
Computercraft Login Code

Aug 8th, 2016 (edited)
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  1. os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
  2. term.clear()
  3. p = "password"
  4. print("   odd Security v1.4.5   ")
  5. print("=========================")
  6. print("|| UserName: yourname  ||")
  7. write("|| Password: ********  ||")
  8. print("=========================")
  9. write("Password: ")
  10. pt = read("*")
  11. if pt == (p) then
  12. print("Logging In..")
  13. sleep(2)
  14. print("Login succesful!")
  15. sleep(1)
  16. print("Welcome user!")
  17. sleep(2)
  18. term.clear()
  19. print("Starting odd OS...")
  20. sleep(3)
  21. print("Reading Files...")
  22. sleep(2)
  23. print("Clearing Cache...")
  24. sleep(2)
  25. print("Startup Succesful!")
  26. sleep(1)
  27. term.clear()
  28. print("odd OS v1.4.5")
  29. write("")
  30. elseif pt == "admin" then
  31. write("Admin Mode")
  32. else
  33. print("Logging in...")
  34. sleep(3)
  35. print("Incorrect Password! Shutting Down...")
  36. sleep(3)
  37. os.shutdown()
  38. end
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