
'Flattening' Steel, and Cracking through Gore Arcanium.

May 11th, 2016
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  1. [12:56:44] Beginning
  3. The fires of the forge rage, clothing stowed, and hammer gripped. Materials; Gore Arcanium, Belial's blessed metal that had been retrieved from both pit, and Haleakala are present- flesh riddled chunks laid out upon the top of anvil. There it festers, flesh that sought to spread, to corrupt, and it's mana exuding.
  5. Next to it, Steel; common, and unrefined- for the moment. The metal sits in the middle, sharing a space aforementioned Arcanium. Out of place maybe, this was the base -- fundamental material for what was in mind, and the most crucial. Chosen for stability, and the ease of bonding.
  7. The third, and final metal there that remains locked away- Tyrium. The mana imbibing material that threatened from vicinity alone. Locked away until needed, the extra care of stone casing given before that moment came to pass.
  9. With these collection of materials, a desire had been realized. Limitations, not just physical, but external- the weapons that made men in constant need of improvement as much as the person wielding them. Such a thought had found him, the Swordsmith realizing his folly in sticking to family ties, and holding to heirloom, and never bettering himself there.
  11. A change was needed. A change that he sought now through the task he envisioned, the mapped out schematics in his mind; a weapon to benefit, and suit him better than what he had trained painstakingly to wield.
  13. Something made for him.
  14. (Hendrix Este)
  17. [13:25:45] Shaping
  19. The most crucial part perhaps. A hand extends, gripping for the steel. Immediately, heat exudes; a stone gauntlet formed around his flesh to protect -- the archaic power of magma, and it's molten energies are presented.
  21. Rapidly heated, the steel a normal material- magical protection was not guaranteed, and so -- quick work is made of the chunk shape. Softened, and reduced to a putty-like texture to begin. With such a thing being done, ample room for a hammer, and the arm that holds it is given.
  23. In it's frail state there comes a blow. The metallic pang that resounds fills the area. His hand gripped around it's end; steel is warped, and flattened in that moment. Repeated. Again, and again does he hit- how many times? How often does he fill that moment of solitude with his hammer's strikes.
  25. Empowered. By time, bent to his will; blows are swift, efforts are not in vain as he does away with time as a crippling factor, and continuously bends it to his will in the pursuit of completion.
  27. Such is the process used. A combination of magics learned; far, and apart, yet seemingly melding together here, and now as he hopes to create. The steel the subject of his vision, and so it is restlessly remade into what he wanted, what he needed of it.
  29. What comes of it is a 'neat' mass. The force of blows were calculated; a mushroom effect to increase volume at the initial stages was exercised. Following came lengthening- strikes to all sides indiscriminately; both repeated in, and of each other. The bonds of time thinned throughout, and so what would normally take hours- becomes minutes.
  31. Leaving him with suitable 'soft' material for a base.
  32. (Hendrix Este)
  33. Progression
  37. Steel was easy. The metal easily taking to it's new shape, kept super heated by process of elemental globes rotating about it. The texture never hardens, never breaking, and solidifying as he moves from the chunks of now melted, and easily influenced chunks of mundane mineral, and steel.
  39. Onto materials that actually boasted magical resistance- Gore Arcanium; flesh-riddled, and considerably the toughest of the three gathered horde of materials at his anvil.
  41. Stone-clad, ad molten hand reaches for it. The heat in no way effecting it as is-- internal temperature despite rising, and in a constant battle to 'break' the outer surface of the Lunar-infested metal. It more than just a magical material, but something he might regard as 'blessed'. For his God would have bestowed it upon them, in the depths of pit then some years ago.
  43. Placed instead on anvil's surface. His tool- the hammer held high. It's surfaced adopting the earthen, and fire clad volcanic shielding same as his hands did. Mana is infused, and the ebb, and flow of it is forced to it's brink as he appears to whittle away at the defenses of the formidable metal lying there.
  45. As the fleshy parts pulse, there is a deafening SQUISH; juices secret, and the sudden bursting blow is audibly disturbing. The sight of it -- breaking away from the metal, yet continue to grow, to crawl, and attempt to find a host; the Gore Arcanium's magically endowed surface receives the first of several well-timed, and well-placed blows delivered seconds apart from another upon different locations as he chips at it's 'shell'
  47. (Hendrix Este)
  48. Repetitive
  52. It becomes that. With little head way made besides the breaking off the fleshhy chips, and chunks. The metal's true exterior had barely been scratched; dents given to it only after continuous pounding.
  54. Adjustments were needed; fire increasing -- heat reaching levels never considered, his physical strength- both fueled, by mana, and the prowess of tone musculature gifted to him over time. It added up, into near explosive blows that carry massive recoil.
  56. Arm shooting back, his teeth are grinded, and his feet are cemented via earthen magic that create shackles for him. A very dangerous attempt at cracking the Arcanium now. The flow of Lunar mana there, from it, and from him; pouring, and melding together as the two beginning to connect.
  58. As he very swiftly now- utilizing the bent, and twisted magic of time manipulation to rid himself of time constraints yet again- pelts it; fiery plumes erected, and ejected at his sides, at his face even!
  60. Nearby water heating, steaming as a result of unchecked magical capability; the forge is engulfed in the Este's attempts now. Showing physically, his body now entirely shield in the garb of smoldering earth, and he having already reconsidered 'restrain' for this particular metal, and it's transformation into something suitable.
  61. (Hendrix Este)
  64. Determination
  68. From it breeding success- the continued attempts, the bombardment that metal receives is something akin to a relentless beast hoping to break through the shell of conquered enmeny for the sake of nourishment. A glint present in eye, veins protrude, his strength does not waver, nor wane as he drives it home once again.
  70. Following this time as he does so. . . A crack; numerous smaller ones cropping up as arcanium maintains itself in a flimsy manner -- dents made, and the exterior is assailed to the point of it softening. Throught he constant wave of flames, the perhaps now unnecessary heat that would only continue to infect, and eat away at any magical resistance -- the Magi-Smith using the very full amount of power given to him to bend this metal to his intended will as best he could.
  72. Perhaps a task that would prove too great years ago. Hendrix was different now- experienced, and powerful in his own regard. Magic that could cause very real and very serious change. When considered with his might, his strength, and all that he could utilize to break- saying it was only a matter of time had been the truth if one spoke of the Arcanium taken to his intent.
  74. Much like the steel- a mass, not so 'neat' as the steel was; rough around the edges, and still possessed of the magical capabilitie it had at the beginning -- weighing out at about the same of steel, albeit there more of the more common material for the sake of his design.
  76. For the Arcanium was in a way- supplementary to what he envisioned. The 'surface' material that would shine through with it's conductive traits while the steel created the 'middle ground'.
  78. The pieces, like steel again- are regarded much the same after 'completion.' To the side, but before so -- given the final look over that is followed by light strikes along those ridges that jutted out, or those points considered too rigid, and unchanged.
  80. With each one, there enters his mana. Magma inherent, and the meta physical influence of cognitive time-practices poured into it; adopted traits that if worked on, and exploited- show promise in the final product.
  82. Yet for now- metal. Even if Gore Arcanium, not a weapon yet in this form. A 'puddle', or blobby square at best to describe it. Shifted away, and placed next to sealed stone box -- Tyrium there, present, and next in line for the dangerous forging expenditure.
  83. (Hendrix Este)
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