
[Prose, Request] Dash To The Finish (Gross)

Dec 19th, 2014
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  1. Roaming the cloudy skies, the oldest princess of Equestria glided among the white fluff. With her dainty wings, she grazes the soft puffs with her feather tips, the wavy, colorful mane whipping about to the currents of wind around her. Seeing a particularly solid formation of clouds, she lands onto the natural perch as she exhales a breath of exhilaration. With a youthful giggle, she silently celebrates her freedom among the thick fog, securing her privacy from prying eyes.
  3. “Oh my! It's been quite a while since I've used these old wings! So glad Luna's decided to take charge of the castle for the day... it has been far too long!”
  5. Paying no heed to the distant whistling behind her, the royal pony takes time to stretch out her naturally limber body. Though the centuries have been kind to her physique, the opportunity to feel every inch of her body stretch out felt heavenly, especially after years of walking around the castle, prone to the stares of others at all times. Feeling a bit adventurous, Celestia dips her head down as she stretches her hind legs, spreading them apart to feel the crisp wind blow between her supple cheeks. Even as the whistling sound grew closer, she only shook her rump in the air in response.
  7. “Days in that musty castle can make one forget the blessings of flight at times...”
  9. An explosion of vivid colors erupted behind the alicorn as she craned her neck to see a blue blur fly straight towards her. Without time to react, her exposed flank stood proudly in the air as the speeding rainbow lands dead center between her rear cheeks. With no intention of stopping, Celestia feels her insides contort around as the new weight squirms forward into her bowels, wiggling and thrashing as momentum continued to carry the live creature deeper into her intestines.
  11. Blinded by the overwhelming amount of sensations that flooded her mind, she loses grip of the cloud below her, as the rainbow-colored streak propelled her off the cloud she once stood on. Flying through the air in a state of lazy bliss, she lands on another idle cloud, giving her time to gather herself. Laying prone on the cloud, she turns her belly up to see the spastic bulge twitch erratically in her lower body. Taking a moment to size up and scan the bodily intruder, she sighs in relief.
  13. “...Rainbow Dash. Fancy meeting you here, though I'm not certain if you can even hear me in there...”
  15. The white coated pony does her best to keep her motherly tone of voice as the squirming bumps lining her body sent shocks of pleasure up her spine. She puts a hoof to the flailing mass, stroking it gently to help ease the pony's mind. The wild movements turned tame as Celestia hums a hauntingly peaceful tune, feeling the pegasus calm down. Despite this, the princess blushed through her white coat, the eerily soft struggles inside her continue to excite her fancy.
  17. “Now, now... let's get you out of there.”
  19. Looking down to the empty green fields below, Celestia draws a flank-shaped hole in the clouds with her hoof as she positions her own bottom over the hole. Fitting herself snugly in the cotton-like fluff, she presses her hooves on her lumpy belly as she grunts, a few pockets of stale air exiting her backside.
  21. “I had quite the hearty meal yesterday, so I hope you're not running into much 'company' in there.”
  23. Inside the slimy innards of the princess, the pegasus struggled against the powerful organs, compressing her sore body as the intestines pulse, sluggishly dragging her body towards the seemingly distant exit. With no light to show her the way, she can only shimmy in the direction of the contracting muscles. Dash retches at the musty odor that dripped from the fleshy walls, her snout forced across the slick lining as the mucus from the intestines creep into her nostrils. Lumps of digested food dig into her coat as the ribbed walls tightly knead the waste onto her subdued body. She spits at the steaming chunks of passed food, opting to rub her face over it rather than in her open mouth. Feeling the princess stand up once more, a sigh of frustration echoes in the crowded tract.
  25. “Seems that you've lodged yourself deeper than I thought, my little pony. Hope you wouldn't mind traveling with me for an hour as I wait for nature to pass you along?”
  27. A jolt of activity from between her hind legs told her enough as she took off into the sky once again. Feeling the wind carry her lithe, alicorn body with the currents, she feels the pony in her guts sway to her movements. Unbeknownst to the cheery princess, Rainbow Dash stewed in the bodily flith, thrown about with each turn and dip Celestia made. Hours pass as the sun that once stood proudly in the sky began to approach the horizon. Landing on an especially comfy cloud, Celestia points her bottom towards the ground as she looks below.
  29. “Ah, your friends appear to be bickering about something below... I'll drop you off to greet them.”
  31. With little regard to the other bits of waste that festered away with the pony held within, Celestia spreads her cheeks wide as her anus dilates to expel the writhing weight in her colon. The princess grunts meekly as she feels the muzzle slowly slide out, Dash gasping for fresh air as she slithers out. The celestial body bites her lower lip as she controls her lower muscles, resisting the urge to contract onto the battered pony. Once Dash's head popped free, her movement spiked as she struggled to rush her escape, startling Celestia as her puckered exit closes tightly against the pegasus' neck, choking for air.
  33. “My apologies! Please stay still as I push you out, you gave me quite the scare...”
  35. The rash mare coughs as Celestia loosens her grip on the messy pony's neck, the soft sounds of her sliding out play as Dash's body is freed, inch by inch. As she slimes out of the intestinal tract, bits of brown and webs of lubrication embedded themselves onto the blue coat, her mane no better in comparison. Hours inside the ruler of Equestria proved no better than any other pony's as Dash shudders to the chilling wind that blows across her drenched body. With a sigh of relief, Celestia turns to see her subject.
  37. “Ahh... well, you may go now-”
  39. As she felt the weight leave her body, she looks just in time to see a frazzled, rainbow tail fall from the cloud. She peeks over to see the winged mare hurtle towards the ground, directly where her friends laid. Celestia innocently whistles as she leaps into the air to flee the scene.
  41. “Well... I'm sure they'll be okay...”
  43. Three ponies loudly bickered in the open fields of Sweet Apple Acres, tensions high as the earth pony and alicorn shout over each other in a frenzy as the 3rd pony grins at the scene, occasionally raising her voice to contribute nothing to the conversation.
  45. “What in Celestia's green garden didja do ta me Twilight?!”
  47. “I'm sorry Applejack, I just-”
  49. “Ya said, 'Stand still' and that I did, but what I didn't expect was THIS!”
  51. In the open fields of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack points to the oversized male appendage that dangled between her legs. She sits on the ground, propping it up by her front hooves as she shudders at her own touch. Practically another leg, she averts her eyes to the alicorn that created this conundrum. Their perky, pink friend can only gaze upon it as she fails to stifle her laughter.
  53. “I... I just wanted to try a real mare-to-stallion spell that I faked against Trixie a while back... but I guess I should've done a bit more research after all...”
  55. “Ya don't say!”
  57. “Me next! Me next!”
  59. “Ugh... not now Pinkie...”
  61. Clearly peeved at her new equipment, the farmer looks expectantly at the princess, waiting for the antidote to the situation.
  63. “Well... ain'tcha gonna right this here wrong?”
  65. “I... of course, just give me a moment-”
  67. Without warning, bits of brown rain from above as a large, blurry lump falls headlong into the head of the farmer's shaft. Applejack shouts with a mixture of surprise, discomfort and pleasure as her rod expands to the mass that invaded her newly-formed crotch. She felt it writhe about weakly as gravity forced the bulge to creep down further down the urethra, the sack below awaiting company as a lump slowly fills it up.
  69. Meanwhile, the other two ponies stood in shock, as the impact coated the mares in a transparent, gooey substance. Though Twilight retched at the mix of bodily substances that surrounded them, Pinkie happily munched on the brown pieces that fell from the sky, using the stringy, clear substance to wash it down.
  71. “Mmmm... it tastes like cookies and milk!”
  73. Though the smell did not offend, a heavy, musky scent radiated from the ponies as Applejack lays on the grass, wrapping her head around the violently quick events that just transpired. Feeling slight twitches inside the fleshy sack that held the mysterious mass, the earth pony can only watch lustfully as Twilight stands by her side.
  75. “ okay?”
  77. “Twi... I haven't the foggiest on what jus' happened... but can you get this... THING offa me before I take it off m'self?!”
  79. The bookish pony cringes at the hardy pony's words as she takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
  81. “I'd love to... but with whatever that is in there... we'll need to remove it.”
  83. An over-joyous gasp of delight surprises the two ponies as their playful friend appears before them, smiling wildly.
  85. “Oh, me, me! I can get it out!”
  87. Taking the stiff member in her soft, pink hooves, Twilight chimes in to interrupt Pinkie's impending feast.
  89. “I don't think that's a good idea...”
  91. The party pony stared at Twilight in utter disbelief, causing the princess to hop back a little in surprise as Applejack only stood by as a silent casualty.
  93. “Twilight. It made it rain chocolate and Applejack makes milk. I NEED this.”
  95. The dead serious stare from the pink pony forces Twilight's hoof as she backs away from the scene, Applejack's eyes pleading help from the ravenous pony.
  97. “Fine, but don't blame me when you have a tummy ache!”
  99. Pinkie turns her attention to the erect member that showed more enthusiasm that its owner who shivered in fear. Without delay, Pinkie stretches her maw wide as she engulfs the entire tip with her mouth, slowly pressing it deeper to the back of her throat. Any evidence of reluctance left the farmer's face as her body melted to the warm touch of the pony's maw.
  101. “Dearie me... this feels... nice...”
  103. Tamed by the inner workings of Pinkie's mouth, the athletic pony laid feebly on the ground, stunned by the sheer amount of sensations that filled her mind. Seeing her friend prone with a goofy smile on her face, the lively pony saw it as an invitation to increase her pace, sloppily sucking on the veined length. Tiny drops of sweet liquid fell from the tip and onto the hungry palette, the sack below swelling up with liquid as it audibly sloshes around their rainbow friend inside, unknown to the other 3 ponies.
  105. “Pinkie... I'm... I'm...”
  107. With a devious smile, Pinkie licks the sensitive tip as Applejack howls in pleasure, Twilight averting her eyes at the unusual scene. As globs of creamy nectar fills the pink pony's gullet, the solid mass that once sat at the bottom of the orange sack slowly crept up the throbbing shaft. Applejack ached to remove the obstruction from her shaft as it crawled up at a snail's pace. In a fit of frustration, she sat up to wrap her forelegs behind Pinkie's head, digging her hooves into the curly, pink locks. She thrusts deep into the hot depths of the pony's throat, feeling the twitching bulge lurch forward from the momentum as liquid continued to spurt out of the head. Feeling the lumpy weight peek out of her rod's slit, Applejack sighs in brief relief as she flops back onto the ground, leaving Pinkie to do her magic.
  109. With the shaft's head back on Pinkie's tongue, she licks at the solid formation, savoring the bold flavor that soaked in the sweet juices of her friend. Her tongue pokes and probes at the tired pegasus, unable to put up a fight as Pinkie sucks her limp body into her throat. Coated in divine feces, sticky seed and warm saliva, Dash only groans as she feels the top of her head press against the entrance to the stomach, the smell of acrid sweets wafting into her nose.
  111. Even as the farmer's body grew fatigued, her insatiable friend continued to milk her dry, savoring every last drop that she could slurp out. Twilight walks over to the awkward couple, putting her hoof on the shoulder of Pinkie.
  113. “I... think that's enough, looks like you got it out of her.”
  115. Pinkie broke out of her starved trance as she meets Twilight's eyes with a smile.
  117. “Yup, all gone!”
  119. She pats her surprisingly flat belly as it grumbles loudly, revealing the heavy mass that hid away inside her belly. She licks her lips as she watches Twilight's horn glow with magic, aimed at the flaccid member that sat between the apple mare's legs. In the flash of an eye, the limp rod vanished from her groin, Applejack sighing a breath of relief.
  121. “Thanks Twi. Didn' want that ta be a habit...”
  123. “Anytime! But Pinkie, you think you'll be alright?”
  125. Stroking her pudgy belly with both of her front hooves, she nods with a silly smile on her face.
  127. “Mm hmm! Whatever it was really hit the spot!”
  129. The alicorn rolls her eyes as she motions them to follow her.
  131. “Come on, we have to meet the others in a bit, let's go!”
  133. Back in the Golden Oak Library, the five elements of harmony stand around, baffled as Pinkie giggles. Twilight strokes her chin as she hold the Element of Loyalty in her hooves.
  135. “Do it again!”
  137. “No Pinkie, it doesn't make sense-”
  139. “Again!”
  141. “Ugh... fine!”
  143. Levitating the necklace with her magic, she silently chants a wish to the gem. It glows fiercely as it hovers with power. As quickly as the power appeared, it dissipated as it shoots itself towards Pinkie Pie, wedging itself between the pert, plump cheeks of the mare as she lets off another laugh. Twilight huffs in annoyance as she motions her friends out.
  145. “We'll do this another night when we find Dash... ugh! That pony better have a good explanation for this!”
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