
Endtown RPG Session #10

Sep 29th, 2015
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  1. [18:40] == Martin_Baron [~qwebirc@31523F6C.B9D706B3.24415153.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  2. [18:40] Channel names begin with # (corrected automatically).
  3. [18:40] <moglog> Ah, just in time Baron
  4. [18:40] == moglog has changed nick to Snapper_Jack
  5. [18:40] <Martin_Baron> Heyo
  6. [18:40] <GM_acchiato> Sup!
  7. [18:41] <Martin_Baron> Oh yeah Mog, did you catch up with the session log I sent you?
  8. [18:41] == Maels has changed nick to DJ-Max
  9. [18:42] <Snapper_Jack> Mostly
  10. [18:43] <Martin_Baron> Want me to sum it up for you so you don't have to wade through pointless conversations?
  11. [18:44] <Snapper_Jack> That would be nice, yeah
  12. [18:46] <GM_acchiato> I thought pointless conversation was the best bits!
  13. [18:47] <Martin_Baron> Got the relay set up in the ruins, so all we have left to do is go drop off the package. Saw S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Clayton, and then got ass-blasted by a sandstorm. Got struck by lightning and the Gonarch from Half-Life made an appearance then left. After that, a "soot"seer comes by and tells us that there's a giant mutant (big, crab thing from earlier), a pig West of us (I'm assuming cop if it's the dog-gal), and liars in the roads (The Mutts posing as anthro mutants.)
  14. [18:49] <Martin_Baron> He left and Clayton joined the team. As for the other rodents, they encountered a ruins and found the mutts. They got fucked up a bit by crossbow bolts, but managed to escape by drilling a hole into a tower and squeezing through it so the Mutts couldn't follow. Then we called it.
  15. [18:50] <Snapper_Jack> So you me and Clayton are still on our way to srop off the package?
  16. [18:50] <GM_acchiato> Clayton, who is this 'clay--ton'?
  17. [18:51] <Snapper_Jack> GO-RILL-AHS
  18. [18:51] <Snapper_Jack> and actually yeah, I never met clayton. He box-o-rocks?
  19. [18:51] <GM_acchiato> Yeah, he can't make it today.
  20. [18:51] <Martin_Baron> Yep, sorry. He's the gas-mask hummie.
  21. [18:52] <GM_acchiato> He has classes at 7pm and they're going long today.
  22. [18:52] <Martin_Baron> Aw, shame.
  23. [18:52] <GM_acchiato> I know, he's been wanting to play for like two weeks.
  24. [18:52] <Martin_Baron> Oh yeah Mog, did you see the pictures King Cheetah drew of us? Got Clayton, me, and Gray.
  25. [18:52] * GM_acchiato goes back to storying.
  26. [18:53] <Snapper_Jack> So Snaps disappeared, Clayton Showed up, Snaps reappears, and Clayton Vanishes? I smell a mystery
  27. [18:53] <Snapper_Jack> I didn't see the drawings no
  28. [18:53] <Martin_Baron> Oh, I'll link them to you. They're really nice.
  29. [18:53] <Snapper_Jack> thank you
  30. [18:55] <Martin_Baron> Here's Box-O-Rock's
  31. [18:55] <Martin_Baron> Gray
  32. [18:55] <Martin_Baron> Feesh
  33. [18:55] <Martin_Baron> And Martin
  34. [18:56] <Snapper_Jack> >That fish
  35. [18:56] <Snapper_Jack> Is THAT what we were fighitng?
  36. [18:57] <GM_acchiato> Yeah I know. I just told Cheetah. "He's a fish with a gun, that's it." and he made that.
  37. [18:57] <Snapper_Jack> Also, why does Beaver have an ass
  38. [18:57] <GM_acchiato> Artist interpretation.
  39. [18:57] <DJ-Max> ...he do got a booty tho'. Real.
  40. [18:58] <Snapper_Jack> The drawings do look nice though
  41. [18:58] <GM_acchiato> I've never actually seen the guy draw male characters so I thought it was kind of a landmark for him.
  42. [18:58] <DJ-Max> Very true. He doesn't really do it...its interesting to say the least.
  43. [18:59] <BeaverGray> I think martin was the best
  44. [18:59] <BeaverGray> Not for nothing, Gray kind of looks like a bitchboi
  45. [18:59] <BeaverGray> I love it though
  46. [18:59] <DJ-Max> >Endtown gets a beach. Gray turns more heads then the girls do in a pair of swim trunks.
  47. [19:00] <GM_acchiato> Oh yeah, that was very cool of the guy.
  48. [19:00] <Snapper_Jack> Wish I had been here to ask for a Snapper pic. Oh well.
  49. [19:00] <Martin_Baron> They are really well done though, and I think he said he was thinking about remaking them to they look less feminine.
  50. [19:01] <GM_acchiato> Well, don't ask me about that.
  51. [19:01] <GM_acchiato> I think every character should look like a 90's liefield monstrosity.
  52. [19:01] <DJ-Max> That's the true canon.
  53. [19:02] <GM_acchiato> It's a problem and I've come to accept that.
  54. [19:02] <GM_acchiato> Speaking of problems... Let's begin the session!
  55. [19:03] <GM_acchiato> Let's begin with Clay- I mean Snapper and Martin.
  56. [19:03] <Snapper_Jack> "That sure was an adventure ey Baron?"
  57. [19:03] <GM_acchiato> The two of you are waving goodbye to Jasper as he putters off.
  58. [19:04] <Martin_Baron> "I know. Wish I could have saved a souvenir after going all the way to Valhalla and back."
  59. [19:05] <Martin_Baron> "Anyway, what that Sootsayer said's bugging me. About that pig sleeping to the West. Think it's a survivor?"
  60. [19:06] <Snapper_Jack> "I'm not sure it's worth checking, even if it is."
  61. [19:06] <GM_acchiato> Head west?
  62. [19:06] == Box-O-Rocks [] has joined #endtownrpg
  63. [19:06] <Martin_Baron> Eeey
  64. [19:06] <Snapper_Jack> AYYO
  65. [19:06] <GM_acchiato> Saints be!
  66. [19:07] <Snapper_Jack> And lo and behold. Box did appear unto us once more
  67. [19:07] <Box-O-Rocks> I can't be here long actually I just got out of an exam and I have to get out of the capital before a storm drives up trafffic
  68. [19:08] <Box-O-Rocks> cca
  69. [19:08] <DJ-Max> Right.
  70. [19:08] <Martin_Baron> Alrighty, have a safe trip then.
  71. [19:08] <GM_acchiato> Well, we could start with Gray and DJ if you want.
  72. [19:08] <GM_acchiato> That way it'll match up when you get home.
  73. [19:08] <Box-O-Rocks> Sorry if I'm holding you guys up. You should just go ahead and start without me.
  74. [19:08] <GM_acchiato> Drive safe either way.
  75. [19:09] <Snapper_Jack> Nah, I kinda want to meet your character, and We're fine with waiting.
  76. [19:09] <Snapper_Jack> Probably
  77. [19:09] <GM_acchiato> Yes, I am with that.
  78. [19:09] <GM_acchiato> See you in a bit Box
  79. [19:09] <Box-O-Rocks> Alright. Thanks. I'll get going now.
  80. [19:10] <Snapper_Jack> "Hmm. I scene-change senses are tingling"
  81. [19:10] <GM_acchiato> Martin and DJ's story: Secret mutts and holes.
  82. [19:11] <GM_acchiato> Sorry, Gray and DJ.
  83. [19:11] * GM_acchiato needs to get a system for this.
  84. [19:11] * DJ-Max is pressed up against the wall he's keeping himself flat against it.
  85. [19:12] * BeaverGray cant stop looking at his own ass
  86. [19:12] <GM_acchiato> Beaver! Rat! You are standing on the precarious precipous.
  87. [19:12] <GM_acchiato> Below appears to be darkness.
  88. [19:12] <Martin_Baron> (Like I'm wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!)
  89. [19:12] <GM_acchiato> 10ft above you is the hole you blew and you imagine afew feet from that are the man-mutts
  90. [19:13] * BeaverGray scrounges his pack for a light source
  91. [19:13] <GM_acchiato> (Not alot of options here, huh?)
  92. [19:13] == Box-O-Rocks [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  93. [19:14] <GM_acchiato> Do you have a light source?
  94. [19:15] == dp [] has joined #endtownrpg
  95. [19:16] * DJ-Max does not have a light source! DJ might start feeling around to see if he could find a light switch or something.
  96. [19:16] <GM_acchiato> (Hey dp.)
  97. [19:16] == dp has changed nick to Guest8605
  98. [19:17] <Guest8605> hey
  99. [19:17] <BeaverGray> "You'd think they woulda gave us a night light or something in these bags"
  100. [19:17] <DJ-Max> (Yo)
  101. [19:17] <GM_acchiato> There's the binoculars
  102. [19:18] * DJ-Max had them before...he might check them out. They have night vision or something?
  103. [19:18] <GM_acchiato> (Actually this is weird. I thought I had it down what is in a scout's pack but I can't find it.)
  104. [19:18] <GM_acchiato> Yes they do.
  105. [19:20] <BeaverGray> "...and on the first day he said..."
  106. [19:20] * DJ-Max comments "Oh...$#!& dude, these got nightvision..."
  107. [19:20] <GM_acchiato> And zoom.
  108. [19:20] <GM_acchiato> (I think it wasn't saved...)
  109. [19:22] <GM_acchiato> Using the infrared you see that there appears to be soft ash about twenty feet down. Bricks are sticking from the walls as the slant decreases.
  110. [19:23] <DJ-Max> "...Steps?...Eh, these ain' steps I'd trust."
  111. [19:23] <BeaverGray> "What do you think, up or down? Im pretty sure they aren't gunna get bored lookin for us, but who the hell knows whats down there"
  112. [19:23] <DJ-Max> "hmm. Better there then here."
  113. [19:24] <GM_acchiato> Descend?
  114. [19:24] * BeaverGray looks down at the ash before a strange look happens across his face
  115. [19:24] <BeaverGray> "Wait.... wait a minute."
  116. [19:24] <BeaverGray> "I used to have asthma. WHen before I was a beaver"
  117. [19:25] * DJ-Max starts making his way down. He'll lead the wa- DJ stops with his foot in the air like he was stopping in the middle of a big step. "Huh?"
  118. [19:25] <BeaverGray> "Do beavers not get asthma? Why don't I have asthma anymore?"
  119. [19:25] * BeaverGray puts it out of his head and follows suit
  120. [19:26] <GM_acchiato> you climb down...
  121. [19:26] * DJ-Max shrugs. "Dunno man. Mayb's ya' jus' better."
  122. [19:27] <GM_acchiato> Afew of the bricks crack but you aren't on them when they break.
  123. [19:27] <GM_acchiato> (I actually was rolling on weight for that.)
  124. [19:27] <GM_acchiato> You are in the ash pit.
  125. [19:27] <GM_acchiato> Looking around with the binocs you see a large iron doorway.
  126. [19:27] <GM_acchiato> Large for you, anyway.
  127. [19:28] <DJ-Max> "Ay', a door. You think' wha' I'm thinkin'?"
  128. [19:29] <BeaverGray> "Yeah, let's see if it budges"
  129. [19:30] <GM_acchiato> What is your lift strength?
  130. [19:30] * DJ-Max has 20 pounds.
  131. [19:30] <BeaverGray> I have STR 4
  132. [19:30] <BeaverGray> 20 pounds?
  133. [19:30] <GM_acchiato> No.
  134. [19:30] <GM_acchiato> It does not yield.
  135. [19:31] <BeaverGray> fug
  136. [19:31] <DJ-Max> Punching and lifting are two different things
  137. [19:31] <GM_acchiato> There appears to be an iron latch on the side.
  138. [19:31] * DJ-Max clicks his tongue. "Tha' gat' ya' got got charge?" he asks Gray.
  139. [19:31] <GM_acchiato> (Lifting would probably be a more accurate measure of force applied in this situtation.)
  140. [19:31] <BeaverGray> (nigga wut)
  141. [19:32] <BeaverGray> "Oh the ray? Yeah but lets try the latch first"
  142. [19:32] <GM_acchiato> It's caked in ash.
  143. [19:32] <DJ-Max> "Yeah! Wha' ya' think I was' sayin'?" he asks with a quirked brow.
  144. [19:32] <GM_acchiato> Let us do a formal stat contest.
  145. [19:33] <GM_acchiato> Roll a d100. You must get under your strength bonus.
  146. [19:33] <GM_acchiato> In this case 20.
  147. [19:33] <DJ-Max> Okay.
  148. [19:33] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  149. [19:33] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 100 [38%] :: Results [38] ::
  150. [19:33] <BeaverGray> boo
  151. [19:33] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  152. [19:33] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 100 [39%] :: Results [39] ::
  153. [19:34] <DJ-Max> So close together too.
  154. [19:34] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d100
  155. [19:34] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 100 [42%] :: Results [42] ::
  156. [19:34] <GM_acchiato> Just seeing the results.
  157. [19:34] <GM_acchiato> Yeah, you try until your hands hurt but the latch remains unmoved.
  158. [19:35] <GM_acchiato> It is an unfeeling, cold latch.
  159. [19:35] <GM_acchiato> It pities no one.
  160. [19:35] <BeaverGray> "Fuck you door"
  161. [19:35] <BeaverGray> lazer time
  162. [19:35] <GM_acchiato> Shot or beam?
  163. [19:36] <GM_acchiato> I guess it would be drill in this case
  164. [19:37] <BeaverGray> lets try just blasting the latch
  165. [19:37] == Guest8605 [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  166. [19:37] <GM_acchiato>
  167. [19:38] <GM_acchiato> page 61.
  168. [19:38] <GM_acchiato> 150+ 2d10*10
  169. [19:38] <GM_acchiato> Or 150+20d10 if you want
  170. [19:38] <BeaverGray> .d 20d10 + 150
  171. [19:38] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  172. [19:38] <BeaverGray> .d 20d10_150
  173. [19:38] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  174. [19:39] <BeaverGray> .d 20d10+150
  175. [19:39] <Internets> :: Total 251 / 350 [71%] :: Results [10, 1, 4, 8, 7, 6, 1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 6, 7, 6, 2, 1, 9, 2, 6, 6] ::
  176. [19:39] <BeaverGray> I di it
  177. [19:39] <GM_acchiato> You blast the door in a blinding flash!
  178. [19:40] <GM_acchiato> There is a patch of molten slag where you aimed but you still haven't gotten through.
  179. [19:40] <GM_acchiato> The latch is destroyed
  180. [19:40] * DJ-Max attempts to push the door.
  181. [19:40] <GM_acchiato> Strength roll!
  182. [19:41] <GM_acchiato> (I'd just like to see a successful roll.)
  183. [19:41] <GM_acchiato> (This is a test of a straight stat roll.)
  184. [19:41] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+20
  185. [19:41] <Internets> :: Total 63 / 120 [52%] :: Results [43] ::
  186. [19:42] <GM_acchiato> You smack against it. Ash puffs out from the seams but it doesn't move.
  187. [19:42] <GM_acchiato> Maybe it's loosened.
  188. [19:42] * DJ-Max backs up a bit. "I'mma bout to tackle this thing...yo, Gray. Wanna help?"
  189. [19:43] <GM_acchiato> (Let's try that again.)
  190. [19:43] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+20
  191. [19:43] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 120 [49%] :: Results [39] ::
  192. [19:43] <BeaverGray> poosh
  193. [19:43] <GM_acchiato> (New formula. Let's put the target at 40.)
  194. [19:43] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+20
  195. [19:43] <Internets> :: Total 98 / 120 [81%] :: Results [78] ::
  196. [19:43] <BeaverGray> POOSH
  197. [19:43] <GM_acchiato> With the both of you the door swings open.
  198. [19:43] * DJ-Max does a full on Football tackle!
  199. [19:43] <GM_acchiato> Dust and ash pour out in a cloud.
  200. [19:44] <GM_acchiato> You binoculars are covered in filth, you can't see squat with them.
  201. [19:46] <GM_acchiato> But it sounds like you're in a small room.
  202. [19:46] <BeaverGray> its rag time
  203. [19:46] <GM_acchiato> (I have no idea what that means?)
  204. [19:46] * BeaverGray hopes his cleaning rag isnt dusted over
  205. [19:47] <GM_acchiato> You have cleaned the binocs!
  206. [19:47] <DJ-Max> "Nice."
  207. [19:47] <GM_acchiato> It appears you are in a storage room.
  208. [19:47] <GM_acchiato> There is a large switch by a fuse box here.
  209. [19:47] <BeaverGray> storing what?
  210. [19:48] <GM_acchiato> Boxes, apparently.
  211. [19:48] * DJ-Max goes over to inspect the switch. Does it say what its for?
  212. [19:48] <GM_acchiato> Nah, basic stuff. Pens, paper, misc electronics.
  213. [19:48] <GM_acchiato> is says 'POWER'
  214. [19:49] <DJ-Max> "...Yo, brah. I think I found the lights. Think they still work?"
  215. [19:50] <BeaverGray> "Like, with electricity? Or a once nuclear battery?"
  216. [19:50] == King_Cheetah [] has joined #endtownrpg
  217. [19:50] <BeaverGray> Heyo
  218. [19:50] <GM_acchiato> Yello!
  219. [19:50] <King_Cheetah> Evening everyone!
  220. [19:50] <DJ-Max> Heya!
  221. [19:51] <King_Cheetah> What's shakin?
  222. [19:51] <GM_acchiato> We playin'
  223. [19:51] * DJ-Max shrugs. "Dunno, I'm hittin' it." he states before flipping the switch and turning on the POWER.
  224. [19:51] <King_Cheetah> On hey, DJ.
  225. [19:51] <DJ-Max> Hey, hey. How's it going?
  226. [19:51] <King_Cheetah> I'll have your pic done presently
  227. [19:51] <GM_acchiato> With a loud crack and hum the lights flicker on.
  228. [19:51] <DJ-Max> Haha. Thank you. That's awesome.
  229. [19:52] <GM_acchiato> You have discovered electricity.
  230. [19:52] <GM_acchiato> The label on the boxes read "Trask LLC."
  231. [19:52] <Martin_Baron> Oh hey cheetah!
  232. [19:53] * DJ-Max looks about at the boxes. Should he roll mind chance see if he's heard of Trask?
  233. [19:53] <Snapper_Jack> Heyo there King
  234. [19:53] <King_Cheetah> howdy
  235. [19:53] <GM_acchiato> He cheetah.
  236. [19:53] <GM_acchiato> hey.
  237. [19:53] <GM_acchiato> Nah, Trask was a big auto manufacturer back before the war.
  238. [19:54] <GM_acchiato> Everybody has heard of them.
  239. [19:54] <Snapper_Jack> Yo, Cheetah, would you mind taking a crack at Snaps as well?
  240. [19:54] <GM_acchiato> Looking at it in lidar spectrum, you found alot of basic office stuff including ground coffee.
  241. [19:54] <King_Cheetah> sure
  242. [19:55] <King_Cheetah> e-mail me details
  243. [19:55] * DJ-Max blinks a bit. "Yo, You think we can open up on'a these and see wha's in it? Bet Mallard'd love some'a this if'n its good."
  244. [19:55] <Snapper_Jack> address?
  245. [19:56] <King_Cheetah>
  246. [19:56] <GM_acchiato> They are bagged. You can open them with ease.
  247. [19:56] <Martin_Baron> (Yo, ground coffee are valuable drugs. Even if Endtown got loads of the stuff, can't hurt to have more of it.)
  248. [19:57] * DJ-Max opens up a bag.
  249. [19:57] <BeaverGray> "Yeah lets see what we can find. But keep an eye out for mutts."
  250. [19:57] <GM_acchiato> You get a face full of aerated caffine
  251. [19:57] <GM_acchiato> ROLL DAMAGE!
  252. [19:57] * BeaverGray looks in particular for salvagable mechanics/electronics
  253. [19:57] <BeaverGray> oh I have rank 3 scavenge
  254. [19:58] * BeaverGray foraging rodent instincts kick in
  255. [19:58] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  256. [19:58] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 100 [2%] :: Results [2] ::
  257. [19:58] <BeaverGray> wamp
  258. [19:58] <GM_acchiato> Narrowest success.
  259. [19:59] * DJ-Max has basic scavanging.
  260. [19:59] <GM_acchiato>
  261. [19:59] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  262. [19:59] <Internets> :: Total 11 / 100 [11%] :: Results [11] ::
  263. [20:00] * BeaverGray hopes he finds some wood to chew on
  264. [20:00] <GM_acchiato> You find calculators, mops, cleaning chemicals,
  265. [20:00] <GM_acchiato> Alot of paper.
  266. [20:00] <GM_acchiato> You found a door.
  267. [20:00] <GM_acchiato> You found that awhile ago, really.
  268. [20:00] <BeaverGray> hah
  269. [20:00] <BeaverGray> Ill stash bottle of cleaner
  270. [20:00] <GM_acchiato> Desktop PCs, a broken chair,
  271. [20:00] <BeaverGray> might make a good explosive
  272. [20:01] <GM_acchiato> Bottle of ol ClO
  273. [20:01] <BeaverGray> yeah that'll do it
  274. [20:01] <GM_acchiato> Sorry, NaClo
  275. [20:02] <BeaverGray> yeah I got ya
  276. [20:02] <GM_acchiato> You are pretty certain there is alot of office supplies in here.
  277. [20:03] <GM_acchiato> Leave the room?
  278. [20:03] <BeaverGray> "Don't think we can find use for most of this stuff. Its all ancient. Any luck on your end?"
  279. [20:04] <GM_acchiato> (I guess the furnace counts as a door. There are two doors in the room in this regard.)
  280. [20:04] <DJ-Max> "Nah...not from the looks a' it...Don' think these comps'll run anymore."
  281. [20:05] <GM_acchiato> Excuse me a sec, afk
  282. [20:05] == Box-O-Rocks [] has joined #endtownrpg
  283. [20:05] <Martin_Baron> Eeey
  284. [20:05] <Box-O-Rocks> Finally back...
  285. [20:06] <Box-O-Rocks> The drive was hell.
  286. [20:08] <Snapper_Jack> yo
  287. [20:10] <Box-O-Rocks> Hey. Did you guys ever start? I figured you might have; it was pretty long drive back
  288. [20:10] <DJ-Max> Yes!
  289. [20:10] * DJ-Max and Gray are doing things.
  290. [20:11] <Martin_Baron> Yeah, we're on Maxie and Flanders. They're still in the hole and they found their way to a storage room with office supplies. Gray may make a bomb.
  291. [20:11] <BeaverGray> Honestly Im still staring at this drawing Cheetah made
  292. [20:11] <BeaverGray> its like
  293. [20:11] <BeaverGray> the picture of Dorian Gray
  294. [20:11] <Box-O-Rocks> Oh, cheetah did some drawings?
  295. [20:11] <BeaverGray> I get more erect, it stays the same
  296. [20:11] <King_Cheetah> evidently
  297. [20:11] <BeaverGray> i mean
  298. [20:11] <BeaverGray> whoops
  299. [20:12] <Box-O-Rocks> May I have a link?
  300. [20:12] <BeaverGray>
  301. [20:12] <BeaverGray> dats me
  302. [20:12] <BeaverGray> I win the fine ass award from the group
  303. [20:13] <King_Cheetah> Beaver, you have NO idea just how badly I wanted to make that a Hawaiian shirt
  304. [20:13] <Martin_Baron> Nothing at aaaaaaall...
  305. [20:13] <BeaverGray> haha
  306. [20:13] <BeaverGray> can see it
  307. [20:13] <Box-O-Rocks> Heh. I can't really argue with facts.
  308. [20:13] <Martin_Baron> Hawaiian shirts are the best kind of shirts.
  309. [20:14] * BeaverGray was a prude before the bombs fell, only had dress shirts
  310. [20:14] <King_Cheetah> *wore a tie until Topsiders consiscated it
  311. [20:15] <BeaverGray> hah
  312. [20:15] <BeaverGray> "This tie is an abomination"
  313. [20:15] <BeaverGray> "youre clean though"
  314. [20:15] <Box-O-Rocks> Is GM afk?
  315. [20:16] <BeaverGray> ye
  316. [20:16] <DJ-Max> Yeah. He afked for a bit.
  317. [20:16] <Box-O-Rocks> Alright then
  318. [20:17] <BeaverGray> Hey cheetah I was tempted by one of your actions but alas, I am poor
  319. [20:17] <BeaverGray> auctions*
  320. [20:18] <King_Cheetah> you & me both
  321. [20:18] <BeaverGray> true facts
  322. [20:19] <BeaverGray> Im a musician, so I know all about that sidecash life
  323. [20:19] <GM_acchiato> I am back, painting emergency.
  324. [20:19] <King_Cheetah> ouch
  325. [20:19] <BeaverGray> trying to get my CS degree though
  326. [20:20] <BeaverGray> the poor life
  327. [20:20] <Box-O-Rocks> Me too
  328. [20:20] <King_Cheetah> I'll still do freebies for the RPG playahs!
  329. [20:20] <BeaverGray> thats great to hear mang
  330. [20:20] <Snapper_Jack> Truley a Cheetah among men.
  331. [20:20] <Box-O-Rocks> Anyways, welcome back GM. I am here now.
  332. [20:20] <GM_acchiato> Hey BoR!
  333. [20:20] * DJ-Max is an IT major. The money is hard till the internships.
  334. [20:21] <Snapper_Jack> or is that a king among cheetahs.
  335. [20:21] <GM_acchiato> I'm going into software development.
  336. [20:21] <BeaverGray> Im going into debt
  337. [20:21] <BeaverGray> haha!
  338. [20:21] <BeaverGray> here I go!
  339. [20:22] <GM_acchiato> Such is life.
  340. [20:22] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, ready to start up again?
  341. [20:22] <BeaverGray> ye
  342. [20:23] <GM_acchiato> You are in a supply room.
  343. [20:23] <GM_acchiato> You stole some sweet cleaners and there is alot of stuff that would probably be very useful in another life.
  344. [20:23] <Martin_Baron> I'm just a cheap, penny hoarding bastard.
  345. [20:24] <GM_acchiato> What are your actions?
  346. [20:25] <BeaverGray> you said there was the way we came and then a furnace?
  347. [20:25] <GM_acchiato> You came through the furnace. There is a door entirely untouched here.
  348. [20:25] <BeaverGray> thats the ticket then
  349. [20:25] * BeaverGray gives it a budge
  350. [20:25] <GM_acchiato> ...There is a handle.
  351. [20:26] * BeaverGray throws hands at the handle
  352. [20:26] <BeaverGray> use hands
  353. [20:26] <BeaverGray> on door
  354. [20:26] <BeaverGray> make door go
  355. [20:26] <BeaverGray> take door
  356. [20:26] <GM_acchiato> The door opens up to a large factory floor. Apparently the lights work here as well.
  357. [20:26] <GM_acchiato> The door doesn't swing that way.
  358. [20:27] * BeaverGray steps through while waving to DJ
  359. [20:27] <BeaverGray> "Look here, it just opens up"
  360. [20:27] * BeaverGray is suddenly reminded to crank his gun
  361. [20:27] * DJ-Max laughs. "Finally! Na' more punk doors."
  362. [20:27] <GM_acchiato> You see missles, lots of missles. A large treaded vehicle parked on the side. A crane and catwalk are overhead.
  363. [20:28] <GM_acchiato> To your left, another door.
  364. [20:28] <DJ-Max> "...Yoooooo...."
  365. [20:28] <GM_acchiato> These missles, at least one fully assembled, are about 25 feet long.
  366. [20:29] <GM_acchiato> "Trask" is on most of the machinery here.
  367. [20:29] * BeaverGray goes to inspect the treaded thing
  368. [20:29] <GM_acchiato> Painted green and with tank treads.
  369. [20:30] <GM_acchiato> It seems to be used to transport missles.
  370. [20:30] <BeaverGray> "Hey DJ come look at this. Armor transport, heavy duty"
  371. [20:30] <GM_acchiato> It's about the length of a bus and as twice as wide.
  372. [20:30] * DJ-Max goes over and takes a look. "Jeez man...this is cray'..."
  373. [20:31] <GM_acchiato> (ICBM agogo)
  374. [20:31] <BeaverGray> Does the hatch budge, or other means of entry
  375. [20:32] <GM_acchiato> Nah, it's open. Keys inside.
  376. [20:32] <BeaverGray> "no way this thing turns on"
  377. [20:32] <GM_acchiato> It putters and then shuts off.
  378. [20:33] <DJ-Max> "...Gas probably dried up..."
  379. [20:34] <BeaverGray> "Its doubtful they still used gas"
  380. [20:34] <BeaverGray> we this, now
  381. [20:34] <BeaverGray>
  382. [20:34] <Martin_Baron> (Nah man, we gone guru )
  383. [20:35] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, that's that thing.
  384. [20:35] <DJ-Max> (Amazing.)
  385. [20:35] <GM_acchiato> (Where would you even drive it?)
  386. [20:36] * BeaverGray hops out of it for the moment to take more of a look around
  387. [20:36] <Martin_Baron> (Use the blasters to make a tunnel out? Just keep winding it and keep tunneling)
  388. [20:36] <GM_acchiato> At the end of the factory floor is a giant shutter door.
  389. [20:36] <GM_acchiato> There are at least two ICBMs here, one on the floor and one up on chains.
  390. [20:37] * BeaverGray takes the scene in for a bit
  391. [20:37] * DJ-Max will join Beaver in looking around. "Can't believe a place like this is'bout...should..."
  392. [20:37] <GM_acchiato> There is alot of machinery here but is mostly for assembly tools, not alot for manufacturing.
  393. [20:37] <DJ-Max> "Should we tell Mallard' bout this?"
  394. [20:37] <BeaverGray> "Why did they make so many? I mean, they had more than enough to blow up two planets"
  395. [20:38] <BeaverGray> "what were they afraid of?"
  396. [20:38] <BeaverGray> "I dont think this is anything he never heard of"
  397. [20:38] <BeaverGray> "Anyway what more can someone do to the world with this stuff"
  398. [20:38] <GM_acchiato>
  399. [20:38] <BeaverGray> "They got worse shit nowadays anyway"
  400. [20:39] <DJ-Max> "Not that he ain' heard of know...better it not bein' here, new world an' all."
  401. [20:40] <BeaverGray> "Eh... these things are nothing more than tombstone now. They gotta be armed"
  402. [20:40] * DJ-Max 's ear twitches. "Hol' up..."
  403. [20:40] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  404. [20:40] <Internets> :: Total 89 / 100 [89%] :: Results [89] ::
  405. [20:41] <BeaverGray> You know, Im gunna take a mechanical look at the tank, see if I cant figure it out
  406. [20:41] <GM_acchiato> It sounds like something is happening in the room behind you.
  407. [20:41] <BeaverGray> "Looks like the mutts braved the dark"
  408. [20:41] <DJ-Max> "...Yo. Gray. Don'...I think somethin's in here. We gotta peace out."
  409. [20:41] <BeaverGray> "Lets move"
  410. [20:42] <GM_acchiato> Move to where?
  411. [20:42] <BeaverGray> dem shutter doors
  412. [20:42] <GM_acchiato> The ones that span the entire factory side?
  413. [20:42] <BeaverGray> oh
  414. [20:42] <BeaverGray> fug
  415. [20:42] <BeaverGray> "Let's hide in the tank"
  416. [20:42] <GM_acchiato> They are tight. There must be controls somewhere.
  417. [20:42] <DJ-Max> "I'm down."
  418. [20:43] <GM_acchiato> Roll your hide!
  419. [20:43] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  420. [20:43] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 100 [39%] :: Results [39] ::
  421. [20:43] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  422. [20:43] <Internets> :: Total 100 / 100 [100%] :: Results [100] ::
  423. [20:43] <GM_acchiato> Crit success for DJ
  424. [20:43] <BeaverGray> come on man
  425. [20:43] * DJ-Max has done it.
  426. [20:43] <King_Cheetah> brb
  427. [20:44] == King_Cheetah [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  428. [20:44] <GM_acchiato> You are shaking abit there Beaver.
  429. [20:44] <GM_acchiato> The robed individuals walk through the door.
  430. [20:44] <GM_acchiato> Three of them.
  431. [20:44] <BeaverGray> hey, im at home in a hidey hole
  432. [20:45] <GM_acchiato> Cat-face is walking toward the vehicle!
  433. [20:45] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d100
  434. [20:45] <Internets> :: Total 84 / 100 [84%] :: Results [84] ::
  435. [20:46] <GM_acchiato> Yeah, she's climbing up to the driver's side window.
  436. [20:46] <BeaverGray> no pls
  437. [20:46] <BeaverGray> skeletons go, spook another day
  438. [20:47] <GM_acchiato> (I'm assuming DJ hid expertly under the chair cushion)
  439. [20:47] * DJ-Max is the sneakiest
  440. [20:47] <Martin_Baron> (DJ's hiding is so advanced, it somehow hides Gray because he's so damn hidden)
  441. [20:47] <GM_acchiato> (Try rolling hide again.)
  442. [20:48] <GM_acchiato> (You did have some time between mutts entering and bearing down on you.)
  443. [20:48] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  444. [20:48] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 100 [31%] :: Results [31] ::
  445. [20:48] <GM_acchiato> You don't have hide 3 do you?
  446. [20:49] * DJ-Max knows how to hide himself from the fuzz.
  447. [20:49] <BeaverGray> no ranks
  448. [20:49] <BeaverGray> im a little pee pants
  449. [20:49] <GM_acchiato> The twisted face of the cat-thing pops up at the window!
  450. [20:49] <GM_acchiato> Roll intiative!
  451. [20:50] <GM_acchiato> .d 3d100+10
  452. [20:50] <Internets> :: Total 158 / 310 [50%] :: Results [13, 83, 52] ::
  453. [20:50] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  454. [20:50] <Internets> :: Total 55 / 130 [42%] :: Results [25] ::
  455. [20:50] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+35
  456. [20:50] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 135 [30%] :: Results [6] ::
  457. [20:50] <DJ-Max> Oh. Wait. MIND
  458. [20:50] <DJ-Max> >that should be 20
  459. [20:51] * DJ-Max actually got a 26
  460. [20:51] <GM_acchiato> Okay.
  461. [20:51] <GM_acchiato> First one hasn't been alerted.
  462. [20:51] <GM_acchiato> BG's turn!
  463. [20:52] <BeaverGray> so it totally sees me through the window right
  464. [20:52] <GM_acchiato> You would assume so.
  465. [20:52] <GM_acchiato> (GM's are never actually suppose to say if you are right or not.)
  466. [20:52] <BeaverGray> first thing I do is see if I can lock the hatch
  467. [20:53] <BeaverGray> and then do it
  468. [20:53] <GM_acchiato> You hit a thingie on the door and it locks.
  469. [20:53] <BeaverGray> yeah
  470. [20:53] <BeaverGray> thingie
  471. [20:54] <GM_acchiato> (I don't actually know if it would be a pop lock or what.)
  472. [20:54] <BeaverGray> with the remaining action I try and start the vehicle
  473. [20:54] <GM_acchiato> It putters abit longer this time... then dies.
  474. [20:54] <BeaverGray> "Come on you bastard"
  475. [20:55] * BeaverGray flicks onboard switches and knobs
  476. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> (Engineering at work!)
  477. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> Cat's turn!
  478. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> She tries to open the door.
  479. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> Now she's punching the window.
  480. [20:55] <BeaverGray> cat pls go
  481. [20:55] <DJ-Max> Pls
  482. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d100+30
  483. [20:55] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 130 [61%] :: Results [50] ::
  484. [20:55] <GM_acchiato> it's a hit.
  485. [20:56] <BeaverGray> no, fuck off
  486. [20:56] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d10+15
  487. [20:56] <Internets> :: Total 17 / 25 [68%] :: Results [2] ::
  488. [20:56] <GM_acchiato> The window is unmoved.
  489. [20:56] <GM_acchiato> DJ!
  490. [20:57] <GM_acchiato> It's your turn!
  491. [20:57] * DJ-Max will wait! If the cat gets in though...he'll pop out and surprise them.
  492. [20:57] <BeaverGray>
  493. [20:57] <BeaverGray> mfw
  494. [20:58] <GM_acchiato> Oh dear.
  495. [20:58] <GM_acchiato> 3rd's turn.
  496. [20:58] <GM_acchiato> It notices cat's actions and takes a shot at the cockpit!
  497. [20:59] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d100
  498. [20:59] <Internets> :: Total 50 / 100 [50%] :: Results [50] ::
  499. [20:59] <GM_acchiato> .d 2d10+20
  500. [20:59] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 40 [77%] :: Results [3, 8] ::
  501. [21:00] <GM_acchiato> There is a crack in the window but the bolt bounces off.
  502. [21:00] <BeaverGray> no pls
  503. [21:00] <GM_acchiato> Turn over.
  504. [21:00] <GM_acchiato> The last mutt is moving across the floor to your vehicle.
  505. [21:01] <GM_acchiato> Gray's turn.
  506. [21:01] * BeaverGray hands DJ the cleaner "Mix some of that ash with this and chuck it out the hatch"
  507. [21:01] * BeaverGray proceedes to open up panels and sees if he cant do some kind of bypass
  508. [21:02] <GM_acchiato> You'd have to roll engineering.
  509. [21:02] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  510. [21:02] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 100 [37%] :: Results [37] ::
  511. [21:02] <BeaverGray> pow
  512. [21:02] <DJ-Max> "...Okay! I can do that...." he notes. This can only end amazingly.
  513. [21:02] <GM_acchiato> You have engine 3 right?
  514. [21:02] <BeaverGray> engi 2
  515. [21:02] <GM_acchiato> works!
  516. [21:03] <GM_acchiato> (I need to make the cheat sheets.)
  517. [21:03] * DJ-Max is gonna mix that stuff up!
  518. [21:03] <GM_acchiato> You look. It looks like it's electric.
  519. [21:03] <GM_acchiato> But has been sitting on its tax paid butt for five years.
  520. [21:04] <GM_acchiato> So it'll take 2 turns to rig a bypass to engines.
  521. [21:04] <GM_acchiato> (Or 4 actions worth.)
  522. [21:04] <BeaverGray> "Its gunna take me about 30 seconds to pull this off, you need to buy me that time!"
  523. [21:04] <DJ-Max> "CAN DO."
  524. [21:05] <BeaverGray> thats my turn
  525. [21:05] == King_Cheetah [] has joined #endtownrpg
  526. [21:05] <King_Cheetah> And BACK
  527. [21:05] <BeaverGray> just in time for action
  528. [21:05] <DJ-Max> What should I roll to mix this stuff Gray said? Or is it just a flat like...roll a d100 lets see what happens?
  529. [21:05] <GM_acchiato> What do you mean?
  530. [21:06] <GM_acchiato> Depends on what you do.
  531. [21:06] <GM_acchiato> Right now you are still waiting, waiting to jump into action.
  532. [21:06] <GM_acchiato> You just have to say that you are going to act now sinceyou said you were taking a wait action.
  533. [21:06] <DJ-Max> Gray mentioned that I should mix the chemcials with the Ash and throw it out.
  534. [21:06] <DJ-Max> So. I'mma do that.
  535. [21:07] <GM_acchiato> Well, what the heck is that supposed to do?
  536. [21:07] <GM_acchiato> (Chemistry was a long time ago for me.)
  537. [21:08] <BeaverGray> one sec
  538. [21:08] * DJ-Max has no idea. But he does have a dumb idea.
  539. [21:08] * DJ-Max will do this and throw it out the top while shouting "Grenade!" and see if they're dumb enough to fall for it.
  540. [21:08] <GM_acchiato> They are not!
  541. [21:08] <GM_acchiato> Well, kind of the opposite!
  542. [21:08] <BeaverGray>
  543. [21:09] <GM_acchiato> They are too dumb to fall for it!
  544. [21:10] <DJ-Max> "...Alright. I tried. I got nothing short of going out there..."
  545. [21:10] <GM_acchiato> It does not explode!
  546. [21:10] <BeaverGray> fug
  547. [21:10] <BeaverGray> worth a shot
  548. [21:11] <GM_acchiato> (Yes, let's mix decades old ash with bargain bleach.)
  549. [21:11] <GM_acchiato> (Sorry.)
  550. [21:11] <GM_acchiato> (Good idea though.)
  551. [21:11] <BeaverGray> "Musta went flat over the years. You dont use that stuff to clean up a garage"
  552. [21:11] <GM_acchiato> Anything for your next two actions?
  553. [21:12] * DJ-Max has a gun right? He has a blaster as well. Might as well take a shot at the mutt before ducking back down and ending his turn.
  554. [21:12] <GM_acchiato> Target?
  555. [21:13] <BeaverGray> the bottle
  556. [21:13] <BeaverGray> nah
  557. [21:13] <DJ-Max> >The CAT.
  558. [21:13] <GM_acchiato> Shoot!
  559. [21:13] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  560. [21:13] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 100 [46%] :: Results [46] ::
  561. [21:13] * DJ-Max has no shooting skill.
  562. [21:13] <GM_acchiato> You got +5 since this is all a big test for the energy weapons and topside adventures.
  563. [21:13] <BeaverGray> yeah we do
  564. [21:14] <BeaverGray> we all fot it
  565. [21:14] <BeaverGray> got
  566. [21:14] <BeaverGray> ye
  567. [21:14] <GM_acchiato> Energy weapons 1.
  568. [21:14] <GM_acchiato> You were briefed on the weapon.
  569. [21:14] <GM_acchiato> Hence why you know to wind.
  570. [21:14] <GM_acchiato> So that's a hit.
  571. [21:14] <DJ-Max> Ah.
  572. [21:14] * DJ-Max forgot about that.
  573. [21:14] <GM_acchiato> (40< for range shots.
  574. [21:14] <DJ-Max> WELL THEN.
  575. [21:15] <GM_acchiato> I'm not telling you the damage, this is a test now.
  576. [21:16] <GM_acchiato> (Pg. 61)
  577. [21:16] * DJ-Max just found it
  578. [21:16] <GM_acchiato> It's a very complicated weapon. Aaron really wanted it to be a super-gun.
  579. [21:16] <DJ-Max> 2d10+150*10 right?
  580. [21:17] <GM_acchiato> 150+2d10*10
  581. [21:17] <DJ-Max> .d 2d10+150*10
  582. [21:17] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  583. [21:17] <DJ-Max> .d 2d10+150
  584. [21:17] <Internets> :: Total 166 / 170 [97%] :: Results [10, 6] ::
  585. [21:17] <GM_acchiato> Works for me.
  586. [21:18] <BeaverGray> zap nigga
  587. [21:18] <DJ-Max> "ZAP SON."
  588. [21:18] <GM_acchiato> Really on paper it would be easier to calc. But dice bots hate it.
  589. [21:18] <GM_acchiato> The blast shoots straight through the window and through the cat.
  590. [21:18] <DJ-Max> The Dicebot just doesn't have that function.
  591. [21:19] <DJ-Max> "Time status, bought son. Get this thing rolling"
  592. [21:19] <GM_acchiato> There is a sparking tendril flailing where the the cat used to be that falls to the ground.
  593. [21:19] <GM_acchiato> One action left.
  594. [21:20] * DJ-Max will end his turn for now.
  595. [21:20] <GM_acchiato> 3rd mutts turn. He continues to run at the vehicle.
  596. [21:21] <GM_acchiato> He can climb up to you next turn.
  597. [21:21] <GM_acchiato> 1st mutt spends his actions reloading.
  598. [21:21] <GM_acchiato> Gray's turn!
  599. [21:21] <GM_acchiato> Continue engining?
  600. [21:22] <BeaverGray> ye
  601. [21:22] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  602. [21:22] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 100 [41%] :: Results [41] ::
  603. [21:22] <GM_acchiato> You should be able to give it ago next turn.
  604. [21:22] <GM_acchiato> Cat face is defaced.
  605. [21:22] <GM_acchiato> DJ!
  606. [21:22] <BeaverGray> oh do I need to roll
  607. [21:23] <GM_acchiato> Not really.
  608. [21:23] <BeaverGray> guess not
  609. [21:23] <GM_acchiato> That would be tedious
  610. [21:23] <Martin_Baron> Could you technically stun a mutt if you fired at the brain-holder?
  611. [21:23] <GM_acchiato> You (Nor I) have any knowledge about that.
  612. [21:24] <DJ-Max> I'll take a pre-emtpive shot at the Mutt who will try to climb ontop of the tank next turn.
  613. [21:24] <DJ-Max> Well. On its next turn.
  614. [21:24] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  615. [21:24] <Internets> :: Total 70 / 100 [70%] :: Results [70] ::
  616. [21:24] <GM_acchiato> (Technically, mutt brains are plasticized, which means they are made of plastic. So technically no. But they can be hit with zero weapons.)
  617. [21:25] <DJ-Max> I believe that's a hit so...damage.
  618. [21:25] <GM_acchiato> Hit.
  619. [21:25] <DJ-Max> .d 2d10+150
  620. [21:25] <Internets> :: Total 158 / 170 [92%] :: Results [4, 4] ::
  621. [21:25] <GM_acchiato> Try .d 20d10+150
  622. [21:25] <GM_acchiato> It's more bot friendly.
  623. [21:26] <DJ-Max> AH.
  624. [21:26] <Martin_Baron> Ah, forgot about that.
  625. [21:26] <DJ-Max> .d 20d10+150
  626. [21:26] <Internets> :: Total 257 / 350 [73%] :: Results [2, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 6, 9, 10, 6, 5, 8, 5, 3, 7, 7, 10, 6, 6, 3] ::
  627. [21:26] <GM_acchiato> Anyway. That hit it dead center, sending bits flying.
  628. [21:26] <DJ-Max> ...That makes more sense, yeah.
  629. [21:26] * DJ-Max will now proceed to shadowrun this.
  630. [21:27] <GM_acchiato> (I'd also like to point out that at this point in the whole endtown timeline, mutts are thought to be robots.)
  631. [21:27] <BeaverGray> yeah
  632. [21:27] <BeaverGray> I mean
  633. [21:27] <BeaverGray> they are
  634. [21:27] <BeaverGray> but yeah
  635. [21:27] <GM_acchiato> (No one has really gotten a look inside one.)
  636. [21:28] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, endturn DJ?
  637. [21:28] <DJ-Max> Yes.
  638. [21:29] <Martin_Baron> (Of course)
  639. [21:30] <DJ-Max> (Makes sense.)
  640. [21:30] <GM_acchiato> Last guy spends his last actions reloading, and takes another shot a gray!
  641. [21:30] <GM_acchiato> .d 1d100
  642. [21:30] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 100 [37%] :: Results [37] ::
  643. [21:30] <GM_acchiato> It misses.
  644. [21:30] <GM_acchiato> Gray!
  645. [21:31] <BeaverGray> can we fix it
  646. [21:31] <BeaverGray> no its fucked
  647. [21:31] <BeaverGray> but yeah I continue on, sweating as I go
  648. [21:31] <GM_acchiato> You should be able to run it now.
  649. [21:33] <GM_acchiato> Endturn?
  650. [21:33] <BeaverGray> "DJ get over here! You're on the controls, I have to keep the thing running, Ill cover you"
  651. [21:33] <GM_acchiato> (He's literally right next to you.
  652. [21:33] <BeaverGray> Ill tell him what the levers and pedals do
  653. [21:34] <BeaverGray> well I scooch so hes in pilot
  654. [21:34] <GM_acchiato> DJ's turn.
  655. [21:35] * DJ-Max nods. "Yeah. First though..." he comments taking aim to shoot at one of the Mutts again, just to get this over with first and foremost!
  656. [21:35] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  657. [21:35] <Internets> :: Total 75 / 100 [75%] :: Results [75] ::
  658. [21:35] <GM_acchiato> hit!
  659. [21:35] <BeaverGray> zoop
  660. [21:35] <DJ-Max> .d 20d10+150
  661. [21:35] <Internets> :: Total 257 / 350 [73%] :: Results [6, 1, 7, 6, 5, 9, 9, 6, 3, 2, 8, 3, 9, 5, 8, 5, 1, 9, 1, 4] ::
  662. [21:35] <GM_acchiato> He explodes.
  663. [21:35] <GM_acchiato> Metal and plastic scatter.
  664. [21:36] <GM_acchiato> And the rig roars to rife!
  665. [21:36] <GM_acchiato> life
  666. [21:36] <GM_acchiato> Book mark that.
  667. [21:36] * DJ-Max proceeds to turn on the safety on the gun.
  668. [21:37] <Martin_Baron> BRB one quick second
  669. [21:37] <GM_acchiato> Thanks.
  670. [21:37] <BeaverGray> (same)
  671. [21:37] <GM_acchiato> I'd like to take a 10 min break and when we get back, it's th SnaMarCla show.
  672. [21:38] * DJ-Max goes off set and goes to eat some stuff from the actor food table.
  673. [21:38] <Martin_Baron> Back
  674. [21:41] <BeaverGray> back
  675. [21:41] == Zero34 [] has joined #endtownrpg
  676. [21:42] <GM_acchiato> Back
  677. [21:43] <Snapper_Jack> alrighty then
  678. [21:43] <GM_acchiato> Hey zero.
  679. [21:43] <Snapper_Jack> Box-o-rocks
  680. [21:43] <Zero34> Hey i'm only swinging by for a second than ill leave :)
  681. [21:43] <BeaverGray> ah shoot, someone bid on the cheetah auction I wanted
  682. [21:43] <Box-O-Rocks> Hello
  683. [21:43] <GM_acchiato> We now join Spanner, Martin, and Clayton.
  684. [21:43] <Snapper_Jack> we about to start the show.
  685. [21:44] <GM_acchiato> Glad you can join us for what time you got.
  686. [21:44] <King_Cheetah> howdy
  687. [21:44] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, SnaClaMa, you are in the ruins!
  688. [21:44] == Box-O-Rocks has changed nick to Clayton_R
  689. [21:44] <GM_acchiato> You wave goodbye to codger on bike!
  690. [21:45] <Martin_Baron> (Jasper)
  691. [21:45] <GM_acchiato> He is both.
  692. [21:45] <GM_acchiato> He tell you about storm, liars, and pigs.
  693. [21:45] <Snapper_Jack> "So, Human. What's with the uh..."
  694. [21:46] <Clayton_R> "Flamethower?" He asks obliviously.
  695. [21:46] <Snapper_Jack> "Yeah."
  696. [21:47] <Snapper_Jack> "Where do you even find fuel for that thing?"
  697. [21:47] <Clayton_R> *me shrugs. "Iunno. It's been a while... and it tends to keep mutants away."
  698. [21:48] <Clayton_R> (Damn, I forgot it was / instead of * )
  699. [21:48] <GM_acchiato> (At least 30ft.)
  700. [21:48] <Snapper_Jack> "Fair enough. Hey martin, how close you reckon we are to the dead drop?"
  701. [21:49] <Martin_Baron> "Dunno, let me check." he says, pulling out the device to tell the distance.
  702. [21:49] <Martin_Baron> (Also, which direction is it in? If it's West, two birds one stone, you know?)
  703. [21:49] * Clayton_R surveys the area around the group.
  704. [21:49] <GM_acchiato> Your data card says it's 10.5 miles NW
  705. [21:50] <Martin_Baron> "A good few hours walk North West. Says ten and a half miles."
  706. [21:50] <Clayton_R> "Hey. You guys want to check around for some gear before you head out?"
  707. [21:50] <GM_acchiato> Clayton, you survey and see a dot due directly west.
  708. [21:51] <Snapper_Jack> "May as well. Probably get some good will from E-Sec if we bring back some food."
  709. [21:52] * Clayton_R squints then taps on Martin's shoulder. "You see that thing out west?" He ask, pointing west.
  710. [21:52] * Martin_Baron nods, adding in "Maybe find something handy. Who knows what's buried out here."
  711. [21:52] <GM_acchiato> Roll scavange to rustle up something!
  712. [21:52] <Martin_Baron> (We got two packs, so we got binoculars too, right?)
  713. [21:52] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100
  714. [21:52] <Internets> :: Total 74 / 100 [74%] :: Results [74] ::
  715. [21:53] <Snapper_Jack> scavenge level 1 is one of the freebies yeah?
  716. [21:53] <GM_acchiato> You do find something, back where you fought those mutants.
  717. [21:53] <GM_acchiato> Correct.
  718. [21:53] <GM_acchiato> It looks like a ring box.
  719. [21:53] * Martin_Baron looks to where Clayon's pointing, and searches through the pack to find the binoculars. "I dunno. Think it's that mutant that passed by from the storm?"
  720. [21:54] <BeaverGray> hey guys I really need to catch some shut eye. Good luck everyone and make sure to send me the log
  721. [21:54] <Martin_Baron> Will do Gray, expect it on the /co/ thread tomorrow.
  722. [21:54] <Snapper_Jack> *opens the ring box looking doohickey
  723. [21:54] <Snapper_Jack> good night Gray
  724. [21:55] <Clayton_R> (What bonus do I get with scavenging 2 again?)
  725. [21:55] <King_Cheetah> g'night
  726. [21:55] <DJ-Max> Night man
  727. [21:55] <Martin_Baron> (I'll roll perception to try to tell what the dot is with the binoculars. And have a good sleep, man.)
  728. [21:55] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+20
  729. [21:55] <Internets> :: Total 85 / 120 [70%] :: Results [65] ::
  730. [21:55] <GM_acchiato> Night man.
  731. [21:56] <GM_acchiato> It is... A RING!
  732. [21:56] <GM_acchiato> Err.
  733. [21:56] <Snapper_Jack> (OH SHIT)
  734. [21:56] <GM_acchiato> The thing in the box.
  735. [21:56] * Clayton_R scavenges around while martin is busy
  736. [21:56] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100
  737. [21:56] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 100 [31%] :: Results [31] ::
  738. [21:56] <GM_acchiato> The thing in the distance a car.
  739. [21:56] <Snapper_Jack> (Will it fit around my big turtley finger?)
  740. [21:57] <Clayton_R> (Do I get a bonus with scavenging 2?)
  741. [21:57] <GM_acchiato> ... you know what? Yeah, yeah it does.
  742. [21:57] <Martin_Baron> (Just a car? Can't tell anything else?)
  743. [21:57] <GM_acchiato> Oh, for scaveng 2 it's just 20<
  744. [21:57] <Snapper_Jack> (I'm not going to wear it. I'm just messing with you.)
  745. [21:57] <GM_acchiato> You find some dusty gloves and a can of meat.
  746. [21:58] <Snapper_Jack> "Hey, either of you have someone special you've been meaning to give something to?"
  747. [21:58] <GM_acchiato> Actually quite remarkable.
  748. [21:58] == BeaverGray [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  749. [21:58] * Clayton_R pockets both
  750. [21:58] <GM_acchiato> Sorry, skill level 2 is 30<
  751. [21:58] <GM_acchiato> The car. It is dirty.
  752. [21:58] <Clayton_R> "Nope. I see much people actually."
  753. [21:58] <Martin_Baron> "Psh, nah. Don't think anyone back at Endtown's interested in me."
  754. [21:59] <GM_acchiato> It's about two miles off, so not alot of details are apparent.
  755. [21:59] <Clayton_R> "Anyways, what do you see Martin?"
  756. [21:59] <Snapper_Jack> "That seems pessimistic. ah well. It might go for something in a pawn shop."
  757. [22:00] <Martin_Baron> "A car. Can't tell much about it, it's just sitting there."
  758. [22:00] <Martin_Baron> (Zoom in?)
  759. [22:00] <GM_acchiato> Upon zooming the car appears to be a jeep.
  760. [22:01] <GM_acchiato> It is covered in dust. It appears to not have been used in awhile.
  761. [22:01] * Clayton_R seems to perk up. "Does it look functional?.. Or at least not all that beat up?"
  762. [22:01] <Martin_Baron> "Er, looks to be a truck. Jeep, to be precise. Can't tell if it's able to run or not, it looks pretty old."
  763. [22:01] <GM_acchiato> Any techincal skills?
  764. [22:02] <Snapper_Jack> "I don't think a motorized vehicle is a very good idea in a ruin. Too much noise, might attract something nasty."
  765. [22:02] <Martin_Baron> (I can kick it like a TV and it might work?)
  766. [22:02] <GM_acchiato> It's out of your mighty kick range
  767. [22:02] <Martin_Baron> Darn
  768. [22:03] <Martin_Baron> I'm gonna roll for scavenge too. Can't miss the fun of finding buried treasure.
  769. [22:03] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100
  770. [22:03] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 100 [13%] :: Results [13] ::
  771. [22:03] <Martin_Baron> Damn
  772. [22:03] <GM_acchiato> No, no.
  773. [22:03] <GM_acchiato> You find something.
  774. [22:03] <GM_acchiato> It's a book.
  775. [22:03] <Clayton_R> "Maybe ammo though..." He utters under his breath.
  776. [22:04] <GM_acchiato> It's title, "Walk this way." a biography on an obscure rockstar
  777. [22:05] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, actions?
  778. [22:05] * Clayton_R takes a glance at the book. "Hmm... doesn't really worth the weight."
  779. [22:05] <Snapper_Jack> We didn't find much with scavenge, maybe I'll see something interesting with a perception roll?
  780. [22:06] <GM_acchiato> Nah, this place is well treaded and picked clean.
  781. [22:06] <Martin_Baron> "I dunno, I bet someone would care for this. I'll drop it if I need to." he says, storing the book in his pack. Not a fan of such type of books, but he believes he might get a reward for finding a pre-war book.
  782. [22:06] <GM_acchiato> It's like next door to endtown for crying out loud!
  783. [22:07] <Martin_Baron> "Might as well head West. Might run into that pig, and we'll get closer to the drop off point Mallard wanted us to get to."
  784. [22:07] <Snapper_Jack> (We have found jewlery, a pre-war book, an article of clothing and some food in a matter of minutes)
  785. [22:07] <GM_acchiato> You're good at this!
  786. [22:07] <Martin_Baron> (Concerning apocalyptic scavenging standards, we hit the jackpot.)
  787. [22:07] <Snapper_Jack> "Let's head out then."
  788. [22:07] <GM_acchiato> Heading?
  789. [22:08] <Snapper_Jack> west
  790. [22:08] <GM_acchiato> Jeep then.
  791. [22:08] * Clayton_R shrugs, "Seems odd that there might be someone just resting out here... It might be best to exercise caution if we find this pig"
  792. [22:08] <Martin_Baron> (And, you gotta admit, jewelry is pretty rare. I'd assume just before everything went to shite, people were looting the stores and took all the goods.)
  793. [22:08] <Martin_Baron> "Agreed, can never be too careful."
  794. [22:09] <GM_acchiato> Something becomes obvious as you approach the vehicle. It's toeing a small hook up behind it with something covered by a tarp.
  795. [22:09] <Snapper_Jack> "I'm a massive carnivore, and you have a flamethrower. there are few things in these ruins to be scared of."
  796. [22:09] <GM_acchiato> (Maybe the mutants bury stuff?)
  797. [22:09] * Martin_Baron pulls the blaster out of its holster, making sure it's winded.
  798. [22:09] * Clayton_R scoffs, "There sure was something in that sandstorm."
  799. [22:10] <Snapper_Jack> "So. one of you want to lift the tarp or should I?"
  800. [22:10] <Snapper_Jack> (Sandstorm? What sandstorm? Certainly not one Snaps had anything to do with!)
  801. [22:10] <Clayton_R> "Be my guest."
  802. [22:11] <GM_acchiato> Snapper, are you sure you want to lift this tarp?
  803. [22:11] <Martin_Baron> "Yeah, you lift it, I'll keep this aimed at it."
  804. [22:11] <GM_acchiato> This is important.
  805. [22:11] <Snapper_Jack> I was. then you asked me if I was sure I wanted to, making me less sure.
  806. [22:11] <GM_acchiato> No take backs
  807. [22:11] <Snapper_Jack> *Goes right on up to the tarp and lifts the damn thing.
  808. [22:11] * Clayton_R Clayton levels his Flamethrower at the tarp
  809. [22:12] <GM_acchiato> You reveal a auburn red Cherokee motorcycle.
  810. [22:12] <GM_acchiato> Pristine condition.
  811. [22:12] <Snapper_Jack> (RESTING HOG)
  812. [22:12] <GM_acchiato> Perfect working order.
  813. [22:12] <Snapper_Jack> "Oh hell yes."
  814. [22:13] * Clayton_R retires his flamethower, "Damn..."
  815. [22:13] <Martin_Baron> "Oh... Wow, holy crap."
  816. [22:13] <Snapper_Jack> "Dibs"
  817. [22:13] <GM_acchiato> +5 to snap for dibs!
  818. [22:13] <Clayton_R> "How are you gonna ride that big guy?"
  819. [22:14] <Snapper_Jack> "I'm only 350. That's not THAT bad."
  820. [22:14] <GM_acchiato> (Weight is subjective, eh?)
  821. [22:14] <Martin_Baron> "More importantly... How did no one else find this?"
  822. [22:14] <Clayton_R> "That's not exactly what concerned me..."
  823. [22:15] <GM_acchiato> (What does concern you?)
  824. [22:15] <Clayton_R> (Body shape)
  825. [22:16] <Snapper_Jack> (hmm.)
  826. [22:16] <GM_acchiato> Eh, I've seen pretty round bikers.
  827. [22:16] <Clayton_R> (seems like some odd surface area issues too)
  828. [22:16] <GM_acchiato> (The horror of what your shelled butt does to cushions!)
  829. [22:17] <Snapper_Jack> (I could lean foward a little. rest more on my crotch area.)
  830. [22:17] <Snapper_Jack> (Probably have to to make room for the tail.)
  831. [22:17] <Clayton_R> "Well... Is it fueled?"
  832. [22:18] <Snapper_Jack> *puts ear near the gas tank and jostles the bike a little
  833. [22:18] <GM_acchiato> Yes.
  834. [22:18] <Snapper_Jack> "Sounds like it's got some gas in it."
  835. [22:18] <GM_acchiato> Seems to be gasoline.
  836. [22:19] <Martin_Baron> "Well holy $%@# ."
  837. [22:19] <GM_acchiato> (You could actually accomplish your mission and pick up the guys in an hour with a vehicle.
  838. [22:19] <Martin_Baron> "And what about the Jeep? Think that's got anything going for it?"
  839. [22:19] * Clayton_R steps closer. "Would you get mad if I siphoned a bit?"
  840. [22:20] <GM_acchiato> The jeep appears to be out of gas.
  841. [22:20] <Snapper_Jack> "check the jeeps tank first."
  842. [22:20] <Snapper_Jack> (nvm)
  843. [22:20] <Clayton_R> "I'm running on half a tank here..."
  844. [22:21] == Zero34 [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  845. [22:21] <Snapper_Jack> "Nah. go ahead."
  846. [22:21] <GM_acchiato> (Important decisions)
  847. [22:21] * Clayton_R seems pleasantly surprised. "Thanks."
  848. [22:21] <Martin_Baron> "I'll check the inside of the Jeep. Maybe they got something else in there."
  849. [22:22] <Martin_Baron> (Roll for scavenge or no?)
  850. [22:22] <Snapper_Jack> "I doubt we'll be keeping either of these things after this mission. I have a sneaking suspicion E-Sec *won't* let me keep a motorcycle."
  851. [22:22] <GM_acchiato> Jeep contains: 1 hatchet, two cantines of water, 50 ft of rope, burlap sacs, a shovel.
  852. [22:23] <GM_acchiato> A small toolbox.
  853. [22:23] <GM_acchiato> 100 ct ammo box for a 9mm.
  854. [22:23] <Clayton_R> (Do I need to roll for some reason to siphon gas?)
  855. [22:23] <GM_acchiato> Nah.
  856. [22:23] <Clayton_R> (cool)
  857. [22:24] <GM_acchiato> What would that be? Pickpocket with your lungs?
  858. [22:24] <GM_acchiato> You syphon the gas.
  859. [22:24] * Clayton_R fills his tank to the brim. "Hey, thanks Jack. If we run out gas anyways, I can always dump some back in..."
  860. [22:25] <Martin_Baron> "Ooh... This is just too damn good." he says, pocketing the hatchet. He begins to pull out the other items out of the car for the others to see.
  861. [22:25] <GM_acchiato> You can now travel roughly 180 miles in either vehicle.
  862. [22:25] <Snapper_Jack> "I have an idea"
  863. [22:25] <Clayton_R> "What might that be?"
  864. [22:26] <Snapper_Jack> "we can use the bike to hit the dead drop, while two of us take the jeep and start heading back. whoever's on the bike can catch up."
  865. [22:26] <Martin_Baron> (Either vehicle? You mean the Jeep works and it's just dry?)
  866. [22:27] <GM_acchiato> Yes.
  867. [22:27] <GM_acchiato> It has not rained in sometime.
  868. [22:27] <GM_acchiato> Everything is dry.
  869. [22:27] <Martin_Baron> (2/10, poor execution)
  870. [22:27] <Martin_Baron> "So how do we decide who goes to the drop off and who heads back? Draw straws?"
  871. [22:28] <Snapper_Jack> (It's always bothered me that there are sometimes clouds in Aaron's backrounds.)
  872. [22:28] <GM_acchiato> (Roll dice!)
  873. [22:28] <Martin_Baron> (Well, they can be dust clouds)
  874. [22:28] <GM_acchiato> I blame dittos.
  875. [22:28] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100
  876. [22:28] <Internets> :: Total 33 / 100 [33%] :: Results [33] ::
  877. [22:28] <Snapper_Jack> "I claimed the bike. You two can fuck right off into the Jeep."
  878. [22:28] <GM_acchiato> Roving flying dittos
  879. [22:28] <Martin_Baron> Or flying Topsider bases.
  880. [22:28] <GM_acchiato> Snapper does have dibs.
  881. [22:29] <Clayton_R> "Well... We need some gas too, unless we use up some in my tank."
  882. [22:29] <Snapper_Jack> (We have 180 total miles between the two vehicles yeah?)
  883. [22:29] <GM_acchiato> Correct
  884. [22:30] <DJ-Max> (Getting late. I'mma have to go sleep.)
  885. [22:30] * Martin_Baron remembers something important: He doesn't know how to drive. "Er... Say Clayton... You've ever driven before?"
  886. [22:30] <Snapper_Jack> g'night DJ
  887. [22:30] <GM_acchiato> (Night man.
  888. [22:30] <Martin_Baron> (Good night Max. See you next week)
  889. [22:30] <Snapper_Jack> "We can split the tank 50/50. Should be enough for both vehicles.
  890. [22:30] == DJ-Max [] has left #endtownrpg [Leaving]
  891. [22:30] <GM_acchiato> I'll track your xp and tell you next time.
  892. [22:31] <GM_acchiato> You already did split it.
  893. [22:31] * Clayton_R stares back at the rabbit. "I mean... I did a *while* back."
  894. [22:31] <Snapper_Jack> "Is the Jeep a standard?"
  895. [22:32] * Clayton_R turns back to snapper, "works for me..."
  896. [22:32] <King_Cheetah> Okay gents, I'm out
  897. [22:32] <GM_acchiato> Yeah, open top.
  898. [22:32] <GM_acchiato> Night man!
  899. [22:32] <Snapper_Jack> g' night King
  900. [22:32] <Clayton_R> "And... yeah it looks like it."
  901. [22:32] <King_Cheetah> I'll have the character sketches posted in tomorrow's Endtown thread
  902. [22:32] <GM_acchiato> Cool!
  903. [22:32] <Snapper_Jack> thanks mate
  904. [22:32] <King_Cheetah> G'night!
  905. [22:33] <Clayton_R> (Awesome. Thanks fo hanging out Cheetah)
  906. [22:33] <Martin_Baron> See ya later Cheetah.
  907. [22:33] == King_Cheetah [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  908. [22:33] <GM_acchiato> Anyway, jeep. Open top, crossbar, winch.
  909. [22:34] <GM_acchiato> Pretty standard.
  910. [22:34] <GM_acchiato> Not a city jeep, certainly.
  911. [22:34] <Snapper_Jack> (How much does the motorcycle weigh?)
  912. [22:35] * Clayton_R looks pleased with he jeep. "I think this'll work fine."
  913. [22:35] <GM_acchiato> Give me a min...
  914. [22:35] <GM_acchiato> 400 lbs.
  915. [22:37] <Snapper_Jack> *Lifts the bike up off the trailer bed and onto the street. "all right, I'll just take this then."
  916. [22:38] <GM_acchiato> (You guys can't just let him take it!)
  917. [22:38] <Clayton_R> "See ya. Try to keep your balance."
  918. [22:39] <Martin_Baron> (I can't reach the ground when I sit, so I don't care.)
  919. [22:39] <GM_acchiato> Might wanna take it slow. You don't actually know how to drive it.
  920. [22:40] <Snapper_Jack> (Taking it slow would still be significantly faster than I already move.)
  921. [22:40] <Clayton_R> (Heh.)
  922. [22:40] <GM_acchiato> I think this is a good point to stop for the night.
  923. [22:40] * Martin_Baron hops into the passenger seat, waiting for Clayton to take the wheel.
  924. [22:41] <Martin_Baron> Yep, sounds good.
  925. [22:41] <GM_acchiato> (That is to say, my back is aching.)
  926. [22:41] <Snapper_Jack> Alrighty then
  927. [22:41] <GM_acchiato> I'm sorry I had less time for you guys on your chapter.
  928. [22:41] <GM_acchiato> Combat went alittle longer than I wanted.
  929. [22:41] <Martin_Baron> Eh, it's fine. Enjoyed Max and Gray's shenanigans.
  930. [22:41] <GM_acchiato> Great.
  931. [22:42] <Clayton_R> Seems like some alright progress for tonight. I'm kinda thankful we're not in the situation the other guys are in.
  932. [22:42] <Martin_Baron> Also, I'm surprised by how lucky we are. Exactly how bad could that have gone?
  933. [22:42] <Martin_Baron> What other guys?
  934. [22:42] <GM_acchiato> I think they want to drive into a wall next session anyway.
  935. [22:42] <Snapper_Jack> And besides, if we hadn't waited then Box wouldn't have been able to join.
  936. [22:42] <Clayton_R> That is a good point too. Sorry I made you guys wait.
  937. [22:42] <GM_acchiato> Actually BoR since you split i've been alternating exploration and combat between the two of you.
  938. [22:43] <Clayton_R> Oh really?
  939. [22:43] <GM_acchiato> Kinda sorta.
  940. [22:43] <Snapper_Jack> Nah man, it wouldn't have been teh same without you. also, next game Saturday?
  941. [22:43] <GM_acchiato> I got bored today and threw mutts at them.
  942. [22:43] <Martin_Baron> Oh, misread Clayton's text as GM's. Thought there were others.
  943. [22:43] <GM_acchiato> Yes.
  944. [22:44] <Martin_Baron> Saturday?
  945. [22:44] <GM_acchiato> So what time, 12 noon pst/ 3pm est?
  946. [22:44] <Martin_Baron> This Saturday or the next one?
  947. [22:44] <GM_acchiato> I'd love this saturday.
  948. [22:44] <Martin_Baron> Hey, 2 in one week, I'm game.
  949. [22:44] <Clayton_R> That could work for me
  950. [22:44] <GM_acchiato> Get us good and fed up with it!
  951. [22:45] <GM_acchiato> So for xp, abit is going to team GrDj.
  952. [22:45] <Martin_Baron> 3 PM Est sounds good. I wake up at 11 or so on CST, so I got 3 hours to get ready
  953. [22:45] <GM_acchiato> Cool.
  954. [22:45] <Clayton_R> Heh. Anyways, I think I'll head off. I vote Martin MVP for our group
  955. [22:45] <Clayton_R> I vote Gray overall
  956. [22:45] <GM_acchiato> Yeah.
  957. [22:45] <Martin_Baron> Really? I would've voted either Gray or Max.
  958. [22:46] <GM_acchiato> Oh dear...
  959. [22:46] <GM_acchiato> We'll have to decide that next time!
  960. [22:46] <Snapper_Jack> good night all
  961. [22:46] <Martin_Baron> Guess we will. Oh, and I'll post the time on the post so the others can see it.
  962. [22:46] <GM_acchiato> But still, great job today. Night all.
  963. [22:46] == Snapper_Jack has changed nick to moglog
  964. [22:46] <Clayton_R> Alright. See ya later guys
  965. [22:46] <Martin_Baron> Good night. See you Saturday then.
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