
Trowel (Garden Anon) Pt. 3

Apr 30th, 2013
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  1. >Dreams.
  2. >You often dream of life on Earth; where things were simple.
  3. >Everyday you sold someone a television or a portable music player.
  4. >Your iPod is a small reminder of your Earthly kindness; something to keep you constant and true in Equestria.
  5. >Occasionally you’d swindle unsuspecting customers into overly expensive purchases. Bosses orders.
  6. >It’s not like you wanted to, but keeping a roof over your head was more important to you at the time.
  7. >That’s probably why you don’t treat Fluttershy as a threat. She’s just confused; misguided like you once were.
  8. >You never picked her to be clingy. Maybe she was just too pretty to you to be insane or something.
  9. >Perhaps that’s a reason you gravitate towards Twilight so much too. She seems to be down-to-Earth…er…Equestria; more understanding and forgiving than most ponies you’ve met. Those are the qualities you’ve wanted in a companion that you never found on Earth.
  10. >From the moment you met her…you knew she’d care for you and be a great friend and bring you comfort in this strange realm.
  11. >It was after you’re topiary display.
  12. >Twilight Sparkle is a very concise and real person. She’s an “if I can see it, it’s real” pony.
  13. >There’s nothing fake about her. Maybe that’s what drew her to you.
  14. >You’re nothing special, at least on Earth. You’re a lover of literature, art, and music.
  15. >Easily taken advantage of.
  16. >When Twilight saw you take up the shears and shape the shrubbery into something more tangible than simple bush…
  17. >She asked you hundreds of questions.
  18. >There was nothing in her books about topiary. Twilight witnessing your display was something new to her.
  19. >The display was something new for her to learn. She of course flooded you with inquiries.
  20. >Her snortty laughs, her little quirks, her mini freak-outs when things don’t go right, her passion for learning all sorts of new things instantly hit a note in your heart.
  21. >She was your first friend. Your first true friend.
  22. >You woke up early, around 6. Being in your old home brings back your former work instincts.
  23. >The anticipation of confessing to Twilight is building up inside you.
  24. >You’re fearful that she’ll disown you, and you’ll have to move back here, and then Fluttershy will suck the life from you in the middle of the night.
  25. >…
  26. >Yeah. That’s what’ll happen for sure.
  27. >You roll over and stretch. A small panic comes over you as you reach for the absence of Twilight’s smooth coat.
  28. >She’s not there. It’s a feeling that you hope you never have to get used to.
  29. >Get dressed. Brew some coffee. Listen to tunes.
  30. >You put on your muddy shoes, still wet from escaping the rain yesterday.
  31. >As you pass the kitchen, you see Fluttershy’s meal.
  32. >You stare at the wine, still unopened.
  33. Twilight likes wine.
  34. >You grab the bottle and pack up some clothes in a duffel bag.
  35. >You go outside into the thin foggy morning.
  36. >The shed in the back is still as you left it. You grab some small tools that you can carry:
  37. Let’s see…shears, rake, shovel, gloves…
  38. >There’s something you feel you’re missing. Something small.
  39. >You look on the shelves for the unknown tool you instinctively know you’ll need.
  40. >You reach high on the top shelf until it finds it way into your grip.
  41. Aha!
  42. >You pull into your gaze to reveal a dusty gardening trowel.
  43. >You trace your fingers around the reflective metal, carving the dust away from the face of it.
  44. >It’s so sharp; sharper than you remember. Maybe the Equestrian soil is thick?
  45. >Oh well. You put it in the bag and set off for town.
  46. >Your heart beats a little faster now…
  47. >The rain has left a fresh blanket of dew on the long Ponyville grass.
  48. >Before you know it, you’ll be cutting more of it than you know what to do with.
  49. You need to calm down, Anon…Twilight will understand.
  50. >You keep telling yourself that. It brings you little comfort now as you approach her door.
  51. You can do this…
  52. >You knock a few times on the solid oak door.
  53. >Nothing.
  54. >Oh shit. Fluttershy must have come here beforehand and told Twilight everything!
  55. >Now she’s probably in there with a rope around her neck ready to jump off her coffee table!
  56. >What have you done!? You ruined your relationship!
  57. >All thanks to that hovering, bashful pegasus Fluttershy.
  58. >You can’t take the suspense any longer.
  59. >You fling the door open and call out into the empty house.
  60. TWILIGHT! Where are you? Are you okay?
  61. >”Yes, Anon?….I’m fine, why?”
  62. >Twilight is walking down the stairs in front of you with a towel in her hair.
  63. >You must have forgotten how early it was.
  64. >Maybe you overreacted a little bit.
  65. Oh, uh….sorry.
  66. >You throw you bag onto the floor and hug the wet unicorn.
  67. >She looks into your worried eyes before she rubs noses with you.
  68. >It’s something she started doing the night after Fluttershy’s birthday.
  69. >After Fluttershy made her escape out the open window, you woke up the next morning with a little cold.
  70. >Luckily your new girlfriend was kind enough to take care of you.
  71. >She made you soup and laid in bed with you and some books all day long.
  72. >The two of you so desperately wanted to kiss, but Twilight insisted that rubbing noses was a more affectionate way to casually express love, and, of course, reduce the spread of germs.
  73. >Now in the present, you treasure every little notion that she gives you.
  74. >”Is everything okay, Anon?”
  75. >She’s sensed it without fault.
  76. Yeah uh…
  77. >You’re not a very good liar; you don’t want to lie either.
  78. Sorry I wasn’t here last night. The storm was just too bad. I should have told you beforehand…
  79. >You let some of the Fluttershy guilt seep into your words.
  80. >”Oh, Anon! That’s fine!”
  81. >She’s just happy that you’re home; back with her.
  82. >The two of you rub noses once more.
  83. >”Oh! I almost forgot!”
  84. >Twilight dashes to the coffee table to retrieve a book; the ponified Iliad.
  85. >”Do you remember this, Anon? I lent this to you a while ago.”
  86. >You do…vividly.
  87. Oh, heh…yeah. It was a good read!
  88. >She smiles warmly at you,
  89. >”It’s one of my favorites of all time. Last night I continued where you left off so we could talk about it today. It sort of…I don’t know….made me feel a little closer to you while you were gone.”
  90. >She rubs her body against your leg.
  91. >”I saw the note you left in there.”
  92. >Twilight looks up at you with an overjoyed expression.
  93. >”Anon…that night really was special to me. It was one of the best I’ve ever had.”
  94. >You slowly remember your silly note. It was supposed to be insurance for the sure-fire disaster that was your first date.
  95. >However, it served its purpose….some 7 months late.
  96. >You face is red from embarrassment.
  97. Oh heh…it was uh…it was n-nothing. I just wanted you to have a good time….w-with me.
  98. >”And I did, Anon. I had the most wonderful time.”
  99. >You kneel to the ground and hold your girlfriend. She’s so precious to you. You’d be in complete disarray without her in your life now.
  100. >Then something inside clicks.
  101. Twilight? Do you want to come and work with me for the day? I could use some help.
  102. >Despite having just cleaned up, she happily obliges your offer by nodding her head. Anything to spend more time with you.
  103. Great. I’ll just get some things ready first.
  104. >You grab you bag and head to your shared bedroom to change into your garden-worthy clothes.
  105. >Your jeans are forever stained.
  106. >You have it all planned out now.
  107. >You’re going to set a trap for Fluttershy, just like she has for you.
  108. >You’re going to get Twilight in the same room with Fluttershy and get her to confess to what she’s done. There’ll be no avoiding it.
  109. >You look at your reflection in the mirror.
  110. I really hope this works.
  111. >You slip on your muddy shoes and head down the steps to find a sun hat and shoe-clad unicorn.
  112. >She’s trying her hardest to impress you.
  113. >”Anon! I tried my hardest to read up on as much as I could on gardening while you were upstairs!”
  114. >Her hat is really big and floppy.
  115. >You smile at her and give a little chuckle to follow it.
  116. There’s nothing to it, Twilight. You just…take your time and have fun. I’ll show you how.
  117. >You stand above her and pull the brim out of her face and gaze deeply into her eyes.
  118. >There’s a thousand things you want to tell her. All in due time.
  119. >For the time being though, she stares up at you, mouth agape.
  120. >”Uh…yes, Anon?”
  121. >She looks silly. But she’s trying.
  122. Nothing, Twilight…your hat’s just too big.
  123. >She blushes hard.
  124. >The two of you head out the door.
  125. >”Such a beautiful day, don’t you think, Anon?”
  126. >You breathe it in.
  127. You’re right, it is, Twilight; couldn’t have asked for a better day…or a better assistant.
  128. >Lame; but Twilight smiles even bigger.
  129. >After some silent strolling, Twilight pipes up.
  130. >”So, where exactly are we going?”
  131. >Better not lie to her.
  132. Just over to Fluttershy’s. She left a note on my door from a while ago, so we’re going to see if she still needs some work done. It shouldn’t be too difficult with the two of us working together.
  133. >You smile at her and try to alleviate some inner tension.
  134. >As the town gives way to the familiar hills once again, the two of you admire the wild flowers starting to sprout from the ground. Twilight says that daises are her favorites.
  135. >A little plain; not the most sought-after, not the prettiest…but you’ve always been fond of them too.
  136. >In a way, you think they might be your favorite as well.
  137. >You and your companion arrive at Fluttershy’s cottage and walk up to the door.
  138. >You raise your hand to knock on the door.
  139. Ready to get dirty?
  140. >Twilight thrusts the brim out of her face,
  141. >”You bet I am!”
  142. >Subtle hoofsteps come to the door after knocking.
  143. >This is it, Anonymous. The moment of truth.
  144. >Your heart nearly pounds out of your chest.
  145. >You’re sweating like a snowman on the sun.
  146. >You hands feel furry.
  147. >You look down at them from the corner of your eye.
  148. >It’s Twilight. She’s gleefully rubbing her mane on them like a scratching post.
  149. >”I’m glad we’re doing this together, Anon.”
  150. >In this moment, right now…you feel at peace, even as Fluttershy inches closer towards the door.
  151. >Any second now.
  152. Me too, Twilight, I really am.
  153. >She nuzzles more.
  154. >”I…I love you, Anon.”
  155. >You savor the sweet words for a moment.
  156. Twilight…I love yo-
  157. >Fluttershy’s eyes sink as you stare into them in the open doorway.
  158. ….you too…
  159. >You didn’t notice her standing there.
  160. >”Oh, Fluttershy! Hello!”
  161. >Twilight runs up to her and brushes her neck on her friend, even as the two of you are locked in a cold stare.
  162. >It really has been a long time since anyone has seen her. Twilight is talking a million miles a second trying to catch up on lost time with her.
  163. >Eventually, Twilight explains that you decided to take her along and show her the ropes.
  164. So Fluttershy…
  165. >Her name has a sour taste in your mouth from the last encounter with her.
  166. What is it you needed me to do?
  167. >Her face is vacant.
  168. >”J-just…m-move some flowers is all…I guess…”
  169. >You and Twilight pass through Fluttershy’s living room on your way to the back of her house.
  170. >On your way, you peek into her bedroom with Angel sleeping on the bed.
  171. >It was there you should have first noticed her strange obsession with you.
  172. >It was then that you should have been firm with her.
  173. >It’s much too late now.
  174. >As the back yard reveals many patches of exotic wild flowers.
  175. >Twilight tries to pick up the trowel with her hooves, but the round handle gives her trouble.
  176. >It’s adorable.
  177. Twilight, why don’t you just use your magic?
  178. >She smiles at you,
  179. >”Because, Anon! I want to try things your way!”
  180. >It becomes apparent that you’ll need something else to complete your task.
  181. Oh darn…
  182. >Yeah, it’s not obvious you’re worried or anything.
  183. I need to go get my wheelbarrow from home.
  184. >You don’t want to leave the two of them alone for even a second.
  185. Twilight, d-do you want to come with me to get it?
  186. >The two mares look at you.
  187. >”N-no, I-I’d really like it if she stayed h-here with me…I’d really like to catch up on some things…”
  188. >You look at Twilight with inner panic.
  189. Are you sure?
  190. >She gives a polite smile to show her objection.
  191. >”That’s okay, Anon, but I’d like to stay here and talk to Fluttershy. You’ll be back soon.
  192. Okay then…
  193. >As you walk away, both the giggling friends head inside together.
  194. >What could this mean? Are they talking about you? Is Twilight going to talk about you? Is Fluttershy going to say anything at all about what she did?
  195. >Your nerves snap from the inner tension.
  196. I need to calm down…Twilight would understand if something happened…I hope.
  197. >You walk out of the back yard and towards home once again.
  198. >This time, you make a brisk sprint to lessen the time away from Fluttershy, something you never thought you’d do.
  199. >Your relationship is on the chopping block.
  200. >You hear the back door shut as the two of them enter the house.
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