

Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. okay okay can we give it a fucking rest? I'm online 24/7 because I don't do shit and don't fuck with nobody and the friends I have online keep me from wanting to kill myself in my downtime. We are not all blessed with a great family we want to spend time with or so many goddamn friends in person that we're never alone to the extent where your loneliness makes you fucking sick to your stomach. Some of us don't have anything at all and it isn't because we don't fucking try. I get so furious at people who make any sort of comment about people being on their phones instead of having a conversation. Granted some cases people need to give their loved ones attention but I don't really have anyone except for a good chunk of you all and two IRL friends. That's it. So I would very much appreciate it if you pseudo-intellectual fuckwads could get your head out of your ass and realize that a great deal of us don't have anything beyond this. Holy fuck man
  3. Electronics are such a wonderful and useful fucking creation and any retard who says this probably does the same shit the people they shit on are doing but the only difference is at least the people they're shitting on do something productive with technology
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