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Dec 28th, 2011
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  1. unnamed: Gatorbait is what?
  2. 1:24 Barrett Brown: a project by Lockheed
  3. 1:24 Intrium: Is it a look for anything, or everything?
  4. 1:25 Intrium: Anyone who knows all the most important abbreviations used in wikileaks docs ?
  5. 1:33 Intrium: Some of these keywords need to be combined with other keywords to make sense. I.e. renditions poland had leaks in that department, so "rendition && poland || .pl"
  6. 1:35 unnamed: total jumble atm, no matter
  7. 1:35 ausername: Should make sections
  8. 1:35 ausername: Nations etc
  9. 1:36 unnamed: the addys added were specific FYI
  10. 1:36 Intrium: yea, but don't specify specific email addresses, easier to search for landers than ""
  11. 1:37 Intrium: Some anti-spam features remove the @ part.
  12. 1:37 unnamed: allrighty
  13. 1:37 Intrium: the ( is good though, gives context.
  14. 1:38 unnamed: we will definitely want to cross reference this document
  15. 1:38 Intrium: need keyword for that file?
  16. 1:39 Intrium: These emails will probably contain extractions of confidential material. But will not contain complete documents and files, if so, friedman better flee U.S.A.
  17. 1:40 ausername: a lot of these words look like program names or shadey company names, no idea what
  18. 1:40 ausername: could people wedge corps into the section i made at the top?
  19. 1:41 unnamed: how current will these emails be? any idea?
  20. 1:41 Barrett Brown: they'll proceed up to last week
  21. 1:41 unnamed: perfect
  22. 1:41 Intrium: maybe 10 years (afaik) until 2011-11
  23. 1:41 unnamed: jeezus
  24. 1:41 Intrium: Maybe until 2011-12-24
  25. 1:42 Intrium: These are most probably beyond the big wikileaks...
  26. 1:42 ausername: I think a lot of the names of folks belonging to corps could be put under their primary corporate affilation
  27. 1:42 Intrium: We should have a lot of wikileaks keywords. I.e. prove stratfor downloaded and examined confidential wikileaks documents.
  28. 1:43 Intrium: A/OR disseminated/incorporated in their intelligence reports.
  29. 1:43 Intrium: That would probably become a shitstorm if media reported on it.
  30. 1:51 ausername: ok so the title of the page is
  31. 1:51 ausername: but the projectpm page is now at the top
  32. 1:51 ausername: should the keywords be oriented to that topic or...?
  33. 1:53 ausername: scattershot it is
  34. 1:54 Intrium: oriented to what?
  35. 1:54 ausername: oriented to companies and others involved in persona managment
  36. 1:55 Intrium: NEAPI is middle east?
  37. 1:55 unnamed: Near East/Asia grant code
  38. 1:55 Intrium: ah
  39. 1:55 Intrium: why 11?
  40. 1:56 unnamed: it is more specific to the arab spring
  41. 1:56 Intrium: code for central asia?
  42. 1:58 unnamed: naw not entirely sure what the code stands for but it is the most basic common section of the grant code that they all have in common
  43. 1:58 unnamed: USAID has been naughty the past 12 months...
  44. 1:58 Intrium: ok
  45. 1:59 Intrium: USAID has always been naughty
  46. 1:59 Intrium: USAID is never free, used to spread politics/concessions, also part of a crippling loan system in africa.
  47. 2:00 unnamed: feast your eyes on this gem ;)
  48. 2:00 ausername: so add imf to the bucket too
  49. 2:00 Intrium: Voice of America has started to spread propaganda in Sweden!
  50. 2:00 Intrium: Our backwards government allows foreign propaganda on state radio stations!
  51. 2:06 ausername: oh
  52. 2:06 ausername: cannot forget these guys
  53. 2:06 ausername:
  54. 2:06 Intrium: what was the big bailout package called in U.S?
  55. 2:08 ausername: Bail out the capitalists then get called socialists capitalist bailout fuck everyone fun fun happy time
  56. 2:08 ausername: its a national holiday now
  57. 2:09 Intrium: even though they bailout they complained on socialism. Incredible Socialism for soulless greedy fuckup the system corporations, while the average joe sixpack can't get guaranteed minimal insurance.
  58. 2:09 ausername: even better
  59. 2:09 a: a job if their lucky trying is useless
  60. 2:09 Intrium: 50 fucking million people uninsured
  61. 2:10 ausername: gotta love investment originators earning a mint on packages they bet against after selling them off to pensions
  62. 2:10 Intrium: That probably cost a lot to the community itself...If they want to be corporate assholes about it, they should calculate the cost of the uninsured.
  63. 2:10 ausername: laborer niggers are not humans to these people
  64. 2:11 Intrium: homeless, sick, fucked up people, anti-social roaming the streets, got to cost quite a bit.
  65. 2:11 ausername: see the different levels of rule of law
  66. 2:11 a: cost shouldnt matter an we all know this all the greedy people need to drop they make life not worth living for us
  67. 2:11 ausername: one of the gilded class, immunity given for insider trading while in office
  68. 2:11 Intrium: ausername: url, never heard of that paper...
  69. 2:12 Intrium: a: cost is an issue here. But if you talk the way you talk, you will be called socialist and discredited immediately. You need to talk their language.
  70. 2:12 Intrium: Medicare they support, a system easily abused.
  71. 2:12 ausername:
  72. 2:12 Intrium: Look at american tv, adverts, open abuse of medicare, they send you out "free" diabetes checkers and plastic strips..
  73. 2:13 Intrium: Some people who do not even need those, get em.
  74. 2:13 ausername: watch as the SEC fights to let fraudsters who preyed off america's workers go
  75. 2:13 Intrium: Those are fucking expensive, but medicare PAYS.
  76. 2:13 ausername: total regulatory capture
  77. 2:13 Intrium: those plastic strips cost like $100
  78. 2:13 Intrium: a pack
  79. 2:14 Intrium: Medicare is a fucking capitalist dream, and STILL they call it socialistic.
  80. 2:14 Intrium: Back to work
  81. 2:14 ausername: aye lol
  82. 2:15 Intrium: Those NSA emails, are strange.
  83. 2:15 Intrium: Some are obviously based on real names, other are only identifiers.
  84. 2:16 a: yes medicare is the worst they give free shots too, free anythign but the lowest grade and its total bs i live in the lowest of the low i have no future i don't even have the mouth to argue with i don't even need to open my eyes to know the worlds fucked thanks to this technologoy i have a little hope.... a little help along the way with losing my identity or finding a new one in this interent world would be nice to if someone could point me the right way
  85. 2:17 Intrium: Some of the free I've seen are generics, equally effective. The problem lies not there, problem is that the system is setup to be abused by not patients who need it most but by corporations to make a "sure sell"
  86. 2:17 ausername: shame has been court ordered off the net
  87. 2:17 Intrium: medicare finances fraudulent corporations.
  88. 2:18 ausername: that would be a trove of names to include
  89. 2:18 Intrium: south america at the bottom, there should be keywords
  90. 2:18 ausername: just with the insider trading a lot of this falls back towards a handful of finance corps and their legal assassins
  91. 2:19 Intrium: issues in colombia, brazil, chavez or whatever. Communism.
  92. 2:19 ausername: N987SA lol
  93. 2:19 Intrium: LOL
  94. 2:19 ausername: that one of the coke rendition craft?
  95. 2:19 Intrium: is that the rendition craft?
  96. 2:19 Intrium: gulf stream 5 right?
  97. 2:19 ausername: *makes smash and poof noises*
  98. 2:20 ausername: i included the keyword rendition
  99. 2:20 Intrium: funny, sweden is not on the map in wikipedia
  100. 2:20 ausername: may as well make that a section
  101. 2:20 ausername: considering the web of govt/private entities involved
  102. 2:20 Intrium: There was a famous rendition of two egyptians from sweden by this plane Bromma (stockholm) Cairo
  103. 2:21 ausername: bah
  104. 2:21 ausername: battle of the blues
  105. 2:21 Intrium: lol
  106. 2:21 unnamed: nice, thanks for starting the rendition sectino I was going there next ;)
  107. 2:22 ausername: madcowprod is an insane site
  108. 2:22 ausername: insane and good
  109. 2:28 unnamed: oh boy, this is going to be fun XD
  110. 2:30 ausername: now set a script to run all this through google from your home ip over and over
  111. 2:31 Intrium: We need a wikileaks category
  112. 2:31 Intrium: As said, if Stratfor used that resource they are so fucked.
  113. 2:31 Intrium: Big controversy, on usage of confidential data.
  114. 2:31 Intrium: Important for press and information freedom.
  115. 2:32 ausername: open secret that everyone is using leaked data amongst corps
  116. 2:32 Intrium: Credibility of the data.
  117. 2:32 ausername: shame, SHAME
  118. 2:32 Intrium: yes, but this will be Officially.
  119. 2:32 ausername: had to ditch single spacing btw
  120. 2:32 Intrium: Especially close relationship to US Govt
  121. 2:32 ausername: scroll was getting too deep
  122. 2:32 Intrium: yea, helping you.
  123. 2:32 ausername: noticed :D
  124. 2:32 Intrium: anyway, make wikileaks section.
  125. 2:33 ausername: i'm going to take a smoke break
  126. 2:33 ausername: i usually find inspiration in my wanderings, will make note to note the names here
  127. 2:33 Intrium: OK
  128. 2:33 Intrium: I need a phone break
  129. 2:35 ausername: Whoever is adding the smaller finance corp names thanks
  130. 2:35 Amijay: Hello
  131. 2:35 Amijay: What is the target?
  132. 2:35 Intrium: Stratfor
  133. 2:35 ausername: everyone who has ever fucked over working citizens of any nation
  134. 2:35 ausername: thats who
  135. 2:36 Amijay: O.k.
  136. 2:36 Amijay: I kind of wish that anon would target student loans sometime.
  137. 2:36 Amijay: Their website interface looks like it could be insecure.
  138. 2:39 ew: who are the primary issuers/managers of student loans?
  139. 2:39 ausername:
  140. 2:39 Amijay: People working for the BIS in the UK.
  141. 2:39 Amijay: BIS runs HMRC and SLC.
  142. 2:40 Amijay: Basically the BIS is corrupt as hell.
  143. 2:40 Amijay: Low level workers are employees in call centres that have access to the same details as you online and no power to do anything.
  144. 2:41 Amijay: This is in the UK
  145. 2:41 ew: pretty much my experience in corporate america amijay
  146. 2:41 Amijay: The BIS is the government department for business innovation and skills.
  147. 2:42 Amijay: They like anal.
  148. 2:42 ew: well the systems in both places essentially the same
  149. 2:42 Amijay: When it comes to them giving though they are as tight as anything.
  150. 2:42 ew: commodifying learning and intelligence
  151. 2:43 ew: the banks made how many bond or other exotic financial derivatives out of these?
  152. 2:45 Amijay: I am not sure exctly...but I do believe that student loans are one of the biggest organisations giving debt to people.
  153. 2:45 Amijay: We talk in the irc?
  154. 2:46 SB_SP: im gona put everyhign in abc order
  155. 2:46 ausername: word
  156. 2:46 ew: amijay prolly
  157. 2:47 ausername: thinking about what US politicians to add or how to organize their collusion or involvement
  158. 2:47 ausername: thinking it would be easier to add them all and remove some later
  159. 2:47 ausername: :\
  160. 2:50 ausername:
  161. 2:51 ausername: while the guys at deepcapture went off on lulzy tangents about alqaeda and all that, they cited way too many shady corps linked to more major ones in court cases to ignore
  162. 2:51 ausername: getting a lot of the pdf's they linked to would be great but the site being removed from the internet poses a problem
  163. 2:51 Intrium: wtf is the name of that worm that attacked siemens machines in iran?
  164. 2:51 ausername: stuxnet
  165. 2:51 ew: Stuxnet
  166. 2:52 ew: +1 on adding the Boston Red Sox
  167. 2:52 ausername: uh yea
  168. 2:52 ausername: sup with that?
  169. 2:52 ew: their private planes got used for CIA renditions
  170. 2:52 ausername: did i miss something in my casual "everyone is in a plot to kill you" reading?
  171. 2:52 ausername: no shit eh
  172. 2:53 ausername: sports teams are known grounds for politicos and criminals
  173. 2:53 ew: dat is correct sir
  174. 2:53 ausername: see: that russian oligarch who owns an nba team or some nonsense
  175. 2:53 SB_SP: im puting in alphabetic order
  176. 2:54 Intrium: ah, thats why you are bolding?
  177. 2:54 ausername: i think that was just some coding copied over
  178. 2:54 ausername: debolded it
  179. 2:54 Intrium: ew boston red sox were messed up in the rendition business
  180. 2:55 Intrium: ew 82 trips, 51 to guantanamo with all the red sox emblems on their airplane
  181. 2:55 ausername: amurica
  182. 2:55 ew: Mikhail Prokhorov
  183. 2:55 Amijay:
  184. 2:55 Intrium: Gorbachev is still active in Russian politics
  185. 2:55 ausername: i'm digging the names btw
  186. 2:55 Intrium: People say he is with the conspiracy.
  187. 2:56 Intrium: SB_SP how are you sorting this quickly?
  188. 2:56 ausername:
  189. 2:57 Intrium: im all cli =)
  190. 2:57 Amijay: Yeah, Russia, what is up over there?
  191. 2:57 Intrium: Russian form of "illuminati"
  192. 2:57 Amijay: I hope the revolution means we get a better space program :)
  193. 2:57 ew: massive pollution in siberia
  194. 2:57 Intrium: yeah
  195. 2:57 ew: like Deepwater Horizon scale
  196. 2:58 ew: entire fields out in the arctic with oil pipelines "too expensive to repair"
  197. 2:58 Intrium: siberia has a lot of mineral and natural resources, but very hard to obtain.
  198. 2:58 ew: leaking constantly
  199. 2:58 Intrium: on land too, not only in water.
  200. 2:58 unnamed: look into hr515 and whatever pipelines might berunning through belarus
  201. 2:58 Intrium: -60 DEGREES CELSIUS
  202. 2:58 unnamed: some serious pressure in belarus and I can't quite figure it out
  203. 2:59 Intrium: Ukraine-Russia Geopolitics conflict Europe in the middle Gas deliveries
  204. 2:59 Intrium: Russia Europe dependency on GAS
  205. 3:00 ew: yup
  206. 3:00 Intrium: A lot of europe runs on Gas, heating, water, food, industry
  207. 3:00 Intrium: Main delivery Russia
  208. 3:00 unnamed: Beltransgaz
  209. 3:00 Amijay: So how can I help in this pad?
  210. 3:00 unnamed: thats the connection
  211. 3:01 Intrium: New events, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Cyprus, new Gas fields, European Dependency on Asia Minor, Independence (cyprus), Possible Conflict Areas, Russia M.E. (Syria is important to Russia because of Gas in the Mediterranean?)
  212. 3:02 Intrium: Europe/Israel conflict zone GAS, dependency, independency.
  213. 3:03 unnamed: jeezuss I cant wait to run this list....
  214. 3:04 Amijay: Sorry, I do not mean to be rude, this is only my second online anonop.
  215. 3:04 Intrium: What about the pipeline, central asia (afghanistan) ME?
  216. 3:04 Amijay: What would you like me to do to help this list?
  217. 3:04 ew: pipeline names
  218. 3:04 Intrium: China politics, oil, industry, takeover of country economy (rebuilding, and enslaving, like USAID africa)
  219. 3:04 Amijay: Where is the link to the emails?
  220. 3:04 ew: already got thr BTC pipeline
  221. 3:04 unnamed: the cablegate references need to be beefed up too
  222. 3:04 ew: Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
  223. 3:04 Intrium: I have no idea, just ideas.
  224. 3:04 ew: South Ossetia
  225. 3:05 Intrium: UAE is quite busy now too
  226. 3:06 Intrium: Iran-UAE-Saudi-Djibouti Foreign mercenaries in UAE (Blackwater/Xe/Academi and French Foreign Legion)
  227. 3:08 ausername: stratfor reported on wukan shortly before pew pew
  228. 3:08 Intrium: wukan?
  229. 3:08 SB_SP: why is there a space in middle east?
  230. 3:08 ausername: because its a giant mess?
  231. 3:08 Intrium: its written that way
  232. 3:09 Intrium: two words?
  233. 3:09 SB_SP: 340 i mean does it need to be there?
  234. 3:09 Intrium: everyone spread url
  235. 3:09 Intrium: 340?
  236. 3:09 SB_SP: line number
  237. 3:09 Intrium: yea
  238. 3:10 Intrium: it's part of middle east.
  239. 3:10 Intrium: isn't it?
  240. 3:10 Intrium: wait, it changed already
  241. 3:10 Intrium: you mean egypt?
  242. 3:11 Intrium: take initiative =)
  243. 3:11 Professor : Egypt is in Africa
  244. 3:11 Intrium: NA
  245. 3:11 Geckoo: what is this?
  246. 3:11 Intrium: But because of arabic people, it's considered to be ME too right
  247. 3:12 Intrium: The Middle East or Mideast is a region that encompasses Western Asia and Northern Africa
  248. 3:12 Intrium: 18–38 (varying definitions)
  249. 3:12 Intrium: Acc. to wiki
  250. 3:12 Intrium: SB_SP make all capital or only first Char capital
  251. 3:13 SB_SP: dam some work are like 4 time in list capital no capital lol guy watch out for not puting thing 2 time
  252. 3:16 Intrium: NLP!
  253. 3:16 Intrium: LOL
  254. 3:16 Intrium: Isn't it officially called "cognitive therapy"?
  255. 3:17 Intrium: Only quakers call it nlp
  256. 3:18 Intrium: We need to write up a document on questions that might be interesting to get answered.
  257. 3:18 Intrium: What about setting up an anon intelligence service?
  258. 3:18 ausername: snitches everywhere
  259. 3:18 unnamed: What are we actually doing?
  260. 3:18 Amijay: Will someone help me on this please?
  261. 3:18 ew: trollololol
  262. 3:18 ausername: never trusting any of you farther than i could throw
  263. 3:19 ausername: name of the game
  264. 3:19 Intrium: seriously, already been working on software for it.
  265. 3:19 Amijay:
  266. 3:20 Intrium: Maybe it would be overrun by illuminati mysticism...
  267. 3:20 ausername: fucking acronyms
  268. 3:20 ausername: dont know whats a program or whats a company name
  269. 3:21 R: What are we doing?
  270. 3:21 ausername: also moved the content out of afghanistan
  271. 3:21 R: I dont know so i cant help
  272. 3:21 ausername: since it takes up more than that region
  273. 3:22 ausername: R: stratfor has had a long time discussing sensitive topics with many agencies
  274. 3:22 ausername: R: find keywords that would be good to search for these events/individuals
  275. 3:22 Intrium: fuck we don't have nato there...
  276. 3:22 ausername: See: everything on the list so far
  277. 3:22 ausername: intrium: i did :(
  278. 3:22 ausername: someone put them under afghanistan
  279. 3:22 R: Nope, I have no idea
  280. 3:23 Intrium: nothing under afghanistan.
  281. 3:23 Intrium: ISAF should be under afghanistan.
  282. 3:23 Intrium: afghanistan should be under central asia
  283. 3:23 SB_SP: we put the 1% up haha
  284. 3:23 Intrium: we need a china section
  285. 3:23 Intrium: especially the DOLLAR dumping
  286. 3:23 ausername: isaf is not just in afghanistan
  287. 3:23 Intrium: exchanging it for gold.
  288. 3:23 Intrium: slowly
  289. 3:24 ausername: oh yea
  290. 3:24 ausername: was going to include bank of china for role in the mortgage/security madness
  291. 3:25 Amijay: couldnt youjust get the dictionary?
  292. 3:25 Amijay: and run it by the datavase.
  293. 3:25 Amijay: Also, the BIS have a list of their affiliated organisations.
  294. 3:25 Intrium: ausername line 373
  295. 3:25 Amijay: On their site.
  296. 3:27 ausername:
  297. 3:27 SB_SP: i fell like trolling ima stop see ya guy ctrl+a then delete
  298. 3:27 R: So is this looking for keywords of interests to search the Stratfor emails with, once they get dumped?
  299. 3:27 Intrium: sb_sp try
  300. 3:28 ausername: acted as a legal buffer offering to go after OWS
  301. 3:28 SB_SP: lol
  302. 3:28 Intrium: sb_sp you see upper right corner, time slider? Try it
  303. 3:28 Intrium: it's a very cool feature
  304. 3:29 SB_SP: oh :P
  305. 3:29 ew: its very useful
  306. 3:29 R: So is this looking for keywords of interests to search the Stratfor emails with, once they get dumped?
  307. 3:30 ausername: US Chamber of Commerce
  308. 3:31 ausername:
  309. 3:31 ausername: Thomas Ryan
  310. 3:32 ausername: he doesnt mind snitching to feds to benefit corps
  311. 3:32 unnamed: fucking hell youve been busy havent you
  312. 3:32 Intrium: R: yeah and issues to analyze
  313. 3:33 Intrium: guys, use names
  314. 3:33 Intrium: to many users, to similar colors, some are probably colorblind here
  315. 3:34 ausername: Hunton & Williams
  316. 3:34 ew: Hunton & Williams was a client of Stratfor I know that much
  317. 3:34 ausername: legal shield law firm acting for corps to assault the national character of the nation by spewing propaganda
  318. 3:35 ausername: treasonous folks hilding behind law
  319. 3:35 ew: need to uncover more PR firms
  320. 3:35 SB_SP: i think barackobama go in the list
  321. 3:36 Intrium: where is the fucking text?
  322. 3:36 SB_SP: wtf is happenig
  323. 3:36 Amijay: I sohope that wasnt my pc that did that
  324. 3:37 Intrium: some fucking moron helping out
  325. 3:37 ew: trollfags showed up
  326. 3:37 Dawid: Hmm
  327. 3:37 Intrium: yea, soon this will be 4chan
  328. 3:38 Intrium: plzkillme on irc?
  329. 3:38 Intrium: someone tell pi let him zline the asshole
  330. 3:38 ausername: cant forget Aaron Barr
  331. 3:38 ausername: Aaron "I have pictures of your children and will show you now to impress you so you'll pay me to hound other people's children no thats not creepy" Barr
  332. 3:39 Intrium: Restored to the LAST one before he removed it
  333. 3:39 Intrium: Aaron Barr?
  334. 3:39 R: Aaron Barr?
  335. 3:39 Intrium: Someone needs to add again whatever you added
  336. 3:39 ausername:
  337. 3:40 Intrium: yeah, we need to check the intl on Lamo Adrian
  338. 3:40 Intrium: or whatever that fuckheads name is.
  339. 3:41 Intrium: fuck, I hope there are info on him, he even managed to disgrace himself among non-hackers...fucking dimwitted whore
  340. 3:42 unnamed: <plzkillme> fucking niggers hahaha
  341. 3:43 unnamed: Awesome. anyone wanna zline him?
  342. 3:43 Intrium: you know this document has VERSIONS right?
  343. 3:43 unnamed: .
  344. 3:43 Intrium: Wait, i'll get a solution soon.
  345. 3:44 unnamed: So many revisions of editing
  346. 3:44 unnamed:
  347. 3:44 unnamed: schreib mal bitte einer ein Email
  348. 3:44 unnamed: how do I edit my damn name
  349. 3:44 SB_SP: why troll why?
  350. 3:44 unnamed: mach mal einfach, mehr sag ich nicht
  351. 3:45 Intrium: Butthurt is that you?
  352. 3:45 unnamed: Downsides to a community notepad. trolls
  353. 3:46 Intrium: kinda needs ability to ban users
  354. 3:46 unnamed: How do I change my name. This pad keeps changing last time i was on was half a year ago
  355. 3:47 Intrium: lol
  356. 3:47 unnamed: oh wow
  357. 3:47 Secret: I found it
  358. 3:47 Secret: :D
  359. 3:48 Secret: Pastebin it and post the link here its probably gonna be easier.
  360. 3:49 Intrium: yea
  361. 3:49 Intrium: we'll continue later
  362. 3:49 Intrium: I need my sleep
  363. 3:53 Professor : Just got threats from an outside network
  364. 3:54 Intrium: What network?
  365. 3:54 Professor : tunnel of love
  366. 3:55 Intrium: Fuck that troll is bored.
  367. 3:55 SB_SP: dam troll
  368. 3:55 Intrium: Guys use your real nicks, and I'll message you a new link
  369. 3:55 Professor : I'll post it on the IM blog
  370. 3:56 Professor : I do not have a real nick on here
  371. 3:56 Intrium: no, on irc, #anonops
  372. 3:56 Intrium: SB_SP is using his real nick, messaged him the new url
  373. 3:58 Professor : here?
  374. 3:59 Intrium: fuck
  375. 3:59 Intrium: it's butthurt, stenchfinger
  376. 4:00 Intrium: durp wtf are you doing here, if you hate anonymous this much?
  377. 4:00 Intrium: Message eze on irc for new URL
  378. 4:05 Intrium: durp enjoying the kill?
  379. 4:05 Intrium: I hope they zline your ass soon
  380. 4:05 Intrium: ausername: here?
  381. 4:05 ausername: salute
  382. 4:05 Intrium: ausername you on irc?
  383. 4:05 ausername: negative
  384. 4:06 Intrium: can you join irc quickly, and message eze to get the new url?
  385. 4:07 Intrium:
  386. 4:08 Intrium: join and type /msg eze your message.
  387. 4:12 Intrium: ausername what nick did you use?
  388. 4:39 Intrium: he's still at it
  389. 4:39 Intrium: oh, he is sad...
  390. 4:39 Intrium: lol
  391. 4:39 Intrium: freudian slip
  393. 4:46 Intrium: hah
  394. 4:46 Intrium: he died.
  395. 4:46 Intrium: gorhax who is that?
  396. 4:46 ausername: *shrugs*
  397. 4:47 Intrium: anyway, keep copies of this document on the other pad
  398. 4:47 Intrium: that will be master until this one is done, because the asshole will return sooner or later.
  399. 4:47 ausername: k
  400. 4:48 Intrium: we need to keep names such as julian assange, greenwald, and such in keywords..
  401. 4:48 Intrium: gives an idea on what stratfor thinks and where their subjectivity lies.
  402. 4:49 Intrium: Also we need the names of the accused to be "anonymous" guys here..
  403. 4:49 Intrium: to se what Stratfor had on htem.
  404. 4:49 ausername: ah
  405. 4:49 ausername: you fixed the typo
  406. 4:49 ausername: gewd gewd
  407. 4:49 Intrium: fred barclay, and the other feds need to be here too
  408. 4:49 Intrium: and the list they hacked recently, that way we can see their response time on what is supposedly "anonymous" attacks.
  409. 4:50 Intrium: And their take on it.
  410. 4:50 Intrium: oh, yeah
  411. 4:51 Intrium: if the asshole gets here, use the Time Slider (upper right corner) and slide to the latest change before his..
  412. 4:51 Intrium: copy the text and put it in the "master" pad.
  413. 4:57 Intrium: schossen...
  414. 4:57 Intrium: nicht schneidet
  415. 4:58 Intrium: verify what might have been changed..
  416. 4:59 Intrium: If special characters are used, type also same name without those special characters, as most wont be using them unless in "official" documents.
  417. 4:59 Intrium: Remember, people ARE lazy
  418. 5:08 ausername: ew: share your magic image embeding skills please
  419. 5:14 Intrium: you paste an url with an image and it opens it
  420. 5:14 Intrium: automatic embedding.
  421. 5:14 Intrium: make a copy.
  422. 5:14 Intrium: I typed the names, someone else verify them...
  423. 5:15 Intrium: delete the url
  424. 5:15 Intrium: btw, why is mario monti red?
  425. 5:15 ausername: because its highlighted in the image
  426. 5:15 ausername: look at url
  427. 5:15 Intrium: yea, but why?
  428. 5:15 Intrium: what is so special about the guy?
  429. 5:16 Intrium: Can you double check the names, I'm very very tired..
  430. 5:16 Intrium: I just read and typed...
  431. 5:16 Intrium: so there got to be errors
  432. 5:16 ausername: jew banker zionist socialist crony capitalist reptilian working with ACORN and SEIU along with kochs and soros to establish a nwo involving mormon cults
  433. 5:16 ausername: obv
  434. 5:16 ausername: who the fuck knows
  435. 5:16 Intrium: ok
  436. 5:17 Intrium: that was a list
  437. 5:17 Intrium: btw, what is wrong with acorn
  438. 5:17 ausername: i pondered the same thing though, why monti
  439. 5:17 Intrium: (I don't know that org.
  440. 5:17 ausername: nothing, it was just a list of commonly beat up orgs/entities
  441. 5:17 ausername: poor reptilians :(
  442. 5:18 Intrium: fuck, why do ppl like stratfor
  443. 5:18 Intrium: some anonymous ppl are upset that it was hacked..
  444. 5:18 ausername: they put out decent reports on a regular basis
  445. 5:19 Intrium: yea, they do, but they do make false analysis too
  446. 5:19 Intrium: was most obvious during the arab spring
  447. 5:19 ausername: doesnt matter, reality is how its perceived
  448. 5:19 Intrium: some got + some got -
  449. 5:19 Intrium: i.e. they cooperated with assad...
  450. 5:19 ausername: they put together lots of public media to narrate their own story obviously
  451. 5:19 Intrium: no, stratfor were pro-assad
  452. 5:20 Intrium: all I say, they served the interest of wall st.
  453. 5:21 ausername: they served a lot of people's interests
  454. 5:21 ausername: like i said reality is how people view it and they spun a good narrative that people could pitch
  455. 5:21 Intrium: we'll see if it was ideological, strategical or financial interest.
  456. 5:21 Intrium: yea
  457. 5:22 Intrium: they weren't obvious, that is for sure.
  458. 5:22 Intrium: But one has to look at their history and when they started.
  459. 5:22 ausername: i'm guessing its going to be mostly boring shit that'll lead people to realize they were only a stepping stone to other attacks :\
  460. 5:23 ausername: i cannot help but think that everyone that stratfor has spat out analysis to are the real targets
  461. 5:23 Intrium: hehe
  462. 5:24 Intrium: anyway, im pro-stratfor attack.
  463. 5:24 ausername: anti stratfor attack
  464. 5:24 ausername: pro finding out whats to be found out once its out to be found
  465. 5:24 Intrium: yea
  466. 5:25 Intrium: anyway, gtg, I hope you continue and keep backups.
  467. 5:25 ausername: deffo pro exposing stratfor attacking its customers by malicious stupidity
  468. 5:25 Intrium: You see the export/import button at the top?
  469. 5:25 Intrium: Export to pdf when done.
  470. 5:25 ausername: clear text cc info and all that
  471. 5:25 ausername: :\
  472. 5:25 ausername: yea i got a copy stored
  473. 5:25 Intrium: upload, paste url in the other pad.
  474. 5:25 ausername: already been backing it up
  475. 5:25 ausername: lol
  476. 5:25 Intrium: haha, that was a big failure
  477. 5:26 ausername: adios
  478. 5:26 Intrium: byebye
  479. 5:27 Intrium: guys, keep an eye on gorhax and raven.
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