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Who Percy M is and What he's done

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Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. Who Percy Moorman is and What he has done
  2. Part 1: 2018 Original First Interview:
  3. Part 2: May 26, 2018 Interview:
  5. You can reach out to him on here
  7. Interview of 1213 and Verona and The Moorman Dynasty Trust:
  10. What did the contract of 1213 A.D. create? What a Trust or Contract? It states only the two parties; the King's and Popes heirs can break the contract. For the Trust /Contract cannot be broken as long as there are heirs to both sides of the contract. At this time in history we now know who controlled the Kings of England and the land of the world. For now we have the Pope claiming the whole Western Hemisphere besides Europe. The Apostolic See of Antioch ruled all the easterly side and the Holy See of Alexandria ruled the western side, so there was a conflict.
  12. House Of Jacob: Judah and children of Israel and Ephraim and House of Israel:
  15. Quantitative P-Sing QE3:
  16. (Skip to 14 Minutes and 20 Seconds Explained What they did to him)
  19. The World Bond of Peace and Affidavit of Notice of Treaty of 1213 and Treaty of Verona:
  22. The Treaty of 1213:
  25. My friend Percy Moorman that Actually Created the Opportunity Zones Idea in 2007 and was rolled out in December 2017 by Donald Trump Tax Reform Plan.
  26. I found out the Co-Founder of Facebook (Sean Parker) is claiming he's behind the crafting of Opportunity Zones Program I just rolled back and shake my head. That's what these Elite and Famous people do Steal someone else hard earn work and credit and claim like it was their's and they receive all the rewards and honors SMH.
  30. He wrote it back then:
  31. “I wrote this in 2007 when I saw what was going on--
  35. Here’s a Screenshot if you can’t see the Facebook Post:
  38. Obama tried to do this in 2014 but he did not have enough pull to kick this off:
  41. (Old Closed Petition) The US Treasury Department: Pay the Moorman Dynasty Trust for the Notes it has sold in QE3
  42. Federal
  44. Court Cases where he sued the Gov.
  45. (Old Court Case from 2013 he let go since he didn't want to hurt American People Financially where he sued President Barack Obama)
  46. (Old Court Case from 2016)
  50. (Slander his Name on False Rape Charge to Destroyed his Football Career) RALEIGH, N.C. -- The state has dropped all charges against former North Carolina State quarterback Percy Moorman, who was convicted in 1985 of breaking into a dormitory room and raping a female student, officials said Thursday.
  54. He Created and Funded the: Federal Reserve launches QE3 September 13, 2012: 3:57 PM ET
  57. (If you don't know what QE3 is) What is QE3 (quantitative easing)
  61. "Moors come from Moorman", Submitted by Percy Moorman (United States), Jul 17, 2014 at 09:09
  63. Brother Ameral, I feel the need to tell it straight. First and foremost Moorman means Black, Negro, Blackamoor and Moor. Africa was called Moorenland. A Moorenlander was considered a Moor and Ethiopian. The land in the America we founded built it. It was not Washitaw Land that is Fraud invented to steal this land from us. This land was called Mu thus we were Muurs or the First/One with Light. It was later changed to Moors in France on our Amorial of Plantagenet. We built Mounds and Pyramids all over the World. The Moorman Family is a tribal family it is Jacob or Israel we speak of in the Bible. We were Pharaoh, Kings, The Reggie, Head Moorman or Khans all over the World. Knowledgeable people in South America & Mexico areas will tell you the people who built the stuff was from the middle of the Atlantic or others Virginia where the Moorman and Dan River sits. My grandfathers have land patents on these Rivers and the land. Along with our children of the Tribe of Judah called Jew. These land patents made us Lord and Sovereign over the Land we did this in 1728-32 after my Ancestral Grandfather Thomas Moorman received the burail grounds on behalf of the Saponi Nation which consist of 30-Black Tribes called the Monacan Confederacy or First Kings. A lot of people have just put our legacy and history into various frauds, theories and religions and have stolen our legacy. The one whom holds the Moorman Legacy in which I do today will be considered The Head Moorman or the Father to the 12-Tribes. We were Kings on the Four Corners of the Earth. Morocco was not a muslim Nation until it was taken over in 1958. This is not some old stuff here brother. My family is still in Morocco and have been persecuted. After the Exodus, we went into Europe and became the Ancient Kings. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV/Ahkenaton was Moses. He had 5-daughters and his oldest was Meryaten aka Scota or Ruler of the people which became Mary Elizabeth Scott -which is the name of my Mother today and her Mother,grandmother and great-grandmother was name Elizabeth or Eli Sheba. I have traced my Moorman name back past Moses. The Founding Fathers in Americas were my ancestral grandfathers they just have been painted as White Men. John Hancock was my ancestral grandfather and looks a lot like me. Grandfather Thomas was also the King of France -He was usurped in Britain. Which caused a chain reaction because our Amorial of Plantagenet makes you the King of France, Germany, Britain, Rome, Castile, Jerusalem, Lord of Ireland, Prince of Wales, and a lot of other titles. Now our women had titles also - We have consolidated all of their titles into one. My Mom is the Real Queen of Scots and Grandmom was Queen of Switzerland/Russia areas Lands in the East Europe. We kept all of our stuff and a King or Queen means the Father & Mother to the people and the originators of the land. Our Blackfoot Virginia Sioux history explains how the World was destroyed 6-times and on the last destruction we went into Moorenland or Africa and made that place. We built all the Mounds and Pyramids all over the World. On the Amorial it shows the Lotus which is the first flower to emerge on Earth just we are the First flower to emerge of Men. We are your Fathers and many of the Kings come from us all over the World. I recently put our history on the record and sued The US & Virginia this has because the QE 3 Program the FED Reserve is doing. It is over $5-Trillion. I have claimed our tribal families in which we are the Fathers to the daughters are the Mothers of which we have consolidated all of the thrones into one. Thus I am Chaos- I have counted over 17-Popes in my family this was a hereditary title you just couldn't blow smoke and become the Father to 12-Tribes. All those orders in the World we started every last one of them. Where these Washitaw people so I can file on them too. The Moorman River runs west into the Ohio River where part of our family is at the Serpent Mound is right there and the Ohio River runs into the Mississsppi which runs into the Gulf or Mexico. It goes East into the Chesapeake Bay where the Saponi Nation seal is we had 30-Blackfoot Tribes we had Washau but they don't run nothing over the Head Moorman or Spiritually called the Head BelovedMan.
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