
zwei on hitler

Apr 24th, 2020
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  1. [02:41:44] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> (We should probably skip to the part where Liese finally comes back :V)
  2. [02:41:57] <Jordan_Tenko> Zwei is afk
  3. [02:42:01] <Jordan_Tenko> she'll be back
  4. [02:42:53] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I see.
  5. [02:44:59] <Liese_Brandt> was investigating suspicious smoke smell for fires
  6. [02:45:02] <Liese_Brandt> Found cigars
  7. [02:45:19] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Guessing your dad smokes cigars?
  8. [02:45:33] <Liese_Brandt> Both of them picked it up from the carribeans
  9. [02:45:38] <Liese_Brandt> incidentally, it was my mother this time
  10. [02:46:38] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I see. Sounds expensive, those cigars
  11. [02:46:51] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> (Also, because you don't see cigars a lot here. Just cigarettes)
  12. [02:47:12] <Liese_Brandt> They only smoke them rarely
  13. [02:47:35] <Ratty_GM> when you go to cuba
  14. [02:47:39] <Ratty_GM> you return a changed person
  15. [02:47:51] <Jordan_Tenko> a communist
  16. [02:47:58] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> None of my parents smoke and my dad only drinks socially.
  17. [02:48:04] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> As expected, I neither drink nor smoke.
  18. [02:48:22] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I am a rather droll person IRL, unfortunately.
  19. [02:48:30] <Ratty_GM> both of my parents smoke, but one a pipe and the other weed
  20. [02:48:42] <Ratty_GM> and both of my sisters smoke
  21. [02:48:52] <Ratty_GM> I don't but cigars are cool
  22. [02:49:12] <Ratty_GM> and art school teaches you all kinds of things really makes you think
  23. [02:49:19] <Jordan_Tenko> Same here, Arvin
  24. [02:49:25] <Liese_Brandt> This entire family drinks wine as much as befits French Canada's association with the word French
  25. [02:49:52] <Liese_Brandt> And I drink vodka straight from the bottle with my honorary russian cred
  26. [02:49:59] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Liese_Brandt - Hey, you're at least partly French, and they're known for having good taste in wine.
  27. [02:50:05] <Liese_Brandt> I'm not, actually
  28. [02:50:16] <Liese_Brandt> My ancestry is supposed to be half irish half scottish highlands
  29. [02:51:10] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I know, just that you live in French Canada and all.
  30. [02:51:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Either way, you'd drink me under the table easy.
  31. [02:51:29] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Partly because I don't drink and partly because I'm Asian.
  32. [02:52:01] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Jordan_Tenko - Yeah. I don't like getting drunk, the morning after makes me wish I was dead.
  33. [02:52:27] <Jordan_Tenko> I've never even had a drink.
  34. [02:53:01] <Liese_Brandt> You all suck at living.
  35. [02:53:52] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Why do you think I'm such a dildo all the time? :P
  36. [02:55:10] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> But more to the point, blame my stupidly Conservative country.
  37. [02:55:17] <Jordan_Tenko> I take my lack of alcohol consumption as an indicator that I'm not sucking at living.
  38. [02:55:21] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> And my equally conservative upbringing.
  39. [02:56:58] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Anyway, maybe when I get my own place, I'll start drinking. Still won't smoke though.
  40. [02:57:08] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I tried it once, the nicotine did nothing good for me.
  41. [02:57:20] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Or rather, I didn't feel anything at all. Apart from my lungs burning. :V
  42. [03:00:48] <Liese_Brandt> Never smoke either
  43. [03:01:41] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Yeah, I'm already out of shape as is. No need to make things worse for myself.
  44. [03:21:44] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Kinda like the office coffee maker here. You just push a button and coffee comes out, though it's shitty instant coffee.
  45. [03:22:23] Liese_Brandt twiddles fingers devilishly
  46. [03:38:59] <Liese_Brandt> Since no one made any attempts, I guess I should just say here what the sneaky sneaks were
  47. [03:39:36] <Jordan_Tenko> Eriko, you there?
  48. [03:39:43] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I'm guessing that wise quote was from someone in history?
  49. [03:39:48] <Liese_Brandt> Yuuup
  50. [03:39:55] <Jordan_Tenko> Hitler?
  51. [03:39:56] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Don't quite recall who, sadly.
  52. [03:39:57] <Liese_Brandt> Yup.
  53. [03:40:01] <Jordan_Tenko> I knew it
  54. [03:40:13] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> When though?
  55. [03:40:14] <Liese_Brandt> Pfffff
  56. [03:40:18] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> When he just made Chancellor?
  57. [03:40:28] <Liese_Brandt> It's from Mein Kampf, page 344
  58. [03:40:53] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Ahhh.
  59. [03:41:01] <Liese_Brandt> Which was written in 1923 IIRC
  60. [03:41:01] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> He doesn't really get much attention here.
  61. [03:41:12] <Emiri> european girl looks up to hitler 🤔
  62. [03:41:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Fuck, I mean our President said that he was like Hitler towards Drug Dealers.
  63. [03:41:20] <Liese_Brandt> Well to be fair
  64. [03:41:28] <Liese_Brandt> Her grandmother literally met and talked to the guy
  65. [03:41:33] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Which goes to show you how startlingly ignorant most people here about the guy.
  66. [03:41:43] <Emiri> grandmother hated being a nazi :thinkin
  67. [03:41:46] <Emiri> 🤔
  68. [03:42:03] <Liese_Brandt> She did hate the party's xenophobia and needless violence
  69. [03:42:06] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Well, to be fair, Adelind didn't buy into the Nazi Ideology.
  70. [03:42:11] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Not completely, anyway.
  71. [03:42:16] <Emiri> and yet liese looks up to hitler 🤔
  72. [03:42:22] <Emiri> really makes you think 🤔
  73. [03:42:29] <Liese_Brandt> >Looks up
  74. [03:42:31] <Liese_Brandt> Pls
  75. [03:42:42] <Liese_Brandt> It's not because I'm currently reading this book that it makes me a facist
  76. [03:43:03] <Emiri> hmmm 🤔
  77. [03:43:10] <Emiri> it's one thing to read his book but another to quote it
  78. [03:43:24] <Emiri> especially yknow
  79. [03:43:25] <Emiri> if you call him wise
  80. [03:43:33] <Jordan_Tenko> what's the point of reading it if you aren't going to quote it
  81. [03:43:49] <Emiri> that's fair
  82. [03:43:54] <Emiri> but calling him wise yknow
  83. [03:44:06] <Emiri> i'm pretty sure calling someone wise means you kind of look up to them 🤔
  84. [03:44:15] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Liese is anything but conventional.
  85. [03:44:17] <Liese_Brandt> Well, let's give credit where it's due here
  86. [03:44:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Putting it simply.
  87. [03:44:27] <Emiri> andshe also looked up to her mom 🤔
  88. [03:44:29] <Liese_Brandt> If you take out all the stupid shit about race and jews out of it
  89. [03:44:32] <Emiri> who was anti-nazi 🤔
  90. [03:44:36] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Hitler was a very good rhetoric, mind.
  91. [03:44:47] <Emiri> sure but liese literally said "a wise man"
  92. [03:44:50] <Liese_Brandt> Then what's left is pretty fucking fascinating
  93. [03:44:50] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> So I wouldn't be surprised if Liese decided to quote the man for the quote's sake.
  94. [03:45:00] Fuyuki_Kagamine shrugs.
  95. [03:45:02] <Emiri> nice
  96. [03:45:10] <Emiri> i just think it's a convenience thing i guess
  97. [03:45:11] <Emiri> oh well
  98. [03:45:36] <Liese_Brandt> He also called 19th century journal-bloggers keyboard warriors a hundred years before ti was cool :V
  99. [03:46:04] <Emiri> that had nothing to do with what i was talkking about
  100. [03:46:08] <Emiri> but cool i guess
  101. [03:46:43] <Liese_Brandt> Another interesting thing is that one of the first things this book talks about is the importance of proper education and reading properly
  102. [03:47:19] <Liese_Brandt> Of which he says it's important, when reading any work, to be able to zero in on the important aspects you can learn from and to ignore the useless and the superfluous
  103. [03:47:40] <Liese_Brandt> Which is an advice I am applying to itself, by ignoring all the race shit :^)
  104. [03:48:30] <Emiri> i also like conveniently ignoring certain points of people for convenience
  105. [03:48:44] <Liese_Brandt> pfffff
  106. [03:48:48] <Ratty_GM> w-what
  107. [03:48:57] <Liese_Brandt> What is it Ratty?
  108. [03:49:11] <Ratty_GM> what is emi ignoring
  109. [03:49:24] <Liese_Brandt> Probably me and Jordan
  110. [03:49:25] <Liese_Brandt> A lot.
  111. [03:49:29] <Ratty_GM> wait are you still talking about Adolf Hitler
  112. [03:49:29] <Emiri> I think Hitler is great, Raty
  113. [03:49:33] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Hitler was just not touched upon here. The Japanese are the bad guys for us.
  114. [03:49:37] <Emiri> Hitler is great, if you forget about the thing about the Jews and stuff
  115. [03:49:40] <Liese_Brandt> Fair enough
  116. [03:49:44] <Emiri> Hitler is great if you ignore all his bad points
  117. [03:49:48] <Emiri> Hahaha!
  118. [03:49:49] <Emiri> Wow!
  119. [03:49:52] <Ratty_GM> he liked dogs
  120. [03:49:55] <Emiri> Everyone is great if you ignore all their bad points!
  121. [03:50:01] <Ratty_GM> people who like dogs cannot possible be bad people
  122. [03:50:04] <Liese_Brandt> It's like people can have good ideas AND bad ideas or something!
  123. [03:50:06] <Ratty_GM> t. Paul von Oberstein
  124. [03:50:08] <Emiri> you're right
  125. [03:50:11] <Emiri> it really makes you think, doesn't it?
  126. [03:50:26] <Ratty_GM> profoundly irks me to reconsider
  127. [03:50:41] <Emiri> So I should just ignore the bad parts about Donald Trump
  128. [03:50:44] <Emiri> Because he has some good points too!
  129. [03:50:48] <Emiri> He can't be a bad person
  130. [03:50:52] <Emiri> Just ignore his bad ideas!
  131. [03:50:54] <Emiri> Trudeau, too!
  132. [03:50:56] <Emiri> And Stalin!
  133. [03:50:58] <Emiri> Wow this is so easy!
  134. [03:51:08] <Emiri> You know, Liese should be forgiving of Jordan
  135. [03:51:09] <Emiri> She has bad ideas
  136. [03:51:14] <Emiri> But if you ignore those, she's all good ideas!
  137. [03:51:19] <Liese_Brandt> Your stance is basically that if someone found a cure for cancer but was a serial killer, then the cure for cancer should be thrown in the garbage because no serial killer could ever do anything good in their enire life.
  138. [03:51:47] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> That's under the caveat that the serial killer would put in the time to find a cure for cancer instead of, y'know, killing people.
  139. [03:51:56] <Emiri> ^
  140. [03:51:56] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> When the latter is more often than not what they're doing.
  141. [03:52:09] <Liese_Brandt> You're ignoring the point here Arvin
  142. [03:52:30] <Jordan_Tenko> what is going on in here
  143. [03:52:49] <Liese_Brandt> Steph got triggered
  144. [03:52:56] <Ratty_GM> people talking sophistry
  145. [03:52:57] <Emiri> Nahhh
  146. [03:52:58] <Jordan_Tenko> Steph pls
  147. [03:52:59] <Liese_Brandt> Because I said not 100% of the stuff in the book was total garbage
  148. [03:53:00] <Emiri> I'm ignoring all bad points about you
  149. [03:53:03] <Emiri> so you're all good points
  150. [03:53:08] <Ratty_GM> wait
  151. [03:53:11] <Emiri> i could never get mad at you
  152. [03:53:37] <Ratty_GM> was the world war one book you've been reading that I thought was Good Solider Švejk in fact mein kampf
  153. [03:53:43] <Ratty_GM> that's kind of amazing
  154. [03:53:51] <Liese_Brandt> Yes
  155. [03:54:03] <Emiri> My point is that if you're going to evaluate someone as wise, that's not the same as saying "he had some bad ideas and some good ideas"
  156. [03:54:11] <Ratty_GM> especially considering both hitler and Švejk are austrians serving in czech army
  157. [03:54:18] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I probably am missing the point, yeah.
  158. [03:54:20] <Liese_Brandt> It was lying in the library for like 2 years and after seeing it like 500 times I eventually got curious
  159. [03:54:38] <Emiri> Anyone can have good ideas
  160. [03:54:52] <Emiri> For example, liberals have some good ideas
  161. [03:55:09] <Emiri> But using violence to deal with difference in ideologies is not a good idea
  162. [03:55:11] <Ratty_GM> but steph
  163. [03:55:21] <Ratty_GM> if you like both liberals and donald trump
  164. [03:55:26] <Ratty_GM> then whom do you dislike
  165. [03:55:35] <Ratty_GM> that's a pickle is it not
  166. [03:55:41] <Emiri> I like everyone, Ratty! Everyone is good! All I have to do is ignore all the bad points about everyone!
  167. [03:55:45] <Emiri> Becuase everyone has good ideas!
  168. [03:55:54] <Emiri> And it's not like people's bad ideas matter a lot, too, right?
  169. [03:55:55] <Emiri> Hahaha!
  170. [03:56:14] <Ratty_GM> what is the purpose of this meta-commentary
  171. [03:56:23] <Liese_Brandt> I consider myself a Humanist-authoritarian anyway, which is a contradiction that makes all the political compass simulators EXPLODE
  172. [03:56:31] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Hitler is not a person one would normally consider to be "wise" or anything remotely positive. :V
  173. [03:56:36] <Ratty_GM> you are trying to really maek me thingk but I don't get what I should be thingken of
  174. [03:56:41] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Well, a typical Westerner, anyway.
  175. [03:56:48] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> That's like saying that Satan has a point.
  176. [03:56:55] <Emiri> But he does
  177. [03:56:57] <Ratty_GM> hitler was a solid leader but was also fairly retarded
  178. [03:56:58] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Which he does, but that doesn't remove the stain of his many sins.
  179. [03:57:00] <Emiri> all you need to do is ignore satan's bad points
  180. [03:57:06] <Ratty_GM> mostly in the sense that he considered himself good at things
  181. [03:57:11] <Ratty_GM> he really wasn't good at
  182. [03:57:13] <Ratty_GM> like warfare
  183. [03:57:21] <Emiri> But just ignore those
  184. [03:57:23] <Emiri> because those are bad points
  185. [03:57:24] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Ratty_GM - Didn't Hitler basically get lucky with his guesses which then made him cocky?
  186. [03:57:29] <Emiri> look only at his good points
  187. [03:57:32] <Emiri> at evaluate him on that
  188. [03:57:36] <Emiri> he's really wise!
  189. [03:57:38] <Liese_Brandt> He has a lot of point while he's rambling about the widespread corruption in the system and institution, which immediately makes me think of the glaring parallels with the problems in government and institutions that are still present to this day.
  190. [03:57:59] <Emiri> But Bernie Sanders also talked about corruption in government!
  191. [03:58:04] <Emiri> Does that mean Bernie Sanders is literally Hitle
  192. [03:58:08] <Emiri> WHOAH
  193. [03:58:09] <Emiri> MIND BLOWN
  194. [03:58:09] <Liese_Brandt> But see
  195. [03:58:14] <Liese_Brandt> That actually works
  196. [03:58:19] <Ratty_GM> Well no, hitler is 18 charisma easy, and he's talking about real issues, and even the jews stuff he was saying for a reason
  197. [03:58:26] <Liese_Brandt> Because Hitler basically predicts Bernie Sander's defeat to Clinton
  198. [03:58:43] <Ratty_GM> but then when he says something something skyths aryans genetics occultism
  199. [03:58:47] <Ratty_GM> he goes full retard
  200. [03:58:50] <Emiri> I can also make a vague prediction
  201. [03:58:54] <Emiri> And it will eventualy come true
  202. [03:59:02] <Liese_Brandt> The ways in which he describes the workings of parliements and politicians pretty much totally mirrors the behavior of the democrats
  203. [03:59:06] <Emiri> Unless he literally said "Bernie sanders will lose to clinton"
  204. [03:59:10] <Emiri> in which case that's something
  205. [03:59:11] <Emiri> a good point
  206. [03:59:16] <Emiri> becuase he can predict the future
  207. [03:59:27] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> No, he just knows human nature.
  208. [03:59:30] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> And how it applies to politics.
  209. [03:59:31] <Emiri> if you can't realize that governments are corrupt without reading mein kampf
  210. [03:59:37] <Emiri> then i thikn that's naive
  211. [03:59:41] <Liese_Brandt> and yeah, the parts about race DO make me go all "come on mate, stop that, you were talking all that good shit 5 pages ago and now you went full retard"
  212. [03:59:45] <Ratty_GM> I would argue adolf hitler knew more about socialism than karl marx did
  213. [03:59:51] <Ratty_GM> that's a good thing I can say about him
  214. [03:59:56] <Jordan_Tenko> is this still going on
  215. [04:00:03] <Liese_Brandt> Steph is super triggered
  216. [04:00:04] <Ratty_GM> he just needed to be assassinated right at the start of the war
  217. [04:00:22] <Ratty_GM> so he wouldn't have an opportunity to start doing completely idiotic things
  218. [04:00:44] <Ratty_GM> well, about how society works, I think
  219. [04:01:09] <Emiri> no i just find it really strange 🤔 that someone whose grandma hated the nazis 🤔 decides to call hitler a wise man 🤔 especially a european girl 🤔
  220. [04:01:19] <Emiri> really makes you think
  221. [04:01:42] <Ratty_GM> I wouldn't call him wise
  222. [04:01:48] <Ratty_GM> he wasn't good for my country
  223. [04:02:00] <Ratty_GM> he was okay for his country, definitely a borderline case
  224. [04:02:13] <Ratty_GM> the people around him really needed to do exactly what you propose
  225. [04:02:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> TBH, Zwei, even if Hitler did have good points, his actions have stained those ideas to the point of being completely ruined.
  226. [04:02:18] <Liese_Brandt> Well the quote used is definitely applicable
  227. [04:02:26] <Emiri> i don't care about the quote
  228. [04:02:39] <Liese_Brandt> People who are scared of consequences make for terrible leaders
  229. [04:02:41] <Ratty_GM> surgically remove the effect of all of his bad traits by killing him right as he started to stupid shit
  230. [04:02:51] <Ratty_GM> it's funny because he killed himself
  231. [04:02:51] <Liese_Brandt> and that translates to my biggest flaw throughout this ENTIRE CAMPAIGN
  232. [04:02:56] <Ratty_GM> rather than face responsibility
  233. [04:02:58] <Ratty_GM> hahahaha
  234. [04:03:05] <Ratty_GM> please, zweihart, never read Ayn Rand
  235. [04:03:18] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I don't even anymore.
  236. [04:03:20] <Ratty_GM> or someone, someday, will choke you to death
  237. [04:03:21] <Liese_Brandt> Of not doing things and not taking responsibility because I'm so afraid of fucking up
  238. [04:03:33] <Ratty_GM> deep
  239. [04:03:37] <Liese_Brandt> I literally read this quote earlier today and I felt it was really appropriate
  240. [04:03:57] <Liese_Brandt> Because it WAS really appropriate
  241. [04:04:28] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Should've just left his name out.
  242. [04:04:38] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Because the moment you say Adolf Hitler, all his sins will come to mind.
  243. [04:04:41] <Liese_Brandt> But it was too funneeeeeh
  244. [04:04:58] <Liese_Brandt> I couldn't quotedrop something from mein kampf and ninja away with it
  245. [04:05:11] <Ratty_GM> you can still do it
  246. [04:05:15] <Ratty_GM> you already did it
  247. [04:05:19] <Ratty_GM> you posted the quote
  248. [04:05:25] <Ratty_GM> didn't you
  249. [04:05:28] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> None of us knew where it came from. :V
  250. [04:05:30] <Liese_Brandt> AND READERS WILL NEVER E THE WISER
  251. [04:05:41] <Liese_Brandt> THEY WILL NEVER KNOW
  252. [04:05:48] <Liese_Brandt> Unless they are lv99 History Nerds like me
  253. [04:05:51] <Liese_Brandt> who read this stuff
  254. [04:06:49] <Ratty_GM> or I mention it in the storytime as a joke
  255. [04:06:59] <Liese_Brandt> Do it faggot?
  256. [04:07:01] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> History was my worst subject in High School, unfortunately.
  257. [04:07:12] <Ratty_GM> 'Jordan, who has never read Mein Kampf, dismisses the notion."
  258. [04:07:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I just picked up a few things from my two friends who were the History Nerds.
  259. [04:07:24] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I was a Math Nerd
  260. [04:07:25] <Liese_Brandt> History was my best subject because that's where games come from.
  261. [04:07:34] <Liese_Brandt> pffffffff
  262. [04:07:37] <Liese_Brandt> Good one Ratty
  263. [04:08:11] <Liese_Brandt> >Trying to outnumber the Liese
  264. [04:08:16] <Liese_Brandt> Tsk tsk tsk
  265. [04:09:11] <Liese_Brandt> >"For once"
  266. [04:09:14] <Liese_Brandt> You wound me, friend.
  267. [04:10:04] <Liese_Brandt> I like where this heart to heart is going
  268. [04:10:49] <Liese_Brandt> It seems like Fuyuki really is the intermediary those two need to avoid strangling one another
  269. [04:11:53] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Liese_Brandt - Most of the historical games I play were FPSes, so... :V
  270. [04:12:05] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Not really conductive to reading about the bigger picture of WW2 in depth.
  271. [04:12:18] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> And maybe you can make a Freudian Trio joke out of that. :P
  272. [04:12:19] <Liese_Brandt> All the WWII/terrorism shooters are based on history!
  273. [04:12:48] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Yeah, but without the wider context, all you'd have are scattered bits of events with no underlying thread binding them all together.
  274. [04:13:01] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> You'd just be viewing the trees, missing the forest that they're part of.
  275. [04:13:14] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Jordan is definitely the Id though, and Liese probably the Super Ego with Fuyuki as the Ego.
  276. [04:13:24] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> If we use Freudian here.
  277. [04:13:29] <Liese_Brandt> My earliest memorable games were the original Blizzard triefect and the Sid Meiers games
  278. [04:13:51] <Liese_Brandt> So SC1/WC1-2/Diablo1 and Ceaser 3/Pharaoh/Civilisation
  279. [04:14:16] <Liese_Brandt> All games that are either lore heavy or history heavy
  280. [04:14:53] <Liese_Brandt> >love
  281. [04:14:55] <Liese_Brandt> D'awwwww
  282. [04:17:04] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Metal Slug, Call of Duty (The WW2 games), Command and Conquer Generals, Tiberium Sun, Medal of Honor.
  283. [04:17:11] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Some of the earliest games I stll remember playing.
  284. [04:17:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Not exactly lore-heavy, those.
  285. [04:17:30] <Ratty_GM> P R E H I S T O R I K 2
  286. [04:17:32] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> And I've already told you how much I suck at EU IV. :P
  287. [04:17:37] <Jordan_Tenko> what
  288. [04:18:15] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> I think I've already to Zwei how I managed to fail EU IV's tutorial when I got Spain invaded by France.
  289. [04:18:17] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> IN THE TUTORIAL
  290. [04:18:30] <Liese_Brandt> Speaking of which, I finally finished my Bradenburg playthrough
  291. [04:18:36] <Liese_Brandt> Also
  292. [04:18:42] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> All I did was send a few doomed expeditions into the New World and next thing I knew, I saw the Defeat screen.
  293. [04:18:45] <Liese_Brandt> >Ratty is using my nickname for the cuntlexus too now
  294. [04:19:15] <Ratty_GM> let me tell you about video games
  295. [04:19:30] <Liese_Brandt>
  296. [05:00:15] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> >Date
  297. [05:00:27] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> >Fighting side-by-side against endless waves of Familiars
  298. [05:00:31] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> Typical Jordan
  299. [05:57:59] <Fuyuki_Kagamine> So tomorrow is dealing with Robin?
  300. [06:01:37] <Ratty_GM> or so you think
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