

Feb 15th, 2020
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  1. Consciously controlling the molecules of his body, Flash went from standstill to superspeed in less
  2. than the blink of an eye. His momentum was so great, he was able to run straight up the behemoth's leg
  3. as if it were a level track.
  4. But with his increase in power, the Stone King's sensitivity had also been magnified. He looked down
  5. at the red blur, and his massive hand shot out at blinding speed.
  6. The Flash had no time to brace himself for impact. The Stone King's hand swatted him like a fly,
  7. sending him soaring high in the air, unconscious from the impact.
  8. As Batman tumbled from the Flash's grip, a grapnel went shooting from his hand. It snared on a tangle
  9. of animal hairs, made massive by the Stone King's increase in size. Batman grabbed the Flash's wrist,
  10. while his other hand held tight to his line.
  11. Batman extended his feet to break the impact as they swung into the giant's body just above his
  12. waistline. Batman scrabbled for a hold on the pelt, quickly lashing the dazed Flash with a length of
  13. line so he didn't fall.
  14. "Think I've broken a rib," the Flash muttered through clenched teeth. "Leave me."
  15. "But—"
  16. "Move, man. By my count, there's only three minutes left!"
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