
Targeted by the Chapter Master [Fools Day]

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. A mighty wizard named Ravate once walked the Winds of Time to find Chapter Master Ragerous Asshole. His intent was to win a favor from this most capricious of the Chaos Gods. Upon finding the Chapter Master, Ravate spoke humbly to him, "Chapter Master, I beg a favor of you. I would gladly drive a thousand men mad in your name if you would but grant me the greater magical powers."
  2. Fortunately for Ravate, Ragerous was in a playful mood. He proposed a game, "I will grant your wish, if you are still sane in three days. During that time, I will do my utmost to drive you mad. It shall be great fun."
  3. Ravate was not so certain that he liked this new deal. He had been really looking forward to driving a thousand men mad. "Chapter Master, I regret having disturbed you with my shallow, selfish request. I withdraw my unfortunate plea and will humbly leave this place."
  4. Ragerous just laughed, "Too late, mighty Ravate. The game is afoot, and you must play." Ravate fled, only to find that all exits from the Chaos realm were now sealed. He wandered aimlessly, constantly looking over his shoulder, jumping at every noise. Each moment brought new terror as he waited for Ragerous to begin.
  5. After three days, Ravate was convinced that every plant and animal was a tool of the Chaos God. He hadn't eaten or drunk for fear that Ragerous had poisoned the food or drink. He hadn't slept for fear of Ragerous invading his dreams.
  6. It was then that Ragerous Asshole appeared to him. Ravate cried out, "You have set the whole world to watching me! Every creature and plant are doing your bidding to drive me mad."
  7. He laughed, and replied, "Actually, I have done nothing. You have driven yourself mad with your fears. Your delusions prove that you are truly deranged, and therefore I win. While you wanted to make a thousand men mad, I only wanted to break one man's mind, yours."
  8. From that day forward Ravate served Ragerous's every whim. Whenever daring travelers try to approach him, Ravate warns them, "Chaos is already inside each of us. You have already lost."
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