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  1. Chapter Two: Welcome, Chaos!
  4. Von, a confused transfer student, went inside their room with Ms. Yuri, the TVL-Unspecified Track class adviser with the ice-cold glares from the students. They were just staring, as if they saw their prey.
  6. "Okay, good morning class, this is a transfer student. Now I expect you bunch to behave and accept him as one of ours. If not, you know what would happen." Ms. Yuri announced. She then told Von to introduce himself.
  8. With his regular poker face, Von introduced himself, "My name is Von Jeydie. Please to make your acquaintance."
  10. "That's it?" One of the students said.
  12. Von nodded in silence.
  14. Ms. Yuri wished that Von would have introduced himself with more feelings but she felt it would just make him a little bit awkward in front of the class so she just assigned him into his seat.
  16. Seems like Von is standing out real hard for the whole section. He sat right beside the window, the chair where he left his bag when he got called out by Ms. Yuri. Good thing Ms. Yuri chose that seat.
  18. He sat on his chair with eyes glaring at him. He didn't mind a bit because he was used to it a long time ago. Their classroom seating arrangement was a 3x3 row and column arrangement. Behind him is a girl. A strange girl holding a lighter with her right hand, igniting the lighter as she stared right before Von's back. As if she has the intention to burn Von's clothes. Right beside Von is the human-like gorilla, a seven-footer man with a huge body build. Lastly, in front of Von was a good-looking guy with an under-cut faded hair. By the looks of it, it seems like he's a fuck boy.
  20. Those three students was just staring at Von for the whole first period of their class. Von wasn't paying attention to them as he was diligently listening to Ms. Yuri's ex-boyfriend stories and shenanigans. She was telling her students her whole single-life status and how she was dumped by her boyfriends. It wasn't an actual class aimed to develop students but to share students her love life.
  22. Second period, it was time to go all out. Von prepared himself for the next subject right after Ms. Yuri went out of their classroom. While they were waiting for the "next teacher", Von was just reading his notes from Ms. Yuri's melodramatic story. But he couldn't deny the fact that his classmates was staring at him the whole time. They were really silent. He even saw three students on the corner glaring at him while talking to each other. This time around, Von acted as if he was just listening to music with his earphone. In reality, he just put them on to show that he couldn't hear a single thing.
  24. While pretending to read his notes, they finally spoke out loud, not realizing the fact that Von could hear them. Right behind him, he heard someone speaking to each other. It was two girls talking about "fire".
  26. "I wanna burn him." said one of the girls holding out a lighter.
  27. "No, let me harass him first." said the other one.
  28. "No, I wanna see him burn."
  30. Right beside Von, he heard a bunch of students talking about how could they show "Von" the true terror of their class.
  32. "Let's tie him and paddle him to death." said the girl with a cute, grinning face.
  33. "No, I was thinking of him slapping me with that paddle of yours, sissy Arie." said the other girl of the group.
  34. "Hey, could ya'll guys please fuck off and talk this shit out of my table? Please?" said the goril-, the seven footer guy. He seems kinda nice but he has quite the attitude.
  36. At this time around, Von was getting alarmed. He got sweaty all of a sudden when he stared outside the window after hearing those conversations. The fact that he forgot to switch off the breaker back at home. He got nervous because of his possible electricity bill, not the fact that there were threats surrounding him that exact moment.
  38. Von removed his headphones, and there was silence yet again throughout the room.
  40. Ms. Yuri returned back to their room. Little did Von knew, their section only had one teacher for all of the couses available, and that was Ms. Yuri herself.
  42. Von stood up and asked Ms. Yuri, "Um, didn't your class already ended?"
  44. Ms. Yuri giggled and answered, "Oh dear, I forgot to tell you that I'm the only teacher eligible to teach your section the required courses."
  46. Von sat back down to his seat with yet another poker face.
  48. That time, Ms. Yuri got a little serious and went ahead thought them their core subjects.
  50. Lunch time, Von went out to buy his lunch from the canteen. It was like a concert hall when he got there. A bunch of students were lined up while the others were brawling for a piece of melon bread. When Von saw the situation, he went back to the room and grabbed his left-over bread that he bought from the convenience store. He found himself hanging by the Narra Tree located behind their classroom that was facing the vast rice fields of the Eden Province. He was sitting on one of the branches on top of the tree. He climbed up to see if it was possible to find his personal hang-out spot inside the campus.
  52. With his earphone on, he laid back by the dry part of the tree and rested while listening to Johann Pachelbel's Canon. It was only 12 noon so he relaxed a bit knowing that their next period would start at 1:30 pm.
  54. As he was laying back down, he heard a loud shriek by the fields. By his judging, it was from a girl. He went down the tree and then crossed the 8-feet wire-mesh fence to investigate. He didn't mind the mud that stained his uniform and vest, as long as he could reach the source of the sound heard.
  56. As he approached the source, he saw someone dressed with their school's uniform. His assumption was right, it was a girl. Right before he ask out who the girl was, she vanished in thin air.
  58. "What the fuck?" murmured Von to himself.
  60. Von didn't even realized that he fell asleep with his leftover bread on his hand. He then asked himself the same question he asked to himself earlier, "What the fuck?"
  62. Not realizing the fact that he had to rush down the tree as fast as possible because it's already 1:30 in the afternoon. Running and dashing to reach the room on time, Von got himself into some trouble on the first day of school. Before entering the room, he fixed himself up, cleaned the bread crumbs and mud that got unto his uniform.
  64. As he reached out for the doorknob and opening the door, he saw a different teacher. Von directed his eyes towards to his "classmates" only to realize that it wasn't them. He looked up the section post and there he saw a different section. It came to him that he entered the wrong classroom.
  66. "Can I help you?" asked the teacher as he approached Von.
  68. "Sorry, please excuse me." Von answered as he rushed out of the doorway and ran to their room.
  70. "Huh, weird kid." said the teacher and then continued on to their lesson.
  72. Von was running out of shame. He unconsciously entered a different classroom while half asleep. After cooling off a little, he slapped himself to wake himself up and went back to their room.
  74. He knocked before entering to show a little respect. As he was about to enter, someone or something was behind him. He could feel the intent to kill so he mustered the courage to look back and apologize to that thing, Ms. Yuri's angry form. His life was spared that time, thanks to his courageous act.
  76. While he was walking down to reach his seat, he could feel the cold glares that was from his classmates. He didn't mind them and went on to sit down. To his conclusion, he decided to leave his classmates alone to avoid problematic situations that would involve him.
  78. Later in the afternoon, at about 4 pm, Ms. Yuri declared that it was time to go home. Von packed up and went outside to follow his regular. As he was walking down the street, he could feel someone was tailing him. He made a simple test to prove if his hunch was correct. Walking down the alleyway, turning right and left on the street corners, he confirmed that he was definitely getting tailed. This didn't alarm him cause' he had the ability to protect himself. And why would he be alarmed if he was on his way to the Dojang?
  80. Tough luck, the Dojang was closed that day. Outside the gate, there was a note intended for Von to read. It says, "Train at home. -TheStrongestMaster"
  82. Von, yet another poker face, walked away and went home to train in his personal gym.
  84. Before hiking up the mountain, he bought some food supplied down the convenience store. He saw one of his classmates there, buying a magazine with the title, "Chicks Galore". Their eyes met with each other.
  86. "I'm gonna' pretend I didn't saw anything." Von said as he walked outside the store.
  87. She grabbed Von by his clothe's collar, Von anticipated that his classmate threaten him so he prepared himself for a self-defense posture.
  88. "Please don't tell anyone." the girl said.
  89. Von calmed down and stood straight and said, "Why would you buy that though?"
  90. The girl ran away with the magazine.
  92. "Hm, so weird." Von said as he turned his back.
  94. Von started climbing up the mountain. He could still feel the presence of someone following him though.
  96. Before entering the house, he left his bag and groceries by the door and pursued the one who was following him from the start. He cautiously maneuvered his way into the woods, avoiding the main path for him to avoid the "stalkers". When he saw multiple silhouettes, he crouched down to lower his presence. While he was crouching down, he heard murmurs by the main path.
  98. "Are you sure this is the way?" said one of the man.
  99. "I saw him walked up this path earlier so I'm pretty sure." the other man replied.
  100. "Well, he better be there. The party is just getting started after all." said the other one of what seems to be a girl.
  101. "Come on, get a move on. We might miss him out soon. Did you bring the toys, Marg?"
  102. "Yes, of course. I'm just really excited to burn the place down to crisp." said the girl named "Marg"
  103. "Good, let's continue our hunt." the girl said.
  105. Von slowly got back up and ran away from the main path without being heard. He ran on his tip toes to lessen the noise he made.
  107. "Time to prepare the welcome party for my visitors." Von murmured as he was about to arrive to his house.
  110. -End of Chapter Two-
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