

Dec 29th, 2017
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  1. [14:53] Mac Draught: Alright Raidus, you're on a nice, wandering walk through the forest. The life of an adventurer is busy and stressful and, well, it can be nice to just get away from it all for a while. This walk, however, is more of a vacation, for you have taken it to a distant one full of mighty trees scraping and perforating the clouds with their branches, and equally large creatures. It's pleasant, however; the cat-sized crickets are chirping beneath the shady canopy, and the birds who prey on them fill the air with their shrill, yet thundering calls, cast from mighty lungs through great vocal cords. The air is fresh from a recent rain, and the pleasant, clean scent that follows mingles with the pungent, acidic scent of peat and the rot and decay natural to the undercarriage of a great forest.
  3. However, your peaceful stroll is soon interrupted. You get a pang of uneasiness striking deep from your instincts, and mere moments afterwards, an arrow whizzes towards you, loosed from afar! (saving throw, anything but charm that you can justify)
  4. [14:57] Raidus Aurelius: (I'll go Wits to notice it in time!)
  5. [14:57] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 5 + 3 = 8
  6. [14:58] Mac Draught: (Fraction of harm from the arrow, or barely dodging it, the broad, sharp blade cutting your cloak free from your shoulders?)
  7. [14:58] Mac Draught: (Raidus)
  8. [14:59] Raidus Aurelius: (I'll take option 2, barely dodge and lose the cloak)
  9. [14:59] Raidus Aurelius: Mac
  10. [15:02] Mac Draught: The razor-sharp blade of the arrow slices through your cape with a clean zip before it thunks solidly into the woody flesh of the tree besides you, Raidus. Off in the distance, you hear the spine-tingling howl of the forest's dire wolves, and your keen ears also pick up on the thundering footfalls of something very, very large lumbering their way towards you, and the distant whistle of another loosed arrow soaring towards you!
  11. [15:04] Raidus Aurelius: Assuming that the tree cover is too thick for flight, Mac?
  12. [15:04] Mac Draught: (Yes, indeed, unless you're flying low)
  13. [15:06] Raidus Aurelius will take the risk of flying low through the woods. It may dangerous, but he knows all too well he can't outrun arrows and dire wolves on foot!
  14. [15:10] Mac Draught: You manage to squirm your way out of the arrow's path with your sudden shift in movement, but you're suddenly faced with new projectiles loosed from the direction of the creature thundering towards the woods towards you, Raidus! The whirling chortle of bolos grow loud as a pair of them spiral towards you on long cords! Your escape relies on out-doing the wits of their thrower!
  15. [15:10] System: Mac Draught rolls 2d6+3: 9 + 3 = 12
  16. [15:10] System: Unrecognized command.
  17. [15:10] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 5 + 3 = 8
  18. [15:11] Mac Draught: (you can fluff a little bit if you'd like)
  19. [15:16] Raidus Aurelius weaves through the tree, focusing on dodging trees from the front, and arrows from the back! A couple shots almost graze him, but he's caught off guard by a set of bolas catching his legs. Now, this didn't hinder his wings, but the distraction combined with the added weight on him forces him to the ground in a hard crash landing, sliding along the ground before slamming into a tree.
  20. [15:20] Mac Draught: The wolves and the big, as of yet unbserved, figure are quickly closing upon you, in addition to an unusual, rapid flutter quivering the ground beneath you, Escape was of the essense, Raidus, Defy Danger, with the intent of escaping your weighted, tightly-curled binds!
  21. [15:22] Raidus Aurelius: (flat, or by stat?)
  22. [15:23] Raidus Aurelius: (might)
  23. [15:23] Raidus Aurelius tries grabbing and ripping away the bolas, but with every tug, they just feel like they're getting tighter!
  24. [15:33] Mac Draught: You struggle firmly with your binds, but alas, your struggling against the trio of tied-together stones only reaffirms their tightness upon your limbs, Raidus. The thrower soon comes into view, and she is mighty. Thick, hardened plates of leather armor are fitted to the muscular form and broad shoulders, above which a broad bovine visage, crowned with a braided mane and broad, pointed horns, one of which snapped off mid-way through its length. Though her legs bear far less armor, merely a flowing loincloth with a curious, obtrusive bulge hanging beneath it at the pelvis and some chaps, her hide is likely plenty thick beneath what she does wear to stray most blades away from the bristling musculature beneath. Most curious perhaps, however, was the secondary set of arms protruding to the side of her breast.
  26. You also see her bestial companions, a trio of both hut-sized wolves and horse-sized hares, but you aren't given the chance to contemplate them much before the beefy bovine girl steps forth with an outcry and a sneer, unholstering a man-catcher from her side and lunging with it at your throat! Once again, it was a clash between you and her, however, it was not with wits you had to face off against her, but a test of your might against her bristling musculature!
  27. [15:33] System: Mac Draught rolls 2d6+3: 5 + 3 = 8
  28. [15:34] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 3 + 3 = 6
  29. [15:34] Raidus Aurelius: (wow, 2 might fails in a row xD)
  30. [15:35] Mac Draught: (go ahead and fluff~)
  31. [15:35] Raidus Aurelius: (that landing must've been bad, ahaha)
  32. [15:35] Raidus Aurelius: (is the mancatcher a collar?)
  33. [15:38] Mac Draught: (A mancatcher [], or sasumata [] (the japanese variant) is a poled implement used to disable someone's movement in an usually less than lethal manner)
  34. [15:43] Raidus Aurelius 's eyes widen as he finally catches sight of his pursuer. There's a strong sinking feeling in his stomach once he gets a look over her and her companions. "What do you wa- shit!" His question is quickly cut off by her mancatcher! Raid tries hanging onto the shaft of it for dear life to keep it off, but the bovine has a number of advantages over him right now, between her skill with one, 4 arms, and the simple fact that she hadn't just crash landed. She ends up quickly overpowering him, and trapping him, leaving him bound and captured!
  35. [15:52] Mac Draught: Once Raidus's chin was nestled snugly beneath the mancatcher's curled bar, the bovine cries out, hoisting him up and pinning him against a tree, legs still bound and held taut downwards by the weight of the orbs, "What do you want, trespasser?", her sneer, despite him being held at a distance from her, was quite clear. However another voice, perhaps more effeminate than the minotaur-gal's throaty, albiet up-pitched cries, interrupts her. "Oh, calm down, Sheilila, he's... probably harmless". The source of it, though not initially apparent quickly brings herself into view, a deer girl. Albeit much smaller and lither than Raidus, she was still taller than Raidus by a goodly amount, and her slender form still beheld a considerable amount of muscle. And, most unlike her companion, she was both mostly unclad, only a loincloth keeping her loins hidden, and her weapons, unlike the minotaur's man-catcher and bolos, were far more dangerous. She clasps a spear in one hand, and around her shoulder was a longbow and a quiver of rather familiar arrows, while paired long-daggers hung from her thighs. If Raidus was going to talk his way out of the situation, it was to be through her and not the gal towering almost twice his height.
  36. [16:06] Raidus Aurelius groans as he's forced upwards, scraping his back against the tree and straining his legs from the weight of the bolas. Grabbing the edge of the catcher, Raid tries to pull himself up enough to be able to breathe, and respond to the hopefully more reasonable one of the pair. "G-gah... Haaa... Trespasser..? Just out for a walk... And get shot at... Didn't know, it was someone's.... Territory... What do you want, with me..?" While he still had his weapon and shield on, Raid chose to stick with being viewed as non-threatening. Sure, he might get all of two seconds' surprise, but with his legs bound, and neck trapped in this.. thing, he wasn't going anywhere. So, best to play with the few cards he has left...
  37. [16:18] Mac Draught: She giggles at that, the as-of-yet unnamed deer-girl smiling a bit broader. "Please, do you just wander through any field or plot of land and assume that noone owns it?", planting the butt of her spear into the ground to lean up against it as she looks up at him. Sheilila is silent for the moment, merely glancing between the other two and holding Raidus tight in the uncomfortable binds and trap. It was getting increasingly uncomfortable and straining to hold himself as such, and he may want to hurry the negotiations, in any case, something that wasn't progressing presently, with both of the towering gals seemingly holding him at their leisure.
  38. [16:24] Raidus Aurelius: "L-Look... Not gonna lie, and save I've never gone through here before... Never got attacked, or told... that I shouldn't be here... Since I'm assuming I, won't get off for free.... What do you want me... To do, to make up, for this..?"
  39. [16:25] Mac Draught: "Oooh, now that's an interesting! Bartering instead of pleading!", the deer girl giggles, smiling once again at him, with her cheek pressed up against the shaft lazily, a gesture that is met from the bovine gal with soft, "huh-huhs". "Well, what do you have to offer?" (Raidus)
  40. [16:28] Raidus Aurelius: "I've got a few, things with me... But I get the feeling you... Aren't looking to rob... and run. Is there anything that... You need, that I might... provide, or do?"
  41. [16:34] Mac Draught: "What are you suggesting?", she pries, only grinning wider as she searches out an explicit answer from you. She suspects that it is probably fit to end up in you, Raidus, prostrating yourself as well as prostituting yourself to them, and as such, her discreet bulge begins to fill out with arousal beneath her loincloth subtly, showing off her eagerness for such things, despite the somewhat bored expression generated by having her cheek pressed up against the spear-shaft.
  42. [16:41] Raidus Aurelius glances down at that slowly growing bulge in her loincloth, then back up at her. "W-Well.... Seems like... You already have an... Idea, that I wouldn't be... against doing..."
  43. [16:48] Mac Draught: The deer girl licks her lips slowly, contemplating before she perks up from her slouched position against her spear shaft. She calls up to her bigger companion, "Okay, we can put him down--call over one of the bunnies though, we need to put him through a test-run!". The minotaur-ess seems to get what she's suggesting and, grinning, she pulls Raidus off of the tree and hoists him about by his neck till she finally plastered his breast about the ground, although she does grumble, "They're hares, Petri, not unnies" . With a soft little chirp, made with dexterous manipulations of her lips. All three of the huge leporids begin to waddle forwards, though with a couple of presses with a palm against two, only one continues to stalk forwards. In the meanwhile, the deer-girl draws one dagger from her belt, commanding Raidus, " butt up, or we're moving you to something bigger prematurely~" as she liberates his lower half from his clothing, cutting it smoothly off his body with the startlingly sharp blade.
  44. [16:54] System: Jade Fuocco is offline.
  45. [16:56] Raidus Aurelius lets out a pained grunt as he's roughly forced to the ground. Admittedly, he'd had experience with direwolves before, though dire hares were new. Trying to adapt to his new position, Raid manages to wriggle his exposed butt up into position, pr
  46. [16:56] Mac Draught: (Not done?)
  47. [16:57] Raidus Aurelius: *presenting himself to them all, and unintentionally putting on a little show from having to wriggle around. Letting out a quiet sigh, he tries to relax, giving as much of a nod up to his captors as he could.
  48. [16:58] Raidus Aurelius: (finger slipped xP)
  49. [17:05] Mac Draught: The big hare is upon you abruptly, and, just as soon as its fluffy paws and belly are settled around your body, you're quickly made aware of the leporid's nethers as the big beast's hips slam against your rear, and a huge, tapered length grinds between your cheeks, first knocking up against your own balls a bit sorely before it finds its way beneath his raised tail, sinking home in one swift stroke before it pounds you rapidly. Its balls repeatedly swipe against your own, settling a mild, yet intense soreness into your gut just as you're reamed out through your rear, prostate smeared against through your walls as the fluffy male's length plows through you deep enough to make your belly bloat outwards with a phallic bump, visible as your shirt sinks down towards your breast. (take it, mister Raidus!)
  50. [17:11] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 4 + 3 = 7
  51. [17:11] Raidus Aurelius: (well, RNG wants me to fail today x3)
  52. [17:12] Raidus Aurelius: (I'll take the damage to start, avoiding the first debility)
  53. [17:12] System: Jade Fuocco is online.
  54. [17:12] System: Jade Fuocco changed status to Online
  55. [17:13] Mac Draught: (sweet. Let's see:)
  56. [17:13] System: Mac Draught rolls 1d6: 6
  57. [17:13] Mac Draught: (Oh)
  58. [17:14] Mac Draught: (also, just so you know, no game over on health-bar out, but every two times you drain health, you get a stack of ahegao, which is a -1 to everything!)
  59. [17:14] Mac Draught: (drain health fully, that is)
  60. [17:14] Raidus Aurelius: (gotcha~)
  61. [17:14] Mac Draught: (Feel free to fluff now~)
  62. [17:20] Raidus Aurelius glances up at the deer, "Petri, was it? That 'something bigger,' would happen to be you, would i-ohhhh god! Mmnnnnn~!" getting his teasing question abruptly cut off as his defenseless butt is spread open and reamed by that dire hare. Biting his lip, he's barely able to take the rough penetration at first, letting out a series of moans as the initial pain gives in to pleasure, made obvious by his slowly growing erection bobbing beneath him. While he can't see the bulge dancing on his belly, oh god, can he feel it!
  63. [17:28] Mac Draught: She murmurs, pulling her loincloth aside to let her girth, humanoid and uncircumcised, swell up against her belly-- a fair portion of the way up it too, "Technically yes, but... other things were what I was referring to.". The girl pinning you down, Sheilila, seemed to also be getting a raise of the similar sort, though her length was swelling up her abdomen of its own accord, a lengthy, tapered, and thick shaft of horrifyingly large dimensions, pressing through the top of the bovine's loincloth belt until it finally snaps free and her pelvis is left entirely unclad. The bunny doesn't take long to reach its orgasm point, and you feel a rich and warm flood of cum trickles through your insides with an especially firm set of thrusts-- however, it doesn't take long for the hare to pick up once more, splattering your backside with gradually-leaking spunk as it breeds you once more. (take it!)
  64. [17:28] Mac Draught: (Mister Raidus :3c)
  65. [17:28] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 10 + 3 = 13
  66. [17:29] Raidus Aurelius: (avoid damage and debility :3)
  67. [17:29] Raidus Aurelius (partially regrets taking off the take it skill.... Partially)
  68. [17:31] Mac Draught: (you can fluff~)
  69. [17:32] Mac Draught: (Let's just assume we're fluffing alternatively until I say we're not)
  70. [17:36] Raidus Aurelius can't do much beyond like there and take it from the hare who's pounding away at his prostate, whimpering and moaning as his erection swings beneath him unattended and leaking out pre-cum on the forest floor. Groaning as his bowels are flooded with the hare's warm cum, he looks back up, panting, "S-since I'm gonna ... Find out eventually... what were you... meani-nnnnngh~" cut off yet again by the hare. At least he was handling it better now that it had basically lubed him up.
  71. [17:42] Mac Draught: Petri smiles warmly and pats you gently on the cheek as the hare reaches its second orgasm, once more flooding your belly with a warm layer of love-gunk. "hun, look around you, see if you can spot something nearby, hm?", it did, indeed seem you had a brief moment between your next breeding and now, and you even were able to look around a bit more clearly, as you're forcibly lifted up by the man-catcher, prongs at the front digging into your neck. The reason for it is relatively clear: Sheilila was ushering forth not one, but two more hares.
  72. [17:48] Raidus Aurelius just continues looking up at Petri, "If not you, or Sheilila, the direwolves..? Least I've taken those before." Hurrying the last bit out before he's interrupted by the painful tug of that damnable thing he was caught in. Taking a chance before he's mounted yet again, he tries to rub a bit of the pain from his neck before bracing himself for the next hares.
  73. [17:49] Mac Draught: (Well gawsh, don't try to discern when I give you the chance ;~;)
  74. [17:50] Raidus Aurelius: (I knowwww x3 just playing to how he'd react. Could roll with a situational penalty for not actually looking around?)
  75. [17:51] Mac Draught: (Okay, sure. Get a -1 to taking it or giving it to the thing(s) that is/are actually being referred to C:)
  76. [17:52] Raidus Aurelius: (gotcha x3 also, if he tries to resist knotting or being knotted, he takes -1 to that)
  77. [17:52] Mac Draught: (I've noticed, big-Tailwind)
  78. [17:53] Raidus Aurelius: (hahaha, that includes him knotting things too, so doubly so x3)
  79. [17:56] Mac Draught: The girl shakes her head again, teasing, "Out of guesses, for now," as the hares move in on you. One quickly buries itself back into your reamed backside, while the other grasps onto Sheilila's man-catcher with its forepaws and quickly begins to hump at the canine muzzle presented to it. the big shaft smears along his cheeks a few time before it finally finds his mark and takes a gag-inducing thrust down your throat, showing little mercy as it sinks in past your collar. (Take it!)
  80. [17:57] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 8 + 3 = 11
  81. [17:58] Raidus Aurelius: (same 2 options~. Cause there's no way he's taking control of this situation x3)
  82. [18:02] Raidus Aurelius lets out a surprised moan, stifled by the thick shaft forced into his mouth. He gags for a moment as it's forced down his throat, past his gag reflex, leaving the wolf pinned and spitroasted between the two hares. With his vision blocked to nothing but the hare's fur, Raid closes his eyes and focuses on enduring the rough treatment he's getting our through, still betrayed by his swelling knot bobbing between his legs.
  83. [18:12] Mac Draught: The hares, similar to their previous kin, don't stop at one after their warm gunk rushes into your already well-coated backside and insides, and your newly christened throat-sleeve. They pick up again after a brief moment, squishing second-hand spunk out of your rear as well as between your lips and the base of the length pressed snugly within, and occasionally out your nostrils. (take it!)
  84. [18:14] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 9 + 3 = 12
  85. [18:14] Raidus Aurelius: (same 2)
  86. [18:19] Raidus Aurelius is managing to handle the spitroasting pretty well, all things considered. Sure, it's harder to breathe while a couple of fresh loads of hare cum is getting pumped into you from both ends, and it'll probably take a bit to get the smell out of his nose for a while, but once he feels them getting ready for what's soon to be the fourth load, his cock is throbbing and painting the ground beneath him white as he clenches down around the shaft abusing his prostate, milking it for all it's worth.
  87. [18:25] Mac Draught: The hares hang out briefly for a gentle reprisal, quite unlike the previous hare who was... relatively quick to dismount. They seem to be contemplating having you again, slow rocks of their hips eventually resuming against both your stuffed, cum-splattered muzzle and your rear of even less shape. At this point, you've managed to have enough cum pumped into you to give your belly a gentle rotundness and a sore stiffness, almost akin to that of overeating at a thanksgiving feast, and you've managed to keep it at bay in relation to it being debilitating... but you're far from done. First roll a fate roll (2d6+nothing), then a take it roll, should you roll anything but a 10+!
  88. [18:26] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6: 12
  89. [18:26] Raidus Aurelius: (PFFFFFFT)
  90. [18:26] Mac Draught: (well then)
  91. [18:26] Raidus Aurelius: (there's my 12 for the session)
  92. [18:27] Mac Draught: the bunnies dismount, and waddle off to their already sated companion, leaving you alone-ish, once again, with the girls
  93. [18:27] Raidus Aurelius: (Fate said 'naw, they're done... NEXT~!')
  94. [18:27] Mac Draught: [i]*cough* hares *cough* not bunnies)
  95. [18:27] Mac Draught: *cough* hares *cough* not bunnies *cough&
  96. [18:28] Mac Draught ... stops typing.
  97. [18:28] Raidus Aurelius pat pat...
  98. [18:30] Raidus Aurelius looks up at Petri once more, panting and spattered in cum across his mouth and ass. "Wasn't so bad... Haaa.... What's next~?" giving her a slightly cocky grin, or at least as much of one as he can manage in his position.
  99. [18:47] Mac Draught: Petri smiles at you, then looks up to Sheilila, and she asks, "us for a round, or wolves?". The big bovine girl seems to be in general agreement, for she wordlessly tosses her man-catcher aside, though she keeps it attached about your neck, and picks you up by the bolos around your legs. She quickly has them removed from his bound legs with her dexterous quadruplet of arms and spreads your legs around her hips-- sinking the entirety of her foot-and-a-half long shaft deep into your belly with an eruption of stinginess and begins to thrust into you with wild abandon. Your inverted position doesn't stay for long, though, as Petri takes up the mancatcher and presses you upwards against the armored bosom of Sheilila. While the last couple bunny's bulging had been lost in the mess of semen swirling around inside of you, the minotaur's own shaft was very, very, apparent as it drives through your middle. Petri buries the butt of it into the ground, surprisingly able to make it balance with you being wildly thrusted into and she quickly slips up beneath you. Your balls, previously battered by the bovine's own, are given brief relief as the cervine clasps your knot and balls between her fingers. "Don't get cocky, " she murmurs, "we have so much more in store for you!" -1 to might from soreness, take it! roll pls, Raidus!
  100. [18:48] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+2: 10 + 2 = 12
  101. [18:49] Raidus Aurelius: (still taking that, somehow xD)
  102. [19:09] Raidus Aurelius gives a load moan, gasping out as he's forced to take Sheilila's massive length! Thank god the hare's warmed him up and lubed his bowels up for him, or that would've really hurt! Taking the reposition and cock as well as he can as his belly is forced to bulge out around her, he STILL manages to force a grin through his moans as he leaks out a steady stream of warm pre-cum across Petri's hand. "A-Ah, I'm-mmm~ looking forward t-ahnnn~.... to it~" His snarkiness may have gotten him railed by the massive mino's shaft, but it was bound to happen eventually, right? Besides, who's to say only they can have some fun with this~? His snarkiness may get him in trouble, but with the way things are, screw it, why not?
  103. [19:09] Raidus Aurelius: (Mac)
  104. [19:18] Mac Draught: Petri rolls her eyes at you and gives you a couple of firm pats to the balls before she lets them fall back into getting smacked and tumbled about by Sheilila's orange-sized balls. The mino-gal begins to groan out and thrust into you with especially perversely firm and deep thrusts before her seed begins to spew into your belly, filling you out further, even with the hefty flow of it streaming down her legs and yours, puddling at her feet on the ground. She, thankfully, removes the mancatcher at this point before tossing you back to the ground, drooling mixed spunk from your gaping, mostly-tensionless rear, though it seems to be of little avail: you were definitely not getting anywhere with all of them in condensed formation around you! Although... Petri and Sheilila are beginning to back off, for alternative reasons though, as the bovine girl whistles, and gestures the three wolves forwards, who quickly obey her, advancing quickly onto you. Another soreness stack, then taking it!
  105. [19:26] Raidus Aurelius: (swapping to charm here x3 )
  106. [19:26] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+3: 3 + 3 = 6
  107. [19:26] Raidus Aurelius: (bahahaha)
  108. [19:29] Raidus Aurelius: (will flavor in a sec~)
  109. [19:39] Raidus Aurelius groans out and paints the ground in another coat of his cum as he's flooded by Sheilila, and bulging his gut out perversely from the load of her hot seed pumped up his guts. Getting thrown to the ground, he's at least thankful for them removing that stupid stick. But, as soon as the wolves approach, he tries to reach for his pants, to grab the herm ring from his pocket. Sadly, while he manages to grab it, it wasn't until he was mounted and stuff by that thick wolf cock. While god, did he love a thick wolf, he wasn't sure how well his rear could take a direwolf knot, the exact reason he wanted his ring. In the meantime, not much else he could to but slip on that ring in preparation for the next two, and let out a now feminine moan as her ass is stuffed with that thick wolf meat.
  110. [19:42] Mac Draught: (1 or 2, Raidus?)
  111. [19:42] Raidus Aurelius: (pick a number?)
  112. [19:42] Mac Draught: (mmhmmm)
  113. [19:42] Raidus Aurelius: (2)
  114. [19:42] System: Mac Draught rolls 1d2: 2
  115. [19:43] Mac Draught: (and again)
  116. [19:43] Mac Draught: (pick)
  117. [19:43] Raidus Aurelius: (still 2)
  118. [19:43] System: Mac Draught rolls 1d2: 1
  119. [19:44] Mac Draught: (damage from your first stuffin', it's gonna make you messy!)
  120. [19:44] System: Mac Draught rolls 1d8: 3
  121. [19:44] Mac Draught: (that's your damage)
  122. [19:45] Mac Draught: (also, keep in mind you have a -1, due to wolves having knots and all)
  123. [19:46] Raidus Aurelius: (gotcha x3)
  124. [19:48] Raidus Aurelius: (16/25 HP now)
  125. [19:48] Mac Draught: (yep, I count)
  126. [19:52] Mac Draught: The first wolf plunges into you swiftly, having little trouble driving that huge cock, big enough to provide the hung Sheilila competition, deep into your ream. It snarls defensively at the other wolves who seem entirely ready to take you themselves and, both harrowingly and thankfully, the wolf is swift in its breeding. The fluid-driving pulverization of your backside from the over-sized beast ends just as swiftly as it begin with that knot being ground sorely against your backside before popping in behind your hips with an abrupt eruption of soreness and enough pressure to send your cock into another string of spasms.
  128. Finally driven to submit by the other wolves as it turns around on its knot, it flattens itself to the ground on its back, taking you rolling over with it after a brief moment of suspension as it rises up out of his hunched humping-position. You're left unfortunately exposed as you're overflowed with spunk, the thick fluid welling up in your throat and seeping from your lips and nostrils as the second wolf slams into your newly-born cunt with just as much gingerness as was afforded to your first orifice. Take it, of course!
  129. [19:53] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+1: 8 + 1 = 9
  130. [19:53] Raidus Aurelius: I'll avoid debility, but take damage
  131. [19:54] System: Mac Draught rolls 1d8: 6
  132. [20:06] Raidus Aurelius bites her lip, squirming and moaning around the wolf so roughly claiming her ass for its own. She can't resist that wonderful knot as it's jammed inside her and forcing her into yet another powerful orgasm, clenching around that knot and spraying her seed across the ground yet again! Her orgasm is slightly interrupted as she's flipped onto her back, spreading her arms and legs to embrace the second wolf and happily taking the wolf into her eager cunt, gulping back down the cum welling back up her throat...
  133. [20:14] Mac Draught: The breeding came with equal ferocity, and an equally large splatter of seed now spilling into your womb and knot-filled, feminine, passage. The third wolf seems caught up for a moment, sparring with a lazily retaliating wolf splayed out on the ground with its knot still locked deep within your double-knotted pelvis, until the other wolf turns around with its companion, licking at the equally sated wolf's chops delicately. As the third wolf came to in the situation with a frustrated snort, there would only be one orifice left unclaimed on you...take it!
  134. [20:15] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+1: 10 + 1 = 11
  135. [20:16] Raidus Aurelius: (no damage/debility~)
  136. [20:16] Mac Draught: (daaaamn yoooou)
  137. [20:16] Raidus Aurelius: <3
  138. [20:22] Raidus Aurelius squirms happily on those knots, whimpering in pleasure as her womb and rear are both filled with that hot wolf cum~. Seeing the last will approaching, she expertly coaxes him down and take his warm shaft into her maw, sucking happily on his cock and gulping down the waves of thick seed, managing to at least keep the knot out of her mouth.
  139. [20:24] Mac Draught: OH YEA? YOU WANNA BET? MIGHT ROLL, BIATCH!
  140. [20:24] System: Raidus Aurelius rolls 2d6+1: 10 + 1 = 11
  141. [20:24] Mac Draught: x3 GRRR, DAMN YOU
  142. [20:24] Raidus Aurelius: YEAH, I DO! BIOTCH~
  143. [20:24] Raidus Aurelius: <3
  144. [20:26] Raidus Aurelius: (welllllll, that'd be a 10 because of -2 might, and -1 from resisting a knot. Still a 10, though <3)
  145. [20:28] Mac Draught: Messy glorpy splorts spill into your mouth, leaving you knotted in two orifices, and merely stuffed to your breast in the other. However, as the warm fluids pulse into your throat, the wolf refuses to pull back and you fade into a deep, dark, numbness before you pass into unconsciousness-- only to wake up just in time to find yourself entirely off those big wolf-knots, just as messy as before, and with the man-catcher reattached to your neck, now with the two dick-girls sat before you idly, patiently awaiting for you to awake/(the point still stands that you keep consistently rolling 8-10 ;~;)
  146. [20:29] Raidus Aurelius: (hey, I got 3 fails on +3s x3 Raid does have a thing for the wolves, after all~)
  147. [20:30] Mac Draught: (Yeah, but you've gotten more tens ;~;)
  148. [20:31] Raidus Aurelius: (there's still time for fails <3)
  149. [20:36] Raidus Aurelius tries to tap on the wolf to get it to move, but inevitably passes out from the cock lodged down her throat... Groaning as she wakes back up, the stick is the first thing Rai notices, grumbling something about wondering why it's still necessary... Lying there, she doesn't bother sitting up, looking over to the pair, still bulging from the massive amounts of wolf cum. "S-So.... I take it-*cough, cough..* ...there's more?"
  150. [20:46] Mac Draught: Petri nods, and giggles as she presses a hoof to your belly, forcing some of the excessive amount of spunk residing inside of your flesh. "mmmhmm, wanna see?", she asks, largely rhetorical, for Sheilila summons them up without waiting for you to answer. With an unusual and gutteral bray from the bovine, what could easily be mistaken as the dry branches of a broken limb of one of the great trees above them or perhaps a dead and dried smaller, stockier tree in itself begins to rise up from the earth. A pair of huge, green eyes blink open, and a cervine form, perfectly colored to blend into the dark brown Earth occasionally criss-crossed with patches of exposed roots, rises up, fall larger than either of the females or any of the previous creatures used against you. Shortly, and to the left, a second one rises, equally large, if not larger than the first. Having already picked up on the lewdities having previously transpired, a spire of smooth, dripping flesh protrudes from each of the buck's loins, easily the largest cocks that you had ever been presented with the prospect of taking--let alone with as strong of a likelihood of being forced upon them!
  151. [20:53] Raidus Aurelius groans as her gut is pushed on, shoving a good bit of the cum inside her to pour out. Recovering from that after hearing the movement, she watches as the pair of cervines stand erect, in both ways! "Well... That, would answer it... Umm, mind, removing this stick so I can help those two too..?"
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