c$%price%&a to buy this command.
  100. DIALOG:
  102. BUY:
  103. NAME: '&cBuying %item%'
  104. SELL:
  105. NAME: '&aSelling %item%'
  106. BULKBUY:
  107. NAME: '&cBuying stacks of %item%'
  108. BULKSELL:
  109. NAME: '&aSelling stacks of %item%'
  110. SHOP:
  112. ALREADYOWNED: '&4(Already owned)'
  113. NOTOWNED: '&a(Not owned)'
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