
Sweet Milk

Jan 7th, 2013
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  1. *Beep....beep....beep....*
  3. It started soft at first, but gradually grew louder and more annoying as Milky slowly became aware of the loud, beeping noise pulsating in the back of her head.
  5. *Beep....beep....beep....*
  7. Milky groaned, grimacing at the sharp assault on her eardrums. A hazy voice echoed in the distance...
  9. "I think she's waking up..."
  11. Milky's eyes stayed shut and refused to open, while she shifting a bit where she laid. From what she was able to surmise, she was in a bed, though by the feeling of the bedsheets, it certainly wasn't her own. Milky attempted to reach out behind her head with her front legs, hoping to grab the pillow out from under her and force it over her head to blot out the incessant beeping. However, tugging a few times, she realized her front legs refused to move, immobilized...
  13. Milky's eyes snapped open, then shut again at the bright, glaring whiteness of the room. Reopening them to a squint, she watched as the room came into focus.
  15. "Milky....Milky can you hear us?"
  17. It didn't take her long to find out where she was as things came into focus one after another...whirring, beeping machines on her left and right, a sink and medical cabinet off in the corner, the walls dotted with charts and graphs of depicting pony anatomy....she was in a hospital.
  19. Standing near the bed over here were three fuzzy, but slowly sharpening shapes...
  21. "W...what happened?" Milky managed to croak. Looking towards her front legs, yelping in surprise, she realized they were in casts and wrapped, hanging just off the tops of the bed blankets by pulleys on the ceiling.
  23. One of the shapes came closer, quickly forming into a stallion in a white doctor's coat. He yanked the blanket covering her off slightly, pressing a stethoscope into her chest.
  25. "You were in a bit of a nasty accident, Miss Way. You're lucky to be alive." the doctor responded clinically, listening intently as he pushed the cold, circular medical instrument into Milky's chest.
  27. However, another shape shoved the doctor away, wrapping Milky in a hug where she laid.
  30. "Milky! Honey I...I thought were were going to lose you there!" the pony's voice quavered as it spoke, hugging her tighter. As Milky's vision returned to normalcy, Milky realizied it was her boss,
  32. "Ms. Cream. I...what..."
  34. "It was one of the milk carts. Some of the new milkponies overloaded it and it got away from them....I saw it as it happened..."
  36. Milky started to piece together the last things she remember. She was leaving the dairy with her milk delivery, and she remembered seeing a large milk cart bound for one of the larger bakeries on the other side of Trotingham. As she walked past it, she remember a low rumbling that grew louder, and then blackness....
  38. "How long was I out?" Milky asked, trying to put her front hooves around her boss, only to remember they were in casts.
  40. "About a day, I simply couldn't leave until you woke up..." As Milky got a closer look, she realized that Cream was still in uniform, her face haggard and with dark circles under her eyes.
  43. Meanwhile, the doctor was looking rather miffed, as though the embrace was only interrupting him from doing his job.
  45. "Would you like to know the good news or the bad news first." the doctor finally asked.
  47. Milky and Cream looked at the doctor for a few seconds, both of them caught offguard at the prospect of "bad news". Milky spoke first...
  49. "G...good news?"
  51. The doctor's ears perked up and he smiled, like a young colt who was finally allowed his turn to speak after being told to be quiet.
  53. "Well...the good news is that there is no permanent damage to your front legs. In fact, you should be prancing around and back to your normal self as soon as you're better! Unfortunately, the accident caused fractures to both of your third metacarpals and your right proximal phalanx. Magic and medicine are able to speed up the healing process, but it could take up to two months until you're back on your hooves..."
  55. "Two months!" Milky couldn't stop herself from shouting. She looked pleadingly over at Cream. Two months without her front legs....her first thoughts went to her job, then taking care of herself...
  58. "Milky! Don't you worry yourself. You're our best milkmare, and as far as I'm concerned, this whole bloody thing was my fault...I'm gonna make sure you get the best treatment possible."
  60. "T...thank you Ms. Cream." Milky replied dejectedly as she took in the prospect of two months without her front legs.
  62. "In fact...I've made arragements to hire you a full time nurse when you get out of the hospital." Cream said with a smile, stepping back.
  64. As she did, the third, final pony, who had been standing in the background for a little while, walked closer to the bedside. She was a plump, rounded little mare, with a light pink coat and a white/purple striped mane and tail. Freckle faced, blue eyed, and wearing a nurses cap, she gave Milky a warm smile.
  66. One month later:
  68. It was late in the morning for Milky as she woke up in her bed, sunlight streaming through the windows. One entire month of not being able to use her front legs...
  70. As she sat up in her bed, she looked over a the end table on her left....even a month later, she still received get-well-soon cards from the dairy, a small mountain of them piled on it. Scattered around the room, pushing against the ceiling, were a half-dozen balloons, again courtesy of the dairy.
  72. Milky couldn't complain too much, she was home, and at least she didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to make her delivery. And Nurse Sweetheart was certainly a lifesaver. However, Milky couldn't help but notice something a little...odd about her. Maybe it was the way she'd scoot up uncomfortably close when helping to stretch her legs. Maybe it was the way she always insisted on seconds after making her a meal...
  74. This thought was suddenly interrupted when Milky felt a familiar, pressured fullness lower down her body...
  76. "Oh bollocks...." Milky hissed to herself as she shifted uncomfortably where she sat. Waking up late certainly had it's perks, but she was used to being milked early, and now she was paying for it.
  78. "Hello, I'm Nurse Sweetheart."
  81. Milky scanned around the room, looking for the wheelchair that was always at her bedside, the one she always relied to to wheel herself to her milking machine. Though it was awkward and laborous work to do so, if there was one thing that Milky would always refuse to tell Nurse Sweetheart, it was her need to be milked. Milky was far too shy for that, and even a month into being in casts, Milky could never tell her, and always managed to get by in that regard by herself...
  83. The wheelchair was nowhere to be seen in the room. Groaning, Milky half-contemplated throwing herself out of bed and crawling her way to the milking machine. However....
  87. "Damn..."
  89. Three knocks. Nurse Sweetheart always knocked three times before making her way into the house...
  91. Hearing the deadbolt turn from the living room, and the front door opening, it wasn't long before the chubby, Pink pony was at her trotting into her room.
  94. "Well good morning Milky! How's my favorite patient?" Nurse Sweetheart asked cheerfully, approaching her bedside.
  96. "F...fine...I'm fine..." Milky replied nervously.
  98. Nurse Sweetheart patted Milky on her lower leg through the blanket, keeping her upbeat demeanor.
  100. "Well just sit back and relax, I'm going to go fix you some breakfast. I'll be back in a bit!"
  102. With that, Nurse Sweetheart whisked herself away, out of the room and towards the kitchen.
  104. Milky laid there, biting her lip in desperation. Nurse Sweetheart wouldn't be gone for at least another hour or two. And Milky could only feel the pressure in her bosoms growing more intense by the would only be a matter of time before she started to leak...
  106. " Milky, you can wait for a little while longer....pull yourself together..." Milky thought to herself, closing her eyes and and furrowing her brow in concentration, trying all she could to purge her mind of everything regarding the concept of lactation. However, with each passing minute, the pressure, and the urge, only grew worse.
  108. Eventually, Nurse Sweetheart returned, carefully balancing a large bowl of oatmeal on her back. Milky sighed quietly in exasperation, Nurse Sweetheart always seemed to do this. She glanced down at herself....a month of the kind of eating had indeed put a a noticable amount of pudge around Milky's middle. She had tried to tell Nurse Sweetheart to ease off the portions once or twice before, though each time she looked positively heartbroken. Milky, not being one to offend, from then on decided to just grit her teeth and bear it.
  110. As Milky sat up against the headboard and pillows, Nurse Sweetheart hummed a little tune to herself as she gently set the bowl down next to her.
  112. The large bowl oatmeal certainly did look and smell delicious....steaming and hot, sprinkled with brown sugar, with sliced bananas, raisins, and diced apples on top....she had definitely taken some time and effort to make it.
  114. "Th..thank you....Nurse Swee..."
  116. "Oh please, I've told you a thousand times before, call me Carin', all my other patients do! And it's my pleasure, dear!"
  118. Bending her hoof around a spoon lodged in the oatmeal, Nurse Sweetheart removed it, along with a heaping lump. She had no problem holding it like this, it seemed she had done this many times before.
  120. Bringing the spoonful towards her, she gave it a gentle little blow to cool it down, smiling as she did.
  122. "Open wide..." Nurse Sweetheart said in a slightly lower tone of voice, before guiding the spoon towards Milky.
  124. Obediently, Milky opened her mouth, clamping down on the spoon before Nurse Sweetheart removed it. The succulent taste of bananas, raisins, apples, and brown sugar graced her tastebuds, but Milky couldn't enjoy it very much at all, not with her need to milk slowly growing more intense.
  126. About fifteen minutes later, the large bowl of oatmeal was about halfway eaten, and Milky was already quite full. Regardless, after each bite, Nurse Sweetheart still continued to spoon out each tasty little morsal, biting her lip softly as she watched Milky swallow. Thought her slowly growing stomach was the last sort of fullness on her mind on this point. She squrimed in bed mid-chew when started to happen....
  128. Even from under the blanket, Milky felt a warm, tingling feeling envelop her lower body, pulsing through her bosoms as she could feel a small bead of milk form on first her left, then her right teat. Using her back legs, she tried to force the blanket up a little bit, to keep it from getting wet.
  130. As the first little droplet of milk ran in a rivulet down one of her bosoms, Milky let out a small little mewl of desperation through a mouthful of oatmeal.
  132. "Something wrong, Milky?" Nurse Sweetheart asked, concerned, putting the spoon down.
  134. "It's nothing I...I....just..." Milky's face burned with embarrassment,
  136. Nurse Sweetheart leaned closer to Milky. "Honey, if there's something you need to tell me..."
  138. However, this sentence was cut off, as Nurse Sweetheart accidentally pushed her side into the blanket, and into Milky's breasts.
  140. "EEP!" Milky squealed in shock, feeling her lower half contracting...
  142. *hisss*
  144. The squirt of milk from the impacted the bottom of the blanket laying over Milky, dripping back against her body and into the sheets. Above, the blanket laying over her grew dark and heavy in a small spot the size of a golf ball and growing...
  146. Nurse Sweetheart heard it first, and then saw the growing spot. Confused, she quickly yanked the blanket away from Milky's lower half.
  148. Milky bit her lip and shame, and Nurse Sweetheart gasped at the state of the poor milkmare. Her breasts, now quite enlarged, were slowly letting off little rivulets of milk down their sides. In the windowlight, Milky saw Nurse Sweetheart's cheeks go crimson.
  150. "I'm...ah...sorry." Milky gasped as she continued to lactate gently, wetting the sheets. "I...I need to be mil...milked...."
  152. Nurse Sweetheart didn't respond immediately, continuing to stare at Milky's large, lactating bosoms. Taking a deep, shuddering breath of air, Nurse Sweetheart looked over at Milky, this time with a small smile on her face.
  154. "You don't have to b-be embarrassed Milky, but let's make sure you finish your breakfast f-first." she said. Her demeanor changed entirely. No longer quite as cheery as she was, she seemed more like a schoolgirl trying a little too hard to be sensuous for her first date.
  156. "Couldn't we it now?!" Milky asked desperately.
  158. Right then, Nurse Sweetheart did something entirely unexpected. She leaned in toward's Milky ear, putting her mouth right up to it, and let out a tiny, soft, almost foal-like nicker.
  160. Though it wasn't a foal that made the little whinny, Milky's body knew no difference. Rebelling against her, Milky felt her bosoms tingle with warmth, feeling as though the pressure in them had increased twofold. Though she fought against it, a gushing squirt of milk forced it's way past each teat, enough to rise a few inches from her body before splattering back down on her abdomen, ending in a constant, heavy leak.
  162. Milky moaned in frustration, feeling her hips thrust involuntarily towards the air, as if towards an invisible foal that yearned for her milk.
  164. "C'mon don't want to get the sheets wet, do you?" Nurse Sweetheart whispered, taking another spoonful of oatmeal.
  166. Milky was bewildered. Why was Nurse Sweetheart doing this? Regardless, the only thing on her mind was getting what felt like an entire gallon of milk out of her. And if it meant finishing a little breakfast, then that's what she was going to do. Though when everything was done, Milky was certainly going to have a stern talking with her for this...
  168. As the spoon approached, Milky hastily took another bite, chewing hastily and swallowing. Smiling, Nurse Sweetheart took another spoonful.
  170. ---------------
  172. Eventually, Milky was down to her last bite. The sheets below her were wet with her own milk, and both her teats and her stomach felt fit to burst. However, as the spoon came towards her mouth, Milky took the final bite, swallowing without doing much chewing, finally laying back against her pillow, unable to take another swallow if there was one still one to take.
  174. Milky shook her head, the thought of even the tastiest cream pies or chocolate no longer seeming appetizing. All she wanted to do was get the rest of her milk out of her. However, as she watched through blurred eyes, Nurse Sweetheart lifted herself onto the bed and over her body, her flanks facing towards Milky's face. Raising her tail, her exposed marehood shimmmered and pulsed with desire...
  176. "I..unhh..." Milky murmured, still drunk with feelings of relief. Before she could say another word though, Nurse Sweetheart slowly pressed her flanks into her face, burying her soaking wet vulva into her mouth.
  178. Taking a breath of surprise, the aroma of desire and pheromones flooded into her nose and lungs as she inhaled Nurse Sweetheart's scent. Milky never considered herself one for seeking those of the opposite sex, but with each breath, Milky felt a different kind of burning coursing though her, between her legs.
  180. As Nurse Sweetheart's flanks pressed harder into her face, she bent down and latched onto Milky's other bosom, beginning to drain it as well. As milk slowly flooded from her other teat, Milky wondered if she would faint from the sheer relief. Opening her mouth to the sensation of Nurse Sweetheart's tongue against her, Milky's tongue accidentally brushed against her clit.
  182. Nurse Sweetheart giggled, setting the bowl and spoon aside as she stared at Milky's now bulging tummy.
  184. "There, whose my perfect little patient?" Nurse Sweetheart cooed softly, giving Milky's tummy a gentle, featherlike rub, which nevertheless caused Milky to emit a small burp, adding to her embarrassment.
  186. "Now, let's take care of this little problem...." Nurse Sweetheart said softly, turning towards Milky's now heavily lactating bosoms.
  188. Milky expected Nurse Sweetheart to walk out the door and get her wheelchair. However, her eyes widened as Nurse Sweetheart began to lower her head towards one of her teats, closing her eyes.
  190. "W..what are yaAAH!" Milky yelped as she latched onto one of her teats. Milky would have resisted harder, but like a shot of warm nirvana, her entire body relaxed at the sensation of a mouth against one of her teats.
  192. Groaning, her body sinking into the bed, and her vision becoming hazy, Milky let the feeling sink in. What was it? Relief, maybe something akin to motherhood? All she could do at this point was relax and let Nurse Sweetheart do as she pleased.
  194. Nurse Sweetheart suckled gently against Milky's right teat, running her tongue in the occasional circle against the nipple. What started as a trickle became a veritable deluge as Milky's body vibrated with sensation, milk starting to flood into Nurse Sweetheart's mouth. She drank heartily, humming as her already chubby stomach began to expand with Milky's long pent-up milk.
  196. After many minutes, and what must have been a liter of milk from one bosom, Nurse Sweetheart finally released herself.
  198. "Mmmhhh..." she moaned, wiping her mouth. "I almost give you dessert."
  201. Milky shook her head, the thought of even the tastiest cream pies or chocolate no longer seeming appetizing. All she wanted to do was get the rest of her milk out of her. However, as she watched through blurred eyes, Nurse Sweetheart lifted herself onto the bed and over her body, her flanks facing towards Milky's face. Raising her tail, her exposed marehood shimmmered and pulsed with desire...
  203. "I..unhh..." Milky murmured, still drunk with feelings of relief. Before she could say another word though, Nurse Sweetheart slowly pressed her flanks into her face, burying her soaking wet vulva into her mouth.
  205. Taking a breath of surprise, the aroma of desire and pheromones flooded into her nose and lungs as she inhaled Nurse Sweetheart's scent. Milky never considered herself one for seeking those of the opposite sex, but with each breath, Milky felt a different kind of burning coursing though her, between her legs.
  207. As Nurse Sweetheart's flanks pressed harder into her face, she bent down and latched onto Milky's other bosom, beginning to drain it as well. As milk slowly flooded from her other teat, Milky wondered if she would faint from the sheer relief. Opening her mouth to the sensation of Nurse Sweetheart's tongue against her, Milky's tongue accidentally brushed against her clit.
  209. "MMMMnnnnnnn" was Nurse Sweetheart's response, her body convulsing as she suckled Milky harder, causing her to lactate harder in response. Needing no other coaxing, Milky clumsily, albiet eagerly, ran her tongue and mouth up against Nurse Sweetheart's nether lips, who only trembled in arousal from having the half-pleasure-drunk mare licking and nuzzling against her. Her juices dripped down Milky's mouth and chin as her ministrations continued.
  211. Nurse Sweetheart drank and drank, until her stomach looked almost as full as Milky's, sloshing around with her patient's milk. However, as Milky continued to haphazardly lick at her clit, she was forced to let go.
  213. Moaning, and feeling the beginnings of an orgasm approaching, Nurse Sweetheart wrapped her hooves around Milky's back legs, feeling the unattended bosom squirting milk against her lower neck.
  215. "AhhhAAAAAAA!!" she blurted out, pressing her backside hard into Milky's face as she came, hard and forcefully, burying her face into Milky's breasts to muffle herself. As she rode it out, gasping harshly with each pleasurable wave, Nurse Sweetheart rolled off of Milky and onto the bed beside her, letting out a small burp of her own...
  217. "Whose a....perfect....patient...." Nurse Sweetheart murmured sleepily, her face laying against Milky's cutie mark...
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