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a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. command /epic [<text>] [<integer>]:
  2. permission: premiumcase.give
  3. permission message: &e• &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is not set:
  6. send "&8» &cPoprawne uzycie &7/premiumcasedev <nick/all> <ilosc>"
  7. if arg-1 is set:
  8. if arg-2 is not set:
  9. send "&8» &cPoprawne uzycie &7/premiumcasedev <nick/all> <ilosc>"
  10. if arg-1 is not "all":
  11. if arg-2 is set:
  12. loop arg-2 times:
  13. if player can hold 1 chest:
  14. execute console command "give %arg-1% chest 1 name:&9&lEPIC&F&LBOX lore:&3&k!&3&k!&9&l_Epic&f&lBox_&7to_magiczna_skrzynia_z_ktorej|&3&k!&3&k!&7_moga_wyleciec_bardzo_&bcenne_przedmioty!|&3&k!&3&k!&7_Miedzy_innymi_takie_jak_&aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N"
  15. else:
  16. drop 1 chest named "&9&lEPIC&F&LBOX" with lore "&3&k!&3&k!&9&l Epic&f&lBox &7to magiczna skrzynia z ktorej||&3&k!&3&k!&7 moga wyleciec bardzo &bcenne przedmioty!||&3&k!&3&k!&7 Miedzy innymi takie jak &aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N" at player
  17. send "&8» &fGracz &a%arg 1% &fotrzymal &a%arg 2% &fPremiumCase!" to player
  18. if arg-1 is "all":
  19. if arg-2 is set:
  20. loop arg-2 times:
  21. loop all players:
  22. if loop-player can hold 1 chest:
  23. execute console command "give %loop-players% chest 1 name:&9&lEPIC&F&LBOX lore:&3&k!&3&k!&9&l_Epic&f&lBox_&7to_magiczna_skrzynia_z_ktorej|&3&k!&3&k!&7_moga_wyleciec_bardzo_&bcenne_przedmioty!|&3&k!&3&k!&7_Miedzy_innymi_takie_jak_&aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N"
  24. else:
  25. drop 1 chest named "&9&lEPIC&F&LBOX" with lore "&3&k!&3&k!&9&l Epic&f&lBox &7to magiczna skrzynia z ktorej||&3&k!&3&k!&7 moga wyleciec bardzo &bcenne przedmioty!||&3&k!&3&k!&7 Miedzy innymi takie jak &aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N" at loop-player
  26. broadcast ""
  27. broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &cPremiumCase &7x&6%arg 2%&7!"
  28. broadcast ""
  29. on place:
  30. block under event-block is end stone:
  31. stop
  32. block is not chest:
  33. stop
  34. player's tool is not chest named "&9&lEPIC&F&LBOX" with lore "&3&k!&3&k!&9&l Epic&f&lBox &7to magiczna skrzynia z ktorej||&3&k!&3&k!&7 moga wyleciec bardzo &bcenne przedmioty!||&3&k!&3&k!&7 Miedzy innymi takie jak &aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N":
  35. player's tool is not chest named "&9&lPrrrr":
  36. stop
  37. set event-block to air
  38. set {_i} to 0
  39. chance of 55%:
  40. drop diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  41. drop diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  42. drop diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  43. drop diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  44. add 1 to {_i}
  45. chance of 15%:
  46. drop diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  47. add 1 to {_i}
  48. chance of 15%:
  49. drop diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 at event-block
  50. add 1 to {_i}
  51. chance of 20%:
  52. drop 64 emerald at event-block
  53. add 1 to {_i}
  54. chance of 20%:
  55. drop 64 gold block at event-block
  56. add 1 to {_i}
  57. chance of 20%:
  58. drop 64 emerald at event-block
  59. add 1 to {_i}
  60. chance of 60%:
  61. drop diamond sword of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 at event-block
  62. add 1 to {_i}
  63. chance of 0.001%:
  64. add 1 to {_i}
  65. chance of 50%:
  66. drop 64 emerald block at event-block
  67. add 1 to {_i}
  68. chance of 50%:
  69. drop 64 tnt at event-block
  70. add 1 to {_i}
  71. chance of 30%:
  72. drop 16 ender pearl at event-block
  73. add 1 to {_i}
  74. chance of 2%:
  75. drop beacon at event-block
  76. send "" to all players
  77. send "&8» &eGratulacje! &7Gracz &a%player% &7wydropil &aB&bE&cA&dC&eO&6N&7!" to all players
  78. send "&8» &7Z przedmiotu: &9&lEPIC&f&lBOX&7!" to all players
  79. send "" to all players
  80. add 1 to {_i}
  81. chance of 20%:
  82. drop 32 322:0 at event-block
  83. add 1 to {_i}
  84. chance of 20%:
  85. drop 10 322:1 at event-block
  86. add 1 to {_i}
  87. chance of 5%:
  88. drop diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 and fortune 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&oSzybki kilof &6&o10/3/3" with lore " &f&l» &c&oJesli nie bedziesz mogl|| &f&l» &c&oNaprawic tego przedmiotu|| &f&l» &c&oW kowadle, uzyj komendy:|| &f&l» &a&o/REPAIR|| &f&l» &c&oPrzedmiot zdobyty z &9&l&oEPIC&f&l&oBOX&7&o!" at event-block
  89. add 1 to {_i}
  90. chance of 10%:
  91. drop diamond pickaxe of efficiency 9 and fortune 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&oSzybki kilof &6&o9/3/3" with lore " &f&l» &c&oJesli nie bedziesz mogl|| &f&l» &c&oNaprawic tego przedmiotu|| &f&l» &c&oW kowadle, uzyj komendy:|| &f&l» &a&o/REPAIR|| &f&l» &c&oPrzedmiot zdobyty z &9&l&oEPIC&f&l&oBOX&7&o!" at event-block
  92. add 1 to {_i}
  93. chance of 15%:
  94. drop diamond pickaxe of efficiency 8 and fortune 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&oSzybki kilof &6&o8/3/3" with lore " &f&l» &c&oJesli nie bedziesz mogl|| &f&l» &c&oNaprawic tego przedmiotu|| &f&l» &c&oW kowadle, uzyj komendy:|| &f&l» &a&o/REPAIR|| &f&l» &c&oPrzedmiot zdobyty z &9&l&oEPIC&f&l&oBOX&7&o!" at event-block
  95. add 1 to {_i}
  96. chance of 40%:
  97. drop diamond pickaxe of efficiency 6 and fortune 3 and unbreaking 3 named "&e&oSzybki kilof &6&o6/3/3" with lore " &f&l» &c&oJesli nie bedziesz mogl|| &f&l» &c&oNaprawic tego przedmiotu|| &f&l» &c&oW kowadle, uzyj komendy:|| &f&l» &a&o/REPAIR|| &f&l» &c&oPrzedmiot zdobyty z &9&l&oEPIC&f&l&oBOX&7&o!" at event-block
  98. add 1 to {_i}
  99. chance of 35%:
  100. drop 4 24:0 named "&6&lSANDFARMER" with lore "&8» &7Dzialanie &6SandFarmera||&8» &7Aby &6SandFarmer &7zadzialal||&8» &7Postaw &6SandFarmera &7w dowolnym miejscu|| ||&8» &7Pod postawionym &6SandFarmerem ||&8» &7Utworzy sie &c200 kratek piasku!" at event-block
  101. add 1 to {_i}
  102. chance of 35%:
  103. drop 4 49 named "&9&lBOYFARMER" with lore "&8» &7Dzialanie &9BoyFarmera||&8» &7Aby &9BoyFarmer &7zadzialal||&8» &7Postaw &9BoyFarmera &7w dowolnym miejscu|| ||&8» &7Pod postawionym &9BoyFarmerem ||&8» &7Utworzy sie &c200 kratek obsydianu!" at event-block
  104. add 1 to {_i}
  105. chance of 35%:
  106. drop 4 116 named "&e&lKOPACZ FOSY" with lore "&8» &7Dzialanie &eKopacza Fosy||&8» &7Aby &eKopacz Fosy &7zadzialal||&8» &7Postaw &eKopacz Fosy &7w dowolnym miejscu|| ||&8» &7Pod postawionym &eKopaczem Fosy||&8» &7Wszystkie bloki ponizej zostana &cusuniete!" at event-block
  107. add 1 to {_i}
  108. chance of 100:
  109. show mob spawner flames at event-block
  110. launch flickering ball firework colored pink at event-block timed 0.5
  111. launch ball firework colored blue at event-block timed 0.5
  112. launch flickering ball firework colored pink at event-block timed 0.5
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