

Apr 20th, 2020
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  1. 20:47] Given the King's absence, it would fall the Stellus and Lightbringer to decide foreign affairs and whatnot. All it took was a majority vote of the Triumvirate to overrule the King, in the end.
  3. Upon entering the meeting room, tea and biscuits were quickly provided to all present by several attendants standing nearby.
  5. "Feel free to help yourself to refreshments."
  7. Serea folded her hands together, before setting them on the table. Despite just returning from war, she seemed relatively unscathed. Not impacted with fatigue either, simply another day of business.
  9. "So what is it that brought you here today, friends? I heard word of your battle in the south. While we narrowly lost in the north, we proved that their fortress isn't entirely 'impenetrable' like people once believed it was."
  11. All it would have taken was another push, though Serea wasn't foolish enough to risk her men to make a statement.
  13. "Despite this, what does Myllenoris intend to do now?"
  14. (Serea lux Petrakis)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [20:51] Asta eyes the 'biscuits' with some uncertainty, but gladly takes a cup of tea and blows at it whilst Serea speaks.
  19. Then, once she is done, she raises her hand as if to signal she intends to speak. But first, she samples the tea.
  21. Hmmm...
  23. Neither good, nor bad. Balanced.
  25. "Our campaign in the south against Ilburg did not fare too well. We intended to march through their defenses to scour their so-called Kingdom for signs of witchcraft, but it did not go well. They did not allow us passage through their defenses." She sets the cup down. "As expected."
  27. "We are here to discuss the future of Myllenoran-Osronan relations." She waves a hand over at Regulus, a light smile creeping on her face.
  29. "Regulus has agreed to act as the intermediary, him being the experienced diplomat that he is."
  32. It became less clear to whom Regulus answered to. Was it still to the Petrakis family? Or was it to the High Lady herself?
  33. (Asta Hargrave)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [20:52] Inante arl Salis whispers something.
  37. [20:53] Elred Yindove whispers: Lady Asta
  38. [20:54] Serea lux Petrakis whispers something.
  39. [20:55] Asta Hargrave whispers: Elred?
  40. [20:55] Inante arl Salis whispers something.
  41. [20:56] Elred Yindove whispers: I think you should talk a look at this.
  42. [20:56] Asta shifts her attention briefly to Elred.
  43. (Asta Hargrave)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [20:57] Elred Yindove whispers: Aerilon said he got it from some bandit and told me to give it to the people here; however, it didn't make much sense to me.
  47. [20:58] Asta brings up some paper to her face that seemed to be discreetly handed to her, blowing the cover of discretion altogether. Reads it quietly, as Regulus speaks.
  48. (Asta Hargrave)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [21:02] Regulus actually rather liked the biscuits, and thus in a coincidental demonstration of the balance of their relationship, he goes for them as Asta goes for the tea, casually consuming one as his wife speaks. Already the two groups are quietly conferring, and although Regulus cannot physically hear either, he's at least content knowing a quick query through the bond would keep him apprised of the Myllenoran half.
  53. "Yes, well, more specifically I'm here to propose terms as someone both experienced in diplomacy and investing in the continuing alignment of both sides." He did not want to be forced to choose sides, even if he already privately knew which he would. He brushed some non-existent dust off of his coat and then cleared his throat, beginning in earnest.
  55. "As it currently stands, the Osronan-Myllenoran alliance is completely undefined. There is the rough inkling of shared military obligations, but nothing set in stone. This is both positive and negative; while a lack of conditions means there is no common consensus on what breaches the alliance, there is also no real understand of the scope of the obligations of either side. Not to mention that were I or Lady Asta to cease holding power in either city, for whatever reason, the alliance would also be jeopardised, as it is our marriage that brought it into existence."
  57. He paused a moment, glancing at the assembled parties. "As such, can we all agree that this informal agreement would be better officially formalised?"
  58. (Regulus ven Grimmore)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [21:06] The Radiant leaned in, an elbow pressed upon the table, his hand cupping his chin. Expressions hinted towards disinterest.
  63. All that was on his mind was defeat, in every regard.
  65. "I can agree."
  67. He chimed in, gently toned. The decision wasn't his but if it were a matter of everyone being in agreement?
  69. A finger tapped at his cheek, hazel sights shifted about those present. Many familiar, some he'd even have been happy to greet under better circumstances. Still, all he felt was a sting. That confidence, that pride -- currently shattered. That much was obvious in his demeanor, and the fact he wasn't even wearing his armor.
  70. (August lux Solenne)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [21:09] The Stellus listened to the purposed meeting and he figured there would be no reason to at least not hear them out, In return what could both Cities offer and what they'd want in return for that.
  75. He could already figure through the last meetings what Myllenoris would ask for. He kept that in his mind and proceeded to answer simply.
  77. "I can agree to formalizing something."
  79. He didn't put much thought into it after all they would just be hearing ideas for now. Before anything was truly signed off on he wanted to have a clear understanding of everything going into it.
  81. The Stellus placed his Codex in his lap and began slowly humming to calm his mind and keep his energy up. He'd been rather drained and exhausted. But over all he seemed fine.
  82. (Inante arl Salis)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [21:11] Serea listened quietly to both of them speak, as well as the hushed words of Inante. While terms had never been set, Serea very much still considered them an official alliance.
  87. "I can agree that we must come together officially, yes. An alliance forged through marriage, but we must strengthen it and let the rest of Esshar that Osrona and Myllenoris stands together."
  89. Serea's fingers drummed along the table, thinking everything over, before nodding firmly.
  91. "I propose that we forge a document that states our alliance will last for at least fifty years."
  93. A big statement, at least for Serea who had taken a much different stance on Myllenoris earlier. Given their bond, as well as their military strategy together, she had come to appreciate the Teraphim.
  95. They were not the enemy, at least not now. Probably not in her lifetime.
  97. "Wherein we protect each other's sovereignty. I also propose a temporary merge of our militaries to fend off the Therians and Rhoynish. They surely don't intend to sit and wait, given their success on both fronts."
  99. "Rather than be divided, we should come together. The Teraphim of Myllenoris and the knights of the Order of the First Light. Moving forward we can coordinate our defense, as well as our offense."
  101. Serea pauses, taking a sip of the tea, before proceeding.
  103. "It will be an unshakeable alliance, open borders and trade between both nations. If one of us backs down from this fight, they will ultimately be targeted next."
  105. "There's nowhere to hide, not when they will likely have a counter-attack."
  106. (Serea lux Petrakis)
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [21:12] Asta puts on her best 'poker face' as Serea lays out her terms, and looks to her Mistseers. If they were going to speak, it's time.
  110. (Asta Hargrave)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [21:13] Inante arl Salis whispers: Well spoken Lightbringer.
  114. [21:15] Finley rested his elbow on the table and leaned into his hand, gazing down at the proper authorities of Myllenoris as they treated with the Triumvirate. The youngest in the room, Finley opted, as usual, to stay quiet for now and let the adults have their political talks while he simply listened to what they had to discuss.
  116. Despite his usual exhaustive look, he didn't look like he was about to fall asleep this time. Instead a little bit more of an attentive nature had come to the Greycloak at Asta's side.
  117. (Finley)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [21:21] It seems it was already on everyone's mind. He remembers a day when he once thought poorly of such a woman, prepared to await the next incoming presumptuous attempt at taking their home as their territory. But now that there seems to be a more braying and violent threat- what can be done when it is ignored?
  122. "Considering the current state of the fight between Theria and Osrona, it would only be apparent that an in a reinforced troupe of men and women could easily scale Theria's defenses in the next attempt. All it would require is a hand in further organization."
  124. "Though, I do hold a light concern considering the nature of the territories. There are no direct passages between our land that may not be intercepted by foreign forces. For instance... One path from Myllenoris to Osrona would see travel north of the desert- as the geurilla warfare of these bandits may prove troublesome. Likewise, I've seen not once, but twice a large numberof considerable characters pass through the bridge west of Osrona. There was even a time I was attacked by such a group."
  126. He folds his hands over the wooden table. It was true- there was always a chance that moving between one point and the other could rile up danger. "I would like to query, what are the intended measures to protect our merchants if they are recognized as Myllenoris' or Osrona's people?"
  127. (Hadwin Hazaiah)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [21:23] Elred begin processing the terms laid before them, slowly tapping his foot on the group there were plenty of things to consider.
  132. "If we're going to have both parties sign a document to ensure this alliance is set in stone. I'd be willing to, but there is something more pressing I'd like to get arranged quickly."
  134. Elred turns his gaze towards Serea with a stern look given. He cared for the people of Myllenoris and the loses they suffered were terrible.
  136. "On the point of merging the militaries; I'd like that done as quickly as possible with both action personally in-charge of training present.
  138. Clearly there are areas that need to be improved upon and we lack diversity in our magic. This would give both parties the opportunity to training against those who counter them and ensure we dont' suffer another lose again."
  140. Elred nods at the mention of open boarders between the two nations and would increasetheir trade between them.
  142. "I'd suggest having this set up and we'll meet within this city, yes? It would also help increase the trade between the two city and shared resources.
  144. I'm sure we both have things the others need in terms of supplies."
  146. Elred focuses back on his concerns a little more.
  148. "I rather ensure that everyone is protected under this alliance and those who fight have the chance to meet with their brother-in-arms."
  149. (Elred Yindove)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [21:27] Serea's response is met with a genuine smile, as is the agreement from August and Inante. That this was already going so well -and he'd heard a specific word there that was cause for even more joy- was nothing but good. Perhaps this had been the work of time spent at peace, or perhaps the necessity after the defeat of Osrona by Theria. Either way, he was not going to squander the opportunity.
  154. "Your suggestion in much in line with the intention of my own proposal, Lightbringer, which I admit is very welcome. I'll still lay it out in the entirety of its main points, just so we can be certain we're on the same page. My proposal for a formal alliance constitutes the following points:
  156. The Kingdoms of Osrona and Myllenoris will agree to a non-aggression pact, as well as a defensive alliance. Taxes on goods traded between the two Kingdoms will be reduced to a mutually agreed rate. Open borders will be formalised. Myllenoris will provide the servicesof Druids to enrich the farms in the Messaris district in return for a portion of the surplus when the harvest comes.
  158. So far as Offensives go, each Kingdom will maintain to right to voluntarily assist the other, but not be so obligated. It will however, as mentioned above, be an obligation of the cities to defend the other in defensive battles, unless there is a pressing reason they are unable to, such as facing their own siege. Individuals accused of capital crimes in one Kingdom who belong to another will have the right to a representative of their own Kingdom for purposes of defending them or otherwise convicting them in a trial. I'd also like to propose a mutual extradition treaty for Capital criminals from one city who flee to another."
  160. "Finally, and this is the point which absolutely must be agreed upon for this alliance to be ratified, the Empire of Esshar and the Petrakis Dynasty must formally and explicitly recognise the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Myllenoris under the Myllenorans by the divine right of the Primordial Aschea, and surrender all claims to its currently recognised territory."
  162. Eldred and Hadwin's words went unremarked upon for the moment, the nobleman actually looking a little out of breath as a result of all he'd just said.
  163. (Regulus ven Grimmore)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [21:35] Asta awaits for her two Mistseers, and Regulus, to say their piece, then tips her head at Serea in agreement.
  168. "These terms that you have laid out, as it is agreeable to Mistseers Hadwin and Elred, is agreeable with myself. Hadwin raises valid concerns of the security between trade and travel routes, but this can be remedied with patrol orders." She waves her hand dismissively, as if that wasn't too big of a problem.
  170. "The suggestion from Mistseer Elred that our joint military operation be based in Osrona is agreed upon by the High Lady," she says with a firm nod. "It simplifies the logistics. The fact is Osrona is a more defensible position, too. Myllenoris will keep the majority of its forces garrisoned there, for domestic protection. But the specialized magi of the Greycloaks will temporarily merger with the Order of the First Light in Osrona." Her eyes squint. "For the duration of this new era of war."
  172. She then, at last, addresses her husband. "Military alliances often imply writ obligation to participate in the defense and campaigns of the other nation. This is agreeable, if such is the case."
  174. "But of course, Regulus is absolutely correct on one thing."
  176. She raises her cup of tea to her lips slowly. A contented smile breaks her stoic, emotionless composure.
  178. This was her principal desire:
  180. "Myllenoris will enter a 50 year alliance with the Empire of Esshar, henceforth, should the Triumvirate and, or, the Crown, forfeit their prior claims to the domain of the Kingdom of Myllenoris. And thus, we shall recognize the sovereignty of one another. Grow independently. Become stronger as friends, not subserviently of one or the other."
  181. (Asta Hargrave)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [21:41] "As I said before, with these terms, Osrona will fight to protect Myllenoris' sovereignty as well. We will come together to face the Rhoynish and Therians, should they continue."
  186. "Yes, given that the Stellus agrees, and I agree... That makes a firm majority and approval of the Triumvirate."
  188. It was all they needed, in the end. Serea's gaze shifting from one Teraphim to another, before settling back on Asta. Leaning forward, her voice as calm as ever.
  190. "Off the record, Asta- I can personally declare that Osrona has no claim upon Myllenoris all day if I want. What my great grandchildren decide to do will be up to them."
  192. In her heart, she knew that after it was all said and done war with Myllenoris was still very much a possibility. Just not something any of them would live to see.
  194. It all depended on the next generation.
  196. "I can guarantee your independence so long as I draw breath, under the agreement that we come together and work with one another. Perhaps Alexander can do the same as well, though that will be up to him. But yes, officially-"
  198. Serea came back to a straight sitting position, offering a nod.
  200. "You may get the papers prepared, Regulus. I think we can agree to all of these terms."
  201. (Serea lux Petrakis)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [21:48] "I'd also like to suggest construction of some sort between where the two nations meet. We could both supply troops there at different times to guard the post which can create a neutral group for us both.
  206. This will help with the trade and traveling of merchants and keep our enemies away from said boarder. The idea can be polished, but that's the base of it."
  208. Elred looks over at Hadwin and then the other present for the meeting.
  210. "Hopefully, this is something accepted and both nations can fund this project, yes?"
  211. (Elred Yindove)
  212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. [21:53] "I can agree to it. But there's something else I'd like to be added to these arrangements. However with the Greycloaks and the Order joining forces, I'll be pulling any inquisition forces unless absolutely necessary. Fighters like Perciles or anyone have free reign to join battles if they desire it. But I won't order them to. The Church will focus their efforts solely on proven occult activities and witchcraft."
  216. He didn't mind as far as he was concerned Myllenoris could remain their own Kingdom it wouldn't affect his goals and aspirations granted his main focus was in a different realm.
  218. "I've already had some talks with High Lady Asta regarding this but I'll make it clear to everyone, There is no guaranteed way to detect Witchcraft or Occultism." Inante would then begin to lean more forwards his hands still holding his Codex.
  220. "And going on I'd like to work with the Druids and anyone with proper knowledge to develop some form of Witch and Occultists detection. The Rumor holy magi can simply touch someone and ordained their connection to the dark lords of Helheim is a lie, and we should encourage such lies not be spread. I hope that's something we can all agree to work towards."
  222. "I understand Myllenoris doesn't really care much for the Occultists because of balance of nature but in regards to our Kingdom we find it an abuse of the natural order. I'd like for you all to adopt that notion as well I won't ask for out right execution but instead exile from your territories and reporting of their activities." As the Stellus spoke his voice still drained from his prior work yet he still seemed to be sharp enough to continue.
  225. He leaned back into his chair gently keeping his body up and awake as best he could. "If that can be agreed upon as well I'm fine with the terms that have been laid before us. I see no reason why we can't work together to a brighter future."
  227. (Inante arl Salis)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. [21:54] The nobleman offered a nod, content with the terms as provided. "In truth, Lightbringer, the surrendering of claims to Myllenoran territory is meant exactly to prevent such changes of heart. Or, at least, to make it significantly harder to gain support in such action." Well, assuming that an Osronan attack on Myllenoris was unprovoked. Either way, the nobleman nodded, beginning to draft the treaty on a piece of paper using a pen he'd brought with him.
  232. "I'll need another piece of paper to draft a copy, by the by, so both sides may have one. If someone could get that for me, it'd be appreciated." That said, he fell silent, scribbling quietly until he could finally put up his head and cease writing, several minutes later. "Alright, here we are." He passed the paper to August, so that he might read and pass it on to Serea, and so on and so forth till it reached Finley.
  234. "If there's anything that needs to be updated, feel free to tack it on beside it. Once we're agreed, I'll pen the official version." His time learning the duties of a diplomat had made him an excellent notary and writer-of-treaties, so he was quite possibly the most qualified to do so in the room.
  235. (Regulus ven Grimmore)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. [22:03] Asta heard Inante mention something, but was too caught up in the discussion over this outpost.
  239. She closes her eyes, and the jewel on her arcanium crown begins to shine bright. In an instant, she hears the very few spirits present in this very room whispering to her. Replaying past events.
  241. After rewinding time, she opens her eyes. The jewel goes back to only a dull glow.
  243. "Myllenoris makes no habit of hunting occultists," she says. "But we acknowledge that witchcraft and the occult go hand-in-hand. We will take an official stance of non-tolerance, if this is more conductive to positive relations with the Celestial Church. Else, at the very least, we can report them to your official offices of inquisition."
  244. (Asta Hargrave)
  245. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. [22:03] He took a moment to scan over the treaty written by Regulus before passing it over to Serea -- basically everything discussed and agreed upon verbally. Attentions moved to Inante.
  249. "I think we both lost, likely due to our division in military where they did less of that."
  251. A shrug.
  253. "Coming together can be for the best. Both militaries have much room to grow. I intended to bolster on training either way. We've clearly been far too lenient on these younger Cadets. Luckily they didn't die, with the way some performed."
  255. Clearly he wasn't impressed, or amused.
  257. "So yes. I agree with this notion."
  258. (August lux Solenne)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [22:07] Serea nods, everyone having a chance to say their piece. It seemed simple enough, at least to her. So long as they lived and things remained as they were, there should be no breakdown in relations between Osrona and Myllenoris.
  263. "I agree with all the terms laid before me, none of them seem unreasonable. Given that we are in a state of war, I very much find it crucial we come together regardless."
  265. Even if there were those who didn't necessarily agree with war, Serea assumed the enemies would counter-attack. They assumed they had the advantage, anyways.
  267. "We can construct a marvelous watchtower between our two nations, perhaps on the land bridge that connects us."
  269. "Just let me know. I'm ready to sign."
  270. (Serea lux Petrakis)
  271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. [22:11] Elred nods it seems they've come to an agreement that would assist both nations. He didn't really have anything else to note in this meeting as most of his request we're deemed acceptable.
  275. "I'm glad we all agree on the construction of the tower and may this bring safety to both nations. May it also show everyone we stand united and create a bond that won't be broken by petty threats.
  277. This is to a new future for Myllenoris and Osrona and my it live on though the generations."
  278. (Elred Yindove)
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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