
PTU issues

Feb 13th, 2013
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  1. List of Outstanding (Non-Typo, Non-Class-Specific) Issues:
  2. -With attribute bonuses every 10 levels, it's still possible for someone to go up to +11 in an attribute (2 from start, 4 from classes, 5 from levels), which is ridiculous. To SLIGHTLY reduce the ridiculous, maybe use 20, 35, 50 for attribute raises? Or even 10, 30, 50.
  4. -Formally note that Trainers do not gain capabilities from learning moves, though Pokemon do. HOWEVER, consider allowing Trainers to benefit from capability BOOSTS from learning moves? (ex: Power boost from Strength (why isn't this in trainers' learn lists anymore somewhere?), Jump boost from Bounce (same q here) Burrow boost from Dig (Ground Elementalist), Sky boost from Fly (Flying Elementalist using their capstone), Teleport (Warper))
  6. -Injuries and healing : Kain suggested the idea of simply tracking how much damage you've taken total between Extended Rests and using every increment of over half your HP to mark when you get injuries, instead of the HP Marker system. I personally think it's too much book keeping, but I thought I'd throw the idea out to see what you guys think.
  8. -Formula for Power Capability
  9. -suggestion: 2 + (body/3) + (athletics/2)
  10. -general minimum is 3, with it being 5 at max athletics without any body, max is 8 with body at +9 or higher
  12. -Redoing the formula for Jump Capability
  13. -Suggestion: Jump height for trainers is limited to 1m, horizontal distance is Acrobatics/2. Acrobat Edge raises height to Acrobatics/2 and horizontal distance to Acrobatics.
  15. -Intelligence capability
  16. -I would suggest making the descriptions QUALITATIVE instead of quantitative. For example, animals like octopuses are very intelligent without being able to communicate to humans or work together in packs.
  17. -One way to do this would be a series of labels. Octillery might have the following: Tool Use, Adaptability, Skill Learning, Mankeys might have: Tool Use, Pack Cooperation, Skill Learning, Metagross might have: Tool Use, Human Languages, Supercomputer Thought Speed, Skill Learning.
  18. -Another way to do it is to simply create a few categories. Pokemon like mankey or other monkey-like pokemon might get one label that recognizes their ability to work in group and use tools. Pokemon that are more solitary but still have tool use and are clever, such as octillery or murkow (Crows and ravens are smart yo!) might be another. Human-like Pokemon of relatively high intelligence like Lucario, Alakazam, Gardevoir, etc might be another. Etc.
  20. -The combat skill isn't rolled much - maybe come up with basic combat maneuvers or something else that would use the skill? Otherwise, it's just a skill tax gateway into combat-related feats
  21. -make combat the skill rolled to get out of vortexes or to escape a move like wrap?
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