

May 25th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [Mani :D]
  2. Favole: -Dior's eyebrows shot up and for a moment she looked angry- "He did what? You're better off without someone like that Kam... if he can't put your safety and health first then he doesn't really care about you." -she put her hand across the table and gave the other's girls arm a squeeze- "Trust me. It happened to my cousin. She ended up pregnant with this guy who used to fight with her all the time."
  3. iKamal: She smiled and shrugged her shoulders abit."Things in downtown are different then uptown D. He hit the wall not me. Plus it was my fault. I started the arguement." She was actually defending him."I'm sure he is a great guy though. I just..I tend to have a mouth on me and I can understand how frusrating that can be for someone. It was just a wall. no biggie." She smiled to reassure Dior she was ok."I am jsut upset because I really liked him. He was sweet and charming.He made me feel special and I liked that,"
  4. ChurchAeki: *Charles spent his day running errands for his father and trying to find a apartment before the end of the week; he had no luck in that department but everything else was a success; even with the morning bullshit to cloud his head. His Motorcycle would rumble at a traffic stop as he looked around for a place to eat, seeing a coffeehouse up ahead he would rev the engin and took off as the light turned green; pulling himself up to the curb he would settle the motor down and climb off. Removing his helmet he would lift up his seat to take out his fadora and place his helmet in it's place; as he adjust the fadora on his head he would make his way over to the entrace of the coffeehouse and walked in.*
  5. Tsaaq: ((Hola.))
  6. Artificer: ((hey guuurl.))
  7. iKamal: [ayyyyyeeee party people!]
  8. Tsaaq: ((Where everybody at? Inside the cafe?))
  9. iKamal: [yup]
  10. Favole: -Dior wanted to say something further, but she bit her tongue. It wasn't her place... but she was worried for Kammie. She kept her hand on her arm in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture, and just gave her a small smile-
  11. Tsaaq: Libi walked down the block, smoking a from her vape and blowing a large cloud of smoke ahead of her. She was still dressed in her work clothes out of pure laziness. She smirked, passing cafe aroma. She began to snort, remembering her own hilarity only days before. She inhaled her vape once more and went over to the trash wooden trash can and kicked it hard. Now it was tradition. She stumbled backward because she was wearing her high creepers.
  12. iKamal: She smiled to D and felt comfortble. She heard the cafe door ring and she looked over seeing Charles. she sighed and smiled back to Dior."How have things been for you though? Anything interesting?" she tried to ignore him but she wanted to go up to him and apologize. She wasn't sure if he was still mad at her or not. she held the health department envelope in her hand and sighed.0
  13. Favole: -She shook her head- "No. Nothing yet. I'm all set to start at SHU, but I don't really have anything to do until then. My uncle is always at work and my cousins don't live here any more. It's just me and my aunt and she's always painting. It's so boring here."
  14. ChurchAeki: Charles didn't notice Kam as he walked in and just made his way over to the counter, removing his sunglass as his tattooed grey hues looked at the menu. The Latte seemed good, but he wondered if they had a Oreo Chiller. "Do you guys have Oreo chips...if so is it possible I tell you how to make a drink of mine.....I can pay extra." He waited for a response of the cashier having to ask their manager, watching them go off he would drum his fingers against the counter looking around and finally spotted Kam sitting at a table with a girl. His jaw would clench a bit as he looked at her wanting to go up to her, but felt that he was still upset plus she was with a friend it seem he didn't want to make a scene.
  15. Favole: [You have tattooed eyeballs? o.o]
  16. Artificer: Damian had reluctantly gone to uptown to meet someone for a deal, now that he had finished he was making a B-line back to downtown. Although it was nice not worrying about someone creeping on you in uptown, he felt like he was in even more danger. The only difference was the people he was afraid of in uptown normally wore badges. He glanced up a coffee shop, and noticed a very scantly dressed woman in front. Then he realized he knew that woman. "Libi?" He called out before crossing the street to her.
  17. ChurchAeki: (Yes I saw that shit on Youtube and was like YES!!!)
  18. iKamal: [that shit is weird! XD]
  19. ChurchAeki: (It looks awesome)
  20. Tsaaq: She turned her head and forced an overdramatic gasp. "Damian!" She threw up her hands and let a sly smile creep onto her lips, signaling that she was obviously inebriated. "How's your dick?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. "I mean... how are you?" Libi corrected herself quickly.
  21. iKamal: Kammie smiled and nodded her head."It is pretty boring if you aren't into rugs or not old enough to drink."she chuckled some. She kept glancing over at Charles every so often and saw him looking at her. She took a deep breath sipped her coffee. She smiled at D and tried to keep herself calm and fro causing a scene. Especailly seeing as she was the assistant manager here at the cafe. She looked at D and leaned over some whispering."That's him.." she whispered softly. Hoping D didnt make it obvious she was talking about him,
  22. Favole: -Dior's eyes slid carefully over towards the guy she was indicating, before she looked back at Kammie. "I see..." -she wasn't really sure what to say. "So... should I move and let him sit here? I need to order my coffee anyway..."
  23. Artificer: Damian walked over to her, shaking his head with a grin. "Im fine. " He walked up and grabbed her arm tentatively, trying to guide her to the seat in front of the cafe. "Are you drunk?" He asked as he did so, looking around for any police.
  24. iKamal: [if my interenet goes out its cause its pouring really bad my roof sounds like its gonan cave]
  25. ChurchAeki: As the Cashier returned they said it wasn't possible he just orded a Mocha Latte. "Oh and a....." He dragged out his 'a' until he decided to what he wanted. "Ham Panini, with pickles, onions, sweet pepper and honey mustered."
  26. iKamal: She smiled and shrugged"I could use another coffee how about I go with you." she got up and grabbed her envelope and held it tight. She made her way to the counter and waited behindcharles with her head down and waited for Dior to join her.
  27. ChurchAeki: As he his order was up, he would dig in his pocket, pulling out his wallet and place a ten on the counter. "Put the change in your tip Jar." He says as he picked up his sandwhich and drink and turned around to walk over to the wall tables, but as soon as he turned around Kam was right there in front of him. " going to yell at me some more now? I just came in here for something to eat., don't want to start shit in a public place."
  28. Tsaaq: "Pffftttt." She sputtered her lips and waved her hand at him. "Stoppppp." She shushed him, dropping down onto the bench in front of the cafe. "Why you gotta ruin shit with questions?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
  29. Favole: -Dior slipped out of the seat and approached the counter, ducking behind the others to order herself a cappuccino-
  30. iKamal: She looked at him."I'm just waiting in line. I'm not going to start shit in public." she handed him the envelope."but here just so you know all clean. since you didnt go with me today." she looked at Dior and sighed some."dior Charles charles Dior." she introduced them so she wasnt being rude."I'm sorry about this morning ok.I shouldn't have flipped on you like that."
  31. Artificer: Damian looked her up and down. "Are those your work clothes?" Asking more questions. "If so, I definitely need to visit you at work." He teased,before looking around again, realizing where he was.
  32. Favole: -She made an 'oh shit' face before she fixed her expression and turned around, coffee in hand- "Oh, hello. Nice to meet you." -she greeted him with a years-perfected fake smile.-
  33. Tsaaq: She shook her head at him slowly. "Yeah these are my work clothes? Big deal, wanna fight about it? With our pants off?" Libi slurred. "I told you. The bar I work at is too lazy to be a strip club but gross enough to have all the girls wear only underwear." She grumbled then scooted closer to Damian. "Wait... Those were more questions!"
  34. ChurchAeki: He looked at the envelope and arched a brow; he was going to say something rude, but as she introduced him to her friend he would just grab the tip of his hat as he nods to her. "Nice to meet you too." Turning his attention back to Kam he would shake his head. "Don't even know why you flipped out in the first place....not like I hid anything from you."He looked back to Dior then Kam before shaking his head. "Just forget have a nice day" He moved passed them and took a seat at the wall tables.
  35. Artificer: "Libi." Damian said, watching her slide closer. "As fine as you are, especially in that outfit. Id love to rip our clothes off and go at it..." He trailed off as a car drove by with an older couple who were staring them down. "But, I hate being on this side of town. I also have product on me and would hate to draw unwanted attention right now." He glanced through the window of the coffee shop. "Lets go in and get a coffee so we can sober you up, and get off the street."
  36. iKamal: She sighed and watched him walk off. She frowned and made herway to the counter."you too." that's all she said to him." Just a regular coffee creamand sugar ." she got free coffee because she worked here. She pulled out her employee card and swiped it. she grabbed her coffee and looked at Dior and smiled."sorry about that."
  37. Favole: -She glanced at Kam, but still had no idea what to say. The dude made her uncomfortable. But then, so did most of the people she'd met this side of town. She took a sip of her coffee and shrugged her shoulders- "It's okay. Nothing to be sorry for. I'll get used to Downtown eventually I guess."
  38. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips at him and shook her head. "Fuck these people! They're jackasses! I push them around all the time!" She sputtered loudly, flipping the old couple off as they passed. She rose her eyebrow at the mention of product and she decided to behave, just a little bit. "This coffee in here tastes like brewed garbage!" Libi scoffed before going to pinch his cheek. "But fine!" She groaned as she got up and went to the door, holding it open for Damian as she waited for him to follow.
  39. ChurchAeki: *Charles unwrapped his sandwhich and took a bite out of it, before placing the staw in his mouth to drink some of his latte. He tried not to think about the morning events, but it was strange how she completely flipped on him from the time at the Bar to morning shown it's face. He shook his head and took out his phone, getting online to try and find open apartments for rent.*
  40. Artificer: Damian winced a bit at her yelling at old people. "I figured the coffee is probably shit, and too expensive." He then stood and walked through the door as she held it open for him, giving her booty a playful pat as he walked past.
  41. iKamal: Kam chuckled and looked at Dior."This is are no where near downtown." She sipped her coffee and moved aside for Dior. She pulled out her shitty phone and siged looking through it. she heard the door open and saw Libi and some guy coming into the cafe. She just rolled her eyes at the girl"hey D i'll be back." she moved away fro mthe counter and took the seat beside Charles. she set her coffee down and looked at him. she kept her voice low because she didnt want people knowing her business. KAmmie was a really private person sometimes."Look Im really sorry about this morning. I just..I don't know what got into me. I really apperciated the breakfast."
  42. Favole: -Dior took her coffee into the cornered off area and sat down, keeping out of the way. It was starting to get busy and she appreciated the space and quiet as she took out her phone and scrolled through it, sipping her drink every so often-
  43. FierceIllusions: hi all :)
  44. Tsaaq: She jumped up at the ass pat. Usually she'd be pissed but eh, she kinda thought Damian was okay. She stepped inside and chuckled when seeing Kammie. "Kamisha Laticia Larifa is here." She snickered, slowly stepping towards the counter but still waiting for Damian. "HEEEY KAMISHA!" She greeted loudly with a wave before resuming her usual scowl. "Fucking spaz." She giggled then turned to him. "Doesn't matter how much it is. Shhhhhhh." She whispered, pulling a few credit cards from her bra. "Because... Bob Loblaw is paying for it." She said, squinting her eyes as she read the name on the first card.
  45. Favole: (Ellooo)
  46. Artificer: ((Fucking Bob loblaw attorney at law?? LOL))
  47. iKamal: [XD[
  48. ChurchAeki: His head turned to the side as she sat beside him, listening closely as she spoke. "You tossed shit at me and broke the brand new phone I gave you, if I didn't give your phone back you wouldn't have one at all do you know that?" He removed his fadora and runs his hand through his hair trying to accept the apology. "Yeah, okay....look don't worry about it. Shit happens, chark it up to a bad morning." He notice her friend wasn't with her and looked around. "Here..." He dug in his back pocket and slide her a piece of paper he got from the clinic after getting tested. "I'm clean too."
  49. Tsaaq: ((LMAO yep.))
  50. iKamal: She rolled her eyes as Libi said her real frist name, The rest was totally wrong. She hated that bitch with a firey passion. She brought her attnetion back to Charles."I know and I am really sorry...." she took the paper e slid her and opened it up looking over his results. She saw he was all clear. She smiled and looked at him."Maybe you can come over tonight?"she slid the paper back over to him.
  51. ChurchAeki: He shrugs and squints his eyes at her. "If I do come over you going to throw more shit at me?" Chuckles and signs knowing he needed to apologize as well. "I'm sorry for punching a hole in your wall, is get it fixed.
  52. Artificer: Damian chuckled watching her. "Anarchist chicks..." He whispered to himself shaking his head. "Always so damn wild." He walk up to the counter looking up at the menu. "Just gimme a black coffee." He said to the gal handing her some cash, "and whatever this crazy broad wants." He said pointing to Libi. He turned around to her and took the card, pushing back into her bra. "Save Bobs card for something good. Ive got this one."
  53. iKamal: She smiled and chuckled shaking her head."no I promise I wont throw anything at you." she shook her head no."I live in downtown you think its gonna get fixed. I'll just hang a panting over the hole. It's no big deal." she turned and looked at Dior."you want to come eat with me and Dior?"
  54. Tsaaq: "Is that a fucking problem?" Libi asked him before turning to the girl at the counter. "Give me... I dunno. I want a black coffee too. Cause I'm not a pussy." She told the girl then slammed her hand on the counter. She pulled her shirt up a little bit and peeked into her bra. "What other time would I use this?" Libi asked in a slur. "You don't have to buy me shit okay. I don't like oweing people shit."
  55. Favole: -Dior looked up from her phone at the sound of her name- "Huh? Sorry. I was miles away..."-
  56. ChurchAeki: He meant he would get it fixed, but he didn't correct the misunderstand and just gather up his things and nods. "Sure." Hearing the loudness behind him he finally turned his attention to it and stared for a moment before looking back to Kam. "Also I'll come over..." Smiles as he waited for her to lead the way.
  57. Artificer: "You dont owe me a thing." He said as he paid for her coffee too. He grabbed his and sipped it, watching her, like one would watch a wild animal in the jungle. "I gotta head home soon. You should finish that coffee and then hit me up later tonight."
  58. iKamal: She got up grabbing her coffee and nodded her head." Ok." she smiled at him and rolled her eyes at libi and her boyfriend. "fuckin hate that cunt." she made her way over to Dior and sat down with her smiling."nothing Charles is gonan sit with us and eat and drink coffee."
  59. Favole: "Oh... goodie." -Dior deadpanned, raising an eyebrow. She supposed she was being somewhat unfair... she didn't reaally know him... but for someone to cause an argument over protection then put a hole in the wall... he must be a somewhat shady character. She took a sip of her drink and slipped her phone into her Balenciaga as she waited for him to join them-
  60. Tsaaq: She took her cup of coffee and turned to him and frowned. "Fiinnne. If you say so. Don't take it back or anything." She said with a shake of her head. "Okay fine... Bring some stuff by if you catch my drift." Libi wiggled her eyebrows then sipped her coffee. "It's like eating out a dead and rotting Mrs. Potato head." She gagged. "I'll hit you up later." Libi winked.
  61. ChurchAeki: He followed at a distance as his attention went back to the loud girl, hearing Kam say she hated her, he could see how but he just shrugged and finally made his way over and took a seat next to Kam and looked to Dior. "You seem excited for me to join." He says to Dior jokingly as he cause he tone.
  62. Artificer: "Yeah, its pretty bad." He chuckled and headed for the door. "Ill see you later." He called back to her as he pushed the door open and headed out. He continued his direction toward Downtown, he felt like he blended in with the rich pricks a little more now that he was sipping on a shit coffee that costs 4x what it should.
  63. iKamal: Kam smiled "Dior and I met at her school. I was doing a moral on the art building." she took her free hand rest it on his as she sipped her coffee."Dior's uncle and family make like a shit tone of money." she chuckled softly.
  64. Tsaaq: "Ugh." She smirked before watching him walking away. She shrugged her shoulders and sauntered over to where Kammie and Dior had been, and some guy she'd never been to before. Libi turned to Dior and wiggled her fingers in her direction. "Heeey, still wearing pearls like Lisa Simpson?" She asked playfully.
  65. Favole: -Dior shrugged- "I don't mind. I just... get nervous around new people." -she replied with her soft, French accent. She made a face at Kammie's introduction before adding- "Probably why my cousin ended up like she did. More money than sense." -she turned to look at Libi as she heard the insult, raising an eyebrow- "Still dressing like a wannabe Suicide Girl?" -she deadpanned. Almost as soon as the words passed her lips she had a mini heart attack. She was gonna get herself killed... she instantly took a sip of her coffee to hide the panic-
  66. ChurchAeki: "Nice, meaning she live in uptown. I live up here too, well I'll be going back and forth from downtown and uptown for business. Trying to now find an apartment that doesn't smell like piss or someone died in it." Chuckles a bit at how many apartment that all two of those things some of them with both. Though as the loud girl came over he would look to Kam with an arched brow and turned his hand over to lace his fingers with hers to keep her calm as she mentions she didn't like the girl.
  67. Tsaaq: She faked a pout and put a hand on her chest. "Awww." She shook her head. "Nice try." Libi said with a small snicker. "Next time I would attack the fact that I'm descended from 'terrorists' plus Suicide Girls are posers." Libi explained. "I can't play around with you? Stop being so fucking sensitve. I thought we were past this shit."
  68. iKamal: She saw as Libi joined them and as soon as she did Kam squeezed Charles's hand abit. She really hated Libi. Hell she didnt even know Libi's name. She just called her Becky half the time or Feliecia because she felt she was nothing and wasn't worth knowing her name. She grinned at Dior's insult to Becky. Kam sipped her coffee and said nothing to Libi. she drew her attention to Dior."What does your uncle even do D?"
  69. Favole: -She reached up instinctively to the pearls around her neck. She didn't even know why she still wore them. Her mother used to tell her never to forget to put her accessories on. Seemed so dumb now. She glanced up at Libi from where she had been staring down into her cup- "Um... sorry." -she muttered, her bravado completely evaporated. She looked to Kammie as she asked her a question- "Oh. He's the CEO of this tech company in the city. I don't really know any specifics. We don't talk much."
  70. iKamal: brb
  71. ChurchAeki: (brb I need to go check the garbage cans see if the short storm didn't knock them over)
  72. Tsaaq: "It's okay. You're so clearly socially retarded that it's really hard to get mad at you. I like that. I like the misfits of this world." Libi waved her hand at her, accepting the apology. "Besides. Lisa isn't even an insult. She's like the smartest character on that show ain't she?" She explained the joke in hopes that Dior would actually understand what she meant now. "CEO you say? That sounds fun. Sounds like he doesn't have to suck dick to get some coke." She laughed.
  73. iKamal: [bk my neighbor knocked on my door and by the time i got to it hey were gone lol]
  74. Tsaaq: ((Wb!))
  75. iKamal: Kammie mummbled under her breath."only retard here is you.." she brought her coffee to her lips as she said those words under her breath and sipped her coffee."Sounds fancy D. When do oyur classes start by the way?"
  76. Favole: -Dior eyed Libi, unsure. It seemed like she was being nice to her... but it didn't quite make sense. She gave her a hesitant smile, before almost choking as she finished talking- "Uh... well. No. I don't suppose he does..." -she coughed, clearing her throat-
  77. ChurchAeki: (bk)
  78. Favole: "Two weeks from now. I think I've got everything I need now. Just got to wait for it all to begin." -she answered with a chirpier tone-
  79. iKamal: [wb]
  80. Tsaaq: She started to laugh with a loud snort. "You should see your fucking face." She said with a smirk. Hearing Kammie say some shit but she was busy dying on the inside by Dior's expression. "Oh shit bitch, you going to school?"
  81. ChurchAeki: He would lean over and kiss Kam on the cheek, before getting up. "I have a few more stuff to do, but I'll be over later yeah." He looks down over to Dior and give her a slight smile. "Maybe we can talk more sometime..." He then looked over to the one that has a sly tongue and just nods to her. "Can I have my hand back Kam...?" He says noticing she still held onto it.
  82. ChurchAeki: (Going to take a nap was up early)
  83. iKamal: Kam smiled and nodded her head as he kissed her cheek"yeah sorry." she let go of his hand."I'll see you later ok." she watched him leave and brought her attention back to Dior."What are you majoring in again?"
  84. iKamal: [sleep well church]
  85. Tsaaq: ((See ya later.))
  86. Favole: "Art history at SHU..." -she replied, feeling somewhat self-conscious now. They all seemed so confident and wordly and cool... and she was a teenage art student wearing fucking pearls.-
  87. ChurchAeki: (*waves and poofs)
  88. Tsaaq: "Ah." Libi nodded her head then went to take a seat. "That's cool kind of right? If it makes you happy or some shit." She said. "I'm in a band so I'm like an artist too, you get what I mean?" She moved her hands around as she spoke. "I saw this picture in gallery once and it was worth like twenty five thou, that's fucking crazy."
  89. Tsaaq: ((Oh okies ._.))
  90. Favole: [This is becoming a pattern...]
  91. Favole: [Lol]
  92. Tsaaq: ((Yeah :\))
  93. Favole: [My posts are shit... doing 10 things at once >.o]
  94. Tsaaq: ((They're fine. You're fine.))
  95. Favole: [Do we wait to see if she comes back?]
  96. Tsaaq: ((A little bit I guess. But she might come back while we start up again like the other day.))
  97. Favole: [Yeah...]
  98. Favole: -Dior's interest was perked and she looked back towards Libi- "Oh, that's pretty cool. What do you play? What kind of band is it?" -she asked, one question after another. She was pretty into music and loved to sing, but it wasn't anything she ever told anyone. She wasn't even that interested in art, but it was the only thing at SHU she'd really had any interest in. She just wanted to get away so she'd applied for it.-
  99. Favole: [I have zero knowledge of how the US college system works, so I'm just making shit up. xD]
  100. Tsaaq: ((There are art degrees lmaooo. But they're very useless xD))
  101. Tsaaq: ((You might as well just paint shit and take pictures then sell them and stuff.))
  102. Favole: [That'll do. xD]
  103. Tsaaq: "I'm the drummer. I'm a shit singer. But it's not about the music you know. It's about the music. it's about the fucking message. Like fuck the establishment and fuck facisim!" Libi began to explain excitedly. "We're punk y'know? But we're pretty underground. We'd never sell out. I'm a bartender now but that's just to live you know? I don't give a shit about it. Music is way more important.
  104. Tsaaq: ((Lmao.))
  105. Favole: -Dior went wide-eyed trying to keep up with Libi's explanation. She nodded as she finished, yet still looked somewhat confused- "I love music. I like singing, but... I only ever had lessons at school. Opera and classical stuff... it was pretty boring. I don't think I've ever really listened to punk music.... where do you play?"
  106. Tsaaq: She nodded her head at Dior. Jesus, she didn't want to yawn in the bitch's face but she DID mention finding it boring. Libi attempted not to laugh. "Anywhere who'll have us. Anywhere we're people don't want us there y'know?" She replied. "But we play gigs at my daadi and daada's resturant. They totally owe me and can't say shit when I do it. Plus they feed us afterwards." She told Dior. "You should come out one day. Bring Kamisha. She's a barrel of laughs." Libi smirked.
  107. Tsaaq: ((Hey Jay.))
  108. Favole: [Hiii]
  109. Favole: "What happened between you and Kammie? I've noticed you don't exactly get along..." -she asked curiously, draining the last of the coffee from her cup-
  110. BlSOU: ((suh))
  111. BlSOU: ((sorry long ass loading))
  112. Tsaaq: "Whaaaaat?" Libi asked with faux surprise and attempted not to laugh again. "Oh shit, we don't get along?" She inquired, shifting in her seat as she slouched. "Nah she was mad about some shit..." She trailed off. "I don't even remember but she wanted to fight and I said no, because fuck you I'll fight when I feel like it now when you want to? Then she got all pissy and said I was gonna go to jail or something." Libi bursted into laughing. "It's so funny."
  113. Tsaaq: ((not*** when.))
  114. Tsaaq: ((How're youu.))
  115. Tsaaq: ((Besides shirtless and shoeless.))
  116. Favole: -Dior just stared at her with slightly raised eyebrows for a moment, before she smiled despite herself- "I think you'd get along if you just gave each other a chance..." -she replied, toying with her empty cup-
  117. Favole: [Jaaaay]
  118. Tsaaq: Libi shrugged her shoulders. "I don't have a problem with that bitch. Her name is just hilarious. It's like her mom was on something and made it up." She replied. "She's the one who acts like she hates me so much when I come around. Which honestly? Makes me laugh myself to sleep." Libi smirked.
  119. BlSOU: ((Meeee))
  120. BlSOU: ((sorry.))
  121. Favole: [How's things?]
  122. BlSOU: ((too busy))
  123. BlSOU: ((I've been on a health and fitness journey the past week which is why i havent been online at all))
  124. Favole: [Ahh. I did wonder.]
  125. BlSOU: ((but i have a few hours before jack gets home and we head to the gym))
  126. Favole: [I was away at a wedding]
  127. BlSOU: ((Im gonna be shredded))
  128. Favole: [Well. You knew that. Lol.]
  129. BlSOU: ((hows you mani))
  130. Tsaaq: ((I'm okay, same old same old.))
  131. BlSOU: ((right on))
  132. Tsaaq: ((Waiting for this broad to reply to my post >.>))
  133. Favole: ((Oops o.o))
  134. Favole: -She's not so bad... maybe just a bit defensive. But then, everyone seems to be like that here. Even me, I guess.- -She glanced at the counter before looking back at Libi- "Would you like another coffee? I think I'm going to get one..."
  135. Tsaaq: ((Lmaoo.))
  136. Favole: [I'm not feeling Dior... she really is fucking boring. xD]
  137. BlSOU: ((get her pregnant))
  138. Favole: [Asia 2.0. Lol]
  139. Tsaaq: "I guess... I don't really know her so I can't really tell." Libi shrugged. "But as long as she's mad and steaming in her seat whenever I'm around. I'll be entertained." She winked before standing and adjusting her garter. "I didn't even finish my first shit drink but I'll go up there with you."
  140. Tsaaq: ((Ehhhhh, you should take a route you haven't taken. Maybe there should be a thing that happens that sends everyone's life into dissaray.))
  141. BlSOU: ((school shooting?))
  142. Favole: (We did that with Kevin and it pretty much derailed the entire RP xD]
  143. Tsaaq: ((Nah some of these characters don't go to the school.))
  144. Tsaaq: ((like mine doesn't go to school so a shooting would mean nothing to her lmao.))
  145. Tsaaq: ((I think TCC ended because people didn't stay active not cause of the kevin plotline but that's just me.))
  146. Tsaaq: ((At one point it was just me and kiki and I was like where did everybody go))
  147. BlSOU: ((eh im no good at RP anymore...i just end up wanting to write the story))
  148. BlSOU: ((that's why i don't participate anymore))
  149. Favole: [I just can't come up with characters I like... Asia was the last one I really got into.]
  150. BlSOU: ((I have more fun plotting an RP than playing it))
  151. Tsaaq: ((Well I guess it's a bunch of trail and error with characters sometimes :l))
  152. Favole: [I thought maybe a character tied to Asia would help, but no. Lol.]
  153. BlSOU: ((I wish you'd gotten more into Juliette))
  154. Tsaaq: ((Nah it's all about events and personality I think lol. Maybe Dior could be fun if she was put in a situation where she had to be uncomfortable or something? Or the thing where there's a catalyst to make the character change attitudes))
  155. Favole: (I loved Juliette. But the RP ended... again. :P]
  156. BlSOU: ((i blame rachel....she got all in her feelings and im like...its a game...and i have a girlfriend))
  157. Favole: [Hahaha. She hated me so bad.]
  158. BlSOU: ((just cuz our charas are into eachother doesnt mean we should be))
  159. BlSOU: ((her and fuckin ann))
  160. Favole: Fuck Anne
  161. Favole: Fuck 'em both actually.
  162. Favole: :|
  163. BlSOU: ((lol))
  164. Tsaaq: ((>.>))
  165. Artificer: ((im back biiitches))
  166. Favole: (Wbbb)
  167. Tsaaq: ((Wb!))
  168. Favole: (I completely forgot what's happening... -scrolls up-)
  169. BlSOU: ((AAight ill let yall RP))
  170. BlSOU: ((hugs))
  171. Favole: I need to go to bed anyways.
  172. Favole: Going out for lunch tomorrow.
  173. Tsaaq: ((>.> Oh okay night.))
  174. Favole: Time differences are a bitch
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