
Deciphered Conviction

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. [13:11:40] Alas, to those he had consumed, an Infernus had joined their ranks…
  2. That’d make three:
  3. An Aquarius..
  4. A Zeus…
  5. And now, an Infernus…
  6. --And soon, a Ventus…
  8. He turned his head with an ecstatic expression plastered across his visage, mouth still open to allow his symbiotic, cadaver-releasing tongue to curve over to his side, around his entity and behind his head.
  9. ‘ --And to rid myself of reason of this fear… Of Humanity… Of Yokai… Of this cruel world…’
  10. He started on his slow approach, closing the distance.
  11. ‘--By ascending to power that even those such as this, would never hope to comprehend.’
  12. ”I… Will… Become… Perfect.” He communicated through the telepathic channel unto the damned.
  13. ”... and I’ll be damned, if anyone tries to stop me. Human, or Yokai. “
  14. (Vile Yokai)
  15. [13:12:32] The symbiotic tongue lurched forth, skewering the one-winged bird across the entirety of its body. From the neck, to its shins-- Through cartilage, muscle, sinew and bone alike without prejudice; Immediately, the immobilized vainly beat down with its wing for liberation, only to find itself growing exhausted. A splatter of blood rained upon the soil beneath it, before it’d finally lay in a spanning pool of its own blood.
  17. ”The power…”
  18. Its figure trembled, outright lost for means of proper description of this power… Proper comprehension of what surged through his veins. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
  20. Unlike his awakening…
  21. Unlike his initial ascension…
  22. No, this wasn’t evolution…
  23. This, was simply a new stage of power taken towards; Whether this was the work of his mutation, or feats he had accomplished thus far, he knew not… And for the most part, did not care.
  24. All that mattered was that he had more; He needed to experience it again, everlastingly. This was a magnitude of such crude forces that could not be dismissed. In the absorption of this last Elemental…
  25. (Vile Yokai)
  26. [13:12:32] He could feel the culmination of the former taking to supernatural results.
  28. ”... Could it be? That I’ve come close to my threshold? Only after consuming so many with powers so much greater than my own?”
  29. The concept of such seemed fitting for him. He was stronger than most…. So didn’t he require more than any other? To become the strongest-- The all-powerful without equal: A Perfect, he’d need to ensure that he was without equal.
  31. To guarantee it, he had to finish the superfecta in play…
  32. With every casualty, he had taken to a new part of the Elemental scheme, leaving only one left: Earth.
  33. ”With each one I absorb… I feel it building within. The Darkness without parallel that demonstrates my prowess above all else. I need only to attain more of it, to finally be rid of my common weaknesses.”
  35. The final warrior of this battlefield was vanquished… Leaving only the nameless midst scattering lesser ilk, wishing no part of his feeding spree.
  36. There was only one thing left to do… To hunt down a Terras, and he knew exactly where to find one.
  37. (Vile Yokai)
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