
Ainz - Lopsided Duel

Jan 18th, 2022
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  1. Just then, Suzuki Satoru cast a spell on him. He no longer needed to pretend that he was too arrogant to cast spells. Now, he would seal off his opponent’s choices and lead him onto the path he had prepared.
  3. The spell Suzuki Satoru had cast was [Lopsided Duel].
  5. It was a third-tier spell. It bound the caster to the target such that whenever the target tried to flee by teleportation, both caster and target would appear in the same place.
  7. It could even ignore the target’s use of [Delay Teleportation] and teleport both of them to the designated location. However, this spell had a fatal flaw. If the target teleported among its friends, then the caster would be brought to the same place thanks to the binding, whereupon he would be surrounded.
  9. That was why such a seemingly useful spell was found in the third tier. Before it was patched, one could cast it on a teammate and piggyback off their teleportation, but after the patch it could only be cast on enemies.
  11. Of course, if Cure Elim decided to teleport to the Brightness Dragon Lord or a similarly potent Dragon Lord, immediate escape would be his top priority. As the name [Lopsided Duel] implied, this spell had the advantage that if the caster teleported away, his opponent would not be teleported with him, which made fleeing easy.
  13. ***
  15. Bonus Volume, Chapter 4.3
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