
Chef Kiri Lore

Nov 9th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Presumably in the time when mankind was mostly just a bunch of slaves to giant intelligent, the people who would eventually make up Kiri picked up Suiton from their masters (Ann only wrote up a rough draft of this part of the history do it's a bit unclear).(edited)
  2. These people fucked off and eventually established themselves amidst a bunch of islands.
  3. Time passes and you got Kiri about a hundred years ago.
  4. Hozuki were subjugated at some point, being second class citizens as a conquered people though not cast aside from potentially progressing in the society due to their unique abilities.
  5. Then there was a sushi chef named Tamago.(edited)
  6. Through unknown means he came to acquire the Kubikiri, which he used in the manner of a questionably efficient sashimi knife.
  7. He decided to explore the land for new ingredients
  8. Rather than attempting diplomacy his immediate thought was that they'd probably taste good. After killing the largest Hoshigaki who had been the leader, the man ate him.
  9. After preparing them into a nice dish, likely.
  10. Distraught and furious, the Hoshigaki retaliated against Kirigakure.
  11. Kirigakure stomped them out.
  12. Subjugated them as well.
  13. They were pretty much in the same boat as Hozuki as being considered second to non-clans as citizens, though they were ostracized for being ugly fucks.
  14. Somewhere along the line the Chinoike came in, attempted a revolution of KKG users alongside the Hozuki and Kaguya but the non-clans and Hoshi kicked their asses.
  15. Chinoike had their whole history burned.
  16. As for the Kaguya, they were a bunch of barbaric cannibals on an island with little food. They were essentially domesticated
  17. Jump way the fuck forward to the beginning of the wipe.
  18. Kaguya kept getting in fights with Hoshi.
  19. A surge of Kaguya exiles and rogues were the result
  20. Sajisame if the Hoshigaki started a massacre of the remaining Kaguya.
  21. Obviously not all of them.
  22. And he increased the influence of the Hoshigaki clan steadily, eventually becoming the Mizukage himself.
  23. Of the Kaguya exiles and rogues, the most notable was Hichiro who, in a time where most Missing-Nin were pussies, constantly fought.
  24. - if not only to use Sawaribi first turn when barely anyone could've dodged it at the time
  25. Nah, not all the clans.
  26. Just Hoshigaki.
  27. He just sparked the brief war against them.
  28. Other clans came under Kirigakure using imperialism.
  29. Some say the Kubikiri gained its thirst for blood as the soul of the Hoshigaki's leader desperately craves revenge.
  30. Also the Shibuki is straight-up just a bunch of explosive fist user souls and tags crammed together.
  31. - END
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