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  1. ---Implements the HTTP client protocol in a standard form that Nmap scripts can
  2. -- take advantage of.
  3. --
  4. -- Because HTTP has so many uses, there are a number of interfaces to this library.
  5. -- The most obvious and common ones are simply <code>get</code>, <code>post</code>,
  6. -- and <code>head</code>; or, if more control is required, <code>generic_request</code>
  7. -- can be used. These functions do what one would expect. The <code>get_url</code>
  8. -- helper function can be used to parse and retrieve a full URL.
  9. --
  10. -- HTTPS support is transparent. The library uses <code>comm.tryssl</code> to
  11. -- determine whether SSL is required for a request.
  12. --
  13. -- These functions return a table of values, including:
  14. -- * <code>status-line</code> - A string representing the status, such as "HTTP/1.1 200 OK". In case of an error, a description will be provided in this line.
  15. -- * <code>status</code>: The HTTP status value; for example, "200". If an error occurs during a request, then this value is going to be nil.
  16. -- * <code>header</code> - An associative array representing the header. Keys are all lowercase, and standard headers, such as 'date', 'content-length', etc. will typically be present.
  17. -- * <code>rawheader</code> - A numbered array of the headers, exactly as the server sent them. While header['content-type'] might be 'text/html', rawheader[3] might be 'Content-type: text/html'.
  18. -- * <code>cookies</code> - A numbered array of the cookies the server sent. Each cookie is a table with the following keys: <code>name</code>, <code>value</code>, <code>path</code>, <code>domain</code>, and <code>expires</code>.
  19. -- * <code>body</code> - The full body, as returned by the server.
  20. --
  21. -- If a script is planning on making a lot of requests, the pipelining functions can
  22. -- be helpful. <code>pipeline_add</code> queues requests in a table, and
  23. -- <code>pipeline_go</code> performs the requests, returning the results as an array,
  24. -- with the responses in the same order as the queries were added. As a simple example:
  25. --<code>
  26. -- -- Start by defining the 'all' variable as nil
  27. -- local all = nil
  28. --
  29. -- -- Add two 'GET' requests and one 'HEAD' to the queue. These requests are not performed
  30. -- -- yet. The second parameter represents the 'options' table, which we don't need.
  31. -- all = http.pipeline_add('/book', nil, all)
  32. -- all = http.pipeline_add('/test', nil, all)
  33. -- all = http.pipeline_add('/monkeys', nil, all, 'HEAD')
  34. --
  35. -- -- Perform all three requests as parallel as Nmap is able to
  36. -- local results = http.pipeline_go('', 80, all)
  37. --</code>
  38. --
  39. -- At this point, <code>results</code> is an array with three elements. Each element
  40. -- is a table containing the HTTP result, as discussed above.
  41. --
  42. -- One more interface provided by the HTTP library helps scripts determine whether or not
  43. -- a page exists. The <code>identify_404</code> function will try several URLs on the
  44. -- server to determine what the server's 404 pages look like. It will attempt to identify
  45. -- customized 404 pages that may not return the actual status code 404. If successful,
  46. -- the function <code>page_exists</code> can then be used to determine whether or not
  47. -- a page existed.
  48. --
  49. -- Some other miscellaneous functions that can come in handy are <code>response_contains</code>,
  50. -- <code>can_use_head</code>, and <code>save_path</code>. See the appropriate documentation
  51. -- for them.
  52. --
  53. -- The response to each function is typically a table with the following keys:
  54. -- * <code>status-line</code>: The HTTP status line; for example, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" (note: this is followed by a newline). In case of an error, a description will be provided in this line.
  55. -- * <code>status</code>: The HTTP status value; for example, "200". If an error occurs during a request, then this value is going to be nil.
  56. -- * <code>header</code>: A table of header values, where the keys are lowercase and the values are exactly what the server sent
  57. -- * <code>rawheader</code>: A list of header values as "name: value" strings, in the exact format and order that the server sent them
  58. -- * <code>cookies</code>: A list of cookies that the server is sending. Each cookie is a table containing the keys <code>name</code>, <code>value</code>, and <code>path</code>. This table can be sent to the server in subsequent responses in the <code>options</code> table to any function (see below).
  59. -- * <code>body</code>: The body of the response
  60. -- * <code>location</code>: a list of the locations of redirects that were followed.
  61. --
  62. -- Many of the functions optionally allow an 'options' table. This table can alter the HTTP headers
  63. -- or other values like the timeout. The following are valid values in 'options' (note: not all
  64. -- options will necessarily affect every function):
  65. -- * <code>timeout</code>: A timeout used for socket operations.
  66. -- * <code>header</code>: A table containing additional headers to be used for the request. For example, <code>options['header']['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'</code>
  67. -- * <code>content</code>: The content of the message (content-length will be added -- set header['Content-Length'] to override). This can be either a string, which will be directly added as the body of the message, or a table, which will have each key=value pair added (like a normal POST request).
  68. -- * <code>cookies</code>: A list of cookies as either a string, which will be directly sent, or a table. If it's a table, the following fields are recognized: <code>name</code>, <code>value</code>, <code>path</code>, <code>expires</code>. Only <code>name</code> and <code>value</code> fields are required.
  69. -- * <code>auth</code>: A table containing the keys <code>username</code> and <code>password</code>, which will be used for HTTP Basic authentication.
  70. -- If a server requires HTTP Digest authentication, then there must also be a key <code>digest</code>, with value <code>true</code>.
  71. -- If a server requires NTLM authentication, then there must also be a key <code>ntlm</code>, with value <code>true</code>.
  72. -- * <code>bypass_cache</code>: Do not perform a lookup in the local HTTP cache.
  73. -- * <code>no_cache</code>: Do not save the result of this request to the local HTTP cache.
  74. -- * <code>no_cache_body</code>: Do not save the body of the response to the local HTTP cache.
  75. -- * <code>any_af</code>: Allow connecting to any address family, inet or inet6. By default, these functions will only use the same AF as nmap.address_family to resolve names.
  76. -- * <code>redirect_ok</code>: Closure that overrides the default redirect_ok used to validate whether to follow HTTP redirects or not. False, if no HTTP redirects should be followed. Alternatively, a number may be passed to change the number of redirects to follow.
  77. -- The following example shows how to write a custom closure that follows 5 consecutive redirects, without the safety checks in the default redirect_ok:
  78. -- <code>
  79. -- redirect_ok = function(host,port)
  80. -- local c = 5
  81. -- return function(url)
  82. -- if ( c==0 ) then return false end
  83. -- c = c - 1
  84. -- return true
  85. -- end
  86. -- end
  87. -- </code>
  88. --
  89. -- @args http.max-cache-size The maximum memory size (in bytes) of the cache.
  90. --
  91. -- @args http.useragent The value of the User-Agent header field sent with
  92. -- requests. By default it is
  93. -- <code>"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine;"</code>.
  94. -- A value of the empty string disables sending the User-Agent header field.
  95. --
  96. -- @args http.pipeline If set, it represents the number of HTTP requests that'll be
  97. -- sent on one connection. This can be set low to make debugging easier, or it
  98. -- can be set high to test how a server reacts (its chosen max is ignored).
  99. -- @args http.max-pipeline If set, it represents the number of outstanding HTTP requests
  100. -- that should be pipelined. Defaults to <code>http.pipeline</code> (if set), or to what
  101. -- <code>getPipelineMax</code> function returns.
  102. --
  103. -- TODO
  104. -- Implement cache system for http pipelines
  105. --
  108. local base64 = require "base64"
  109. local bin = require "bin"
  110. local bit = require "bit"
  111. local comm = require "comm"
  112. local coroutine = require "coroutine"
  113. local nmap = require "nmap"
  114. local os = require "os"
  115. local sasl = require "sasl"
  116. local slaxml = require "slaxml"
  117. local stdnse = require "stdnse"
  118. local string = require "string"
  119. local table = require "table"
  120. local url = require "url"
  121. local smbauth = require "smbauth"
  122. local unicode = require "unicode"
  124. _ENV = stdnse.module("http", stdnse.seeall)
  126. ---Use ssl if we have it
  127. local have_ssl, openssl = pcall(require,'openssl')
  129. USER_AGENT = stdnse.get_script_args('http.useragent') or "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine;"
  130. local MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT = 5
  132. -- Recursively copy a table.
  133. -- Only recurs when a value is a table, other values are copied by assignment.
  134. local function tcopy (t)
  135. local tc = {};
  136. for k,v in pairs(t) do
  137. if type(v) == "table" then
  138. tc[k] = tcopy(v);
  139. else
  140. tc[k] = v;
  141. end
  142. end
  143. return tc;
  144. end
  146. --- Recursively copy into a table any elements from another table whose key it
  147. -- doesn't have.
  148. local function table_augment(to, from)
  149. for k, v in pairs(from) do
  150. if type( to[k] ) == 'table' then
  151. table_augment(to[k], from[k])
  152. else
  153. to[k] = from[k]
  154. end
  155. end
  156. end
  158. --- Get a value suitable for the Host header field.
  159. -- See RFC 2616 sections 14.23 and 5.2.
  160. local function get_host_field(host, port)
  161. return stdnse.get_hostname(host)
  162. end
  164. -- Skip *( SP | HT ) starting at offset. See RFC 2616, section 2.2.
  165. -- @return the first index following the spaces.
  166. -- @return the spaces skipped over.
  167. local function skip_space(s, offset)
  168. local _, i, space = s:find("^([ \t]*)", offset)
  169. return i + 1, space
  170. end
  172. -- Get a token starting at offset. See RFC 2616, section 2.2.
  173. -- @return the first index following the token, or nil if no token was found.
  174. -- @return the token.
  175. local function get_token(s, offset)
  176. -- All characters except CTL and separators.
  177. local _, i, token = s:find("^([^()<>@,;:\\\"/%[%]?={} \0\001-\031\127]+)", offset)
  178. if i then
  179. return i + 1, token
  180. else
  181. return nil
  182. end
  183. end
  185. -- Get a quoted-string starting at offset. See RFC 2616, section 2.2. crlf is
  186. -- used as the definition for CRLF in the case of LWS within the string.
  187. -- @return the first index following the quoted-string, or nil if no
  188. -- quoted-string was found.
  189. -- @return the contents of the quoted-string, without quotes or backslash
  190. -- escapes.
  191. local function get_quoted_string(s, offset, crlf)
  192. local result = {}
  193. local i = offset
  194. assert(s:sub(i, i) == "\"")
  195. i = i + 1
  196. while i <= s:len() do
  197. local c = s:sub(i, i)
  198. if c == "\"" then
  199. -- Found the closing quote, done.
  200. return i + 1, table.concat(result)
  201. elseif c == "\\" then
  202. -- This is a quoted-pair ("\" CHAR).
  203. i = i + 1
  204. c = s:sub(i, i)
  205. if c == "" then
  206. -- No character following.
  207. error("\\ escape at end of input while parsing quoted-string.")
  208. end
  209. -- Only CHAR may follow a backslash.
  210. if c:byte(1) > 127 then
  211. error(string.format("Unexpected character with value > 127 (0x%02X) in quoted-string.", c:byte(1)))
  212. end
  213. else
  214. -- This is qdtext, which is TEXT except for '"'.
  215. -- TEXT is "any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS," however "a CRLF is
  216. -- allowed in the definition of TEXT only as part of a header field
  217. -- continuation." So there are really two definitions of quoted-string,
  218. -- depending on whether it's in a header field or not. This function does
  219. -- not allow CRLF.
  220. c = s:sub(i, i)
  221. if c ~= "\t" and c:match("^[\0\001-\031\127]$") then
  222. error(string.format("Unexpected control character in quoted-string: 0x%02X.", c:byte(1)))
  223. end
  224. end
  225. result[#result + 1] = c
  226. i = i + 1
  227. end
  228. return nil
  229. end
  231. -- Returns the index just past the end of LWS.
  232. local function skip_lws(s, pos)
  233. local _, e
  235. while true do
  236. while string.match(s, "^[ \t]", pos) do
  237. pos = pos + 1
  238. end
  239. _, e = string.find(s, "^\r?\n[ \t]", pos)
  240. if not e then
  241. return pos
  242. end
  243. pos = e + 1
  244. end
  245. end
  248. ---Validate an 'options' table, which is passed to a number of the HTTP functions. It is
  249. -- often difficult to track down a mistake in the options table, and requires fiddling
  250. -- with the http.lua source, but this should make that a lot easier.
  251. local function validate_options(options)
  252. local bad = false
  254. if(options == nil) then
  255. return true
  256. end
  258. for key, value in pairs(options) do
  259. if(key == 'timeout') then
  260. if(type(tonumber(value)) ~= 'number') then
  261. stdnse.debug1('http: options.timeout contains a non-numeric value')
  262. bad = true
  263. end
  264. elseif(key == 'header') then
  265. if(type(value) ~= 'table') then
  266. stdnse.debug1("http: options.header should be a table")
  267. bad = true
  268. end
  269. elseif(key == 'content') then
  270. if(type(value) ~= 'string' and type(value) ~= 'table') then
  271. stdnse.debug1("http: options.content should be a string or a table")
  272. bad = true
  273. end
  274. elseif(key == 'cookies') then
  275. if(type(value) == 'table') then
  276. for _, cookie in ipairs(value) do
  277. for cookie_key, cookie_value in pairs(cookie) do
  278. if(cookie_key == 'name') then
  279. if(type(cookie_value) ~= 'string') then
  280. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies[i].name should be a string")
  281. bad = true
  282. end
  283. elseif(cookie_key == 'value') then
  284. if(type(cookie_value) ~= 'string') then
  285. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies[i].value should be a string")
  286. bad = true
  287. end
  288. elseif(cookie_key == 'path') then
  289. if(type(cookie_value) ~= 'string') then
  290. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies[i].path should be a string")
  291. bad = true
  292. end
  293. elseif(cookie_key == 'expires') then
  294. if(type(cookie_value) ~= 'string') then
  295. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies[i].expires should be a string")
  296. bad = true
  297. end
  298. elseif(cookie_key == 'max-age') then
  299. if(type(cookie_value) ~= 'string') then
  300. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies[i].max-age should be a string")
  301. bad = true
  302. end
  303. elseif not (cookie_key == 'httponly' or cookie_key == 'secure') then
  304. stdnse.debug1("http: Unknown field in cookie table: %s", cookie_key)
  305. bad = true
  306. end
  307. end
  308. end
  309. elseif(type(value) ~= 'string') then
  310. stdnse.debug1("http: options.cookies should be a table or a string")
  311. bad = true
  312. end
  313. elseif(key == 'auth') then
  314. if(type(value) == 'table') then
  315. if(value['username'] == nil or value['password'] == nil) then
  316. stdnse.debug1("http: options.auth should contain both a 'username' and a 'password' key")
  317. bad = true
  318. end
  319. else
  320. stdnse.debug1("http: options.auth should be a table")
  321. bad = true
  322. end
  323. elseif (key == 'digestauth') then
  324. if(type(value) == 'table') then
  325. local req_keys = {"username","realm","nonce","digest-uri","response"}
  326. for _,k in ipairs(req_keys) do
  327. if not value[k] then
  328. stdnse.debug1("http: options.digestauth missing key: %s",k)
  329. bad = true
  330. break
  331. end
  332. end
  333. else
  334. bad = true
  335. stdnse.debug1("http: options.digestauth should be a table")
  336. end
  337. elseif (key == 'ntlmauth') then
  338. stdnse.debug1("Proceeding with ntlm message")
  339. elseif(key == 'bypass_cache' or key == 'no_cache' or key == 'no_cache_body' or key == 'any_af') then
  340. if(type(value) ~= 'boolean') then
  341. stdnse.debug1("http: options.bypass_cache, options.no_cache, and options.no_cache_body must be boolean values")
  342. bad = true
  343. end
  344. elseif(key == 'redirect_ok') then
  345. if(type(value)~= 'function' and type(value)~='boolean' and type(value) ~= 'number') then
  346. stdnse.debug1("http: options.redirect_ok must be a function or boolean or number")
  347. bad = true
  348. end
  349. else
  350. stdnse.debug1("http: Unknown key in the options table: %s", key)
  351. end
  352. end
  354. return not(bad)
  355. end
  358. -- The following recv functions, and the function <code>next_response</code>
  359. -- follow a common pattern. They each take a <code>partial</code> argument
  360. -- whose value is data that has been read from the socket but not yet used in
  361. -- parsing, and they return as their second return value a new value for
  362. -- <code>partial</code>. The idea is that, for example, in reading from the
  363. -- socket to get the Status-Line, you will probably read too much and read part
  364. -- of the header. That part (the "partial") has to be retained when you go to
  365. -- parse the header. The common use pattern is this:
  366. -- <code>
  367. -- local partial
  368. -- status_line, partial = recv_line(socket, partial)
  369. -- ...
  370. -- header, partial = recv_header(socket, partial)
  371. -- ...
  372. -- </code>
  373. -- On error, the functions return <code>nil</code> and the second return value
  374. -- is an error message.
  376. -- Receive a single line (up to <code>\n</code>).
  377. local function recv_line(s, partial)
  378. local _, e
  379. local status, data
  380. local pos
  382. partial = partial or ""
  384. pos = 1
  385. while true do
  386. _, e = string.find(partial, "\n", pos, true)
  387. if e then
  388. break
  389. end
  390. status, data = s:receive()
  391. if not status then
  392. return status, data
  393. end
  394. pos = #partial
  395. partial = partial .. data
  396. end
  398. return string.sub(partial, 1, e), string.sub(partial, e + 1)
  399. end
  401. local function line_is_empty(line)
  402. return line == "\r\n" or line == "\n"
  403. end
  405. -- Receive up to and including the first blank line, but return everything up
  406. -- to and not including the final blank line.
  407. local function recv_header(s, partial)
  408. local lines = {}
  410. partial = partial or ""
  412. while true do
  413. local line
  414. line, partial = recv_line(s, partial)
  415. if not line then
  416. return line, partial
  417. end
  418. if line_is_empty(line) then
  419. break
  420. end
  421. lines[#lines + 1] = line
  422. end
  424. return table.concat(lines), partial
  425. end
  427. -- Receive until the connection is closed.
  428. local function recv_all(s, partial)
  429. local parts
  431. partial = partial or ""
  433. parts = {partial}
  434. while true do
  435. local status, part = s:receive()
  436. if not status then
  437. break
  438. else
  439. parts[#parts + 1] = part
  440. end
  441. end
  443. return table.concat(parts), ""
  444. end
  446. -- Receive exactly <code>length</code> bytes. Returns <code>nil</code> if that
  447. -- many aren't available.
  448. local function recv_length(s, length, partial)
  449. local parts, last
  451. partial = partial or ""
  453. parts = {}
  454. last = partial
  455. length = length - #last
  456. while length > 0 do
  457. local status
  459. parts[#parts + 1] = last
  460. status, last = s:receive()
  462. return nil, table.concat( parts)
  464. length = length - #last
  465. end
  467. -- At this point length is 0 or negative, and indicates the degree to which
  468. -- the last read "overshot" the desired length.
  470. if length == 0 then
  471. return table.concat(parts) .. last, ""
  472. else
  473. return table.concat(parts) .. string.sub(last, 1, length - 1), string.sub(last, length)
  474. end
  475. end
  477. -- Receive until the end of a chunked message body, and return the dechunked
  478. -- body.
  479. local function recv_chunked(s, partial)
  480. local chunks, chunk
  481. local chunk_size
  482. local pos
  484. chunks = {}
  485. repeat
  486. local line, hex, _, i
  488. line, partial = recv_line(s, partial)
  489. if not line then
  490. return nil, partial
  491. end
  493. pos = 1
  494. pos = skip_space(line, pos)
  496. -- Get the chunk-size.
  497. _, i, hex = string.find(line, "^([%x]+)", pos)
  498. if not i then
  499. return nil, string.format("Chunked encoding didn't find hex; got %q.", string.sub(line, pos, pos + 10))
  500. end
  501. pos = i + 1
  503. chunk_size = tonumber(hex, 16)
  504. if not chunk_size or chunk_size < 0 then
  505. return nil, string.format("Chunk size %s is not a positive integer.", hex)
  506. end
  508. -- Ignore chunk-extensions that may follow here.
  509. -- RFC 2616, section 2.1 ("Implied *LWS") seems to allow *LWS between the
  510. -- parts of a chunk-extension, but that is ambiguous. Consider this case:
  511. -- "1234;a\r\n =1\r\n...". It could be an extension with a chunk-ext-name
  512. -- of "a" (and no value), and a chunk-data beginning with " =", or it could
  513. -- be a chunk-ext-name of "a" with a value of "1", and a chunk-data
  514. -- starting with "...". We don't allow *LWS here, only ( SP | HT ), so the
  515. -- first interpretation will prevail.
  517. chunk, partial = recv_length(s, chunk_size, partial)
  518. if not chunk then
  519. return nil, table.concat(chunks) .. (partial or "")
  520. end
  521. chunks[#chunks + 1] = chunk
  523. line, partial = recv_line(s, partial)
  524. if not line then
  525. -- this warning message was initially an error but was adapted
  526. -- to support broken servers, such as the Citrix XML Service
  527. stdnse.debug2("Didn't find CRLF after chunk-data.")
  528. elseif not string.match(line, "^\r?\n") then
  529. return nil, string.format("Didn't find CRLF after chunk-data; got %q.", line)
  530. end
  531. until chunk_size == 0
  533. return table.concat(chunks), partial
  534. end
  536. -- Receive a message body, assuming that the header has already been read by
  537. -- <code>recv_header</code>. The handling is sensitive to the request method
  538. -- and the status code of the response.
  539. local function recv_body(s, response, method, partial)
  540. local connection_close, connection_keepalive
  541. local version_major, version_minor
  542. local transfer_encoding
  543. local content_length
  544. local err
  546. partial = partial or ""
  548. -- First check for Connection: close and Connection: keep-alive. This is
  549. -- necessary to handle some servers that don't follow the protocol.
  550. connection_close = false
  551. connection_keepalive = false
  552. if response.header.connection then
  553. local offset, token
  554. offset = 0
  555. while true do
  556. offset, token = get_token(response.header.connection, offset + 1)
  557. if not offset then
  558. break
  559. end
  560. if string.lower(token) == "close" then
  561. connection_close = true
  562. elseif string.lower(token) == "keep-alive" then
  563. connection_keepalive = true
  564. end
  565. end
  566. end
  568. -- The HTTP version may also affect our decisions.
  569. version_major, version_minor = string.match(response["status-line"], "^HTTP/(%d+)%.(%d+)")
  571. -- See RFC 2616, section 4.4 "Message Length".
  573. -- 1. Any response message which "MUST NOT" include a message-body (such as
  574. -- the 1xx, 204, and 304 responses and any response to a HEAD request) is
  575. -- always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields...
  576. --
  577. -- Despite the above, some servers return a body with response to a HEAD
  578. -- request. So if an HTTP/1.0 server returns a response without Connection:
  579. -- keep-alive, or any server returns a response with Connection: close, read
  580. -- whatever's left on the socket (should be zero bytes).
  581. if string.upper(method) == "HEAD"
  582. or (response.status >= 100 and response.status <= 199)
  583. or response.status == 204 or response.status == 304 then
  584. if connection_close or (version_major == "1" and version_minor == "0" and not connection_keepalive) then
  585. return recv_all(s, partial)
  586. else
  587. return "", partial
  588. end
  589. end
  591. -- 2. If a Transfer-Encoding header field (section 14.41) is present and has
  592. -- any value other than "identity", then the transfer-length is defined by
  593. -- use of the "chunked" transfer-coding (section 3.6), unless the message
  594. -- is terminated by closing the connection.
  595. if response.header["transfer-encoding"]
  596. and response.header["transfer-encoding"] ~= "identity" then
  597. return recv_chunked(s, partial)
  598. end
  599. -- The Citrix XML Service sends a wrong "Transfer-Coding" instead of
  600. -- "Transfer-Encoding".
  601. if response.header["transfer-coding"]
  602. and response.header["transfer-coding"] ~= "identity" then
  603. return recv_chunked(s, partial)
  604. end
  606. -- 3. If a Content-Length header field (section 14.13) is present, its decimal
  607. -- value in OCTETs represents both the entity-length and the
  608. -- transfer-length. The Content-Length header field MUST NOT be sent if
  609. -- these two lengths are different (i.e., if a Transfer-Encoding header
  610. -- field is present). If a message is received with both a
  611. -- Transfer-Encoding header field and a Content-Length header field, the
  612. -- latter MUST be ignored.
  613. if response.header["content-length"] and not response.header["transfer-encoding"] then
  614. content_length = tonumber(response.header["content-length"])
  615. if not content_length then
  616. return nil, string.format("Content-Length %q is non-numeric", response.header["content-length"])
  617. end
  618. return recv_length(s, content_length, partial)
  619. end
  621. -- 4. If the message uses the media type "multipart/byteranges", and the
  622. -- transfer-length is not otherwise specified, then this self-delimiting
  623. -- media type defines the transfer-length. [sic]
  625. -- Case 4 is unhandled.
  627. -- 5. By the server closing the connection.
  628. return recv_all(s, partial)
  629. end
  631. -- Sets response["status-line"] and response.status.
  632. local function parse_status_line(status_line, response)
  633. local version, status, reason_phrase
  635. response["status-line"] = status_line
  636. version, status, reason_phrase = string.match(status_line,
  637. "^HTTP/(%d%.%d) *(%d+) *(.*)\r?\n$")
  638. if not version then
  639. return nil, string.format("Error parsing status-line %q.", status_line)
  640. end
  641. -- We don't have a use for the version; ignore it.
  642. response.status = tonumber(status)
  643. if not response.status then
  644. return nil, string.format("Status code is not numeric: %s", status)
  645. end
  647. return true
  648. end
  650. local parse_set_cookie -- defined farther down
  652. -- Sets response.header and response.rawheader.
  653. local function parse_header(header, response)
  654. local pos
  655. local name, words
  656. local s, e
  658. response.header = {}
  659. response.rawheader = stdnse.strsplit("\r?\n", header)
  660. pos = 1
  661. while pos <= #header do
  662. -- Get the field name.
  663. e, name = get_token(header, pos)
  664. -- Do not bail out if the header is malformed. Consume the header line
  665. -- anyway, getting to the next header, but do not create a new entry in
  666. -- the "header" table.
  667. if e then
  668. if header:sub(e, e) ~= ":" then
  669. name = nil
  670. end
  671. pos = e + 1
  672. end
  674. -- Skip initial space.
  675. pos = skip_lws(header, pos)
  676. -- Get non-space words separated by LWS, then join them with a single space.
  677. words = {}
  678. while pos <= #header and not string.match(header, "^\r?\n", pos) do
  679. s = pos
  680. while not string.match(header, "^[ \t]", pos) and
  681. not string.match(header, "^\r?\n", pos) do
  682. pos = pos + 1
  683. end
  684. words[#words + 1] = string.sub(header, s, pos - 1)
  685. pos = skip_lws(header, pos)
  686. end
  688. if name then
  689. -- Set it in our table.
  690. name = string.lower(name)
  691. local value = table.concat(words, " ")
  692. if response.header[name] then
  693. -- TODO: delay concatenation until return to avoid resource exhaustion
  694. response.header[name] = response.header[name] .. ", " .. value
  695. else
  696. response.header[name] = value
  697. end
  699. -- Update the cookie table if this is a Set-Cookie header
  700. if name == "set-cookie" then
  701. local cookie, err = parse_set_cookie(value)
  702. if cookie then
  703. response.cookies[#response.cookies + 1] = cookie
  704. else
  705. -- Ignore any cookie parsing error
  706. end
  707. end
  708. end
  710. -- Next field, or end of string. (If not it's an error.)
  711. s, e = string.find(header, "^\r?\n", pos)
  712. if not e then
  713. return nil, string.format("Header field named %q didn't end with CRLF", name)
  714. end
  715. pos = e + 1
  716. end
  718. return true
  719. end
  721. -- Parse the contents of a Set-Cookie header field.
  722. -- The result is a table of the form
  723. --
  724. -- { name = "NAME", value = "VALUE", Comment = "...", Domain = "...", ... }
  725. --
  726. -- Every key except "name" and "value" is optional.
  727. --
  728. -- This function attempts to support the cookie syntax defined in RFC 2109
  729. -- along with the backwards-compatibility suggestions from its section 10,
  730. -- "HISTORICAL". Values need not be quoted, but if they start with a quote they
  731. -- will be interpreted as a quoted string.
  732. parse_set_cookie = function (s)
  733. local name, value
  734. local _
  736. local cookie = {}
  738. -- Get the NAME=VALUE part.
  739. local pos = skip_space(s, 1)
  740. pos, = get_token(s, pos)
  741. if not then
  742. return nil, "Can't get cookie name."
  743. end
  744. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  745. if s:sub(pos, pos) ~= "=" then
  746. return nil, string.format("Expected '=' after cookie name \"%s\".",
  747. end
  748. pos = pos + 1
  749. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  750. if s:sub(pos, pos) == "\"" then
  751. pos, cookie.value = get_quoted_string(s, pos)
  752. else
  753. _, pos, cookie.value = s:find("([^; \t]*)", pos)
  754. pos = pos + 1
  755. end
  756. if not cookie.value then
  757. return nil, string.format("Can't get value of cookie named \"%s\".",
  758. end
  759. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  761. -- Loop over the attributes.
  762. while s:sub(pos, pos) == ";" do
  763. pos = pos + 1
  764. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  765. pos, name = get_token(s, pos)
  766. if not name then
  767. return nil, string.format("Can't get attribute name of cookie \"%s\".",
  768. end
  769. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  770. if s:sub(pos, pos) == "=" then
  771. pos = pos + 1
  772. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  773. if s:sub(pos, pos) == "\"" then
  774. pos, value = get_quoted_string(s, pos)
  775. else
  776. _, pos, value = s:find("([^;]*)", pos)
  777. value = value:match("(.-)[ \t]*$")
  778. pos = pos + 1
  779. end
  780. if not value then
  781. return nil, string.format("Can't get value of cookie attribute \"%s\".", name)
  782. end
  783. else
  784. value = true
  785. end
  786. cookie[name:lower()] = value
  787. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  788. end
  790. return cookie
  791. end
  793. -- Read one response from the socket <code>s</code> and return it after
  794. -- parsing.
  795. local function next_response(s, method, partial)
  796. local response
  797. local status_line, header, body
  798. local status, err
  800. partial = partial or ""
  801. response = {
  802. status=nil,
  803. ["status-line"]=nil,
  804. header={},
  805. rawheader={},
  806. cookies={},
  807. body=""
  808. }
  810. status_line, partial = recv_line(s, partial)
  811. if not status_line then
  812. return nil, partial
  813. end
  814. status, err = parse_status_line(status_line, response)
  815. if not status then
  816. return nil, err
  817. end
  819. header, partial = recv_header(s, partial)
  820. if not header then
  821. return nil, partial
  822. end
  823. status, err = parse_header(header, response)
  824. if not status then
  825. return nil, err
  826. end
  828. body, partial = recv_body(s, response, method, partial)
  829. if not body then
  830. return nil, partial
  831. end
  832. response.body = body
  834. return response, partial
  835. end
  837. --- Tries to extract the max number of requests that should be made on
  838. -- a keep-alive connection based on "Keep-Alive: timeout=xx,max=yy" response
  839. -- header.
  840. --
  841. -- If the value is not available, an arbitrary value is used. If the connection
  842. -- is not explicitly closed by the server, this same value is attempted.
  843. --
  844. -- @param response The http response - Might be a table or a raw response
  845. -- @return The max number of requests on a keep-alive connection
  846. local function getPipelineMax(response)
  847. -- Allow users to override this with a script-arg
  848. local pipeline = stdnse.get_script_args({'http.pipeline', 'pipeline'})
  850. if(pipeline) then
  851. return tonumber(pipeline)
  852. end
  854. if response then
  855. if response.header and response.header.connection ~= "close" then
  856. if response.header["keep-alive"] then
  857. local max = string.match( response.header["keep-alive"], "max=(%d*)")
  858. if(max == nil) then
  859. return 40
  860. end
  861. return tonumber(max)
  862. else
  863. return 40
  864. end
  865. end
  866. end
  867. return 1
  868. end
  870. --- Builds a string to be added to the request mod_options table
  871. --
  872. -- @param cookies A cookie jar just like the table returned parse_set_cookie.
  873. -- @param path If the argument exists, only cookies with this path are included to the request
  874. -- @return A string to be added to the mod_options table
  875. local function buildCookies(cookies, path)
  876. if type(cookies) == 'string' then return cookies end
  877. local cookie = {}
  878. for _, ck in ipairs(cookies or {}) do
  879. local ckpath = ck["path"]
  880. if not path or not ckpath
  881. or ckpath == path
  882. or ckpath:sub(-1) == "/" and ckpath == path:sub(1, ckpath:len())
  883. or ckpath .. "/" == path:sub(1, ckpath:len()+1)
  884. then
  885. cookie[#cookie+1] = ck["name"] .. "=" .. ck["value"]
  886. end
  887. end
  888. return table.concat(cookie, "; ")
  889. end
  891. -- HTTP cache.
  892. -- Cache of GET and HEAD requests. Uses <"host:port:path", record>.
  893. -- record is in the format:
  894. -- result: The result from http.get or http.head
  895. -- last_used: The time the record was last accessed or made.
  896. -- get: Was the result received from a request to get or recently wiped?
  897. -- size: The size of the record, equal to #record.result.body.
  898. local cache = {size = 0};
  900. local function check_size (cache)
  901. local max_size = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args({'http.max-cache-size', 'http-max-cache-size'}) or 1e6);
  903. local size = cache.size;
  905. if size > max_size then
  906. stdnse.debug1(
  907. "Current http cache size (%d bytes) exceeds max size of %d",
  908. size, max_size);
  909. table.sort(cache, function(r1, r2)
  910. return (r1.last_used or 0) < (r2.last_used or 0);
  911. end);
  913. for i, record in ipairs(cache) do
  914. if size <= max_size then break end
  915. local result = record.result;
  916. if type(result.body) == "string" then
  917. size = size - record.size;
  918. record.size, record.get, result.body = 0, false, "";
  919. end
  920. end
  921. cache.size = size;
  922. end
  923. stdnse.debug2("Final http cache size (%d bytes) of max size of %d",
  924. size, max_size);
  925. return size;
  926. end
  928. -- Unique value to signal value is being retrieved.
  929. -- Also holds <mutex, thread> pairs, working thread is value
  930. local WORKING = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"});
  932. local function lookup_cache (method, host, port, path, options)
  933. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  934. return nil
  935. end
  937. options = options or {};
  938. local bypass_cache = options.bypass_cache; -- do not lookup
  939. local no_cache = options.no_cache; -- do not save result
  940. local no_cache_body = options.no_cache_body; -- do not save body
  942. if type(port) == "table" then port = port.number end
  944. local key = stdnse.get_hostname(host)..":"..port..":"..path;
  945. local mutex = nmap.mutex(tostring(lookup_cache)..key);
  947. local state = {
  948. mutex = mutex,
  949. key = key,
  950. method = method,
  951. bypass_cache = bypass_cache,
  952. no_cache = no_cache,
  953. no_cache_body = no_cache_body,
  954. };
  956. while true do
  957. mutex "lock";
  958. local record = cache[key];
  959. if bypass_cache or record == nil or method ~= record.method then
  960. WORKING[mutex] = coroutine.running();
  961. cache[key], state.old_record = WORKING, record;
  962. return nil, state;
  963. elseif record == WORKING then
  964. local working = WORKING[mutex];
  965. if working == nil or coroutine.status(working) == "dead" then
  966. -- thread died before insert_cache could be called
  967. cache[key] = nil; -- reset
  968. end
  969. mutex "done";
  970. else
  971. mutex "done";
  972. record.last_used = os.time();
  973. return tcopy(record.result), state;
  974. end
  975. end
  976. end
  978. local function response_is_cacheable(response)
  979. -- if response.status is nil, then an error must have occurred during the request
  980. -- and we probably don't want to cache the response
  981. if not response.status then
  982. return false
  983. end
  985. -- 206 Partial Content. RFC 2616, 1.34: "...a cache that does not support the
  986. -- Range and Content-Range headers MUST NOT cache 206 (Partial Content)
  987. -- responses."
  988. if response.status == 206 then
  989. return false
  990. end
  992. -- RFC 2616, 13.4. "A response received with any [status code other than 200,
  993. -- 203, 206, 300, 301 or 410] (e.g. status codes 302 and 307) MUST NOT be
  994. -- returned in a reply to a subsequent request unless there are cache-control
  995. -- directives or another header(s) that explicitly allow it."
  996. -- We violate the standard here and allow these other codes to be cached,
  997. -- with the exceptions listed below.
  999. -- 401 Unauthorized. Caching this would prevent us from retrieving it later
  1000. -- with the correct credentials.
  1001. if response.status == 401 then
  1002. return false
  1003. end
  1005. return true
  1006. end
  1008. local function insert_cache (state, response)
  1009. local key = assert(state.key);
  1010. local mutex = assert(state.mutex);
  1012. if response == nil or state.no_cache or not response_is_cacheable(response) then
  1013. cache[key] = state.old_record;
  1014. else
  1015. local record = {
  1016. result = tcopy(response),
  1017. last_used = os.time(),
  1018. method = state.method,
  1019. size = type(response.body) == "string" and #response.body or 0,
  1020. };
  1021. response = record.result; -- only modify copy
  1022. cache[key], cache[#cache+1] = record, record;
  1023. if state.no_cache_body then
  1024. response.body = "";
  1025. end
  1026. if type(response.body) == "string" then
  1027. cache.size = cache.size + #response.body;
  1028. check_size(cache);
  1029. end
  1030. end
  1031. mutex "done";
  1032. end
  1034. -- Return true if the given method requires a body in the request. In case no
  1035. -- body was supplied we must send "Content-Length: 0".
  1036. local function request_method_needs_content_length(method)
  1037. return method == "POST"
  1038. end
  1040. -- For each of the following request functions, <code>host</code> may either be
  1041. -- a string or a table, and <code>port</code> may either be a number or a
  1042. -- table.
  1043. --
  1044. -- The format of the return value is a table with the following structure:
  1045. -- {status = 200, status-line = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", header = {}, rawheader = {}, body ="<html>...</html>"}
  1046. -- The header table has an entry for each received header with the header name
  1047. -- being the key. The table also has an entry named "status" which contains the
  1048. -- http status code of the request.
  1049. -- In case of an error, the status is nil and status-line describes the problem.
  1051. local function http_error(status_line, partial)
  1052. return {
  1053. status = nil,
  1054. ["status-line"] = status_line,
  1055. header = {},
  1056. rawheader = {},
  1057. body = nil,
  1058. partial = partial
  1059. }
  1060. end
  1062. --- Build an HTTP request from parameters and return it as a string.
  1063. --
  1064. -- @param host The host this request is intended for.
  1065. -- @param port The port this request is intended for.
  1066. -- @param method The method to use.
  1067. -- @param path The path for the request.
  1068. -- @param options A table of options, which may include the keys:
  1069. -- * <code>header</code>: A table containing additional headers to be used for the request.
  1070. -- * <code>content</code>: The content of the message (content-length will be added -- set header['Content-Length'] to override)
  1071. -- * <code>cookies</code>: A table of cookies in the form returned by <code>parse_set_cookie</code>.
  1072. -- * <code>auth</code>: A table containing the keys <code>username</code> and <code>password</code>.
  1073. -- @return A request string.
  1074. -- @see generic_request
  1075. local function build_request(host, port, method, path, options)
  1076. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1077. return nil
  1078. end
  1079. options = options or {}
  1081. -- Private copy of the options table, used to add default header fields.
  1082. local mod_options = {
  1083. header = {
  1084. Connection = "close",
  1085. Host = get_host_field(host, port),
  1086. ["User-Agent"] = USER_AGENT
  1087. }
  1088. }
  1090. if options.cookies then
  1091. local cookies = buildCookies(options.cookies, path)
  1092. if #cookies > 0 then
  1093. mod_options.header["Cookie"] = cookies
  1094. end
  1095. end
  1097. if options.auth and not (options.auth.digest or options.auth.ntlm) then
  1098. local username = options.auth.username
  1099. local password = options.auth.password
  1100. local credentials = "Basic " .. base64.enc(username .. ":" .. password)
  1101. mod_options.header["Authorization"] = credentials
  1102. end
  1104. if options.digestauth then
  1105. local order = {"username", "realm", "nonce", "digest-uri", "algorithm", "response", "qop", "nc", "cnonce"}
  1106. local no_quote = {algorithm=true, qop=true, nc=true}
  1107. local creds = {}
  1108. for _,k in ipairs(order) do
  1109. local v = options.digestauth[k]
  1110. if v then
  1111. if no_quote[k] then
  1112. table.insert(creds, ("%s=%s"):format(k,v))
  1113. else
  1114. if k == "digest-uri" then
  1115. table.insert(creds, ('%s="%s"'):format("uri",v))
  1116. else
  1117. table.insert(creds, ('%s="%s"'):format(k,v))
  1118. end
  1119. end
  1120. end
  1121. end
  1122. local credentials = "Digest "..table.concat(creds, ", ")
  1123. mod_options.header["Authorization"] = credentials
  1124. end
  1126. if options.ntlmauth then
  1127. mod_options.header["Authorization"] = "NTLM " .. base64.enc(options.ntlmauth)
  1128. end
  1131. local body
  1132. -- Build a form submission from a table, like "k1=v1&k2=v2".
  1133. if type(options.content) == "table" then
  1134. local parts = {}
  1135. local k, v
  1136. for k, v in pairs(options.content) do
  1137. parts[#parts + 1] = url.escape(k) .. "=" .. url.escape(v)
  1138. end
  1139. body = table.concat(parts, "&")
  1140. mod_options.header["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  1141. elseif options.content then
  1142. body = options.content
  1143. elseif request_method_needs_content_length(method) then
  1144. body = ""
  1145. end
  1146. if body then
  1147. mod_options.header["Content-Length"] = #body
  1148. end
  1150. -- Add any other header fields into the local copy.
  1151. table_augment(mod_options, options)
  1152. -- We concat this string manually to allow null bytes in requests
  1153. local request_line = method.." "..path.." HTTP/1.1"
  1154. local header = {}
  1155. for name, value in pairs(mod_options.header) do
  1156. -- we concat this string manually to allow null bytes in requests
  1157. header[#header + 1] = name..": "..value
  1158. end
  1160. return request_line .. "\r\n" .. stdnse.strjoin("\r\n", header) .. "\r\n\r\n" .. (body or "")
  1161. end
  1163. --- Send a string to a host and port and return the HTTP result. This function
  1164. -- is like <code>generic_request</code>, to be used when you have a ready-made
  1165. -- request, not a collection of request parameters.
  1166. --
  1167. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1168. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1169. -- @param options A table of other parameters. It may have any of these fields:
  1170. -- * <code>timeout</code>: A timeout used for socket operations.
  1171. -- * <code>header</code>: A table containing additional headers to be used for the request.
  1172. -- * <code>content</code>: The content of the message (content-length will be added -- set header['Content-Length'] to override)
  1173. -- * <code>cookies</code>: A table of cookies in the form returned by <code>parse_set_cookie</code>.
  1174. -- * <code>auth</code>: A table containing the keys <code>username</code> and <code>password</code>.
  1175. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1176. -- @see generic_request
  1177. local function request(host, port, data, options)
  1178. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1179. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1180. end
  1181. local method
  1182. local header
  1183. local response
  1184. stdnse.debug1("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=lololol=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
  1186. options = options or {}
  1188. if type(port) == 'table' then
  1189. if port.protocol and port.protocol ~= 'tcp' then
  1190. stdnse.debug1("http.request() supports the TCP protocol only, your request to %s cannot be completed.", host)
  1191. return http_error("Unsupported protocol.")
  1192. end
  1193. end
  1195. method = string.match(data, "^(%S+)")
  1197. if type(host) == "string" and options.any_af then
  1198. local status, addrs = nmap.resolve(host)
  1199. host = addrs[1] or host
  1200. end
  1202. local socket, partial, opts = comm.tryssl(host, port, data, { timeout = options.timeout })
  1204. if not socket then
  1205. stdnse.debug1("http.request socket error: %s", partial)
  1206. return http_error("Error creating socket.")
  1207. end
  1209. stdnse.debug1(partial)
  1211. repeat
  1212. response, partial = next_response(socket, method, partial)
  1216. if not response then
  1217. return http_error("There was an error in next_response function.")
  1218. end
  1219. -- See RFC 2616, sections 8.2.3 and 10.1.1, for the 100 Continue status.
  1220. -- Sometimes a server will tell us to "go ahead" with a POST body before
  1221. -- sending the real response. If we got one of those, skip over it.
  1222. until not (response.status >= 100 and response.status <= 199)
  1224. socket:close()
  1226. -- if SSL was used to retrieve the URL mark this in the response
  1227. response.ssl = ( opts == 'ssl' )
  1229. return response
  1230. end
  1232. ---Do a single request with a given method. The response is returned as the standard
  1233. -- response table (see the module documentation).
  1234. --
  1235. -- The <code>get</code>, <code>head</code>, and <code>post</code> functions are simple
  1236. -- wrappers around <code>generic_request</code>.
  1237. --
  1238. -- Any 1XX (informational) responses are discarded.
  1239. --
  1240. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1241. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1242. -- @param method The method to use; for example, 'GET', 'HEAD', etc.
  1243. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1244. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1245. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1246. -- @see request
  1247. function generic_request(host, port, method, path, options)
  1248. stdnse.debug1("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=lololol=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
  1249. print("llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll")
  1250. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1251. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1252. end
  1254. local digest_auth = options and options.auth and options.auth.digest
  1255. local ntlm_auth = options and options.auth and options.auth.ntlm
  1257. if (digest_auth or ntlm_auth) and not have_ssl then
  1258. stdnse.debug1("http: digest and ntlm auth require openssl.")
  1259. end
  1261. if digest_auth and have_ssl then
  1262. -- If we want to do digest authentication, we have to make an initial
  1263. -- request to get realm, nonce and other fields.
  1264. local options_with_auth_removed = tcopy(options)
  1265. options_with_auth_removed["auth"] = nil
  1266. local r = generic_request(host, port, method, path, options_with_auth_removed)
  1267. local h = r.header['www-authenticate']
  1268. if not r.status or (h and not string.find(h:lower(), "digest.-realm")) then
  1269. stdnse.debug1("http: the target doesn't support digest auth or there was an error during request.")
  1270. return http_error("The target doesn't support digest auth or there was an error during request.")
  1271. end
  1272. -- Compute the response hash
  1273. local dmd5 = sasl.DigestMD5:new(h, options.auth.username, options.auth.password, method, path)
  1274. local _, digest_table = dmd5:calcDigest()
  1275. options.digestauth = digest_table
  1276. end
  1278. if ntlm_auth and have_ssl then
  1280. local custom_options = tcopy(options) -- to be sent with the type 1 request
  1281. custom_options["auth"] = nil -- removing the auth options
  1282. -- let's check if the target supports ntlm with a simple get request.
  1283. -- Setting a timeout here other than nil messes up the authentication if this is the first device sending
  1284. -- a request to the server. Don't know why.
  1285. custom_options.timeout = nil
  1286. local response = generic_request(host, port, method, path, custom_options)
  1287. local authentication_header = response.header['www-authenticate']
  1288. -- get back the timeout option.
  1289. custom_options.timeout = options.timeout
  1290. custom_options.header = options.header or {}
  1291. custom_options.header["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive" -- Keep-Alive headers are needed for authentication.
  1293. if (not authentication_header) or (not response.status) or (not string.find(authentication_header:lower(), "ntlm")) then
  1294. stdnse.debug1("http: the target doesn't support NTLM or there was an error during request.")
  1295. return http_error("The target doesn't support NTLM or there was an error during request.")
  1296. end
  1298. -- ntlm works with three messages. we send a request, it sends
  1299. -- a challenge, we respond to the challenge.
  1300. local hostname = options.auth.hostname or "localhost" -- the hostname to be sent
  1301. local workstation_name = options.auth.workstation_name or "NMAP" -- the workstation name to be sent
  1302. local username = options.auth.username -- the username as specified
  1304. local auth_blob = "NTLMSSP\x00" .. -- NTLM signature
  1305. "\x01\x00\x00\x00" .. -- NTLM Type 1 message
  1306. bin.pack("<I", 0xa208b207) .. -- flags 56, 128, Version, Extended Security, Always Sign, Workstation supplied, Domain Supplied, NTLM Key, OEM, Unicode
  1307. bin.pack("<SSISSI",#workstation_name, #workstation_name, 40 + #hostname, #hostname, #hostname, 40) .. -- Supplied Domain and Workstation
  1308. bin.pack("CC<S", -- OS version info
  1309. 5, 1, 2600) .. -- 5.1.2600
  1310. "\x00\x00\x00\x0f" .. -- OS version info end (static 0x0000000f)
  1311. hostname.. -- HOST NAME
  1312. workstation_name --WORKSTATION name
  1314. custom_options.ntlmauth = auth_blob
  1316. -- check if the protocol is tcp
  1317. if type(port) == 'table' then
  1318. if port.protocol and port.protocol ~= 'tcp' then
  1319. stdnse.debug1("NTLM authentication supports the TCP protocol only, your request to %s cannot be completed.", host)
  1320. return http_error("Unsupported protocol.")
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1324. -- tryssl uses ssl if needed. sends the type 1 message.
  1325. local socket, partial, opts = comm.tryssl(host, port, build_request(host, port, method, path, custom_options), { timeout = options.timeout })
  1327. if not socket then
  1328. return http_error("Could not create socket to send type 1 message.")
  1329. end
  1331. repeat
  1332. response, partial = next_response(socket, method, partial)
  1333. if not response then
  1334. return http_error("There was error in receiving response of type 1 message.")
  1335. end
  1336. until not (response.status >= 100 and response.status <= 199)
  1338. authentication_header = response.header['www-authenticate']
  1339. -- take out the challenge
  1340. local type2_response = authentication_header:sub(authentication_header:find(' ')+1, -1)
  1341. local _, _, message_type, _, _, _, flags_received, challenge= bin.unpack("<A8ISSIIA8", base64.dec(type2_response))
  1342. -- check if the response is a type 2 message.
  1343. if message_type ~= 0x02 then
  1344. stdnse.debug1("Expected type 2 message as response.")
  1345. return
  1346. end
  1348. local is_unicode = (, 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) -- 0x00000001 UNICODE Flag
  1349. local is_extended = (, 0x00080000) == 0x00080000) -- 0x00080000 Extended Security Flag
  1350. local type_3_flags = 0xa2888206 -- flags 56, 128, Version, Target Info, Extended Security, Always Sign, NTLM Key, OEM
  1352. local lanman, ntlm
  1353. if is_extended then
  1354. -- this essentially calls the new ntlmv2_session_response function in smbauth.lua and returns whatever it returns
  1355. lanman, ntlm = smbauth.get_password_response(nil, username, "", options.auth.password, nil, "ntlmv2_session", challenge, true)
  1356. else
  1357. lanman, ntlm = smbauth.get_password_response(nil, username, "", options.auth.password, nil, "ntlm", challenge, false)
  1358. type_3_flags = type_3_flags - 0x00080000 -- Removing the Extended Security Flag as server doesn't support it.
  1359. end
  1361. local domain = ""
  1362. local session_key = ""
  1364. -- if server supports unicode, then strings are sent in unicode format.
  1365. if is_unicode then
  1366. username = unicode.utf8to16(username)
  1367. hostname = unicode.utf8to16(hostname)
  1368. type_3_flags = type_3_flags - 0x00000001 -- OEM flag is 0x00000002. removing 0x00000001 results in UNICODE flag.
  1369. end
  1371. local BASE_OFFSET = 72 -- Version 3 -- The Session Key<empty in our case>, flags, and OS Version structure are all present.
  1373. auth_blob = bin.pack("<zISSISSISSISSISSISSIICCSAAAAA",
  1374. "NTLMSSP",
  1375. 0x00000003,
  1376. #lanman,
  1377. #lanman,
  1378. BASE_OFFSET + #username + #hostname,
  1379. ( #ntlm ),
  1380. ( #ntlm ),
  1381. BASE_OFFSET + #username + #hostname + #lanman,
  1382. #domain,
  1383. #domain,
  1384. BASE_OFFSET,
  1385. #username,
  1386. #username,
  1387. BASE_OFFSET,
  1388. #hostname,
  1389. #hostname,
  1390. BASE_OFFSET + #username,
  1391. #session_key,
  1392. #session_key,
  1393. BASE_OFFSET + #username + #hostname + #lanman + #ntlm,
  1394. type_3_flags,
  1395. 5,
  1396. 1,
  1397. 2600,
  1398. "\x00\x00\x00\x0f",
  1399. username,
  1400. hostname,
  1401. lanman,
  1402. ntlm)
  1404. custom_options.ntlmauth = auth_blob
  1405. socket:send(build_request(host, port, method, path, custom_options))
  1407. repeat
  1408. response, partial = next_response(socket, method, partial)
  1409. if not response then
  1410. return http_error("There was error in receiving response of type 3 message.")
  1411. end
  1412. until not (response.status >= 100 and response.status <= 199)
  1414. socket:close()
  1415. response.ssl = ( opts == 'ssl' )
  1417. return response
  1418. end
  1420. return request(host, port, build_request(host, port, method, path, options), options)
  1421. end
  1423. ---Uploads a file using the PUT method and returns a result table. This is a simple wrapper
  1424. -- around <code>generic_request</code>
  1425. --
  1426. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1427. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1428. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1429. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1430. -- @param putdata The contents of the file to upload
  1431. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1432. -- @see http.generic_request
  1433. function put(host, port, path, options, putdata)
  1434. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1435. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1436. end
  1437. if ( not(putdata) ) then
  1438. return http_error("No file to PUT.")
  1439. end
  1440. local mod_options = {
  1441. content = putdata,
  1442. }
  1443. table_augment(mod_options, options or {})
  1444. return generic_request(host, port, "PUT", path, mod_options)
  1445. end
  1447. -- A battery of tests a URL is subjected to in order to decide if it may be
  1448. -- redirected to. They incrementally fill in, loc.port, and loc.path.
  1449. local redirect_ok_rules = {
  1451. -- Check if there's any credentials in the url
  1452. function (url, host, port)
  1453. -- bail if userinfo is present
  1454. return ( url.userinfo and false ) or true
  1455. end,
  1457. -- Check if the location is within the domain or host
  1458. function (url, host, port)
  1459. local hostname = stdnse.get_hostname(host)
  1460. if ( hostname == host.ip and host.ip == ) then
  1461. return true
  1462. end
  1463. local domain = hostname:match("^[^%.]-%.(.*)") or hostname
  1464. local match = ("^.*%s$"):format(domain)
  1465. if ( ) then
  1466. return true
  1467. end
  1468. return false
  1469. end,
  1471. -- Check whether the new location has the same port number
  1472. function (url, host, port)
  1473. -- port fixup, adds default ports 80 and 443 in case no url.port was
  1474. -- defined, we do this based on the url scheme
  1475. local url_port = url.port
  1476. if ( not(url_port) ) then
  1477. if ( url.scheme == "http" ) then
  1478. url_port = 80
  1479. elseif( url.scheme == "https" ) then
  1480. url_port = 443
  1481. end
  1482. end
  1483. if (not url_port) or tonumber(url_port) == port.number then
  1484. return true
  1485. end
  1486. return false
  1487. end,
  1489. -- Check whether the url.scheme matches the port.service
  1490. function (url, host, port)
  1491. -- if url.scheme is present then it must match the scanned port
  1492. if url.scheme and url.port then return true end
  1493. if url.scheme and url.scheme ~= port.service then return false end
  1494. return true
  1495. end,
  1497. -- make sure we're actually being redirected somewhere and not to the same url
  1498. function (url, host, port)
  1499. -- path cannot be unchanged unless host has changed
  1500. -- loc.path must be set if returning true
  1501. if ( not url.path or url.path == "/" ) and == ( host.targetname or host.ip) then return false end
  1502. if not url.path then return true end
  1503. return true
  1504. end,
  1505. }
  1507. --- Check if the given URL is okay to redirect to. Return a table with keys
  1508. -- "host", "port", and "path" if okay, nil otherwise.
  1509. --
  1510. -- Redirects will be followed unless they:
  1511. -- * contain credentials
  1512. -- * are on a different domain or host
  1513. -- * have a different port number or URI scheme
  1514. -- * redirect to the same URI
  1515. -- * exceed the maximum number of redirects specified
  1516. -- @param url table as returned by url.parse
  1517. -- @param host table as received by the action function
  1518. -- @param port table as received by the action function
  1519. -- @param counter number of redirects to follow.
  1520. -- @return loc table containing the new location
  1521. function redirect_ok(host, port, counter)
  1522. -- convert a numeric port to a table
  1523. if ( "number" == type(port) ) then
  1524. port = { number = port }
  1525. end
  1526. return function(url)
  1527. if ( counter == 0 ) then return false end
  1528. counter = counter - 1
  1529. for i, rule in ipairs( redirect_ok_rules ) do
  1530. if ( not(rule( url, host, port )) ) then
  1531. --stdnse.debug1("Rule failed: %d", i)
  1532. return false
  1533. end
  1534. end
  1535. return true
  1536. end
  1537. end
  1539. --- Handles a HTTP redirect
  1540. -- @param host table as received by the script action function
  1541. -- @param port table as received by the script action function
  1542. -- @param path string
  1543. -- @param response table as returned by http.get or http.head
  1544. -- @return url table as returned by <code>url.parse</code> or nil if there's no
  1545. -- redirect taking place
  1546. function parse_redirect(host, port, path, response)
  1547. if ( not(tostring(response.status):match("^30[01237]$")) or
  1548. not(response.header) or
  1549. not(response.header.location) ) then
  1550. return nil
  1551. end
  1552. port = ( "number" == type(port) ) and { number = port } or port
  1553. local u = url.parse(response.header.location)
  1554. if ( not( ) then
  1555. -- we're dealing with a relative url
  1556. = stdnse.get_hostname(host)
  1557. u.path = ((u.path:sub(1,1) == "/" and "" ) or "/" ) .. u.path -- ensuring leading slash
  1558. end
  1559. -- do port fixup
  1560. if ( not(u.port) ) then
  1561. if ( u.scheme == "http" ) then u.port = 80
  1562. elseif ( u.scheme == "https") then u.port = 443
  1563. else u.port = port.number end
  1564. end
  1565. if ( not(u.path) ) then
  1566. u.path = "/"
  1567. end
  1568. if ( u.query ) then
  1569. u.path = ("%s?%s"):format( u.path, u.query )
  1570. end
  1571. return u
  1572. end
  1574. -- Retrieves the correct function to use to validate HTTP redirects
  1575. -- @param host table as received by the action function
  1576. -- @param port table as received by the action function
  1577. -- @param options table as passed to http.get or http.head
  1578. -- @return redirect_ok function used to validate HTTP redirects
  1579. local function get_redirect_ok(host, port, options)
  1580. if ( options ) then
  1581. if ( options.redirect_ok == false ) then
  1582. return function() return false end
  1583. elseif( "function" == type(options.redirect_ok) ) then
  1584. return options.redirect_ok(host, port)
  1585. elseif( type(options.redirect_ok) == "number") then
  1586. return redirect_ok(host, port, options.redirect_ok)
  1587. else
  1588. return redirect_ok(host, port, MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT)
  1589. end
  1590. else
  1591. return redirect_ok(host, port, MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT)
  1592. end
  1593. end
  1595. ---Fetches a resource with a GET request and returns the result as a table.
  1596. --
  1597. -- This is a simple wrapper around <code>generic_request</code>, with the added
  1598. -- benefit of having local caching and support for HTTP redirects. Redirects
  1599. -- are followed only if they pass all the validation rules of the redirect_ok
  1600. -- function. This function may be overridden by supplying a custom function in
  1601. -- the <code>redirect_ok</code> field of the options array. The default
  1602. -- function redirects the request if the destination is:
  1603. -- * Within the same host or domain
  1604. -- * Has the same port number
  1605. -- * Stays within the current scheme
  1606. -- * Does not exceed <code>MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT</code> count of redirects
  1607. --
  1608. -- Caching and redirects can be controlled in the <code>options</code> array,
  1609. -- see module documentation for more information.
  1610. --
  1611. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1612. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1613. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1614. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket
  1615. -- timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full
  1616. -- documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1617. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1618. -- @see http.generic_request
  1619. function get(host, port, path, options)
  1620. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1621. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1622. end
  1623. local redir_check = get_redirect_ok(host, port, options)
  1624. local response, state, location
  1625. local u = { host = host, port = port, path = path }
  1626. repeat
  1627. response, state = lookup_cache("GET",, u.port, u.path, options);
  1628. if ( response == nil ) then
  1629. response = generic_request(, u.port, "GET", u.path, options)
  1630. insert_cache(state, response);
  1631. end
  1632. u = parse_redirect(host, port, path, response)
  1633. if ( not(u) ) then
  1634. break
  1635. end
  1636. location = location or {}
  1637. table.insert(location, response.header.location)
  1638. until( not(redir_check(u)) )
  1639. response.location = location
  1640. return response
  1641. end
  1643. ---Parses a URL and calls <code>http.get</code> with the result. The URL can contain
  1644. -- all the standard fields, protocol://host:port/path
  1645. --
  1646. -- @param u The URL of the host.
  1647. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1648. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1649. -- @see http.get
  1650. function get_url( u, options )
  1651. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1652. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1653. end
  1654. local parsed = url.parse( u )
  1655. local port = {}
  1657. port.service = parsed.scheme
  1658. port.number = parsed.port
  1660. if not port.number then
  1661. if parsed.scheme == 'https' then
  1662. port.number = 443
  1663. else
  1664. port.number = 80
  1665. end
  1666. end
  1668. local path = parsed.path or "/"
  1669. if parsed.query then
  1670. path = path .. "?" .. parsed.query
  1671. end
  1673. return get(, port, path, options )
  1674. end
  1676. ---Fetches a resource with a HEAD request.
  1677. --
  1678. -- Like <code>get</code>, this is a simple wrapper around
  1679. -- <code>generic_request</code> with response caching. This function also has
  1680. -- support for HTTP redirects. Redirects are followed only if they pass all the
  1681. -- validation rules of the redirect_ok function. This function may be
  1682. -- overridden by supplying a custom function in the <code>redirect_ok</code>
  1683. -- field of the options array. The default function redirects the request if
  1684. -- the destination is:
  1685. -- * Within the same host or domain
  1686. -- * Has the same port number
  1687. -- * Stays within the current scheme
  1688. -- * Does not exceed <code>MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT</code> count of redirects
  1689. --
  1690. -- Caching and redirects can be controlled in the <code>options</code> array,
  1691. -- see module documentation for more information.
  1692. --
  1693. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1694. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1695. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1696. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket
  1697. -- timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full
  1698. -- documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1699. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1700. -- @see http.generic_request
  1701. function head(host, port, path, options)
  1702. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1703. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1704. end
  1705. local redir_check = get_redirect_ok(host, port, options)
  1706. local response, state, location
  1707. local u = { host = host, port = port, path = path }
  1708. repeat
  1709. response, state = lookup_cache("HEAD",, u.port, u.path, options);
  1710. if response == nil then
  1711. response = generic_request(, u.port, "HEAD", u.path, options)
  1712. insert_cache(state, response);
  1713. end
  1714. u = parse_redirect(host, port, path, response)
  1715. if ( not(u) ) then
  1716. break
  1717. end
  1718. location = location or {}
  1719. table.insert(location, response.header.location)
  1720. until( not(redir_check(u)) )
  1721. response.location = location
  1722. return response
  1723. end
  1725. ---Fetches a resource with a POST request.
  1726. --
  1727. -- Like <code>get</code>, this is a simple wrapper around
  1728. -- <code>generic_request</code> except that postdata is handled properly.
  1729. --
  1730. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1731. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1732. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1733. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket
  1734. -- timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full
  1735. -- documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1736. -- @param ignored Ignored for backwards compatibility.
  1737. -- @param postdata A string or a table of data to be posted. If a table, the
  1738. -- keys and values must be strings, and they will be encoded
  1739. -- into an application/x-www-form-encoded form submission.
  1740. -- @return A response table, see module documentation for description.
  1741. -- @see http.generic_request
  1742. function post( host, port, path, options, ignored, postdata )
  1743. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1744. return http_error("Options failed to validate.")
  1745. end
  1746. local mod_options = {
  1747. content = postdata,
  1748. }
  1749. table_augment(mod_options, options or {})
  1750. return generic_request(host, port, "POST", path, mod_options)
  1751. end
  1753. -- Deprecated pipeline functions
  1754. function pGet( host, port, path, options, ignored, allReqs )
  1755. stdnse.debug1("WARNING: pGet() is deprecated. Use pipeline_add() instead.")
  1756. return pipeline_add(path, options, allReqs, 'GET')
  1757. end
  1758. function pHead( host, port, path, options, ignored, allReqs )
  1759. stdnse.debug1("WARNING: pHead() is deprecated. Use pipeline_add instead.")
  1760. return pipeline_add(path, options, allReqs, 'HEAD')
  1761. end
  1762. function addPipeline(host, port, path, options, ignored, allReqs, method)
  1763. stdnse.debug1("WARNING: addPipeline() is deprecated! Use pipeline_add instead.")
  1764. return pipeline_add(path, options, allReqs, method)
  1765. end
  1766. function pipeline(host, port, allReqs)
  1767. stdnse.debug1("WARNING: pipeline() is deprecated. Use pipeline_go() instead.")
  1768. return pipeline_go(host, port, allReqs)
  1769. end
  1772. ---Adds a pending request to the HTTP pipeline.
  1773. --
  1774. -- The HTTP pipeline is a set of requests that will all be sent at the same
  1775. -- time, or as close as the server allows. This allows more efficient code,
  1776. -- since requests are automatically buffered and sent simultaneously.
  1777. --
  1778. -- The <code>all_requests</code> argument contains the current list of queued
  1779. -- requests (if this is the first time calling <code>pipeline_add</code>, it
  1780. -- should be <code>nil</code>). After adding the request to end of the queue,
  1781. -- the queue is returned and can be passed to the next
  1782. -- <code>pipeline_add</code> call.
  1783. --
  1784. -- When all requests have been queued, call <code>pipeline_go</code> with the
  1785. -- all_requests table that has been built.
  1786. --
  1787. -- @param path The path to retrieve.
  1788. -- @param options [optional] A table that lets the caller control socket
  1789. -- timeouts, HTTP headers, and other parameters. For full
  1790. -- documentation, see the module documentation (above).
  1791. -- @param all_requests [optional] The current pipeline queue (returned from a
  1792. -- previous <code>add_pipeline</code> call), or nil if it's
  1793. -- the first call.
  1794. -- @param method [optional] The HTTP method ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', etc).
  1795. -- Default: 'GET'.
  1796. -- @return Table with the pipeline requests (plus this new one)
  1797. -- @see http.pipeline_go
  1798. function pipeline_add(path, options, all_requests, method)
  1799. if(not(validate_options(options))) then
  1800. return nil
  1801. end
  1802. method = method or 'GET'
  1803. all_requests = all_requests or {}
  1805. local mod_options = {
  1806. header = {
  1807. ["Connection"] = "keep-alive"
  1808. }
  1809. }
  1810. table_augment(mod_options, options or {})
  1812. local object = { method=method, path=path, options=mod_options }
  1813. table.insert(all_requests, object)
  1815. return all_requests
  1816. end
  1818. ---Performs all queued requests in the all_requests variable (created by the
  1819. -- <code>pipeline_add</code> function).
  1820. --
  1821. -- Returns an array of responses, each of which is a table as defined in the
  1822. -- module documentation above.
  1823. --
  1824. -- @param host The host to connect to.
  1825. -- @param port The port to connect to.
  1826. -- @param all_requests A table with all the previously built pipeline requests
  1827. -- @return A list of responses, in the same order as the requests were queued.
  1828. -- Each response is a table as described in the module documentation.
  1829. -- The response list may be either nil or shorter than expected (up to
  1830. -- and including being completely empty) due to communication issues.
  1831. function pipeline_go(host, port, all_requests)
  1832. local responses
  1833. local response
  1834. local partial
  1836. responses = {}
  1838. -- Check for an empty request
  1839. if (not all_requests or #all_requests == 0) then
  1840. stdnse.debug1("Warning: empty set of requests passed to http.pipeline_go()")
  1841. return responses
  1842. end
  1843. stdnse.debug1("Total number of pipelined requests: " .. #all_requests)
  1845. local socket, bopt
  1847. -- We'll try a first request with keep-alive, just to check if the server
  1848. -- supports and how many requests we can send into one socket!
  1849. local request = build_request(host, port, all_requests[1].method, all_requests[1].path, all_requests[1].options)
  1851. socket, partial, bopt = comm.tryssl(host, port, request, {recv_before=false})
  1852. if not socket then
  1853. return nil
  1854. end
  1856. response, partial = next_response(socket, all_requests[1].method, partial)
  1857. if not response then
  1858. return nil
  1859. end
  1861. table.insert(responses, response)
  1863. local limit = getPipelineMax(response) -- how many requests to send on one connection
  1864. limit = limit > #all_requests and #all_requests or limit
  1865. local max_pipeline = stdnse.get_script_args("http.max-pipeline") or limit -- how many requests should be pipelined
  1866. local count = 1
  1867. stdnse.debug1("Number of requests allowed by pipeline: " .. limit)
  1869. while #responses < #all_requests do
  1870. local j, batch_end
  1871. -- we build a table with many requests, upper limited by the var "limit"
  1872. local requests = {}
  1874. if #responses + limit < #all_requests then
  1875. batch_end = #responses + limit
  1876. else
  1877. batch_end = #all_requests
  1878. end
  1880. j = #responses + 1
  1881. while j <= batch_end do
  1882. if j == batch_end then
  1883. all_requests[j].options.header["Connection"] = "close"
  1884. end
  1885. if j~= batch_end and all_requests[j].options.header["Connection"] ~= 'keep-alive' then
  1886. all_requests[j].options.header["Connection"] = 'keep-alive'
  1887. end
  1888. table.insert(requests, build_request(host, port, all_requests[j].method, all_requests[j].path, all_requests[j].options))
  1889. -- to avoid calling build_request more than one time on the same request,
  1890. -- we might want to build all the requests once, above the main while loop
  1891. j = j + 1
  1892. end
  1894. if count >= limit or not socket:get_info() then
  1895. socket:connect(host, port, bopt)
  1896. partial = ""
  1897. count = 0
  1898. end
  1899. socket:set_timeout(10000)
  1901. local start = 1
  1902. local len = #requests
  1903. local req_sent = 0
  1904. -- start sending the requests and pipeline them in batches of max_pipeline elements
  1905. while start <= len do
  1906. stdnse.debug2("HTTP pipeline: number of requests in current batch: %d, already sent: %d, responses from current batch: %d, all responses received: %d",len,start-1,count,#responses)
  1907. local req = {}
  1908. if max_pipeline == limit then
  1909. req = requests
  1910. else
  1911. for i=start,start+max_pipeline-1,1 do
  1912. table.insert(req, requests[i])
  1913. end
  1914. end
  1915. local num_req = #req
  1916. req = table.concat(req, "")
  1917. start = start + max_pipeline
  1918. socket:send(req)
  1919. req_sent = req_sent + num_req
  1920. local inner_count = 0
  1921. local fail = false
  1922. -- collect responses for the last batch
  1923. while inner_count < num_req and #responses < #all_requests do
  1924. response, partial = next_response(socket, all_requests[#responses + 1].method, partial)
  1925. if not response then
  1926. stdnse.debug1("HTTP pipeline: there was a problem while receiving responses.")
  1927. stdnse.debug3("The request was:\n%s",req)
  1928. fail = true
  1929. break
  1930. end
  1931. count = count + 1
  1932. inner_count = inner_count + 1
  1933. responses[#responses + 1] = response
  1934. end
  1935. if fail then break end
  1936. end
  1938. socket:close()
  1940. if count == 0 then
  1941. stdnse.debug1("Received 0 of %d expected responses.\nGiving up on pipeline.", limit);
  1942. break
  1943. elseif count < req_sent then
  1944. stdnse.debug1("Received only %d of %d expected responses.\nDecreasing max pipelined requests to %d.", count, req_sent, count)
  1945. limit = count
  1946. end
  1947. end
  1949. stdnse.debug1("Number of received responses: " .. #responses)
  1951. return responses
  1952. end
  1955. -- Parsing of specific headers. skip_space and the read_* functions return the
  1956. -- byte index following whatever they have just read, or nil on error.
  1958. -- Skip whitespace (that has already been folded from LWS). See RFC 2616,
  1959. -- section 2.2, definition of LWS.
  1960. local function skip_space(s, pos)
  1961. local _
  1963. _, pos = string.find(s, "^[ \t]*", pos)
  1965. return pos + 1
  1966. end
  1968. -- See RFC 2616, section 2.2.
  1969. local function read_token(s, pos)
  1970. local _, token
  1972. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  1973. -- 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>. CHAR is only byte values 0-127.
  1974. _, pos, token = string.find(s, "^([^\0\001-\031()<>@,;:\\\"/?={} \t%[%]\127-\255]+)", pos)
  1976. if token then
  1977. return pos + 1, token
  1978. else
  1979. return nil
  1980. end
  1981. end
  1983. -- See RFC 2616, section 2.2. Here we relax the restriction that TEXT may not
  1984. -- contain CTLs.
  1985. local function read_quoted_string(s, pos)
  1986. local chars = {}
  1988. if string.sub(s, pos, pos) ~= "\"" then
  1989. return nil
  1990. end
  1991. pos = pos + 1
  1992. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  1993. while pos <= #s and string.sub(s, pos, pos) ~= "\"" do
  1994. local c
  1996. c = string.sub(s, pos, pos)
  1997. if c == "\\" then
  1998. if pos < #s then
  1999. pos = pos + 1
  2000. c = string.sub(s, pos, pos)
  2001. else
  2002. return nil
  2003. end
  2004. end
  2006. chars[#chars + 1] = c
  2007. pos = pos + 1
  2008. end
  2009. if pos > #s or string.sub(s, pos, pos) ~= "\"" then
  2010. return nil
  2011. end
  2013. return pos + 1, table.concat(chars)
  2014. end
  2016. local function read_token_or_quoted_string(s, pos)
  2017. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  2018. if string.sub(s, pos, pos) == "\"" then
  2019. return read_quoted_string(s, pos)
  2020. else
  2021. return read_token(s, pos)
  2022. end
  2023. end
  2025. --- Create a pattern to find a tag
  2026. --
  2027. -- Case-insensitive search for tags
  2028. -- @param tag The name of the tag to find
  2029. -- @param endtag Boolean true if you are looking for an end tag, otherwise it will look for a start tag
  2030. -- @return A pattern to find the tag
  2031. function tag_pattern(tag, endtag)
  2032. local patt = {}
  2033. if endtag then
  2034. patt[1] = "</%s*"
  2035. else
  2036. patt[1] = "<%s*"
  2037. end
  2038. local up, down = tag:upper(), tag:lower()
  2039. for i = 1, #tag do
  2040. patt[#patt+1] = string.format("[%s%s]", up:sub(i,i), down:sub(i,i))
  2041. end
  2042. if endtag then
  2043. patt[#patt+1] = "%f[%s>].->"
  2044. else
  2045. patt[#patt+1] = "%f[%s/>].->"
  2046. end
  2047. return table.concat(patt)
  2048. end
  2050. ---
  2051. -- Finds forms in html code
  2052. --
  2053. -- returns table of found forms, in plaintext.
  2054. -- @param body A <code>response.body</code> in which to search for forms
  2055. -- @return A list of forms.
  2056. function grab_forms(body)
  2057. local forms = {}
  2058. if not body then return forms end
  2059. local form_start_expr = tag_pattern("form")
  2060. local form_end_expr = tag_pattern("form", true)
  2062. local form_opening = string.find(body, form_start_expr)
  2063. local forms = {}
  2065. while form_opening do
  2066. local form_closing = string.find(body, form_end_expr, form_opening+1)
  2067. if form_closing == nil then --html code contains errors
  2068. break
  2069. end
  2070. forms[#forms+1] = string.sub(body, form_opening, form_closing-1)
  2071. if form_closing+1 <= #body then
  2072. form_opening = string.find(body, form_start_expr, form_closing+1)
  2073. else
  2074. break
  2075. end
  2076. end
  2077. return forms
  2078. end
  2080. local function get_attr (html, name)
  2081. local lhtml = html:lower()
  2082. local lname = name:lower()
  2083. -- try the attribute-value syntax first
  2084. local _, pos = lhtml:find('%s' .. lname .. '%s*=%s*[^%s]')
  2085. if not pos then
  2086. -- try the empty attribute syntax and, if found,
  2087. -- return zero-length string as its value; nil otherwise
  2088. return lhtml:match('[^%s=]%s+' .. lname .. '[%s/>]') and "" or nil
  2089. end
  2090. local value
  2091. _, value = html:match('^([\'"])(.-)%1', pos)
  2092. if not value then
  2093. value = html:match('^[^%s<>=\'"`]+', pos)
  2094. end
  2095. return slaxml.parser.unescape(value)
  2096. end
  2097. ---
  2098. -- Parses a form, that is, finds its action and fields.
  2099. -- @param form A plaintext representation of form
  2100. -- @return A dictionary with keys: <code>action</code>,
  2101. -- <code>method</code> if one is specified, <code>fields</code>
  2102. -- which is a list of fields found in the form each of which has a
  2103. -- <code>name</code> attribute and <code>type</code> if specified.
  2104. function parse_form(form)
  2105. local parsed = {}
  2106. local fields = {}
  2107. local form_action = get_attr(form, "action")
  2108. if form_action then
  2109. parsed["action"] = form_action
  2110. end
  2112. -- determine if the form is using get or post
  2113. local form_method = get_attr(form, "method")
  2114. if form_method then
  2115. parsed["method"] = string.lower(form_method)
  2116. end
  2118. -- get the id of the form
  2119. local form_id = get_attr(form, "id")
  2120. if form_id then
  2121. parsed["id"] = string.lower(form_id)
  2122. end
  2124. -- now identify the fields
  2125. local input_type
  2126. local input_name
  2127. local input_value
  2129. -- first find regular inputs
  2130. for f in string.gmatch(form, tag_pattern("input")) do
  2131. input_type = get_attr(f, "type")
  2132. input_name = get_attr(f, "name")
  2133. input_value = get_attr(f, "value")
  2134. local next_field_index = #fields+1
  2135. if input_name then
  2136. fields[next_field_index] = {}
  2137. fields[next_field_index]["name"] = input_name
  2138. if input_type then
  2139. fields[next_field_index]["type"] = string.lower(input_type)
  2140. end
  2141. if input_value then
  2142. fields[next_field_index]["value"] = input_value
  2143. end
  2144. end
  2145. end
  2147. -- now search for textareas
  2148. for f in string.gmatch(form, tag_pattern("textarea")) do
  2149. input_name = get_attr(f, "name")
  2150. local next_field_index = #fields+1
  2151. if input_name then
  2152. fields[next_field_index] = {}
  2153. fields[next_field_index]["name"] = input_name
  2154. fields[next_field_index]["type"] = "textarea"
  2155. end
  2156. end
  2157. parsed["fields"] = fields
  2158. return parsed
  2159. end
  2161. local MONTH_MAP = {
  2162. Jan = 1, Feb = 2, Mar = 3, Apr = 4, May = 5, Jun = 6,
  2163. Jul = 7, Aug = 8, Sep = 9, Oct = 10, Nov = 11, Dec = 12
  2164. }
  2166. --- Parses an HTTP date string
  2167. --
  2168. -- Supports any of the following formats from section 3.3.1 of RFC 2616:
  2169. -- * Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT (RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123)
  2170. -- * Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT (RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036)
  2171. -- * Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 (ANSI C's <code>asctime()</code> format)
  2172. -- @param s the date string.
  2173. -- @return a table with keys <code>year</code>, <code>month</code>,
  2174. -- <code>day</code>, <code>hour</code>, <code>min</code>, <code>sec</code>, and
  2175. -- <code>isdst</code>, relative to GMT, suitable for input to
  2176. -- <code>os.time</code>.
  2177. function parse_date(s)
  2178. local day, month, year, hour, min, sec, tz, month_name
  2180. -- Handle RFC 1123 and 1036 at once.
  2181. day, month_name, year, hour, min, sec, tz = s:match("^%w+, (%d+)[- ](%w+)[- ](%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+) (%w+)$")
  2182. if not day then
  2183. month_name, day, hour, min, sec, year = s:match("%w+ (%w+) ?(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+) (%d+)")
  2184. tz = "GMT"
  2185. end
  2186. if not day then
  2187. stdnse.debug1("http.parse_date: can't parse date \"%s\": unknown format.", s)
  2188. return nil
  2189. end
  2190. -- Look up the numeric code for month.
  2191. month = MONTH_MAP[month_name]
  2192. if not month then
  2193. stdnse.debug1("http.parse_date: unknown month name \"%s\".", month_name)
  2194. return nil
  2195. end
  2196. if tz ~= "GMT" then
  2197. stdnse.debug1("http.parse_date: don't know time zone \"%s\", only \"GMT\".", tz)
  2198. return nil
  2199. end
  2200. day = tonumber(day)
  2201. year = tonumber(year)
  2202. hour = tonumber(hour)
  2203. min = tonumber(min)
  2204. sec = tonumber(sec)
  2206. if year < 100 then
  2207. -- Two-digit year. Make a guess.
  2208. if year < 70 then
  2209. year = year + 2000
  2210. else
  2211. year = year + 1900
  2212. end
  2213. end
  2215. return { year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec, isdst = false }
  2216. end
  2218. -- See RFC 2617, section 1.2. This function returns a table with keys "scheme"
  2219. -- and "params".
  2220. local function read_auth_challenge(s, pos)
  2221. local _, scheme, params
  2223. pos, scheme = read_token(s, pos)
  2224. if not scheme then
  2225. return nil
  2226. end
  2228. params = {}
  2229. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  2230. while pos < #s do
  2231. local name, val
  2232. local tmp_pos
  2234. -- We need to peek ahead at this point. It's possible that we've hit the
  2235. -- end of one challenge and the beginning of another. Section 14.33 says
  2236. -- that the header value can be 1#challenge, in other words several
  2237. -- challenges separated by commas. Because the auth-params are also
  2238. -- separated by commas, the only way we can tell is if we find a token not
  2239. -- followed by an equals sign.
  2240. tmp_pos = pos
  2241. tmp_pos, name = read_token(s, tmp_pos)
  2242. if not name then
  2243. pos = skip_space(s, pos + 1)
  2244. return pos, { scheme = scheme, params = nil }
  2245. end
  2246. tmp_pos = skip_space(s, tmp_pos)
  2247. if string.sub(s, tmp_pos, tmp_pos) ~= "=" then
  2248. -- No equals sign, must be the beginning of another challenge.
  2249. break
  2250. end
  2251. tmp_pos = tmp_pos + 1
  2253. pos = tmp_pos
  2254. pos, val = read_token_or_quoted_string(s, pos)
  2255. if not val then
  2256. return nil
  2257. end
  2258. if params[name] then
  2259. return nil
  2260. end
  2261. params[name] = val
  2262. pos = skip_space(s, pos)
  2263. if string.sub(s, pos, pos) == "," then
  2264. pos = skip_space(s, pos + 1)
  2265. if pos > #s then
  2266. return nil
  2267. end
  2268. end
  2269. end
  2271. return pos, { scheme = scheme, params = params }
  2272. end
  2274. ---Parses the WWW-Authenticate header as described in RFC 2616, section 14.47
  2275. -- and RFC 2617, section 1.2.
  2276. --
  2277. -- The return value is an array of challenges. Each challenge is a table with
  2278. -- the keys <code>scheme</code> and <code>params</code>.
  2279. -- @param s The header value text.
  2280. -- @return An array of challenges, or <code>nil</code> on error.
  2281. function parse_www_authenticate(s)
  2282. local challenges = {}
  2283. local pos
  2285. pos = 1
  2286. while pos <= #s do
  2287. local challenge
  2289. pos, challenge = read_auth_challenge(s, pos)
  2290. if not challenge then
  2291. return nil
  2292. end
  2293. challenges[#challenges + 1] = challenge
  2294. end
  2296. return challenges
  2297. end
  2300. ---Take the data returned from a HTTP request and return the status string.
  2301. -- Useful for <code>stdnse.debug</code> messages and even advanced output.
  2302. --
  2303. -- @param data The response table from any HTTP request
  2304. -- @return The best status string we could find: either the actual status string, the status code, or <code>"<unknown status>"</code>.
  2305. function get_status_string(data)
  2306. -- Make sure we have valid data
  2307. if(data == nil) then
  2308. return "<unknown status>"
  2309. elseif(data['status-line'] == nil) then
  2310. if(data['status'] ~= nil) then
  2311. return data['status']
  2312. end
  2314. return "<unknown status>"
  2315. end
  2317. -- We basically want everything after the space
  2318. local space = string.find(data['status-line'], ' ')
  2319. if(space == nil) then
  2320. return data['status-line']
  2321. else
  2322. return (string.sub(data['status-line'], space + 1)):gsub('\r?\n', '')
  2323. end
  2324. end
  2326. ---Determine whether or not the server supports HEAD.
  2327. --
  2328. -- Tests by requesting / and verifying that it returns 200, and doesn't return
  2329. -- data. We implement the check like this because can't always rely on OPTIONS
  2330. -- to tell the truth.
  2331. --
  2332. -- Note: If <code>identify_404</code> returns a 200 status, HEAD requests
  2333. -- should be disabled. Sometimes, servers use a 200 status code with a message
  2334. -- explaining that the page wasn't found. In this case, to actually identify
  2335. -- a 404 page, we need the full body that a HEAD request doesn't supply.
  2336. -- This is determined automatically if the <code>result_404</code> field is
  2337. -- set.
  2338. --
  2339. -- @param host The host object.
  2340. -- @param port The port to use.
  2341. -- @param result_404 [optional] The result when an unknown page is requested.
  2342. -- This is returned by <code>identify_404</code>. If the 404
  2343. -- page returns a 200 code, then we disable HEAD requests.
  2344. -- @param path The path to request; by default, / is used.
  2345. -- @return A boolean value: true if HEAD is usable, false otherwise.
  2346. -- @return If HEAD is usable, the result of the HEAD request is returned (so
  2347. -- potentially, a script can avoid an extra call to HEAD)
  2348. function can_use_head(host, port, result_404, path)
  2349. -- If the 404 result is 200, don't use HEAD.
  2350. if(result_404 == 200) then
  2351. return false
  2352. end
  2354. -- Default path
  2355. if(path == nil) then
  2356. path = '/'
  2357. end
  2359. -- Perform a HEAD request and see what happens.
  2360. local data = head( host, port, path )
  2361. if data then
  2362. if data.status and data.status == 302 and data.header and data.header.location then
  2363. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Warning: Host returned 302 and not 200 when performing HEAD.")
  2364. return false
  2365. end
  2367. if data.status and data.status == 200 and data.header then
  2368. -- check that a body wasn't returned
  2369. if #data.body > 0 then
  2370. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Warning: Host returned data when performing HEAD.")
  2371. return false
  2372. end
  2374. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Host supports HEAD.")
  2375. return true, data
  2376. end
  2378. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Didn't receive expected response to HEAD request (got %s).", get_status_string(data))
  2379. return false
  2380. end
  2382. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: HEAD request completely failed.")
  2383. return false
  2384. end
  2386. --- Try to remove anything that might change within a 404.
  2387. --
  2388. -- For example:
  2389. -- * A file path (includes URI)
  2390. -- * A time
  2391. -- * A date
  2392. -- * An execution time (numbers in general, really)
  2393. --
  2394. -- The intention is that two 404 pages from different URIs and taken hours
  2395. -- apart should, whenever possible, look the same.
  2396. --
  2397. -- During this function, we're likely going to over-trim things. This is fine
  2398. -- -- we want enough to match on that it'll a) be unique, and b) have the best
  2399. -- chance of not changing. Even if we remove bits and pieces from the file, as
  2400. -- long as it isn't a significant amount, it'll remain unique.
  2401. --
  2402. -- One case this doesn't cover is if the server generates a random haiku for
  2403. -- the user.
  2404. --
  2405. -- @param body The body of the page.
  2406. function clean_404(body)
  2407. if ( not(body) ) then
  2408. return
  2409. end
  2411. -- Remove anything that looks like time
  2412. body = string.gsub(body, '%d?%d:%d%d:%d%d', "")
  2413. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d:%d%d', "")
  2414. body = string.gsub(body, 'AM', "")
  2415. body = string.gsub(body, 'am', "")
  2416. body = string.gsub(body, 'PM', "")
  2417. body = string.gsub(body, 'pm', "")
  2419. -- Remove anything that looks like a date (this includes 6 and 8 digit numbers)
  2420. -- (this is probably unnecessary, but it's getting pretty close to 11:59 right now, so you never know!)
  2421. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d', "") -- 4-digit year (has to go first, because it overlaps 2-digit year)
  2422. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d', "")
  2423. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%d%d/%d%d/%d%d', "")
  2424. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d%d%d', "")
  2425. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%/%d%d%/%d%d%d%d', "")
  2427. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%d%d%d%d', "") -- 2-digit year
  2428. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d', "")
  2429. body = string.gsub(body, '%d%d%/%d%d%/%d%d', "")
  2431. -- Remove anything that looks like a path (note: this will get the URI too) (note2: this interferes with the date removal above, so it can't be moved up)
  2432. body = string.gsub(body, "/[^ ]+", "") -- Unix - remove everything from a slash till the next space
  2433. body = string.gsub(body, "[a-zA-Z]:\\[^ ]+", "") -- Windows - remove everything from a "x:\" pattern till the next space
  2435. -- If we have SSL available, save us a lot of memory by hashing the page (if SSL isn't available, this will work fine, but
  2436. -- take up more memory). If we're debugging, don't hash (it makes things far harder to debug).
  2437. if(have_ssl and nmap.debugging() == 0) then
  2438. return openssl.md5(body)
  2439. end
  2441. return body
  2442. end
  2444. ---Try requesting a non-existent file to determine how the server responds to
  2445. -- unknown pages ("404 pages")
  2446. --
  2447. -- This tells us
  2448. -- * what to expect when a non-existent page is requested, and
  2449. -- * if the server will be impossible to scan.
  2450. --
  2451. -- If the server responds with a 404 status code, as it is supposed to, then
  2452. -- this function simply returns 404. If it contains one of a series of common
  2453. -- status codes, including unauthorized, moved, and others, it is returned like
  2454. -- a 404.
  2455. --
  2456. -- I (Ron Bowes) have observed one host that responds differently for three
  2457. -- scenarios:
  2458. -- * A non-existent page, all lowercase (a login page)
  2459. -- * A non-existent page, with uppercase (a weird error page that says,
  2460. -- "Filesystem is corrupt.")
  2461. -- * A page in a non-existent directory (a login page with different font
  2462. -- colours)
  2463. --
  2464. -- As a result, I've devised three different 404 tests, one to check each of
  2465. -- these conditions. They all have to match, the tests can proceed; if any of
  2466. -- them are different, we can't check 404s properly.
  2467. --
  2468. -- @param host The host object.
  2469. -- @param port The port to which we are establishing the connection.
  2470. -- @return status Did we succeed?
  2471. -- @return result If status is false, result is an error message. Otherwise,
  2472. -- it's the code to expect (typically, but not necessarily,
  2473. -- '404').
  2474. -- @return body Body is a hash of the cleaned-up body that can be used when
  2475. -- detecting a 404 page that doesn't return a 404 error code.
  2476. function identify_404(host, port)
  2477. local data
  2478. local bad_responses = { 301, 302, 400, 401, 403, 499, 501, 503 }
  2480. -- The URLs used to check 404s
  2481. local URL_404_1 = '/nmaplowercheck' .. os.time('*t'))
  2482. local URL_404_2 = '/NmapUpperCheck' .. os.time('*t'))
  2483. local URL_404_3 = '/Nmap/folder/check' .. os.time('*t'))
  2485. data = get(host, port, URL_404_1,{redirect_ok=false})
  2486. if(data == nil) then
  2487. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Failed while testing for 404 status code")
  2488. return false, "Failed while testing for 404 error message"
  2489. end
  2491. if(data.status and data.status == 404) then
  2492. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Host returns proper 404 result.")
  2493. return true, 404
  2494. end
  2496. if(data.status and data.status == 200) then
  2497. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Host returns 200 instead of 404.")
  2499. -- Clean up the body (for example, remove the URI). This makes it easier to validate later
  2500. if(data.body) then
  2501. -- Obtain a couple more 404 pages to test different conditions
  2502. local data2 = get(host, port, URL_404_2)
  2503. local data3 = get(host, port, URL_404_3)
  2504. if(data2 == nil or data3 == nil) then
  2505. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Failed while testing for extra 404 error messages")
  2506. return false, "Failed while testing for extra 404 error messages"
  2507. end
  2509. -- Check if the return code became something other than 200.
  2510. -- Status code: -1 represents unknown.
  2511. -- If the status is nil or the string "unknown" we switch to -1.
  2512. if(data2.status ~= 200) then
  2513. if(type(data2.status) ~= "number") then
  2514. data2.status = -1
  2515. end
  2516. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: HTTP 404 status changed for second request (became %d).", data2.status)
  2517. return false, string.format("HTTP 404 status changed for second request (became %d).", data2.status)
  2518. end
  2520. -- Check if the return code became something other than 200
  2521. if(data3.status ~= 200) then
  2522. if(type(data3.status) ~= "number") then
  2523. data3.status = -1
  2524. end
  2525. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: HTTP 404 status changed for third request (became %d).", data3.status)
  2526. return false, string.format("HTTP 404 status changed for third request (became %d).", data3.status)
  2527. end
  2529. -- Check if the returned bodies (once cleaned up) matches the first returned body
  2530. local clean_body = clean_404(data.body)
  2531. local clean_body2 = clean_404(data2.body)
  2532. local clean_body3 = clean_404(data3.body)
  2533. if(clean_body ~= clean_body2) then
  2534. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Two known 404 pages returned valid and different pages; unable to identify valid response.")
  2535. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: If you investigate the server and it's possible to clean up the pages, please post to nmap-dev mailing list.")
  2536. return false, "Two known 404 pages returned valid and different pages; unable to identify valid response."
  2537. end
  2539. if(clean_body ~= clean_body3) then
  2540. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Two known 404 pages returned valid and different pages; unable to identify valid response (happened when checking a folder).")
  2541. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: If you investigate the server and it's possible to clean up the pages, please post to nmap-dev mailing list.")
  2542. return false, "Two known 404 pages returned valid and different pages; unable to identify valid response (happened when checking a folder)."
  2543. end
  2545. return true, 200, clean_body
  2546. end
  2548. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: The 200 response didn't contain a body.")
  2549. return true, 200
  2550. end
  2552. -- Loop through any expected error codes
  2553. for _,code in pairs(bad_responses) do
  2554. if(data.status and data.status == code) then
  2555. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Host returns %s instead of 404 File Not Found.", get_status_string(data))
  2556. return true, code
  2557. end
  2558. end
  2560. stdnse.debug1("Unexpected response returned for 404 check: %s", get_status_string(data))
  2562. return true, data.status
  2563. end
  2565. --- Determine whether or not the page that was returned is a 404 page.
  2566. --
  2567. -- This is actually a pretty simple function, but it's best to keep this logic
  2568. -- close to <code>identify_404</code>, since they will generally be used
  2569. -- together.
  2570. --
  2571. -- @param data The data returned by the HTTP request
  2572. -- @param result_404 The status code to expect for non-existent pages. This is
  2573. -- returned by <code>identify_404</code>.
  2574. -- @param known_404 The 404 page itself, if <code>result_404</code> is 200. If
  2575. -- <code>result_404</code> is something else, this parameter
  2576. -- is ignored and can be set to <code>nil</code>. This is
  2577. -- returned by <code>identify_404</code>.
  2578. -- @param page The page being requested (used in error messages).
  2579. -- @param displayall [optional] If set to true, don't exclude non-404 errors
  2580. -- (such as 500).
  2581. -- @return A boolean value: true if the page appears to exist, and false if it
  2582. -- does not.
  2583. function page_exists(data, result_404, known_404, page, displayall)
  2584. if(data and data.status) then
  2585. -- Handle the most complicated case first: the "200 Ok" response
  2586. if(data.status == 200) then
  2587. if(result_404 == 200) then
  2588. -- If the 404 response is also "200", deal with it (check if the body matches)
  2589. if(#data.body == 0) then
  2590. -- I observed one server that returned a blank string instead of an error, on some occasions
  2591. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Page returned a totally empty body; page likely doesn't exist")
  2592. return false
  2593. elseif(clean_404(data.body) ~= known_404) then
  2594. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Page returned a body that doesn't match known 404 body, therefore it exists (%s)", page)
  2595. return true
  2596. else
  2597. return false
  2598. end
  2599. else
  2600. -- If 404s return something other than 200, and we got a 200, we're good to go
  2601. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Page was '%s', it exists! (%s)", get_status_string(data), page)
  2602. return true
  2603. end
  2604. else
  2605. -- If the result isn't a 200, check if it's a 404 or returns the same code as a 404 returned
  2606. if(data.status ~= 404 and data.status ~= result_404) then
  2607. -- If this check succeeded, then the page isn't a standard 404 -- it could be a redirect, authentication request, etc. Unless the user
  2608. -- asks for everything (with a script argument), only display 401 Authentication Required here.
  2609. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: Page didn't match the 404 response (%s) (%s)", get_status_string(data), page)
  2611. if(data.status == 401) then -- "Authentication Required"
  2612. return true
  2613. elseif(displayall) then
  2614. return true
  2615. end
  2617. return false
  2618. else
  2619. -- Page was a 404, or looked like a 404
  2620. return false
  2621. end
  2622. end
  2623. else
  2624. stdnse.debug1("HTTP: HTTP request failed (is the host still up?)")
  2625. return false
  2626. end
  2627. end
  2629. ---Check if the response variable contains the given text.
  2630. --
  2631. -- Response variable could be a return from a http.get,,
  2632. -- http.pipeline_go, etc. The text can be:
  2633. -- * Part of a header ('content-type', 'text/html', '200 OK', etc)
  2634. -- * An entire header ('Content-type: text/html', 'Content-length: 123', etc)
  2635. -- * Part of the body
  2636. --
  2637. -- The search text is treated as a Lua pattern.
  2638. --
  2639. --@param response The full response table from a HTTP request.
  2640. --@param pattern The pattern we're searching for. Don't forget to escape '-',
  2641. -- for example, 'Content%-type'. The pattern can also contain
  2642. -- captures, like 'abc(.*)def', which will be returned if
  2643. -- successful.
  2644. --@param case_sensitive [optional] Set to <code>true</code> for case-sensitive
  2645. -- searches. Default: not case sensitive.
  2646. --@return result True if the string matched, false otherwise
  2647. --@return matches An array of captures from the match, if any
  2648. function response_contains(response, pattern, case_sensitive)
  2649. local result, _
  2650. local m = {}
  2652. -- If they're searching for the empty string or nil, it's true
  2653. if(pattern == '' or pattern == nil) then
  2654. return true
  2655. end
  2657. -- Create a function that either lowercases everything or doesn't, depending on case sensitivity
  2658. local case = function(pattern) return string.lower(pattern or '') end
  2659. if(case_sensitive == true) then
  2660. case = function(pattern) return (pattern or '') end
  2661. end
  2663. -- Set the case of the pattern
  2664. pattern = case(pattern)
  2666. -- Check the status line (eg, 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK')
  2667. m = {string.match(case(response['status-line']), pattern)};
  2668. if(m and #m > 0) then
  2669. return true, m
  2670. end
  2672. -- Check the headers
  2673. for _, header in pairs(response['rawheader']) do
  2674. m = {string.match(case(header), pattern)}
  2675. if(m and #m > 0) then
  2676. return true, m
  2677. end
  2678. end
  2680. -- Check the body
  2681. m = {string.match(case(response['body']), pattern)}
  2682. if(m and #m > 0) then
  2683. return true, m
  2684. end
  2686. return false
  2687. end
  2689. ---Take a URI or URL in any form and convert it to its component parts.
  2690. --
  2691. -- The URL can optionally have a protocol definition ('http://'), a server
  2692. -- (''), a port (':80'), a URI ('/test/file.php'), and a
  2693. -- query string ('?username=ron&password=turtle'). At the minimum, a path or
  2694. -- protocol and url are required.
  2695. --
  2696. --@param url The incoming URL to parse
  2697. --@return A table containing the result, which can have the following fields:
  2698. -- * protocol
  2699. -- * hostname
  2700. -- * port
  2701. -- * uri
  2702. -- * querystring
  2703. -- All fields are strings except querystring, which is a table
  2704. -- containing name=value pairs.
  2705. function parse_url(url)
  2706. local result = {}
  2708. -- Save the original URL
  2709. result['original'] = url
  2711. -- Split the protocol off, if it exists
  2712. local colonslashslash = string.find(url, '://')
  2713. if(colonslashslash) then
  2714. result['protocol'] = string.sub(url, 1, colonslashslash - 1)
  2715. url = string.sub(url, colonslashslash + 3)
  2716. end
  2718. -- Split the host:port from the path
  2719. local slash, host_port
  2720. slash = string.find(url, '/')
  2721. if(slash) then
  2722. host_port = string.sub(url, 1, slash - 1)
  2723. result['path_query'] = string.sub(url, slash)
  2724. else
  2725. -- If there's no slash, then it's just a URL (if it has a http://) or a path (if it doesn't)
  2726. if(result['protocol']) then
  2727. result['host_port'] = url
  2728. else
  2729. result['path_query'] = url
  2730. end
  2731. end
  2732. if(host_port == '') then
  2733. host_port = nil
  2734. end
  2736. -- Split the host and port apart, if possible
  2737. if(host_port) then
  2738. local colon = string.find(host_port, ':')
  2739. if(colon) then
  2740. result['host'] = string.sub(host_port, 1, colon - 1)
  2741. result['port'] = tonumber(string.sub(host_port, colon + 1))
  2742. else
  2743. result['host'] = host_port
  2744. end
  2745. end
  2747. -- Split the path and querystring apart
  2748. if(result['path_query']) then
  2749. local question = string.find(result['path_query'], '?')
  2750. if(question) then
  2751. result['path'] = string.sub(result['path_query'], 1, question - 1)
  2752. result['raw_querystring'] = string.sub(result['path_query'], question + 1)
  2753. else
  2754. result['path'] = result['path_query']
  2755. end
  2757. -- Split up the query, if necessary
  2758. if(result['raw_querystring']) then
  2759. result['querystring'] = {}
  2760. local values = stdnse.strsplit('&', result['raw_querystring'])
  2761. for i, v in ipairs(values) do
  2762. local name, value = table.unpack(stdnse.strsplit('=', v))
  2763. result['querystring'][name] = value
  2764. end
  2765. end
  2767. -- Get the extension of the file, if any, or set that it's a folder
  2768. if(string.match(result['path'], "/$")) then
  2769. result['is_folder'] = true
  2770. else
  2771. result['is_folder'] = false
  2772. local split_str = stdnse.strsplit('%.', result['path'])
  2773. if(split_str and #split_str > 1) then
  2774. result['extension'] = split_str[#split_str]
  2775. end
  2776. end
  2777. end
  2779. return result
  2780. end
  2782. ---This function should be called whenever a valid path (a path that doesn't
  2783. -- contain a known 404 page) is discovered.
  2784. --
  2785. -- It will add the path to the registry in several ways, allowing other scripts
  2786. -- to take advantage of it in interesting ways.
  2787. --
  2788. --@param host The host the path was discovered on (not necessarily the host
  2789. -- being scanned).
  2790. --@param port The port the path was discovered on (not necessarily the port
  2791. -- being scanned).
  2792. --@param path The path discovered. Calling this more than once with the same
  2793. -- path is okay; it'll update the data as much as possible instead
  2794. -- of adding a duplicate entry
  2795. --@param status [optional] The status code (200, 404, 500, etc). This can be
  2796. -- left off if it isn't known.
  2797. --@param links_to [optional] A table of paths that this page links to.
  2798. --@param linked_from [optional] A table of paths that link to this page.
  2799. --@param contenttype [optional] The content-type value for the path, if it's known.
  2800. function save_path(host, port, path, status, links_to, linked_from, contenttype)
  2801. -- Make sure we have a proper hostname and port
  2802. host = stdnse.get_hostname(host)
  2803. if(type(port) == 'table') then
  2804. port = port.number
  2805. end
  2807. -- Parse the path
  2808. local parsed = parse_url(path)
  2810. -- Add to the 'all_pages' key
  2811. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'all_pages'}, parsed['path'])
  2813. -- Add the URL with querystring to all_pages_full_query
  2814. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'all_pages_full_query'}, parsed['path_query'])
  2816. -- Add the URL to a key matching the response code
  2817. if(status) then
  2818. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'status_codes', status}, parsed['path'])
  2819. end
  2821. -- If it's a directory, add it to the directories list; otherwise, add it to the files list
  2822. if(parsed['is_folder']) then
  2823. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'directories'}, parsed['path'])
  2824. else
  2825. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'files'}, parsed['path'])
  2826. end
  2829. -- If we have an extension, add it to the extensions key
  2830. if(parsed['extension']) then
  2831. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'extensions', parsed['extension']}, parsed['path'])
  2832. end
  2834. -- Add an entry for the page and its arguments
  2835. if(parsed['querystring']) then
  2836. -- Add all scripts with a querystring to the 'cgi' and 'cgi_full_query' keys
  2837. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'cgi'}, parsed['path'])
  2838. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'cgi_full_query'}, parsed['path_query'])
  2840. -- Add the query string alone to the registry (probably not necessary)
  2841. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'cgi_querystring', parsed['path'] }, parsed['raw_querystring'])
  2843. -- Add the individual arguments for the page, along with their values
  2844. for key, value in pairs(parsed['querystring']) do
  2845. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'cgi_args', parsed['path']}, parsed['querystring'])
  2846. end
  2847. end
  2849. -- Save the pages it links to
  2850. if(links_to) then
  2851. if(type(links_to) == 'string') then
  2852. links_to = {links_to}
  2853. end
  2855. for _, v in ipairs(links_to) do
  2856. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'links_to', parsed['path_query']}, v)
  2857. end
  2858. end
  2860. -- Save the pages it's linked from (we save these in the 'links_to' key, reversed)
  2861. if(linked_from) then
  2862. if(type(linked_from) == 'string') then
  2863. linked_from = {linked_from}
  2864. end
  2866. for _, v in ipairs(linked_from) do
  2867. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'links_to', v}, parsed['path_query'])
  2868. end
  2869. end
  2871. -- Save it as a content-type, if we have one
  2872. if(contenttype) then
  2873. stdnse.registry_add_array({parsed['host'] or host, 'www', parsed['port'] or port, 'content-type', contenttype}, parsed['path_query'])
  2874. end
  2875. end
  2877. return _ENV;
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