
Bad Fluffy

Mar 14th, 2020
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  1. lickitysplit, December 21, 2014; 06:16 / FB 28483
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Bad Fluffy
  5. In a little alley between a bakery and a pizza shop, a little fluffy lived alone. He did not have a name, because his mother had never given him one. However, he was the best fluffy in the whole world, he was sure of it; after all, his mother had told him he was many, many times.
  7. He had not seen his mother for many, many days. For the first few weeks of life, he lived happily, snuggled into her fluff and drinking milk. He had had siblings, but how many he could not remember. He did remember the day that his mother had eaten them, because she had cried over the babies and her sobbing kept him awake that night. After that, she did not let him leave her sight, so he spent his days crouched into the empty vent attached to the bakery, listening to her sing about what a good fluffy he was.
  9. When he learned to walk and talk, he wanted to go out and play, but his mother had shrieked at the idea so he never asked again. It was boring to lay all day, just watching a few inches of the world from the inside of the vent. Once in a while, his mother would venture out to find food or water, and he would get to stretch his legs with the extra room, and sniff around for a bug to watch as it crawled by or even a wayward crust from the stores on either side.
  11. Then, one day, his mother left and never came back. As it grew darker and darker, the fluffy hugged himself tightly and whined, experiencing fear and chill for the first time in his life. His stomach growled, and all of the noises from the shops and the street seemed to echo through the vent.
  13. The fluffy stayed hidden for two days, until the pangs in his stomach forced him to creep out of the hiding spot. His heart thumped furiously as he looked around. One end was a brick wall covered in piled garbage bags. So he turned towards the other end, which ended in a bright light.
  15. As he edged closer, the fluffy found himself on a normal sidewalk, with cars and people going back and forth. With his mouth open, the fluffy stared in wonder. The sounds and smells became overwhelming! He trembled, wondering if he should scurry back into his hiding spot, when a blue fluffy trotted by.
  17. The fluffy squeaked in surprise. He had only ever seen his mother, other than the fuzzy memories of the motionless foals she held. This fluffy was bigger than his mother, with its fluff neatly groomed and gleaming and a collar sparkling around its neck. A cord was attached to the collar and was held by a new sight for the fluffy: a hoomin.
  19. His mother had sometimes told him about hoomins. Hoomins were supposed to love and take care of fluffies, but some were mean and gave hurties instead. All good fluffies get mommies and daddies and warm houses with food and toys. It had never connected in the fluffy's mind, until that very moment, that since he was the best fluffy in the world, he should have a hoomin too! The blue fluffy and the hoomin were quickly disappearing down the street, so he scrambled after them as best as he could.
  21. Dodging around legs, he ignored the sharp pain in his empty stomach and tried his best to keep up. He got a kick once, and went tumbling with a wail. This must be one of the scary hoomins mother had talked about! He looked up and saw a foot coming towards him again, so with a screech he took off as fast as he could go. He panicked for a moment, having lost sight of the blue fluffy and his new hoomin, but then spotted them further down the road, walking into a house.
  23. The fluffy trotted up towards the house, his tail wagging excitedly. It looked like such a nice house! There was a big red door and flowers planted along the walk. He stopped and munched on a few, sighing as his stomach quieted. Then he continued his exploration, sniffling along the garden and making his way around the back of the house to find his new family.
  25. A large fence blocked his way, but with the new burst of energy the fluffy quickly dug a hole and squeezed his body under. The backyard was even more amazing than the front! There were vegetables growing in a little box, and balls and toys scattered about, and even a little swing set that sat only a foot off of the ground. The fluffy excitedly ran over to the closest toy, a duck on wheels, and gave it a little push. When the toy gave a little quack and rolled away, the fluffy laughed with glee and chased after it. This was the happiest moment of his entire life!
  27. He spent the next part of the afternoon trying out all the toys, stopping to snack on a vegetable or a flower every so often. The fluffy was so happy and proud of himself! He really was the best fluffy in the entire world, and he was so clever to get a hoomin and a house and toys! Even though his mother wasn't there, he still didn't feel too sad; he couldn't really remember what she looked like anyway. And his new house was much better than that yucky vent in the alley.
  29. Suddenly he heard a tapping sound, and looked around to find the source. Behind sliding glass doors was the blue fluffy, knocking with his hoof on the door. The fluffy stared in wonder for a moment; there was a whole inside of the house too! He quickly heaved himself up the steps to the door, where the fluffy watched with a thumping tail.
  31. "Fwend? Hewwo fwuffy! Nyu fwend?" the blue fluffy called out to him. The fluffy scrambled forward, knocking headfirst into the glass door and falling back on his rump. He tapped on the door with his hoof, wondering how to get inside. "Hewwo? Nyu fwend?" the blue called again.
  33. "He-he-hewwo," he answered timidly. "Nice fwuffy? Wan pway?"
  35. The blue hopped up and down with excitement. "Yay! Fwuffy come inside! Use fwuffy doow!"
  37. "Wha doow?" the fluffy said, tilting his head.
  39. After much instruction and several bumps later, the fluffy finally discovered the little door flap that led inside. Once again, the fluffy was overwhelmed with amazement. Before he could take it all in, the blue ran over from where he had been watching. "Nyu fwend! Nyu fwend fo Booboo! Wub nyu fwend!"
  41. "Yay nyu fwend! Yay nyu fwend!" the fluffy shouted, hopping up and down.
  43. "Booboo name Booboo. Wha fwuffy name?"
  45. The fluffy stopped hopping. "Fwuffy nu hab name."
  47. Booboo gave a sharp laugh. "Nu hab name? Fwuffy dummy?"
  49. "Nu! Nu dummy!" the fluffy squealed.
  51. "Why mummah nu gif name?"
  53. "Mummah... uh..." He tried to think of a way to explain what had happened, but after a few moments the blue turned and trotted away. "Dummy fwuffy come wif Booboo. Wan pway."
  55. The fluffy ignored the insult and quickly scurried to catch up. He barely had time to take everything in as Booboo led him to the safe room. "Dis Booboo woom," he said proudly. "Mummah gif Booboo bestest toys and nummies. Booboo bestest fwuffy."
  57. The fluffy paused, confused. How could two fluffies be the best? He started to protest, but the blue fluffy had trotted over to his box of toys. "Booboo haf bwockies, an stuffies, an pwetty sticks. Wan pway?"
  59. "YA YA YA!" the fluffy cheered, running as fast as he could to join his new friend. As they dug through the toy box, Booboo asked, "Whew nyu fwend toysies?"
  61. The fluffy paused again. His skin felt very hot under his fur, and his ears and tail drooped. "Fwuffy... fwuffy, uh... nu haf... nu haf toysies." The last bit came out as a whisper.
  63. Booboo gasped. "Nu haf toysies? Fwuffy bad fwuffy?"
  65. "Nu! Nu bad!"
  67. "Gud fwuffies get nice toysies. Yu bad fwuffy," Booboo responded, very matter-of-factly. He dug out his blocks and began to stack, while the fluffy sat back on his legs, thinking very hard. He knew he wasn't a bad fluffy. He never did anything wrong, and mammah had said he was the best and smartest! But then why did he never have a toy until today?
  69. "Fwuffy get nyu toysies at nyu housie," the fluffy said, but his companion was not paying him any attention. Instead, he had trotted over to a large, strange box.
  71. "Wan watch! Fwuffy watch?"
  73. The fluffy joined him. "Wha dis boxie?"
  75. Booboo laughed again, falling back on his rump. "Yu nu know teebee? Yu so dummy!" he squealed, still laughing.
  77. "Nuuuu! Nu dummy!" the fluffy whined, but again, Booboo paid no attention. Instead, he stepped on a button attached to the box, and suddenly, light and sound exploded from the box. The fluffy squeaked in terror and let loose a bit of feces, cowering under his front hoofs.
  79. Booboo poked him with a hoof. "Dummy fwuffy? Nu scawy. Teebee bestest fo fwuffees."
  81. The fluffy dared to peek over his hoofs, and let out a low "OOooohhhh" at what he saw. Fluffies, more than he had ever though even existed, danced and played on the screen. A song that reminded him of his mother played over and over. The fluffy crept closer, mesmerized by the dancing and hugging fluffies before him. When he reached the box, he used one hoof to carefully touch the amazing screen. "Fwuffees?" he whispered.
  83. "Nu fwuffees, dummy. Jus teebee," Booboo responded before wrinkling his nose. "Nu smeww pwetty! Dummy fwuffee yucky! Fwuffy made poopies!"
  85. The fluffy turned and looked back at the small pile behind him, then at the blue fluffy, confusion again on his face. Yes, he had made poopies. What difference did that make? Fluffies always poop, don't they?
  87. When the fluffy didn't respond, Booboo walked over to the litter box and pointed. "Gud poopies gu in wittabawks. Bad poopies on foow."
  89. "Why?"
  91. "Gud poopies gu in wittabawks. Mummah gif huwties fo bad poopies. Gif sowwy bawks."
  93. The fluffy huffed. "Mummah nu gif fwuffy huwties. Fwuffy make poopies when wan." To illustrate this, the fluffy bent his legs and released another dropping.
  95. Booboo looked around fearfully. When nothing happened, he gave a little giggle. "Booboo make poopies," he whispered, and proceeded to relieve himself on the floor.
  97. The two spent the next several minutes scurrying around the room, releasing waste on the floor and over various items in the room, their laughter growing louder and louder the bolder they became. Eventually, however, the stench of the room proved too much, and the blue fluffy stomped his hoofs. "Woom nu smeww pwetty. Gu haf nummies nao." He trotted out of the room, the other following close behind.
  99. Booboo led them to the kitchen, where he showed his friend his food and water dishes. "Dese yummy nummies. Mummah gif yummy treats and cookies fo gud Booboo." He sat up a bit proudly at this.
  101. The other fluffy wagged his tail excitedly. "Gif fwuffies nummies? Gif yummies?"
  103. Booboo considered a moment before responding, "Nu gif nummies to bad fwuffy. Yu dummy nu smeww pwetty fwuffy. Nu gif yummy nummies."
  105. The fluffy, who was sniffing at the bowl of kibble, abruptly looked up. "Fwuffy gud fwuffy! Mummah say!"
  107. "Gud fwuffy smeww pwetty an make gud poopies. Gud fwuffy get nummies."
  109. Now the fluffy was truly confused. Could this be true? Was he a bad fluffy? No, he knew he was a good fluffy! But yet... if he was a good fluffy... why had he never had toys or treats before? This was all so confusing! "Nuuu!" the fluffy wailed. "Fwuffy wan! Wan nummies an mummah!"
  111. "Whew fwuffy mummah?" Booboo asked.
  113. "Mummah go way. Fwuffy wan nyu mummah."
  115. Now it was the blue fluffy's turn to be confused. "Mummah Booboo mummah. Nu yu mummah."
  117. "Dis fwuffy housie. Fwuffy wan housie an mummah."
  119. "Nu!" the blue fluffy nearly shouted. "Dis nu bad fwuffy housie! Dis BOOBOO HOUSIE! Yu bad bad bad BAD fwuffy!"
  121. "Nuuuuuu!" the fluffy screeched. "Nuuu bad! Bestest fwuffy!"
  123. "Yu bad fwuffy!" Booboo accused. "Yu nu smeww pwetty! Yu nu haf toysies! Yu nu haf mummah! Yu nu haf name! Booboo bestest!"
  125. The fluffy sobbed, cowering and hiding under his hoofs as the blue fluffy's words pierced him like daggers. It was true! He was a bad fluffy! He sobbed and sobbed, ignoring Booboo's orders to stop crying like a dummy.
  127. Suddenly, there was an unfamiliar noise, and Booboo took off running from the room. "Mummah! Mummah!" his voice trailed behind. "Booboo nu wike!"
  129. "Booboo!" It was a hoomin voice! For a moment, the fluffy picked up its head to listen. It seemed like a such a nice, sweet voice! Maybe everything was going to be okay. But then the voice turned scary. "What the hell is going on? Why does it smell like shit in here? Why are you out of your room?"
  131. "Booboo nu make poopies! Booboo nu weave woom!"
  133. "You're in the hallway covered in shit, dumbass." The fluffy heard a strangled cry, and footsteps into another part of the house. "Goddamn it! You shit all over the place!"
  135. "Nuuuu!" Booboo's voice was a high-pitched squeal. "Nu Booboo! Bad fwuffy made bad poopies! Nu Booboo!"
  137. "Don't you dare lie to me, Booboo!" The fluffy cowered again. He could hear the fluffy screaming, and then a loud thwacking sound.
  139. "That's what you get," the mean hoomin voice shouted. "Now you stay in the sorry box for the rest of the night!"
  141. "Nuu mummah! Nu sowwy bawks! Pwease wet Booboo owt!"
  143. The fluffy had heard enough. If this is what happens with a hoomin mummah, he wanted no parts of it! He took off running, but had no idea how to get out. He scrambled frantically through the rooms, each more strange than the last, panic rising. He was trapped! The fluffy let out a scream as he finally found the glass door. He raced over and began to pound on the glass with his hoofs. "WAN OWT! HEWP! MUMMAH HEWP FWUFFY! NU WAN! NU WIKE!"
  145. "What the hell?" Hearing the hoomin voice behind him, the fluffy screamed again and began to slam his body against the door. Suddenly he was lifted up, and he quickly covered his eyes with his hoofs. "Where did you come from?"
  147. The fluffy's body shook with sobs. "Nu! Pweez nu huwties! Nu wan upsies! Hewp fwuffy!"
  149. "Did you make this mess? How did you get in?"
  151. "Nuuu! Nuuu! Hewp! Hewp!"
  153. "Goddamn fluffies. I'm taking out that fluffy door, I swear." The fluffy continued to whine as he felt himself carried. He didn't dare to peek out until he felt his body being squeezed uncomfortably. His eyes flew open and he found himself staring through the sides of a cage.
  155. "Hewp! Fwuffy nu wan! Nu wike! Hewp!"
  157. "Oh shush, you're fine. It's just a carrier." The fluffy watched the hoomin's legs walk away, her voice also trailing off. "Yeah, what time do you guys close? Is there a fee..."
  159. The fluffy tried to run, but he couldn't go anywhere. He was trapped again! He tossed his body around as best as he could in the fluffy carrier, and yelled for help, until he was exhausted. He finally dropped onto his stomach and whined.
  161. The blue fluffy was right. He was a bad fluffy. He had no name, no hoomin, no toys or teebee or treats. There was a piercing pain in his chest as he remembered his mother. She had lied to him. Maybe that's why she left him, because he was such a bad fluffy! He whimpered quietly to himself, shaking with sobs.
  163. Several weeks later, two employees at the fluffy shelter walked past the cages, checking off boxes on their paperwork. Finally they came to a cage where a fluffy lay curled on the floor in a tight ball, facing the wall. He was an unusual sight, surrounded by hyperactive fluffies on all sides, enthusiastically calling to the workers and each other for food and love and toys and any number of things that popped into their heads. The other fluffies bounced around, talking and singing and playing. Meanwhile, this fluffy did not move.
  165. "Was it abused?" one asked.
  167. "No, there wasn't a scratch on it when it was brought in," said the other. He marked the box labeled 'Terminate' and drew a red X on the card hanging from the fluffy's cage door. "The woman that surrendered him though he was a feral, since he had no collar. We tried to socialize him since he was in such good shape, but he refused any treats or toys, and would not go near the other fluffies. Janet even tried taking him home, but he freaked out when he got there and did nothing but scream."
  169. "Shame really. Oh well, can't home a fluffy who hates everything."
  171. The worker shrugged. "He would have been adopted too. His coloring is nice and he was healthy. Some fluffies are just fucked up from birth, I guess. They're just born bad." They continued with their work, moving on to the happy, energetic charges. The noise from the others drowned out the small voice from the quiet, unmoving fluffy. "Fwuffy bad," he whispered to himself.
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