
Fire tome

Jan 30th, 2020
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  1. [01:45] Andrew Mercia says, "Hello again."
  2. [01:45] Mizuki Lunaris says, "Hello Andrew."
  3. [01:46] Andrew Mercia says, "How have you been doing>"
  4. [01:47] Mizuki Lunaris says, "Well, slightly busy but, overall well."
  5. [01:47] Andrew Mercia says, "I'm happy to hear."
  6. [01:47] Mizuki Lunaris asks, "How is your training going?"
  7. [01:47] Andrew Mercia says, "I've just been chopping trees lately, and been reading my medical book."
  8. [01:47] Andrew Mercia says, "It's nothing great."
  9. [01:48] Mizuki Lunaris says, "I'm glad you are able to read a medical book, you must've been practicing on your own."
  10. [01:50] Andrew Mercia says, "I've been training to read a little bit each day."
  11. [01:52] Mizuki Lunaris says, "That's good, I don't know how far you are now, but I can assume you can read the average book? "
  12. [01:52] Mizuki Lunaris asks, "I assume this means we can focus on your physical training..?"
  13. [01:52] Andrew Mercia says, "Mhm."
  14. [01:53] Mizuki Lunaris says, "Alright then, grab your stuff and let's head out."
  15. [01:53] Mizuki Lunaris asks, "Have you ever taken the time to look at magic and books about them?"
  16. [01:54] Andrew Mercia says, "Not really."
  17. [01:54] Andrew Mercia says, "I was waiting for you."
  18. [01:54] Mizuki Lunaris says, "Alright, well we"
  19. [01:54] Mizuki Lunaris says, "Alright well, we will figure out what magic suits you best."
  20. [02:04] She brought the young one to the same spot as usual, as it was empty. She liked this area in Sudsbury, since there wasn't much of a distraction going on. Even though, this area wasn't exactly as safe as the others, it was constantly watched.
  22. "Alright kid, I want you to strip down and leave your bottom half alone, but take off your shoes and socks. We're going to need you to get comfortable when we do this, so your mana can respond easier." It was an old trick she was taught a little while back. It definitely proved effective, in which she would be teaching him today.
  24. "I want you to concentration on the source of your mana, it might feel like it's tucked away in a box." Of course it was figurative of speech, a metaphor of sorts. "Find that box and try your best to unlock it, once you unlock the source of your being, you'll feel a wave of energy hit you. It will feel great and warm at first, that's just the strength of the mana you possess." She took a moment to collect her thoughts and organize them so that it made sense to him.
  26. "You will need to release your mana, let it flow out of your body. Once you release all of your mana, then I want you to focus and absorb all of your mana back in. Do that repeatedly, until you manage to get the hang of extracting amounts of power."
  27. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [02:15] Andrew does as she asked and tossed his shoes to the side while folding his shirt and tossing it the same way. He'd think long and hard about how he was going to complete this process yet it didn't come to him as easy as he would have hoped.
  32. Andrew closed his eyes and it seems it boy was going thought a few changes of it's own while Andrew attempted to unlock that /box/
  34. Andrew's body:
  36. Begin to reach while the young lad attempted to unlock different affinities towards different magics. yet it failed and rejected any though of having the other magic not because he couldn't do it, no it was because the boy was barking up the wrong tree.
  38. The boys body begin to boil and emit it's own hit as he mentally approached the correct answer, but what was mentally going on with Andrew.
  40. Andrew's mind:
  42. Begin to play back everything the boy has been thought, and it he couldn't figure out where to begin.
  44. Thestart of Andre's journey drew him to pressure things the young boy felt passionate about. It was passion that brought him here, and that same passion gave him the courage to pursue the medical feel.
  46. The real passion came from his two biggest goals one being the Order, and the other being the church.
  48. It must have been the red path at work, but that was another lesson for another day.
  50. In reality:
  52. Andrew found himself picking away at the door that needed to be open, and with each piece pulled off his mana begin to slow lightly.
  53. There was a warm sensation coursing though his body, but what was this warm feeling?
  55. The young boy could only think of a flame, but the moment he opened his eyes the mana the boy was outputting was absorbed back into his body.
  56. (Andrew Mercia)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [02:38] She watched and watched as the kid attempted to achieve the task at hand. He seemed to have difficulty at first, naturally. However, it wasn't until soon after that she saw his mana circuits getting put to work. They were of course invisible to the eye, however, an easy trick that she has learned over the years.
  61. Advanced magi are able to sense the detection of magic from meters away. With that in mind, detecting the source and pathways of his own mana circuits was child's play. There it was, his mana faintly flowing through his veins and the circuits that held them. Some of his veins weren't containing any magic at all. She didn't find it concerning, for reasons that she knew of, but it definitely needs to be worked on.
  63. To her understanding of mana manipulation wasn't different at all compared to the common knowledge. If he was able to release and withdraw all the magic that he had possessed in this fragile body. That alone would the basic understanding of 'control'. The ability to control your mana and guide it to do your bidding. It would even proceed into the next step which is, controlling the direction in which it travels.
  65. It was natural for beginners to be able to unlock the source of their magic, but it would take a novice to control what comes next. At this moment, Andrew has to learn how to control his own mana and not lose control.
  67. "Once you manage to comfortably release and withdraw your mana, you have learned the basic understanding of manipulation. This will play a big part in understanding the property of your magic and giving it purpose. Magic without purpose, is just regular mana, which can't grow." Her body begins to reduce the low temperatures around them.
  69. The cold weather at night was beginning to fade as she proceeded further. The skin of her body was producing heat without her aura even withdrawing. To be able to produce heat from her affinity, without activating it took a large amount of control and will power. "Now gather all of the mana you can withhold right now, and store it inside you. Once you've collected it all, release small amounts of mana through-out your body. Not a lot, just a little so you don't over exert yourself." A quick pause, before continuing.
  71. "I want you to concentrate, and force your mana to flow through each and every vein in your body. I do not want to find a single vein untouched." A vital task, but would he be able to do it?
  72. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [02:54] Andrew thought he had the hang of it, but she wanted him to fill his entire body with mana? What are the odds his boy would being to be molded to that of a novice mage.
  77. Andrew took a deep breath, and slowly started to explore his own mana circuits even if it started mental. Another deep breath was taken from Andrew, and the journey begin.
  79. Andrew's mind:
  81. Wasn't quick to catch one and offered a form of self-doubt that would indeed make it harder to the body to channel such mana. Andrew tried his best to shake that feeling, but self--doubt was a powerful enemy and likely the strongest one the boy would face.
  83. The child felt chained and slowly being pulled down into the thing people called depression; however that wasn't his intentions.
  85. Heat
  87. That feeling course thought his body again, but what did that mean?
  89. Andrew's body:
  91. Attempted to push pass all that self-doubt while taking steps forward in this intense battle of tug-a-war. Andrew could only watch as his two halves battled for control, but what could he do.
  93. Andrew's body attempt to respond to that /heat/ and continue to press forward while that cold air, that depression attempted to pull him back.
  95. Andrew:
  97. Watched watch have struggle and he realized the only way progress could be made is if he took a side. While it seemed easy to give in to the cold, comforting hands of depression the young boy couldn't ignore the heat.
  99. The strong determination of the heat seemed to make Andrew feel a lot better and want to become a better version of himself.
  101. The jump:
  103. Andrew went with his gut feeling and with the mana he managed to output he leaps towards the heat attempting to bond with that feeling.
  105. He'd let a sigh of relief course thought his body as the warm feeling begin rushing through his body. It feeling every inch of him while causinga faint glow to appear around his body.
  107. Back to Reality:
  109. Andrew opened his eyes while offering the woman a smile "This feeling is warm and welcoming. I'll admit it wasn't easy to do and it's equally harder to maintain, but I'll manage"
  110. (Andrew Mercia)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [03:04] After giving him some time to fulfill the request from her, it was judgement time. The heat her body was emitting was reduced to nothing. She released the magical output of her mana. Instead, she redirected that output elsewhere, projecting a wave of pure mana towards the boy.
  115. As it washes over him, smacking his mana circuits like a fresh born baby. She was able to oversee the flow of his mana and witness it fill up each vein. From the looks of things, he was learning really quick for his age. His focus and concentration was a lot better than hers during that time.
  117. However, she was far superior at this moment in time, due to the many years of hardship. "Hmm, I see." Observing every vein to make sure, nothing went untouched like she requested. Which allowed her to proceed into the next step of mana manipulation. Forcing the time frame of his mana being pushed around. If he could do that same trick but at a faster pace, then perhaps something might spark for him.
  119. "Now do it again, but faster. I want you to repeat it until you can fill every point in under a minute. If you can manage to do that, we'll be able to figure out your affinity next." A simple task to do, but it would definitely cause someone like him extreme exhaustion if not careful.
  120. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [03:18] Andrew had slowly been learning to call forth his own aura and yet the process he was undergoing was far from over. Andrew couldn't figure out what this /heat/ was, but what? What was he doing wrong or maybe he was digging deep enough.
  125. Andrew's mind:
  127. He'd begin searching though the deeper part of his mind and his circuits, but where would that lead him? He begin poking thought his goals, passion, and what he wanted to achieve.
  129. He wasn't sure if this was the correct place to search for his affinity.
  131. Andrew slowly begin picking away at these feelings though course this his body until his found the Heat
  133. Andrew's body:
  135. While Andrew mentally trying to find the /heat/ his body being undergoing change. While he was able to output his mana the /heat/ he felt on the inside of his body slowly begin to infuse into his own mana.
  137. Andrew's body was warm to the touch and each break taken begin to create, spark? It seems that each breath the boy drew brought him close to igniting that /heat/
  139. In reality:
  141. Andrew eyes opened and with a final breath it ignited the mana around him causing a flame to appear around the boy's body.
  143. He couldn't believe what was happening or how to truly react to it so, the young boy feel silent while looking at the flame around his body.
  145. A shocked look on his face indeed, but deep down he was excited.
  147. (Andrew Mercia)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [03:26] Her mana had completely returned back to her within a few seconds. It was all that it took to withdraw from the stress of manipulation. Still, Mizuki continued to watch the boy, observing his progression while she moves away. Placing her own weight on the bench behind him, she decided to give a verbal lesion as he attempts it.
  152. "Good work, take a break for a moment and gather your stamina back up. Can't have you passing out from stressing out your mana circuits." She spoke as she handed him a bow of food that she whipped up on such short notice. His progression was miraculous to say the least.
  154. "Make sure you remember the feeling of straining your mana circuits like that. It will help you in the long run."
  155. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [03:30] Andrew allowed the aura to fade away and a few heavy pants followed him. The aura faded away and his break could be seen in the chill of the night.
  160. Andrew wasn't use to feeling so drain or weak after completing task; however, dealing with his mana was on a totally different level that what he was use to.
  162. The boy slowly nodded towards Mizuki while making his way towards the bench to recover his stamina.
  164. "T-thank you it wasn't easy, but I still managed to pull thought" he was showing clear signs of fatigue at the moment "I'll be sure to remember and go over everything we did tonight."
  165. (Andrew Mercia)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [03:31] {Item} You drop Tank Top.
  169. [03:31] {Item} You picked up Stir Fry. Dropped by Mizuki Lunaris. .
  170. [03:37] Her gaze becomes fixated towards the trees, just past the field. She could see the forest and woods that lays beyond that peak. Many thoughts were coming into the brain, one after the other like synchronized swimming. However, it wasn't really much of an issue since she avoided annoying memories.
  172. "You're welcome, just keep training and you'll get there. When you feel rested up, we'll do the last part of your training." She said, while chewing on a small piece of bread.
  173. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. [03:39] Andrew took a few deep breaths and tried to regain his composure and while it took a little while he was back up. He'd take another deep breath
  178. Andrew inhales, and exhales very slowly
  180. After that part was done he'd rush over towards the water and splash a little on his face, and then rushed back over towards Mizuki.
  182. I feel like I'm well rested.... he'd say while trying to regain his breath after his little run "I'm ready to continue when you are."
  183. (Andrew Mercia)
  184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [03:51] "This next and final step you have to take won't be anything physical, but instead you'll have to strength your mind. You need to get yourself comfortable position, and close your eyes." She was explaining the steps of meditating, which was essential for him to figure out his affinity.
  188. "After you get comfortable and close your eyes, you have to find peace within your body. Ease up your muscles and relax to the best of your ability. I want you to mentally connect with your soul. Let your own mana guide you into the secrets, that your magic holds. That is where you'll find your magic affinity." It was somewhat vague to be honest, she didn't give him to go on.
  190. However, she didn't want to make things too easy for him either. This was a task that he needed to achieve without her help or a demonstration.
  191. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [04:00] Andrew had an idea of where his affinity was within his body; however, this was a huge guess on his part. He'd close his eyes while attempting to relaxing his muscles from the pervious training.
  196. Andrew's body:
  198. Would slowly begin to relaxing releasing all the tension that was build up during their pervious session.
  199. This process wasn't easy though it slowly allowed him to enter a sate of relaxation.
  201. Andrew could possibly be pushed over by anyone jsut by how relaxed his was at the moment thought it didn't stop there.
  203. Andrew's mind:
  205. Begin to work rapidly searching for the place that kept appearing in his mind, but what could this place be?
  206. After what felt like hours of searching there were a deep thud that was heard and caused Andrew to react.
  208. After appearing before the sound Andrew knew this was the place he could find his affinity or at least hoped her could.
  210. In reality:
  212. Andrew looked over towards Mizuki with a smile appearing on his face and with a smile response to her. "My heart" the boy quickly closed his eyes again.
  213. (Andrew Mercia)
  214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [04:12] She seemed pleased by his progress honestly, he was turning into quite the student. With the achievement of him appearing to form that connection, even her own sense could tell he was ready. There wasn't much left work to do, besides guiding him to a fire tomb, and allowing him to read the scriptures. "Read the scriptures of a fire-tomb, and you'll be able to use your element. I could tell from the moment that I saw you produce heat, that you will work well with fire-magic."
  218. She didn't want to fully ruin the surprise, but it would only waste time.
  219. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. [04:15] Andrew offers a nod while attempting to relax his mind at the moment. Allowing his lungs to taking in the air of the cold night, and exhale them just as quickly.
  224. "I'll be sure to do that and study a bit from the tome and next time we come out to practice I'll be a little more adept with the element.
  226. Thank you again for taking the time out to meet with me and help me training my affinity."
  227. (Andrew Mercia)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. [04:26] She nods towards him, as she does not mind helping him honestly. It was quite fun for her as well, but she enjoyed training the young minds of youths. It granted her some sort of pride to know that, one of the future powers of this world, was trained by her hands.
  231. "Any time Andrew, I do not mind taking you in like this. It also gives me a bit of insight as well."
  232. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. [04:31] Andrew nods while swinging his legs a bit allowing the cool air to brush against his face. He slowly being to process the information he was given moments ago the young boy knew he had a long way to go.
  236. "I'm glad I was able to help you in a way."
  237. (Andrew Mercia)
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