

Nov 18th, 2014
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  1. u][b]Basic Info[/b][/u]
  2. [b]Name:[/b] Ginger Elizabeth Smith
  3. [b]Age:[/b] 18 Years of Age
  5. [b]Gender:[/b] Female
  6. [b]Birthday:[/b] Summer 9th
  8. [b]Origin:[/b] Provinca Britannia, Manchester Parish, City of Somerset.
  9. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Signal and looking.
  12. [b]Occupation:[/b] Journeyman Baker.
  13. [b]Goals:[/b]
  14. 1) Find Suitable housing.
  15. 2) Open her own shop and become a Master Baker.
  16. 3) Take on a young Apprentice.
  19. [u][b]Physical Info[/b][/u]
  20. [b]Appearance:[/b]
  21. Ginger is something on the short side, standing at a even five feet zero inches, the young women is often mistaken for a young lass. Her shoulder length golden blonde hair often helps too cemented this image. Reinforcing this mental image, is the fact that she often chooses to wear pastel colored ribbons and bows in her hair when strolling around landing on her off days.
  23. [b]Clothing/Style:[/b]
  26. [u][b]Mental Info[/b][/u]
  27. [b]Personality:[/b]
  28. Ginger is something of a little airhead. The young women often often seems to be walking in her own personal d
  29. [b]Fears:[/b]
  30. *Supernatural beings (Being raised in a strict Anglo-Catholic household, Ginger was taught that all things supernatural came from the 'Father of lies' thus when she feels threaten by something supernatural she'll shout at the top of her lungs 'Potestas authem christi te, et malitiam')
  31. *Cows (There plotting to take over the world. They all must be turned into tasty steak or ground into hamburger meat.)
  32. *Clowns (Ever since her sixth birthday. Ginger has held a strong fear and dislike for all clowns and has sworn to bring down all clowns that cross her path.)
  34. [b]Abilities/Strengths
  36. [b]Inabilities/Weaknesses:[/b]
  37. *Quick to judge ( Ginger is all too quick to judge a book by its cover. This normally happens the minute she first makes contact with a stranger.)
  38. * Can't balance a Bank Account (Ginger has no sense of money. Because to her, Money is a means to a end.
  40. [b]Likes:[/b]
  41. *Sweets (Donuts, Yellow Cake with Chocolate icing, Dutch Apple Pie and least but not least French Vanilla icecream specked with crushed Vanilla Beans.)
  42. *Being pampered (Having her hair done, nails done and such. Will often treat herself and those she a green heart or above too a special spa day.)
  43. *Spending the evening out with her friends, enjoying a fine vintage wine, or just going to the few local clubs and checking out the local scene.
  44. *Cute things (Teddy Bears, Unicorns, Rainbows and so on.)
  45. *Shopping (Being something of a girly girl, she enjoys spending her days off browsing the Landings Shopping District)
  47. [b]Dislikes:[/b]
  48. * The Bourgeoisie Class (Being born into Proletariat Class, Ginger has a hearty dislike for anybody who hails from the ruling Bourgeoisie class, despite the fact that one day she wish's to enter into that social standing)
  49. *Corn (Those pesky little kernels get stuck in your teeth and then you gotta floss. And that a real big pain in the bottom.)
  50. *Cheap Wines & Ales (If your going to drink, drink in style.)
  52. [b]Marriage Requirement:[/b]
  55. [u][b]Biographical Info[/b][/u]
  56. [b]Family:[/b]
  57. *Clover Josephine Smith: Mother
  58. *Garlic James Smith: Father
  60. [b]Background:[/b]
  61. Ginger was born in the lower east end of the city of Somerset. Her father was a railroad foremen who had found life long employment with the ‘Great Eastern Railroad’ or the GED as it was known to the locals. Her mother was a stay at home mom, who in her spare time did the laundry for the ‘Richer’ ladies in the town. Due to the nature of her fathers work, and the low prestige and income that came with it, the family was grouped into the ‘Proletariat’ class. Or the working poor who, who’s income did not meet the required ten thousand quid a year income required to granted voting rights.
  63. It was this pressing poverty that caused Ginger to leave school at the age of fourteen. That might seem a tender age to drop out of school. But common law said a child could leave the educational system once they turned fourteen. And at the time, there was little work open for those who had a diploma. Dropping out and becoming a apprentice to one of the masters in town seemed a better career choice, a sweeping reform had taken place in the system. Being a apprentice was no more seen as being a slave, in fact masters where required to house, feed and cloth there students. They where also required by royal decree to give to pay them quarter wages till there period of training was up. In Gingers case this amounted to twenty five quid a week, with room and board.
  65. And so from the age of fourteen till the age of eighteen, Ginger worked as a Bakers Apprentice, she rose with the morning sun and work till the sun at set. Being a small little thing and having a little schooling under her, the wife of her master saw it fit to keep her in the store, stocking the shelves and running the books and taking orders. As a result, she only learned the bare bones of the business. After all, she was graced with fair hand, and a little understanding of the world around her.
  67. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, she collected her belongings and her savings and left the city. Nobody knows why she left, for she stole away into the night. With her mere savings and the clothing upon her back, she was ready to make a change in her life, come hell or high water.
  69. [u][b]Roleplay Info[/b][/u]
  70. [b]Heart Rates:[/b]
  71. Friendship:
  72. :black: :black: - "I have a strong dislike for you."
  73. :gray: :gray: - "Please leave me along."
  74. :white: :white: - "Hello, and how are you today"
  75. :purple: :purple: - "Care to chat for a minute?"
  76. :blue: :blue: - "Mind coming over for a cup of Tea?"
  77. :green: :green: - "Hey, come over to my place later on, we can watch a movie and have a pillow fight or something!"
  78. :yellow: :yellow: "Your pretty cool, you know that right?"
  79. :orange: :orange: "I'm glad where friends, but honey you need to do something with those nails, come over to my place and I'll put the kettle on and give you some pampering time."
  80. :pink: :pink: "BFF's"
  81. :red: :red: "My Brother/Sister from another mother!"
  83. [b]Sample:[/b]
  84. Ginger took a deep breath as she shifted the wheat flour into the large brown, earthen mixing bowl. Once the shifting had been finished, she placed her shifting tool down and walked over to the spice rake, carefully she measured out the right amount of salt, baking soda and oil she’ll need to make her bread. Once everything was measured and added she started the process of mixing everything up. As she mixed, she started to reflected on the life of a Baker, they rose every morning before the rooster crowed, and with measured steps they started the process of firing there ovens with wood, hauling in water, shifting the flour and adding in oil and spices. All for what, a few pieces of gold.
  86. “Bloody Hell.” She said removing the dough from the mixing bowl. Hoping to curve her rising temper she by tossing the dough upon the old wooden board. All she could think about as she rolled the dough out was how the ruling bourgeoisie class, forced there will upon the poor proletariat. And despite being something of a skilled labor, she was still considered a member of the proletariat.
  88. “I’m sorry..” She said to no one, as no one was around. “I’m not going to be worked to death, I’m not going to have my meager wages used to support a system that keeps me in chains.” She said looking up from her work. “I’m going to leave..” And with that she made a vow to leave this island. She was not sure where she’ll go, or what she’ll do. But she’ll leave.
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