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Jul 9th, 2023
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  1. Ozordur strikes at Nijinsky but the shot is parried by the iron short sword!
  2. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked with the wagon wooden shield!
  3. Nijinsky charges at Ozordur!
  4. Nijinsky collides with Ozordur!
  5. Ozordur is knocked over and tumbles backward!
  6. Ozordur stands up.
  7. Nijinsky stabs Ozordur in the first left lower arm with his iron short sword, but the attack is deflected by Ozordur's small copper left gauntlet!
  8. The force bends the first left upper arm!
  9. Ozordur misses Nijinsky!
  10. Nijinsky strikes Ozordur in the left lower leg with his highwood shield, tearing the fat!
  11. Ozordur falls over.
  12. Nijinsky strikes Ozordur in the upper body with the pommel of his iron short sword, fracturing the chitin through the small iron mail shirt!
  13. Ozordur misses Nijinsky!
  14. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked!
  15. Ozordur misses Nijinsky!
  16. Nijinsky stabs Ozordur in the second left upper arm with his iron short sword and the injured part is cloven asunder!
  17. An artery has been opened by the attack!
  18. Ozordur: So easily broken... Begone fear!
  19. Ozordur is no longer stunned.
  20. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked with the wagon wooden shield!
  21. Nijinsky attacks Ozordur but He rolls away!
  22. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is deflected by the silver whip!
  23. Ozordur: Help! Save me!
  24. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is easily deflected by the silver whip!
  25. Nijinsky strikes Ozordur in the first left lower arm with the pommel of his iron short sword, but the attack is deflected by Ozordur's small copper left gauntlet!
  26. The force twists the first left upper arm!
  27. Ozordur: I've been injured badly. There is no hope!
  28. Nijinsky slashes Ozordur in the first left upper arm with his iron short sword and the injured part is cloven asunder!
  29. An artery has been opened by the attack!
  30. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is easily deflected by the silver whip!
  31. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is deflected by the silver whip!
  32. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked with the wagon wooden shield!
  33. Ozordur: I have improved my fighting. That was satisfying.
  34. Nijinsky slashes Ozordur in the left lower leg with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  35. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked with the wagon wooden shield!
  36. Nijinsky slashes Ozordur in the second right lower arm with his iron short sword and the injured part is cloven asunder!
  37. A ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
  38. Nijinsky attacks Ozordur but He rolls away!
  39. Ozordur: Help! Save me!
  40. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is easily deflected by the silver whip!
  41. Ozordur strikes at Nijinsky but the shot is blocked!
  42. Ozordur loses hold of the Xsmall copper right gauntletX.
  43. Nijinsky slashes Ozordur in the second right lower arm with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  44. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked with the wagon wooden shield!
  45. Ozordur strikes at Nijinsky but the shot is blocked!
  46. Nijinsky stabs Ozordur in the thumb, third right hand with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  47. Ozordur misses Nijinsky!
  48. Ozordur loses hold of the xsmall copper left gauntletx.
  49. Nijinsky stabs Ozordur in the first left hand with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  50. Ozordur misses Nijinsky!
  51. Nijinsky strikes at Ozordur but the shot is blocked!
  52. Ozordur attacks Nijinsky but He jumps away!
  53. Ozordur has bled to death.
  54. Nijinsky: Death is all around us. This is truly horrifying.
  55. Nijinsky: How fleeting life is... Begone fear!
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