
XYntercept Combo Notation - XYCN

Dec 3rd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. COOKIE CLICKER COMBO NOTATION - XYntercept Combo Notation (XYCN)
  3. Buffs are written as:
  4. f = frenzy
  5. c = clot
  6. dh = dragon harvest
  7. df = dragonflight
  8. cf = click frenzy
  9. ef = elder frenzy
  10. cuf = cursed finger
  11. br = building rust
  12. bs = building special
  13. cs = cookie storm
  14. gc = onscreen golden cookie
  15. gz = godzamok *
  16. l1, l2, l3 = loan 1, loan 2, loan 3 *
  17. sf = sugar frenzy *
  18. gs = golden switch *
  20. * denotes that if it is in the combo, it does not have to be mentioned, as it is either trivial or assumed.
  22. All buffs are to be listed in the order shown above.
  24. If you have more than 1 building special, you may add a number before the building special based on how many unique building specials you got. For example, you could say 3bs if you got a cursor building special, a shipment building special, and a chancemaker building special.
  26. A number can be added before gc to show how many onscreens you had. For example, 4gc denotes 4 onscreens. gc by itself assumes 1 onscreen.
  28. To show your full godzamok buff, put a number before gz showing how many buildings you sold. If you want to denote ruby or jade, put :r or :j after gz. Diamond is assumed, but if you really want to show that you have diamond, you may add :d. Here is an example: if you sold 3000 buildings to godzamok and you had godzamok in the ruby slot, you may write 3000gz:r.
  30. You can write multiple loans in a shorter way. For example, all loans on can be written as l1-3, or if you only have the last 2 loans for example, you can write l2-3.
  32. Special Combos:
  33. f+dh+df+cf+ef+bs may be referred to as "grail"
  34. f+dh+cf+ef+2bs may be referred to as "2bs grail"
  35. f+dh+df+cf+ef+20bs may be referred to as "finn"
  37. You may add to special combos, for example grail+3bs refers to f+dh+df+cf+ef+4bs (it is 4 because the normal grail already has 1 building special)
  39. Examples:
  41. XYCN: f+cf+2bs+l1-3
  42. Meaning: frenzy + click frenzy + 2 building specials + loans 1, 2, and 3
  44. XYCN: f+dh+ef+4000gz:j+gs
  45. Meaning: frenzy + dragon harvest + elder frenzy + godzamok in jade with 4000 buildings sold + golden switch
  47. XYCN: dh+df+cf+5bs+10000gz+l1-2+sf+gs
  48. Meaning: dragon harvest + dragonflight + click frenzy + 5 building specials + godzamok in diamond with 10000 buildings sold + loans 1 and 2 + sugar frenzy + golden switch
  50. XYCN: f+cf+300gz+l1
  51. Meaning: frenzy + click frenzy + godzamok in diamond with 300 buildings sold + loan 1
  53. If you have feedback, please message XYntercept on Discord or Ramenoodlez1 on Reddit.
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