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- Buffs are written as:
- f = frenzy
- c = clot
- dh = dragon harvest
- df = dragonflight
- cf = click frenzy
- ef = elder frenzy
- cuf = cursed finger
- br = building rust
- bs = building special
- cs = cookie storm
- gc = onscreen golden cookie
- gz = godzamok *
- l1, l2, l3 = loan 1, loan 2, loan 3 *
- sf = sugar frenzy *
- gs = golden switch *
- * denotes that if it is in the combo, it does not have to be mentioned, as it is either trivial or assumed.
- All buffs are to be listed in the order shown above.
- If you have more than 1 building special, you may add a number before the building special based on how many unique building specials you got. For example, you could say 3bs if you got a cursor building special, a shipment building special, and a chancemaker building special.
- A number can be added before gc to show how many onscreens you had. For example, 4gc denotes 4 onscreens. gc by itself assumes 1 onscreen.
- To show your full godzamok buff, put a number before gz showing how many buildings you sold. If you want to denote ruby or jade, put :r or :j after gz. Diamond is assumed, but if you really want to show that you have diamond, you may add :d. Here is an example: if you sold 3000 buildings to godzamok and you had godzamok in the ruby slot, you may write 3000gz:r.
- You can write multiple loans in a shorter way. For example, all loans on can be written as l1-3, or if you only have the last 2 loans for example, you can write l2-3.
- Special Combos:
- f+dh+df+cf+ef+bs may be referred to as "grail"
- f+dh+cf+ef+2bs may be referred to as "2bs grail"
- f+dh+df+cf+ef+20bs may be referred to as "finn"
- You may add to special combos, for example grail+3bs refers to f+dh+df+cf+ef+4bs (it is 4 because the normal grail already has 1 building special)
- Examples:
- XYCN: f+cf+2bs+l1-3
- Meaning: frenzy + click frenzy + 2 building specials + loans 1, 2, and 3
- XYCN: f+dh+ef+4000gz:j+gs
- Meaning: frenzy + dragon harvest + elder frenzy + godzamok in jade with 4000 buildings sold + golden switch
- XYCN: dh+df+cf+5bs+10000gz+l1-2+sf+gs
- Meaning: dragon harvest + dragonflight + click frenzy + 5 building specials + godzamok in diamond with 10000 buildings sold + loans 1 and 2 + sugar frenzy + golden switch
- XYCN: f+cf+300gz+l1
- Meaning: frenzy + click frenzy + godzamok in diamond with 300 buildings sold + loan 1
- If you have feedback, please message XYntercept on Discord or Ramenoodlez1 on Reddit.
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