

Jul 28th, 2016
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  1. [b]RyVaughan vs The Ascension[/b] began with both teams coming out strong, Ryback battering Konnor with hard jabs as Vaughan slammed Viktor with a few crushing elbow bashes. From there, RyVaughan kept the advantage, whipping The Ascension to the ropes and taking them to the mat with stereo lariats off the rebound. As their opponents hit the mat, RyVaughan knelt onto their opponents, driving knees into their opponent's backs as they flexed for the crowd. RyVaughan went for yet another team maneuver, but while Ryback was able to take Konnor down with a big shoulderblock, Viktor slammed Vaughan face first into the cage before rejoining his teammate. The Ascension regained the advantage with a two-on-one attack on Ryback, pummeling him with big strikes and slams, before setting him up for the Fall Of Man! Ryback was able to dodge it, though, and sent both big men straight into each other before sending them crashing to the mat with a double German suplex! Vaughan had recovered by now, and rejoined his partner. They shared a smirk before hauling Konnor and Viktor off the mat into deadlift stalling suplexes! After that, all that was left was the winning, as Ryback selflessly allowed Vaughan to [b]take his Wrestlemania moment, climb the cage, and claim victory for RyVaughan.[/b]
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