
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 116

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. 14:34:18 <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. 14:34:22 <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. 14:34:27 <Kilarra> -Session 116-
  4. 14:38:56 <Kilarra> The night following Imoto's attack on Kilarra, as prompted by her 'father', Kilarra gave the young tiefling vampire the means to survive in daylight, and with spells prepared, she and Aluthyra followed the child (although how long she's been one is not presently known) to a small beach, upon which a structure stands claimed by her mother.
  5. 14:39:38 <Kilarra> Upon arriving, Imoto seemed pleased to have reunited her family, while ALuthyra and Kilarra prepared for the worst, with Mordren and her Tian Vampire consort joining them via balcony moments later.
  6. 14:40:00 <Kilarra> Mordren looks down on the atrium with a large, but sinister smile. "Nisha my child. Welcome home."
  7. 14:40:49 * Kilarra frowns, taking a deep breath. She was quite certain this would end up coming to blows, and wasn't exactly appreciative of her mother's colloquial tone.
  8. 14:42:29 <Kilarra> Mordren remains all smiles, "Now then, I'm sure you have many things to ask your mother, but first, let me introduce your step-father." She gestures to the Tian man. "This is Huan. We met about fifty years ago. We had Imoto a couple years later." She points down to the child currently seated patiently on a couch.
  9. 14:43:22 * Kilarra glares at her mother. "Why did you come here? If you had your new husband and daughter, why did you have to drag me back into this at all?"
  10. 14:44:24 <Kilarra> The trio of Devourers remain still as the conversation plays out.
  11. 14:46:16 <Kilarra> Mordren continues smiling, "Because I missed you, of course. You were my first daughter. After my previous endeavours were thwarted, I quite frankly found the whole thing to not be worth the effort of repeating. Instead I chose to focus on enjoying my life for what it was. I found Huan in my search to fill the void left when you were taken from me, and we had Imoto as well, but it never quite felt the same without my eldest."
  12. 14:46:36 * Aluthyra glances nervously to the devourers, keeping her bowstring taught.
  13. 14:47:23 * Kilarra frowns, "You tried to kill me as part of some stupid ritual!"
  14. 14:48:14 <Kilarra> Mordren tsks, "Nisha, you say that as if it were something monstrous. While your blood was needed to complete the ritual, yes, your body would have been whole and intact and easily reanimated."
  15. 14:49:20 <Kilarra> Mordren shakes her head, "Nevermind, it's in the past. I am curious though, as to what you have done to yourself. Are you so desperate for the approval of those beneath you that you feel the need to remain in someone else's skin?"
  16. 14:50:36 * Kilarra scowls. "This is who I am now, -mother-," she spits out. "What I wanted was to be myself. My own person. Not simply a shadow of your ego."
  17. 14:51:17 <Kilarra> Mordren raises an eyebrow, "And you would give up your blood, your name, and the power yo ucould have gained by it simply to spite me? I'm hurt Nisha, truly I am."
  18. 14:52:16 * Kilarra rolls her eyes, "As if you had any feelings that could actually get hurt."
  19. 14:52:27 * Aluthyra frowns, looking up and setting her glare upon Mordren.
  20. 14:53:25 <Kilarra> Mordren sighs, "Nisha, I know we haven't seen each other in the better part of a century, but do you really think I would have come looking for you if I didn't have feelings?"
  21. 14:54:40 <Kilarra> Mordren takes a moment to stretch, a pair of leathery, bat-like wings furling out behind her for a moment.
  22. 14:55:54 <Kilarra> Imoto continues to look between Kilarra and Mordren as they speak back and forth. She twiddles her thumbs, looking torn between nervousness and curiousity.
  23. 14:56:43 * Kilarra spies the wings and frowns. Presumably the result of her mother induling her fiendish blood and the power she got from it. "So what now? Here I am."
  24. 14:57:44 <Kilarra> Mordren nods, smiling, "Yes, you are. Now, I introduced you to my husband, what about this woman with you? She is a bit plain, but if she's your lover, she's more than welcome to become part of our family as well."
  25. 14:59:26 <Kilarra> Huan follows Mordren's gesture to Aluthyra, tipping his hat to her in what might be a polite gesture in normal social circumstances
  26. 15:00:40 * Aluthyra simply frowns. The insult was not necessary.
  27. 15:00:50 * Kilarra snarls, wishing just a little bit she still had pointy teeth for it. "Not on your life."
  28. 15:02:59 <Kilarra> Mordren rolls her eyes at that, "Hardly a problem, given the circumstances. Now, I tire of conversing at this distance. I think we should sit down together for tea and have a proper discussion."
  29. 15:04:42 * Kilarra looks betrayed. -This- was her mother? She was a complete psychopath. She had expected cold and calculating, not... whatever this was. "There isn't much more to say Mordren. I want nothing to do with you."
  30. 15:05:26 <Kilarra> Mordren stops smiling. "Don't take that tone with me young lady, I am still your mother. I expect my wishes to be obeyed."
  31. 15:05:53 * Kilarra sneers, "Like you had Imoto obeying her father whether she wanted to or not? You're sick."
  32. 15:06:54 <Kilarra> Mordren's lips curl into a frown. "I came all this way to reunite with you after all this time Nisha. You should be grateful for the opportunity to rejoin a family that you can love."
  33. 15:07:53 * Kilarra shakes her head, "The only person you've ever loved is yourself, and no matter how many people you force to love you it will never be enough. You don't even know what love really is." She shoots a glance at Aluthyra.
  34. 15:08:35 <Kilarra> Imoto remains quiet, but now looks more nervous than ever
  35. 15:09:32 <Kilarra> Huan turns to Mordren, "Why is it you wish your elder daughter back when she is so unruly? Imoto is polite and obedient and everything anyone could ask for in a daughter."
  36. 15:10:54 * Aluthyra frowns, adding, "She is obedient because you do not give her a choice."
  37. 15:11:23 <Kilarra> Mordren frowns at him, "Because she is my daughter. Mine. I gave birth to her and longed for her ever since she was taken from me. If we are truly to be happy as a family, that family must be whole."
  38. 15:11:49 <Kilarra> Huan looks to Aluthyra, "Your point being?"
  39. 15:12:22 <Kilarra> Mordren blinks, "Actually, that is something I was curious about." She looks to Kilarra, "How did you bring Imoto here during the day?"
  40. 15:12:42 * Aluthyra glares at Huan, just about to reply before Mordren interrupts.
  41. 15:13:16 <Kilarra> Imoto speaks up, "She had a spell. One that cloaked me in shadows for a couple hours and kept the sunlight from touching me."
  42. 15:13:52 <Kilarra> Mordren looks to Kilarra, "Ah yes, that's right. Your worship of Calistria."
  43. 15:15:05 * Kilarra nods, "I'm at least as powerful as you are mother, and there's not a thing you can do to keep me here. I'm leaving, I'm taking my sister with me, and if you try to stop me, I will destroy you. You're not even worth taking revenge on. You're pathetic."
  44. 15:16:13 <Kilarra> Mordren scowls, "That is enough Nisha. I should have thought I raised you, if nothing else, to understand what power is. You don't have any power. All you have is power borrowed from a tempermental, petty goddess. Not one ounce of it is yours."
  45. 15:17:25 * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, turning the question of Huan to Mordren, "Your point being?"
  46. 15:19:11 <Kilarra> Mordren gives a short, haughty laugh. "My point being that whatever delusions she has of being powerful will not prevent me from completing my family and filling that void she left when she was taken from me."
  47. 15:20:07 <Kilarra> Huan places a hand on his rapier.
  48. 15:20:10 * Aluthyra rolls her eyes. "Whatever delusions you have about power do not change the fact that she has it. The source matters not."
  49. 15:21:34 <Kilarra> Mordren frowns, then looks to the devourers. "Bring my daughter to me. I care not for her tart's mouth, so you can go ahead and get rid of her."
  50. 15:25:51 <Kilarra> Huan draws his rapier and steps in front of Mordren, brandishing it towards Aluthyra.
  51. 15:28:06 * Aluthyra raises her bow towards Huan. "My point about your earlier statement," Aluthyra's bow is drawn taught; a silver arrow aimed for his heart. "is that she is nothing more than a pet to you. You do not even deserve undeath." The monk lets her arrows fly.
  52. 15:33:46 <Kilarra> Huan cuts the first arrow out of the air, but delays for fractions of a second too long as he swings back, attempting to deflect the others. Five arrows pierce him, one striking his heart directly. His body dissolves into a cloud of vapour. The vapour, however, remains relatively coherent
  53. 15:34:48 <Kilarra> Imoto cries out in shock, "Daddy!"
  54. 15:36:03 * Kilarra frowns. Aluthyra was as skilled as ever, but defeating a vampire like that wouldn't keep them down.
  55. 15:37:07 <Kilarra> After Aluthyra has taken her shots, the Devourers make their move. One of them moves to take hold of Kilarra, while the others stride up to Aluthyra and attempts to slam her with large, fleshy hands wreathed in eldritch fire.
  56. 15:47:07 <Kilarra> One Devourer misses Aluthyra entirely, but the other manages to clap her on the shoulder. She isn't slain by the wave of eldritch energy, but it still hurts
  57. 15:48:18 <Kilarra> The third devourer attempts to grab Kilarra and hold her to its chest, but thanks to her magic, Kilarra slips through its grasp unaffected.
  58. 15:52:04 <Kilarra> Mordren frowns at the vapour that is her husband and unfurls her wings, swooping down from the balcony. She stops 20ft shy of Aluthyra and points a finger at her. "Die." A sickening blotch of dark energy shoots form her finger at Aluthyra, only to rebound off of Aluthyra's Spell turning. However, the rebounding necromantic effect does nothing to mordren.
  59. 15:54:02 <Kilarra> Mordren frowns upon the failing of her spell and uses a quickened spell on her, its effect again rebounding, but consuming the last of Aluthyra's spell turning protection.
  60. 15:54:27 <Kilarra> The rebounded effect again does nothing to the Tiefling Sorceress
  61. 15:57:15 * Kilarra frowns as her mother hover's out of reach, then looks around at the devourers. Imoto was just out of reach, so she decides to utter a Word of Pure Holy Power.
  62. 16:00:12 <Kilarra> The trio of Devourers stagger, then find themselves shunted across planar boundaries and off the material plane.
  63. 16:00:39 <Kilarra> Mordren feels a slight ringing in her ears, but is otherwise unaffected by the Holy Word
  64. 16:00:51 * Kilarra scowls at her, but is pleased with the removal of the Devourers.
  65. 16:01:23 * Kilarra looks to Mordren, "Now that your toys are out of the way, would you like to come down here and have a discussion about who does and doesn't have power now?"
  66. 16:02:07 <Kilarra> Huan's vapourous form slithers back into the room he and Mordren came out of. Presumably towards a coffin in which he could recover
  67. 16:03:38 * Aluthyra turns to face Mordren next, not saying a word as she lets six blunt arrows loose at the lich.
  68. 16:06:52 <Kilarra> Aluthyra can hear the crunching of bones by her blunted arrows against Mordren, but the Tiefling woman is very difficult to tell how badly wounded she is.
  69. 16:07:52 <Kilarra> Mordren points at Aluthyra again, "Stay out of this." A solid cube of force springs up around her, boxing her in completely.
  70. 16:12:28 <Kilarra> Mordren then points to Kilarra, using a quickened charm effect.
  71. 16:13:16 <Kilarra> Kilarra is unaffected.
  72. 16:13:31 * Kilarra smirks, "No."
  73. 16:15:30 * Kilarra raises her holy symbol and blasts Mordren with searing light, since she couldn't reach her to touch.
  74. 16:17:12 <Kilarra> Mordren yelps as she's blasted with light, her disguise wavering a moment to show a figure of cracked and charred bones before her disguise reasserts itself.
  75. 16:18:52 * Aluthyra frowns and concentrates, closing her eyes as she uses her ki to teleport out of the box and behind Mordren. Her wings' flapping alert Mordren of Aluthyra's presence before a well-aimed arrow flies for her back.
  76. 16:23:22 <Kilarra> Mordren looks behind her, looking seriously frustrated, and utters a single abyssal word of power at her.
  77. 16:24:09 <Kilarra> Aluthyra is knocked flat and falls to the floor 20ft below
  78. 16:24:54 <Kilarra> Mordren then throws a quickened blast of fire at Kilarra
  79. 16:26:32 * Kilarra winces as the flame burns hotter than usual. She had forgotten her now celestially touched body was in no way resistant to it.
  80. 16:28:20 * Kilarra needs to keep her attention on herself and not on Aluthyra while she was stunned. She activates her flying boots and goes to meet her mother in the air. Upon reaching her, she touches her with a heal spell.
  81. 16:28:42 <Kilarra> Mordren's ring flares and Kilarra's heal spell is completely cancelled out
  82. 16:29:37 <Kilarra> Mordren smirks, "Not so powerful now without your winged trollop putting arrows in me, are you?"
  83. 16:29:48 * Kilarra follows it up wit ha quickened jolt of positive energy
  84. 16:30:59 * Kilarra frowns as the effect doesn't do much. "I'm not going to lose to you, -mother dear-."
  85. 16:32:33 <Kilarra> Mordren flaps her wings and flies back twnety feet
  86. 16:32:43 * Kilarra takes a swing of her mace as she attempts to move out of reach
  87. 16:33:06 <Kilarra> Kilarra misses
  88. 16:33:31 <Kilarra> Mordren raises her hand again and sends a bluish-white ray of freezing air towards Kilarra.
  89. 16:34:13 <Kilarra> The spell is deflected by the magic of Kilarra's protection ring.
  90. 16:34:26 <Kilarra> Mordren follows up with another quickened fireball
  91. 16:35:13 * Kilarra just isn't dexterous enough to avoid the blasts of flame, and winces as she's seared once more.
  92. 16:36:34 * Kilarra holds out her holy symbol and causes a burst of holy power to spread from her, just reaching MOrdren.
  93. 16:37:56 <Kilarra> Mordren screams and grasps at her eyes as the holy power temporarily blinds her
  94. 16:39:07 * Kilarra quses a quickened healing to touch herself up, seeing that her mother was weakening and had, so far as she could tell, no means of healing herself at present.
  95. 16:42:44 <Kilarra> Mordren fumbles with a pouch on her belt and pulls out a sizeable diamond. She presses it to her foreheard and, as it is consumed, her body is flooded with negative energy.
  96. 16:44:02 <Kilarra> Mordren begins to blink away the blinding afterimage from her eyes. She looks extremely angry.
  97. 16:46:59 * Kilarra frowns. Her mother just wouldn't die, and she was running out of useful magic. Perhaps it was time for a different strategy. She sets back down on the ground, keeping her winged boots active, and holds up her Holy Symbol. "Calistria grant me your might!"
  98. 16:48:17 <Kilarra> Kilarra doubles in height, as does all her gear, and her body surges with holy power.
  99. 16:50:33 <Kilarra> Mordren scoffs, "How inelegant." She hits Kilarra with another polar ray
  100. 16:52:18 * Kilarra winces through the freezing energy ray and strides towards her airborne mother, taking a swing with her mace, it's holy power pulsing.
  101. 16:52:46 <Kilarra> Kilarra misses completely
  102. 16:54:25 <Kilarra> Mordren throws a lightning bolt and a quickened flurry of arcane missiles at her daughter
  103. 16:56:20 * Kilarra is in -really- bad shape
  104. 16:59:14 * Kilarra sends out a purst of holy power. Aluthyra was in range, so she gains the benefit of the healing as well. She then quickly gives herself another healing.
  105. 17:00:24 <Kilarra> Mordren smirks, "What's the matter Nisha? Your Goddess' power running out?"
  106. 17:02:06 * You are now known as Synthia
  107. 17:02:37 <Kilarra> Mordren uses another bolt of chain lightning and quickened magic missiles
  108. 17:04:19 * Kilarra is barely able to stand under her mother's potent arcane onslaught. She really was more powerful However, there was one thing she could do, but it was risky. She conjures a field of antimagic around herself.
  109. 17:06:40 <Kilarra> Mordren frowns as she's enveloped in the field, being within 10ft of Kilarra. However, the wings were a part of her body, so she didn't fall. However, her arcane disguise was suppressed, revealing her true form. A Skeletal tiefling with her tattered robes barely hanging off her flesh, glowing blue eyes dimmed but not extinguished by the antimagic.
  110. 17:08:13 * Aluthyra groans and stands, training her bow on Mordren. She does not fire, but waits, ready to interrupt Mordren's spellcasting.
  111. 17:10:32 <Kilarra> Mordren flaps her wings and moves back out of the anti-magic field, her disguise returning. "You can't keep that up forever Nisha, and you're barely able to support your weight even shrunk down."
  112. 17:10:49 * Kilarra has returned to normal size because her own spells were suppressed as well.
  113. 17:11:58 <Kilarra> Mordren turns towards Aluthyra, "In the meantime, I can drain what life I need from your little friend." She frowns when she sees Aluthyra standing with her bow drawn. "My you're resilient."
  114. 17:14:07 <Kilarra> Mordren hesitates a moment, then casts from a defensive posture
  115. 17:14:35 * Aluthyra lets an arrow fly, trying to interrupt Mordren.
  116. 17:16:01 <Kilarra> Aluthyra nimbly avoids the ray of freezing air hurled at her
  117. 17:16:58 * Kilarra can't heal herself inside the field, and instead moves closer to Aluthyra to get her in its protection as well. "Your arrow's magic is suppressed within the field, but once they fly out of it, they'll reassert against her.
  118. 17:17:50 <Kilarra> Mordren scowls. "You haven't beaten me Kilarra. You haven't won."
  119. 17:18:01 * Kilarra gives a weak smile, "I'll live with that. Kill her."
  120. 17:18:14 * Aluthyra frowns at the lich. "She has. You have not long for this world." She lets her arrows fly.
  121. 17:20:41 <Kilarra> Aluthyra's arrows seem to move as though through a bit of murk inside the field, but strike true as soon as they leave it. Mordren's body is pummeled and broken, and she falls to the floor as her disguise, unsupported by a functioning body, dissolves.
  122. 17:21:20 * Kilarra turns off her anti-magic field and slumps against Aluthyra. "Her phylactery is still somewhere. Need to destroy it." She says while bleeding onto her lover.
  123. 17:21:46 <Kilarra> Imoto just blinks at the spectacle that played out before her. She then curls up and starts crying.
  124. 17:22:30 * Aluthyra frowns, holding Kilarra steady. "Heal yourself first. Then we can."
  125. 17:23:05 * Kilarra nods and uses first another pulse of healing energy in case Aluthyra had any injuries remaining, then a quickened critical healing.
  126. 17:26:26 * Kilarra stands up a little straighter after flushing a lot of healing into her system, but is still rather singed. "That'll do for now." She looks at the pile of robes and shattered bones that was her mother. "Imoto mentioned a necklace. That's probably what she was using."
  127. 17:28:37 * Aluthyra nods, stooping down to the corpse and searching for such an item.
  128. 17:28:57 * Kilarra adds to Aluthyra, "And Huan is probably in his coffin, but vulnerable now."
  129. 17:30:15 <Kilarra> Aluthyra finds amidst Mordren's robes, two rings, a headband, a cloak, a pair of bracers, and a necklace with a symbol of a beetle with a skull for a shell on it.
  130. 17:31:32 * Aluthyra takes each item, showing them to Kilarra; the necklace on top. "I believe that would be it."
  131. 17:32:21 <Kilarra> As Aluthyra and Kilarra gaze at the necklace, a necromantic rune enscribed upon it hums to life, a wave of necromancy force falling over them
  132. 17:37:06 <Kilarra> Kilarra feels her heart sieze in her chest, and keels over immediately. Aluthyra is unaffected.
  133. 17:42:12 * Kilarra realizes a moment too late her mother's trap as the life fades form her body. She slumps to the floor.
  134. 17:43:40 * Aluthyra blinks, eyes widening as she notes Kilarra's body. She immediately drops the items she was carrying and grabs Kilarra's corpse, propping it up against her. "Imoto!" she shouts. "Do you know how to use staves or wands?" There is a sense of urgency to her voice as she looks through Kilarra's haversack, remembering the life-giving staff.
  135. 17:44:48 <Kilarra> Imoto blinks and looks up from her tears, "Wh-what happened?" She stammers
  136. 17:45:07 <Kilarra> Aluthyra manages to pull out the staff with relative ease because that's what Haversacks do.
  137. 17:46:22 * Aluthyra looks to Kilarra. "A-a spell of some sort." She frowns, moving slowly towards Imoto, being careful with Kilarra's body. "She needs help, and I need you to use this staff on her."
  138. 17:46:55 <Kilarra> Imoto shudders, although as a vampire she wasn't physically able to get sick. "Is... is she dead too?"
  139. 18:05:39 * Aluthyra frowns and nods. "Yes... but this staff, I believe, will save her."
  140. 18:07:41 <Kilarra> Imoto looks shaken, then looks to Mordren's robes, then to where she last saw her father. "No. She killed mommy and you almost killed daddy. She deserves it." Her refusal is tainted with doubt.
  141. 18:08:58 * Aluthyra winces. "Please..." She sighs. "Imoto, she did not kill either. I did. If you must hate either of us, hate me. But save your sister, for she is all that you have left."
  142. 18:10:08 <Kilarra> Imoto shakes her head, "Daddy's in his coffin. He'll get better."
  143. 18:14:00 <Kilarra> Imoto then adds, teary eyed, "Nisha said mommy's necklace will put her back together, then she can animate Nisha and we can be a family together just like mommy wanted."
  144. 18:14:35 * Aluthyra frowns. Though she has difficulty telling such an adorable child such a thing, the truth will help her... in the long, long run. "No. He will not." She shakes her head. "He keeps you as a slave-- a mere pet. I will not allow him to live in undeath. Kilarra is the only person you have left."
  145. 18:15:47 <Kilarra> Imoto frowns, "I-I w-wont let you!"
  146. 18:17:03 * Aluthyra drops to her knees, still holding Kilarra close. "Please, save your sister... She only wants you to be able to live a life fully-- and of your own volition."
  147. 18:18:39 <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles, "If I do, then who will be our mommy and daddy?"
  148. 18:21:21 <Aluthyra> "Kilarra may act as your mother." She looks down. "I am sorry."
  149. 18:22:09 <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles again. "Nisha hurt me last night. How do I know she won't just kill me too?"
  150. 18:24:59 <Aluthyra> "Because she knows none of this was your choosing." She smiles faintly. "I see the way she looks at you-- you remind her of her past self. She wishes only to help you."
  151. 18:27:06 <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles again, "You might be lying!"
  152. 18:28:26 * Aluthyra frowns. "Although you would not know this, no, I would not be. I took a vow of honesty in my pursuits as a monk, and I cannot lie." She sighs. "I cannot prove my vow to you, other than telling the truth."
  153. 18:29:17 <Kilarra> Imoto looks at her hand, then holds out her extended pinkie, shaking a bit. "Swear."
  154. 18:30:58 * Aluthyra holds out her arm, the other holding Kilarra, and extends her pinkie.
  155. 18:31:25 <Kilarra> Imoto hooks her Pinkie in Aluthyra's and repeats her Tian rhyme, this time with a lot less singsong.
  156. 18:33:23 * Aluthyra ends with, "I promise. I tell only the truth."
  157. 18:35:18 <Kilarra> Imoto gulps and takes hold of Kilarra's staff. She takes a little bit to look it over, looking a bit comical as the Staff was half again and then some as tall as she was.
  158. 18:36:50 * Aluthyra nods her head, giving Imoto an encouraging smile.
  159. 18:39:51 <Kilarra> Imoto touches the tip of the staff to Kilarra's side and tries to get it to work.
  160. 18:43:41 <Kilarra> The staff glows with an intese white light as divine energy floods Kilarra's body.
  161. 18:44:14 * Kilarra gasps as her life is restored, shaking slightly from the ordeal. This was twice within a week she had died.
  162. 18:44:34 <Kilarra> Imoto gasps a bit, seeming surprised she had managed it. "I... I did it."
  163. 18:45:07 * Aluthyra gives Kilarra a light hug.
  164. 18:46:10 * Kilarra lifts her arms with a bit of effort and throws them around Aluthyra. She blinks in surprise as she looks around, "This isn't... the Veil."
  165. 18:48:25 <Kilarra> Imoto just holds onto the staff, looking unsure of what was to come next.
  166. 18:48:33 * Aluthyra shakes her head, then nods it at Imoto. "No, Imoto saved you."
  167. 18:49:54 * Kilarra blinks and looks to Imoto holding the staff. "You... know how to use that?" She looks impressed if anything
  168. 18:50:28 <Kilarra> Imoto nods a bit smowly, "I... a little. I had to guess kinda."
  169. 18:53:00 * Kilarra nods, getting to her feet with a bit of tiredness setting in. She looks to Aluthyra, "Symbol of death on the necklace. What a bitch." She looks at the now inert necklace. "At least that means she figured it was worth protecting, so I guess I was right."
  170. 18:53:56 * Aluthyra nods, standing.
  171. 18:54:07 <Aluthyra> "And what will you do with it?"
  172. 18:55:10 * Kilarra picks her mace up. "A blow from a magic repellant mace specifically enchanted to disrupt undead creatures would be my best stab at it. IN a manner of speaking."
  173. 18:58:26 * Kilarra focuses, "I actually didn't lose the undead disruption spell I had prepared either." She infuses her weapon with it, a white aura of magical force surrounding it. She pulls the necklace closer, but stops when MOrdren's disembodied voice emanates from the phylactery. "Imoto. Don't let her hurt mommy."
  174. 18:59:27 <Kilarra> Imoto blinks in surprise, looking between Kilarra and Aluthyra and then back to the staff in her hands.
  175. 19:00:45 * Kilarra looks to Imoto. "I'm going to destroy her, and I'm not bringing her back. I don't want to hurt you again, but she has to go."
  176. 19:01:07 <Aluthyra> "Imoto... remember what I said; make this decision on your own. Do not allow your mother to control you."
  177. 19:03:33 <Kilarra> Imoto continues looking at the staff. She had brought her sister back to life with it, but her mommy was all in pieces. And her mommy had been trying to kill her sister first... she just looks terribly conflicted.
  178. 19:04:29 <Kilarra> Imoto frowns, "Sorry mommy, but Nisha is too strong for me. I don't want to hurt her, and she doesn't want to hurt me, but I can't stop her."
  179. 19:04:47 <Kilarra> Mordren's voice sounds enraged, "Impudent child! I told you to st-"
  180. 19:05:13 * Kilarra silences the voice by smashing her mace into the necklace. It shatters spectacularly
  181. 19:06:48 <Kilarra> -End Session-
  182. 19:06:55 <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 20
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