
Lavender vs StoneFace

Apr 8th, 2017
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  1. Sure.
  2. *Lavender found herself sorrunded agaist a wall. The wind blew her scarf and drops of sweat dripped from her shoulders into the ground making a few puddles, her long legs shifted from side to side trying to find a favorable positon for her. In front of her the sadistic smile of three men with machetes glowed in her googles. She had defeated five of them but made a mistake of going to an alley trying to fight them one on one but they got the step on her knowing the streets better than her.
  3. She condisred her options and she stayed to fight....All could go wrong so she needed to be quick.
  4. She was agaist a wall and had no way to scape. She could jump but if she did she would look weak in front of the villians, thinking for a bit she smiled with an insane enough idea.
  5. This smile was not untoniced by the villiand who attacked and found themselves finding a piece of concrete digging deep into their faces. Lavender kicked a piece of ground that was uneven hard enough for shards and bits of it to fly into the men's faces. This was distraction enought for her to jump at the men and with a flurry of punched defeat the three of them.
  6. *Lavender took a deep breath, this was big mistake and she got lucky. She knew that and she needed to get out of there as fast as possible...
  7. (yt)
  8. (Like that)
  9. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 7:16 PM
  10. [It's fine. I'm typing my post up.]
  11. Lavender is one of many heroine that have fallen beneath the glimpse of a local crime lord’s small beaded eyes. And whatever mistake she made during any attempts at scouting is furthermore evidenced when she’s cornered by a group of bestial looking men. Their hungry evident from the blood caked sight of their bladed weapons. Being hunted in a relentless manner has resulted in being repositioned into a nearby alleyway. It is fortunate that she managed to fell more of her attackers with a combination of strength and speed, leaving crude injuries while their faces are crackled like eggs. The last few attackers collapse shortly thereafter and winded panting in deep silence, receives assistance, from an audible clapping noise. When Lavender glances ahead in hopes of leaving that alleyway it is blockaded by a massive slab of muscle, an Orc, donning a black mask to conceal his nightmarish face – yet it leaves beady yellow eyes, and crude teeth visible. “Nice job sweetheart.” That heavy voice echoes deep like thunder against gravel. "I do hope you enjoyed yourself. But your fun ends here."
  12. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 7:37 PM
  13. *Lavender narrowed her eyes looking at the giant figure in front of her, fearless even on the face of death she crossed her arms and leaned a bit on her hip to show she was not intimidated by the big figure, a glance from her googles to the yellow glowing eyes glanced to each other locking them in mental combat. The first one to show any weaknesses was going to lose.
  14. But Lanvender was already up to the wall and her standima working overtime trying to hold her together "You are the boss I presume" said the heroine changing her voice so she would sound more like a female body builder than the small slim girl she was. "Only a criminal scumbag would see a fight and asume that it's somewhat fun" trying to distract the boss she raised a finger to the defeated men "My strenght is enough to break rocks, so don't take me lightly and walk away"
  15. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 7:46 PM
  16. He catches sight of the woman’s attempt at reaffirming her fighting spirit, bruised as it is to have fought multiple foes seemingly on and off. All with little rest in between confrontations. Clearly this entire scenario is constructed not only to test, but to drain her endurance, leaving her with less than maximum strength for this giant foe to confront her much later on. To some extent this does earn respect from him. But on the other hand, she’s a thorn in his side. “You wouldn’t understand the glory to be found within combat due to your lifestyle. You never will.” He replies seemingly unmoved by a mere change in tone. But the orc is not so easily deterred. Like a predator, he closes the distance between them both. “How long can you break rocks? Show me.”
  17. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 8:01 PM
  18. *This was bad, Lavender had been using her strenght too much to get away from the goons all night. Her bravado was wearing thin but the man's voice was to anoying. She took the bait and placed herself on a basic karate stance looking at the man. Her breath slowed for for a moment and she took a jump towards the man, she needed to beat him quick like she did to the other men, using her strenght at least one of her last gusts of strenght she attempted to jump towards the man and grab him by surprise with a Karate Chop to the neck, her strenght wasn't on the chop but on her legs to be able to jump out like a rocket at her oponent and catch him by surprise.
  20. One good punch tough the heroine, One good chop and I am scott free her hand moved like an axe towars the black cladded figure
  21. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 8:10 PM
  22. spent some time observing her tactics. This combined with a breadth of experience, fighting younger women like her, goading them and breaking them makes her strike appear well before it’s even executed. A preference for speed makes her desperation visible. Her nemesis, the large Orc, moves rather quick for his size in one fell swoop. The moment she lashes out with an explosive Karate Chop, he extends forth one hand to snag her wrist with surprising ease, possessing more strength than even expected of his size. Momentum is used against her if she commits heavily enough; the orc stepping out to swing her around wildly, before shooting her body, like a bullet back into the alleyway.
  23. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 8:24 PM
  24. *Lavender gasped as she saw her gloved hand grabbed like a simple chopstick mid air. She coudln't even struggle to force the large man to let her go she only can emit a huge scream as she is send back first into the alley. Her head is the first one to impact from her body hitting the wall, then it's her back rather it's the plate on her right shoulder slamming agaist the hard cold wall.
  25. The heroine slides down the wall hurt and dizzy. She shakes her head and the flicks of her long hair that block her view but she still feels pretty dizzy. She looks up at the man and tries to stand up using the wall as a support while at the same time she holds her shoulder with her left arm. Grunting the heroine slowly stands up "Hgn..." her leather covered legs shivering as her power is depleating quickly
  26. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 8:31 PM
  27. The orc almost unleashes a face-splitting grin at the disbelief on Lavender’s face. It’s furthermore evident that he enjoys tossing around smaller women so haplessly. Accumulating battle damage piled atop previously sustained injuries paints a picture that satisfies any villainous desires. By the time, she rises to both feet his massive shadow is cast over her. He extends forth one hand to seize hair by their roots, or the scarf if that doesn’t work. While attempting to grapple he simultaneously swings an uppercut toward her stomach, and uses its impact to drive her spine against the wall once more, then sandwich and ‘crush’ it between two hard surfaces. If this does succeed, he clenches his fist, and drives in deeper to savor her pained reaction.
  28. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 8:40 PM
  29. *Lavender looks at the shadow looming over her. She clenches her teeth trying to think a way out of here but once again the man in black shows to be more quicker than her. She screeches as she feels her long hair pulled, in an instintive manner she grabs the man's giant arm with both hands trying to force him to open it's hand but leaving her stomach out and open.
  30. As the fist enters her slim waist line she whimpers and let's her tounge out due to the pain, the sandwitch between a literal hardplace and a rock make the heroine cough trying to fill her lungs with anything but pain. She tries in vain to push the man's fist away from her, her forehead and bare shoulders are filled with sweat now as she tastes the bitterness of being a simple ragdoll in front of a giant(edited)
  31. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 8:49 PM
  32. As usual he commits to that brutal uppercut. In the process, it impacts with her stomach and she’s driven back first into a wall that worsens the impact, causing her to fold still against the fist battering her midsection regardless. While maintaining a firm hold of Lavender’s hair the onslaught continues. Again, and again, his fist retracts for a mere second, only to drive forth with ferocity greater than the previous strike. Each merciless strike is meant with her back slamming against the wall in a resounding thud. However, this simple satisfaction does not last too long. The orc steps back, reeling Lavender by her hair still, as that fist soon becomes a clawing vice grip on her stomach. In the blink of an eye she’s lifted up, brought over him in a wide arc, then slammed back first onto the ground prior to being released on impact. "I thought you had a little more fight left." He taunts, now stepping around, examing her supine frame with lecherous eyes. "Don't tell me you wasted it all on mere pawns."
  33. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 9:00 PM
  34. *The heroine gasped and screamed at each punch on her stomach, each one worse that the last one. Her purple and black dress had sustained so much damange that is was now shredding away showing off her stomach bruised and bloodied with wounds from the monstruos hits. She grunted and looked up at the man trying to ger some defiance out but all she managued was to show her tired face to the man. This had never happened to her before. At least not in the costume. She was now half tired and trying to witstand the punches of the man unable to awnser them.
  35. In the end she dangled on the man's vice grip head down defeated, her face covered by her own hair and her scarf along with other parts of her costume shreding away. She shivered on the orc's hands. He could feel her shvering in defeat and pain.
  36. The body of the heroine bounced twice as she was slammed into the floor. Her eyes closed and her legs shivering. After a shriek that could only rival a banshee scaped her lips she strugged to get up moaning of pain. She had now a window of oportunity to run away but the taunting of the man and his cockyness really got into the heroine's nerves. She rolled on to her back gasping but did not replied to the taunt since she couldn't think of anything
  37. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 9:14 PM
  38. The orc knows a myriad of emotions run deep within her body, and what false bravado were visible after she killed his minions once before is released as a pained shriek. Horrid shivering is appetizing to the eyes, sweat drenching fair skin, making clothing hug those humble curves on her petite frame. Extremities of the impact even offers a rewarding view between her legs, which almost give him an up skirt, satisfying whether he witnesses shorts or panties. Visible annoyance at his attitude does widen that amused grin further. He doesn’t need a verbal response. Her body language is all he needs to see. Her panting, moaning and shrieking is all he needs to hear. The orc reaches a desired area, lower body, where he crouches down to grasp her leg by its ankle. She’s quickly elevated and swung toward a nearby wall once more.
  39. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 9:31 PM
  40. "Uwaaah....Ahh..:Aaah...!" The shoulders of the heroine shivered in fear and pain as she was basically stuck into the wall. More concrning was the fact that a single trail of blood lingered idly by trough her goggles darkening them with blood. After her body tried to comunicate with her once again the only sound that came out of her mouth was a loud was and more coughing.
  41. She had been saving her strenght for a while but this was taking all of herself to be able to withstand. She managued to unplug one of her arms and she touched her forehead, her hair was stuck with the trail of blood to her forehead. She whimpered and shivered "N-No...I won't lose here..." said Lavender trying to unstuck herself from the wall
  42. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 9:46 PM
  43. The orc’s nostrils flare at blood’s metallic odor. A sign of gradual mutilation. Its impact is so severe that she’s glued against the wall, concrete tangling her body and putting her on display like a trophy almost. Weakened noises still haven’t lost amusement. Acknowledgement of those wounds on Lavender’s end do welcome another approach. “I’ll help you out.” Says the orc now prying that arm away from her stained hair, then peel her body off that wall just as easily as he has pinned her there. While doing so he latches on ravenously. He coils both arms around her waist, while keeping her arms pinned against her sides on contrast for a tight bearhug. Slowly, maniacally, he squeezes not just to crush her, but drain any remaining endurance and prove just how much she’s lost in the fight – then how much she has left to lose.
  44. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 10:26 PM
  45. Lavender gasped in paint. She moaned unable to move. This however got worse for the heroine as she spitted out blood straigh from her mouth gasping in pain trying to get off the orc's giant hands around her pettite figure crushing her. This was too much for the young girl to hangle. Her bravado finally broke "Aaah! Nooo! Stoooop!" she wriggled her long legs as the purple leather from the kickked around with no other figure than her high heels dancing on the air unable to even land a sustancial hit on the orc. "Ghnn...Aaaaaa!! Stoop! Stooop!!" screamed laverder as once again her pillowy lips filled with blood and another crack on her rips made her spit out the red liquid into the air making it rain down her face and her oponent's.
  46. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 10:45 PM
  47. The agonizing crush of muscle against weakening body produces a delicate crackling noise, the symphony to her inevitable demise. A wracked rupturing sensation barely restrained by the orc’s understanding of his own strength is what prevents Lavender’s head from ejecting off her body like a bottle cap. Just the shrill heaving of her chest while she struggles against asphyxiation is elevating internal heat within her attacker, accelerating heart beats, tightening his crotch within his pants. Her broken body is matched with a broken mind. The orc’s long, slimy tongue extends forth, laps up blood from the edge of his lips. Once finished he dips forth to then lather her face in saliva as he licks that liquid off her a moment thereafter. “Say it louder.” He urges her, playing to that defeated spirit. “Beg for me to spare your pathetic life so I can release you! Tell me why I should release you!”
  48. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 10:51 PM
  49. "Aaaaaah!!...Aaaah....Uuuh...." gasped the heroine as her back arched more forced by the mere ferocity of the animal in front of her. She roared and whimpered trying to withstand the pain but her endurance had been worked overtime by this giant. She was tired and she had never fought agaist someone whose superstrenght was superior to her. She whinced and clenched her teeh trying to not think about it but it was no use. In a last desperate attempt she bit her lip and her eyes glared a fierce purple color.
  50. With another scream this one more of an animal than a defeated heroine she managued to get her hands out of the man's crushing grip and get them out so she could try and counter attack by aplying presure into the man's eyes.
  51. This was her last reserve of strenght and even if it worked she would have no way to scape but the herouine was desperate
  52. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 11:13 PM
  53. Just when Lavender is given the chance to beg like a bitch, she retaliates instead. After prying those arms from the neigh inescapable arms squeezing her tight they barely manage to reach the hood before it is met with retaliation of his own. He thrusts that massive forehead against her nose in hopes of splattering more blood. Should she come under bad luck during this exchange he’ll likely strike anywhere else on her face. Regardless this iron will does earn considerable respect. Though instead of finishing off the job by snapping her literally in half, the girl is released, her body idly tossed aside like some useless ragdoll. By this point if he continues beating her she’ll likely die either from endurance or some other internal bleeding. “I think you’ve had enough for one day.” He states, knowing full well she’d been pushed to her natural limit. “But rather than take you into my lair? I’ll put you up for bids underground and see how much I can get for someone to get their hands on you.” He comments, lowering himself down to crouch near her body, then brush a hand down her hips and legs.
  54. Baku|Haku - Last Thursday at 11:19 PM
  55. *The last hit is almost lethal to the heroine, she is unable to retaliate in anyway. Even words of a scream. A silent gasps comes out of her mouth as she slides fowards due to the force until she meets the wall again. There she gargles and shivers, her mind still defiant to the end agaist the orc but her body can't take out any more and a series of spassams are her only move.
  56. If the orc looks carefully at the fallen heroine he can tell that the reflecting light on the eyes of the heroine are no longer there but there is only a blank stare of a prey taken down by a fierce oponent. As the hand of the orc touches the heroine her tounge sticks out of her mouth drooling a mix of saliva and left over blood
  57. Stoneface - Last Thursday at 11:28 PM
  58. Understands the heroine never suffered a humiliating loss at the hands of a foe, willing to exploit those specific traits, rather than administer idle brute force and seize victory. Exhausting one’s fighting spirit before they’re finished off is an old, unappreciated tactic, sure to humiliate those who do not take heed to care for their wellbeing. A tired body unable to move, a tired mind unable to resist. It’s frightening to believe the orc can take Lavender and subject her to whatever gruesome tortures cross his mind. “Don’t worry.” He assures the fallen heroine, flipping her prone, tying both wrists behind her back. “There are plenty of old foes willing to give a fine little girl like you some love.” Now hoisting her stomach first over his shoulder, swinging a hand to smack her butt before he walks off with her in tow. Once a heroine, now a captor.
  59. April 7, 2017
  60. Baku|Haku - Yesterday at 12:20 AM
  61. (END!!!)
  62. Niceeee~
  63. Stoneface - Yesterday at 12:20 AM
  64. Glad you enjoyed it.
  65. Baku|Haku - Yesterday at 12:20 AM
  66. You did as well?
  67. Stoneface - Yesterday at 12:20 AM
  68. I did. I kinda like how you write.
  69. Baku|Haku - Yesterday at 12:25 AM
  70. Kinda~ :#
  71. Tell me how good I am >W<
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