Guest User


a guest
Mar 15th, 2018
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text 5.10 KB | None | 0 0
  1. config-version: 7
  2. messages:
  3. count-format: '#,###'
  4. currency-format: $#,###.##
  5. button-back:
  6. enabled: '&b[<]'
  7. disabled: '&7[<]'
  8. tooltip:
  9. - '&dCommand: &b/f top {page:back}'
  10. button-next:
  11. enabled: '&b[>]'
  12. disabled: '&7[>]'
  13. tooltip:
  14. - '&dCommand: &b/f top {page:next}'
  15. header: '&8&m-----&c&l RaptorMC&8 |&c&l FTOP&8 {button:back} &a{page:this}&8/&a{page:last} {button:next} &8&m-----&8'
  16. no-entries: '&eNo entries to be displayed.'
  17. body:
  18. text: '&e{rank}. {relcolor}{faction} &b{worth:total}'
  19. tooltip:
  20. - '&cGeneral:'
  21. - '&eBlock Worth: &a{worth:block}'
  22. - '&eSpawner Worth: &a{worth:spawner}'
  23. - ''
  24. - '&cSpawners:'
  25. - '&ePig: &a{count:spawner:pig}'
  26. - '&eCow: &a{count:spawner:skeleton}'
  27. - '&eZombie: &a{count:spawner:zombie}'
  28. - '&eZombie Pigman: &a{count:spawner:pig_zombie}'
  29. - '&eBlaze: &a{count:spawner:blaze}'
  30. - '&eSkeleton: &a{count:spawner:skeleton}'
  31. - '&eIron Golem: &a{count:spawner:iron_golem}'
  32. - '&eCreeper: &a{count:spawner:creeper}'
  33. - ''
  34. - '&c&lTotal: &n{worth:total}'
  35. footer: ''
  36. permission: '&cYou do not have permission.'
  37. recalculation-start: '&eAll faction totals are being resynchronized'
  38. recalculation-finish: '&eResynchronization of faction totals complete'
  39. recalculation-stop: '&eResynchronization of faction totals stopped'
  40. gui-settings:
  41. command-aliases:
  42. - f topgui
  43. line-count: 1
  44. inventory-name: '&lTop Factions | Page {page:this}'
  45. layout:
  46. - type: button_back
  47. enabled:
  48. text: '&bBack'
  49. lore: []
  50. material: wool
  51. data: 5
  52. disabled:
  53. text: '&7Back'
  54. lore: []
  55. material: wool
  56. data: 14
  57. - type: faction_list
  58. faction-count: 7
  59. fill-empty: true
  60. text: '&e{rank}. {relcolor}{faction} &b{worth:total}'
  61. lore:
  62. - '&e&l-- General --'
  63. - '&dTotal Worth: &b{worth:total}'
  64. - '&dBlock Worth: &b{worth:block}'
  65. - '&dSpawner Worth: &b{worth:spawner}'
  66. - '&dPlayer Balances: &b{worth:player_balance}'
  67. - ''
  68. - '&e&l-- Spawners --'
  69. - '&dSlime: &b{count:spawner:slime}'
  70. - '&dSkeleton: &b{count:spawner:skeleton}'
  71. - '&dZombie: &b{count:spawner:zombie}'
  72. - ''
  73. - '&e&l-- Materials --'
  74. - '&dEmerald Block: &b{count:material:emerald_block}'
  75. - '&dDiamond Block: &b{count:material:diamond_block}'
  76. - '&dGold Block: &b{count:material:gold_block}'
  77. - '&dIron Block: &b{count:material:iron_block}'
  78. - '&dCoal Block: &b{count:material:coal_block}'
  79. - type: button_next
  80. enabled:
  81. text: '&bNext'
  82. lore: []
  83. material: wool
  84. data: 5
  85. disabled:
  86. text: '&7Next'
  87. lore: []
  88. material: wool
  89. data: 14
  90. settings:
  91. command-aliases:
  92. - f top
  93. ignored-faction-ids:
  94. - none
  95. - safezone
  96. - warzone
  97. - '0'
  98. - '-1'
  99. - '-2'
  100. disable-chest-events: false
  101. factions-per-page: 9
  102. sign-update-ticks: 1
  103. liquid-update-ticks: 100
  104. chunk-queue-size: 200
  105. recalculate-chunks-per-tick: 50
  106. chunk-recalculate-millis: 120000
  107. chat:
  108. enabled: false
  109. rank-placeholder: '{factions_top_rank}'
  110. rank-found: '&2[&e#{rank}&2]'
  111. rank-not-found: ''
  112. placeholders:
  113. faction-not-found: '-'
  114. enabled-ranks:
  115. - 1
  116. - 2
  117. - 3
  118. database:
  119. jdbc-url: jdbc:h2:./plugins/FactionsTop/database
  120. username: root
  121. password: pa$$w0rd
  122. maximum-pool-size: 10
  123. max-lifetime: 5000
  124. idle-timeout: 5000
  125. connection-timeout: 5000
  126. persist-interval: 60000
  127. persist-factions: false
  128. enabled:
  129. chest: false
  130. player_balance: false
  131. faction_balance: false
  132. spawner: true
  133. block: true
  134. perform-recalculate:
  135. command: true
  136. unload: true
  137. claim: true
  138. break: true
  139. place: true
  140. explode: true
  141. chest: true
  142. bypass-recalculate-delay:
  143. command: true
  144. unload: true
  145. claim: true
  146. break: false
  147. place: false
  148. explode: false
  149. chest: false
  150. spawner-prices:
  151. pig: 12000.0
  152. cow: 12000.0
  153. zombie: 11000.0
  154. pig_zombie: 150000
  155. blaze: 250000
  156. skeleton: 35000
  157. iron_golem: 625000
  158. creeper: 325000
  159. block-prices:
  160. gold_block: 120.0
  161. iron_block: 37.0
  162. diamond_block: 500.0
  163. emerald_block: 625.0
  164. coal_block: 12.0
  165. ftopTitle: '&6_______________.[ &2Factions Top %PAGE%/%MAXPAGE% &6]._______________'
  166. maxPages: 0
  167. maxFactionsOnTop: 10
  168. chunkGracePeroidMins: 1440
  169. resetGraceChunkGracePeroidAfterRestart: true
  170. updateFTopRankingSeconds: 60
  171. ftopMessage: '&e%NUMBER%. %RELATIONSHIPCOLOR%%FACTION% &b$%VALUE%'
  172. excludeFactions: '{wilderness, safezone, warzone}'
  173. mysql:
  174. enable: 'false'
  175. hostname: localhost
  176. port: '3306'
  177. database: database
  178. user: user
  179. password: password
  180. hoverMessage:
  181. - '&c&lFaction: &a%faction%'
  182. - '&aLeader: &b%factionadmin%'
  183. - ''
  184. - '&bTotal Wealth: &b$%totalwealth%'
  185. - '&bMoney: &b%balance%'
  186. - '&bSpawners: &b$%spawnervalue%'
  187. - '&bBlocks: &b$%blockvalue%'
  188. - ''
  189. - '&5&l* Spawners'
  190. - '%spawners%'
  191. - ''
  192. - '&5&l* Blocks'
  193. - '%blocks%'
  194. spawnerBlockMessage: '&6%TYPE% X &c&l%AMOUNT%'
  195. noSpawners: '&6None'
  196. noBlocks: '&6None'
  197. usePlayerBalance: 'true'
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