
09. Rin's Calendar

Jun 8th, 2015
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  1. The religion in Rin is deeply tied to their culture, even dictating the date. There are 200 days in Rin's calendar, split into 10 months with 20 days. Each month is named after one of the aspects of God, and the days named after their domains. There are two weeks in a month, although they go uncounted. The year is dictated by the amount of cycles it's been since Rin was founded, and the First arrived from Rin-That-Was. The first number in the date dedicates the cycle. A cycle is declared to be completed upon the untimely death of an alicorn king; natural deaths of a monarch in Rin are not counted as the end of a cycle. Currently, it is the year 10 642. The sun and the moon are referred to as the Daystar and the Nightstar, and together are referred to as the Star of Rin. There is a creation myth that states that Etaris, the Forlorn Mother, gave away her heart in a moment of compassion, and now bears the Star of Rin in its stead.
  2. Paste the below into to read the yearly calendar of Rin:
  4. {"year_len":200,"events":1,"n_months":10,"months":["Uzena","Zoarus","Myna","Ytarr","Etaris","Abteus","Gadris","Raam","Vanber","Drothen"],"month_len":{"Uzena":20,"Zoarus":20,"Myna":20,"Ytarr":20,"Etaris":20,"Abteus":20,"Gadris":20,"Raam":20,"Vanber":20,"Drothen":20},"week_len":20,"weekdays":["Day of Oath","Day of Abandon","Day of Purpose","Day of Folly","Day of Pain","Day of Pleasure","Day of Hope","Day of Despair","Day of Loss","Day of Longing","Day of Chance","Day of Whim","Day of Health","Day of Atrophy","Day of Commotion","Day of Order","Day of Hunger","Day of Plenty","Day of Cowardice","Day of Bravery"],"n_moons":1,"moons":["Nightstar"],"lunar_cyc":{"Nightstar":29.53},"lunar_shf":{"Nightstar":20},"year":10642,"first_day":0}
  6. The date is read by using the day's name as a possessive. For example, the third day of the calendar would be Uzena's Day of Purpose.
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