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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Alliance Update 21/10/17
  2. Submitted by Ruune en Gravonere on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 18:41
  3. Greetings fellow SNOVAN's
  4. Thought it might be timely to do a quick update and to welcome our two most recent Corps who have transferred over from Serrice (which is now pretty much closed until we need it again in the future) so welcome Zymus and Recore we appreciate your loyalty and we look forward to flying and working with you.
  5. Now, the reports of our death have been greatly exagerated as proven by our ability to put 60-70 guys in a fleet with caps on standby. That was for a CTA so I appreciate you guys making the extra effort to show up. But plenty of people now think we are not able to defend ourselves, like Manifesto in their leadership meeting saying that SNOVA is all but dead (that they in effect broke us) and pretty much that we are trash.
  6. We may have shrunk a little but we are far from being trash and we are not broken... so you need to start jumping into fleets and roams and blops and remind our neighbours that we can still bite and if you poke us it will result is our exacting some for of pain in retribution.
  7. I don't know what else to say that I haven't said before. This is YOUR Alliance, it stands or falls by the activity and actions of each and every one of us. If you don't jump in a fleet, help with a flash form, even ask around to see who's interested and go out for a roam with guys then who else would you like to do it?
  8. We have FC's who put up roams, gangs, blops and fleets but if they don't get anyone joining them they'll stop doing that and then people will say there isn't anything to do... and so you don't log in... and so its harder to get guys in fleets which is a vicious circle. Log in, jump on TS, chat in Slack... it all helps to keep us connected as a community, because if we aren't a community defined by our colours our banners of Corp and Alliance then who are we, what are we... a collection of individuals who log in and expect everything to be waiting for us to pick up, all entertainment planned and ready... that's not how Eve works and you all know it.
  9. A lot of guys put in extra time to keep the Alliance and your Corps working, to plan content to keep our sov safe to make sure you do have the opportunity to play the game you want to play. Which if you're in this Alliance will centre around PvP.
  10. So show up. Eve can be a casual game but not so casual we don't know who you are. And for our Alliance to thrive you have to play regularly, for us to achieve anything as a team we have to log in consistently when the shit is hitting the fan or we're throwing shit at someone else's fan.
  11. Well enough of the log in and get in fleet or whats the fucking point speech...
  14. We have been sort of at war with them for a while but lets make it official. And I don't fucking care if they batphone skrew urself or if the timers we have to fight are a bit towards the end of our prime time... Manifesto are the sole purpose for our existence and the only reason we log in from this point until we have purged them from Scalding and puched them firmly in the bollocks where they live in Wicked Creek.
  15. So when we plan an op that is at the late end of EU and I call it a strat op it isn't for random shit. We are going to try to hurt Manifesto. So if you can just give up some of your beauty sleep and come play.
  16. If you are US timezone then start to gather together with our US timezone FC's and roam, blops and ninja entosis shit in their heartland.
  17. If you are AU timezone you too can ninja ento their shit if your sensible and we might even be able to get some back up from friends to take shit down after its reinforced.
  20. If you have camping alts get them ready and make sure they have cyno's on them because we are going to make it impossible for them to do shit during our prime time. Another reason I need you to be able to flash form in our prime time for a quick hot drop if we find shit to kill.
  23. This is a no brainer and I know we have a couple of campers but they aren't there all the time, we are installing cyno jammers to stop normal drops and for a hot drop you will see a cyno light up at which point you know the drill.
  26. This is the only way you will be able to PvE safely even if we don't have a camper in system. Keeping up the ADM's is a key part of defending our Sov... so do it... and spread the love around the constellation.
  29. We have enough muscle in our Alliance right now to go toe to toe with most people who will come to roam us or mess with us, there are exceptions and for those we'll use other tactics, and lets remember this is what Eve is... its fun, its tense, its a lot of planning and preparation for 30 minutes of sheer terror and a huge adrenaline rush...
  30. And we have pretty stable sov now, a clearly defined enemy, and we have some blues who will stand with us... what the fuck are you waiting for? Lets get shit back to normal... log in and enjoy your game
  31. Ruune
  32. feel free to leave comments in the boxes below so I know you are all awake a capable of conscious thought :P
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