
Anon's Pinktastic Adventure

Feb 2nd, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, and you've been stuck in pastel horsie world for a while now.
  2. >At first Twilight thought she had summoned Discord 2.0.
  3. >You had to stop her from blasting you with grape-flavored magic.
  4. >It actually tickled, apparently humans negate magic because they have no magic.
  5. >Or maybe Twilight is full of shit, who knows?
  6. >Anyway, she soon realized you needed a place to stay.
  7. >Pinkie Pie was nearby for reasons known only to her and nearly carried you to her home.
  8. >The thought of another Discord must've excited pink pone.
  9. >That's how you came to work at Sugar Cube Corner with Pinks.
  10. >It wasn't so bad, all things considered.
  11. >You got to help her throw huge parties, which was always fun.
  12. >Recently you'd noticed that she spent more time staring your way.
  13. >Wonder what that's all about, maybe she knows your birthday?
  14. >Weirder things have happened in this place, and Pinkie is almost psychic.
  15. >Right now you have bigger things to worry about, like what to eat for lunch.
  16. "Hmm, I could eat some veggie burgers, or I could try and convince Flutters to give me meat."
  17. >You didn't have the best sense of timing.
  18. >"What about me, Mr. Anonymous?"
  19. >Shit, come up with an excuse.
  20. "Oh nothing Flutters, just wondering what to eat for lunch is all."
  21. >She smiled, "If you need a fish or two, you can come see me."
  22. >Wait what.
  23. "It's that easy? No freaking out at me eating meat?"
  24. >She laughed, "Oh no, I can see how you might think that, but Harry eats plenty of fish!"
  25. >You raise an eyebrow.
  26. "Harry?"
  27. >"He's a big, cuddly bear. I'm sure you'd love to meet him!"
  28. >You let out a nervous chuckle.
  29. "Y-yeah, I'm sure he and I would get along just fine."
  30. >Thinking about it for a moment, you decide fish would be way better than more veggie burgs.
  31. "Yeah, okay. I'm down for fishy business."
  33. >Making your way to yellowquiet's humble hut, you take the time to admire nature.
  34. >Even that one creepy spider that insisted on following you around.
  35. >As you step inside Fluttershy's house you feel something hit your ankle.
  36. >You don't really need to look down to know who it is.
  37. "Relax Angel, you're not gonna have another Discord situation on your hands."
  38. >Apparently you weren't the only visitor the pegasus had today.
  39. >"Did somebody call for me? Oh! Anonymous! How have you been?"
  40. >He teleports over to you, "Have you come to sample her cooking? It's divine!"
  41. >"Oh stop it Discord, it's not that great."
  42. >"Oh but it is!... Say, Anon, have you seen Pinkie anywhere today?"
  43. >You shrug.
  44. "I got no clue, why? You guys going pranking?"
  45. >He grins, "I figured you of all ponies would know where she is."
  46. "I'm not her babysitter, and I'm not a pony."
  47. >He snaps his fingers and a medical chart appears.
  48. >"Maybe not in form, but certainly in heart."
  49. >You suppose your heart had grown three sizes since you showed up here.
  50. "Point taken, so why bring her up?"
  51. >He giggles, "Oh no reason, just wondering is all."
  52. >Weird, but he's the God of Chaos, he's like that.
  53. >Figuring you might as well try some of Fluttershy's cooking, you spend your lunch break at her house.
  54. >You sit down next to Discord, your chaotic partner in crime, and dig in.
  55. >"Well Anon, what did I tell you?"
  56. >You stare into the abyss.
  57. >This is some good motherfucking food.
  58. "Holy shit how do you even make food this good?"
  59. >Fluttershy blushes, "Aw come on guys, you're too good to me."
  60. "No but seriously, the only other pony I've known to cook this good is Pinkie."
  61. >Her face is now supernova, "Well she did teach me quite a bit."
  62. "I need to compliment her cooking more too."
  63. >You thank Fluttershy and set off back to work.
  64. >Sugar Cube Corner, here you come.
  66. >Whistling a jaunty tune as you walk down the streets of Ponyville, you see a blue blur.
  67. >Apparently somebody had to go fast.
  68. >Wait no, it's coming back for you.
  69. >"Watch out!"
  70. >No shit, you're too slow and get nailed by the speeding mass.
  71. "Goddamnit Dash, what'd I tell you about hurling yourself into me?"
  72. >She rubs her head, "Uh, that it really hurts and I should stop doing it?"
  73. >You pat her on the head.
  74. "Good, you did remember. That means you're just ignoring me."
  75. >Sitting up, you dust yourself off.
  76. "Which is fine, just don't complain when I say I told you so."
  77. >She punches you in the shoulder, "As if, Mr. Know-It-All."
  78. >You both sit there for a minute, and then the two of you bust out laughing.
  79. "Oh man, we're never gonna change, are we?"
  80. >"No, but it's funny to try it anyway."
  81. >Her eyes flash for a moment. Ponies are weird.
  82. >"Oh yeah! Pinkie said she wanted to see you."
  83. "Any reason why?"
  84. >"Dunno, said something about a party."
  85. "I gotta get back to work, but I'll be sure to-"
  86. >"And she got you the rest of the day off."
  87. >Sometimes you loved that girl.
  88. "Alright, where do I meet her?"
  89. >"Over by Sweet Apple Acres, AJ let her borrow the barn."
  90. "Thanks Dashie, I'll catch you around!"
  91. >As you run off you can hear her complaining about your nickname.
  92. >"I am NOT cute! I'm Rainbow Dash! Toughest pegasus around!"
  93. >If you had time to prove her wrong you'd go back and boop her.
  94. >No time to lose though, you had a party to throw!
  96. >Running up to the Acres, you spot the CMC getting ready for another adventure.
  97. >Stopping just long enough to give them a fist-hoof bump, you continue to the barn.
  98. >Throwing open the doors in a grand fashion, you bounce in with a spring in your step.
  99. "I am here to help pink party pony prepare a positively perfect party to partake in!"
  100. >You see Pinkie fixing a balloon animal, they're all blue.
  101. "Aw, how did you know my favorite color was blue?"
  102. >She lights up at that, "It is?"
  103. "Yep, just like the sky, the seas, and your eyes!"
  104. >You think for a moment.
  105. "Or mine I guess, though they're more of a grey."
  106. >Shrugging, you walk over to Ponka and give her a hug.
  107. "Why so glum chum? I can tell when something's got you down."
  108. >She looks at you for a moment, and sighs.
  109. >"I dunno Nonny, I've been feeling funny for a while now."
  110. >She pokes at the balloon kitten she made.
  111. >"And not the good kind of funny either."
  112. >You pat her on the head.
  113. "You work yourself too hard, maybe you should take a vacation?"
  114. >She shakes her head, "Nonono, like whenever you're not around I feel funny."
  115. >Maybe one of those spells Twilight hit you with is finally happening.
  116. >Er, starting to work.
  117. >Or maybe Pinkie is sick.
  118. "You sure you don't need to see a doctor?"
  119. >She shakes her head again, "Nope. No fever, no symptoms of illness. Just a warm, fuzzy feeling."
  120. >You scratch your head.
  121. "Fuzzy how?"
  122. >Rubbing her chin, muzzle? Let's go with muzzle, she looks at you.
  123. >"Like whenever I see you my chest feels like a swarm of little Gummies are swimming inside it."
  124. "That's not healthy."
  125. >"It's really not, it's keeping me up at night thinking about you."
  126. "So is that why you called me here?"
  127. >"Yeparooni! I thought maybe throwing a party with you would help cure me!"
  128. >You figure it makes as much sense as anything else Pinks does.
  129. "And how could I ever say no to my favorite cuddlebuddy?"
  130. >She gasps, "You have more than one?!"
  131. "Haha, no."
  133. >"You should try Fluttershy, she's a great cuddlebuddy!"
  134. "Thanks, but I'll pass. I only need the one."
  135. >You boop her on the nose.
  136. >"Aw, thanks Nonny! Come on, I need some help getting these banners up!"
  137. >It didn't take the two of you long to get everything set up.
  138. >Between her energy and your efficiency, the two of you were party-planning experts.
  139. >You'd never really been one for throwing parties, but her cheer was infectious.
  140. >Apparently all your dumb ideas were great for something that was meant to be fun.
  141. >Stepping back for a moment, you noticed something about the decorations.
  142. "Uh, Pinkie? This looks like a party for two."
  143. >Tapping her hooves together, she giggles.
  144. >"Y-yeah, I was kinda hoping you'd dance with me?"
  145. "Make a fool of myself with you? I'm down with that."
  146. >She kicks on the music. Some sort of pop song.
  147. >"Well then, let's party!"
  148. >You walk the dinosaur, do the hustle, and spin with the grace of a drunken elephant.
  149. >But you didn't care, it was fun to let loose once in a while.
  150. >Falling over on each other, you both have a giggle fit.
  151. >"Oh man Nonny! You're almost as dorky as Twilight!"
  152. >She wipes a tear from her eyes.
  153. "I try, so did that help any?"
  154. >She nods, "I'm feeling better now."
  155. >She wraps her hooves around your waist.
  156. >"But maybe you should stick around to make sure."
  157. >You stroke her mane.
  158. "I had nothing else to do anyway."
  159. >You hear the doors creak open.
  160. >"Well now you do! Anonymous, I'd like for you to climb up a mountain and find some jewels for me."
  161. >Welp, thanks Rarity. My half-day is now ruined.
  162. "Fine, I guess I do owe you for the clothes."
  163. >Pinkie shoots up, "Oooh! Can I go with him?!"
  164. >Rarity thinks for a moment, "Just don't break anything darling."
  165. >Standing up, you stretch your muscles.
  166. "Alright, where we headed?"
  167. >"It's that mountain over there."
  168. >She points to the biggest, tallest, nastiest looking mountain.
  169. "Of course it's that one. Come on Pinks, let's get going."
  171. >You look up at that big motherfucker.
  172. >You decided to call it Fuck Mountain.
  173. >Because that's what anybody would say if they tried to climb it.
  174. >Starting your way up the craggy path, you put Pinkie on your back.
  175. >"Is this a piggyback ride?"
  176. "Yes, because I have shoes and you don't."
  177. >"I grew up on a rock farm Nonny."
  178. "That's not the point. You're not wrecking your hooves for some stupid gems."
  179. >She squeezes you, "Well, thanks. I appreciate it."
  180. >She gasps, "I know! I can help you look for gems up here!"
  181. "Fine by me, just hold on tight."
  182. >You start climbing the mountain, making sure to keep your balance.
  184. >One fourth of the way up, no gemeralds in sight.
  185. >"You can take a break if you want Nonny."
  186. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me Pinkie."
  187. >"If you say so..."
  189. >One third of the way up, you had to stop.
  190. >"Told ya so!"
  191. >You sit there scratching her ears.
  192. "Yeah yeah, I could've totally made it further."
  193. >"Really?"
  194. "Yeah... another few feet."
  196. >Halfway there, not a goddamn jewel on this fucking mountain.
  197. >"Do you think Rarity set us up?"
  198. "What? No, she wouldn't do that. Would she?"
  199. >"Maybe she wanted to start pranking like Dashie and me!"
  200. "If this is a prank, I'm not laughing."
  201. >"Yeah, it's not very funny really."
  203. >Two thirds of the way up.
  204. "Pinkie, you're crushing me."
  205. >She loosens her grip slightly.
  206. >"Heh, sorry. I still can't get used to these heights."
  207. "Right, no wings or unicorn magic."
  209. >Three-fourths of the way there.
  210. "I will not be beaten by a mountain."
  211. >"Unless we fall."
  212. "Don't talk like that Pinks!"
  213. >"I'm just saying, one wrong move and we'll be getting cleaned up by our friends."
  214. "Not. Helping!"
  216. >Finally at the top, you sit Pinkie on the plateau.
  217. >You throw your hands up towards the sky.
  218. >And you let out a mighty shout.
  221. >You feel a rock hit you in the head.
  222. >You turn around to see which dead motherfucker did that.
  223. >It's Spike.
  224. "What the hell man?! Why would you do that?!"
  225. >"Because you're trying to win over Rarity, that's why! You know I like her!"
  226. "I am not trying to step on your turf bro! I don't like her like that!"
  227. >He thinks for a moment, "Yeah, I guess not. Otherwise you wouldn't have brought Pinkie along."
  228. >Pinkie boops your leg, then hugs it.
  229. >Scratching her chinmuzzle, you shrug.
  230. "She wanted to come along, I gotta admit she made this really fun."
  231. >Spike rolls his eyes, "You two are clueless."
  232. >You cock your head, come again mate?
  233. "Uhh... how so?"
  234. >"Cause you two are always hanging out, having fun together."
  235. >He gets up, dragging his bag of gems.
  236. >"You do the math, as Twilight would say."
  237. "Want me to help you with that?"
  238. >He smiles, "Uh, yeah. Thanks."
  239. >You all make your way back down the mountain.
  240. >"I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"
  241. "Nah, it's fine. Still a dick move."
  242. >"Sorry, I guess I was upset."
  243. "Don't mention it, it's over now."
  244. >"... Can you tell Rarity I found the gems?"
  245. "Well, I mean you did. So why not?"
  246. >"Thanks Anon, I owe you one."
  247. >"Do either of you want a milkshake?"
  248. "Where the hell did you get that Pinkie?"
  249. >"I had a freezer up here with a milkshake stored in it."
  250. >... She was the queen of Fuck Mountain.
  251. "Sure, I'll take it."
  252. >You start drinking it, this thing was really good.
  253. "What'd you put in this?"
  254. >"Oh, chocolate, various sweets, and a whole lotta love!"
  255. >You wouldn't mind having her love you like this milkshake.
  256. >Whoa, where'd that come from? You didn't like her like that, did you?
  258. >Back at Rarity's, you dropped off the bag of gems.
  259. "Spike was already there by the time we got up the fucking mountain."
  260. >"Oh he is such a dear! I need to go give my little Spikey-Wikey a kiss for being so helpful!"
  261. >You watch her trot off, yeah that... that happened.
  262. >You stare at Pinks.
  263. "So... what next?"
  265. >"Hmm, we could always go back to my room and snuggle!"
  266. >Her pearly whites flashed as she gave you a big grin.
  267. >After that adventure? Your legs could rest for a week as far as you were concerned.
  268. "Yeah, sure okay. Let's go home Pinkie."
  269. >"Yay! This is my favorite part of the day!"
  270. >She hopped into your arms and gave you a face that couldn't be refused.
  271. "Fine, I'll carry you."
  272. >"Thanks Nonny!"
  274. >Finally in her room, you sit her down on the bed and put your pajamas on.
  275. >Then you fall onto her bed like a rock.
  276. >You wrap your arms around her and pull her in close.
  277. "Good night Pinkie."
  278. >Closing your eyes, she wakes you up.
  279. >"Um, Nonny... we still have a little time left to party."
  280. "Pinks, I'm way too tired. We can snuggle until the Celestia puts the sun down."
  281. >"Oh, okay... Hey Anon?"
  282. >You opened your eyes, she barely ever said your real name.
  283. "What's wrong Pinkie?"
  284. >She shifts nervously for a minute, and then kisses you.
  285. >First of all, fuck yeah.
  286. >Second of all, holy shit wait what.
  287. >Breaking the kiss, she looks down at her hooves.
  288. >"Sorry, I just really got this tingly feeling and something told me to kiss you."
  289. >Your brain takes a moment to adjust battle plans.
  290. >You give her a hug.
  291. "I think I feel the same way Pinkie."
  292. >"You do? Ohmygosh, I'm so happy! Thank you Nonny!"
  293. >You nuzzle her cheek.
  294. "No Pinkie, thank you."
  295. >You give her a kiss on the muzzle.
  296. "For all your crazy antics, you have always been there for me."
  297. >You yawn, sleep starting to overtake you.
  298. "I guess I kinda... grew to... love you."
  299. >The last words you hear before falling to sleep are "I love you too."
  301. The End.
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