
Magic Penis Anon Ch2 (Updated June 8 2015)

May 12th, 2015
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  1. >It's been a few days since the incident
  2. >Since then, you have jacked off once.
  3. >The day after you blasted Twilight with your hot liquid love, you decided to do a little science of your own
  4. >You've found that you can, albeit shakily, levitate items with your erection
  5. >Your not sure just exactly what your other power does
  6. >You like to think of it as being similar to Pinkie's party cannon
  7. >That way, you always have a party in your pants
  8. >ayyyyyyyyy
  10. >Yesterday you decided to give jacking it another go, making sure to do so in a contained environment
  11. >Your bathroom now has a cracked mirror. Unfortunately, dangerous blasts of magic seem to accompany your orgasms
  12. >Well, maybe not so dangerous. The little goldfish on your bathroom counter absorbed a richochet
  13. >The little fucker went into hyper-drive for an hour or so, making little whirlpools in his fishy bowl he was going so fast.
  14. >He seems perfectly normal now, though. It's as if Willy the goldfish never even took your cumshot head-on
  15. >The magic of your dick seems to be destructive to inanimate objects, but harmless to living creatures. The richochets, at least
  16. >Speaking of critical hits, you still haven't heard from Twilight
  18. >You hope she's okay
  19. >If anything bad happened to her, you think you would've heard it from one of her friends by now
  20. >You're surprised she hasn't hunted you down for more 'samples'
  21. >As in, free samples
  22. >of your meat
  23. >Hahahaha
  24. >Oh, Anonymous. You could've been a comedian
  26. >You look out your window. Outside, a colt and filly play together in the dirt road
  27. >They're making looks like a dirt city. Little mounds of sand surround one big mound; the little mounds, you guess, are houses and shops
  28. >Hey, the big mound looks kinda like town hall. They're building Ponyville! How cute!
  29. >The two suddenly jump up and begin demolishing Ponyville, pounding their erection into a sad, limp lump with their little hooves
  30. >SMASHING.thornberry
  32. >All of a sudden, an incredibly big, brown pony drawing a cart full of bananas swerves around the two, throwing dust into their cute little beady eyes
  33. >Hey! That guy almost hit them!
  34. >You run outside, planning to track down the reckless driver and serve justice
  35. >You see the cart a little ways down the road. You begin chasing it down, running as fast as your skinny legs will carry you
  36. >Ten seconds later, and you're gasping for air
  37. >You've almost lost sight of the perpetrators of this heinous crime, but you won't give up
  38. >The pony drawing the cart rounds a corner, going around the block
  39. >You know a shortcut
  40. >You will catch this guy
  41. >And you will bring him to justice
  43. >You cross through an alley, jumping over a few tipped over trashcans
  44. >It's a good thing you took those gymnastics lessons in third grade
  45. >You leap over an upright trashcan, gracefully performing a mid-air straddle and touching your toes
  46. >Barely bent your knees, too. Coach Wong would be proud
  47. >You land daintily on your toes, then take off into a full sprint
  48. >As you emerge from the alleyway, you see the distant figure lumbering towards you
  50. "Stop!" you yell, holding out a palm, "In the name of justice!"
  51. >The stallion pulling the cart sees you, and his eyes go wide
  52. >It's too late to stop, but he tries
  53. >He sticks his hooves out in front of him, sliding to a stop. >Unfortunately for him, the cart doesn't take kindly to this
  54. >It smashes into his back and flips over, landing directly on top of him
  55. >"Just my luck," you hear from underneath. Bananas are everywhere
  57. >Ponies soon arrive, crowding around the spectacle. Guards ask you what happened
  58. "I dunno. I was just minding my own business when I saw this guy trip and wreck his cart."
  59. >The guard nods thoughtfully. "It tends to happen on these poorly-maintained dirt roads. Ponies don't watch for pot--" He coughs. "--holes. And next thing they know they be trippin'."
  61. >"Heeelp!"
  62. >A girlish squeal sounds out from inside the crushed carriage.
  63. >"Oh my Celestia!" somepony cries. "There's somepony in that cart with all those bananas!"
  64. >A damsel in distress!
  65. >You spring into Hero Anon mode
  66. "Don't worry, citizens of Ponyville!" you declare, "I will save her!"
  67. >You grasp the fabric of your suit and tear it apart with a loud -rip!-, revealing your deceptively flat pecs and the two top muscles on your stomach. The only two muscles.
  69. >The voice cries out for a second time
  70. >"Anonymous! I swear on Spike's stupid green spines that I will -kill- you if you just ripped that suit I made for you!"
  71. >Oh.
  72. >Welp, fuck this.
  73. >You turn the other way, planning to walk off in the opposite direction.
  74. >however, you manage to step on a banana.
  75. >With a yelp, you slide a foot or so before gravity takes over and plants you on your ass
  76. >Banana mush mixes in with the dirt to form a dark pasty substance, which sticks to your coat quite vehemently
  77. "Aw, crap. How am I gonna get this shit out of the fabric?"
  78. >And the fourth girlish squeal of the day commences
  80. >You throw your suit jacket at a passing cart
  81. >Luckily, it doesn't cause an accident this time. It just kind of hits the side, falls off and then gets caught around the wheel
  82. >Oh well. Rarity can make you a new--
  83. >Oh, right. Haha
  84. "Don't you worry, Rarity! I'll get you out of there!"
  85. >You take a step towards the overturned carriage, and immediately slip on another banana
  86. >God fucking dammit
  87. >You rise to your feet, and realize that a crowd has gathered around the spectacle
  88. >All eyes are on you
  89. "The fuck you all lookin' at?!" you yell, throwing your banana-covered arms up.
  90. >Ponies avert their eyes and nervously rub their forelegs, but no one moves.
  91. >Muttering under your breath about how you'd better get some good sex out of this, you proceed towards the carriage
  92. >without stepping on any bananas
  94. >You look down at the overturned carriage
  95. >Why in the hell is she in a carriage full of bananas?
  96. >Well, that's a question for another day. Right now, you have to save Rarity from this golden paste shower
  97. >You bend over, gripping the wood as hard as you can
  98. >You grunt, worried that it might be too big for you
  99. >Veins pop out of your neck as you strain, the carriage lifting about an inch or so
  100. >before slipping out of your hands
  101. >You stand there for a moment, panting
  102. >You try again, sticking your fingers into the tight crack, attempting to widen the gap between the wood and the ground
  103. >to no avail. The banana paste is slicker than fucking lube
  105. >Meanwhile, giant stock horse just sits on his ass, watching you struggle
  106. "Uh, a little help?" you ask with some annoyance.
  107. >He shakes his head. "I'll just end up making it worse. Just my luck."
  108. "How could you fucking--nope, you know what, nevermind."
  109. >You shake your head
  110. >How are you going to do this? Everybody's watching you now
  111. >Your hands are slick with lube. So slick, they slide on wood.
  112. >There are fucking bananas everywhere
  113. >Mr Huge Hooves over there is just sitting on his ass
  114. >All of these ponies appear to be exhibitionists, as they've just been watching you shirtlessly try to lift the carriage for the past ten minutes
  115. >...Damn. This is really hard.
  117. >Wait.
  118. >giant
  119. >Of course!
  120. >You now have a plan. A far-fetched plan, albeit a plan. One so crazy, yet...
  121. >Would it work?
  122. >Well, what other options do you have?
  124. "I know that this may seem weird to some of you..."
  125. >you call out towards the crowd
  126. "...but I'm going to need a pretty young mare to assist me."
  128. >The ponies all shuffle around a bit
  129. >Mares suspiciously look around in different directions, scratching their heads and whistling
  130. >You throw your hands up
  131. "C'mon! Like, at least half of you would do!"
  132. >You point at a certain mare in particular
  133. >Cowboy vest, long blonde hair
  134. "You there!"
  135. >Her eyes widen, and she points to herself as if to ask, "Me?"
  136. "Yes you! Get on out here, you gorgeous thing!"
  137. >She covers her mouth with a hoof, stifling a laugh
  138. >the fuck is so funny
  139. >"Ah'm sorry, but Ah'm a stallion," the pony says with a girly yet distinctly masculine voice. He bats his eyelids. "Unless, of course, ya swing that way."
  140. >Ugh
  141. >Dammit, you were at half-mast, too.
  143. "Really?! Does no one want to help?"
  144. >Hope wells up in your chest as the crowd begins to part
  145. >gracias, mi Dio
  146. >Out pops the ugliest ginger pony you've ever seen
  147. >ยกEl diablo!
  148. >"Hi," she greets as she approaches, "my name ith--"
  149. "Holy shit, are you fucking kidding?"
  150. >She visibly flinches. "Wha--?"
  151. "What did I just say? WHAT did I JUST SAY?!"
  152. >She shrinks back. "You thaid you wanted a pretty young mare--"
  153. "Yes. Do you not understand English? Pretty,Tomato Top. Pretty--"
  154. >You suddenly remember that half of Ponyville is watching you right now.
  155. "...young mare. -Mare-, okay? You're not quite there yet."
  156. >You look the ugly duckling up and down.
  157. "Otherwise, I feel sorry for you," you mutter under your breath.
  159. >She turns, dejected, back to the awaiting crowd
  160. >You can feel the heat from the sheer amount of glare on your back
  161. >Fuck, you really hate to do that, but you're pretty sure that filly just made your dick shrink, if anything
  162. >The opposite of what you're trying to achieve
  163. >Hell, any longer and you're pretty sure it would have turned inside out
  164. >Equestria don't need a Bruce Jenner
  165. >Well, aside from that one stallion
  167. >Time for plan B
  168. >It seems you need to take matters into your own hands
  169. >literally
  170. "Alright, Rarity, looks I'm gonna have to pull you out!"
  171. >"But I'm stuck!" a muffled voice replies
  172. >unf
  173. >You reach between a wooden slit in the cart, feeling around for something pony
  174. "Don't worry! These hands work wonders! You'll be coming out in no time!"
  175. >You grope around for a few minutes, finding mostly bananas
  176. >Finally, you grip something soft
  177. >Is it Rarity?
  178. >You squeeze
  179. >It tenses up, and you hear a moan
  180. >Yup, it's her
  182. >Now that you have a point of reference, your other hand easily finds her tail
  183. >You yank on it just to make sure
  184. >Again with the moan
  185. "Okay, Rarity! On the count of three, I want you to exhale and flex your buttocks at the same time!"
  186. >"What are you going to do?"
  187. >You tug on her tail a few more times.
  188. "What's it look like I'm doing? Just do what I say, alright?"
  189. >No response. You shrug, and start the countdown.
  190. "On three, ready? Three, two..."
  192. >"Wait!"
  193. "What?"
  194. >"Didn't you say on three?"
  195. "Yeah...?"
  196. >"Well, you started at three."
  197. "Alright. My bad. I'm counting down this time, okay?"
  198. >"Okay, Anonymous. I'm ready."
  199. "Three, two..."
  200. >"Wait!"
  201. >You groan.
  202. "What now?"
  203. >"Are you going to pull after 'one,' or--"
  204. "GO!!"
  205. >you yell, yanking her tail and ass at the same time
  206. >She produces something between a scream and another moan as she slides throw the narrow passageway
  207. >"Anonymous! I won't fit!"
  208. "We're gonna have to force it, Rarity!"
  209. >"Ohhhh dear Celestia!"
  210. >The game of tug-of-war with the bananas ends with Rarity's rear end sticking out from amongst the pile of bananas
  211. >You pull as hard as you can, but she just won't budge
  213. "Rarity, I think you're stuck."
  214. >"No, that's just not possible. Are you sure, Darling?"
  215. >You would've noticed the sarcasm dripping off her voice had you not been staring at her exposed ass the whole time
  216. >Suddenly, you notice a pressure building up in your loins
  217. >Plan B leads you back into Plan A, it seems
  218. >Genius!
  220. "Alright, I'm gonna give it one last pull!"
  221. >you shout at her ass
  222. >"Alright, Darling!"
  223. >You feel your dick, primed and ready
  224. >You can feel the magic within coursing through, pulsing
  225. >twitching
  226. >You just hope this works
  227. "On three, ready? Three, two... Ah, screw it!"
  228. >You yank with all your might
  229. >Rarity, for the zillionth time that day, lets out a girlish squeal
  230. >You peer down at your boner bump
  231. >You concentrate on it, directing the magic within you
  232. >You feel it welling up on the tip of your dick
  233. >Clenching your eyes shut, you begin to imagine a magic aura
  234. >around Rarity's ass
  235. >Suddenly, you feel it
  236. >You can feel her ass through your magic
  237. >This is incredible!
  238. >You open your eyes to find a dual pink and white aura surrounding the unicorn's marshmallow butt
  239. >You give it a yank with your penis magic
  240. >"Aaaaooouugghghhh"
  241. >Not exactly sure what that was, but Rarity seems to have moved a little bit
  242. >You yank again, and she moves a little further
  243. >Yank yank yank
  245. >With a loud popping sound, Rarity emerges forth from the yellow womb
  246. >Rarity smacks into you, the two of you tumbling about
  247. >she lands on top of you
  248. >The crowd goes wild
  249. >On top of you, Rarity pants from the exertion
  250. >So do you
  251. >She looks down at you, hooves on either side of your head
  252. >She looks into your eyes with an expression of sheer gratitude
  253. >"Thank you... Anonymous."
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