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Jun 6th, 2021
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  1. ffff8000802001c6 <platform_early_init>:
  2. ffff8000802001c6: 715d addi sp,sp,-80
  3. ffff8000802001c8: e0a2 sd s0,64(sp)
  4. ffff8000802001ca: e486 sd ra,72(sp)
  5. ffff8000802001cc: 1ba000ef jal ra,ffff800080200386 <plic_early_init>
  6. ffff8000802001d0: 00150797 auipc a5,0x150
  7. ffff8000802001d4: e3078793 addi a5,a5,-464 # ffff800080350000 <lk_boot_args>
  8. ffff8000802001d8: 6780 ld s0,8(a5)
  9. ffff8000802001da: 57fd li a5,-1
  10. ffff8000802001dc: 17be slli a5,a5,0x2f
  11. ffff8000802001de: 943e add s0,s0,a5
  12. ffff8000802001e0: 00000797 auipc a5,0x0
  13. ffff8000802001e4: f9078793 addi a5,a5,-112 # ffff800080200170 <memcallback>
  14. ffff8000802001e8: f03e sd a5,32(sp)
  15. ffff8000802001ea: 00b10793 addi a5,sp,11
  16. ffff8000802001ee: f43e sd a5,40(sp)
  17. ffff8000802001f0: 00000797 auipc a5,0x0
  18. ffff8000802001f4: f7878793 addi a5,a5,-136 # ffff800080200168 <cpucallback>
  19. ffff8000802001f8: f83e sd a5,48(sp)
  20. ffff8000802001fa: 100c addi a1,sp,32
  21. ffff8000802001fc: 007c addi a5,sp,12
  22. ffff8000802001fe: 8522 mv a0,s0
  23. ffff800080200200: 000105a3 sb zero,11(sp)
  24. ffff800080200204: c602 sw zero,12(sp)
  25. ffff800080200206: fc3e sd a5,56(sp)
  26. ffff800080200208: 104120ef jal ra,ffff80008021230c <fdt_walk>
  27. ffff80008020020c: e531 bnez a0,ffff800080200258 <platform_early_init+0x92>
  28. ffff80008020020e: 00b14783 lbu a5,11(sp)
  29. ffff800080200212: cfa9 beqz a5,ffff80008020026c <platform_early_init+0xa6>
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