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Oct 3rd, 2013
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  1. Zelda-focused Legend of Zelda Game
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  6. Topic:
  7. - Of note:
  8. - "It seems that Master Swords seem to now be in short supply with only one timeline able to move forward with the Master Sword: the Childhood timeline. Sure, Nintendo can, and will, make games within the existing timeline that have the Master Sword, but moving forward from where the franchise is, there will be a lack of the Master Sword.
  10. However, I can see two ways Nintendo can get around this. The first is just, well, game logic. Who cares that the end of ALttP says that the Master Sword won't be used again? Break it out whenever. Gone from New Hyrule? Nope, because magic, because that's how magnets work. The second idea is a bit more creative and also is a bit of a stretch."
  11. - "Personally, I always explained the possible paradox with the second Goddess sword eventually becoming the Four Sword. I also thought that the Master Sword itself was more of a metaphysical object. Being a creation of the old Goddesses, their power is directly housed in the sword itself. It could be possible that the physical sword is actually less important than the power that lies within it. Theoretically, any sword wielded by the Hero of Time could potentially become the True Master Sword. The transformation of the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword in Skyward Sword is really my main bit of evidence there. It's not so much that the Master Sword is a singular object as much as it is a vessel for Din, Faore and Naryu's power. This would explain how other swords could be upgraded into the Master Sword, and account for the varying designs the sword had throughout the games.
  13. Likewise, it would seem the idea of a metaphysical Sword of the Goddesses would be more favorable to the gods as the original Master Sword became Demise's new prison with Fi making sure he was held in check. The option of using that sword to seal Gannondorf under the Great Sea would not be a very favorable one as it would reunite Demise with the vessel of his hatred, allowing for the possibility of Demise either taking over Gannondorf or the reverse happening."
  14. - Since the Sacred Flames needed to empower the Goddess Sword and change it into the Master Sword are the embodiments of the powers of the Goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore (and thus, embodiments of the Force), this could create a very interesting future game possibility.
  15. - Zelda is imbued with the (Light) Force, meaning that she has the magical ability and powers of the three Goddesses within her. Coupled with the metaphysical argument that the Master Sword is really just a sword charged with the required power and the Kotaku article about making Zelda the protagonist with an actual use for a Magic Meter (and more impressive spellcasting and puzzles making use of them), perhaps Zelda could use her innate magic to conjure a magical construct of the Master Sword, made solely from her powers of the Light Force and the powers of Din, Nayru, and Farore (it would basically be conjured out of air and not be a physical blade). This could be activated later in the game once she learns to fully unlock her powers.
  16. - Zelda would use her trademark harp instead of an ocarina
  17. - Zelda's magic would be used to solve more involved puzzles (Golden Sun-style)?
  18. - The "magic" Master Sword would phase in color between red, blue, and green (with multiple colors visible at any given time to make up the blade's ethereal appearance)
  19. - Having the Master Sword active provides a constant drain on Zelda's magic meter
  20. - When Zelda is not using the Master Sword or casting spells, her magic meter slowly refills
  21. - No "guy in distress" thing for Link, either. Link kinda has to exist, since he's a staple of the series. Make him an important NPC or something, like a prominent blacksmith (his grandfather was one in Minish Cap, after all!)
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