
The fool, the Scholar, and the poet.

Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. Fool
  2. Such immaturity, Poet. I feel the same way about Obama but reality check time. He won the election get over it. Be a man and grow up. Face facts and not foolish wishful thinking. Obama had his chance and he destroyed it. Please stop making yourself look like a fool. There is no wisdom in your words. It's all a political front for the pussies of our nation and sissies throwing a temper tantrum like children...#TrumpWonItAll!
  4. Scholar
  5. Poet seems to be the only one facing facts. How he was born into a life filled with so many delusional people leaves me astonished to say the least. When the facts show that the election results were tampered with and rigged in Trump's favor, then it is foolish wishful thinking and even bullying to harp on Poet. You are demonstrating the very behavior that you're accusing Poet of doing.
  7. Poet
  8. Fool, You have your point of view, true... but... it's not aligned with the facts of how things are run. Hell, I posted this in concern for my fellow Americans who might feel slighted if this turns out to be true. Not to cause a derp moment for those who only saw the hash tags and went to derp speed ten.
  9. The truth is this is a seriously effed up situation, the results are what they are for the moment, but you have to think long term here.
  10. Trump is sworn in, the investigation turns out true, they impeach and jail him, the judges now have legal authority to install clinton as president, and we, as a WHOLE, have to figure out how to hack proof our future elections.
  11. This isn't about red or blue states anymore, it's about national security.
  13. Chef
  14. My nephew is not a fool. It's called an opinion.
  16. Fool
  17. I will pray for you Poet, the fact that you are blind to how much blood is on Killary's hands to the power and corruption of her political career is sad. Open your eyes, wash away the illusions and see what it all is truly about! Money and power. When money talks Bullshit walks and all common sense is thrown out the door. If people were paid to tell the truth we wouldn't have the corrupt Society we live in today with all of the propaganda. The FBI couldn't prosecute Killary because she destroyed all of the evidence and paid the top parties off with all of the money she excerpted from her alleged Arab allies. So the Russian actually support a political leader in America for once. News flash half the world will hate us and half the world will love us no matter who our leader is. In the end Poet there will always be losers and there will be winners with every generation.
  18. The maturity of your attitude is what matters. I post this in concern for my fellow Americans as well who are lost and deceived by this propaganda. What facts are and what opinions are will always differ. But facing facts and excepting them rather than holding on to what is already lost and won't come true isn't going solve our national security issues. Why the hell do you think so many Trump supporters were so worried about during the election. That’s why they were pushing for voter I.D. We have caught thousands of our own corrupt libral American citizens rigging ballots and voting booths in their parties favor on camera, because of a dumb political opinion, and they weren't even arrested. Now that they lost they're fussing and whining about national security. I call bullshit! The insanity and hypocrisy is just full of so much crap no legal system will care for such foolishness. You are claiming a great injustice has happened to your fellow Americans, but only the ones that support your opinion of Killary becoming president.
  19. Which would destroy America even further! She would allow thousands of illegal criminals through our borders, cut military spending again, risking our national security even further! Not to mention all the blood money she has pocketed from her Arab allies that is public knowledge, who chant death to America (hint hint it's their motto)! Poet Killary as president would have severe deadly consequences to the American economy and the American people. Trump is going to do the job for free were Killary and Obama have been robbing the American people blind for 8 years.
  20. Oh and did you know Trump will be the 3rd President in history to do the job for free! I doubt your beloved Killary would consider such charity since she pockets most of her charity money. Which is public knowledge as well! Your concerns are unfounded and unneeded! The fact is of how our country is run is the same as any other, by those who make the gold make the rules! So take a business tip from Trump and have some faith. He won because won the faith of the American people and crooked Killary lost it because of her criminal political favoritism. I'm not telling you to give up but please open your eyes and do some homework on Corrupt Killary and her political baggage she lost and will never be trusted by the American people!
  22. Scholar
  23. How can you say "he won the faith of the American people" when the majority of this nation either didn't vote for him or voted for someone else? He actually only won the faith of a minority of people who live in fear. How can you ignore his choices for his administration who are not interested in helping average Americans like us? Listen to your own advice, and lift the blinders from your own eyes. I would rather have Bernie Sanders, but Clinton will be less of a hindrance to freedom and liberty than Trump and his flavor of fascism. At least with Clinton we'd only have to fight her foreign policy decisions, and not as much her domestic policy, unless you're a white supremacist, which most definitely puts you in the minority and explains your fear.
  25. Eddie Stacy
  26. Fool you are a very delusional person. For you to continue to support a treasonous person to be POTUS would make you the fool. Maybe you should pack your treasonous ass up and head to Russia with little hands.
  28. Ass hole
  29. If a majority of the people didn't like Trump, why is the map so red Scholar?
  31. Scholar
  32. Because there are relatively few people who live in the red parts of the country, and neither the red nor blue areas represent people who chose not to vote. That graph tells a biased story, and misrepresents reality.
  34. Ass hole
  35. I see, so only the city's matter then eh?
  37. Scholar
  38. What do you mean?
  40. Fool
  41. Eddie Stacy number one those with delusions believe everything your libral propaganda politicians tell you too believe! Like your beloved CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and fox news! Second, treasonous ha! That is a joke Killary and Obama have committed more treason in their political career than the the most wanted man on the FBI and CIA lists. Maybe you should should try surviving one cold Russian winter in a l soldiers barracks before begining a debate with savagery lol....
  43. Poet
  44. Fool, maybe you should try it. Tell us how it is then.
  46. Scholar
  47. If Trump actually takes office, and his plan to frack our country succeeds, then you won't have to be a soldier to experience Siberian-like weather or Russian-like fascism. Climate change and Trump's administration will bring it.
  49. Fool
  50. Scholardon't ask a question that you cannot answer yourself when talking about fear! For 8 years many Americans have lived in fear of Obama and Killaries liberal agenda and finally it has come to an end with the Trump as our new president he is going to do the job for free and is not taking political corrupt money!
  52. Scholar
  53. So developing business deals with China and Russia that put money in Trump's pockets and eliminates American jobs isn't "corrupt money"? What question have I not been able to answer regarding fear?
  55. Fool
  56. Trump is not in charge of the climate change! How stupid can you get! The Earth magnetic field changes every 1000 years or so and that is why the Earth is experiencing such random weather, did you not go to school and learn this! This is basic knowledge! Trump is no more in charge of the weather no more than Obama is my God!
  57. And regarding the deals with Russia and China Killary and Obama were doing the same thing with the middle east! P.S Poet I wish I could go to Russia and visit I love the snow but I don't have that passport, or vacation money for it right now just bought a house LOL...
  59. Poet
  60. Sorry, I blanked out reading this. Had an important thought, what's going on?
  62. Fool
  63. Oh didn't know my man and I finally got the house despite the fact that corrupt AppleValley decided to commercial zone the street we live on without telling anyone ugh. Paperwork was a nightmare!
  65. Scholar
  66. Yes, I disagree with Clinton's foreign policy, but it sounds like you're saying it's OK for Trump to make bad decisions since Hillary and Obama did. Is that what you mean? Isn't that just more of the same corrupt politics?
  68. Do you know what year it was when changes to the Earth's magnetic field resulted in catastrophic climate change, and can you describe what happened? Would you mind citing the source that specifies the 1,000 year cycle you're talking about? I haven't heard about that before.
  70. Fool
  71. My source is the history of Agricultural and a bit Astronomical History. Subjects I studied in college. It is amazing how much the earth has survived and evolved and how man kind has created so many new plants! Evolution has a lot some weird secrets that has been revealed over the last century. NASA knows this and it has been confirmed by many scientists on that subject. Even the History Channel has had a few shows on the subject.
  73. Scholar
  74. I've been doing some cursory research on the history of climate change, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence to support the idea of cyclical climate catastrophe. There is evidence that earth's magnetic field does have a role in climate change, but I could not find any evidence indicating that there is a cyclical pattern.
  78. I did find one Danish scientist who has inspired a number of other scientists around the world to study the affect of cosmic rays on climate change, but that research is currently happening. If his ideas prove to be true, then increasing fossil fuel usage might not have as much of a negative impact as the scientific community as a whole says it will. However, we're talking about a matter of life and death. How can you take this so lightly by suggesting that Trump's fracking plans are inconsequential? Even the guy who came up with this idea doesn't know for sure, so how do you justify your belief?
  82. Since the earth's magnetic field traps carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture and fossil fuels usage, and there has been a measurable and significant increase in global temperature since human activity sharply increased the production of carbon dioxide, then Trump's plan to increase fossil fuel production does mean he has influence over climate change. It seems pretty clear to me that anybody willing to ignore the fate of our species based on an idea that has little supporting evidence is pretty careless, irresponsible, and/or selfish. Why would anybody put all life on our planet at risk for the chance to make money on fracking? What do you think?
  84. Earth's magnetic field is important for climate change at high altitudes
  85. PHYS.ORG
  88. This debate doesn't even begin to address the fact that human population growth has a direct impact on climate change due to the way we currently consume this planet's resources. If we're going to continue to allow freedom of childbirth, then we need to change how we consume the planet, and find ways to cooperate with people around the world since we all need this planet. Otherwise, what's the point of making babies if our offspring aren't going to survive? Are we only concerned about ourselves?
  90. Fool
  91. Obama has done the same thing with our health care industry. Not to ignore fracking but just a comparison. I know how bad fracking can be it totally sucks. I have a aunt inlaw in Texas were it has made her land, home, and property useless now because of itso.she can't sell her home. It sucks big time. But Trump is not the only big business man involved in it. If people would stop needing to use fossil fuels to run their lives so much then no one would need it and there would be no money in it to make and that's what the economy and big corporations are about. Obama and Killary have near destroyed our country with their fake free Obama Health Care that has robbed people blind of there doctors and much needed affordable medicine and has tripped our national dept in less than 8 years! #FuckTheLibralAgenda
  93. Scholar
  94. I don't agree that Obama's healthcare plan has nearly destroyed our country, because all economic facts indicate otherwise, although it does need improvement, but I do think that enough people are angry at their healthcare rates increasing that they believe their personal experience translates to the country being destroyed. That attitude reflects Trump's narcissism and lack of social awareness, so it's no wonder that he has some supporters.
  96. Fool
  97. I have three letters from your beloved Obama Libral Government threatening too fine me $3000 if don't purchase his corrupt healthcare plan! If that's not Narcissism well than fuck the consequences!
  99. Scholar
  100. I don't think it's narcissism (unless you can explain it), but I think it does mean that some wealthy people aren't pulling their weight. That's something we want to address now that we have a healthcare plan in place. Obviously, it's your choice whether or not to help people who can't afford healthcare to have it by paying a higher premium or fine. But if you can afford the consequences, why would you choose that over paying into the plan so that others less fortunate than you could receive care?
  102. Fool
  103. I cannot afford $500 a month that's insane!!!
  107. Scholar
  108. That does seem ridiculous, but I wouldn't blame Obama entirely. The Republicans who fought his plan on behalf of the wealthy class required your rate to be higher so that wealthy people wouldn't have to contribute at all. At least $3,000 per year is cheaper than $500 per month. I'm hoping one day we can adopt universal healthcare, something like what the U.K. has.
  110. Fool
  111. Tell that to all the corrupt Librals that are pocketing your hard earn cash for their 5 Million dollar vacation and free healthcare plans!!!! I can't afford to help people if the corrupt librals in the white house create bogus tax laws to rob me blind of my hard earned cash only so they can pocket it for themselves!
  113. Scholar
  114. Ok. If Trump actually makes it into office, then we'll all find out how corrupt he is, or not.
  116. Fool
  117. He's doing the job for free and only spent his own money for his campaign! He hasn't excepted a penny of tax payer money and he won't because he knew how to create his own fortune by working hard for it like a real American!
  119. Scholar
  120. If Trump can create a fortune by working hard, then why haven't you? If you support him, then why can't you emulate him? Remember that Trump refuses to show proof of income, and hasn't made it to the White House yet.
  122. Fool
  123. He is not Refusing it's called a routine audit it takes time because of how large his income is. There is a crap load of people that have worked for him over the years they are eyewitnesses to his work ethics and down to earth character! Also I am working hard on my fortune! I worked 3 jobs and went to school to just get by now I own a home and am down to 2 jobs!
  125. Scholar Gammill
  126. Wow! Congratulations! Maybe by the time you're Trump's age, you can file for bankruptcy and be President for free! When do we get to see your reality show and tax returns?
  128. Fool
  129. Probably sooner than you think I have a youtube channel and all millionaires have filed for bankruptcy at least once! It's called learning the lesson the hard way, make the money work for you not you for it! That's the hard part!
  130. Scholar
  131. Did you know that money comes from people? Or does it grow on trees? I'm not sure.
  133. Fool
  134. Actually money comes from the minerals of the earth only people make value out of it. Which by the way China owns most of the mineral mines in the world that are in our everyday gadgets. Money is only a front the real value is in the minerals...
  136. Scholar
  137. I was aware that China assembled a lot of gadgets, but I thought Africa had most of the minerals that haven't already been mined by white people. Maybe I'm wrong, but what's your point?
  139. Fool
  140. When money talks bullshit walks and all the common sense flys out the window!
  142. Scholar
  143. So you're supporting a con artist because he makes money talk and bullshit walk, and he throws common sense out the window. Got it.
  145. Fool
  146. A con artist lies to the American peoples faces and murders their own citizens for power and money! Nor delete thousands of e-mails fucking over their own country to the enemy and handing out national secrets risking all the lives of our citizens and their national security. #FuckObamaAndKillary!
  148. Scholar
  149. Actually, a con artist does lie. That's the definition of a con. I totally get why you support Trump. Good luck, Fool.
  151. Poet
  152. Holy shit, this was the greatest exchange ever, and I'm so glad for the opportunity to have been host to it!
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