
Ephraim haet Smoky the Bear

Nov 10th, 2011
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  1. [20:17:06] * RioCadaro When we last left our Survivors, they were heading towards Mirasol, en route to meet with members of the Ronin and hopefully some captured Criterion individuals. On the way, the team was distracted by SHINY OBJECT, which turned out to be a glowing rock. Ephraim ruined the fun by making the glowing rock stop glowing. Night is set in at this point, but our team continues to trek
  2. [20:17:06] * RioCadaro onward.
  3. [20:19:20] <Ephraim> (*Not-Glowy Rock added to inventory)
  4. [20:19:50] : Klaus adjusts his jacket as he proceeds through the brushery at a brisk pace. "Oy, if you're done with the glowing rocks and demons and what have you, I think it'd be prudent to move on 'til we at least reach the caves."
  5. [20:20:59] <Ephraim> "THEN can we get some rest? Why'd we leave in the middle of the night anyways?"
  6. [20:21:43] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: Did you not remember that we are in pursuit of some individuals heading in this direction by vehicle? We're attempting to catch up to them, aren't we?
  7. [20:22:07] <Klaus> "You didn't have to." Klaus sighs. "In fact, I'm surprised you all agreed. I have a personal stake in this, and if there's a chance leaving in the morning would've meant I'd arrive home to find my family dead and hometown ransacked..."
  8. [20:22:54] <RioCadaro> Prospector: It's alright, Klaus. I understand. I don't think they'd get too far past the Ronin though. We've seen what Sel'si can do on her own, and she's got that Titon guy with her too.
  9. [20:23:06] <RioCadaro> Prospector: Least, that's hopin' for the best. Let's keep goin'.
  10. [20:24:32] : Klaus just nods and speeds up a bit. "If you'd like, I can scout on ahead, make sure nothing nasty's waiting for us, or find and ready a campsite even."
  11. [20:26:40] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: Personally I'm doing just fine. Aren't we, Arstan?
  12. [20:26:55] * RioCadaro Arstan gives an approving nod as the group proceeds.
  13. [20:27:37] <RioCadaro> Prospector: I think keeping on the move for now might be a good idea. At least until we get closer to where you are familiar with. About how much longer until we get to the caves?
  14. [20:28:00] * RioCadaro Prospector's stomach grumbles lightly, which he chuckles to just as lightly.
  15. [20:28:05] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #EgondrasFate
  16. [20:28:14] <Klaus> 1d20+5 do I remember how far it is?
  17. [20:28:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, do I remember how far it is?: 14 [1d20=9]
  18. [20:28:34] <Ephraim> "Alright, let's get going"
  19. [20:29:23] * RioCadaro Klaus: From this trail, you'll probably be catching sight of the range where Mirasol is within the half hour if not sooner. An hour tops (including that half hour, mind you) to get you to the base and start your trek towards the town itself.
  20. [20:31:16] : Klaus shrugs. "It's not terribly far, I'd say half an hour 'til we get a better look, half an hour more 'til we start climbing. Sierpinski!" Klaus calls out into the sky. "I'm going to see what's changed in the years I've been gone. I'll signal you all with Laplace. One flash is all clear, two means watch out."
  21. [20:31:38] : Klaus beckons his Skarmory over, planning to ride him to get a view of the upcoming path.
  22. [20:33:18] * RioCadaro Sierpinski struts over to you and offers his back to you. "Ska! Ska!"
  23. [20:33:34] <RioCadaro> Prospector: You got it. We'll keep our eyes peeled.
  24. [20:34:29] : Klaus climbs up and gives him an affectionate pat on the head. "Alright, I'm off. Don't you fucking dare get yourselves killed while I'm gone."
  25. [20:34:56] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: I have no intention of going back to everyone else just yet. We will be fine.
  26. [20:35:03] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: Don't you agree, Ephraim?
  27. [20:35:39] <Ephraim> "Hm? Yeah, might as well keep going"
  28. [20:37:40] : Klaus scans both the ground ahead and the horizon toward Mirasol as Sierpinski flies, looking both for immediate threats and for any signs of attack on the city. Laplace is swapped into the videocamera-capable pokebot.
  29. [20:38:43] <RioCadaro> 1d100
  30. [20:38:44] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d100: 11 [1d100=11]
  31. [20:38:45] <Klaus> 1d20+5 safety precautions why not
  32. [20:38:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, safety precautions why not: 17 [1d20=12]
  33. [20:39:55] * RioCadaro Klaus: You actually don't see any significant changes (I.E. no burning piles of Mirasol or signs of distress in that area). Given you've probably never looked at it from this angle, you don't see anything that stands out as immediate threat to Mirasol's well-being.
  34. [20:39:59] * RioCadaro Klaus: Spot check.
  35. [20:40:11] * RioCadaro Ephraim: Listen check.
  36. [20:40:14] <Klaus> 1d20 I swear I'll raise this someday
  37. [20:40:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, I swear I'll raise this someday: 12 [1d20=12]
  38. [20:40:18] <Ephraim> 1d20+2
  39. [20:40:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, 1d20+2: 10 [1d20=8]
  40. [20:42:29] <RioCadaro> 1d100
  41. [20:42:30] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d100: 24 [1d100=24]
  42. [20:42:38] <RioCadaro> 1d20
  43. [20:42:38] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d20: 13 [1d20=13]
  44. [20:43:07] * RioCadaro Klaus: You start scanning the ground level for any signs of activity along the path to ensure it's safe. It seems pretty clear to you from up here.
  45. [20:43:11] <RioCadaro> 1d20+3
  46. [20:43:12] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d20+3: 23 [1d20=20]
  47. [20:43:13] <RioCadaro> 1d20+4
  48. [20:43:15] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d20+4: 23 [1d20=19]
  49. [20:43:48] * RioCadaro Prospector and Eadoin both shift as a rustling sound comes to their attention. Similar to before but...much more encompassing around your positions than before.
  50. [20:45:16] : Klaus nods toward Laplace and gestures back toward the group. "One flash, the path immediately ahead at least seems kinda clear." He steers Sierpinski to circle back a bit before continuing onwards, hoping to catch a glance of the mountainside or lakebed.
  51. [20:45:18] <RioCadaro> Prospector: Hey guys....I think we have company
  52. [20:46:02] * RioCadaro Klaus: Spot check as you head towards that area.
  53. [20:46:09] <Klaus> 1d20
  54. [20:46:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  55. [20:46:26] <Ephraim> "Oh yay, more friends to join us"
  56. [20:46:36] * RioCadaro Ephraim and Co.: Laplace gives you a single flash, giving you the okay that what's directly ahead of you is good to go.
  57. [20:47:12] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: What do we do? Attempt to handle them? There's been so much fighting lately...
  58. [20:47:30] * RioCadaro Eadoin and Prospector look to Ephraim.
  59. [20:49:29] <Ephraim> "Well, looks like Klaus says we're good to go, so let's just keep going. I'm ready for some rest"
  60. [20:49:54] * RioCadaro The sounds begin to come closer. Prospector starts moving a bit faster. "Then why are we letting them get closer, c'mon!"
  61. [20:51:43] * RioCadaro Klaus: As far as the lake area is concerned, you don't really see much differing from this altitude either.
  62. [20:54:00] <Klaus> "Alright then, looks like it won't be much trouble setting up camp tonight if everyone's tired..." Klaus directs Sierpinski to make one last slow sweep, noting where it'd be easiest to start climbing and still reach the cave systems, before doubling back to meet everyone else.
  63. [20:56:14] <RioCadaro> 8#1d20
  64. [20:56:15] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 8#1d20: 18 [1d20=18], 20 [1d20=20], 1 [1d20=1], 8 [1d20=8], 2 [1d20=2], 1 [1d20=1], 13 [1d20=13], 18 [1d20=18]
  65. [20:56:24] <RioCadaro> (XD)
  66. [20:56:41] <RioCadaro> (Ephraim, your Dex?)
  67. [20:57:05] <Ephraim> (12)
  68. [20:57:15] <Ephraim> (Very nice rolls there, too)
  69. [20:57:56] * RioCadaro Proceeding order: Ephraim, Eadoin, Prospector
  70. [20:58:57] * RioCadaro Klaus: As you start coming back towards the group, waves of white silky thread spray out from the sides as bug Pokemon begin trying to encircle the group from a U formation. Prospector gets about three sets of these latched onto his body, slowing down his already back-of-the-line pace.
  71. [20:59:06] <RioCadaro> Prospector: What the hell!? String Shots?
  72. [20:59:24] <Klaus> (oh hey combat, just lemme know when I can join the initiative order, I'm at 14 dex, probably commanding Laplace at 14 speed)
  73. [20:59:32] <Ephraim> "What? I thought this was the SAFE path!"
  74. [20:59:50] : Klaus waves at Laplace and gestures him toward the pidovebot.
  75. [20:59:56] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: At least they aren't hurting him, but why they are ensnaring him...?
  76. [21:00:16] * RioCadaro Laplace dives into the Pidove bot upon your cue.
  77. [21:00:24] * RioCadaro (Initiatives!)
  78. [21:00:36] <Klaus> (14 dex and speed)
  79. [21:01:00] <RioCadaro> (Klaus has 14 Dex, Ephraim with 12, Eadoin with 10, Prospector with...well 4, and not exactly any faster with 3 out of 6 String Shots attached to him)
  80. [21:01:42] <Klaus> (what are we up against that we can see?)
  81. [21:02:05] <RioCadaro> (They're coming into view. It's a mixed swarm of Weedles, Caterpies, and Wurmples.
  82. [21:02:17] <Ephraim> (Something that shoots strings - a spider or bug, I'd assume)
  83. [21:02:35] <RioCadaro> (As of right now, you see eight closing in on Prospector now that they have him String Shot'd somewhat)
  84. [21:03:18] <RioCadaro> (Oh and it's 3/5, not 3/6 :P)
  85. [21:03:23] * MrCompetition ( has joined #EgondrasFate
  86. [21:03:28] : Klaus pulls out the old branding rod from his pack and starts charging it up as he approaches the swarm. As Sierpinski swoops down, he attempts to burn at the silk binding Prospector.
  87. [21:03:35] <RioCadaro> (Oh if only YOU were here, Mr. Ignition)
  88. [21:03:49] <Klaus> 1d20 I guess I roll to hit?
  89. [21:03:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, I guess I roll to hit?: 8 [1d20=8]
  90. [21:04:00] <MrCompetition> (Fire is needed?)
  91. [21:04:09] <RioCadaro> (Bugs, string shots, in the woods)
  92. [21:04:13] <RioCadaro> (This encounter is all you, man)
  93. [21:04:34] <MrCompetition> (This, of course, means that there will be none left when I pass through....)
  94. [21:04:53] <Klaus> 1d8+1d6 fire damage I remember now why I never use this now :V
  95. [21:04:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, fire damage I remember now why I never use this now :V: 9 [1d8=7; 1d6=2]
  96. [21:05:13] * RioCadaro Klaus: You swoop down and slash at the silk, re-liquifiying it. Prospector's no longer in a bind!
  97. [21:05:53] <RioCadaro> Prospector: Thanks, Klaus! *He takes a moment to examine the area for the brief moment he has*
  98. [21:06:00] <RioCadaro> (On his turn)
  99. [21:06:06] * RioCadaro Ephraim, you're up!
  100. [21:06:19] <Klaus> ( know, can't Ephraim use Flare Blitz?)
  101. [21:06:42] <Ephraim> >:(
  102. [21:06:46] <Klaus> (:D)
  103. [21:07:35] <RioCadaro> (Nuke ALL THE BUGS)
  104. [21:07:40] <RioCadaro> (XD)
  105. [21:07:53] <Ephraim> (V-Create?)
  106. [21:08:01] <Klaus> (since we're dealing with a swarm, do single target attacks still only hit one pokemon within, or is the swarm treated as one target or what?)
  107. [21:08:33] <MrCompetition> (Are potions or repels flammable? If so, say hello to impromptu flamethrowers.....)
  108. [21:08:51] <Ephraim> (I like the way this guy thinks.)
  109. [21:08:54] <Ephraim> (ANYWAYS)
  110. [21:09:43] <RioCadaro> (Still single target->single target)
  111. [21:10:19] <RioCadaro> (Obviously, since we dont' have a board or anything, I'll be generous with AOEs with dealing with such pests)
  112. [21:10:49] <Ephraim> "Bah, what are all these bugs doing? Let's drive them off, Simeon"
  113. [21:11:04] <RioCadaro> (Oh, and no, they aren't flammable D:)
  114. [21:11:30] * Ephraim and co. try to intimidate/scare the bugs away best they can. Little punks.
  115. [21:11:50] * RioCadaro Ephraim: Interesting choice of tactics. Charisma check.
  116. [21:12:05] <Ephraim> 1d20-1
  117. [21:12:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, 1d20-1: 10 [1d20=11]
  118. [21:12:25] <Ephraim> (It's just a bunch of weak little bugs. . .)
  119. [21:12:39] <RioCadaro> 1d4
  120. [21:12:39] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d4: 2 [1d4=2]
  121. [21:13:09] * RioCadaro Ephraim: You manage to intimidate two of the bugs: Both Weedles (Which, the count is 3 Weedles, 3 Wurmples, 2 Caterpies)
  122. [21:13:13] <Klaus> (who cares? team mom haet bug. kill bug >:|)
  123. [21:13:41] * RioCadaro They both run away, but they seem to be crying quite loudly.
  124. [21:13:41] <Ephraim> (Even the smallest of bugs is still one of Arceus's creations)
  125. [21:17:07] * RioCadaro Eadoin sees Ephraim's tactics and thinks of a similar plan. "Let us try to scare them off. We could avoid more conflict this way."
  126. [21:17:09] <RioCadaro> 1d20
  127. [21:17:09] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  128. [21:17:41] * RioCadaro Eadoin raises his hands up and tries his best at scaring them away. Unfortunately it geos a little something like this:
  129. [21:18:04] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: OOOOOOOO! BE-WARE, RUN AWAY FROM MY PRESENCE!
  130. [21:18:17] * RioCadaro Which in turn....does absolutely nothing to make them leave.
  131. [21:18:48] * RioCadaro Prospector's turn
  132. [21:18:51] <RioCadaro> 1d20+4
  133. [21:18:52] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d20+4: 18 [1d20=14]
  134. [21:19:47] * RioCadaro Prospector is distancing himself away from the bugs as best as he can, but as he looks he notices something. "I hate to break it to you guys...but we have more, incoming! They're calling their friends!"
  135. [21:20:21] <Klaus> "Then make a run for it! We'll take out as many as we can as we go." Klaus yells from in the air.
  136. [21:21:14] * RioCadaro Prospector: The less of us there are, the better! Keep from stopping for too long or we'll get wrapped up again!
  137. [21:21:37] <Klaus> (what's init for pokemon turns?)
  138. [21:22:05] <Ephraim> "I. . . guess it'd make sense that there'd be more than just the babies."
  139. [21:22:34] <RioCadaro> (Speeds for Pokemon out? Bugs are going on a 20 Speed)
  140. [21:23:21] <Klaus> (Laplace at 14, Hypatia on Klaus's person at 3, I'll command one or the other depending on how this goes)
  141. [21:26:14] <Ephraim> (Oh, uh, I guess Simeon's at 10)
  142. [21:26:52] <RioCadaro> (Artsan will go on a 12, Prospector will use Forca on a 16)
  143. [21:29:23] * RioCadaro Bug's Turn!
  144. [21:29:30] * RioCadaro Reinforcements will arrive Next Turn!
  145. [21:30:06] * RioCadaro The bugs continue to go after Prospector, as they've identified him as teh slowest of the group.
  146. [21:30:13] <RioCadaro> 6#1d20
  147. [21:30:13] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 6#1d20: 20 [1d20=20], 11 [1d20=11], 9 [1d20=9], 9 [1d20=9], 6 [1d20=6], 2 [1d20=2]
  148. [21:31:46] * RioCadaro Focusing their fire, they've completely encased Prospector in String Shot in one volley! Only his head stays outside of its grasp as he falls to the ground.
  149. [21:32:20] * RioCadaro Forca's turn!
  150. [21:32:41] <Klaus> "Mother of fuck. Oy, Ephraim! Can't you use your demons or some shit and fry them?"
  151. [21:33:32] <RioCadaro> "Forca, Try to slow them down with some mud! Guys, GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
  152. [21:33:40] * RioCadaro Forca: Mag...yo!
  153. [21:33:47] <RioCadaro> 1d20 Mud Slap
  154. [21:33:47] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, Mud Slap: 11 [1d20=11]
  155. [21:33:53] <Ephraim> ". . . You really think that's necessary? I mean. . ."
  156. [21:33:56] <RioCadaro> 1d4+1
  157. [21:33:57] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d4+1: 4 [1d4=3]
  158. [21:34:22] <Klaus> (wait, how the hell is his derpfisk so fast? I mean, it's base speed 3 at its lowest relation too...)
  159. [21:35:43] <RioCadaro> (I am wondering that as well)
  160. [21:35:52] <Klaus> (huh, well, whatever, doesn't matter for now)
  161. [21:36:01] <RioCadaro> (DOH)
  162. [21:36:16] <RioCadaro> (No, that's his Kabuto...for some reason, he put his descriptions ABOVE his Pokemon's names)
  163. [21:36:28] <Klaus> (If Prospector ever shows up again, then we'll ask h- oh okay)
  164. [21:36:30] <RioCadaro> (Still legitimate, minus the call)
  165. [21:36:40] <RioCadaro> (Yeah, I was wondering about that too...)
  166. [21:36:45] <RioCadaro> (Did a little analysis after that)
  167. [21:37:02] <RioCadaro> (But yes, you have a Dark/Water Kabuto, your head-nommer-turned-tame)
  168. [21:37:19] <RioCadaro> 1d12+10
  169. [21:37:19] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d12+10: 15 [1d12=5]
  170. [21:37:36] * RioCadaro The bugs seemed stunned even for just a moment, but not too badly hurt by the mud slap.
  171. [21:38:02] <Klaus> "Laplace! Swoop down and catch as many as you can in some lightning!"
  172. [21:38:05] <Klaus> 1d20 thunderbolt
  173. [21:38:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, thunderbolt: 9 [1d20=9]
  174. [21:38:46] <Klaus> 4d12+17+14+4 damage
  175. [21:38:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, damage: 65 [4d12=7,11,5,7]
  176. [21:41:02] <RioCadaro> 1d4+1
  177. [21:41:03] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 1d4+1: 2 [1d4=1]
  178. [21:41:35] <RioCadaro> 2#1d100
  179. [21:41:36] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 2#1d100: 49 [1d100=49], 63 [1d100=63]
  180. [21:41:40] <Klaus> (oops :3c)
  181. [21:42:12] * RioCadaro KERZAP! The two Caterpies begin having spasms for a good four seconds after you strike, then fall motionless to the ground.
  182. [21:43:27] <Ephraim> 2d100
  183. [21:43:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, 2d100: 79 [2d100=72,7]
  184. [21:43:36] <Klaus> (fucking demons)
  185. [21:43:41] <Ephraim> (Eh, works)
  186. [21:43:46] <Klaus> (why do you even want bug demons?)
  187. [21:44:07] <Ephraim> (Good question, I guess)
  188. [21:44:21] <Ephraim> (Because I'm too unheartless not to)
  189. [21:46:22] <Klaus> (and I think Artsan's up, then Simeon)
  190. [21:47:08] * RioCadaro Eadoin: Arstan, If there are more of them coming, I want you to wait until they get here. Then...let us give them some rest, as we all deserve it. May the ones who have fallen find their way to the Collective.
  191. [21:47:26] * RioCadaro Arstan: Hold Action until Reinforcements arrive.
  192. [21:49:47] * RioCadaro Next?
  193. [21:49:54] <Klaus> (Simeon?)
  194. [21:50:35] <Ephraim> "Bah, more death - Simeon, knock them out so we can get out of here"
  195. [21:51:58] <Ephraim> 1d20 Quick Attack, whichever's most threatening
  196. [21:51:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, Quick Attack, whichever's most threatening: 15 [1d20=15]
  197. [21:52:29] <Ephraim> 2d6+10 Wow, never realized how bad Eevee movesets were
  198. [21:52:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, Wow, never realized how bad Eevee movesets were: 17 [2d6=1,6]
  199. [21:53:11] * RioCadaro Simeon Slams into one of the Wurmples, toppling it over itself. It still stands, however.
  200. [21:53:14] -Global- [LordLicorice] HAUSU IN THE STREAM
  201. [21:53:43] <MrCompetition> (Wow, that'll break the tension....)
  202. [21:53:45] <Klaus> (trainer turns?)
  203. [21:55:02] <RioCadaro> (Yep, go for it)
  204. [21:55:05] : Klaus swoops down again, though this time to drop a pokeball containing Turing just next to Prospector. "Turing, grab him and let's get the fuck out of here."
  205. [21:55:50] * RioCadaro As soon as the Metang appears out of the ball, the hefty Pokemon scoops up the encased petrologist and begins retreating.
  206. [21:56:07] <RioCadaro> Prospector: H-Hey! W-watch it!
  207. [21:56:33] <RioCadaro> (Next is...Eadoin, correct?)
  208. [21:56:37] <RioCadaro> (I do believe)
  209. [21:58:06] * RioCadaro Eadoin: I am sorry for this misunderstanding, but we must be on our way. Arstan, prepare to put them to rest as we make our escape. *Eadoin then plugs his ears as he begins to run, the reinforcements slinking up behind them* Friends, best to cover your ears to ensure you're not given the same fate!
  210. [22:00:05] <Klaus> (...Ephraim?)
  211. [22:00:22] <Ephraim> (Gah, I'm sorry. Being more attentive now)
  212. [22:01:50] <Ephraim> "Yeah, we don't have time for this. Simeon, let's get out of here. Hunter - when we take off, think you could put some fire between us?"
  213. [22:02:02] <Ephraim> "Let's get out of here!"
  214. [22:02:20] * Ephraim grabs Simeon and prepares to flee
  215. [22:04:35] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: Did I hear something about fire? That seems much more effective than my plan. Arstan, let us go!
  216. [22:07:11] * Ephraim While fleeing, Ephraim takes a moment to flip around, stick out his hand, and shoot a nice stream of flames across the path, attempting to cut the bugs off from pursuit
  217. [22:07:31] * Ephraim He then takes off running like a madman
  218. [22:09:48] * RioCadaro The wall of flames sizzle at the ground before the bug platoons, distracting them with their fears of burning as you escape!
  219. [22:12:28] <Klaus> "Told you the demons were a good idea." Klaus speeds past Ephraim on Sierpinski. "Oy, we're near the lakebed, and once we're there my pokemon can take turns elevatoring us up to the cave systems."
  220. [22:13:19] * Ephraim blushes nervously a bit. "*sigh* I guess."
  221. [22:15:22] * RioCadaro 800 EXP for all involved Pokemon. I'll be sure to send that number to the others as well on the boards
  222. [22:18:00] : Klaus softly glides a bit ahead of the group, leading then down the path of least resistance.
  223. [22:18:41] * RioCadaro As you go down the path, you notice something: To your left....are some vans!
  224. [22:18:58] <RioCadaro> Eadoin: Ah! Those are the vehicles the ones we are pursuing were using!
  225. [22:20:22] : Klaus makes a shhh gesture at Eadoin, then motions for Sierpinski to land nearby in some brushery or trees or whatever convenient hiding spot is nearby. "Oy, Ephraim, untie Prospector," he whispers, "looks like we might have found Criterion..."
  226. [22:21:47] * Ephraim is busy talking to himself again and isn't exactly paying attention to anything around him. Including these vans.
  227. [22:23:16] : Klaus shrugs and gestures at Turing to put Prospector down and make himself hidden. He turns his gaze toward the vehicles and looks for any signs of people or their path after leaving the vehicles.
  228. [22:23:16] * RioCadaro Eadoin is snooping into what Ephraim is mumbling to himself about, always curious of what he is saying...
  229. [22:23:26] <Klaus> 1d20+5 Safety Precautions
  230. [22:23:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, Safety Precautions: 11 [1d20=6]
  231. [22:23:46] * RioCadaro Prospector is put down on the gorund, where he whispers "H-Hey! Don't leave me out here for them to see me!"
  232. [22:24:17] <Klaus> (kinda meant for Prospector to be hidden as well :P)
  233. [22:24:22] * Ephraim is paying so little attention that. . .
  234. [22:24:33] <Ephraim> 1d20+1
  235. [22:24:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Ephraim, 1d20+1: 10 [1d20=9]
  236. [22:24:51] * RioCadaro Klaus: Well...the vans definitely look unoccupied, but why wouldn't they take it up the path? A closer inspection as you carefully look around shows the culprit. You see Sel'si and Trition on the other side of the vans. There are a few other individuals on the ground, bound and face down.
  237. [22:24:58] <RioCadaro> 2#1d20
  238. [22:24:59] <DiceMaid-9001> RioCadaro, 2#1d20: 14 [1d20=14], 8 [1d20=8]
  239. [22:25:03] * Ephraim he walks right over Prospector, barely managing to avoid tumbling over by hopping a few steps
  240. [22:25:37] <Ephraim> "Whoa, wha~!"
  241. [22:25:50] <RioCadaro> Prospector: What, hey!
  242. [22:26:04] : Klaus cautiously approaches the vans, making himself clearly visible to the Ronin but still ready to order his pokemon in case any psychic shenanigans are afoot again.
  243. [22:26:38] * RioCadaro They dont' seem to notice you until Ephraim nearly trips over Prospector. The two turn their attention to the group. Their eyes are just as you could remember them: Sel'si's a solid blue color, and Triton's a deep brown.
  244. [22:27:13] <RioCadaro> Sel'si: You've made it! We weren't expecting you until morning. Are you....oh! What's going on with him?
  245. [22:27:29] <Ephraim> "Ah, crap! Uhh. . ."
  246. [22:27:46] * RioCadaro She notices Prospector still sealed in String Shot. She immediately goes to his aid, cutting him free with a knife. "Is he hurt? Are you guys okay?"
  247. [22:27:50] <Klaus> "Ephraim, I said to untie Prospector." Klaus says cooly as he continues toward the vans.
  248. [22:28:18] <Ephraim> "Oh, you did? Must have missed that"
  249. [22:28:32] <Ephraim> "At least it's not the bad guys"
  250. [22:28:39] <Klaus> "...What did you find out about the planned attack on Mirasol?" Klaus gets a better look at the bound individuals.
  251. [22:28:44] <RioCadaro> Triton: They're napping. No worries.
  252. [22:29:21] * RioCadaro As you look to them, you also see one of the vans has had a rather large hole put through the front of it. Gauging your company, you'd put it towards Triton's fist going into it.
  253. [22:29:53] <RioCadaro> Sel'si: They are stubborn...all of them. We haven't gotten anything out of them since they were on the attack. We're keeping them bound until they wake up, then ask questions.
  254. [22:30:35] : Klaus nods and glares down. Is Lexi there? And how many others are there, and what do they look like?
  255. [22:32:26] * RioCadaro Lexi is not amongst those with the van. There are four others, all in the military garb you saw back at the Milotic.
  256. [22:34:05] * RioCadaro Prospector stands and stretches his arms. "Freedom! Ah....thank you Sel'si. That was almost a rut back there...."
  257. [22:34:52] <Klaus> "...Lexi is missing. Presumably, that means the one who helped her to escape is missing as well." Klaus takes a deep breath before turning to face the ronins. "It's good to see you both again Sel'si, Triton, but I'm worried the attack may still be proceeding. Might I ask you to watch my friends while I speed home?" Klaus rubs his Skarmory's head.
  258. [22:35:46] * Ephraim takes the stone and begins fidgeting with it
  259. [22:36:15] <RioCadaro> Sel'si: These were the only guys in the vans. If she was out and about, I don't know what route she would have taken up there. Do you know of another route besides the main road she would've taken?
  260. [22:36:30] <Klaus> "Teleportation." Klaus says flatly.
  261. [22:37:22] <RioCadaro> Triton: Her. Heh. *Triton shakes his head* She must've screwed up. A lot.
  262. [22:38:16] <RioCadaro> Sel'si: We should all go together, just in case. Let me at least contact Clayton and let him know before we depart, okay? I think Triton here can handle a few knocked out bodies, eh big guy?
  263. [22:39:17] <Klaus> "Orrrr, I suppose they could have gone through that shithole of a forest on the other side of things, they might not have as much trouble with it." Klaus shrugs. "If you need a ride, Turing's pretty capable, but I think it's best to reach town tonight, even if we have to forgo sleep. If the attack doesn't hit, great, everyone else will be there in the morning and we can sleep while they guard it."
  264. [22:39:44] <RioCadaro> (/session for now)
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