

Sep 3rd, 2018
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  1. Tikkirei
  2. #7811
  6. Deswind
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  9. This is the beginning of your direct message history with @Deswind.
  10. [3:06 PM] Tikkirei: Yo man, this is Ryan, right?
  11. [3:10 PM] Deswind: What's up?
  12. [3:10 PM] Tikkirei: Yo man so I'm coming back to you with this again lmao! Any chance you still have my WoW mage from way back when?
  13. [3:11 PM] Tikkirei: If not it'
  14. [3:11 PM] Tikkirei: s nbd
  15. [3:11 PM] Deswind: lol, um..I dont remember the login credentials tbh
  16. [3:11 PM] Tikkirei: haha. If it's not too much trouble, could I ask you to recover them? iirc I gave up all of that, including the secret question
  17. [3:12 PM] Deswind: i could try, but i havent used it since forever ago. so i honestly dont even remember the email/acct name lol.
  18. [3:13 PM] Tikkirei: All good. Would appreciate it if you can. If it doesn't pan out, no sweat.
  19. [3:14 PM] Deswind: Yeah, I'll try. Might be easy to just make a new account though. But I'll let you know.
  20. [3:14 PM] Tikkirei: I'm guessing I'll have to end up going that route lol
  21. [3:14 PM] Tikkirei: Really just wanted the character on it because of it's history
  22. [3:14 PM] Deswind: What's the email associated with the account? I don't remember any detail whatsoever lol.
  23. [3:15 PM] Tikkirei: ugh, no idea. I had transferred it to you. So whatever you made it
  24. [3:15 PM] Tikkirei: I can look through my email history but I hiiiighly doubt i have the transfer email
  25. [3:16 PM] Tikkirei: Yeah, don't have it lol
  26. [3:16 PM] Tikkirei: It would have been the Kristopher Gilbert one
  27. [3:16 PM] Tikkirei: at least, the name on the acct
  28. [3:16 PM] Deswind: f, I think its a goner lol. I pretty much havent used the accounts you gave me since the beginning of it. I dont even remember your steam login credentials lol.
  29. [3:17 PM] Tikkirei: F
  30. [3:17 PM] Tikkirei: oh well
  31. [3:17 PM] Tikkirei: if you happen to come across it for whatever reason in the future would be keen to hear
  32. [3:17 PM] Tikkirei: thanks for looking though
  33. [3:18 PM] Deswind: I think I removed you off my btag list because you were pretty much gone lol.
  34. [3:18 PM] Tikkirei: can email addresses be seen from there?
  35. [3:18 PM] Deswind: dont think sio
  36. [3:18 PM] Deswind: so*
  37. [3:21 PM] Deswind: Yeah, I dunno how to recover it without knowing the email at least lol. Which I don't, unfortunately. I used my recovery email, but I guess I made a dummy one which I've deleted probably.
  38. [3:21 PM] Tikkirei: F
  39. [3:21 PM] Tikkirei: no chance those aren't tied to your usual address?
  40. [3:21 PM] Tikkirei: ie like your normal address is a recovery for those?
  41. [3:21 PM] Deswind: It shouldn't. I'm certain I kept it separate.
  42. [3:22 PM] Tikkirei: +
  43. [3:22 PM] Deswind: Are you coming back to WoW?
  44. [3:22 PM] Tikkirei: maaaaaaybe
  45. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: Had a bit of an urge to do arenas again. Hopefully with like 75% less rage lmao
  46. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: and george seems keen
  47. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: but we'd need a third
  48. [3:23 PM] Deswind: I'm more into the m+ scene now lol.
  49. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: m+ ?
  50. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: Ah
  51. [3:23 PM] Tikkirei: pve?
  52. [3:23 PM] Deswind: mythic+ dungeons
  53. [3:23 PM] Deswind: yeah
  54. [3:24 PM] Deswind: Pretty much my entire wow following is from it since legion lol. 1.7k youtube subs, almost 1k twitch followers lol
  55. [3:24 PM] Tikkirei: Oh jeez. Didn't realize you'd gotten into it so much
  56. [3:25 PM] Deswind: Just small time, but working at it
  57. [3:25 PM] Tikkirei: hey quick aside, did you get an authenticator alert btw/ I tried logging in on the v old email pre-change
  58. [3:25 PM] Tikkirei: Nice though man
  59. [3:25 PM] Tikkirei: And I'd heard good things about the wow PvE now
  60. [3:25 PM] Tikkirei: nEver really got into it after vanilla so i dunno vOv
  61. [3:25 PM] Deswind: I didnt get any alerts
  62. [3:27 PM] Deswind: I'll be down to try some 3s, the pvp scene has gotten simpler since last time lol. But I only play warrior/monk/DH, I havent kept up with w/e is meta in arena.
  63. [3:28 PM] Tikkirei: yeah I have no idea
  64. [3:28 PM] Tikkirei: haven't played since our last stint in pandas
  65. [3:28 PM] Tikkirei: unless I hear it's awful, I'd probably go mage again
  66. [3:28 PM] Tikkirei: maybe we can just make it work with whatever idk
  67. [3:28 PM] Tikkirei: warrior/mage / x
  68. [3:29 PM] Tikkirei: Oh I played warlock with you didn't I?
  69. [3:29 PM] Tikkirei: yeah, my main used to be mage
  70. [3:29 PM] Tikkirei: lol
  71. [3:29 PM] Deswind: Yeah, we did LSD
  72. [3:29 PM] Tikkirei: Mage is what I got gladiator on / had the most time playing
  73. [3:29 PM] Tikkirei: but.... long time ago
  74. [3:30 PM] Tikkirei: in hindsight... probably shyould have had you play a melee class at the time
  75. [3:30 PM] Tikkirei: I didn't think about it when we made the comp
  76. [3:30 PM] Tikkirei: and melee bruiser stuff has always been your forte
  77. [3:30 PM] Deswind: I played a rogue in legion for a bit, if we wanted to do RMP. But, I'm not that great at rogue lol.
  78. [3:31 PM] Tikkirei: yeah, I'd say learning from the past... I'd say we should choose stuff we're just comfortable with / happy playing and just try to build around that unless it's clearly untenable
  79. [3:31 PM] Tikkirei: So like... yeah if you're big into rogue and george is into priest and the comp is fine then sure
  80. [3:31 PM] Tikkirei: and if not we could try making something else work
  81. [3:32 PM] Deswind: disc priests this time around are literal gods though. I dunno how they've been in the past, but in wpvp they literally can stand their ground against like 5 players lol
  82. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: amazing
  83. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: well
  84. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: up to george then
  85. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: I can't stand playing healer
  86. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: lmao
  87. [3:32 PM] Tikkirei: I've never been comfortable on anything but a control class
  88. [3:33 PM] Deswind: are there comps that revolve around warrior + mage? im most confident as a warrior, arms or fury. arms for pvp i guess since its better at timing burst CDs, etc
  89. [3:34 PM] Deswind: or ww monk/havoc DH. I can play those 2 as well
  90. [3:34 PM] Tikkirei: man I'm completely out of the loop on what is even good right now
  91. [3:34 PM] Tikkirei: so no clue tbh
  92. [3:35 PM] Tikkirei: rmp has always been a staple but it's had its weak times as well and idk if now is one of them or not. There's also been episodes int he past where like... mage warrior druid was solid
  93. [3:35 PM] Tikkirei: but again... im years behind on the meta so idk
  94. [3:35 PM] Tikkirei: so much changes
  95. [3:36 PM] Deswind: yeah same. i havent done any serious pvp at all since i started wow again with legion. the occasional arena's just for like legendary farming chances during legion, but that's about it.
  96. [3:46 PM] Tikkirei: yeah
  97. [3:46 PM] Tikkirei: warlock warrior druid used to also be an old school comp
  98. [3:46 PM] Tikkirei: but I dunno if that still has a place
  99. [3:47 PM] Deswind: I can ask some of the more pvp-oriented ppl in my guild if they have an idea what's the meta.
  100. [3:47 PM] Tikkirei: could try it. George and I should still have our druid / warlock
  101. [3:47 PM] Tikkirei: yeah, might as well ask
  102. [3:50 PM] Tikkirei: Also are you horde or alliance?
  103. [3:50 PM] Deswind: horde
  104. [3:50 PM] Tikkirei: +
  105. [3:52 PM] Tikkirei: actually, unless i hear that it's just bad, kinda liking the sound of wld
  106. [3:54 PM] Tikkirei: Do warriors do a lot of dmg rn?
  107. [3:54 PM] Tikkirei: also how are the lock specs and resto druid?
  108. [3:54 PM] Tikkirei: lol
  109. [3:55 PM] Deswind: i think arms does well in pvp. they use the pvp talent sharpened blades to buff their next mortal strike. so its pretty much colossus smash -> sharpened blades -> mortal strike for burst every 30s~ or so. they have a lot of consistent dps output as well since their mastery is now deep wounds, a pretty big bleed.(edited)
  110. [3:55 PM] Deswind: i know rdruid is strong, they lost healing touch lol but they spam regrowth for spot heals. i think most of their kit remains the same
  111. [3:55 PM] Deswind: locks, i know affliction and destro are strong right now, at least in pve
  112. [3:56 PM] Deswind: so it might translate well into pvp
  113. [3:56 PM] Tikkirei: ooo
  114. [3:56 PM] Tikkirei: all of this sounds good
  115. [3:56 PM] Tikkirei: I :heart: affliction
  116. [3:56 PM] Tikkirei: k well if we're gonna go that route then may not even need to recover this guy
  117. [3:56 PM] Tikkirei: Guess pass on what your guild mates have to say
  118. [3:57 PM] Deswind: yeah, I know of this one mage who's pretty big in arenas. I'll ask him when he's on
  119. [3:57 PM] Tikkirei: +
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