Guest User


a guest
Dec 28th, 2020
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
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  1. <?php
  3. $O = array( 56, function($s1s) use (&$O)
  4. {
  5. $iVl = array( 7649 => "<b>Add A New Member Account:</b><br> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <form method=post name=\"regform\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"0\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Status:</td> <td> <select name=status class=inpts> <option value=\"on\" selected>Active</option> <option value=\"off\">Disabled</option> <option value=\"suspended\">Suspended</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full name:</td> <td><input type=text name=fullname value=\"{\$frm.fullname|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value=\"{\$frm.username|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Retype password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail address:</td> <td><input type=text name=email value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 1194 => " {if \$errors.no_trns}<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">No transactions to pay found.</div>{/if} {if \$errors.no_curl}<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Required PHP cURL module is not installed. Please contact your hoster to enable it.</div>{/if} <br> <center> <a href=\"?a=withdrawal_requests\" class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Return</a> </center> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 5092 => "insert into hm2_groups set ", 2864 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_fchk", 2195 => "Connecting to ", 9426 => " {literal} <script type=\"text/javascript\"> function googleTranslateElementInit () { new google.translate.TranslateElement ({pageLanguage: \"en\", layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, \"google_translate_element\"); } </script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"> </script> \n{/literal} ", 4467 => "</account> </auth> <data> <unique_id>", 401 => "Shop ID", 4928 => "BMMGUU6C2QDH8L3WMSMZ", 7419 => "Netherlands", 6313 => "ZAR", 4793 => "ref_range_type", 2523 => "u.last_access_time + interval 30 minute < now() ", 908 => ", actual_amount = -", 2316 => "mass_payment", 9269 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column unit_amount decimal(20,10) not null default 1", 6164 => "alter table hm2_types change column period period varchar(10)", 8668 => "Gabon", 5876 => "Western Sahara", 5190 => "U12345678", 2069 => "create_withdrawal", 8437 => "Test SMTP", 331 => "info", 2804 => " = ", 7209 => "Signature Bonus Notification", 3421 => "startup_bonus_plan", 5039 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show the PaidOut Page:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_paidout_stats value=1 ", 5371 => "Float", 9181 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> " );
  6. return $iVl[$s1s];
  7. }
  9. , function($iVJ) use (&$O)
  10. {
  11. $O3B = array( 7209 => ">Commission (%)</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>From</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>To</th> ", 331 => "Location: ?a=user_notices&page=", 2864 => "reg_fee_admin_notification", 9426 => "3QF5Y1MWJ3UBI29CH1SI", 2069 => "Priority (low,medium,high)", 4467 => "XLM", 5190 => "", 4928 => "Payeer API Request: ", 5876 => "PassPhrase", 6313 => "update hm2_history set deposit_id = ", 6164 => "Chile", 9269 => ") where id = ", 2316 => "currency_select", 908 => " and d.type_id = and t.status = ", 2523 => "ref_username", 4793 => "R ", 8668 => "7MS5CNTXEZ275JTXPCV8", 7419 => "DS5NTRWMDUQ5P2TFVGW8", 401 => "epay", 8437 => "946ZZY5R72DBCK9HMKPV", 2195 => "T07WSICIAMPOMKXD6SOV", 5092 => "insert into hm2_types set name=", 2804 => " <tr> <td>Facebook:</td> <td><input type=text name=facebook value=\"{\$user.addfields.facebook|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 1194 => "exchange_system_name" );
  12. return $O3B[$iVJ];
  13. }
  15. , function($jVX) use (&$O)
  16. {
  17. $jJJ = array( 5092 => "'>[e-mail]</a> <a href=?a=user_details&id=", 2864 => " Check this checkbox to allow automatic Referral Commissions Back for direct referrals. User can set RCB percent in his account settings. ", 2195 => ") order by ec", 5190 => "REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", 4793 => "edit_account", 2523 => " and bonus_flag = 0 and actual_amount > ", 908 => "selected", 2316 => "Jun", 9269 => ", hidden_batch = ", 6164 => "smtp_host", 6313 => "Spain", 8668 => "e-mail", 7419 => "sci_pass", 5876 => "Z62457UNLGEVTMG4ADSV", 4928 => "0KH1WX9RK72FTLWZ1ELS", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Edit Email Template &quot;{\$}&quot;</h3> {if \$frm.status == \"success\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Temaplte is updated</div> {/if} {if \$errors.text} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">{\$errors.text}</div> {/if} {if \$errors.html} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">{\$errors.html}</div> {/if} {literal} <script> function send_test() { open(\"\", \"test_email\", \"width=300, height=100\"); = \"test_email\"; document.edit_email.a.value = \"newsletter\"; document.edit_email.action.value = \"test_email\"; document.edit_email.submit(); = \"_self\"; document.edit_email.a.value = \"email_templates\"; document.edit_email.action.value = \"\"; } </script> {/literal} <form method=post name=edit_email> <input type=hidden name=a value=email_templates> <input type=hidden name=action value=edit> <input type=hidden name=save value=1> <input type=hidden name=type value=\"{\$}\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Subject:</th> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"{\$tmpl.subject|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=100></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Use Presets?</th> <td> <select name=use_presets class=inpts> <option value=1 {if \$tmpl.use_presets == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option> <option value=0 {if \$tmpl.use_presets == 0}selected{/if}>No</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Text Message:</th> <td><textarea name=text cols=100 rows=20 class=inpts>{\$tmpl.text|escape:html}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th>HTML Message:<br> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_html\" value=1 {if \$tmpl.use_html}checked{/if}> Use it?</th> <td><textarea name=html class={if \$wisiwing}ckeditor{else}inpts{/if} cols=100 rows=20>{\$tmpl.html|escape:html}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=\"btn-sm btn-success sbmt\"> <input type=button value=\"Send Test E-mail\" class=sbmt onclick=\"send_test()\"> <a class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-danger\" href=\"?a=email_templates\">Cancel</a></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} {if !\$tmpl} Select e-mail type to edit system messages.<br> If checkbox opposite to template name is switched off e-mail will be not sent. {/if} {if \$ == \"registration\"} Users will receive this e-mail after registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> *Password will be replased with ***** if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration. {/if} {if \$ == \"confirm_registration\"} Users will receive this e-mail if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#/?a=signup&action=confirm&c=#confirm_string#<br><br> This string will be replaced with uniq confirmation url for every user. {/if} {if \$ == \"forgot_password\"} Users will receive this e-mail if forgot they password and request new password.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"bonus\"} Users will receive this e-mail if admin add deposit to they account and select checkbox \"send notification\".<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - bonus amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"penalty\"} Users will receive this e-mail if admin add penalty to they account and select checkbox \"send notification\".<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - penalty amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"change_account\"} Users will receive this e-mail after edit account information.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #email# - user e-mail address.<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_request_user_notification\"} Users will receive this e-mail after withdraw request.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount#- withdraw amount.<br> #ip# - IP address of user that requested withdraw.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_request_admin_notification\"} Administrator will receive this e-mail after user withdraw request.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount#- withdraw amount.<br> #ip# - IP address of user that requested withdraw.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_user_notification\"} User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process. (After autopay if enabled, admin direct and mass withdraw processes)<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_admin_notification\"} User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process autopay if enabled<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"deposit_admin_notification\"} Administrator will receive this e-mail after user made deposit<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - deposit amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #plan# - investment package name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #upline# - name of user`s upline who made deposit<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"brute_force_activation\"} User will receive this e-mail if his account locked after number of incorrect login attempts<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #ip# - user IP address.<br> #max_tries# - amount on max incorrect attempts.<br> #activation_code# - activation code.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#?a=activate&code=#activation_code#<br> This string will be replaced with unique activation url. {/if} {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4467 => "insert into hm2_lists_items set ", 2069 => "select * from hm2_lists where 1 order by ordering asc, id desc", 9426 => ")) as active_deposit from hm2_users as r left outer join hm2_user_balances as b on = b.user_id where r.ref in (", 8437 => "", 331 => "\">NickName</a></th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=100><a href=\"?a=members&status=" );
  18. return $jJJ[$jVX];
  19. }
  21. , function($dJ4, $BS3) use (&$O)
  22. {
  23. $O[883]($O[638](8668) . "'" . $O[31]($BS3) . "'");
  24. }
  26. , function($l7e) use (&$O)
  27. {
  28. $Rl1 = $O[272]($l7e);
  29. $Rl1 = array_keys($Rl1);
  30. $l7e = "";
  31. $x8L = $IJ6 = 0;
  32. $dsl = array( );
  33. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < sizeof($Rl1); $xL6++ )
  34. {
  35. if( $Rl1[$xL6] + 1 == $Rl1[$xL6 + 1] )
  36. {
  37. if( $x8L )
  38. {
  39. continue;
  40. }
  42. $dsl[$IJ6] = $Rl1[$xL6] . $O[123](908);
  43. $x8L = 1;
  44. }
  45. else
  46. {
  47. if( $x8L )
  48. {
  49. $dsl[$IJ6] .= $Rl1[$xL6];
  50. $x8L = 0;
  51. $IJ6++;
  52. }
  53. else
  54. {
  55. $dsl[$IJ6] = $Rl1[$xL6];
  56. $IJ6++;
  57. }
  59. }
  61. }
  62. return implode($O[180](9269), $dsl);
  63. }
  65. , function($SLE) use (&$O)
  66. {
  67. $V4x = array( 2864 => "` </b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Default Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=date2000-01-01 value=\"", 2195 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> RCB Percent: <input type=text name=rcb value=\"{\$user.addfields.rcb|number_format:2}\" size=5 class=inpts> - <input type=checkbox name=rcb_lock value=1 {if \$user.addfields.rcb_lock}checked{/if}> disable edit it for the user</td> </tr> ", 9426 => "refs10_qusers", 401 => "approved", 5190 => "Reviews", 5876 => "GC6RUQH7566UE7P2M5B4", 8668 => "EJS2GCEU25SJ7KWB5XG2", 6164 => "ZGNAYQN4TM5SPVPTB5T9", 9269 => "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", 2523 => "sec", 908 => "use_groups", 2316 => " 1 day ", 4793 => "&#579;", 6313 => "CAHMDV7JJYA2JSJLZK92", 7419 => "^[\\w\\d]{25,43}\$", 4928 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Maintenance Page:</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings have been updated.</div> {/if} {if \$errors.no_tpl} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">maintenance.tpl not found in &quot;tmpl&quot; folder</div> {/if} <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"maintenance_page\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"set\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Enable Maintenance Page:</th> <td> <select name=enabled class=inpts> <option value=0 {if \$setts.enabled == 0}selected{/if}>No</option> <option value=1 {if \$setts.enabled == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Skip Maintenance Page Pin:</th> <td> <input type=text name=pin class=inpts value=\"{\$|escape:html}\"> </tr> <tr> <th>Maintenance Page Message:</th> <td> <textarea name=message class=inpts rows=10>{\$setts.message|escape:html}</textarea> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} If you need close your site for maintenance you can enable this page.<br> User will see your Maintenance Message and can&apos;t open site.<br> Maintenance Pin can be used to allow you skip maintenance page and enter site if you need.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4467 => "INSERT INTO hm2_ref_stats (user_id, type, amount) VALUES (", 2069 => "admin_desc", 8437 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastdeposit value=0 ", 331 => "> Get a random upline (requires 'Force an upline during the signup' option enabled)<br> <br> ", 5092 => "min_percent", 2804 => " <tr id=\"tr_hold_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Hold earnings on account for <input type=text name=hold value=\"{\$type.hold}\" class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\"> days after payout (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr id=\"tr_delay_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Delay earning for <input type=text name=delay value=\"{\$type.delay}\" class=inpts size=5 onchange=\"CheckCompound();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\" style=\"text-align:right\"> days since deposit (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> Limit deposits number to <input type=text name=deposits_limit_num value=\"{\$type.deposits_limit_num}\" class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\"> deposits (for one user). </td> </tr>" );
  68. return $V4x[$SLE];
  69. }
  71. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  72. {
  73. global $Bj1;
  74. $SDx = $O[539](7419);
  75. $bwD = $O[475]($O[17](9269) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  76. $X74 = $Bxm = intval($bwD[$O[288](2316)]);
  77. if( $X74 < 1 )
  78. {
  79. $O[883]($O[1203](4928));
  80. $O[883]($O[894](401) . "'" . "'" . $O[294](5190) . "'" . $O[838](3421) . "'" . $O[52](4467));
  81. $O[883]($O[92](2069));
  82. $O[883]($O[309](401));
  83. $O[883]($O[131](2523) . "'" . $O[515](4793) . "'" . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[814](5190) . "'" . $O[552](2523) . "'" . $O[17](5092) . "'" . $O[348](908) . "'" . "#message#\n\nYou can view and reply the ticket at any time at #link#\n\n\n#site_name#\n#site_url#" . "'" . $O[353](6164));
  84. $O[883]($O[131](2523) . "'" . $O[302](9426) . "'" . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[80](8437) . "'" . $O[552](2523) . "'" . $O[17](5092) . "'" . $O[348](908) . "'" . "#username# wrote:\n\n#message#\n\nYou can view and reply the ticket at any time at #link#" . "'" . $O[353](6164));
  85. $X74 = 1;
  86. }
  88. if( $X74 != $Bxm )
  89. {
  90. $O[883]($O[912](908) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  91. $O[883]($O[812](908) . $X74 . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  92. }
  94. }
  96. , function() use (&$O)
  97. {
  98. $O[653]();
  99. }
  101. , function($ie4) use (&$O)
  102. {
  103. $wJX = array( 331 => "total_comissions", 2864 => "Content-Length: ", 2195 => "week", 4467 => "group_exists", 5190 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Registration Fee:</h3> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=reg_fee> <input type=hidden name=action value=set> <input type=hidden name=say value=\"\"> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings has been successfully saved.</div> {/if} <table class=form> <tr> <th>Enable Registration Fee:</th> <td><select name=show_review class=inpts><option value=1 {if \$settings.reg_fee_enable == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option><option value=0 {if \$settings.reg_fee_enable == 0}selected{/if}>No</option></select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Amount ({\$currency_sign}):</th> <td><input type=text name=reg_fee_amount value=\"{\$setts.reg_fee_amount}\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr><tr> <th>Payment Description:</th> <td><input type=text name=reg_fee_payment_description value=\"{\$setts.reg_fee_payment_description|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Pay ref. commission on registration fee</th> <td><select name=show_review class=inpts><option value=1 {if \$settings.reg_fee_ref_enabled == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option><option value=0 {if \$settings.reg_fee_ref_enabled == 0}selected{/if}>No</option></select></td> </tr><tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4928 => "update hm2_emails set status = 0", 5876 => "my:ext_accounts_blacklist", 6313 => "C3CWYESMWNGC62KVMR2C", 6164 => "3AHKJU6H39MT63H5KL8A", 908 => "site_start_month", 2316 => "/get_sha256.php", 2523 => "md5altphrase_alertpay", 9269 => "Spent on exchange", 4793 => "^U\\d{5,}\$", 8668 => "035346F0FADD44AEE310", 7419 => "select * from hm2_settings where name = ", 401 => "my:ips", 2069 => "other_refs_num", 9426 => "asc", 8437 => "#site_name# - Representative Application" );
  104. return $wJX[$ie4];
  105. }
  107. , function($L4I) use (&$O)
  108. {
  109. $OLi = array( 2804 => "state", 5092 => "tcolor", 2864 => "custom_val_", 8437 => "Location: ?a=news&page=", 9426 => "group_edit", 4467 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=settings>Settings</a></td> </tr> {include file=\"my:admin_menu_section\" section=\$admin_menu.settings} <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=referal>Referral Settings</a></td> </tr> ", 5190 => "8SVNLPVR5FQW5KKNJRAZ", 5876 => "", 7419 => "cust", 8668 => "insert into hm2_settings set name=", 4793 => "p", 6164 => "ref1_cms_max_commission_amount", 9269 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where user_id = ", 2523 => "free", 908 => "withdraw_user_notification", 2316 => "_deposit[", 6313 => "hidden_batch", 4928 => "Guinea", 401 => "", 2069 => "my:add_funds_bonus", 2195 => "minute", 331 => "my:deposit_bonus_lottery", 7209 => " The running days information: Running days: 1124 ", 1194 => " </table> <br> <b>Add new holidays:</b><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=holidays> <input type=hidden name=add_new value=1> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Date</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Description:</th> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=text name=hol1 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold1 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol2 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol3 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold3 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr></table> <input type=submit value=\"Add\" class=sbmt> </form> <br> ", 3421 => " <td align=center><input type=text name=daily_referral_min_aff_num_" );
  110. return $OLi[$L4I];
  111. }
  113. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  114. {
  115. global $Bj1;
  116. global $Ioj;
  117. global $X9l;
  118. if( !$Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  119. {
  120. return NULL;
  121. }
  123. if( $Bj1[$O[968](2316)] != $O[83](6164) )
  124. {
  125. return NULL;
  126. }
  128. if( 0 < $Bj1[$O[1184](5190)] )
  129. {
  130. $bLe = $SB0[$O[174](908)];
  131. $bwD = $O[475]($O[862](908) . $bLe);
  132. $XX7 = $bwD[$O[1282](4793)];
  133. if( $XX7 <= 1 )
  134. {
  135. return NULL;
  136. }
  138. $bwD = $O[475]($O[412](9269) . $XX7);
  139. if( $bwD[$O[74](2316)] == $Bj1[$O[451](908)] )
  140. {
  141. return NULL;
  142. }
  144. $bwD = $O[475]($O[726](2523) . $O[836]($O[411](2864), $O[348](9426)) . $O[401](8437) . $XX7);
  145. $i1x = $bwD[$O[810](2523)];
  146. if( $Bj1[$O[1184](5190)] <= $i1x )
  147. {
  148. $O[883]($O[1056](2069) . intval($Bj1[$O[451](908)]) . $O[385](908) . $XX7);
  149. }
  151. }
  153. }
  155. , function($bEI) use (&$O)
  156. {
  157. $jj9 = array( 2804 => "\" class=inpts><br><br> ", 5092 => "ref_from", 9426 => "color = ", 4467 => "link", 401 => "edit_review", 5190 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_pay_errors limit 1", 5876 => "movetoaccount", 7419 => "Accounts Blacklist", 8668 => "</a> &middot;", 4793 => "Weather Stations", 6164 => "graph_validation_check", 2523 => "NEO", 2316 => "parent", 908 => "Tell a friend", 9269 => "Invested in package #", 6313 => "SCI Password", 4928 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Top Referral Earnings:</h3> <form method=post name=trans> <input type=hidden name=a value=top_referral_earnings> <table class=\"form nosize\"> <tr> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value=-1>All eCurrencies</option> {foreach from=\$ps item=p} <option value={\$} {if \$ == \$}selected{/if}>{\$|escape:html}</option> {/foreach} </select> <br> <input type=text name=onpage value=\"{\$frm.onpage|intval}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=4 style=\"text-align: right\"> top members {if \$multi_levels} <br> <input type=radio name=lvls value=0 {if \$frm.lvls == 0}checked{/if}>1st Lvl</option> <input type=radio name=lvls value=10 {if \$frm.lvls == 10}checked{/if}>All Lvl</option> {/if} </td> <td style=\"text-align:right\"> From: {html_select_date prefix=\"from_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} <br> To: {html_select_date prefix=\"to_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} </td> <td> <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> <table class=list> <tr> <th>Username</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$refs item=r} <tr class={cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}> <td>{\$r.username|escape:html}</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>{\$r.amount|fiat}</b></td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center>No records found</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 2069 => " INNER JOIN hm2_tickets_depts_ticket as dt ON = dt.ticket_id and dt.dept_id = ", 8437 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering - 1 where ordering = ", 2195 => "bnfc_bd_Day", 2864 => ", admin_auto_pay_earning = ", 331 => "reset_security" );
  158. return $jj9[$bEI];
  159. }
  161. , 556, 144, 136, function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  162. {
  163. global $Ioj;
  164. global $Bj1;
  165. global $loi;
  166. if( !$O3R )
  167. {
  168. $O3R = array( );
  169. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 0;
  170. }
  172. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  173. if( $JXB == $O[1007](6313) || $JXB == $O[353](7419) )
  174. {
  175. $DO8[$O[737](2523)] = sprintf($O[1057](2523), $DO8[$O[737](2523)]);
  176. }
  178. if( !$DO8[$O[25](908)] )
  179. {
  180. $S01 = $O[1258]($dJ4);
  181. $DO8 = array_merge($S01, $DO8);
  182. }
  184. $SBO = array( $O[1091](4793) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[2](5876) => $DO8[$O[25](908)], $O[1068](6164) => $DO8[$O[1200](2316)], $O[401](8668) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[1203](9269) => $DO8[$O[737](2523)], $O[30](4928) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)] );
  185. $SB0 = array( );
  186. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  187. {
  188. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  189. }
  190. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  191. $sSJ = $O[833](5876);
  192. if( is_file($sSJ) )
  193. {
  194. $B49 = stat($sSJ);
  195. }
  196. else
  197. {
  198. $B49[$O[494](2316)] = time() - 5;
  199. }
  201. $VsI = 0;
  202. while( time() - 1 < $B49[$O[494](2316)] && $VsI < 3 )
  203. {
  204. sleep(1);
  205. $VsI++;
  206. $B49 = stat($sSJ);
  207. }
  208. file_put_contents($sSJ, time());
  209. $O[106]($O[954](5876) . $SB0);
  210. $LwV = curl_init();
  211. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[284](6313));
  212. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, 1);
  213. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  214. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, false);
  215. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 0);
  216. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  217. if( $loi != "" )
  218. {
  219. curl_setopt($LwV, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $loi);
  220. }
  222. $wO0 = curl_exec($LwV);
  223. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  224. curl_close($LwV);
  225. $O[106]($O[269](6164) . $OsO . $O[136](2316) . $wO0);
  226. if( preg_match($O[269](4793) . "'" . $O[906](5876) . "'" . $O[159](5190) . "'" . $O[1201](6313) . "'" . $O[518](5876) . "'" . "(\\d+)" . "'" . $O[131](6313), $wO0, $jBs) )
  227. {
  228. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  229. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  230. return NULL;
  231. }
  233. if( preg_match($O[269](4793) . "'" . $O[833](4928) . "'" . $O[159](5190) . "'" . $O[1201](6313) . "'" . " value=\\'(.*?)\\'>/ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  234. {
  235. $oIR = preg_replace($O[1068](4793), $O[246](908), $jBs[1]);
  236. $oIR = preg_replace($O[126](2523), $O[620](2316), $oIR);
  237. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $oIR;
  238. return NULL;
  239. }
  241. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = ($OsO ? $OsO : $O[588](8668));
  242. }
  244. , function($iS0) use (&$O)
  245. {
  246. $wR1 = array( 7209 => " </tr>", 2804 => "blocked", 331 => "my:custom_values", 2195 => "my:pending_deposits_details", 4467 => "JMWOYH8I8AFTX1G4VM22", 5190 => "btgecv", 4928 => "GAS", 8668 => "deposit_bonus_to_plan", 6164 => "Transaction code", 9269 => "select value from hm2_settings where name = ", 2316 => ":", 908 => "Settings are broken. Contact developers please", 2523 => ", type = ", 4793 => "withdraw_memo", 6313 => "=%s", 7419 => "Nepal", 5876 => "Invalid response from server:", 401 => "DM42HSVC97QYUJHV98PS", 2069 => "./changemysql.allow", 9426 => "host", 8437 => "Security", 2864 => "ttype=earning", 5092 => "[ID:#code#] #title#" );
  247. return $wR1[$iS0];
  248. }
  250. , 954, function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  251. {
  252. global $Bj1;
  253. global $Ioj;
  254. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  255. $IEX = time() . rand(1000, 9999);
  256. $VEO = $O[123](8668) . hash($O[1139](401), $DO8[$O[838](908)] . $O[17](2316) . gmdate($O[266](401)) . $O[17](2316) . $DO8[$O[25](908)] . $O[17](2316) . $IEX) . $O[39](5190) . $O[297]($DO8[$O[838](908)]) . $O[924](4467) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[51](6164)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[349](8668) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[737](2523)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[1045](8668) . $JXB . $O[304](6164) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[180](5876)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[717](7419) . $IEX . $O[735](401);
  257. $LwV = curl_init();
  258. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[834](8668));
  259. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, 1);
  260. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $O[863](8668) . urlencode($VEO));
  261. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  262. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, false);
  263. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  264. $wO0 = curl_exec($LwV);
  265. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  266. curl_close($LwV);
  267. if( preg_match("~<result>\\s*<result>1</result>\\s*<transaction>(\\d+)</transaction>~ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  268. {
  269. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  270. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  271. }
  272. else
  273. {
  274. if( preg_match("~<error>\\s*<code>\\d+</code>\\s*<text>(.*?)</text>\\s*</error>~ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  275. {
  276. $oIR = preg_replace($O[1068](4793), $O[246](908), $jBs[1]);
  277. $oIR = preg_replace($O[126](2523), $O[620](2316), $oIR);
  278. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $oIR;
  279. }
  280. else
  281. {
  282. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = ($OsO ? $OsO : $O[588](8668));
  283. $O[106]($O[1249](401) . $VEO . $O[136](2316) . $OsO . $O[136](2316) . $wO0);
  284. }
  286. }
  288. }
  290. , 41, function() use (&$O)
  291. {
  292. global $eRO;
  293. global $Bj1;
  294. global $Ejx;
  295. global $Ioj;
  296. global $som;
  297. $Ole = intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]);
  298. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  299. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[236](7419) && 0 < $Ole && $lV8 )
  300. {
  301. $O[883]($O[812](401) . intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]));
  302. header($O[1173](401));
  303. $O[8]();
  304. }
  306. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[281](5190) && 0 < $Ole )
  307. {
  308. if( $eRO[$O[796](4928)] && $lV8 )
  309. {
  310. $O[883]($O[997](2069) . "'" . $O[31]($eRO[$O[735](2864)]) . "'" . $O[935](2195) . "'" . $O[31]($eRO[$O[833](6313)]) . "'" . $O[1028](4928) . intval($eRO[$O[6](401)]) . $O[385](908) . intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]));
  311. header($O[1173](401));
  312. $O[8]();
  313. }
  315. $xOE = $O[475]($O[663](4928) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $D0R . "'" . $O[80](9426) . $Ole);
  316. if( !$xOE )
  317. {
  318. header($O[1173](401));
  319. $O[8]();
  320. }
  322. $O[1162]($O[833](6313), $xOE);
  323. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  324. $som[$O[12](401)] = $O[997](9426);
  325. $O[517]($O[622](2864));
  326. $O[8]();
  327. }
  329. $RIb = array( );
  330. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[1091](4467));
  331. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  332. {
  333. array_push($RIb, $bwD);
  334. }
  335. $O[1162]($O[172](2864), $RIb);
  336. $O[1162]($O[588](9426), $Bj1);
  337. $som[$O[172](2864)] = $O[861](2069);
  338. $O[1162]($O[1095](4467), $ISd);
  339. $O[517]($O[494](401));
  340. $O[8]();
  341. }
  343. , 968, function($I46) use (&$O)
  344. {
  345. global $Bj1;
  346. global $eRO;
  347. $bx9 = array( );
  348. $L77 = unserialize($Bj1[$O[954](6164)]);
  349. $I46 = preg_replace($O[171](9269), $O[988](9269), $I46);
  350. $xBb = parse_url($I46);
  351. $I46 = $xBb[$O[745](6313)];
  352. $jBs = preg_split($O[1128](9269), $I46, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  353. if( $jBs )
  354. {
  355. $bx9[$O[236](2316)] = array_shift($jBs);
  356. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[131](4793) || $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[111](9269) )
  357. {
  358. $bx9[$O[236](2316)] = array_shift($jBs);
  359. }
  361. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == "" )
  362. {
  363. unset($bx9[$O[236](2316)]);
  364. }
  366. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[1282](4793) || $L77[$bx9[$O[236](2316)]] == $O[1282](4793) )
  367. {
  368. $bx9[$O[1282](4793)] = array_shift($jBs);
  369. }
  371. $xL6 = 0;
  372. while( $xL6 < sizeof($jBs) )
  373. {
  374. if( !$jBs[$xL6] )
  375. {
  376. continue;
  377. }
  379. $bx9[$jBs[$xL6]] = $jBs[$xL6 + 1];
  380. $xL6 += 2;
  381. }
  382. }
  384. $eRO = array_merge($bx9, $eRO);
  385. $eRO[$O[236](2316)] = preg_replace($O[957](6313), "", $eRO[$O[236](2316)]);
  386. if( $L77[$eRO[$O[236](2316)]] != "" )
  387. {
  388. $eRO[$O[236](2316)] = $L77[$eRO[$O[236](2316)]];
  389. }
  391. $BiL = unserialize($Bj1[$O[903](2523)]);
  392. if( $eRO[$BiL[$O[1282](4793)]] != "" )
  393. {
  394. $eRO[$O[1282](4793)] = $eRO[$BiL[$O[1282](4793)]];
  395. }
  397. return $eRO;
  398. }
  400. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  401. {
  402. global $Bj1;
  403. global $Os3;
  404. global $VxO;
  405. if( !$Os3 || !$VxO )
  406. {
  407. return NULL;
  408. }
  410. if( $SB0[$O[776](908)][$O[1180](2316)] == 1 && $SB0[$O[827](7419)][$O[827](5876)] )
  411. {
  412. $J88 = array( $O[737](2523) => $SB0[$O[737](2523)] );
  413. $X5V = $O[980]($Bj1[$O[25](4793)], $J88);
  414. $O[423]($SB0[$O[827](7419)][$O[827](5876)], $X5V);
  415. }
  417. }
  419. , function($BX7) use (&$O)
  420. {
  421. $EeO = array( 2804 => " <tr> <th>Payment ID:</th> <td><input type=input name=batch value=\"\" class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Payee Account:</th> <td><input type=input name=payee value=\"", 5092 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=5><b>Holidays:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Date</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Description</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>&nbsp;</b></td> </tr> ", 8437 => "Location: ?a=editaccount&say=incorrect_password&id=", 9426 => "today", 2069 => ") as last_date, u.username FROM hm2_tickets as t LEFT OUTER JOIN hm2_users as u ON t.user_id = ", 401 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_groups where name = ", 5190 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Check IPs for double usage:</h3> <table class=list> <tr><th colspan=4>{\$frm.ip}</th></tr> <tr> <th>User</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Last Access</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$access item=a} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td><b>{\$a.username|escape:html}</b></td> <td>{\$}</td> <td>{\$a.last_access_time}</td> <td> <a href=?a=user_details&id={\$} class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-info\">view</a>&nbsp; <a href=\"?a=deleteaccount&id={\$}\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this user?');\" class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-danger\">delete</a> </td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4793 => "sms_note_withdraw_text", 9269 => "A", 2523 => "compound_min_percent", 908 => "password", 2316 => "settings_", 6164 => "<ul class=\"pagination\">", 6313 => "Liechtenstein", 8668 => "/?a=return_fails<br> Status Page - ", 7419 => "prepare", 5876 => "RECEIVER", 4928 => "block", 4467 => "Claim Daily Bonus", 2195 => "month_to", 2864 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show running days information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_running_days value=1 ", 331 => " <tr><td colspan=2 align=center>Descriptions history:</td></tr> ", 7209 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Users should use a transaction code to edit account:</th> <td><select name=use_transaction_code_edit_account class=inpts><option value=0 " );
  422. return $EeO[$BX7];
  423. }
  425. , 336, function($iLx) use (&$O)
  426. {
  427. return strtoupper($iLx);
  428. }
  430. , function($bjj, $dJ4 = NULL, $iSe = 0) use (&$O)
  431. {
  432. $OdR = $O[99]($dJ4);
  433. return $O[1080]($bjj, $OdR, $iSe);
  434. }
  436. , function(&$L3L) use (&$O)
  437. {
  438. if( !$L3L )
  439. {
  440. return 0;
  441. }
  443. return 1;
  444. }
  446. , function($JwE) use (&$O)
  447. {
  448. $i7I = array( 2804 => "pending_withdraw", 331 => "</small></td> <td><select name=\"active[", 2864 => " </script> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td><b>Members:</b></td> <td align=right> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value=members> <select name=status class=inpts> <option value='on' ", 8437 => " <form method=post name=nform onsubmit=\"return checkform();\"> <input type=hidden name=tid value=\"", 2069 => "min_delay", 5876 => "Tuvalu", 7419 => "oborot_update", 8668 => "deposit_bonus_depends", 6313 => "./tmpl", 4793 => "Txid: ", 6164 => "<>", 908 => " day ", 2316 => " order by user_id", 2523 => "md5altphrase_solidtrustpay", 9269 => "BCH", 4928 => "Memo", 5190 => "HQ991EW2BJP4EBMV9F2J", 401 => "AGXKKLKEVFYURF25SB2V", 4467 => ") as dd from hm2_pending_deposits where id = ", 9426 => ") group by h.user_id having (earnings / deposit) > 0.8 order by profit desc ", 2195 => " Check this checkbox if you want your users to see their referrals' nicknames and e-mail. ", 5092 => " <td><input type=text name=payment_description value='" );
  449. return $i7I[$JwE];
  450. }
  452. , function($l7e) use (&$O)
  453. {
  454. global $Xoe;
  455. global $VSo;
  456. $l7e = trim($l7e, "\\");
  457. if( $VSo == $O[838](2316) )
  458. {
  459. $l7e = mysqli_real_escape_string($Xoe, $l7e);
  460. }
  461. else
  462. {
  463. $l7e = mysql_real_escape_string($l7e);
  464. }
  466. return $l7e;
  467. }
  469. , 481, 716, function($j5B) use (&$O)
  470. {
  471. $J3b = array( 331 => ">week</option> <option value=\"month\" ", 2195 => " VIP accounts quantity: Active accounts: 42<br> (users who have made a deposit more than <input type=\"text\" name=\"vip_users_deposit_amount\" value=\"", 8437 => "select h.*, u.accounts, u.username,,, u.cell_phone from hm2_history as h, hm2_users as u where = ", 9426 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Top Profitable Users:</h3> <table class=list> <tr> <th>Username</th> <th>Deposit</th> <th>Returns</th> <th>Net Profit</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$users item=u} <tr class={cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}> <td>{\$u.username|escape:html}</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>{\$u.deposit|fiat}</b></td> <td width=200 align=right><b>{\$u.earnings|fiat}</b> ({\$u.roi}%)</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>{\$u.profit|fiat}</b></td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center>No records found</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4467 => "deposit_bonus_period_lottery_start", 401 => "my:withdrawal_requests_masspay_start", 5190 => "Dogecoin", 4928 => "Litecoin Address", 5876 => "", 7419 => "UXXXXXXX", 8668 => "https", 6313 => "Luxembourg", 9269 => "Blacklisted ", 908 => "alter table hm2_user_access_log add column user_agent varchar(255) default ", 2316 => " day", 2523 => "Referral commission from ", 6164 => "deposit_id", 4793 => "stype", 2069 => ", status = ", 2864 => "1,444.00 " );
  472. return $J3b[$j5B];
  473. }
  475. , 30, 858, function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  476. {
  477. global $Ioj;
  478. global $o3x;
  479. global $eRO;
  480. global $Es6;
  481. $OIS = 48;
  482. $O[253]($Ioj[$OIS], $o3x, $DO8);
  483. }
  485. , 661, function($LXx) use (&$O)
  486. {
  487. $Bs7 = array( 5039 => "https:", 3421 => " <option value='suspended' ", 331 => "mprocessing_account", 8437 => "Auto-Withdrawals Settings", 401 => "8IQPPF5GIAWP872K55DN", 4928 => "PKTLXRXHTK7UY7U6W5CL", 5876 => "Colombia", 4793 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_user_access_log ADD INDEX ip_idx (ip(15));", 2316 => "unsafe-inline", 908 => "openssl_get_publickey", 2523 => "_select\">", 9269 => " and SUBSTRING(t.period,-2,1) != ", 6164 => "Compounding deposit", 6313 => "rate_", 8668 => "~^(-?[0-9]*)(.*)\$~", 7419 => "~#code#~", 5190 => "</hash> <account>", 4467 => "M3YCDR434U7DZ4ME3RJM", 2069 => ", unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days day) - unix_timestamp(now()) ) as expire_in_sec from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_users as u on = d.user_id inner join hm2_types as t on = d.type_id where d.status = ", 9426 => " where id in (", 2195 => ", dept_id = ", 2864 => "select * from hm2_processings where status = 1", 5092 => "bnfc_birthdate", 2804 => "holidays", 7209 => " Accounts total quantity: Accounts total: 2842 ", 1194 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr> " );
  488. return $Bs7[$LXx];
  489. }
  491. , 313, 585, 491, 221, 729, 627, function() use (&$O)
  492. {
  493. global $Ioj;
  494. global $j8V;
  495. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[1254](2523));
  496. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  497. {
  498. if( $bwD[$O[281](908)] < 1000 && isset($Ioj[$bwD[$O[281](908)]]) )
  499. {
  500. if( $bwD[$O[1180](2316)] == 1 )
  501. {
  502. $Ioj[$bwD[$O[281](908)]][$O[437](2523)] = 1;
  503. }
  505. continue;
  506. }
  508. $J3L = strtolower($bwD[$O[342](2316)]);
  509. $J3L = preg_replace($O[897](4793), $O[830](2316), $J3L);
  510. $JXB = $Bj1[$O[954](2523)];
  511. $j8V[$bwD[$O[281](908)]] = array( $O[281](908) => $bwD[$O[281](908)], $O[342](2316) => $bwD[$O[342](2316)], $O[511](2523) => $J3L, $O[674](2316) => $JXB, $O[1180](2316) => $bwD[$O[1180](2316)], $O[926](9269) => 0, $O[735](2523) => $bwD[$O[735](2523)], $O[80](8668) => $bwD[$O[80](8668)] );
  512. $Ioj[$bwD[$O[281](908)]] = $j8V[$bwD[$O[281](908)]];
  513. $Ioj[$bwD[$O[281](908)]][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $JXB;
  514. $Ioj[$bwD[$O[281](908)]][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $JXB;
  515. }
  516. }
  518. , 807, function($lbB) use (&$O)
  519. {
  520. $jOE = array( 9426 => " <input type=submit value=Save class=sbmt> <br><br> ", 2069 => "+\"<td><input type=text name=\\\"rate_periodic_bonus_percent[\"+i+\"]\\\" value=\\\"\\\" class=inpts size=5 style=\\\"text-align:right\\\"></td>\"", 4467 => " and confirm_string != ", 401 => "Location: ?a=lists", 5190 => "list_not_empty", 4928 => "Location: ?a=user_notices", 7419 => "paginator", 8668 => "7PCJPLW2L273QG9TGH4J", 4793 => "Purse ID", 2316 => "yip", 908 => "ref1_cms_minamount", 2523 => " and sh2_shares.user_id = and sh2_shares.status = ", 9269 => "&", 6164 => "Virgin Islands (USA)", 6313 => "0HOKU2BSR8RW7TSJU007", 5876 => "select * from hm2_groups where id = " );
  521. return $jOE[$lbB];
  522. }
  524. , function($Jl1 = "") use (&$O)
  525. {
  526. global $eRO;
  527. global $Ejx;
  528. global $Bj1;
  529. global $dol;
  530. global $ml7;
  531. if( !$Bj1[$O[1125](9269)] && !extension_loaded($O[228](8668)) )
  532. {
  533. return NULL;
  534. }
  536. if( $Jl1 == $O[311](4928) )
  537. {
  538. $Bj1[$O[311](5190)] = 1;
  539. if( $Bj1[$O[102](6164)] < 6 )
  540. {
  541. $Bj1[$O[102](6164)] = 6;
  542. }
  544. }
  546. $ml7[$O[1139](2316)] = $O[582](2523);
  547. if( $Bj1[$O[311](5190)] == 2 )
  548. {
  549. $ml7[$O[1139](2316)] = $O[673](908);
  550. if( $Bj1[$O[861](6164)] == 3 )
  551. {
  552. $ml7[$O[1139](2316)] = $O[129](4793);
  553. }
  555. }
  557. $ml7[$O[864](9269)] = unserialize($Bj1[$O[12](6164)]);
  558. if( !isset($ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[397](9269)]) )
  559. {
  560. $ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[397](9269)] = 1;
  561. }
  563. if( !isset($ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[280](908)]) )
  564. {
  565. $ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[280](908)] = 1;
  566. }
  568. if( !isset($ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[374](4793)]) )
  569. {
  570. $ml7[$O[864](9269)][$O[374](4793)] = 1;
  571. }
  573. if( $eRO[$O[236](2316)] != $O[726](4793) && ($Bj1[$O[311](5190)] == 1 && 0 < $Bj1[$O[102](6164)] || $Bj1[$O[311](5190)] == 2 && $Bj1[$O[1125](9269)] != "") )
  574. {
  575. $dol[$O[538](6164)] = 1;
  576. $ml7[$O[250](9269)] = $dol[$O[538](6164)];
  577. if( $Bj1[$O[311](5190)] == 1 )
  578. {
  579. $d7d = $_SESSION[$O[1123](908)];
  580. if( !$d7d )
  581. {
  582. $d7d = $O[801](10, 0);
  583. }
  585. $ml7[$O[129](6313)] = $d7d;
  586. $R1o = $O[801]($Bj1[$O[102](6164)], ($Bj1[$O[1254](9269)] ? 2 : 0));
  587. $_SESSION[$O[1123](908)] = $R1o;
  588. $dol[$O[319](2523)] = session_name();
  589. $ml7[$O[407](2523)][$O[342](2316)] = $dol[$O[319](2523)];
  590. $dol[$O[1033](6313)] = session_id();
  591. $ml7[$O[407](2523)][$O[281](908)] = $dol[$O[1033](6313)];
  592. $dol[$O[328](9269)] = rand();
  593. $ml7[$O[407](2523)][$O[328](9269)] = $dol[$O[328](9269)];
  594. }
  596. $O[1162]($O[51](4793), $ml7);
  597. }
  599. }
  601. , function($iLx) use (&$O)
  602. {
  603. if( preg_match($O[622](7419), $iLx) )
  604. {
  605. return true;
  606. }
  608. return false;
  609. }
  611. , function($oid) use (&$O)
  612. {
  613. $D6X = array( 2864 => " function approve_user(id, group) { var tr = document.getElementById('memberTR'+id); var selects = tr.getElementsByTagName('select'); selects[0].selectedIndex = 0; selects[1].selectedIndex = group; } ", 401 => "select id from hm2_history where type = ", 5190 => "OMS7G1GRFTOR0229Y8JA", 7419 => "Israel", 8668 => "Andorra", 6313 => ", compound = 0 ", 4793 => "ti", 6164 => "user_account", 2523 => "select sum(actual_amount) as deposit from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 908 => "_open_payment_settings();", 2316 => "site_start_day", 9269 => "actual_amount_save", 5876 => "M9OPLFYZ951HU771UWG9", 4928 => "LVGGH5Y9PMHQFTM882J1", 4467 => "newsletter_send_message", 2069 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header_popup\"} {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} <pre> ", 9426 => "Tickets Settings", 8437 => "withdraw_principal_percent", 2195 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=reset_security value=1> Reset security settings <small>(check it if user does not receive login pin and cannot login for this reason)</small></td> </tr>", 331 => " Please visit <a href=\"\" target=_blank>Google reCapatcha</a> page to create Site Key and Secret Key.\n " );
  614. return $D6X[$oid];
  615. }
  617. , function($o5b) use (&$O)
  618. {
  619. $Jd1 = array( 4467 => ", ordering int not null default 0 )", 401 => ", full_text=", 4928 => "~\\{include file=\\\"header\\.tpl\\\"}(.*)\$~", 8668 => "8UDQXWH7DXM3727R8TMF", 6313 => "PC1OYAVWA1087S4NB9M8", 4793 => "placeholder", 9269 => "Angola", 2316 => "show tables like ", 908 => "k", 2523 => "&to=", 6164 => "HTTPS", 7419 => "7VBHGAW7KY4RKWT4TWH2", 5876 => "HTTP_USER_AGENT", 5190 => "select * from hm2_lists where id = ", 2069 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align:right\"> <small>set 0 to skip</small></td> </tr><tr id=tr_compouding3> <td> &nbsp; Compounding percent limits:</td> <td><input type=input name=compound_percents value=\"{\$type.compound_percents}\" class=inpts> <small>ex: 0-50,70,100</small></td> </tr><tr id=tr_compouding4> <td colspan=2> &nbsp; <input type=checkbox name=compound_return value=1 {if \$type.compound_return}checked{/if} class=inpts> Return compounded amount on deposit end?</td> </tr>" );
  620. return $Jd1[$o5b];
  621. }
  623. , 51, 755, function() use (&$O)
  624. {
  625. global $JjI;
  626. global $dol;
  627. if( $dol[$O[281](908)] == 1 )
  628. {
  629. return NULL;
  630. }
  632. $dol[$O[736](908)] = unserialize($dol[$O[515](8668)]);
  633. foreach( $JjI as $swO => $SB0 )
  634. {
  635. if( $swO == $O[551](4793) && $dol[$O[281](908)] != 1 )
  636. {
  637. unset($JjI[$swO]);
  638. }
  640. if( $dol[$O[736](908)][$swO][$O[273](6164)] != 1 )
  641. {
  642. unset($JjI[$swO]);
  643. }
  645. }
  646. }
  648. , function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  649. {
  650. global $Ioj;
  651. global $sx3;
  652. global $eRO;
  653. global $Es6;
  654. $OIS = 68;
  655. $O[253]($Ioj[$OIS], $sx3, $DO8);
  656. }
  658. , 116, 735, 589, 184, 972, function($XVX) use (&$O)
  659. {
  660. $i8R = array( 5039 => "\" onchange=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" class=color style=\"font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 10px;border: 1px inset #FEE498;border-color: #FF8D00;border-style: solid;\" size=10></td> </tr> ", 7209 => ")</th> ", 2864 => " ORDER BY t.status desc, (m1.user_id = 1), m1.date_added DESC LIMIT ", 2195 => " or t.title like ", 2069 => "select id, amount, ec, user_id from hm2_history where ec in (", 5876 => "^\\d{11,}\$", 7419 => "^\\d{16}\$", 6313 => "Zaire", 6164 => "STRAT", 2523 => "; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day and t.period = ", 2316 => "[[[", 9269 => "active_bonus_deposit", 4793 => "From partner ", 8668 => "3VY8SEUZWA6L9DJTMWMX", 4928 => "low", 5190 => "6FVTBBNTWCCJ2FC5XG76", 401 => "F64FJJ4DWTWMHHF5Q9DR", 4467 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Deposit Bonus:</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <b style=color:green>Settings have been updated.</b><br><br> {/if} <form method=post name=nform> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"deposit_simple_bonus\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"set\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Percent:</th> <td><input type=text size=5 name=\"percent\" value=\"{\$percent}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" style=\"text-align: right\"></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} You can add bonus for every user deposit.<br> This bonus will be added to deposit amount.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 9426 => "bonus_daily_claim_period", 8437 => "&v=", 331 => "?a=rates", 5092 => "show_news_box", 2804 => "</option> ", 1194 => "verified", 3421 => " Withdrawal has been processed.<br><br> <form> <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Close\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form>" );
  661. return $i8R[$XVX];
  662. }
  664. , function() use (&$O)
  665. {
  666. global $Ioj;
  667. global $Six;
  668. global $Bj1;
  669. $Ole = 2;
  670. $Ioj[79][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  671. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$O[1079](6313) . $Ole]));
  672. foreach( $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  673. {
  674. $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$wdd] = $b8d[$wdd];
  675. }
  676. }
  678. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  679. {
  680. return $O[1163]($DO8);
  681. }
  683. , function($OO1) use (&$O)
  684. {
  685. $ee5 = array( 5092 => "<td align=center><small>Pereodic Bonus (%)</small></td>", 331 => "every 6 days", 2195 => " How many visitors are there at the moment on the server: Visitors online: 123 ", 9426 => "skype", 2069 => ", user_id = ", 401 => "QZ0GNO83HQ1RSSZECSZ0", 5190 => "QENL5QKMTZPABWTX898B", 4928 => "Limit (wei)", 5876 => "TRX", 8668 => "RB5VW7AAD8J3QCZEQGJH", 6313 => "RAY64EW3UFBMJV8B7695", 9269 => "down", 2523 => "<li class=\"page-item\"><a class=\"next page-link disabled\">", 908 => "', '", 2316 => "Dec", 6164 => "Jamaica", 4793 => "V1HJY3IEA45V53QHR1Y4", 7419 => "account_validate", 4467 => "Withdrawal Requests", 8437 => "ranges", 2864 => " </tr> <tr> ", 2804 => "):</th> <td> <input type=text name=limit_deposit_amount_week value=\"" );
  686. return $ee5[$OO1];
  687. }
  689. , function() use (&$O)
  690. {
  691. global $Bj1;
  692. $b1V = intval($Bj1[$O[1203](6313)]);
  693. $bwD = $O[475]($O[921](4467) . $b1V . $O[1128](9426));
  694. return intval($bwD[$O[730](2316)]);
  695. }
  697. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  698. {
  699. $Ole = 8;
  700. $O3R = array( );
  701. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  702. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  703. {
  704. $O[232]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  705. }
  707. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  708. return $O3R;
  709. }
  711. , 530, function($eDe) use (&$O)
  712. {
  713. global $Bj1;
  714. global $Six;
  715. global $w41;
  716. return $O[649]($eDe, $Six, $w41);
  717. }
  719. , 425, 98, function() use (&$O)
  720. {
  721. global $eRO;
  722. global $Es6;
  723. global $Bj1;
  724. global $Ejx;
  725. global $Ioj;
  726. global $som;
  727. global $VXL;
  728. $dmJ = array( );
  729. if( !$O[373]() )
  730. {
  731. unset($eRO[$O[856](6313)]);
  732. }
  734. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[1007](3421) )
  735. {
  736. if( $dol[$O[123](401)] != "" && $dol[$O[123](401)] != $eRO[$O[835](4928)] )
  737. {
  738. $dmJ[$O[1246](401)] = 1;
  739. }
  741. if( !$dmJ )
  742. {
  743. $Bj1[$O[180](7419)] = $eRO[$O[180](7419)];
  744. $Bj1[$O[962](8668)] = $eRO[$O[962](8668)];
  745. }
  747. $O[799]($O[560](2316));
  748. $eRO[$O[935](4467)] = $O[1201](4928);
  749. }
  751. if( function_exists($O[1250](908)) === false )
  752. {
  753. $dmJ[$O[441](6164)] = 1;
  754. }
  756. $bwD = $O[475]($O[12](5190));
  757. if( 0 < $bwD[$O[730](2316)] )
  758. {
  759. $O[1162]($O[246](7209), 1);
  760. }
  762. $IBd = array( );
  763. $IBd[$O[180](7419)] = $Bj1[$O[180](7419)];
  764. $IBd[$O[962](8668)] = $Bj1[$O[962](8668)];
  765. $O[1162]($O[1238](9426), $IBd);
  766. $O[1162]($O[228](4793), $dmJ);
  767. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  768. $som[$O[527](2195)] = $O[1173](5190);
  769. $som[$O[527](2195)] .= $O[1254](9426);
  770. $som[$O[527](2195)] .= $O[740](8437);
  771. $som[$O[527](2195)] .= $O[565](4467);
  772. $O[517]($O[349](5190));
  773. $O[8]();
  774. }
  776. , function($dj6) use (&$O)
  777. {
  778. $bOb = array( 4928 => " LEFT OUTER JOIN hm2_tickets_messages as m1 ON ( = m1.ticket_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN hm2_tickets_messages as m2 ON ( = m2.ticket_id AND (m1.date_added < m2.date_added OR m1.date_added = m2.date_added AND < WHERE IS NULL ", 6313 => "json_enc", 4793 => "Pay Fees for User", 908 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column bonus_flag tinyint(1) not null default 0", 2316 => "csrf", 2523 => " and id = ", 9269 => "Syria", 6164 => "/<br> Click Save<br> 5. Save \"SCI ID\" and \"SCI password\" on this page.<br> 6. Type your purse id - it has format like U123456. <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>-->\n", 8668 => " Type your Ethereum address here<br> Key string - any random string<br><br> How it work: Script generate temporary address for each user. When user transfer ethereum and transaction confirm - script transfer ethereum to your address.<br> Usage fee: minus ethereum tx fee and minus 0.5% (accumulative fee, once in several transactions)<br><br> Min deposit processed should be twice greater than average fee for transaction. Deposit less that min deposit will not be processed by script", 7419 => "KXHH5GEAH926DVWJDC35", 5876 => "User Referrals", 5190 => " <tr id=tr_periodic_bonus> <td><a class=hlp>Mining Power Rate:</a></td> <td><input type=text name=power_rate class=inpts size=7 style=\"text-align:right\" value=\"{\$type.power_rate}\"> <select name=\"power_unit\" class=inpts> <option {if \$type.power_unit == \"TH/s\"}selected{/if}>TH/s</option> <option {if \$type.power_unit == \"GH/s\"}selected{/if}>GH/s</option> <option {if \$type.power_unit == \"MH/s\"}selected{/if}>MH/s</option> <option {if \$type.power_unit == \"KH/s\"}selected{/if}>KH/s</option> </select> </select> </td> </tr>" );
  779. return $bOb[$dj6];
  780. }
  782. , function($djR) use (&$O)
  783. {
  784. $IE8 = array( 7649 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Minimal Internal Transfer Fee (", 9181 => "\" class=\"inpts nosize\"> <option value=\"0\" ", 5039 => "u.verify = 2", 3421 => " </td> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3>", 1194 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_active_accounts value=0 ", 7209 => "delete from hm2_plans where ext_id = ", 2804 => ", `sfrom` = ", 5092 => ", small_text=", 331 => "Location: ?a=startup_bonus&say=yes", 2195 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Withdrawal Requests:</h3> {literal} <script language=javascript> function go(p) { document.trans.p.value = p; document.trans.submit(); } function sort(s,d) { document.trans.p.value = 1; document.trans.o.value = s; document.trans.d.value = d; document.trans.submit(); } function func1() { document.trans.action.value=\"pay\"; if (confirm(\"Do you really want to process this withdrawal(s)?\")) { document.trans.submit(); } } function func2() { document.trans.action.value=\"remove\"; if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to remove selected withdrawal(s)?\\n\\nFunds will be returned to the user's balance.\")) { document.trans.submit(); } } function func3() { document.trans.action.value=\"assure\"; if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to set this request(s) as processed?\\n\\nNo funds will be sent to the user account(s)!\")) { document.trans.submit(); } } function func4() { document.trans.action2.value=\"csv\"; document.trans.submit(); } function select_all_transactions() { var chbxs = document.getElementsByClassName(\"trn\"); for (i in chbxs) { if (chbxs[i].getAttribute(\"data-non-auto\") != 1) { chbxs[i].checked = !chbxs[i].checked; } } return false; } ", 8437 => "remove_ref", 9426 => "INSERT INTO hm2_emails VALUES (", 2069 => "out", 4467 => " where ", 5190 => "forbid_withdraw_before_active_deposit", 5876 => " 1. Login to your account -<br> \n2. Enter your Profile page -> \"Merchants\"<br> \n3. Click button \"Create merchant\" -><br> \n4. Fill the form:<br> Title - any name (one string no spaces and special chars.)<br> Domain store - your site URL without (http:// or https:// and slashes)<br> \nThe secret key(Merchant Password) - define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Successful Page(URL successful payment) - ", 7419 => "trans_id", 8668 => "Wallet Number", 2523 => "dc_account", 2316 => "group_id", 908 => "update_id", 9269 => "</a>", 6164 => ", deposit_date = now() where id = ", 4793 => "Withdrawal", 6313 => " but it can be different - ask your hoster to be sure.<br> ", 4928 => "EJS9W5T8P5XAQTYQW3WN", 401 => "disabled", 2864 => "list_id", 5371 => "</a> " );
  785. return $IE8[$djR];
  786. }
  788. , 241, function() use (&$O)
  789. {
  790. global $eRO;
  791. global $Es6;
  792. global $Bj1;
  793. global $Ejx;
  794. global $Ioj;
  795. global $som;
  796. global $VXL;
  797. $dmJ = array( );
  798. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[622](5190) )
  799. {
  800. $O3R = array( );
  801. if( !function_exists($O[1250](908)) )
  802. {
  803. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[674](4928);
  804. }
  806. if( !isset($O3R[$O[192](9269)]) )
  807. {
  808. parse_str($eRO[$O[892](2069)], $DO8);
  809. $jmV = intval($eRO[$O[412](6164)]);
  810. if( isset($VXL[$jmV]) )
  811. {
  812. $O3R = $VXL[$jmV]($DO8);
  813. }
  815. }
  817. $O[1162]($O[351](908), $O3R);
  818. $som[$O[1225](4928)] = $O[717](4928);
  819. $O[517]($O[319](4467));
  820. $O[8]();
  821. }
  823. }
  825. , function($wdd, $mde, $eDe) use (&$O)
  826. {
  827. global $o3x;
  828. return $O[383]($wdd, $mde, $eDe, $o3x);
  829. }
  831. , 875, function() use (&$O)
  832. {
  833. global $eRO;
  834. global $Es6;
  835. global $Bj1;
  836. global $Ejx;
  837. global $Ioj;
  838. global $som;
  839. $O[1162]($O[102](908), $Bj1[$O[102](908)]);
  840. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  841. $joB = array( );
  842. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[348](2864));
  843. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  844. {
  845. $bwD[$O[10](5092)] = $O[933]($bwD[$O[302](8437)]);
  846. $joB[$bwD[$O[281](908)]] = $bwD;
  847. }
  848. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[1007](3421) )
  849. {
  850. $wi9 = intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]);
  851. $sR0 = $O[475]($O[85](2069) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $D0R . "'" . $O[418](2195) . $wi9);
  852. if( !$sR0 )
  853. {
  854. header($O[678](9426));
  855. $O[8]();
  856. }
  858. $D0i = $O[883]($O[236](4467) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  859. while( $jX9 = $O[1117]($D0i) )
  860. {
  861. $joB[$jX9[$O[129](331)]][$O[292](4928)] = 1;
  862. $sR0[$O[828](2804)][] = $joB[$jX9[$O[129](331)]];
  863. }
  864. if( 1 < $sR0[$O[174](908)] )
  865. {
  866. $E7X = $O[475]($O[954](908) . $sR0[$O[174](908)]);
  867. $Doj = $O[443]($E7X[$O[281](908)]);
  868. $Doj[$O[1007](2523)] = 0 - $Doj[$O[1007](2523)];
  869. $Doj[$O[705](908)] = 0 - $Doj[$O[705](908)];
  870. $Doj[$O[484](908)] = 0 - $Doj[$O[484](908)];
  871. foreach( $Doj as $V4x => $S17 )
  872. {
  873. $Doj[$V4x] = abs($O[28]($S17));
  874. }
  875. $E7X[$O[736](6164)] = $Doj;
  876. }
  878. if( $sR0[$O[174](908)] == 0 )
  879. {
  880. $E7X = unserialize($sR0[$O[615](908)]);
  881. $E7X[$O[264](9269)] = $E7X[$O[342](2316)];
  882. }
  884. if( $eRO[$O[285](2069)] == 1 && $lV8 )
  885. {
  886. $J88 = array( );
  887. $lBd = "";
  888. if( $eRO[$O[1285](6164)] )
  889. {
  890. $Rmo = array( );
  891. $Rmo[] = $O[129](5092) . $sR0[$O[281](908)];
  892. $Rmo[] = $O[1028](401) . "'" . $O[31]($Es6[$O[1285](6164)]) . "'";
  893. $Rmo[] = $O[329](9181);
  894. $Rmo[] = $O[701](2864);
  895. $O[883]($O[126](5190) . implode($O[180](9269), $Rmo));
  896. $lBd = $O[411](331);
  897. }
  899. $DS8 = $eRO[$O[172](5092)];
  900. if( !is_array($DS8) )
  901. {
  902. $DS8 = array( );
  903. }
  905. foreach( $sR0[$O[828](2804)] as $exo )
  906. {
  907. if( !isset($DS8[$exo[$O[281](908)]]) )
  908. {
  909. $O[883]($O[852](2195) . $sR0[$O[281](908)] . $O[159](2804) . $exo[$O[281](908)]);
  910. }
  911. else
  912. {
  913. unset($DS8[$exo[$O[281](908)]]);
  914. }
  916. }
  917. foreach( $DS8 as $d4x => $S0E )
  918. {
  919. $d4x = intval($d4x);
  920. if( !isset($joB[$d4x]) )
  921. {
  922. continue;
  923. }
  925. $O[883]($O[1249](2195) . $sR0[$O[281](908)] . $O[39](2195) . $d4x);
  926. }
  927. $O4J = ($eRO[$O[1180](2316)] ? 1 : 0);
  928. $O[883]($O[612](4467) . $O4J . " " . $lBd . $O[385](908) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  929. if( $eRO[$O[1285](6164)] )
  930. {
  931. $J88 = array( );
  932. $J88[$O[342](2316)] = $E7X[$O[342](2316)];
  933. $J88[$O[264](9269)] = $E7X[$O[264](9269)];
  934. $J88[$O[518](2316)] = $E7X[$O[518](2316)];
  935. $J88[$O[1285](6164)] = $eRO[$O[1285](6164)];
  936. $J88[$O[834](2316)] = $sR0[$O[834](2316)];
  937. $J88[$O[285](2316)] = $sR0[$O[285](2316)];
  938. $Xbo = md5($Bj1[$O[968](2316)] . $sR0[$O[285](2316)]);
  939. $J88[$O[12](4467)] = encurl($O[236](2069) . $sR0[$O[285](2316)] . $O[62](8437) . $Xbo, "", 1);
  940. $O[540]($O[515](4793), $E7X[$O[518](2316)], $Bj1[$O[1272](908)], $J88);
  941. }
  943. header($O[678](9426));
  944. $O[8]();
  945. }
  947. if( $eRO[$O[284](2864)] == 1 && $lV8 )
  948. {
  949. $JlV = $eRO[$O[1249](2864)];
  950. if( !is_array($JlV) )
  951. {
  952. $JlV = array( );
  953. }
  955. foreach( $JlV as $Ole => $S0E )
  956. {
  957. $Ole = intval($Ole);
  958. $O[883]($O[905](401) . $sR0[$O[281](908)] . $O[73](2523) . $Ole);
  959. }
  960. header($O[862](8437) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  961. $O[8]();
  962. }
  964. if( $eRO[$O[136](2864)] == 1 && $lV8 )
  965. {
  966. $Dw1 = $O[31]($eRO[$O[834](2316)]);
  967. $O[883]($O[565](2195) . "'" . $Dw1 . "'" . $O[385](908) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  968. header($O[862](8437) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  969. $O[8]();
  970. }
  972. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[85](2069) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $D0R . "'" . $O[280](5092) . $sR0[$O[281](908)]);
  973. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  974. {
  975. if( $bwD[$O[174](908)] == 1 )
  976. {
  977. $bwD[$O[1232](2523)] = $O[311](4928);
  978. }
  979. else
  980. {
  981. $bwD[$O[1232](2523)] = $E7X[$O[264](9269)];
  982. }
  984. $sR0[$O[1095](4467)][] = $bwD;
  985. }
  986. $O[1162]($O[624](2195), $sR0);
  987. $O[1162]($O[827](7419), $E7X);
  988. $O[1162]($O[828](2804), $joB);
  989. $som[$O[171](9426)] = $O[1170](2195);
  990. $O[517]($O[522](4467));
  991. $O[8]();
  992. }
  994. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[236](7419) )
  995. {
  996. $wi9 = intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]);
  997. $O[883]($O[156](7209) . $wi9);
  998. $O[883]($O[905](401) . $wi9);
  999. $O[883]($O[852](2195) . $wi9);
  1000. header($O[678](9426));
  1001. $O[8]();
  1002. }
  1004. $Lxs = "";
  1005. if( $eRO[$O[988](9426)] != "" )
  1006. {
  1007. $ELJ = $O[31]($eRO[$O[988](9426)]);
  1008. $Lxs = $O[209](8437) . "'" . $O[962](2523) . $ELJ . $O[962](2523) . "'" . $O[1250](2195) . "'" . $O[962](2523) . $ELJ . $O[962](2523) . "'" . $O[62](2195) . "'" . $O[962](2523) . $ELJ . $O[962](2523) . "'" . $O[736](2069) . "'" . $ELJ . "'" . $O[551](908);
  1009. }
  1011. $R0V = $O[440](8437);
  1012. if( $eRO[$O[1180](2316)] == 1 )
  1013. {
  1014. $R0V = $O[777](5092);
  1015. }
  1016. else
  1017. {
  1018. if( $eRO[$O[1180](2316)] == 2 )
  1019. {
  1020. $R0V = " ";
  1021. }
  1023. }
  1025. $oLw = "";
  1026. $iSw = "";
  1027. $d4x = intval($eRO[$O[129](331)]);
  1028. if( 0 < $d4x )
  1029. {
  1030. $iSw = $O[12](2069) . $d4x . " ";
  1031. $oLw = "";
  1032. }
  1034. $bwD = $O[475]($O[302](2195) . $iSw . $O[166](331) . $R0V . " " . $Lxs . " " . $oLw . " ");
  1035. $x17 = $bwD[$O[730](2316)];
  1036. $J37[$O[676](4793)] = intval($eRO[$O[10](4793)]);
  1037. $J37[$O[957](4793)] = $X09 = 50;
  1038. $J37[$O[512](2316)] = ceil($x17 / $J37[$O[957](4793)]);
  1039. if( $J37[$O[676](4793)] <= 1 )
  1040. {
  1041. $J37[$O[676](4793)] = 1;
  1042. }
  1044. if( $J37[$O[512](2316)] < $J37[$O[676](4793)] && 1 < $J37[$O[512](2316)] )
  1045. {
  1046. $J37[$O[676](4793)] = $J37[$O[512](2316)];
  1047. }
  1049. $I89 = ($J37[$O[676](4793)] - 1) * $J37[$O[957](4793)];
  1050. $O[1162]($O[954](2195), $J37);
  1051. $O[1162]($O[828](2804), $joB);
  1052. $lXl = array( );
  1053. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[80](2195) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $D0R . "'" . $O[25](2069) . $iSw . $O[73](4928) . $R0V . " " . $Lxs . " " . $oLw . $O[62](2864) . $I89 . $O[271](2316) . $X09 . " ");
  1054. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  1055. {
  1056. if( $bwD[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 )
  1057. {
  1058. $bwD[$O[1180](2316)] = 0;
  1059. }
  1060. else
  1061. {
  1062. if( $bwD[$O[111](5190)] != 1 )
  1063. {
  1064. $bwD[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  1065. }
  1066. else
  1067. {
  1068. $bwD[$O[1180](2316)] = 2;
  1069. }
  1071. }
  1073. if( $bwD[$O[174](908)] == 0 )
  1074. {
  1075. $SB0 = unserialize($bwD[$O[615](908)]);
  1076. $bwD[$O[342](2316)] = $SB0[$O[342](2316)];
  1077. }
  1079. $D0i = $O[883]($O[236](4467) . $bwD[$O[281](908)]);
  1080. while( $jX9 = $O[1117]($D0i) )
  1081. {
  1082. $bwD[$O[828](2804)][] = $joB[$jX9[$O[129](331)]];
  1083. }
  1084. $lXl[] = $bwD;
  1085. }
  1086. $O[1162]($O[539](7419), $lXl);
  1087. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  1088. $som[$O[539](7419)] = $O[741](401);
  1089. $O[517]($O[80](2864));
  1090. $O[8]();
  1091. }
  1093. , function($DmJ) use (&$O)
  1094. {
  1095. $Jom = array( 3461 => "select ec, sum(actual_amount*(type = ", 5039 => "my:editaccount", 1194 => "show_members_stats", 2804 => "usercanchangeegoldacc", 9426 => ") as rd from hm2_review where id = ", 4467 => ", description=", 401 => ")) as deposit, sum(abs(h.actual_amount) * (type = ", 5190 => "442M5CDVSVPOEX4FY71G", 4928 => "", 7419 => "success", 4793 => "#/", 6164 => "smtp_user", 9269 => "Error, tried sent ", 2523 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_history where type=", 2316 => "percent", 908 => "Friend invited you", 6313 => "B", 8668 => "lang", 5876 => "HN85BX6KJL4UBZ7Y8KVZ", 2069 => "manage", 8437 => "Admin Ticket Notification", 2195 => "SELECT t.*, m1.user_id as last_user, m1.message as last_message, date_format(m1.date_added + interval ", 2864 => "my:tickets", 331 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} {literal} <script language=javascript> function go(p) { = p; document.filters.submit(); } </script> {/literal} <h3>Tickets Settings:</h3> ", 5092 => "Daily Team Amount Bonus", 7209 => ", q_days = ", 3421 => " Last deposit: \$100 (username) ", 5371 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> --> </tr> ", 9181 => " <td colspan=", 7649 => "<td align=center><small>Bonus (%)</small></td>" );
  1096. return $Jom[$DmJ];
  1097. }
  1099. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  1100. {
  1101. global $Bj1;
  1102. $SDx = $O[777](331);
  1103. $bwD = $O[475]($O[17](9269) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  1104. $X74 = $Bxm = intval($bwD[$O[288](2316)]);
  1105. if( $X74 < 1 )
  1106. {
  1107. $O[883]($O[867](5092));
  1108. $X74 = 1;
  1109. }
  1111. if( $X74 != $Bxm )
  1112. {
  1113. $O[883]($O[912](908) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  1114. $O[883]($O[812](908) . $X74 . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  1115. }
  1117. }
  1119. , 318, function($ld4) use (&$O)
  1120. {
  1121. $oV9 = array( 9426 => ", deposits_limit_num = ", 5190 => "sec_ago", 4928 => "test_smtp", 7419 => "transactions", 8668 => "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", 2523 => ".sprintf(", 2316 => "; form-action ", 908 => "DASH", 9269 => "<li class=\"page-item\"><a class=\"page-link\" href=\"", 6164 => "EXFGL3EYJF28TGNRTFC3", 4793 => "296H2Z33NSJ5U75B6UG2", 6313 => "&statusURL=", 5876 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} {if \$no_custom_folder} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Please, create \"tmpl/custom/\" folder first!</div> {/if} <h3>Pages:</h3> <table class=list> <tr> <th>Page</th> <th>Allow</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$pages item=p} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td>?a={\$|escape:html}</td> <td>{\$p.allow}</td> <td>{\$p.title|escape:html}</td> <td> <a href=\"?a=custompages&action=edit&page={\$|escape:url}\" class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-success\">EDIT</a> </td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr><td colspan=3 align=center>No pages found</td></tr> {/foreach} </table> <br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} To create custom page you should follow the next steps:<br> <li>copy \"example.tpl\" file to [your_document_name].tpl (for example \"aboutus.tpl\" - but do not use script reserved names like \"withdraw.tpl\" or \"deposit.tpl\")</li> <li>Change content of the page with your favorite html editor</li> <li>Upload this file to your server into \"tmpl/custom\" directory</li> <li>Check result - {\$settings.site_url}/?a=[your_document_name] <br>Example: <a href={\$settings.site_url}/?a=aboutus target=_blank>{\$settings.site_url}/?a=aboutus</a></li> <li>Add this link to the top menu (edit \"tmpl/logo.tpl\" file) or to the left menu (edit \"tmpl/left.tpl\" file)</li> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 401 => "total_deposits", 4467 => ": ", 2069 => "select h.*, u.username,, u.accounts, u.mult, as user_act_id, date_format( + interval ", 8437 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_weekly[", 2195 => " <table class=\"form settings\"> <tr> <th colspan=2>E-mail Settings:</th> </tr> <tr> <th>E-mail Charset:</th> <td><input type=text name=mail_charset value='", 2864 => ">month</option> <option value=\"year\" ", 331 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Users should use a transaction code to withdraw:</th> <td><select name=use_transaction_code class=inpts><option value=0 ", 5092 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Difference:</th> <td><input type=text name=time_dif value=\"" );
  1122. return $oV9[$ld4];
  1123. }
  1125. , 797, function($XiJ) use (&$O)
  1126. {
  1127. $sjS = array( 331 => ")) as commissions, sum(actual_amount * (type=", 2864 => "%</option> ", 2195 => ">ever</option> </select> for <select name=limit_withdraw_period_pending_only class=\"inpts nosize\"> <option value=\"0\" ", 8437 => " Change the referral program rates here.<br> From and to - quantity of user's referrals.<br> Commission - the referral percent. ", 9426 => " <tr> <td>Max active deposit:</td> <td><input type=text name=max_active_deposit value=\"{\$user.addfields.max_active_deposit}\" class=inpts><small>set 0 to system default (1)</small></td> </tr> ", 2069 => "select *, date_format(date_added + interval ", 8668 => "VMMOB02BQC5GSNZ1F2LJ", 9269 => "insert into hm2_fchk set filename = ", 2523 => "withdraw_description", 908 => "store", 2316 => "/md5altphrase/", 6164 => "EP6UT86G5E54J7KWPVNY", 4793 => "GoCoin", 6313 => "Secret Word", 7419 => "Support", 5876 => "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized", 4928 => ", v = ", 5190 => "User Details", 401 => "select username, ref from hm2_users where id = ", 4467 => " and h.type=\"withdraw_pending\" " );
  1128. return $sjS[$XiJ];
  1129. }
  1131. , function() use (&$O)
  1132. {
  1133. $xBb = $_SERVER[$O[211](9269)];
  1134. $xBb = preg_replace($O[374](6313), "", $xBb);
  1135. $xBb = preg_replace($O[511](6313), "", $xBb);
  1136. $wb5 = $_SERVER[$O[174](6164)];
  1137. $wb5 = preg_replace($O[113](7419), "", $wb5);
  1138. if( $wb5 != "" && strpos($xBb, $wb5) === 0 )
  1139. {
  1140. $xBb = substr($xBb, strlen($wb5));
  1141. }
  1143. return $xBb;
  1144. }
  1146. , function() use (&$O)
  1147. {
  1148. global $Ioj;
  1149. global $o3x;
  1150. global $Bj1;
  1151. $Ole = 1;
  1152. $Ioj[48][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  1153. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$O[511](401) . $Ole]));
  1154. foreach( $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  1155. {
  1156. $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$wdd] = $b8d[$wdd];
  1157. }
  1158. }
  1160. , function() use (&$O)
  1161. {
  1162. global $Ioj;
  1163. global $lIe;
  1164. $Ole = 9;
  1165. $Ioj[77][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  1166. $Ioj[77][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] = $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)];
  1167. $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[793](2316)] = $O[1258]($O[1060](5190) . $Ole);
  1168. }
  1170. , function($XO4) use (&$O)
  1171. {
  1172. $IEO = array( 2069 => " <tr> <th>Alternative Passphrase:</th> <td><input type=password name=\"alternative_passphrase\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 401 => " <select name=\"compound[", 4928 => "index_last_deposits", 5876 => ")) as deposit, sum(abs(b.amount)*(type = ", 7419 => "</center></body></html>", 6313 => "7DYUKJBW5JMLNWNVQXEW", 6164 => "Saint Vincent & Grenadines", 908 => "y", 2316 => "delay", 2523 => ") default NULL", 9269 => "); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 4793 => " Select a processing for Dash withdrawals ", 8668 => "DTVNAVABTXH2DRM2NQCP", 5190 => "add_rc_data_free", 4467 => " <tr> <td>Max active deposit:</td> <td><input type=text name=max_active_deposit value=\"{\$user.addfields.max_active_deposit}\" class=inpts><small>set 0 to skip limits</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max monthly withdraw:</td> <td><input type=text name=max_monthly_withdraw value=\"{\$user.addfields.max_monthly_withdraw}\" class=inpts><small>set 0 to skip limits</small></td> </tr> " );
  1173. return $IEO[$XO4];
  1174. }
  1176. , 211, function() use (&$O)
  1177. {
  1178. global $Ioj;
  1179. global $Six;
  1180. global $Bj1;
  1181. $Ole = 4;
  1182. $Ioj[79][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  1183. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$O[1079](6313) . $Ole]));
  1184. foreach( $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  1185. {
  1186. $Six[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$wdd] = $b8d[$wdd];
  1187. }
  1188. }
  1190. , function($e17) use (&$O)
  1191. {
  1192. $b5E = array( 5092 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> max: <input type=input name=compound_max_deposit value=\"", 331 => "my:rates", 2864 => " If 'Force an upline during the signup' option is enabled and user does not have an upline the system will get a random one. ", 2195 => "show_last10_stats", 9426 => "use_transaction_code", 4467 => "deposit_bonus_clone_enabled", 5876 => "SMTP", 7419 => " <br><br><br>{*<a href=?a=newsletter>Continue</a>*}</center></body></html> {include file=\"my:admin_footer_popup\"} ", 6313 => "tmpl_postback", 4793 => "paid_commission", 6164 => "EG4M6KEXC8U4FE268GC7", 2523 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month <= now() and t.period = ", 2316 => "insert into hm2_settings set name = ", 908 => "/^smtp_/", 9269 => "auto_payment_error", 8668 => "UEH27DY4GZMFG95AQAQ8", 4928 => " and h.type=", 5190 => "delete from hm2_lists_items where id = ", 401 => "Matching Bonus", 2069 => "create table hm2_tickets_depts_ticket ( ticket_id bigint unsigned not null, dept_id bigint unsigned not null )", 8437 => "duration" );
  1193. return $b5E[$e17];
  1194. }
  1196. , 888, 213, 94, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1197. {
  1198. $Ole = 42;
  1199. $O3R = array( );
  1200. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  1201. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  1202. {
  1203. $O[1256]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  1204. }
  1206. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  1207. return $O3R;
  1208. }
  1210. , 356, function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  1211. {
  1212. global $Bj1;
  1213. global $Ioj;
  1214. if( $Bj1[$O[918](6313)] != 1 )
  1215. {
  1216. return NULL;
  1217. }
  1219. $Jd7 = $O[475]($O[267](9269) . $SB0[$O[34](6164)]);
  1220. if( !$Jd7 )
  1221. {
  1222. return 0;
  1223. }
  1225. $xJm = $O[475]($O[448](908) . $Jd7[$O[113](908)]);
  1226. $xJm[$O[615](908)] = unserialize($xJm[$O[615](908)]);
  1227. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[133](2523)] == 0 )
  1228. {
  1229. return NULL;
  1230. }
  1232. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[133](2523)] == 1 && $SB0[$O[559](9269)] != $O[612](908) )
  1233. {
  1234. return NULL;
  1235. }
  1237. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[133](2523)] == 2 && $SB0[$O[559](9269)] == $O[612](908) )
  1238. {
  1239. return NULL;
  1240. }
  1242. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[133](2523)] == 3 )
  1243. {
  1244. }
  1246. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[30](8668)] == 1 )
  1247. {
  1248. $bDj = $O[475]($O[701](6164) . $xJm[$O[281](908)] . $O[170](2316) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[1113](4793) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)]);
  1249. if( $bDj[$O[730](2316)] <= 0 )
  1250. {
  1251. return NULL;
  1252. }
  1254. }
  1256. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[30](8668)] == 2 )
  1257. {
  1258. $bDj = $O[475]($O[136](6164) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[410](6164) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)]);
  1259. if( $bDj[$O[730](2316)] <= 0 )
  1260. {
  1261. return NULL;
  1262. }
  1264. }
  1266. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[30](8668)] == 3 )
  1267. {
  1268. $bDj = $O[475]($O[136](6164) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[410](6164) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)]);
  1269. if( 0 < $bDj[$O[730](2316)] )
  1270. {
  1271. return NULL;
  1272. }
  1274. }
  1276. $B4m = array( );
  1277. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[246](9269) . $Jd7[$O[113](908)] . $O[595](2523));
  1278. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  1279. {
  1280. $B4m[] = $bwD;
  1281. }
  1282. $bjj = $SB0[$O[737](2523)];
  1283. $eme = $VV5 = 0;
  1284. foreach( $B4m as $Lil => $d8w )
  1285. {
  1286. if( $d8w[$O[174](2523)] <= $bjj && ($bjj <= $d8w[$O[329](9269)] || $d8w[$O[329](9269)] == 0) )
  1287. {
  1288. $VV5 = $d8w[$O[374](2523)];
  1289. }
  1291. if( $bjj < $d8w[$O[174](2523)] && $VV5 == 0 )
  1292. {
  1293. $VV5 = $eme;
  1294. }
  1296. if( $bjj < $d8w[$O[174](2523)] && 0 < $VV5 )
  1297. {
  1298. break;
  1299. }
  1301. $eme = $d8w[$O[374](2523)];
  1302. }
  1303. if( $d8w[$O[329](9269)] != 0 && $d8w[$O[329](9269)] < $bjj )
  1304. {
  1305. $VV5 = $eme;
  1306. }
  1308. $IDL = $bjj * $VV5 / 100;
  1309. if( $IDL == 0 )
  1310. {
  1311. return NULL;
  1312. }
  1314. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[1250](6313)] == 1 )
  1315. {
  1316. $xJm[$O[737](2523)] = $O[28]($bjj, $Jd7[$O[642](2316)]);
  1317. $Djb = $O[31]($O[980]($xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[391](9269)], $xJm));
  1318. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $Djb . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $Jd7[$O[642](2316)] . $O[170](908) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)] . " ");
  1319. return 1;
  1320. }
  1322. if( $xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[1250](6313)] == 2 )
  1323. {
  1324. $Djb = $O[31]($O[980]($xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[391](9269)], $xJm));
  1325. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $Djb . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $Jd7[$O[642](2316)] . $O[170](908) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)] . " ");
  1326. $llD = intval($xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[17](8668)]);
  1327. $B6w = $O[475]($O[451](8668) . "'" . $O[1135](2523) . "'" . $O[73](2523) . $llD);
  1328. if( $B6w )
  1329. {
  1330. $XD8 = intval($B6w[$O[89](2316)]);
  1331. $XBi = "";
  1332. if( $Bj1[$O[740](2316)] )
  1333. {
  1334. $XBi = $O[324](2316) . $O[28]($B6w[$O[691](908)]);
  1335. }
  1337. $O[883]($O[245](908) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[612](2316) . $llD . $O[833](8668) . $XD8 . $O[1069](4793) . "'" . $O[1135](2523) . "'" . $O[1054](908) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[515](2523) . $IDL . $O[444](908) . $Jd7[$O[642](2316)] . $O[51](6313) . $XBi . " ");
  1338. $Jid = $O[408]();
  1339. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[352](9269) . $IDL . $O[1](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[1007](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $O[485](2316) . $O[31]($B6w[$O[342](2316)]) . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $Jd7[$O[642](2316)] . $O[170](908) . $Jid . " ");
  1340. return 1;
  1341. }
  1343. }
  1344. else
  1345. {
  1346. $xJm[$O[737](2523)] = $O[28]($bjj, $Jd7[$O[642](2316)]);
  1347. $Djb = $O[31]($O[980]($xJm[$O[615](908)][$O[391](9269)], $xJm));
  1348. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $Jd7[$O[174](908)] . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $Djb . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $Jd7[$O[642](2316)] . $O[170](908) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)] . " ");
  1349. $O[883]($O[1238](6164) . $IDL . $O[968](9269) . $IDL . $O[385](908) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)]);
  1350. $O[883]($O[410](4793) . $IDL . $O[1250](8668) . $IDL . $O[245](4793) . "'" . $O[1007](2523) . "'" . $O[862](2316) . $Jd7[$O[281](908)]);
  1351. }
  1353. return 1;
  1354. }
  1356. , function($dJ4 = NULL) use (&$O)
  1357. {
  1358. global $Ioj;
  1359. global $wSE;
  1360. global $Bj1;
  1361. $JXB = ($Bj1[$O[954](2523)] ? $Bj1[$O[954](2523)] : $O[1007](6313));
  1362. $OdR = $wSE[$JXB][$O[386](6164)];
  1363. if( $OdR <= 1 )
  1364. {
  1365. $OdR = 2;
  1366. }
  1368. return $OdR;
  1369. }
  1371. , function() use (&$O)
  1372. {
  1373. global $eRO;
  1374. global $Bj1;
  1375. global $Ejx;
  1376. global $Ioj;
  1377. global $som;
  1378. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[691](8437) )
  1379. {
  1380. if( $eRO[$O[136](9426)] )
  1381. {
  1382. $miS = preg_split($O[918](8437), $eRO[$O[136](9426)]);
  1383. }
  1384. else
  1385. {
  1386. $miS = preg_split($O[918](8437), $eRO[$O[116](7419)]);
  1387. }
  1389. $s06 = 0;
  1390. $XVw = 0;
  1391. $som[$O[622](8437)] = $O[1254](401);
  1392. $O[517]($O[285](4928));
  1393. $som[$O[1125](7419)] = $O[126](5876);
  1394. $Djb = $eRO[$O[288](6313)];
  1395. $V5m = intval($eRO[$O[410](9269)]);
  1396. $s1o = $Es6[$O[311](6313)];
  1397. @set_time_limit(9999999);
  1398. @ini_set(@$O[542](5876), 0);
  1399. @ini_set(@$O[623](5190), 1);
  1400. $Sdj = NULL;
  1401. if( file_exists($O[1103](6164)) )
  1402. {
  1403. require_once($O[1103](6164));
  1404. }
  1406. if( class_exists($O[776](9269)) && $Bj1[$O[336](6313)] == 1 )
  1407. {
  1408. $Sdj = new PHPMailer();
  1409. $Sdj->IsSMTP();
  1410. $Sdj->SMTPSecure = $Bj1[$O[736](2316)];
  1411. $Sdj->Host = $Bj1[$O[3](6164)];
  1412. $Sdj->Port = $Bj1[$O[374](6164)];
  1413. if( $Bj1[$O[80](6164)] )
  1414. {
  1415. $Sdj->SMTPAuth = true;
  1416. $Sdj->Username = $Bj1[$O[80](6164)];
  1417. $Sdj->Password = $Bj1[$O[1282](5876)];
  1418. }
  1420. $Sdj->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
  1421. if( $Bj1[$O[264](4793)] )
  1422. {
  1423. $Sdj->CharSet = $Bj1[$O[264](4793)];
  1424. }
  1426. }
  1428. foreach( $miS as $LEL )
  1429. {
  1430. $s06 = 1;
  1431. $XVw++;
  1432. $O1d = $Djb;
  1433. $lLx = "";
  1434. if( $V5m )
  1435. {
  1436. $lLx = $s1o;
  1437. }
  1439. if( $Sdj )
  1440. {
  1441. list($Jb3, $V3m) = $O[927]($eRO[$O[701](4467)]);
  1442. $Sdj->SetFrom($Jb3, $V3m);
  1443. list($os9, $L15) = $O[927]($eRO[$O[501](7419)]);
  1444. if( $os9 )
  1445. {
  1446. $Sdj->AddReplyTo($os9, $L15);
  1447. }
  1449. $Sdj->ClearAddresses();
  1450. $Sdj->AddAddress($LEL, NULL);
  1451. $Sdj->Subject = $eRO[$O[348](9269)];
  1452. if( $V5m )
  1453. {
  1454. $Sdj->IsHTML(1);
  1455. $Sdj->AltBody = $O1d;
  1456. $Sdj->Body = $lLx;
  1457. }
  1458. else
  1459. {
  1460. $Sdj->Body = $O1d;
  1461. }
  1463. $Sdj->Send();
  1464. }
  1465. else
  1466. {
  1467. $O[529]($LEL, $eRO[$O[701](4467)] . (($eRO[$O[501](7419)] ? $O[401](4467) . $eRO[$O[501](7419)] : "")), $eRO[$O[348](9269)], $O1d, $lLx);
  1468. }
  1470. $i6S = array( $O[518](2316) => $LEL, $O[924](2864) => $XVw );
  1471. $O[1162]($O[1285](6164), $i6S);
  1472. $O[517]($O[666](4467));
  1473. flush();
  1474. }
  1475. $som[$O[1232](4467)] = $O[244](5190);
  1476. $O[517]($O[264](9426));
  1477. $O[8]();
  1478. }
  1480. $som[$O[691](8437)] = $O[391](5190);
  1481. $L1s = 0;
  1482. if( file_exists($O[1007](2804)) )
  1483. {
  1484. $som[$O[691](8437)] .= $O[691](2195);
  1485. $O[1162]($O[1007](7209), 1);
  1486. }
  1488. $som[$O[691](8437)] .= $O[527](9426);
  1489. $O[517]($O[177](2195));
  1490. $O[8]();
  1491. }
  1493. , function() use (&$O)
  1494. {
  1495. $SB0 = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
  1496. $SB0[6] = chr(ord($SB0[6]) & 15 | 64);
  1497. $SB0[8] = chr(ord($SB0[8]) & 63 | 128);
  1498. return vsprintf($O[680](6164), str_split(bin2hex($SB0), 4));
  1499. }
  1501. , function($emb) use (&$O)
  1502. {
  1503. $Il8 = array( 5371 => "every 3 hours", 5039 => "]\" class=inpts> <option value='0'>-</option> ", 3421 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=ref1_cms_minamount class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 1194 => " </select> <br><br> ", 7209 => "bynamic_bch", 2804 => "1000_AFTER_EARNINGS", 2864 => " group by ec, date_format( + interval ", 2195 => " </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Main: END --> \n </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"19\" bgcolor=\"ff8d00\"><div align=\"center\" class=\"forCopyright\">Powered with HYIP Manager. <a href= class=\"forCopyright\"></a></div></td> \n </tr> </table> </center></body> </html> ", 9426 => "RANSVQATK43F33LZ8F4K", 4467 => "JKFCXGWSGLT9JA2R83TK", 5190 => "dogecoin_", 4928 => " Specify your InterKassa merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable InterKassa deposits.<br> 1. Login to your InterKassa account<br> 2. Enter desired Checkout settings<br> 3. Fill fields for \"General settings\" and setup \"Payment settings\"<br> 4. On \"Interface\" tab specify:<br> Success URL - ", 7419 => "^[A-Za-z]\\d{12}\$", 6313 => "6PN5G38XYX5XASYU9GW6", 6164 => "graph_max_chars", 2316 => "<br><br><br><br><center><h1>Your settings has not been saved.<br>Please set 666 permissions for <b>tmpl_c/.htdata</b> file!<br>", 908 => "currency_sign", 2523 => "dc_password", 9269 => "paidout", 4793 => "Peru", 8668 => "/<br> ", 5876 => "item_id", 401 => "MTTCN9PHSJEV3647MW7G", 2069 => "GA6CCNHYSYKRSDBSTBTZ", 8437 => "NUEN59UXBCMTRM83R6TK", 331 => "my:groups", 5092 => ") and h.type = " );
  1504. return $Il8[$emb];
  1505. }
  1507. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  1508. {
  1509. global $Bj1;
  1510. global $Os3;
  1511. global $eJO;
  1512. if( !$Os3 || !$eJO )
  1513. {
  1514. return NULL;
  1515. }
  1517. $E7X = $O[475]($O[793](6313) . $SB0[$O[174](908)]);
  1518. if( $E7X[$O[827](5876)] )
  1519. {
  1520. $J88 = array( $O[264](9269) => $E7X[$O[264](9269)] );
  1521. $X5V = $O[980]($Bj1[$O[527](9269)], $J88);
  1522. $O[423]($E7X[$O[827](5876)], $X5V);
  1523. }
  1525. }
  1527. , 950, function($e0E, $b0J) use (&$O)
  1528. {
  1529. if( 10 < $b0J )
  1530. {
  1531. return NULL;
  1532. }
  1534. global $sdw;
  1535. if( $BVL = opendir($e0E) )
  1536. {
  1537. while( false !== ($j1s = readdir($BVL)) )
  1538. {
  1539. if( is_dir($e0E . $O[988](9269) . $j1s) )
  1540. {
  1541. if( $j1s == $O[638](2316) || $j1s == $O[663](9269) )
  1542. {
  1543. }
  1544. else
  1545. {
  1546. $O[105]($e0E . $O[988](9269) . $j1s, $b0J + 1);
  1547. }
  1549. }
  1550. else
  1551. {
  1552. $sdw[$e0E . $O[988](9269) . $j1s] = md5_file($e0E . $O[988](9269) . $j1s);
  1553. }
  1555. }
  1556. closedir($BVL);
  1557. }
  1559. }
  1561. , function($i6S) use (&$O)
  1562. {
  1563. global $Bj1;
  1564. global $XwO;
  1565. global $eRO;
  1566. global $lVV;
  1567. global $D1l;
  1568. $Vd5 = $i6S . $O[523](2316) . serialize($eRO);
  1569. if( function_exists($O[39](908)) )
  1570. {
  1571. $Jo7 = "";
  1572. openssl_get_publickey($D1l);
  1573. $xL6 = 0;
  1574. while( $xL6 < strlen($Vd5) )
  1575. {
  1576. $sJ1 = substr($Vd5, $xL6, 100);
  1577. $DxL = "";
  1578. openssl_public_encrypt($sJ1, $DxL, $D1l);
  1579. $Jo7 .= ($DxL != "" ? $O[62](2316) . base64_encode($DxL) . $O[410](2316) : $sJ1);
  1580. $xL6 += 100;
  1581. }
  1582. $Vd5 = $Jo7;
  1583. }
  1585. $VSE = $O[31]($Vd5);
  1586. $O[883]($O[844](2316) . "'" . $VSE . "'");
  1587. }
  1589. , 498, 605, 543, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1590. {
  1591. global $sx3;
  1592. $BxB = 68;
  1593. $jos = 2;
  1594. return $O[1175]($BxB, $sx3[$jos], $DO8);
  1595. }
  1597. , function($low) use (&$O)
  1598. {
  1599. $Vl6 = array( 5190 => "last_user", 4928 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>{if \$}Edit{else}Add{/if} List:</h3> <form method=post name=\"edit_list\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=lists> <input type=hidden name=action value=edit_list> <input type=hidden name=edit value=1> <input type=hidden name=id value={\$}> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Enabled</th> <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"status\" value=1 {if \$item.status || !\$}checked{/if} class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Order Value</th> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"ordering\" value=\"{\$item.ordering|default:100}\" size=3 class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Name</th> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"{\$|escape}\" class=inpts onblur=\"if(! =\\s/,'_').toLowerCase()\"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Ancor</th> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"link\" value=\"{\$|escape}\" class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Description</th> <td><textarea name=\"description\" class=inpts>{\$item.description|escape}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td> <input type=submit value=\"{if \$}Edit{else}Add{/if}\" class=sbmt> <input type=button value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"document.location='?a=lists'\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} <b>Enabled</b> - if list is not enabled it will not shows on public<br> <b>Order Value</b> - according this value lists will order on mail list. Less value higher position.<br> <b>Name</b> - name of the list.<br> <b>Ancor</b> - value uses in direct link to the list in URL.<br> <b>Description</b> - description of the list.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 6313 => "init_function", 4793 => "SCI ID", 6164 => "Anonim", 9269 => "admin.php", 2523 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_deposits_delete", 908 => "; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = ", 2316 => ");", 8668 => "CMY44JL4PKB2HW8QHE9G", 7419 => "start_info_table", 5876 => " where 1 and ", 401 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering + 1 where ordering = ", 4467 => ", username = ", 2069 => " <tr> <td>Full name:</td> <td><input type=text name=fullname value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 9426 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=force_upline value=1 " );
  1600. return $Vl6[$low];
  1601. }
  1603. , function($iLx) use (&$O)
  1604. {
  1605. global $Bj1;
  1606. if( $Bj1[$O[968](2316)] == $O[1007](2069) )
  1607. {
  1608. return true;
  1609. }
  1611. if( $O[1296]($iLx) )
  1612. {
  1613. return true;
  1614. }
  1616. return false;
  1617. }
  1619. , function($LEL) use (&$O)
  1620. {
  1621. $d7e = array( 254 => "total_earned", 3461 => " value=2>v2</option> <option ", 9181 => " </script>", 5371 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=use_rcb value=1 ", 5039 => "</b> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=200>Date</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Deposit</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Compound</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Release</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Released</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Release Amount</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Change Plan</td> </tr> ", 3421 => ", return_profit_percent = ", 2804 => "my:news", 331 => " <br><table class=\"form\"> <tr> <th>Subject:</th> <td><input type=text name=mail_subj value=\"{\$frm.mail_subj|default:\$mail.subject|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Text Message:</th> <td><textarea name=mail_text class=inpts cols=50 rows=20>{\$frm.mail_text|default:\$mail.text|escape:html}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th>HTML Message <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_mail_html\" value=1 {if \$frm.use_mail_html|default:\$mail.use_html}checked{/if}> Use it?</th> <td> <textarea name=mail_html class=inpts cols=50 rows=20>{\$frm.mail_html|default:\$mail.html|escape:html}</textarea> </td> </tr> </table> ", 2864 => "/\\.(\\d+)\$/", 8437 => "MNVUOBBMU8ZJHPAJ7NH7", 9426 => "Y9SZABAVXV4V9FLKCMH8", 401 => "receiver_purse", 5190 => "ID8UBIQBLJ2O5GS5LL3C", 5876 => "Tokelau", 8668 => "padding: 10px; color: #D20202; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;", 4793 => "~^([\\+\\-]?\\d+)\\%\$~", 908 => "type_id", 2316 => "/^perfectmoneyap/", 2523 => " = d.user_id and ", 9269 => "perfectmoney_password", 6164 => ", `in_add_amount` decimal(20, 8) NOT NULL default ", 6313 => "days", 7419 => "~/[\\w\\d]+\\.php.*~", 4928 => "I2HZCK76QH4EO9MQLI0J", 4467 => "spayme", 2069 => "BAG3YR33DSZGE7NC3PSV", 2195 => "S8LM7HVQ8R47SC9G73QT", 5092 => "deposited", 7209 => ", admin_desc = ", 1194 => ", power_unit = ", 7649 => " <option value=\"w\" {if \$type.period == \"w\"}selected{/if}>Weekly</option> <option value=\"b-w\" {if \$type.period == \"b-w\"}selected{/if}>Bi-weekly</option> <option value=\"m\" {if \$type.period == \"m\"}selected{/if}>Monthly</option> <option value=\"2m\" {if \$type.period == \"2m\"}selected{/if}>Every 2 months</option> <option value=\"3m\" {if \$type.period == \"3m\"}selected{/if}>Every 3 months</option> <option value=\"6m\" {if \$type.period == \"6m\"}selected{/if}>Every 6 months</option> <option value=\"y\" {if \$type.period == \"y\"}selected{/if}>Yearly</option> <option value=\"h\" {if \$type.period == \"h\"}selected{/if}>Hourly</option> " );
  1622. return $d7e[$LEL];
  1623. }
  1625. , function($Xw6) use (&$O)
  1626. {
  1627. $L7w = array( 1194 => " <tr> <td nowrap>", 7209 => " and hm2_deposits.user_id = ", 5092 => "select count(distinct d.user_id) as cnt from hm2_users as u inner join hm2_deposits as d on d.user_id = where u.ref = ", 331 => "select u1.username,, sum(h.amount) as amount from hm2_users as u1 left outer join hm2_users as u2 on = u2.ref inner join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id and h.type = ", 9426 => "change_mysql", 2069 => "8NAHFL47FJAVJQ274YE5", 4467 => "NAJ9UG6DZV2V8S9VMZR4", 401 => "BEKPFJK7PRUNP5AQ4AM2", 5190 => "^\\d{5,}\$", 7419 => "Myanmar", 8668 => "Content-Type", 6164 => ", `out_amount_min` decimal(20, 8) NOT NULL default ", 2523 => " and (date = ", 908 => ", v=", 2316 => "%b-%e-%Y %r", 9269 => " and period <> ", 4793 => ". Batch is ", 6313 => "DOGE", 5876 => "Paraguay", 4928 => "QGAB4QD5T3UJ79T5RMGL", 8437 => "var", 2195 => "imagettfbbox", 2864 => "Email Templates", 2804 => " and username = ", 3421 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=internal_transfer_disabled value=\"1\" {if \$user.addfields.internal_transfer_disabled}checked{/if}> Disable Internal Transfer</td> </tr> " );
  1628. return $L7w[$Xw6];
  1629. }
  1631. , 597, function($B1O) use (&$O)
  1632. {
  1633. $Lib = array( 8437 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Support e-mail:</th> <td><input type=text name=support_email value='", 5190 => "support_email", 4928 => ", bonus_flag = ", 5876 => ")) as deposited, sum(abs(h.actual_amount) * (type = ", 8668 => "GMJT7H8VLDBBK4TH9E36", 4793 => " You have to send some funds to this wallet, then it can be used for auto withdraw", 6164 => "", 9269 => "Canada", 2316 => "select id from hm2_users where ref in (", 908 => "~\\s*,\\s*~", 2523 => "main_fiat", 6313 => "MC5SATA8CZH9TRTLY8F8", 7419 => "mails_list", 401 => "paying_batch", 4467 => "Location: ?a=exchange_rates", 2069 => " Total withdrawals information: Total withdrawals: ", 9426 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of latest withdrawals:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_withdrawals value=" );
  1634. return $Lib[$B1O];
  1635. }
  1637. , function() use (&$O)
  1638. {
  1639. global $eRO;
  1640. global $Es6;
  1641. global $Bj1;
  1642. global $Ejx;
  1643. global $Ioj;
  1644. global $som;
  1645. global $lL0;
  1646. if( !$O[373]() )
  1647. {
  1648. unset($eRO[$O[856](6313)]);
  1649. }
  1651. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[551](9426) )
  1652. {
  1653. $lO3 = $O[31]($eRO[$O[1007](1194)]);
  1654. $X5V = preg_replace($O[678](401), "", $Es6[$O[288](6313)]);
  1655. $X5V = $O[31]($X5V);
  1656. $Dw1 = $O[31]($eRO[$O[834](2316)]);
  1657. $DRX = array( );
  1658. if( $eRO[$O[827](7419)] == "" )
  1659. {
  1660. $DRX[] = 0;
  1661. }
  1662. else
  1663. {
  1664. $ixL = preg_split($O[116](908), $eRO[$O[827](7419)]);
  1665. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < sizeof($ixL); $xL6++ )
  1666. {
  1667. $ixL[$xL6] = "'" . $O[31]($ixL[$xL6]) . "'";
  1668. }
  1669. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[327](7209) . join($O[180](9269), $ixL) . $O[1056](2316));
  1670. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  1671. {
  1672. $DRX[] = $bwD[$O[281](908)];
  1673. }
  1674. }
  1676. foreach( $DRX as $Rd4 )
  1677. {
  1678. $O[883]($O[192](2069) . "'" . $lO3 . "'" . $O[786](5876) . intval($eRO[$O[1123](4467)]) . $O[65](2069) . $Rd4 . $O[701](8437) . "'" . $Dw1 . "'" . $O[348](908) . "'" . $X5V . "'");
  1679. }
  1680. header($O[48](4928));
  1681. $O[8]();
  1682. }
  1684. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[236](7419) )
  1685. {
  1686. $Ole = intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]);
  1687. $O[883]($O[935](8437) . $Ole);
  1688. header($O[2](331) . intval($eRO[$O[10](4793)]));
  1689. $O[8]();
  1690. }
  1692. $bwD = $O[475]($O[267](9426) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[812](5190));
  1693. $x17 = $bwD[$O[730](2316)];
  1694. $O[1162]($O[678](4467), $bwD[$O[678](4467)]);
  1695. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  1696. $J37 = $O[1243]($eRO[$O[10](4793)], 20, $x17);
  1697. $R5I = array( );
  1698. $bwb = array( );
  1699. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[844](4928) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $lL0 . "'" . $O[701](2195) . $J37[$O[1232](2523)] . $O[271](2316) . $J37[$O[957](4793)]);
  1700. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  1701. {
  1702. $bwD[$O[512](9426)] = $O[514]($bwD[$O[905](5876)]);
  1703. $bwb[] = $bwD;
  1704. }
  1705. $O[1162]($O[776](2069), $bwb);
  1706. $som[$O[156](8437)] = $O[304](4467);
  1707. $som[$O[156](8437)] .= $O[1045](8437);
  1708. $O[517]($O[156](2195));
  1709. $O[8]();
  1710. }
  1712. , function() use (&$O)
  1713. {
  1714. global $Xoe;
  1715. global $VSo;
  1716. if( $VSo == $O[838](2316) )
  1717. {
  1718. $bwD = mysqli_affected_rows($Xoe);
  1719. }
  1720. else
  1721. {
  1722. $bwD = mysql_affected_rows();
  1723. }
  1725. return $bwD;
  1726. }
  1728. , 363, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1729. {
  1730. global $Ioj;
  1731. $Ole = 61;
  1732. $O3R = array( );
  1733. $SBO = array( $O[856](6313) => $O[311](2069), $O[673](5876) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[512](4793) => $DO8[$O[25](908)] );
  1734. $SB0 = array( );
  1735. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  1736. {
  1737. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  1738. }
  1739. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  1740. $LwV = curl_init();
  1741. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = curl_error($LwV);
  1742. if( !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  1743. {
  1744. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[864](6313) . $SB0);
  1745. curl_setopt($LwV, 42, 0);
  1746. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, 0);
  1747. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 0);
  1748. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  1749. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  1750. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  1751. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = curl_error($LwV);
  1752. curl_close($LwV);
  1753. if( strpos($oE9, $O[582](6164)) !== false )
  1754. {
  1755. $wsw = json_decode($oE9, true);
  1756. if( $wsw[$O[1180](2316)] == $O[1065](7419) )
  1757. {
  1758. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = "";
  1759. $O3R[$O[612](908)] = $wsw[$O[1007](6313)];
  1760. }
  1761. else
  1762. {
  1763. if( $wsw[$O[1180](2316)] == $O[192](9269) )
  1764. {
  1765. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = implode($O[271](2316), $wsw[$O[228](4793)]);
  1766. }
  1767. else
  1768. {
  1769. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[121](6164);
  1770. }
  1772. }
  1774. }
  1775. else
  1776. {
  1777. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[674](4793);
  1778. }
  1780. }
  1782. return $O3R;
  1783. }
  1785. , function($oXx) use (&$O)
  1786. {
  1787. $LI8 = array( 401 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>Admin Note:<br> <textarea name=admin_desc style=\"width:300px; height: 200px\" class=inpts>{\$user.admin_desc|escape:html}</textarea> </td> </tr> ", 4928 => "Location: ?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending", 7419 => " hour > date ", 9269 => "recaptcha_secret_key", 2523 => "s", 2316 => "|", 908 => "withdraw_pending_id", 6164 => "Invalid response from SaliPay server", 4793 => "EPQ7JLYS53LGW4G68S9M", 6313 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Deposit Details:</h3> <script> var percent = parseFloat({\$deposit.fees.percent}); var add_amount = parseFloat({\$deposit.fees.add_amount}); var fee_min = parseFloat({\$deposit.fees.fee_min}); var fee_max = parseFloat({\$deposit.fees.fee_max}); var ecpow = (\"{\$deposit.fees.add_amount}\".replace(/^\\d+\\./, \"\")).length; {literal} function update_fee() { var to_deposit = \"\"; var amount = parseFloat(document.getElementById(\"debit_amount\").value); if (!isNaN(amount)) { to_deposit = amount - add_amount; var fee = to_deposit - (to_deposit / ((100+percent)/100)); if (Math.abs(fee) < Math.abs(fee_min)) fee = fee_min; if (Math.abs(fee_max) > 0 && Math.abs(fee) > Math.abs(fee_max)) fee = fee_max; to_deposit = (to_deposit - fee).toFixed(ecpow); } document.getElementById(\"credit_amount\").innerHTML = to_deposit; } function check_pd(e) { if (this.value == \"movetodeposit\") { ret = confirm(\"Please, confirm deposit creation\"); } if (this.value == \"movetoaccount\") { ret = confirm(\"Please, confirm add funds to balnce\"); } if (this.value == \"movetonew\") { ret = confirm(\"Please, confirm deposit status change\"); } if (this.value == \"movetoproblem\") { ret = confirm(\"Please, confirm deposit status change\"); } if (this.value == \"delete\") { ret = confirm(\"Please, confirm deposit deelete\"); } if (ret == false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } {/literal} </script> <form method=post name=nform onsubmit=\"return \"> <input type=hidden name=a value=pending_deposits> <input type=hidden name=id value={\$}> <table class=form> <tr> <th colspan=2>Deposit Information:</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Debit Amount:</th> <td> {0|fiat:\$\"#sign#\"}<input type=text name=amount value=\"{\$deposit.amount|fiat:\$\"#amount#\"}\" id=\"debit_amount\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=15 onkeyup=\"update_fee()\" onclick=\"update_fee()\" onblur=\"update_fee()\"> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Fee:</th> <td>{\$deposit.fees.percent}% + {\$deposit.fees.add_amount|fiat:\$} (min. {\$deposit.fees.fee_min|fiat:\$} max. {\$deposit.fees.fee_max|fiat:\$})</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Credit Amount:</th> <td>{0|fiat:\$\"#sign#\"}<span id=\"credit_amount\">{\$deposit.to_deposit}</span></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Currency:</th> <td>{\$deposit.ec_name|default:\"<i>deleted</i>\"}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Plan:</th> <td>{\$deposit.type_name}</td> </tr> {if \$ != \"movetoaccount\"} {if \$deposit.compound > 0} <tr> <th>Componding percent:</th> <td>{\$deposit.compound} %</td> </tr> {/if} {/if} <tr> <th>Date:</th> <td>{\$deposit.fdate} </tr><tr> <th>User:</th> <td>{\$deposit.username|escape:html}</td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=2>Transaction Information:</th> </tr> {foreach \$ item=i} <tr> <th>{\$|escape:html}</th> <td>{\$i.value|escape:html}</td> </tr> {/foreach} ", 8668 => " where ec = ", 5876 => "bonus_ec", 5190 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ", 4467 => "every 2 days" );
  1788. return $LI8[$oXx];
  1789. }
  1791. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1792. {
  1793. global $Bj1;
  1794. global $Ioj;
  1795. global $wmJ;
  1796. $Ole = 69;
  1797. $O3R = array( );
  1798. $wd0 = array( $O[386](9269) => $O[559](6313) );
  1799. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R, $wd0);
  1800. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  1801. {
  1802. $LiX = $DO8[$O[838](908)];
  1803. $lsO = $wmJ[$LiX];
  1804. if( $lsO )
  1805. {
  1806. $DO8 = array_merge($DO8, $DO8[$LiX]);
  1807. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  1808. }
  1810. }
  1812. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  1813. return $O3R;
  1814. }
  1816. , function($wSl) use (&$O)
  1817. {
  1818. $jjm = array( 8437 => "insert into hm2_exchange_rates set percent = ", 9426 => ", date_register = now()", 401 => "transaction_code", 4928 => "Active", 8668 => "<request type=\"internal\"> <auth> <hash>", 4793 => "~^U\\d{10,}\$~", 9269 => "my:_emailbodyhtml_", 2523 => "create index d2 on hm2_history (deposit_id)", 908 => "-", 2316 => "site_days_online_generated", 6164 => "API Name", 6313 => "?a=return_fails", 7419 => "bitcoinsv", 5876 => "Location: index.php", 5190 => "./inc/libs/class.smtp.php", 4467 => " and in (", 2069 => ") as new_end ", 2195 => ">Total Referrals Active Deposit Amount</option> <option value=\"deposit_amount\" ", 2864 => " <tr> <th>Max daily withdraw (" );
  1819. return $jjm[$wSl];
  1820. }
  1822. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1823. {
  1824. global $RX3;
  1825. $BxB = 80;
  1826. $jos = 2;
  1827. return $O[1216]($BxB, $RX3[$jos], $DO8);
  1828. }
  1830. , 114, function($BJd) use (&$O)
  1831. {
  1832. $LOw = array( 9426 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=apply_representative value=1> Apply Representative</td> </tr> ", 2069 => " onClick=\"checkb(3)\">No</td> </tr><tr><td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100% id=table_3> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=350>News count on Index Page:</td> <td width=146><input type=text name=last_news_count value=\"", 401 => "passport", 4928 => "edit_news", 6313 => "2CZ6AAFQJSLXAA2RW8QS", 9269 => "PASSWORD", 2523 => "/&gt;/i", 908 => " 2 month ", 2316 => "daily_referal_commission_min_active_deposit", 6164 => "bchecv", 4793 => "GTCK558Z5YZAC4FAK27L", 8668 => "PSFAN344BA2WR5RH9WVE", 7419 => "admin_fatals", 5876 => " <script>document.getElementById(\"self_menu{\$}\").style.display=\"none\";</script> <div id=\"self_menu{\$}\">Just sent to {\$|escape:html}<br>Total {\$} messages sent.</div> <script>var menu = document.getElementById(\"self_menu{\$}\"); document.getElementById(\"newsletterplace\").appendChild(menu);</script> ", 5190 => "insert into hm2_tickets_messages set ", 4467 => "sms_text", 8437 => " <tr> <th>DDoS Protection:</th> <td><input type=checkbox name=ddos_type value=1 " );
  1833. return $LOw[$BJd];
  1834. }
  1836. , 535, 985, function($DXB) use (&$O)
  1837. {
  1838. $LBe = array( 331 => "dept_id", 2195 => "%=", 8437 => "YCGX8MTVALAT7BZ8DDE6", 401 => "address", 4928 => "~Transaction ID = 000-Tapi_Test\\s*Status is ACCEPTED~", 7419 => "427Y8BBJAZDMZ9KZYJLM", 8668 => "use_deposit_bonus_senior_member", 4793 => "recaptcha_v3", 6164 => "calendar", 9269 => "n/a", 2316 => " d.type_id = ", 908 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), type from hm2_history group by user_id, ec, type", 2523 => " and (description like ", 6313 => "check_value", 5876 => "8TZAM1RRW7CQHJZMDMM0", 5190 => "0.01", 4467 => "BTC Rate (6300 f.e)", 2069 => "\"}], \"priority\":\"", 9426 => "MREL3J2FZPWCANW7HAEW", 2864 => "~[^a-z0-9\\-\\_]~", 5092 => "ticket_id = ", 2804 => "withdraw_disabled", 7209 => "masssetprocessed", 1194 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_recaptcha_id3> <th>ReCAPTCHA Secret Key:</th> <td><input type=text name=recaptcha_secret_key value=\"" );
  1839. return $LBe[$DXB];
  1840. }
  1842. , function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  1843. {
  1844. global $Ioj;
  1845. global $lIe;
  1846. global $eRO;
  1847. global $Es6;
  1848. $OIS = 77;
  1849. $O[253]($Ioj[$OIS], $lIe, $DO8);
  1850. }
  1852. , function($XVL) use (&$O)
  1853. {
  1854. $lll = array( 5092 => "Repres: <input type=text name=add_rc_data_reps value=\"", 331 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3 colspan=3 align=center>No Holidays saved</td> </tr> ", 2864 => "daily_referral_settings", 2069 => "get_rand_ref", 4467 => "insert into hm2_referal set level = 1, name= ", 401 => "%.01f", 5190 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u inner join hm2_deposits as d on d.user_id = where > 1 and u.status = ", 9269 => "use_compound", 908 => "<script> function ", 2316 => " or name = ", 2523 => "insert into hm2_emails set id = ", 6164 => " and (to_value >= ", 4793 => "index.php", 6313 => ">/ims", 8668 => "Unknown Error", 7419 => "monero", 5876 => "92BERBFADUG4CNJG7XUB", 4928 => "2VB1BLMEOSF123CITN8N", 9426 => "group_add_percent", 8437 => ",\"", 2195 => "select *, date_format(deposit_date + interval " );
  1855. return $lll[$XVL];
  1856. }
  1858. , 251, function($OJJ) use (&$O)
  1859. {
  1860. $SdX = array( 4928 => "</table> <br><br> ", 5876 => " </tr> </table><br><br> ", 7419 => " order by id desc", 8668 => "fiat_sign", 6313 => "my_get_timestamp", 2316 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 4 hour <= now() and t.period = ", 908 => "z", 2523 => "deposit_bonus_status", 9269 => "Cayman Islands", 6164 => "Deposit returned to user account", 4793 => "2NJHXAGSF4SQ8MW2TFFP" );
  1861. return $SdX[$OJJ];
  1862. }
  1864. , function($o9m) use (&$O)
  1865. {
  1866. $jJJ = array( 2804 => " <td align=center><input type=text name=reps_ref[", 2864 => "show_top10_stats", 2195 => "change", 2069 => "my:edit_list_item", 4467 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} ", 4928 => "N3S2AHHN4MX366HC6Y85", 7419 => "KDYPT6RQ6ZX8V5NVSQ3Z", 6164 => "internal_transfer", 9269 => "dc_perfectmoney_pass", 2523 => "bonus", 2316 => "comm", 908 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 6 hour <= now() and t.period = ", 4793 => "Thailand", 6313 => "ZB1XWVF6BTVR0Q82526G", 8668 => "LZ5FNRVQH4U3KHC2N8L5", 5876 => "P3BGCZ7PDBCNKC9YL3PH", 5190 => "processed", 401 => " && id != ", 9426 => " group by user_id", 8437 => "deny_registration", 331 => " </td> <td align=center nowrap> ", 5092 => " <br><br> <b>Estimate users earnings:</b><br><br> <script> var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var colorBlank = '#FFFFFF'; var colorActive = '#FFFFFF'; var colorActiveHover = '#FFD39D'; var colorPast = '#E2E2E2'; var colorToday = '#FEAE68'; var colorToDate = '#FFEA00'; var colorPayDate = '#FBF7CC'; var CurDate = new Date(); CurDate = new Date(CurDate.getFullYear(), CurDate.getMonth(), CurDate.getDate()); var ToDate = new Date(CurDate.getFullYear(), CurDate.getMonth(), CurDate.getDate()); var WantDate = new Date(CurDate.getFullYear(), CurDate.getMonth(), CurDate.getDate()); var Percent = 0; var Amount = 10; var Deposit = 10; var Diff = 0; var FirstDay; var LastDay; var lastrow = ''; var currencyPow = ", 7209 => "update hm2_users set confirm_string = ", 1194 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id12> <td colspan=2> " );
  1867. return $jJJ[$o9m];
  1868. }
  1870. , 926, function($JRs) use (&$O)
  1871. {
  1872. $SoS = array( 5092 => " <tr> <td><input type=checkbox name=comm_ref[", 331 => "power_unit", 2069 => "0AA2UM8VFBGU8HV5Z6KX", 5190 => "I0U399MF1N2FL7BIMVWW", 7419 => "Invalid Auth data", 9269 => "perfectmoney_ip", 908 => "/^ecv\$/", 2316 => " - ", 2523 => "alter table hm2_users add column reg_fee decimal(20,10) not null default 0", 6164 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 4793 => "Representative Referral commission from ", 6313 => "ZEC", 8668 => "language=en", 5876 => " Specify your NixMoney account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable NixMoney deposits.<br> - USD Account ID: an USD account to receive deposits (format UXXXXXXXXXXX).<br> - Merchant Name: your Program screen name.<br> - Password: Your NixMoney Password.<br> ", 4928 => "descr", 401 => "L4TNWVCW7QZVMVF7EBUH", 4467 => "Y9T2UY9473D54HB72PTL", 9426 => "mails_list_bg", 8437 => "Representative Approved Notification", 2195 => "num", 2864 => "update_title" );
  1873. return $SoS[$JRs];
  1874. }
  1876. , 556, 927, function($R6e) use (&$O)
  1877. {
  1878. $RwV = array( 4467 => " Here you can specify whether user can change his own e-gold or e-mail account after registration.<br> Min user password length: Specifies the minimal user password and the transaction code length.<br> Also system can send e-mail to user when he changes his profile (for security reason).<br> Users should use transaction code to withdraw: Specifies an additional password which is needed to do the withdrawal. That password can be restored by the administrator only. It is stored in MySQL database in plain format. ", 5190 => "&o=total&d=", 5876 => " The started information: Started: Jan 1 2004 ", 7419 => "./running_days.json", 6164 => "YT76SZV6JCG6QBSWJTRS", 9269 => "QV053XELBPNX7CG3T6D9", 908 => " t.period as period, t.use_compound as use_compound, as name, t.compound_min_deposit, t.compound_max_deposit,", 2316 => " and = hm2_plans.parent and (hm2_types.period <> ", 2523 => "user_auto_pay_earning", 4793 => "P6F86NLTXUS7NJA2EU8N", 6313 => "LXHYPC2VCZVBBO4CVPWA", 8668 => "}selected{/if}>{\$}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Plan:</th> <td> <select name=plan", 4928 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of the latest fund additions:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_add_funds value=", 401 => " onMouseOver=\"highlight(" );
  1879. return $RwV[$R6e];
  1880. }
  1882. , 84, function() use (&$O)
  1883. {
  1884. $bwD = $O[475]($O[757](8437) . "'" . $O[705](908) . "'");
  1885. return intval($bwD[$O[730](2316)]);
  1886. }
  1888. , 661, 547, function() use (&$O)
  1889. {
  1890. global $Ioj;
  1891. global $BVS;
  1892. global $Bj1;
  1893. $Ole = 2;
  1894. $Ioj[69][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $BVS[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  1895. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$O[1253](9269) . $Ole]));
  1896. foreach( $BVS[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  1897. {
  1898. $BVS[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$wdd] = $b8d[$wdd];
  1899. }
  1900. }
  1902. , function() use (&$O)
  1903. {
  1904. global $Ioj;
  1905. global $b1O;
  1906. $Ole = 2;
  1907. $Ioj[71][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $b1O[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  1908. $Ioj[71][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] = $b1O[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)];
  1909. $b1O[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[793](2316)] = $O[1258]($O[680](8668) . $Ole);
  1910. }
  1912. , 669, function($SxE) use (&$O)
  1913. {
  1914. $Ex8 = array( 5190 => "%D of %M %Y %r", 5876 => " and (to_days(date) < to_days(now()) and to_days(date) <> to_days(", 7419 => ", dawifi = ", 8668 => "show_paidout_stats", 908 => ") order by hd desc limit 1", 2316 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_insert", 2523 => "Yugoslavia", 9269 => "TREZ85TBC4LQNQQTK8T3", 6164 => "3EWT7KP859245Y7VUWYG", 4793 => "withdrawal_requests_masspay_message", 6313 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Mass Payment:</h3> ", 4928 => " Redirect to HTTPS: Redirects users from HTTP to HTTPS. Use this option only if you can access your site using https. You should go to <a href=\"" );
  1915. return $Ex8[$SxE];
  1916. }
  1918. , 486, function($sEw) use (&$O)
  1919. {
  1920. $xOO = array( 9426 => ", compound_max_deposit = ", 5190 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_users where id > 1", 5876 => "J5WJ3794CBPJ8TSXG4XE", 7419 => " Select a processing for bitcoin withdrawals ", 4793 => "6MKKY8VLSDT726HSXN8S", 9269 => "France (European Territory)", 2316 => "3m", 908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month and t.period = ", 2523 => "%02X", 6164 => "Partner Bonus", 6313 => "J26CUCQQMAVUB92AP68N", 8668 => "payeer test - ", 4928 => "8D4FWJG92EEDNF4H56FA", 401 => "select level from hm2_users_levels where user_id = ", 4467 => "internal_transfer_enabled", 2069 => "limit_deposit_amount_week", 8437 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_last_update value=0 ", 2195 => "bad_refs", 2864 => " <br> <b>Other levels</b><br><br> ", 331 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <td><input type=submit name=submit_but value=\"Pay\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> <script language=javascript>en_it();</script> " );
  1921. return $xOO[$sEw];
  1922. }
  1924. , 83, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  1925. {
  1926. global $Ioj;
  1927. $Ole = 51;
  1928. return $O[490]($DO8, $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)]);
  1929. }
  1931. , function($ObS) use (&$O)
  1932. {
  1933. $o6S = array( 2069 => "Accounts", 4467 => ") as d from hm2_history as h left outer join hm2_users as u on = h.user_id where ", 5876 => "7LUQDZZZRFYRJ8YXWB6J", 7419 => " Select a processing for Ethereum deposits ", 6313 => "Haiti", 4793 => "html_footer", 6164 => "registration", 9269 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month and t.period = ", 908 => "<br>", 2316 => "date_default_timezone_set", 2523 => " set ac = ", 8668 => "advcash_", 4928 => "XND1KHPWOMUL1P4OZ08F", 5190 => "{include file=\"footer.tpl\"}", 401 => "nfiles", 9426 => "Location: ?a=referal", 8437 => " <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value=members> <input type=hidden name=status value='" );
  1934. return $o6S[$ObS];
  1935. }
  1937. , function() use (&$O)
  1938. {
  1939. $bwD = $O[475]($O[1200](4467) . "'" . $O[892](4467) . "'");
  1940. return intval($bwD[$O[730](2316)]);
  1941. }
  1943. , function($wdd, $mde, $eDe) use (&$O)
  1944. {
  1945. global $Six;
  1946. return $O[383]($wdd, $mde, $eDe, $Six);
  1947. }
  1949. , 649, function($V7x) use (&$O)
  1950. {
  1951. $OEL = array( 3421 => " class=inpts value=\"", 7209 => "delete from hm2_tickets where id = ", 5092 => ") as fdate_end, date_format(", 331 => "~[^0-9a-zA-Z\\_]+~", 2864 => "use_maintenance_page", 9426 => "reftraff", 4467 => "/=/", 401 => "V61W7HE9TXW5FX1E0XIT", 5190 => "Delete install.php file after installation to work with script!", 7419 => "UM9GTYHAYEBZRKHT9CN8", 8668 => "373L1SFGWNPXLZKRO27T", 9269 => "4VRCL48AV5Z7KXHJT7XF", 2316 => "Too long query: ", 908 => "ref_comm_data_levels", 2523 => "deposit_plan", 6164 => "AMYYYCQ70VQGHISVGCOY", 4793 => "limit_withdraw_period_per_ec", 6313 => "868HK642FBK8YBFRLBDX", 5876 => "NPPB6QMCSQELPCJDZ3EB", 4928 => "HRNNDZCH4GFVAN3XX8QD", 2069 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Add a Transaction:</h3> {if \$fatals} {if \$fatals.no_transaction_code} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">You have to setup Admin Alternative Passphrase on <a href=\"?a=settings\">Settings</a> page to add a transactions.</div> {/if} {else} {if \$frm.say == \"done\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">The transaction(s) has been sent to the user(s).</div> {/if} {if \$errors.invalid_transaction_code} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Invalid Alternative Passphrase</div> {/if} {if \$errors.invalid_plan} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Invalid Investment Plan is specified</div> {/if} {if \$errors.invalid_amount} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Enter transaction amount</div> {/if} {literal} <script> function check_form() { var amt = parseFloat(document.trans_form.amount.value); if (isNaN(amt) || amt == 0) { alert(\"Please, enter bonus amount\"); document.trans_form.amount.focus(); return false; } var sel = document.getElementById(\"to_inpt\"); var inform = (document.trans_form.inform.selectedIndex == 1) ? 1 : 0; if (inform && sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == \"users\") { var users = document.trans_form.usernames.value; var ausers = users.split(/\\r?\\n/); if (ausers.length > 15) { var ret = confirm(\"To many usernames to send emails notifications. Emails will not be sent.\"); if (ret == false) { return false; } else { document.trans_form.inform.selectedIndex = 0; } } } if (document.trans_form.alternative_passphrase.value == \"\") { alert(\"Please, enter Admin Alternative Passphrase\"); document.trans_form.alternative_passphrase.focus(); return false; } document.getElementById(\"submit_button\").disabled = true; return true; } function toggle_users() { var sel = document.getElementById(\"to_inpt\"); var users = document.getElementById(\"usernames_row\"); if (sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == \"users\") { = \"\"; } else { = \"none\"; } } function chng_type() { var i = document.trans_form.trans_type.selectedIndex; d = (i < 3) ? \"\" : \"none\"; document.getElementById(\"invest_field1\").style.display = d; document.getElementById(\"invest_field2\").style.display = d; } </script> {/literal} <form method=post name=trans_form onsubmit=\"return check_form()\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=add_transactions> <input type=hidden name=action value=save> <input type=hidden name=say value=\"\"> {if \$user}<input type=hidden name=userid value=\"{\$}\">{/if} <table class=\"form\"> {if \$user} <tr> <th>User:</th> <td><a href=\"?a=user_details&id={\$}\">{\$user.username|escape:html}</a> ({\$|escape:html})</td> </tr> {else} <tr> <th>Send to:</th> <td> <select name=to id=\"to_inpt\" class=inpts onchange=\"toggle_users()\"> <option value=\"all\" {if \$ == \"all\"}selected{/if}>All users</option> <option value=\"active\" {if \$ == \"active\"}selected{/if}>All users which have made a deposit</option> <option value=\"passive\" {if \$ == \"passive\"}selected{/if}>All users which have not made a deposit</option> <option value=\"users\" {if \$ == \"users\"}selected{/if}>Specified users (enter a usernames below)</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr id=\"usernames_row\" style=\"display:none\"> <th>Enter Usernames:</th> <td><textarea name=usernames class=inpts rows=10>{\$frm.usernames|escape:html}</textarea><br><small>one username per line</small></td> </tr> {literal} <script> toggle_users(); </script> {/literal} {/if} <tr> <th>Payment System:</th> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> {foreach from=\$ps item=p} <option value=\"{\$}\" {if \$ == \$}selected{/if}>{\$|escape:html}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Amount ({fiat}):</th> <td><input type=text name=amount value=\"{\$frm.amount|escape:html}\" class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Transaction Type:</th> <td> <select name=trans_type class=inpts onchange=\"chng_type()\"> <option value=\"bonus\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"bonus\"}selected{/if}>Bonus</option> <option value=\"add_funds_with_fee\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"add_funds_with_fee\"}selected{/if}>Add Funds (with Fees)</option> <option value=\"add_funds\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"add_funds\"}selected{/if}>Add Funds (without Fees)</option> <option value=\"earning\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"earning\"}selected{/if}>Earning</option> <option value=\"commissions\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"commissions\"}selected{/if}>Referral Commission</option> <option value=\"penalty\" {if \$frm.trans_type == \"penalty\"}selected{/if}>Penalty</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Description:</th> <td><input type=text name=desc value=\"{\$frm.desc|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr id=\"invest_field1\"> <th>Deposit the Bonus:</th> <td> <select name=hyip_id class=inpts> <option value=0>-- Not Deposit --</option> {foreach from=\$types item=t} <option value={\$} {if \$frm.hyip_id == \$}selected{/if}>{\$|escape:html}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> <tr id=\"invest_field2\"> <th>Add Referral Commission:</th> <td> <select name=\"count_aff\" class=\"inpts\"> <option value=1 {if \$frm.count_aff == \"1\"}selected{/if}>Yes</option> <option value=0 {if \$frm.count_aff == \"0\"}selected{/if}>No</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Send Email Notification:</th> <td colspan=2> <select name=\"inform\" class=\"inpts\"> <option value=0 {if \$frm.inform == 0}selected{/if}>No</option> <option value=1 {if \$frm.inform == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option> </select> ", 8437 => "user_notices", 2195 => "my:user_notices", 2804 => "select amount from hm2_ref_stats where user_id = ", 1194 => " How many members are there on the server at the moment: Members online: 34 ", 5039 => ".tpl<br> " );
  1952. return $OEL[$V7x];
  1953. }
  1955. , 382, 35, function($e7w) use (&$O)
  1956. {
  1957. $S7E = array( 9181 => " <b>Plan: ", 1194 => "> Pay referral commission to users who have made deposit. <br> ", 2804 => " and dept_id = ", 5092 => "my:referral_leadership_ranks", 331 => "referral_leadership_ranks_bonus", 2864 => ") as cnt, (to_days(", 2195 => "image_url = ", 8437 => "Location: ?a=processings", 4467 => "<br> 2.2 \"Success link\" set to ", 401 => "account_format", 8668 => "Costa Rica", 6313 => "update hm2_history set ec = ", 2316 => "alter table hm2_news add column lang varchar(255) not null default ", 908 => " group by bonus_flag", 2523 => "use_active_referal", 9269 => "str", 6164 => "out_percent", 4793 => "top10", 7419 => "Marshall Islands", 5876 => "ZO1EF8J1GWLBY2HWJD2K", 4928 => "GKMRQ3PGZGASP4TEQKRV", 5190 => " type=", 2069 => "C1A731CSK2KR9YSYQ5LF", 9426 => "end_info_table", 7209 => "exchange_status", 3421 => ">All levels Referals Active Deposit Amount</option> ", 5039 => "yearly", 5371 => "\" class=inpts style=\"text-align: right\" size=8>" );
  1958. return $S7E[$e7w];
  1959. }
  1961. , function($l0x, $wO0) use (&$O)
  1962. {
  1963. global $Bj1;
  1964. if( $wO0 != $O[444](2316) )
  1965. {
  1966. return $O[874]($l0x);
  1967. }
  1969. $xlO = base64_encode($l0x);
  1970. $wO0 = preg_split($O[1069](2316), $xlO);
  1971. $xjD = preg_split($O[1069](2316), md5($l0x) . base64_encode($l0x));
  1972. $xlO = "";
  1973. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < sizeof($wO0); $xL6++ )
  1974. {
  1975. if( strlen($wO0[$xL6]) == 0 )
  1976. {
  1977. continue;
  1978. }
  1980. $xlO = $xlO . $wO0[$xL6] . $xjD[$xL6];
  1981. }
  1982. $xlO = str_replace($O[912](2316), $O[501](2316), $xlO);
  1983. return $O[1096]($xlO, $Bj1[$O[433](2316)], $O[444](2316));
  1984. }
  1986. , 342, function($wdd, $mde, $eDe) use (&$O)
  1987. {
  1988. global $j8V;
  1989. $s1o = "";
  1990. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[25](908) )
  1991. {
  1992. $BED = 0;
  1993. if( $mde[$O[288](2316)] != "" )
  1994. {
  1995. $BED = 1;
  1996. $s1o .= $O[353](908) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[537](908) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[451](2316);
  1997. }
  1999. $s1o .= $O[353](908) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[1135](908) . (($BED ? $O[827](2523) : "")) . $O[788](2316);
  2000. $s1o .= $O[267](2316) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[261](2523) . $O[297]($mde[$O[834](2316)]) . $O[429](2316);
  2001. if( $BED )
  2002. {
  2003. $s1o .= $O[918](2523) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[269](2316) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[1098](2316) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[164](908);
  2004. $s1o .= $O[1069](2523) . $mde[$O[1034](2316)] . $O[396](2316);
  2005. }
  2007. $s1o .= $O[565](2316);
  2008. }
  2009. else
  2010. {
  2011. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[328](2316) )
  2012. {
  2013. $s1o .= $O[267](2316) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[852](2316) . $O[297](($mde[$O[288](2316)] != "" ? $mde[$O[288](2316)] : $mde[$O[522](908)])) . $O[538](2316) . $O[297]($mde[$O[834](2316)]) . $O[678](908);
  2014. }
  2015. else
  2016. {
  2017. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[566](2316) )
  2018. {
  2019. $s1o .= $O[676](2316) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[1203](2316) . (($mde[$O[288](2316)] == 1 ? $O[228](2316) : "")) . $O[288](908) . $O[297]($mde[$O[834](2316)]) . $O[954](2316);
  2020. }
  2021. else
  2022. {
  2023. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[523](2523) )
  2024. {
  2025. $s1o .= $O[429](908) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[954](2316);
  2026. foreach( $mde[$O[1139](2316)][$O[918](9269)] as $L3L => $LeV )
  2027. {
  2028. $s1o .= $O[283](2316) . $L3L . $O[788](908) . (($L3L == $mde[$O[288](2316)] ? $O[3](908) : "")) . $O[620](2316) . $O[297]($LeV) . $O[164](2523);
  2029. }
  2030. $s1o .= $O[676](908);
  2031. }
  2032. else
  2033. {
  2034. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[2](2316) )
  2035. {
  2036. $s1o .= $O[429](908) . $mde[$O[1282](2523)] . $O[954](2316);
  2037. foreach( $j8V as $Ole => $SB0 )
  2038. {
  2039. if( $SB0[$O[1180](2316)] == 1 )
  2040. {
  2041. $s1o .= $O[283](2316) . $Ole . $O[788](908) . (($Ole == $mde[$O[288](2316)] ? $O[3](908) : "")) . $O[620](2316) . $O[297]($SB0[$O[342](2316)]) . $O[164](2523);
  2042. }
  2044. }
  2045. $s1o .= $O[676](908);
  2046. }
  2047. else
  2048. {
  2049. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[1139](908) )
  2050. {
  2051. $xwI = $mde[$O[1139](908)];
  2052. if( $xwI )
  2053. {
  2054. $s1o .= $xwI($wdd, $mde, $eDe);
  2055. }
  2057. }
  2059. }
  2061. }
  2063. }
  2065. }
  2067. }
  2069. return $s1o;
  2070. }
  2072. , 212, function($sOi) use (&$O)
  2073. {
  2074. $I9J = array( 2864 => "year_to", 8437 => "blog", 9426 => "ec_name", 5190 => "981UXRAA2JLDCRQZQTS0", 7419 => "AdvCash", 8668 => "Referral commission", 6313 => "GF6JSALZMJJDMY2JEEVA", 6164 => "&From=", 9269 => "select sum(amount) as amt from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_users as u on d.user_id = where u.ref = ", 2523 => "</option>", 908 => "_div_pass_reset\" style=\"position:relative;top:3px;\"></label> ", 2316 => " -->", 4793 => "Saint Helena", 5876 => "API Password", 4928 => "21000", 401 => "L7V28BWP2MHJHTKA69CA", 4467 => "Signup", 2069 => "KWPZ6YD3YX5WZCTTSGBZ", 2195 => "))) as earnings, sum(h.amount * (h.type in (", 331 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_top10_stats value=0 " );
  2075. return $I9J[$sOi];
  2076. }
  2078. , 733, function($ww1) use (&$O)
  2079. {
  2080. $Si7 = array( 1194 => "]\" value=\"", 7209 => "sm", 331 => " WHERE 1 = 1 ", 2864 => "ttype=deposit", 9426 => "select, u.username, ru.username as upline, sum(h.actual_amount * (type = ", 401 => "4K5SVW3M2LYNL4R3J4FL", 5190 => "SolidTrustPay", 4928 => "Invalid response: ", 7419 => "MQOK9VQ4OYCZ6PU57358", 4793 => "Croatia", 6164 => "Authorization: Basic ", 2523 => "deposit_date", 908 => "active_refs_number", 2316 => "100%", 9269 => "select * from hm2_settings where name like ", 6313 => "East Timor", 8668 => "Northern Mariana Islands", 5876 => "NWNNPKKXR78FHEP2BL98", 4467 => "dhms", 2069 => "my:bonus_mass_csv_row", 8437 => "~\\{assign var=\"allow\" value=\"([^\"]+)\"~", 2195 => " 1 = 1 ", 5092 => ", plan_id = ", 2804 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_members_online value=0 ", 3421 => "] class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_monthly[", 5039 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Change e-mail:</th> <td><select name=usercanchangeemail class=inpts><option value=0 ", 5371 => " <tr id=tr_sample_image_id7> <th>Use advanced turing verification:</th> <td> <select name=advanced_graph_validation class=inpts onchange=\"show_hide_advanced_image();gen_test_validation_image()\"> <option value=0 " );
  2081. return $Si7[$ww1];
  2082. }
  2084. , 418, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  2085. {
  2086. global $Ioj;
  2087. global $b1O;
  2088. global $bSX;
  2089. $Ole = 71;
  2090. $O3R = array( );
  2091. $dJ4 = $Ioj[$Ole];
  2092. $LiX = intval($DO8[$O[412](6164)]);
  2093. if( $b1O[$LiX] )
  2094. {
  2095. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $b1O[$LiX][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2096. }
  2098. $lsO = $bSX[$LiX];
  2099. if( $lsO )
  2100. {
  2101. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  2102. }
  2104. return $O3R;
  2105. }
  2107. , function() use (&$O)
  2108. {
  2109. global $Ioj;
  2110. global $BVS;
  2111. $Ole = 2;
  2112. $Ioj[69][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2113. $Ioj[69][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] = $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)];
  2114. $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[793](2316)] = $O[1258]($O[1192](5876) . $Ole);
  2115. }
  2117. , function($xsJ) use (&$O)
  2118. {
  2119. $jjJ = array( 331 => " {if \$other_packages} <tr> <td colspan=2><a href=\"javascript:alert('Administrator can select a \\\"parent\\\" package. Then user`s deposit should be completed in the parent package before depositing to this one.')\" class=hlp>Allow depositing only after user`s deposit is completed to the following package:</a> <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <select name=parent_afterend class=inpts> <option value=0>-- No parent --</option> {foreach from=\$other_packages item=package} <option value={\$} {if \$type.pae == \$}selected{/if}>{\$}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> {/if} ", 2195 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=auto_withdraw value=1 {if \$user.auto_withdraw == 1}checked{/if}> Auto-withdrawal enabled </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=admin_auto_pay_earning value=1 {if \$user.admin_auto_pay_earning == 1}checked{/if}> Transfer earnings directly to the user's e-currency account </td> </tr> {if \$user.sq} <tr> <td>Secret question:</td> <td>{\$user.sq|escape:html}</td> </tr><tr> <td>Secret answer:</td> <td>{\$|escape:html}</td> </tr> {/if}", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} {literal} <script> function check(id) { f = document.forms[\"ban\"].elements; for (i = 0; i < f.length;i++) { if (f[i].className == \"check_\"+id) { f[i].checked = !f[i].checked; } } } </script> {/literal} <h3>Check IPs for double usage:</h3> <a href=\"?a=check_ips\" style=\"float:right\">Switch to Classic Mode</a> <br> <form method=post name=\"ban\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=check_ips> <input type=hidden name=mode value=2> <input type=hidden name=action value=ban_users> <table class=list> <tr> <th>User</th> <th>Upline</th> <th>Deposited</th> <th>Withdraw</th> <th>Commissions</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$ips item=i} <tr> <th colspan=5 bgcolor=#FFECB0><input type=checkbox onclick=\"check('{\$i.ip|replace:\".\":\"_\"}')\">{\$i.ip}</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$i.users item=u name=users} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ids[{\$}]\" value=1 class=\"check_{\$i.ip|replace:\".\":\"_\"}\"> {\$u.username}</td> <td align=center>{\$u.upline|escape:html}</td> <td align=right>{\$settings.currency_sign} {\$u.deposited|amount_format}</td> <td align=right>{\$settings.currency_sign} {\$u.withdraw|amount_format}</td> <td align=right>{\$settings.currency_sign} {\$u.commission|amount_format}</td> </tr> {/foreach} {foreachelse} <tr><td colspan=5 align=center>No double usage IP found</td></tr> {/foreach} </table><br> <input type=submit value=\"Disable Selected Users\" class=sbmt> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 908 => ", deposit_id = ", 2316 => " and user_id = ", 2523 => ", amount = 0, type = ", 9269 => "/([\\000-\\010\\013\\014\\016-\\037\\075\\177-\\377])/e", 6164 => "Profit bonus from partner ", 4793 => "sms_gw_login", 6313 => "Mali", 8668 => "FXDZHBM6U7LV65P36MUP", 7419 => " Specify your QIWI merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable QIWI deposits.<br> 1. You must register account on to accept QIWI payments.<br> 2. Login to your account -> \"Connction Options\"<br> Enable HTTP-protocol and SOAP-protocol<br> 3. Switch to page \"Connection Options\" -> \"SOAP-protocol\"<br> Settings -> set URL to - ", 5876 => "inc/libs/smarty3/SmartyBC.class.php", 4928 => "admin_footer", 5190 => "ban_users", 4467 => " and id in (", 2069 => "mult", 9426 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Update Representative</h3> {if \$say==\"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Representative has been successfully updated</div> {/if} {literal} <script language=javascript> function activate_ref(i) { if (i) { document.regform[\"ref_com_\"+i].disabled = !document.regform[\"ref_com_ch_\"+i].checked; } else { document.regform.ref_com.disabled = !document.regform.ref_com_ch.checked; } } </script> {/literal} <form method=post name=regform> <input type=hidden name=a value=representatives> <input type=hidden name=action value=update> <input type=hidden name=save value=1> <input type=hidden name=id value={\$}> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Username:</th> <td>{\$user.username|escape:html}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Email:</th> <td>{\$|escape:html}</td> </tr> {foreach from=\$ref_com_lvls item=rc} <tr> <th><input type=checkbox name=ref_com_ch_{\$rc.lvl} value=\"1\" {if \$rc.ref_com_ch}checked{/if} onclick=\"activate_ref({\$rc.lvl})\"> {\$rc.lvl}st lvl Commission:</th> <td><input type=text name=ref_com_{\$rc.lvl} value=\"{\$rc.ref_com|escape:html}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=5> %</td> </tr> <script language=javascript> activate_ref({\$rc.lvl}); </script> {/foreach} {foreach from=\$fields item=field} <tr> <th>{\$field.title}</th> <td> {if \$field.type == \"input\"} <input type=text name={\$field.key} value=\"{\$field.value|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30> {/if} </td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> <br> {if \$user.apply} <button type=submit name=do value=1 class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Approve</button> {/if} <button type=submit name=do value=0 class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\">Update</button> <button type=submit name=do value=2 class=\"sbmt btn btn-danger\">Revoke</button> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 8437 => ", pae = ", 2864 => " Check this checkbox to no referral commission will be added to upline when user deposits from account balance. " );
  2120. return $jjJ[$xsJ];
  2121. }
  2123. , function($jVS) use (&$O)
  2124. {
  2125. $Ibl = array( 5371 => " Toggle the usage of a referral program. Select if yes. ", 3421 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=reset_tfa value=1> Reset 2FA</td> </tr>", 5092 => "enable_exchange", 2864 => "withdrawal_x_deposit_rate", 2195 => ", came_from = ", 9426 => "ticket_update", 401 => "All", 5190 => "reg_fee", 4928 => "my:expiring_deposits", 5876 => "select d.*, u.username, t.q_days, as plan_name, if (SUBSTRING(t.period,-1,1) = ", 7419 => "running_days", 6313 => " Account Number to receive deposits. Clear this field to disable eeeCurrency deposits.<br> <br> \"MD5 code\" and \"PostURL Number\" setup:<br> 1. Login to your eeeCurrency account<br> 2. Click on \"tools\" link<br> 3. Click on \"MD5 verification/Post URLS/Result Codes/Example scripts\" link<br> 4. Click on \"Add/Edit password for MD5 verification of posts.\" link<br> 5. Enter a password to \"Enter Password:\" field and click on \"Add / Edit Password\" net to it<br> 6. You will receive something like this: <b>MD5 Check Sum: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</b><br> 7. Copy and paste this string to \"MD5 code\" field on this page<br> 8. Return to settings page<br> 9. Enter to \"Enter Url\" field this URL <i>", 6164 => "QYOB666TDYAN4EF3S4CB", 2523 => ") as sum from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2316 => " and to_days(date) = to_days(", 908 => " )", 9269 => "~//~", 4793 => "s+E_a*", 8668 => "C83NHZ7JPVRAP8BD3S3N", 4467 => "delete from hm2_groups where id = ", 2069 => "active_refs_num", 8437 => " group by unix_timestamp(DATE(date))", 331 => "admin_email", 2804 => " </td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show VIP accounts information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_vip_accounts value=1 ", 7209 => "times", 1194 => " <tr> <td>E-mail address:</td> <td><input type=text name=email value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 5039 => " <option value=\"2d\" {if \$type.period == \"2d\"}selected{/if}>Every 2 days</option> <option value=\"3d\" {if \$type.period == \"3d\"}selected{/if}>Every 3 days</option> <option value=\"4d\" {if \$type.period == \"4d\"}selected{/if}>Every 4 days</option> <option value=\"6d\" {if \$type.period == \"6d\"}selected{/if}>Every 6 days</option> <option value=\"8d\" {if \$type.period == \"8d\"}selected{/if}>Every 8 days</option> <option value=\"12d\" {if \$type.period == \"12d\"}selected{/if}>Every 12 days</option> <option value=\"24d\" {if \$type.period == \"24d\"}selected{/if}>Every 24 days</option> ", 9181 => "</th> " );
  2126. return $Ibl[$jVS];
  2127. }
  2129. , function($wO0) use (&$O)
  2130. {
  2131. $eD6 = array( 5092 => "dept", 2195 => "select * from hm2_news where id = ", 8437 => " and ( (0 = (select ifnull(sum(abs(b.amount)), 0) from hm2_user_balances as b where b.type = ", 9426 => "datasource_", 2069 => "remove_failed", 401 => " {* <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=withdrawal_requests>Withdrawal Requests</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=deposit>Deposits History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=add_funds>Fund Balance History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=earning>Earning History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=withdrawal>Withdrawals History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions>Transactions History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=bonus>Bonuses</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=penalty>Penalties</a></td> </tr> *} <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> {include file=\"my:admin_menu_section\" section=\$admin_menu.transactions} {* <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=in_out_fees>Deposit/Withdraw Fees</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=processings>Processings</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> *} <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=exchange_rates>Exchange Rates</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=transactions&ttype=exchange>Exchange History</a></td> </tr><tr> {* <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=send_bonus>Send a Bonus</a></td> </tr><tr> *} ", 5190 => "AWRCDSKMACTAL4JB5WL6", 4928 => "PK Merchant ID", 8668 => "2S552SK4VP2FP8XN3FMG", 6313 => "notencode", 6164 => "c", 9269 => "select bonus_flag, sum(", 2523 => "alter table hm2_types add column move_to_plan int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, add column move_to_plan_perc decimal(10,4) not null default ", 908 => "select sum(amount) as amt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2316 => " https://*; report-uri", 4793 => "C", 7419 => "\"><br> <input type=hidden name=\"BAGGAGE_FIELDS\" value=\"a withdraw\"> <input type=submit value=\"Go to PerfectMoney\" class=sbmt> <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 5876 => "DOSTUPNO", 4467 => "external", 2864 => "reviews", 331 => "my:representatives", 2804 => "total_profit", 7209 => "\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=free_ref[" );
  2132. return $eD6[$wO0];
  2133. }
  2135. , 110, function($e59) use (&$O)
  2136. {
  2137. $EVL = array( 2864 => "select *, date_format(date, ", 8437 => ", withdraw_principal_duration_max = ", 9426 => "invalid_transaction_code", 5190 => "I6M7EOBCJZY12WJ2K5I4", 4928 => "C8Q8QCBVXU4LD4YFP2GD", 7419 => " Specify your account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable deposits.<br> Your USD account no: an USD account to receive deposits (format UXXXXXXX).<br> To get SCI Password for an Account ID click \"D\" next to it and scroll to bottom.<br> ", 8668 => "/<br> Sekret Key - strong password without spaces<br> 4. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \n", 9269 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day and t.period = ", 2523 => "min_deposit", 908 => "user_id", 2316 => "/ecv\\d\$/", 6164 => "PHP_SELF", 4793 => "J75N7CWE7CTM39VVK92N", 6313 => "7VDBMQRBWCBW3DA22A4G", 5876 => "Coinwallets error: ", 401 => "9KG5YRMGTAJYVBYVYSKK", 4467 => "8DE0N2S05LV2LGONIP1K", 2069 => "add_funds_bonus", 2195 => "rate_percent", 331 => " {literal} <script> function toggle_deposit_bonus_to_new_plan() { var sel = document.nform.deposit_bonus_to_balance; var flag = false; if (sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == 2) { flag = true; } var obj = document.getElementById(\"deposit_bonus_to_new_plan\"); = flag ? \"\" : \"none\"; } </script> {/literal} <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2> <tr> <td>Status:</td> <td><select name=\"deposit_bonus_status\" class=inpts> <option value=0{if \$ == 0} selected{/if}>Disabled</option> <option value=1{if \$ == 1} selected{/if}>From Balance only</option> <option value=2{if \$ == 2} selected{/if}>From External only</option> <option value=3{if \$ == 3} selected{/if}>From Anywhere</option> </select></td> </tr> ", 5092 => "<html><body>Enter pin:<br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=enter_pin> <input type=text name=pin value=\"\"><br> <input type=submit value=\"Go\"> </form></body></html>" );
  2138. return $EVL[$e59];
  2139. }
  2141. , function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  2142. {
  2143. global $Bj1;
  2144. global $Ioj;
  2145. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2146. $SBO = array( $O[856](6313) => $O[459](4793), $O[673](5876) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[512](4793) => $DO8[$O[25](908)], $O[595](6313) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[737](2523) => sprintf($O[1057](2523), $DO8[$O[737](2523)]), $O[228](6164) => $JXB, $O[180](5876) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)] );
  2147. $SB0 = array( );
  2148. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  2149. {
  2150. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  2151. }
  2152. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  2153. $LwV = curl_init();
  2154. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[864](6313) . $SB0);
  2155. curl_setopt($LwV, 42, 0);
  2156. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, 0);
  2157. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 0);
  2158. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  2159. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  2160. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  2161. curl_close($LwV);
  2162. if( strpos($oE9, $O[582](6164)) !== false )
  2163. {
  2164. $wsw = json_decode($oE9, true);
  2165. }
  2166. else
  2167. {
  2168. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[267](8668);
  2169. }
  2171. if( $wsw[$O[1180](2316)] == $O[1065](7419) )
  2172. {
  2173. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  2174. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $wsw[$O[897](6164)];
  2175. return NULL;
  2176. }
  2178. if( $wsw[$O[1180](2316)] == $O[192](9269) )
  2179. {
  2180. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = implode($O[271](2316), $wsw[$O[228](4793)]);
  2181. return NULL;
  2182. }
  2184. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[121](6164);
  2185. }
  2187. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  2188. {
  2189. $Ole = 56;
  2190. $O3R = array( );
  2191. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  2192. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  2193. {
  2194. $O[1187]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  2195. }
  2197. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  2198. return $O3R;
  2199. }
  2201. , function($d0E) use (&$O)
  2202. {
  2203. $E90 = array( 7209 => "\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=10></td> </tr> ", 5092 => "</small></td> <td align=right><small>", 331 => "' style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent[", 2195 => "my:bulkmail", 9426 => "75XXN23ZJMP6LDWVXVPH", 2069 => "YYYNJC5NAPGF194OX1J7", 4467 => "L2KF5EGYJESCFK7HNMV2", 5876 => "real_fee", 7419 => "perfectmoney", 8668 => "P2RSBJ7Q8TRJ356A7752", 4793 => "5", 9269 => "use_free_members_referrals", 908 => "alter table hm2_users add column demo_acc tinyint(1) not null default 0", 2316 => "X-Frame-Options: DENY", 2523 => "5LT7WBKBT77SH2XYFSQ9", 6164 => "charset=\"", 6313 => "HYNRLX0NSQZKSAD6GRIP", 4928 => " Select a processing for Dash deposits ", 5190 => "C8RKWAJLCAGJ9LRZJHUH", 401 => "UNFB5KV647JYHYCYRTC9", 8437 => "Q9VHDD76D5XGHCS47Y7T", 2864 => "reg_fee_ref_enabled", 2804 => "max_percent", 1194 => "]\" value=1 id=\"ti_" );
  2204. return $E90[$d0E];
  2205. }
  2207. , 641, 773, function($BwD) use (&$O)
  2208. {
  2209. $b94 = array( 7209 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=show_referals value=1 ", 2804 => "unique_signup_ip", 5092 => " and id <> 1", 2195 => "user_details", 8437 => ", 0, 1)", 2069 => "YG8HESKQK2F56YHCH7KF", 4467 => "ref_plans", 5190 => "?=", 4928 => ") has invalid format", 7419 => "use_auto_payment", 4793 => "withdraw_request_user_notification", 6164 => " from hm2_deposits where status = ", 2523 => "deposit_", 908 => "/^key/", 2316 => "", 9269 => ",", 6313 => " and status=", 8668 => "bonus_flag", 5876 => "memo", 401 => " bgcolor=#FF8D00> <tr><td bgcolor=#FF8D00> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td valign=top width=10 bgcolor=#FFFFF2><img src=images/sign.gif></td> <td valign=top bgcolor=#FFFFF2 style=", 9426 => "height", 2864 => " group by h.user_id order by sum(h.amount) desc limit 0, ", 331 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Referral Matching Bonus:</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings have been updated.</div> {/if} <form method=post name=nform> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"referral_matching_bonus\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"save\"> <input type=hidden name=say value=\"\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Base amount for ranges:</th> <td> <select name=\"base_amount_type\" class=inpts> <option value=\"all_lvls_refs_deposit_amount\" {if \$base_amount_type == \"all_lvls_refs_deposit_amount\"}selected{/if}>All Levels Referals Deposit Amount</option> <option value=\"refs_deposit_amount\" {if \$base_amount_type == \"refs_deposit_amount\"}selected{/if}>Direct Referrals Deposit Amount</option> <option value=\"self_deposit_amount\" {if \$base_amount_type == \"self_deposit_amount\"}selected{/if}>Referer Deposit Amount</option> <option value=\"self_active_deposit_amount\" {if \$base_amount_type == \"self_active_deposit_amount\"}selected{/if}>Referer Active Deposit Amount</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Ref. Levels<small>(max 10)</small>:</th> <td><input type=text name=ref_lvls_num value=\"{\$ref_lvls_num|default:1}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=5> <small>(set to 0 to disable feature; more levels you set more bonus you will pay)</small></td> </tr> ", 1194 => ">Total Referrals Deposit Amount</option> <option value=\"refs_active_deposit_amount\" ", 3421 => "active_deposits" );
  2210. return $b94[$BwD];
  2211. }
  2213. , 372, function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  2214. {
  2215. global $Ioj;
  2216. global $b1O;
  2217. global $eRO;
  2218. global $Es6;
  2219. $OIS = 71;
  2220. $O[253]($Ioj[$OIS], $b1O, $DO8);
  2221. }
  2223. , 647, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  2224. {
  2225. global $Ioj;
  2226. $Ole = 58;
  2227. $O3R = array( );
  2228. $SBO = array( $O[518](2316) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[25](908) => md5($DO8[$O[25](908)]), $O[856](6313) => $O[25](7419), $O[737](2523) => sprintf($O[1057](2523), $O[129](5190)), $O[228](6164) => $O[1007](6313), $O[1095](8668) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[348](9269) => $O[622](5190), $O[552](4928) => $O[622](5190) );
  2229. $SB0 = array( );
  2230. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  2231. {
  2232. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  2233. }
  2234. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  2235. $LwV = curl_init();
  2236. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = curl_error($LwV);
  2237. if( !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  2238. {
  2239. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[819](9269));
  2240. curl_setopt($LwV, 42, 0);
  2241. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, true);
  2242. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  2243. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, 1);
  2244. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 1);
  2245. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  2246. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  2247. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  2248. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  2249. curl_close($LwV);
  2250. if( $OsO )
  2251. {
  2252. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $OsO;
  2253. }
  2254. else
  2255. {
  2256. if( $ROJ = $O[198]($oE9, $O[838](4467)) )
  2257. {
  2258. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $ROJ;
  2259. }
  2261. }
  2263. if( !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  2264. {
  2265. $IbX = $O[198]($oE9, $O[1272](7419));
  2266. if( !$IbX )
  2267. {
  2268. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[17](5876) . $oE9;
  2269. }
  2270. else
  2271. {
  2272. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = "";
  2273. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $O[271](4793) . $IbX . $O[772](6313);
  2274. }
  2276. }
  2278. }
  2280. return $O3R;
  2281. }
  2283. , function($I0V) use (&$O)
  2284. {
  2285. $s1e = array( 5039 => "my:addmember", 1194 => " Not Available Any More ", 2804 => "Location: ?a=members&status=blocked", 331 => "public", 2195 => ")) as withdrawal, sum(abs(b.amount)*(type = ", 8437 => "danger", 9426 => "Start mail from ", 4928 => "historyId", 5876 => "Vanuatu", 7419 => "Mayotte", 4793 => "return_profit", 9269 => "select actual_amount as amt from hm2_deposits where id = ", 908 => "/_generated/", 2316 => "select v from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 2523 => "~^www\\.~", 6164 => "refs_number", 6313 => ", `out_amount_max` decimal(20, 8) NOT NULL default ", 8668 => "#amount# #code#", 5190 => "\", \"IP\": \"", 401 => "MMD95HHQWM89A56RCFJV", 4467 => "amount_smarty_fiat", 2069 => ") and u.status = ", 2864 => "renew", 5092 => "hq_days_nolimit", 7209 => "parentch", 3421 => " <tr id=tr_sample_recaptcha_id1> <th>ReCAPTCHA Version:</th> <td> <select name=recaptcha_version class=inpts> <option " );
  2286. return $s1e[$I0V];
  2287. }
  2289. , function($xxj) use (&$O)
  2290. {
  2291. $xjO = array( 2069 => "))+sum(abs(b.amount)*(b.type = ", 401 => "sms_code_length", 5876 => "./tmpl/.htaccess", 7419 => "6XVGT7KVBCFA3KYDXDXL", 6313 => "PXXXXXXX", 4793 => "payeer", 9269 => "Libya", 908 => "", 2316 => "delete found", 2523 => "alter table hm2_types add column ouma float(15, 2) not null default 0", 6164 => "Puerto Rico", 8668 => "api_key", 4928 => "mbonus", 5190 => "skypeid", 4467 => "power_rate", 9426 => ">No</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 8437 => " onClick=\"checkb(2)\">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_stats_box value=0 ", 2195 => ">No</option> <option value=1 " );
  2292. return $xjO[$xxj];
  2293. }
  2295. , 377, function() use (&$O)
  2296. {
  2297. global $eRO;
  2298. global $Bj1;
  2299. global $Ejx;
  2300. global $Ioj;
  2301. global $som;
  2302. if( !$O[373]() )
  2303. {
  2304. unset($eRO[$O[856](6313)]);
  2305. }
  2307. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[292](4928) )
  2308. {
  2309. $SB0 = array( );
  2310. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < 30; $xL6++ )
  2311. {
  2312. if( !isset($eRO[$O[588](7209)][$xL6]) )
  2313. {
  2314. break;
  2315. }
  2317. if( 0 < $eRO[$O[588](7209)][$xL6] && 0 < $eRO[$O[294](4928)][$xL6] )
  2318. {
  2319. $SB0[$xL6][$O[838](7209)] = $O[28]($eRO[$O[612](5190)][$xL6]);
  2320. $SB0[$xL6][$O[1033](2523)] = $O[28]($eRO[$O[294](4928)][$xL6]);
  2321. $SB0[$xL6][$O[30](2069)] = $O[28]($eRO[$O[588](7209)][$xL6]);
  2322. $SB0[$xL6][$O[136](2195)] = $O[28]($eRO[$O[192](8437)][$xL6]);
  2323. }
  2325. }
  2326. $Bj1[$O[997](2195)] = serialize($SB0);
  2327. $O[799]($O[560](2316));
  2328. $eRO[$O[935](4467)] = $O[1201](4928);
  2329. }
  2331. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  2332. $SB0 = unserialize($Bj1[$O[997](2195)]);
  2333. $SB0[] = array( );
  2334. $SB0[] = array( );
  2335. $SB0[] = array( );
  2336. $O[1162]($O[615](908), $SB0);
  2337. $som[$O[997](2195)] = $O[348](2195);
  2338. $O[517]($O[726](401));
  2339. $O[8]();
  2340. }
  2342. , function() use (&$O)
  2343. {
  2344. global $eRO;
  2345. global $Bj1;
  2346. global $Ejx;
  2347. global $Ioj;
  2348. global $som;
  2349. global $lL0;
  2350. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  2351. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[796](4928) && $lV8 )
  2352. {
  2353. $j8b = array( );
  2354. if( is_array($eRO[$O[186](4928)]) )
  2355. {
  2356. $e5R = $eRO[$O[186](4928)];
  2357. $SEE = array( );
  2358. foreach( $e5R as $mjS )
  2359. {
  2360. $D1e[] = $mjS[$O[810](2523)];
  2361. $SEE[$mjS[$O[810](2523)]] = $mjS[$O[134](2523)];
  2362. }
  2363. for( $xL6 = 1; $xL6 < count($D1e); $xL6++ )
  2364. {
  2365. for( $IJ6 = $xL6; 0 < $IJ6; $IJ6-- )
  2366. {
  2367. if( $D1e[$IJ6] < $D1e[$IJ6 - 1] )
  2368. {
  2369. $E6d = $D1e[$IJ6];
  2370. $D1e[$IJ6] = $D1e[$IJ6 - 1];
  2371. $D1e[$IJ6 - 1] = $E6d;
  2372. }
  2374. }
  2375. }
  2376. foreach( $D1e as $LIE )
  2377. {
  2378. if( $LIE == 0 )
  2379. {
  2380. continue;
  2381. }
  2383. $j8b[] = array( $O[810](2523) => $O[28]($LIE), $O[134](2523) => $O[28]($SEE[$LIE]) );
  2384. }
  2385. }
  2387. $IBd[$O[954](331)] = intval($eRO[$O[954](331)]);
  2388. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  2389. {
  2390. $IBd[$O[745](2864)] = intval($eRO[$O[745](2864)]);
  2391. }
  2393. if( 10 < $IBd[$O[954](331)] )
  2394. {
  2395. $IBd[$O[954](331)] = 10;
  2396. }
  2398. $IBd[$O[261](2864)] = $eRO[$O[261](2864)];
  2399. $IBd[$O[121](5876)] = intval($eRO[$O[642](2316)]);
  2400. $IBd[$O[790](8437)] = $j8b;
  2401. $Bj1[$O[826](8437)] = serialize($IBd);
  2402. $O[799]($O[560](2316));
  2403. $eRO[$O[935](4467)] = $O[1201](4928);
  2404. }
  2406. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  2407. $jmV = array( );
  2408. foreach( $Ioj as $Ole => $SB0 )
  2409. {
  2410. if( !$SB0[$O[1180](2316)] )
  2411. {
  2412. continue;
  2413. }
  2415. $jmV[$Ole] = array( $O[281](908) => $Ole, $O[342](2316) => $SB0[$O[342](2316)] );
  2416. }
  2417. $O[1162]($O[814](8668), $jmV);
  2418. $IBd = unserialize($Bj1[$O[826](8437)]);
  2419. $O[1162]($O[261](2864), $IBd[$O[261](2864)]);
  2420. $O[1162]($O[121](5876), intval($IBd[$O[121](5876)]));
  2421. $O[1162]($O[954](331), intval($IBd[$O[954](331)]));
  2422. $O[1162]($O[745](2864), intval($IBd[$O[745](2864)]));
  2423. $sBw = $IBd[$O[790](8437)];
  2424. $j8b = array( );
  2425. foreach( $sBw as $IJ6 => $xm7 )
  2426. {
  2427. $j8b[] = array( $O[261](6313) => $IJ6, $O[838](7209) => $xm7[$O[810](2523)], $O[740](5092) => $xm7[$O[134](2523)] );
  2428. }
  2429. $IJ6++;
  2430. for( $xL6 = $IJ6; $xL6 < $IJ6 + 3; $xL6++ )
  2431. {
  2432. $j8b[] = array( $O[261](6313) => $xL6, $O[838](7209) => "", $O[740](5092) => "" );
  2433. }
  2434. $O[1162]($O[790](8437), $j8b);
  2435. $som[$O[407](5190)] = $O[180](331);
  2436. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  2437. {
  2438. $som[$O[407](5190)] .= $O[954](5092);
  2439. }
  2441. $som[$O[407](5190)] .= $O[810](401);
  2442. $som[$O[407](5190)] .= $O[1272](2069);
  2443. $O[517]($O[1289](5190));
  2444. $O[8]();
  2445. }
  2447. , 133, function($iLx) use (&$O)
  2448. {
  2449. return strtoupper($iLx);
  2450. }
  2452. , function($xL6) use (&$O)
  2453. {
  2454. $E8b = array( 1194 => "\">Pay link for wallets like electrum</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><img id=coin_payment_image src=\"", 7209 => "</b><br> <form method=post name=members> <input type=hidden name=a value=members> <input type=hidden name=action value=modify_status> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><a href=\"?a=members&status=", 331 => "show_refstat", 2864 => ", delay = ", 9426 => " and deposit_date >= ", 2069 => "insert into hm2_user_notices set date = ", 401 => " </table> <br> {if \$deposit.status != \"processed\"} <button name=do value=movetodeposit id=\"movetodeposit_btn\" type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Create Deposit</button> &nbsp; <script>document.getElementById(\"movetodeposit_btn\").addEventListener(\"click\", check_pd);</script> <button name=do value=movetoaccount id=\"movetoaccount_btn\" type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Add Funds to Balance</button> &nbsp; <script>document.getElementById(\"movetoaccount_btn\").addEventListener(\"click\", check_pd);</script> {if \$deposit.status == \"problem\"} <button name=do value=movetonew id=\"movetonew_btn\" type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\">Move to New</button> &nbsp; <script>document.getElementById(\"movetonew_btn\").addEventListener(\"click\", check_pd);</script> {else} <button name=do value=movetoproblem id=\"movetoproblem_btn\" type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\">Move to Problem</button> &nbsp; <script>document.getElementById(\"movetoproblem_btn\").addEventListener(\"click\", check_pd);</script> {/if} <button name=do value=delete id=\"delete_btn\" type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-danger\">Delete</button> &nbsp; <script>document.getElementById(\"delete_btn\").addEventListener(\"click\", check_pd);</script> {/if} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-warning\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&type={\$deposit.status}\">Cancel</a> {* {if \$deposit.status != \"processed\"} {if \$ == \"movetoaccount\"} <button name=do value=movetoaccount type=submit class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Add Funds to Balance</button> {elseif \$ == \"movetodeposit\"} <input type=submit value=\"Create Deposit\" class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\"> {else} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&action=details&do=movetodeposit&id={\$}\">Move to Deposit</a> &nbsp; <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&action=details&do=movetoaccount&id={\$}\">Move to Balance</a> &nbsp; {if \$deposit.status == \"problem\"} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&action=details&do=movetonew&id={\$}\">Move to New</a> &nbsp; {else} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-info\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&action=details&do=movetoproblem&id={\$}\">Move to Problem</a> &nbsp; {/if} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-danger\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&action=details&do=delete&id={\$}&type={\$deposit.status}\">Delete</a> &nbsp; {/if} {/if} <a class=\"sbmt btn btn-warning\" href=\"?a=pending_deposits&type={\$deposit.status}\">Cancel</a> *} </form> <br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} {if \$ == \"movetodeposit\"} You can change the amount before moving this transfer to the deposit {else} Move to deposit - you can move this deposit to &#39;processed&#39; and create a deposit for it if you have really received this deposit.<br> Move to problem - move this deposit to the &#39;problem&#39; list.<br> Delete - delete this deposit if you haven&#39;t received it. {/if} {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 5190 => "error_pay_log", 4928 => "NJZNG6B968YUMREYC2LR", 4793 => "Sudan", 6164 => ".json", 2316 => "q_days", 908 => "converted_amount", 2523 => " to ", 9269 => "error", 6313 => "entromoney", 8668 => "", 7419 => "4KDD2F63BTF6FTHZ7WKX", 5876 => "JTMAESP64LG3HQ9GSK5U", 4467 => "1000_AFTER_DEFAULT", 8437 => "awwd_num", 2195 => "max_active_deposit_percent_withdraw", 5092 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=demo_acc value=1 {if \$user.demo_acc}checked{/if}> Demo account</td> </tr> ", 2804 => "Not Approved" );
  2455. return $E8b[$xL6];
  2456. }
  2458. , 44, 154, function($wO0) use (&$O)
  2459. {
  2460. $wO0 = intval($wO0);
  2461. if( $wO0 < 1 || 20 < $wO0 )
  2462. {
  2463. $wO0 = 3;
  2464. }
  2466. return $wO0;
  2467. }
  2469. , 798, 154, function($SB0, $o0l, $jjI = 0) use (&$O)
  2470. {
  2471. $BbE = strlen($o0l) + 2;
  2472. if( ($bE7 = strpos($SB0, $O[246](908) . $o0l . $O[620](2316), $jjI)) === false && ($bE7 = strpos($SB0, $O[246](908) . $o0l . " ", $jjI)) === false )
  2473. {
  2474. return "";
  2475. }
  2477. if( ($Ll5 = strpos($SB0, $O[620](2316), $bE7)) === false )
  2478. {
  2479. return "";
  2480. }
  2482. if( ($Os0 = strpos($SB0, $O[735](9269) . $o0l . $O[620](2316), $Ll5)) === false )
  2483. {
  2484. return "";
  2485. }
  2487. $Rxj = trim(substr($SB0, $Ll5 + 1, $Os0 - ($Ll5 + 1)));
  2488. return $Rxj;
  2489. }
  2491. , 289, 886, function() use (&$O)
  2492. {
  2493. global $Ioj;
  2494. global $BVS;
  2495. $Ole = 9;
  2496. $Ioj[69][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2497. $Ioj[69][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] = $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)];
  2498. $BVS[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[793](2316)] = $O[1258]($O[1192](5876) . $Ole);
  2499. }
  2501. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  2502. {
  2503. global $Bj1;
  2504. global $Ioj;
  2505. if( $Bj1[$O[336](8668)] == 1 )
  2506. {
  2507. $Bj1[$O[368](6313)] = $O[28]($Bj1[$O[368](6313)]);
  2508. $OwS = $O[136](6164) . $SB0[$O[827](7419)][$O[281](908)] . $O[623](9269) . intval($Bj1[$O[984](2523)]) . $O[921](2523) . $Bj1[$O[368](6313)];
  2509. $bwD = $O[475]($OwS);
  2510. if( $bwD[$O[730](2316)] == 0 )
  2511. {
  2512. $SB0[$O[962](4793)][$O[92](9269)] = $O[401](6164);
  2513. }
  2515. }
  2517. }
  2519. , 591, function() use (&$O)
  2520. {
  2521. global $Ioj;
  2522. global $b1O;
  2523. global $Bj1;
  2524. $Ole = 71;
  2525. $wm1 = $Ioj[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$O[838](908)];
  2526. if( $b1O[$wm1] )
  2527. {
  2528. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $b1O[$wm1][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  2529. }
  2531. $DO8 = $O[1258]($Ole);
  2532. $wm1 = $DO8[$O[838](908)];
  2533. if( $b1O[$wm1] )
  2534. {
  2535. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $b1O[$wm1][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2536. }
  2538. }
  2540. , 539, function() use (&$O)
  2541. {
  2542. global $Ioj;
  2543. global $Six;
  2544. global $Bj1;
  2545. $Ole = 79;
  2546. $Bm6 = $Ioj[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$O[838](908)];
  2547. if( $Six[$Bm6] )
  2548. {
  2549. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $Six[$Bm6][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  2550. }
  2552. $DO8 = $O[1258]($Ole);
  2553. $Bm6 = $DO8[$O[838](908)];
  2554. if( $Six[$Bm6] )
  2555. {
  2556. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $Six[$Bm6][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2557. }
  2559. }
  2561. , 355, function(&$dJ4, &$b6V) use (&$O)
  2562. {
  2563. global $eRO;
  2564. global $Es6;
  2565. global $Bj1;
  2566. $IRl = $Es6[$O[972](2316)][$dJ4[$O[281](908)]];
  2567. $VO7 = $eRO[$O[1128](2316)][$dJ4[$O[281](908)]];
  2568. $JdD = strtolower($dJ4[$O[285](2316)]);
  2569. foreach( $b6V as $Ole => $eDe )
  2570. {
  2571. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$JdD . $O[894](2316) . $Ole]));
  2572. if( !$eDe[$O[1007](2523)][$O[906](2316)] )
  2573. {
  2574. continue;
  2575. }
  2577. foreach( $eDe[$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  2578. {
  2579. if( $mde[$O[962](908)] )
  2580. {
  2581. $IRl[$Ole][$wdd] = $mde[$O[962](908)]($IRl[$Ole][$wdd]);
  2582. }
  2584. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[25](908) )
  2585. {
  2586. if( $VO7[$Ole][$wdd] == 1 )
  2587. {
  2588. $b8d[$wdd] = "";
  2589. }
  2590. else
  2591. {
  2592. if( $IRl[$Ole][$wdd] != "" )
  2593. {
  2594. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  2595. }
  2597. }
  2599. }
  2600. else
  2601. {
  2602. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  2603. }
  2605. }
  2606. $Bj1[$JdD . $O[894](2316) . $Ole] = base64_encode(serialize($b8d));
  2607. }
  2608. }
  2610. , function($V3e) use (&$O)
  2611. {
  2612. $Sxd = array( 2195 => "earning_to_egold", 8437 => " and (u.username like ", 9426 => "select h.*, u.username,, u.accounts, u.mult, as user_act_id, u.auto_withdraw, date_format( + interval ", 4467 => "my:withdrawal_requests_masspay_end", 401 => "insert into hm2_processings set id = ", 5876 => "6ESGEJT9PUV637MPGDAJ", 7419 => "QRTZNFQ3MS46E1E3ZDQE", 6313 => "eeeCurrency withdraw - ", 4793 => "ePayCore", 2523 => "100_DEFAULT", 2316 => "db_login", 908 => "<li class=\"page-item\"><a class=\"first page-link\" href=\"", 9269 => "93VMHJMKE55Q82E2XEY4", 6164 => "Email Address", 8668 => "Blank response from server.", 4928 => "test_email_template", 5190 => "start_date", 2069 => "amount_to", 2864 => "allow_external_deps", 331 => "batch = ", 5092 => "Free: <input type=text name=add_rc_data_free value=\"", 2804 => " <tr> <td>WhatsApp:</td> <td><input type=text name=whatsapp value=\"{\$frm.whatsapp|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>" );
  2613. return $Sxd[$V3e];
  2614. }
  2616. , 49, function($xXS) use (&$O)
  2617. {
  2618. $Bi7 = array( 2069 => "team_amount", 4928 => "/^[DA9][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\$/", 8668 => "transfer", 6313 => "08A9XM1POBNR7WV72T4O", 9269 => "REQUEST_URI", 2523 => " principal returned", 2316 => "update hm2_history set type = ", 908 => "o", 6164 => "Hungary", 4793 => "TXFJCB4VPZTXAPJD2T4N", 7419 => "api_pwd", 5876 => "tag", 5190 => "BGMMFH6XR8GJ3RXUCQXV", 401 => "BS93ZTLVR2PRS87UMRNU", 4467 => ")) day, ", 9426 => "HB2XTVMSSER6NW28SSBR", 8437 => " order by ordering asc" );
  2619. return $Bi7[$xXS];
  2620. }
  2622. , 515, 446, 231, 263, 82, 321, function($DO8) use (&$O)
  2623. {
  2624. global $Bj1;
  2625. global $Ioj;
  2626. global $sms;
  2627. $Ole = 68;
  2628. $O3R = array( );
  2629. $wd0 = array( $O[386](9269) => $O[1232](7419) );
  2630. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R, $wd0);
  2631. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  2632. {
  2633. $LiX = $DO8[$O[838](908)];
  2634. $lsO = $sms[$LiX];
  2635. if( $lsO )
  2636. {
  2637. $DO8 = array_merge($DO8, $DO8[$LiX]);
  2638. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  2639. }
  2641. }
  2643. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  2644. return $O3R;
  2645. }
  2647. , function($w77) use (&$O)
  2648. {
  2649. $xlO = false;
  2650. if( preg_match($O[674](8668), $w77) )
  2651. {
  2652. $xlO = true;
  2653. }
  2655. return $xlO;
  2656. }
  2658. , function() use (&$O)
  2659. {
  2660. global $Bj1;
  2661. global $mxB;
  2662. $SB0 = array( );
  2663. $O[1179]($mxB, $SB0);
  2664. }
  2666. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  2667. {
  2668. global $Ioj;
  2669. global $lIe;
  2670. global $LLR;
  2671. $Ole = 77;
  2672. $O3R = array( );
  2673. $dJ4 = $Ioj[$Ole];
  2674. $LiX = intval($DO8[$O[412](6164)]);
  2675. if( $lIe[$LiX] )
  2676. {
  2677. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $lIe[$LiX][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2678. }
  2680. $lsO = $LLR[$LiX];
  2681. if( $lsO )
  2682. {
  2683. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  2684. }
  2686. return $O3R;
  2687. }
  2689. , function() use (&$O)
  2690. {
  2691. global $eRO;
  2692. global $Bj1;
  2693. global $Ejx;
  2694. global $Ioj;
  2695. global $som;
  2696. if( !$O[373]() )
  2697. {
  2698. unset($eRO[$O[856](6313)]);
  2699. }
  2701. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[292](4928) )
  2702. {
  2703. $Bj1[$O[353](401)] = sprintf($O[329](2523), $eRO[$O[353](401)]);
  2704. $O[799]($O[560](2316));
  2705. $eRO[$O[935](4467)] = $O[1201](4928);
  2706. }
  2708. $IBd = array( );
  2709. $IBd[$O[353](401)] = sprintf($O[329](2523), $Bj1[$O[353](401)]);
  2710. $O[1162]($O[1238](9426), $IBd);
  2711. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  2712. $som[$O[174](2069)] = $O[427](7419);
  2713. $O[517]($O[10](2069));
  2714. $O[8]();
  2715. }
  2717. , 429, function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  2718. {
  2719. global $Bj1;
  2720. global $Ioj;
  2721. global $X9l;
  2722. if( $X9l != 1 )
  2723. {
  2724. return NULL;
  2725. }
  2727. $IBd = unserialize($Bj1[$O[826](8437)]);
  2728. $O4E = $IBd[$O[261](2864)];
  2729. if( !$O4E )
  2730. {
  2731. $O4E = $O[1205](6164);
  2732. }
  2734. $mxE = $IBd[$O[121](5876)];
  2735. $VXD = $IBd[$O[954](331)];
  2736. $sBw = $IBd[$O[790](8437)];
  2737. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  2738. {
  2739. $VXD = $IBd[$O[745](2864)];
  2740. }
  2742. $Jil = $SB0[$O[174](908)];
  2743. for( $xL6 = 1; $xL6 <= $VXD; $xL6++ )
  2744. {
  2745. $bwD = $O[475]($O[935](5092) . $Jil);
  2746. $XX7 = $bwD[$O[1282](4793)];
  2747. if( !$XX7 )
  2748. {
  2749. break;
  2750. }
  2752. $Jil = $XX7;
  2753. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] && $IBd[$O[954](331)] < $xL6 )
  2754. {
  2755. $bwD = $O[475]($O[412](9269) . $XX7);
  2756. if( $bwD[$O[74](2316)] != $Bj1[$O[451](908)] )
  2757. {
  2758. continue;
  2759. }
  2761. }
  2763. $O[883]($O[6](4467) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[412](4467) . $xL6 . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)] . $O[1045](331) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)]);
  2764. $O[883]($O[6](4467) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[1205](6164) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)] . $O[1045](331) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)]);
  2765. $x4s = 0;
  2766. if( $O4E == $O[988](2316) )
  2767. {
  2768. $w75 = $O[475]($O[172](908) . $XX7);
  2769. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  2770. }
  2771. else
  2772. {
  2773. if( $O4E == $O[972](2523) )
  2774. {
  2775. $w75 = $O[475]($O[1034](908) . "'" . $O[1135](2523) . "'" . $O[170](2316) . $XX7);
  2776. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  2777. }
  2778. else
  2779. {
  2780. if( $O4E == $O[1069](6164) )
  2781. {
  2782. $w75 = $O[475]($O[164](9269) . $XX7);
  2783. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  2784. }
  2785. else
  2786. {
  2787. if( $O4E == $O[1205](6164) )
  2788. {
  2789. $bwD = $O[475]($O[156](2804) . $XX7 . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[1205](6164) . "'");
  2790. $x4s = $O[28]($bwD[$O[737](2523)]);
  2791. }
  2792. else
  2793. {
  2794. return NULL;
  2795. }
  2797. }
  2799. }
  2801. }
  2803. $bwD = $O[475]($O[149](401) . $XX7 . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[31]($O4E) . "'");
  2804. $LJS = $O[28]($bwD[$O[284](8437)]);
  2805. foreach( $sBw as $b0J => $D6E )
  2806. {
  2807. if( $D6E[$O[810](2523)] <= $LJS )
  2808. {
  2809. continue;
  2810. }
  2812. if( $x4s < $D6E[$O[810](2523)] )
  2813. {
  2814. break;
  2815. }
  2817. $IDL = $O[28]($D6E[$O[134](2523)], $mxE);
  2818. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $XX7 . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $O[92](401) . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $mxE . " ");
  2819. $LJS = $O[28]($D6E[$O[810](2523)]);
  2820. $O[883]($O[793](5190) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[31]($O4E) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $LJS . $O[418](8437) . $LJS);
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. }
  2825. , 521, function() use (&$O)
  2826. {
  2827. global $Bj1;
  2828. global $eRO;
  2829. global $lL0;
  2830. global $D0R;
  2831. global $Ioj;
  2832. global $l4B;
  2833. $Iex = array( );
  2834. $d19 = "";
  2835. $Ilx = $lL0;
  2836. $DD4 = 0;
  2837. if( $Bj1[$O[968](2316)] == $O[2](7419) )
  2838. {
  2839. $Iex = array( $O[518](2864), $O[522](2069), $O[935](7209), $O[906](9426), $O[676](9426), $O[867](2804), $O[819](5876) );
  2840. $DD4 = 3;
  2841. }
  2843. if( $Bj1[$O[968](2316)] == $O[790](8668) )
  2844. {
  2845. $Iex = array( $O[726](2069), $O[1201](8437), $O[102](7209), $O[411](5092), $O[448](4928), $O[397](4928), $O[494](4467) );
  2846. $DD4 = 3;
  2847. }
  2849. if( !$Iex )
  2850. {
  2851. $O[956]();
  2852. }
  2854. $o5s = $O[264](2195) . "'" . $O[484](908) . "'" . " ";
  2855. $i9x = $O[1069](4467);
  2856. $J1s = 100;
  2857. if( 0 < $eRO[$O[737](8668)] )
  2858. {
  2859. $J1s = intval($eRO[$O[737](8668)]);
  2860. $RXs = $O[691](5092) . $J1s . " ";
  2861. }
  2863. $SB0 = "";
  2864. if( preg_match($O[891](5190), $eRO[$O[1007](1194)]) )
  2865. {
  2866. $lO3 = $eRO[$O[1007](1194)];
  2867. $jX9 = $O[475]($O[255](9426) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[844](4467) . "'" . $lO3 . "'" . $O[1123](2069));
  2868. $dlR = $jX9[$O[527](2804)];
  2869. if( $dlR < 0 )
  2870. {
  2871. $O[956]();
  2872. }
  2874. $o5s .= $O[844](2069) . "'" . $lO3 . $O[508](1194) . "'" . $O[844](9426) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[245](2195) . "'" . $lO3 . $O[1173](2069) . "'" . $O[844](9426) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[867](2523);
  2875. $RXs = "";
  2876. $J1s = 0;
  2877. }
  2879. $I5l = $O[1272](9426) . $lO3;
  2880. if( is_readable($I5l) )
  2881. {
  2882. $B49 = stat($I5l);
  2883. }
  2884. else
  2885. {
  2886. $B49[$O[494](2316)] = 0;
  2887. }
  2889. if( 1 < $dlR && 0 < $B49[$O[494](2316)] || time() - 5 * 60 < $B49[$O[494](2316)] )
  2890. {
  2891. echo file_get_contents($I5l);
  2892. $O[956]();
  2893. }
  2895. $x49 = fopen($I5l, $O[1069](908));
  2896. if( !flock($x49, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) )
  2897. {
  2898. fclose($x49);
  2899. $O[956]();
  2900. }
  2902. $wLO = array( );
  2903. foreach( $Iex as $SX5 )
  2904. {
  2905. $OwS = $O[448](5190) . $SX5 . $O[488](5190) . $o5s . $O[1238](331) . "'" . $O[1135](2523) . "'" . " " . $i9x . " " . $RXs . " ";
  2906. $LS3 = $O[883]($OwS);
  2907. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  2908. {
  2909. $bwD[$O[737](2523)] = $O[895]($Ioj[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)], abs($bwD[$O[737](2523)]));
  2910. if( $d19 )
  2911. {
  2912. $bwD[$O[559](2069)] = $O[514]($bwD[$O[1200](2864)], $d19);
  2913. }
  2915. $OD7 = $bwD[$O[997](908)];
  2916. if( preg_match("/Batch = ([\\w\\d\\-]+)/", $OD7, $jBs) )
  2917. {
  2918. $bwD[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  2919. }
  2921. if( preg_match("/Batch id = ([\\w\\d\\-]+)/", $OD7, $jBs) )
  2922. {
  2923. $bwD[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  2924. }
  2926. if( preg_match("/Batch is ([\\w\\d\\-]+)/", $OD7, $jBs) )
  2927. {
  2928. $bwD[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  2929. }
  2931. if( $DD4 )
  2932. {
  2933. $bwD[$O[264](9269)] = substr($bwD[$O[264](9269)], 0, $DD4);
  2934. }
  2936. unset($bwD[$O[997](908)]);
  2937. $wLO[$bwD[$O[349](2069)]] = $bwD;
  2938. }
  2939. }
  2940. ksort($wLO);
  2941. $wLO = array_reverse($wLO);
  2942. if( 0 < $J1s )
  2943. {
  2944. $wLO = array_slice($wLO, 0, $J1s);
  2945. }
  2947. $OoR = json_encode($wLO);
  2948. fwrite($x49, $OoR);
  2949. fclose($x49);
  2950. echo $OoR;
  2951. $O[956]();
  2952. }
  2954. , function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  2955. {
  2956. global $Bj1;
  2957. global $Ioj;
  2958. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  2959. $SBO = array( $O[740](7419) => $DO8[$O[411](6164)], $O[211](7419) => md5($DO8[$O[25](908)] . $O[171](4793)), $O[918](5190) => 0, $O[327](4928) => $JXB, $O[737](2523) => $DO8[$O[737](2523)], $O[827](7419) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[102](5876) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)], $O[1180](4928) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)], $O[1272](6164) => 0 );
  2960. $SB0 = http_build_query($SBO);
  2961. $xBb = $O[80](4928);
  2962. $LwV = curl_init();
  2963. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $xBb);
  2964. curl_setopt($LwV, 42, 0);
  2965. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, true);
  2966. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  2967. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, 0);
  2968. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 0);
  2969. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  2970. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  2971. $wO0 = curl_exec($LwV);
  2972. $SmD = curl_error($LwV);
  2973. curl_close($LwV);
  2974. $B6m = $O[705](6313) . $j6s . "\n";
  2975. $B6m .= $O[1068](8668) . $xBb . "\n";
  2976. $B6m .= $O[1054](5190) . $SB0 . "\n";
  2977. $B6m .= $O[284](8668) . $wO0 . "\n";
  2978. $O[106]($B6m);
  2979. if( preg_match($O[906](4928), $wO0, $jBs) )
  2980. {
  2981. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  2982. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  2983. }
  2984. else
  2985. {
  2986. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = ($SmD ? $SmD : $wO0);
  2987. }
  2989. }
  2991. , function($Sb7) use (&$O)
  2992. {
  2993. $jX9 = array( 5092 => ", max_deposit = ", 331 => "insert into hm2_tickets_depts set ", 2864 => "date = ", 8437 => "Custom Pages", 5190 => "Secret Key", 7419 => "/^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\$/", 908 => "withdraw_", 2316 => "checked", 2523 => " and ", 9269 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date and t.period = ", 6164 => "currency", 4793 => "errors", 6313 => "sms_gateway", 8668 => "gd", 5876 => "United Arab Emirates", 4928 => "&#926;", 401 => "PK API ID", 4467 => "2N9N4DHMM6TDYVSZRVQH", 2069 => "M3HAFTKQKNRGDHOKVHYB", 9426 => "access", 2195 => "Logged", 2804 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_exchange_rates where `sfrom` = " );
  2994. return $jX9[$Sb7];
  2995. }
  2997. , 79, function(&$dJ4, &$b6V) use (&$O)
  2998. {
  2999. global $eRO;
  3000. global $Es6;
  3001. $IRl = $Es6[$O[1028](2316)][$dJ4[$O[281](908)]];
  3002. $VO7 = $eRO[$O[429](9269)][$dJ4[$O[281](908)]];
  3003. foreach( $b6V as $Ole => $eDe )
  3004. {
  3005. if( !$eDe[$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] )
  3006. {
  3007. continue;
  3008. }
  3010. $e9x = $dJ4[$O[511](2523)] . $O[830](2316) . $Ole;
  3011. $b8d = $O[1258]($e9x);
  3012. foreach( $eDe[$O[826](2316)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  3013. {
  3014. if( $mde[$O[962](908)] )
  3015. {
  3016. $IRl[$Ole][$wdd] = $mde[$O[962](908)]($IRl[$Ole][$wdd]);
  3017. }
  3019. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[25](908) )
  3020. {
  3021. if( $VO7[$Ole][$wdd] == 1 )
  3022. {
  3023. $b8d[$wdd] = "";
  3024. }
  3025. else
  3026. {
  3027. if( $IRl[$Ole][$wdd] != "" )
  3028. {
  3029. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  3030. }
  3032. }
  3034. }
  3035. else
  3036. {
  3037. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  3038. }
  3040. }
  3041. $O[869]($e9x, $b8d);
  3042. }
  3043. }
  3045. , 622, function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  3046. {
  3047. global $Bj1;
  3048. global $Ioj;
  3049. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  3050. $xBb = $O[780](4793);
  3051. $SBO = array( $O[678](4793) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[126](9269) => $DO8[$O[25](908)], $O[1045](7419) => $DO8[$O[819](6164)], $O[25](5876) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[573](6313) => $DO8[$O[737](2523)], $O[286](6313) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)] );
  3052. $SB0 = array( );
  3053. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  3054. {
  3055. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  3056. }
  3057. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  3058. $LwV = curl_init();
  3059. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $xBb);
  3060. curl_setopt($LwV, 42, 0);
  3061. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, true);
  3062. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  3063. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, 0);
  3064. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  3065. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  3066. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  3067. $SmD = curl_error($LwV);
  3068. curl_close($LwV);
  3069. $B6m = $O[209](6313) . $SmD . "\n";
  3070. $B6m .= $O[777](7419) . $SB0 . "\n";
  3071. $B6m .= $O[368](401) . $oE9 . "\n\n";
  3072. $O[106]($B6m);
  3073. $jBs = array( );
  3074. if( preg_match("/Success\\s*TRANSACTION_ID:(.*?)\$/ims", $oE9, $jBs) )
  3075. {
  3076. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  3077. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  3078. return NULL;
  3079. }
  3081. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $oE9;
  3082. }
  3084. , 859, function($E50) use (&$O)
  3085. {
  3086. $x4b = array( 2069 => ">Suspended <option value='blocked' ", 4467 => ")\",\"Currency\",\"Date\",\"Description\"", 401 => "select date_format(date + interval ", 5190 => "utils", 5876 => "FUMZ0MZB0OTLFVOS3YDQ", 7419 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"", 8668 => "QA8RP5WJTPF7GSLMSC7M", 6313 => "Estonia", 9269 => "out_fee_max", 2523 => "3PB6C2WNVRX98MBPLYNK", 908 => "<tr><th>", 2316 => "display_errors", 6164 => "SERVER_NAME", 4793 => "Egypt", 4928 => "Location: index.php?a=login&say=invalid_login&username=", 9426 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Use double entry accounting:</th> <td><select name=use_history_balance_mode class=inpts><option value=0 " );
  3087. return $x4b[$E50];
  3088. }
  3090. , 418, function($JdV) use (&$O)
  3091. {
  3092. $lR6 = array( 331 => "every 4 days", 2864 => "Disabled", 8437 => "Content-type: text/csv", 7419 => "delete", 8668 => "J6VX34H8PF4JWAU4S4D8", 6313 => "H6ZFMHWZ8UMWZ36ZARAQ", 6164 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=", 9269 => "XRMASLD9XD9M38QBRR4U", 908 => "outgoin_server_ip", 2316 => "a", 2523 => "pereodic_earning_bonus_every", 4793 => "M9CAHFTPSHDEUOD6Q9DQ", 5876 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where > 1 and d.user_id ", 4928 => "shares_", 5190 => "Y-n-j", 401 => " group by", 4467 => "select * from hm2_tickets_depts_ticket where ticket_id = ", 2069 => "?a=support&code=", 9426 => ", email = ", 2195 => "memory_limit", 5092 => ") *(now() <= date + interval 1 year)) as in_year, sum(actual_amount*(type = " );
  3093. return $lR6[$JdV];
  3094. }
  3096. , function() use (&$O)
  3097. {
  3098. global $eRO;
  3099. global $Bj1;
  3100. global $Ejx;
  3101. global $Ioj;
  3102. global $som;
  3103. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  3104. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[551](9426) && $lV8 )
  3105. {
  3106. $O[883]($O[1180](9426) . "'" . $O[329](5876) . "'" . $O[85](4928) . "'" . intval($eRO[$O[642](2316)]) . $O[912](2316) . $O[31]($eRO[$O[838](908)]) . "'");
  3107. header($O[283](8437));
  3108. $O[8]();
  3109. }
  3111. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[236](7419) && $lV8 )
  3112. {
  3113. if( is_array($eRO[$O[538](2069)]) )
  3114. {
  3115. foreach( $eRO[$O[538](2069)] as $wdd => $iwm )
  3116. {
  3117. $O[883]($O[511](2195) . "'" . $O[329](5876) . "'" . $O[1284](9426) . "'" . $O[31]($iwm) . "'" . $O[351](401));
  3118. }
  3119. }
  3121. header($O[283](8437));
  3122. $O[8]();
  3123. }
  3125. $xdR = "";
  3126. if( isset($eRO[$O[642](2316)]) )
  3127. {
  3128. $dJ4 = intval($eRO[$O[642](2316)]);
  3129. }
  3130. else
  3131. {
  3132. $dJ4 = -1;
  3133. }
  3135. if( 0 <= $dJ4 && in_array($dJ4, array_keys($j8V)) )
  3136. {
  3137. $xdR .= $O[830](4467) . "'" . $dJ4 . $O[730](5876) . "'";
  3138. }
  3140. if( $eRO[$O[838](908)] )
  3141. {
  3142. $xdR .= $O[830](4467) . "'" . $O[129](2195) . $O[31]($eRO[$O[838](908)]) . $O[962](2523) . "'";
  3143. }
  3145. $jmV = array( );
  3146. foreach( $Ioj as $i0B => $SB0 )
  3147. {
  3148. if( !$SB0[$O[926](9269)] )
  3149. {
  3150. continue;
  3151. }
  3153. $jmV[$i0B] = array( $O[281](908) => $i0B, $O[342](2316) => $SB0[$O[342](2316)], $O[3](908) => ($i0B == $dJ4 ? 1 : 0) );
  3154. }
  3155. $O[1162]($O[814](8668), $jmV);
  3156. $S7j = array( );
  3157. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[701](2069) . "'" . $O[329](5876) . "'" . " " . $xdR);
  3158. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3159. {
  3160. list($dJ4, $Vde) = preg_split($O[156](4467), $bwD[$O[542](908)], 2);
  3161. $dSd = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[342](2316)];
  3162. $S7j[] = array( $O[642](2316) => $dJ4, $O[838](908) => $Vde, $O[164](9426) => $dSd );
  3163. }
  3164. $O[1162]($O[905](908), $S7j);
  3165. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  3166. $som[$O[329](5876)] = $O[826](401);
  3167. $O[517]($O[9](5876));
  3168. $O[8]();
  3169. }
  3171. , function($eDe) use (&$O)
  3172. {
  3173. global $Bj1;
  3174. global $b1O;
  3175. global $b68;
  3176. return $O[1266]($eDe, $b1O, $b68);
  3177. }
  3179. , function() use (&$O)
  3180. {
  3181. $wb5 = $_SERVER[$O[174](6164)];
  3182. $wb5 = preg_replace($O[1094](8668), "", $wb5);
  3183. return $wb5;
  3184. }
  3186. , 251, function() use (&$O)
  3187. {
  3188. return $O[565](2316);
  3189. }
  3191. , function($wO0, $xjD) use (&$O)
  3192. {
  3193. return ($wO0[$O[327](3421)] < $xjD[$O[327](3421)] ? -1 : 1);
  3194. }
  3196. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  3197. {
  3198. global $Ioj;
  3199. global $o3x;
  3200. global $BBO;
  3201. $Ole = 48;
  3202. $O3R = array( );
  3203. $dJ4 = $Ioj[$Ole];
  3204. $LiX = intval($DO8[$O[412](6164)]);
  3205. if( $o3x[$LiX] )
  3206. {
  3207. $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $o3x[$LiX][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  3208. }
  3210. $lsO = $BBO[$LiX];
  3211. if( $lsO )
  3212. {
  3213. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  3214. }
  3216. return $O3R;
  3217. }
  3219. , function($LE8) use (&$O)
  3220. {
  3221. $e4I = array( 8437 => " </select> </td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id11> <th>Use distortion:</th> <td> <select name=advanced_graph_validation_wave class=inpts onchange=\"show_hide_advanced_image();gen_test_validation_image()\"> <option value=0 ", 4467 => "withdrawal_requests_masspay_end", 401 => "\$res = \$e->desc;", 4928 => "D8R1RPV930BTCV4SKJN6", 5876 => "E6V5X6SCKEAKBHDJK778", 7419 => "LLR655AE2GDDJ9CKWMWN", 4793 => "XYR6EAKALYC26R2S5Q27", 9269 => "dde", 2523 => "transaction_id", 2316 => ") = date_format(", 908 => "Administrator Deposit Notification (from account balance)", 6164 => "Investment Release", 6313 => "/?a=return_success<br> Interaction URL - ", 8668 => "22EFL5DRGEKDUVQDETQK", 5190 => " <br><br><br><a href=?a=bulkmail>Continue</a></center></body></html> {include file=\"my:admin_footer_popup\"} ", 2069 => "Deposit Lottery Bonus", 9426 => "deposit_fee" );
  3222. return $e4I[$LE8];
  3223. }
  3225. , function($JRj) use (&$O)
  3226. {
  3227. $eXo = array( 331 => " <tr> <td>", 4467 => ") as total_deposits from hm2_history as h inner join hm2_users as u on = h.user_id and u.admin_desc != ", 401 => ", unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval t.q_days day) - unix_timestamp(now()) ) limit 0, 100 ", 7419 => " Type your Dogecoin address here<br> Key string - any random string<br><br> How it work: Script generate temporary address for each user. When user transfer dogecoin and transaction confirm - script transfer dogecoin to your address.<br> Usage fee: minus dogecoin tx fee and minus 0.5% (accumulative fee, once in several transactions)<br><br> Min deposit processed should be twice greater than average fee for transaction. Deposit less that min deposit will not be processed by script", 6164 => "Dividend", 908 => "insert into hm2_deposits set user_id = ", 2316 => "~.+update[\\s\\/]~i", 2523 => "period", 9269 => " and t.period <> ", 4793 => " where type = ", 6313 => "fee_percent_pow", 8668 => "Moldavia", 5876 => "2377FP7Z3RX2PWYXHYBH", 4928 => "use_trans_code_recovery_turing", 5190 => "65G25KYCDFL8FAHXNSVK", 2069 => "ordering = ", 9426 => "require", 8437 => "Deposit Clone Bonus", 2195 => " hour and <= ", 2864 => "update hm2_users set password = ", 5092 => " <tr> <th>Limit Withdraw Period:</th> <td> <input type=text name=limit_withdraw_period_times value='", 2804 => ")) as withdrawal, sum(actual_amount * (type=", 7209 => "select sum(actual_amount) as amt, sum(actual_amount * (status=" );
  3228. return $eXo[$JRj];
  3229. }
  3231. , function($IEO) use (&$O)
  3232. {
  3233. $xmB = array( 9181 => "", 5371 => "Startup bonus invested", 9426 => "JNOLMSRKGW9EV8GQLITZ", 401 => "", 4928 => "E8Q4TRRJJQEGTSJ8ZJJJ", 5876 => "Deposit release", 8668 => "Azerbaidjan", 4793 => "create table hm2_fchk (id int not null auto_increment primary key, filename varchar(200) not null default ", 9269 => "select * from hm2_plans where parent = ", 2523 => "daily_referral_min_aff_num_", 908 => "<", 2316 => "2", 6164 => ", status =0", 6313 => "1", 7419 => "Ecuador", 5190 => "RZCQNLXTYPU686DZB22S", 4467 => "AHW9W3NF29JREV9RFHF8", 2069 => "NKHZ76N0SBDQCL4A1CAO", 8437 => "69R9GVEUNMESMKKKYR5R", 2195 => "5NTP48GD9L38APJUF7SU", 2864 => "Transaction Code Recovery", 331 => "ZDWAB4U77647WKUWY2TX", 5092 => " and user_id = and date > now() - interval 30 day order by date desc", 2804 => "native_deposit", 7209 => "awerrors", 1194 => "update hm2_in_out_fees set ", 3421 => ", desc limit ", 5039 => "edit_item", 7649 => " Last Topup: \$100 (username) " );
  3234. return $xmB[$IEO];
  3235. }
  3237. , 689, function($wdd, $mde, $eDe) use (&$O)
  3238. {
  3239. global $BVS;
  3240. return $O[491]($wdd, $mde, $eDe, $BVS);
  3241. }
  3243. , 136, function($xDS) use (&$O)
  3244. {
  3245. $sVl = array( 401 => ">Blocked <option value='not_confirmed' ", 5190 => "to_value", 4928 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_today_withdraw_funds value=0 ", 7419 => "./inc/.htaccess", 6313 => "NFWKJ4EGX75ZSJEP62BD", 6164 => " and ec = ", 908 => "def_payee_store_solidtrustpay", 2316 => "hostname", 2523 => "g", 9269 => "enabled", 4793 => "YHV7D6B4AYBPNZDYEEZT", 8668 => "A user has paid registration fee", 5876 => ", bonus_flag = 1", 4467 => "col3" );
  3246. return $sVl[$xDS];
  3247. }
  3249. , 952, 938, function(&$dJ4, &$b6V, &$DO8) use (&$O)
  3250. {
  3251. global $eRO;
  3252. global $Es6;
  3253. global $Ioj;
  3254. $IRl = $Es6[$O[1028](2316)][$dJ4[$O[281](908)]];
  3255. $Ole = intval($IRl[$O[838](908)]);
  3256. if( !$b6V[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] )
  3257. {
  3258. return NULL;
  3259. }
  3261. $eDe = $b6V[$Ole];
  3262. $b8d = array( );
  3263. foreach( $eDe[$O[826](2316)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  3264. {
  3265. if( $mde[$O[1139](2316)] == $O[25](908) )
  3266. {
  3267. if( $VO7[$Ole][$wdd] == 1 )
  3268. {
  3269. $b8d[$wdd] = "";
  3270. }
  3271. else
  3272. {
  3273. if( $IRl[$Ole][$wdd] != "" )
  3274. {
  3275. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  3276. }
  3278. }
  3280. }
  3281. else
  3282. {
  3283. $b8d[$wdd] = $IRl[$Ole][$wdd];
  3284. }
  3286. if( $mde[$O[962](908)] )
  3287. {
  3288. $b8d[$wdd] = $mde[$O[962](908)]($IRl[$Ole][$wdd]);
  3289. }
  3291. }
  3292. $DO8[$Ole] = $b8d;
  3293. $Ioj[$dJ4[$O[281](908)]][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $eDe[$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  3294. }
  3296. , 544, function($Bs0) use (&$O)
  3297. {
  3298. $mD1 = array( 2195 => ")) as active_deposited from hm2_deposits where type_id = ", 2069 => ", compound = 0", 4467 => "movetonew", 5190 => "set_mysql", 4928 => "LXRPKE6GY3ZZQTH8FP3J", 7419 => "GVP2CU26NGGR44E9SF8L", 8668 => "SVDHCYQRZYG2L2LR5UKQ", 6313 => "9RARLFSQ7ZTNUMB3YVWR", 4793 => "Penalty", 9269 => "Botswana", 2523 => "my:_emailbody_", 908 => "2fa_enabled_notification", 2316 => "update found", 6164 => "Palau", 5876 => "YLOGY00PMO8HC1Q0EMVR", 401 => "my:custpages", 9426 => "select (to_days(now() + interval ", 8437 => " <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Group</th> " );
  3299. return $mD1[$Bs0];
  3300. }
  3302. , function(&$L3L) use (&$O)
  3303. {
  3304. $L3L = substr(preg_replace($O[1201](4467), "", $L3L), 0, 255);
  3305. if( !$L3L )
  3306. {
  3307. return 0;
  3308. }
  3310. return 1;
  3311. }
  3313. , function($Ol4) use (&$O)
  3314. {
  3315. $Ojd = array( 401 => "myemails", 5190 => ", ouma = ", 4928 => "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=", 7419 => "name = ", 8668 => "DUB08CCZ3RBD5KA8YC2H", 6313 => "src_account", 4793 => "W7GW2MJ42BZD3MCXESAU", 6164 => "F6VR9TRXRAPLRL2VFUXL", 9269 => "sms_gw_from_number", 908 => " < now() as have_to_pay from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t, hm2_users as u where d.status = ", 2316 => "INTO HM2_PAY_SETTINGS", 2523 => "alter table hm2_types change column pae pae bigint not null default 0", 5876 => "u_id", 4467 => " <option value=\"endh\">After the specified Hours</option> <option value=\"end\">After the specified Days</option> " );
  3316. return $Ojd[$Ol4];
  3317. }
  3319. , function() use (&$O)
  3320. {
  3321. global $eRO;
  3322. global $Es6;
  3323. global $Bj1;
  3324. global $Ejx;
  3325. global $Ioj;
  3326. global $som;
  3327. $L1s = 0;
  3328. if( file_exists($O[1007](2804)) )
  3329. {
  3330. $L1s = 1;
  3331. $O[1162]($O[1007](7209), 1);
  3332. }
  3334. $dmJ = array( );
  3335. $RSj = array( );
  3336. $dLo = array( );
  3337. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  3338. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[1254](4467) && $lV8 )
  3339. {
  3340. $O[883]($O[9](4928));
  3341. $dLo = array( );
  3342. $s49 = $eRO[$O[962](2069)];
  3343. if( is_array($s49) )
  3344. {
  3345. foreach( $s49 as $S8B => $E6d )
  3346. {
  3347. $dLo[] = "'" . $O[31]($S8B) . "'";
  3348. }
  3349. $O[883]($O[864](4467) . implode($O[180](9269), $dLo) . $O[1056](2316));
  3350. }
  3352. header($O[411](2069));
  3353. $O[8]();
  3354. }
  3356. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[280](9426) && $lV8 )
  3357. {
  3358. $RXX = array( $O[905](2523), $O[852](8668), $O[793](4793), $O[152](4793) );
  3359. foreach( $RXX as $Lil )
  3360. {
  3361. $X5V = $O[31](preg_replace("/\r/", "", $Es6[$Lil]));
  3362. $O[883]($O[912](908) . "'" . $O[1068](5190) . $Lil . "'");
  3363. $O[883]($O[92](2316) . "'" . $O[1068](5190) . $Lil . "'" . $O[856](2316) . "'" . $X5V . "'");
  3364. }
  3365. header($O[963](4928));
  3366. $O[8]();
  3367. }
  3369. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[281](5190) )
  3370. {
  3371. $S8B = $O[31]($eRO[$O[1139](2316)]);
  3372. $RSj = $O[475]($O[891](2523) . "'" . $S8B . "'");
  3373. if( !$RSj )
  3374. {
  3375. header($O[411](2069));
  3376. $O[8]();
  3377. }
  3379. if( !$lV8 )
  3380. {
  3381. unset($eRO[$O[796](4928)]);
  3382. }
  3384. if( $eRO[$O[796](4928)] == 1 )
  3385. {
  3386. $L0x = $O[31]($eRO[$O[348](9269)]);
  3387. $j9m = intval($eRO[$O[512](2523)]);
  3388. $X5V = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $eRO[$O[288](6313)]);
  3389. if( $X5V != "" )
  3390. {
  3391. try
  3392. {
  3393. $som[$O[551](8437)] = $X5V;
  3394. $Lj5 = $Ejx->fetch($O[1094](9426));
  3395. }
  3396. catch( Exception $xXe )
  3397. {
  3398. $dmJ[$O[288](6313)] = $O[385](2069) . $xXe->desc;
  3399. }
  3400. $X5V = $O[31]($X5V);
  3401. }
  3403. $V5m = intval($eRO[$O[410](9269)]);
  3404. if( $Es6[$O[311](6313)] || $V5m )
  3405. {
  3406. $s1o = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $Es6[$O[311](6313)]);
  3407. try
  3408. {
  3409. $som[$O[1201](5190)] = $s1o;
  3410. $BJE = $Ejx->fetch($O[1253](7419));
  3411. }
  3412. catch( Exception $xXe )
  3413. {
  3414. $dmJ[$O[311](6313)] = $O[1123](5876) . $xXe->desc;
  3415. }
  3416. $s1o = $O[31]($s1o);
  3417. }
  3419. if( !$dmJ )
  3420. {
  3421. $O[883]($O[612](8668) . "'" . $L0x . "'" . $O[897](7419) . "'" . $X5V . "'" . $O[713](4928) . "'" . $s1o . "'" . $O[1139](9426) . $V5m . $O[745](2069) . $j9m . $O[267](4928) . "'" . $O[31]($RSj[$O[281](908)]) . "'");
  3422. $eRO[$O[1180](2316)] = $O[80](7419);
  3423. }
  3425. $RSj[$O[288](6313)] = $eRO[$O[348](9269)];
  3426. $RSj[$O[288](6313)] = $eRO[$O[288](6313)];
  3427. $RSj[$O[410](9269)] = $eRO[$O[410](9269)];
  3428. $RSj[$O[512](2523)] = $eRO[$O[512](2523)];
  3429. $RSj[$O[311](6313)] = $Es6[$O[311](6313)];
  3430. }
  3432. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  3433. $O[1162]($O[827](4467), $RSj);
  3434. $O[1162]($O[228](4793), $O3R[$O[228](4793)]);
  3435. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = $O[80](7419);
  3436. $som[$O[826](4467)] = $O[3](401);
  3437. $O[517]($O[273](5190));
  3438. $O[8]();
  3439. }
  3441. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[508](9426));
  3442. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3443. {
  3444. $dLo[] = $bwD;
  3445. }
  3446. $O[1162]($O[962](2069), $dLo);
  3447. $bEs = array( );
  3448. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[166](9269) . "'" . $O[311](4793) . "'");
  3449. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3450. {
  3451. $liO = substr($bwD[$O[342](2316)], 13);
  3452. $bEs[$liO] = $bwD[$O[288](2316)];
  3453. }
  3454. $O[1162]($O[828](2195), $bEs);
  3455. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  3456. $som[$O[1069](401)] = "";
  3457. if( $L1s )
  3458. {
  3459. $som[$O[1069](401)] .= $O[819](6313);
  3460. }
  3462. $som[$O[1069](401)] .= $O[705](5190);
  3463. $O[517]($O[1057](9426));
  3464. $O[8]();
  3465. }
  3467. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  3468. {
  3469. global $b1O;
  3470. $BxB = 71;
  3471. $jos = 2;
  3472. return $O[1216]($BxB, $b1O[$jos], $DO8);
  3473. }
  3475. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  3476. {
  3477. global $Bj1;
  3478. global $RL8;
  3479. global $Ioj;
  3480. if( $RL8 )
  3481. {
  3482. print "Delayed AutoWithdrawals Start:<br>\n";
  3483. $Sxm = array( );
  3484. foreach( $Ioj as $Ole => $SB0 )
  3485. {
  3486. if( $Ioj[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] )
  3487. {
  3488. $Sxm[] = $Ole;
  3489. }
  3491. }
  3492. $SB0 = unserialize($Bj1[$O[997](2195)]);
  3493. if( !$SB0 )
  3494. {
  3495. return NULL;
  3496. }
  3498. $ewi = $O[1279]();
  3499. $DwS = 0;
  3500. $s55 = "";
  3501. foreach( $SB0 as $wsw )
  3502. {
  3503. $s55 .= $O[440](9426) . $O[28]($wsw[$O[838](7209)]) . $O[740](331) . $O[28]($wsw[$O[1033](2523)]) . $O[612](4928) . intval($wsw[$O[30](2069)]) . $O[666](5092);
  3504. $DwS += $wsw[$O[136](2195)];
  3505. }
  3506. $iiX = 0;
  3507. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[62](2069) . implode($O[180](9269), $Sxm) . $O[691](331) . "'" . $O[705](908) . "'" . $O[776](2864) . "'" . $O[288](4793) . "'" . $O[453](401) . $s55 . $O[551](908));
  3508. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3509. {
  3510. $Jje = -1;
  3511. $bwD[$O[737](2523)] = 0 - $bwD[$O[737](2523)];
  3512. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < sizeof($SB0); $xL6++ )
  3513. {
  3514. if( $SB0[$xL6][$O[838](7209)] <= $bwD[$O[737](2523)] && $bwD[$O[737](2523)] <= $SB0[$xL6][$O[1033](2523)] && $SB0[$xL6][$O[730](2316)] < $SB0[$xL6][$O[136](2195)] )
  3515. {
  3516. $Jje = $xL6;
  3517. break;
  3518. }
  3520. }
  3521. if( $Jje != -1 )
  3522. {
  3523. $J6m = $O[433](4467) . $bwD[$O[281](908)];
  3524. $l6d = @fopen($J6m, @$O[906](908));
  3525. if( @flock($l6d, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) )
  3526. {
  3527. $E7X = $O[475]($O[954](908) . $bwD[$O[174](908)]);
  3528. $E7X[$O[713](908)] = unserialize($E7X[$O[905](908)]);
  3529. $E7X[$O[713](908)][$bwD[$O[642](2316)]];
  3530. $wd0 = array( );
  3531. $wd0[$O[279](2316)] = 1;
  3532. $wd0[$O[1060](9269)] = 1;
  3533. $wd0[$O[121](908)] = $bwD[$O[281](908)];
  3534. $xlO = $O[841]($E7X, $bwD[$O[642](2316)], $bwD[$O[737](2523)], $wd0);
  3535. if( $xlO[$O[1180](2316)] == 1 )
  3536. {
  3537. $SB0[$Jje][$O[730](2316)]++;
  3538. $iiX++;
  3539. }
  3540. else
  3541. {
  3542. if( $xlO[$O[573](2523)] == $O[623](2523) )
  3543. {
  3544. $X5V = "Sending \$" . $bwD[$O[737](2523)] . $O[192](2523) . $E7X[$O[264](9269)] . $O[412](401) . $E7X[$O[713](908)][$bwD[$O[642](2316)]] . $O[336](331) . $xlO[$O[623](2523)];
  3545. $O[529]($ewi, $Bj1[$O[1272](908)], $O[266](7209), $X5V);
  3546. }
  3548. }
  3550. $oIR = $E7X[$O[281](908)] . "\t" . $bwD[$O[642](2316)] . "\t" . $E7X[$O[713](908)][$bwD[$O[642](2316)]] . "\t" . $bwD[$O[737](2523)] . "\t" . $xlO[$O[1180](2316)] . "\t" . $xlO[$O[897](6164)] . "\t" . $xlO[$O[573](2523)] . "\t" . $xlO[$O[623](2523)] . "\n";
  3551. file_put_contents($O[1098](9426), $oIR, FILE_APPEND);
  3552. fclose($l6d);
  3553. unlink($J6m);
  3554. }
  3555. else
  3556. {
  3557. fclose($l6d);
  3558. continue;
  3559. }
  3561. }
  3563. if( $DwS <= $XR1 )
  3564. {
  3565. $O[556]($LS3);
  3566. break;
  3567. }
  3569. }
  3570. }
  3572. }
  3574. , function($l6J) use (&$O)
  3575. {
  3576. $d56 = array( 2864 => "base_amount_type", 8437 => "", 9426 => "hour_dif", 2069 => "tmp", 5190 => "NMTWXQ8B8S8MO2ZZDSFV", 5876 => "QZ2W39QXZ84SE5T33GRV", 8668 => "score", 908 => "tmpl/calendar2.tpl", 2316 => "~[^\\_]delete~i", 2523 => "\" class=\"inpts nosize\" value=\"\" size=30 title=\"", 9269 => "daily_referral_min_aff_deposit_", 6164 => ", UNIQUE KEY addr (address(40)) )", 4793 => "", 6313 => "i", 7419 => "AdvCash API Request: ", 4928 => "938JT3K7WLQRTZMUKRKG", 401 => "VIFY1I5XLSJA8QWVVV5P", 4467 => "52NKUWXIVG39OGD721RG", 2195 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_lists_items where list_id = ", 331 => "update hm2_users set transaction_code = ", 5092 => "referal", 2804 => " <tr> <td>Beneficiary Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=bnfc_fullname value=\"{\$user.addfields.bnfc_fullname|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Beneficiary Birthdate:</td> <td>{html_select_date prefix=\"bnfc_bd_\" time=\$bnfc_bd_date field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=1930 all_extra=\"class=inpts\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Beneficiary Address:</td> <td><input type=text name=bnfc_address value=\"{\$user.addfields.bnfc_address|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Beneficiary Country:</td> <td> <select name=bnfc_country class=inpts> <option value=\"\">--SELECT--</option> {foreach from=\$countries item=c} <option {if \$ == \$user.addfields.bnfc_country}selected{/if}>{\$|escape:html}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Beneficiary Phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=bnfc_phone value=\"{\$user.addfields.bnfc_phone|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 7209 => " <h3>Exchange Rates:</h3> <form method=post name=main> <input type=hidden name=a value=exchange_rates> <input type=hidden name=action value=save> <input type=checkbox name=\"enable_exchange\" value=1 {if \$exchange_status}checked{/if}>Enable exchange section<br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><th valign=top class=title> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap align=center>From / To</td> {foreach from=\$ec item=to} <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><img src=images/{\$}.gif height=17></td> {/foreach} <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>Set Row</td> </tr> {foreach from=\$ec item=from} <tr> <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><img src=images/{\$}.gif height=17></td> {foreach from=\$ec item=to} <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF>{if \$ != \$}<input type=\"text\" name=\"exch[{\$}][{\$}]\" value=\"{\$rates[\$][\$]}\" size=5 class=inpts>{else}N/A{/if}</td> {/foreach} <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><input type=\"text\" name=\"set_row_{\$}\" value=\"\" size=5 class=inpts></td> </tr> {/foreach} <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap align=center>Set Col</td> {foreach from=\$ec item=to} <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><input type=\"text\" name=\"set_col_{\$}\" value=\"\" size=5 class=inpts></td> {/foreach} <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><input type=button value=\"Set\" onclick=\"set_rc()\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> <br> <input type=text name=\"toall\" value=\"1.00\" size=5 class=inpts> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Set to All\" onclick=\"to_all()\" class=sbmt> <br> <br> <input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} Exchange Rates:<br><br> Figures are the percents of an exchange rates.<br> Vertical column is FROM currency.<br> Horizontal row is TO currency.<br> <br> Ex: To set a percent for Payeer to Perfect Money exchange you should edit the field in the vertical column with the Payeer icon and in the row with the PM one.<br> <br> To disable an exchange set its percentage to 100. {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} " );
  3577. return $d56[$l6J];
  3578. }
  3580. , 33, 717, function($JIO) use (&$O)
  3581. {
  3582. $RBw = array( 3421 => " {if \$user.activation_code != \"\"} <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=activate value=1> Activate acount. User account has been blocked by Brute Force Handler feature.</td> </tr> {/if}", 2804 => "limit_withdraw_period_date_", 2864 => "sticker", 9426 => "my:bulkmail_send_end", 401 => "LYourLitecoinsAddresstwHAionxQTL2", 5190 => "Account Secondary Password", 4928 => "payer", 7419 => "Zambia", 4793 => "mail_charset", 6164 => "new_plan_name", 9269 => "username", 2316 => "&license=", 908 => "_\"+i); if (oi) = \"none\"; } if (proc) { document.getElementById(\"withdraw_settings_", 2523 => "\"", 6313 => "Liberia", 8668 => "Trinidad and Tobago", 5876 => "MX8J0XXK112UZUZT68ZH", 4467 => "5ZKHB2QHCR4HMMU2TG93", 2069 => "FDMNKRGRGEPNZJY4BNTU", 8437 => "select * from hm2_users where username in (", 2195 => " h.type = ", 331 => ", user_auto_pay_earning = ", 5092 => "reverse_columns", 7209 => "]\" class=inpts> ", 1194 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> " );
  3583. return $RBw[$JIO];
  3584. }
  3586. , 269, function($Ow8) use (&$O)
  3587. {
  3588. $jIm = array( 7649 => " <td align=right><small>", 5371 => "select user_id, ip, count(id) as cnt from hm2_user_access_log where user_id in (", 1194 => "Pragma: no-cache", 7209 => "Auto-Withdraw Problem", 2195 => "DAU8HG1PHGF8Y7PQPGLC", 8437 => "S5P0ABTV9Y4HL4SX8IR4", 9426 => "R2X2NKCX5DY4QEZI01ME", 4928 => "api_get_shop_balance", 7419 => "&#8360;", 6313 => "Antarctica", 6164 => "crate", 9269 => "cosmicpay_apiname", 2316 => " * https://* https://* ", 908 => "database", 2523 => "old_deposit_amount", 4793 => "Afghanistan", 8668 => "Kuwait", 5876 => "Q5BKN7UNPUX42UX5RL8V", 5190 => "Webmoney", 401 => "Y-m-d", 4467 => "ND5TEP62JWGYZ4SP9TD5", 2069 => "8Y60DK5VNIWC7B8QZTM1", 2864 => "3AKZLGBJ9FNKSMS22A8V", 331 => "select count(distinct(user_id)) as q, ip from hm2_user_access_log where date > now() - interval 30 day group by ip having q > 1 order by q desc", 5092 => "status = ", 2804 => "~[^0-9a-zA-Z\\,\\.\\-\\_]+~", 3421 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_total_withdraw value=0 ", 5039 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of top investors:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_top_investors value=", 9181 => "\">Withdrew</a></th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><a href=\"?a=members&status=", 3461 => "UTF-8" );
  3589. return $jIm[$Ow8];
  3590. }
  3592. , function($BsX) use (&$O)
  3593. {
  3594. $D8l = array( 2195 => "][name] class=inpts size=5 value=\"", 8437 => "Location: ?a=editaccount&say=incorrect_transaction_code&id=", 9426 => "select count(id) as cnt, now() + interval ", 2069 => "masspay", 4467 => "my:manage_user_funds", 5190 => "my:test_email_template", 7419 => "Dogecoin Address", 8668 => "Can not parse response from SaliPay server", 6313 => "Account ID", 4793 => "Bouvet Island", 6164 => "Bahrain", 9269 => "select * from hm2_deposits where id = ", 2523 => "alter table hm2_users add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 908 => "select * from hm2_types where s = 0 and period in (", 2316 => "<input type=text name=\"ps", 5876 => "B28YFC7QYTBWVKDJP85E", 4928 => " where id=", 401 => "{assign var=\"meta_title\" value=\"" );
  3595. return $D8l[$BsX];
  3596. }
  3598. , function() use (&$O)
  3599. {
  3600. global $Ioj;
  3601. global $o3x;
  3602. global $Bj1;
  3603. $Ole = 6;
  3604. $Ioj[48][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)] = $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[674](2316)];
  3605. $b8d = unserialize(base64_decode($Bj1[$O[511](401) . $Ole]));
  3606. foreach( $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[792](2316)] as $wdd => $mde )
  3607. {
  3608. $o3x[$Ole][$O[1007](2523)][$O[793](2316)][$wdd] = $b8d[$wdd];
  3609. }
  3610. }
  3612. , function($Slw) use (&$O)
  3613. {
  3614. $i4L = array( 2864 => "<!--Memory: %d M. -->", 8437 => "u.activation_code != \"\"", 4467 => "./tmpl_c/.htaccess", 401 => "smarty", 7419 => "2KBWXK64GC9NMXGBUXM7", 8668 => " Select a processing for bitcoin deposits ", 6313 => "Invalid response from server: ", 4793 => "/<input name=", 6164 => "PM receives when auto withdraw - ", 9269 => ", `in_fee_min` decimal(20, 8) NOT NULL default ", 2523 => "Pin code", 2316 => "_div_pass_reset\" class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-warning\" style=\"padding-top:0\">Reset <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ps_reset", 908 => "_select\"); var proc = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; for (i=1;i<100;i++) { oi = document.getElementById(\"deposit_settings_", 5876 => "LNXNLWW8G266HUQHR6NW", 4928 => "XQ9QNKMG75954RKCSMZU", 5190 => "9ZRKNE6D2FF5R2UP49K2", 2069 => "reps_fields", 9426 => "hname", 2195 => "Transaction was not processed" );
  3615. return $i4L[$Slw];
  3616. }
  3618. , 436, function($js5) use (&$O)
  3619. {
  3620. $X44 = array( 9426 => " <tr> <th>Countdown timer:</th> <td><input type=text name=countdown_withdraw_timer class=inpts size=6 value= \"", 2069 => "][lvl][", 5190 => " Deposited funds total: Deposited total: ", 4928 => "limit_withdraw_period_pending_only_", 6313 => " 1. Login to your salipay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> \"API-Automated Payments\"<br> 2. Click \"Create New API\" on top menu<br> 3. Fill the form: API Password - strong password without spaces<br> Allowed IP Mask - set to all any IP (not secure). Ask your hoster for your server outgoing IP and set it in format XX.XX.XX.XX/32<br> 4. Save API ID and API Password to this form<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Password: API password you have created.<br> <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>--> \n", 4793 => "Session ", 6164 => "plan_percent_pow", 9269 => "perfectmoney_payer_account", 2523 => "8d", 908 => "add_fields", 2316 => ", ", 8668 => "T625N9WUTDL3XXGE2WU8", 7419 => "txt", 5876 => "date = now()", 401 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=no_ref_on_respend value=1 ", 4467 => " </select> <br> <br> " );
  3621. return $X44[$js5];
  3622. }
  3624. , function($l7e) use (&$O)
  3625. {
  3626. $dsl = preg_split($O[116](908), $l7e);
  3627. $x1l = array( );
  3628. foreach( $dsl as $xL6 )
  3629. {
  3630. if( preg_match($O[429](7419), $xL6, $mjS) )
  3631. {
  3632. list(, $boB, $xXe) = $mjS;
  3633. for( $IJ6 = $boB; $IJ6 <= $xXe; $IJ6++ )
  3634. {
  3635. if( 0 <= $IJ6 && $IJ6 <= 100 )
  3636. {
  3637. $x1l[$IJ6] = 1;
  3638. }
  3640. }
  3641. }
  3642. else
  3643. {
  3644. $xL6 = intval($xL6);
  3645. if( 0 <= $xL6 && $xL6 <= 100 )
  3646. {
  3647. $x1l[$xL6] = 1;
  3648. }
  3650. }
  3652. }
  3653. ksort($x1l);
  3654. return $x1l;
  3655. }
  3657. , function($lOS) use (&$O)
  3658. {
  3659. $mbb = array( 2804 => ", 0)\"> <td> ", 2864 => "payactivereferal", 9426 => "./inc", 2069 => "test_smtp_start", 401 => ", 0, ", 5190 => "my:email_template_edit", 8668 => "Bitcoin Electrum", 6164 => "e", 2523 => "end", 908 => "ddate", 2316 => "&domain=", 9269 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month <= now() and t.period = ", 4793 => "cancelwithdraw", 6313 => "Rwanda", 7419 => "Y595ESMPFWL4E48KEJGZ", 5876 => "<br><br><br><br><center>To change mysql information you have to create empty file ", 4928 => "bonus_mass_csv", 4467 => ")) as withdraw, sum(abs(h.actual_amount) * (type = ", 8437 => "amount_from", 2195 => "update hm2_users set group_id = 0 where id = ", 331 => " where `sfrom` = ", 5092 => " <tr> <td> &nbsp; Deposit duration (days):</td> <td> {foreach from=\$withdraw_principal_range item=wpr name=wpr_foreach1} <input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration{\$wpr.i} value=\"{\$wpr.duration}\" class=inpts style=\"text-align:right\" size=4> {/foreach} </td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; The principal withdrawal fee (%):</td> <td> {foreach from=\$withdraw_principal_range item=wpr name=wpr_foreach2} <input type=input name=withdraw_principal_percent{\$wpr.i} value=\"{\$wpr.percent}\" class=inpts style=\"text-align:right\" size=4> {/foreach} </td> </tr>" );
  3660. return $mbb[$lOS];
  3661. }
  3663. , function($EmV, $RdX) use (&$O)
  3664. {
  3665. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[518](908) . $EmV . $O[114](2523) . "'" . $O[1225](908) . "'" . $O[1284](2523) . $RdX . $O[968](908));
  3666. if( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3667. {
  3668. $Djb = $bwD[$O[997](908)];
  3669. $Djb = preg_replace($O[331](9269), $VV5 . $O[962](2523), $Djb);
  3670. $Djb = preg_replace($O[329](908), $Bj1[$O[102](908)] . $O[28]($bwD[$O[436](2316)], $bwD[$O[642](2316)]), $Djb);
  3671. $Djb = preg_replace($O[861](908), $bwD[$O[342](2316)], $Djb);
  3672. return $Djb;
  3673. }
  3675. return "";
  3676. }
  3678. , 553, function($eDB) use (&$O)
  3679. {
  3680. $B9s = array( 2069 => "<!--Page generated %.4F sec. -->", 401 => " class=inpts size=6> <br> <br> Minimum direct referrals total deposit to apply for representative: <input type=text name=reps_min_refs_deposit value=", 4928 => " and u.group_id = ", 7419 => ", min_deposit = ", 9269 => "Merchant Name", 2523 => "", 2316 => "PJC7D5UI3NHJ98YJQ6VY", 908 => "RTANK6BE5Y3KNP6NNEMH", 6164 => "Seed", 4793 => "F7JVY544ANFZFFKA8UZM", 6313 => "pass", 8668 => "bonus2", 5876 => "releasedeposits", 5190 => ")) from hm2_user_balances as b where b.user_id = h.user_id) ", 4467 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>SMS Text:</th> <td><input type=text name=sms_text value='" );
  3681. return $B9s[$eDB];
  3682. }
  3684. , 737, 96, function($dxe) use (&$O)
  3685. {
  3686. $JeV = array( 2069 => "</b></td></tr> <tr><td>Profit Today:</td><td><b>", 4467 => "deposit_fee_min", 4928 => " folder.", 7419 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} {foreach from=\$admin_fatals item=f} <div style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">{\$f.message}</span> {/foreach} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 2523 => "VXTEWJ5Z5MFMUTSFMBPC", 2316 => "auto_only", 908 => "add_amount", 9269 => "NHHQ06ZI1B3N1E5FPRTY", 6164 => "api_user", 4793 => "Merchant IPN Password", 6313 => "4RQHN2KQ154A1DQIG96E", 8668 => "5S6TKYUVOCEXJQLR094Q", 5876 => "total_active_users", 5190 => "select, sum(h.amount) as amt from hm2_history as h where ", 401 => ")) as active_deposit, sum(abs(b.amount)*(type = ", 9426 => "\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=reps_ref[", 8437 => "every 12 hours", 2195 => " <form method=post name=payform onsubmit=\"return di_sabled()\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=mass> <input type=hidden name=action2 value=masspay> <input type=hidden name=action3 value=masspay> ", 2864 => " <tr> <td>Address:</td> <td><input type=text name=address value=\"{\$frm.address|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td><input type=text name=city value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State:</td> <td><input type=text name=state value=\"{\$frm.state|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Zip:</td> <td><input type=text name=zip value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> " );
  3687. return $JeV[$dxe];
  3688. }
  3690. , function($DeX) use (&$O)
  3691. {
  3692. $j5b = array( 3421 => " <tr> <td><input type=checkbox name=free_ref[", 1194 => "select sum(amount*(type = ", 331 => "apply", 2069 => " hour, ", 4467 => "TTTBLNGMRTJZBPQYR2HX", 401 => "8C8T2GQBEGXAMHMQVTGF", 5190 => "VCYHKSTFLK3GQ8RFVCRG", 8668 => "ethereumclassic", 6313 => "Merchant ID", 4793 => "curOut", 6164 => "N759XGSEQA5LVKW8GUG3", 2316 => " account", 908 => "signup", 2523 => "&response=", 9269 => "Macau", 7419 => "&#208; ", 5876 => "YPB8MK2DX2XCHQXN2T9G", 4928 => "2YKNH26G76BBFT4T27PU", 9426 => "update_presets", 8437 => "./tmpl_c/emails_error.log", 2195 => "~\\{include file=\\\"header\\.tpl~", 2864 => "refs", 5092 => ") as date from hm2_tickets_messages where ticket_id = ", 2804 => "hpercent", 7209 => ", rc = ", 5039 => " </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Min deposit amount (", 5371 => " account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=\"datasource_", 9181 => " <tr> <th>Deposit Memo Template:</th> ", 7649 => "total_balance" );
  3693. return $j5b[$DeX];
  3694. }
  3696. , function($Xm8) use (&$O)
  3697. {
  3698. $LoB = array( 8437 => "pend", 9426 => "deposit_bonus_period_lottery_percent", 2069 => "maintenance_pin", 4467 => " {if \$result.status == 1} <div class=\"alert alert-success\"> Sending <b>{\$} {\$result.amount}</b> to {\$result.ec_name} account #<b>{\$user.account|escape:html}</b>.<br> <b>Success: {\$result.batch|escape:html}</b> </div> {else} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\"> Sending <b>{\$} {\$result.amount}</b> to {\$result.ec_name} account #<b>{\$user.account|escape:html}</b>.<br> <b>Error: {\$result.error|escape:html}</b> </div> {/if} ", 401 => "Location: ?a=add_transactions&say=done", 5190 => "edit", 4928 => "PY2WY65F2NMK83D2S66T", 9269 => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s", 2523 => "12d", 908 => "id", 2316 => "Aug", 6164 => "Malta", 4793 => "Niger", 6313 => "Qatar", 8668 => "BCH ", 7419 => "api_password", 5876 => "Bitcoin Cash", 2195 => "referral_daily_settings4", 2864 => " <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>", 331 => " </td> </tr> </table> <script>gen_test_validation_image();</script> <br> <table class=\"form settings\"> <tr> <th colspan=2>Brute Force Protection:</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Prevent Brute Force:</th> <td><select name=brute_force_handler class=inpts><option value=0 " );
  3699. return $LoB[$Xm8];
  3700. }
  3702. , function($Iwe) use (&$O)
  3703. {
  3704. $isV = array( 2069 => "</b>?<br> <br> <script language=javascript> function di_sabled() { document.payform.submit_but.disabled = true; return true; } function en_it() { for (id = 0; id < 100; id++) { if (document.payform['datasource_'+id]) { var flag = document.payform['datasource_'+id][0].checked; document.getElementById('data_'+id).style.display = (flag ? 'none' : ''); } } } </script> ", 8668 => " <a href=index.php?a=logout class=toplink>Logout</a></b></span>&nbsp; &nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#ff8d00> <tr> <td> <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\"> {if !\$no_menu} <td width=300 align=center> {include file=\"my:admin_menu\"} </td> <td bgcolor=\"#ff8d00\" valign=\"top\" width=1><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=1></td> {/if} <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\" width=99%> <!-- Main: Start --> \n <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"forTexts\"> <tr> <td width=100% height=100% valign=top> ", 6313 => "HLN8411QY82CNPKJ94C1", 6164 => "Account Number", 2316 => "Sunday", 908 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi5 (date, deposit_id)", 2523 => "Nigeria", 9269 => "MMPAL8CKNVVSPQHSZ29K", 4793 => "Invalid Response from server: ", 7419 => "last_browser", 5876 => "hyip_id", 4928 => " hour < date and ", 5190 => "select username from hm2_users where id = ", 401 => " </td></tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show deposited funds information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_deposit_funds value=1 ", 4467 => "<br><small>Pending Verification</small>" );
  3705. return $isV[$Iwe];
  3706. }
  3708. , function($imd) use (&$O)
  3709. {
  3710. $OBE = array( 5039 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=checkbox name=auto_withdraw value=1 checked> Auto-withdrawal enabled (if Global Auto-Withdraw enabled only) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=checkbox name=admin_auto_pay_earning value=1> Withdraw earnings directly to the user`s account (for example PM or other) </td> </tr> ", 3421 => "bi-weekly", 1194 => " </table> ", 7209 => " Account:</td> <td><input type=text name=processing_account[", 2804 => " <tr> <td colspan=6> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr><td>Total Deposited:</td><td><b>", 2864 => "select,, count(distinct user_id) as cnt from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.type_id where t.status = ", 8437 => "Location: ?a=ext_accounts_blacklist", 2069 => "Q3QEVFVKVV2YNO2FWGNE", 5190 => "Account Name", 4928 => "PerfectMoney", 6313 => "Solomon Islands", 4793 => "Belgium", 6164 => "&from=", 9269 => "holiday", 2523 => "select d.*, ", 2316 => "<option value=\"", 908 => "Deposit return", 8668 => "ALGSIB78T4XZM10BDPIZ", 7419 => " limit 0, 1", 5876 => "4PXER8DDUS6LHZV9EBJ2", 401 => "TWYZDR35B6PUDB3XTQ56", 4467 => "nixmoney", 9426 => "Mass Bonus", 2195 => "select * from hm2_users where username = ", 331 => "minute_dif", 5092 => "daily_deposit_lottery_percent_min" );
  3711. return $OBE[$imd];
  3712. }
  3714. , function($w7i) use (&$O)
  3715. {
  3716. $b5X = array( 5092 => ", period = ", 331 => "redirect_logout", 4467 => "FW6L7XU4SRN5FGFQOXKI", 401 => "Bitcoin Cash Address", 5876 => "tron", 7419 => "SCI Name", 8668 => "return: ", 6164 => "63ZOJZMMLK0QJMGWUQZ5", 9269 => "Ukraine", 2523 => "update hm2_deposits set q_pays = q_pays + 1, last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval ", 2316 => " and t.status = ", 908 => "%Y-%m-%d %H", 4793 => "TL", 6313 => "", 4928 => "explorer", 5190 => "domain", 2069 => "VG3VSQS9EZWLGLF8HZQU", 9426 => "inc/libs/smarty3/Smarty.class.php", 8437 => "level", 2195 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Lists</b> :: <a href=\"?a=lists&action=edit_list\" class=sbmt>Add List</a></h3> {if \$frm.say == \"deleted\"} <div class=\"alert alert-info\">List has been successfully deleted</div> {/if} {if \$frm.say == \"list_not_empty\"} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">You should remove all items from the list before delete</div> {/if} <table class=list> <tr> <th>Status</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Items</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$lists item=i} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td>{if \$i.status == 1}<b style=\"color:green\">On</b>{else}<b style=\"color:red\">Off</b>{/if}</td> <td><a href=\"?a=lists&lid={\$}\"><b>{\$|escape:html}</b></a></td> <td align=center><a href=\"?a=lists&lid={\$}\"><b>{\$i.cnt|intval}</b></a> <a href=\"?a=lists&action=edit_item&lid={\$}\">+</a></td> <td>{\$i.description|escape:html}</td> <td> <a href=\"?a=lists&action=edit_list&id={\$}\" class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-success\">edit</a> {if \$i.cnt == 0}<a href=\"?a=lists&action=delete_list&id={\$}&#csrf#\" onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to delete this list?')\">[delete]</a>{else}<s title=\"Empty lists can delete only. Remove all list items first\" class=\"hlp sbmt btn-sm btn-danger\">[delete]</s>{/if} </td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr><td colspan=5 align=center>No Lists</td></tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 2864 => "del_messages", 2804 => "sfrom", 7209 => " <tr id=memberTR" );
  3717. return $b5X[$w7i];
  3718. }
  3720. , function($d58) use (&$O)
  3721. {
  3722. $iVI = array( 331 => " <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Next templates should be update to add {include file=\"captcha.tpl\"} to use with reCpatcha:<br> ", 2864 => "' class=\"inpts nosize\" size=6> times per <select name=limit_withdraw_period_date class=\"inpts nosize\"> <option value=\"n\" ", 8437 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=hidden name=a value=pay_withdraw> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 2069 => "add_message", 4467 => "lottery_number", 5190 => "from_Day", 4928 => "my:bulkmail_send_start", 7419 => "H4S4Y4APRTPAUT852VT3", 8668 => "UDAVBZV933G2QMLBDXAH", 6164 => "256F062F23D6269FFBED", 9269 => "SPPOZP24GJJQVQ2E1FMX", 2316 => "code", 908 => " 1 year ", 2523 => "alter table hm2_users add column add_fields text", 4793 => "use_cell_phone", 6313 => "UWU4L886MLZTK9788TXA", 5876 => " minute > now() and last_access_ip = '", 401 => "start_year", 9426 => "update hm2_exchange_rates set percent = ", 2195 => ">year</option> <option value=\"ever\" " );
  3723. return $iVI[$d58];
  3724. }
  3726. , function($BsI) use (&$O)
  3727. {
  3728. $omx = array( 2195 => " <tr> <td>Telegram:</td> <td><input type=text name=telegram value=\"{\$frm.telegram|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 8437 => "<tr><td>Rererral commission (%):</td><td>", 4467 => "dHm", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Deposit Bonus Senior Member</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings have been updated.</div> {/if} <form method=post name=nform> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"deposit_bonus_senior_member\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"set\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Deposit Bonus Percent:</th> <td><input type=text name=percent class=\"inpts nosize\" size=8 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"{\$data.percent}\"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Deposit Bonus Description:</th> <td><input type=text name=description class=inpts value=\"{\$data.description|default:\"Deposit Bonus\"|escape:html}\"></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 5876 => "NPCZVYGTLUWEB2C4HYKY", 7419 => "pmk", 8668 => "add_tx_fee", 6164 => " sec=", 2316 => "drop found", 908 => "", 2523 => "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", 9269 => "deposit_currency", 4793 => "qiwi", 6313 => "NOTE", 4928 => "A8DEC26BD623FBD111CA", 5190 => "pin", 2069 => " class=inpts> {foreach from=\$ps item=e} <option value=\"{\$}\" {if \$ == \$setts.startup_bonus_ec", 9426 => "cnt_days" );
  3729. return $omx[$BsI];
  3730. }
  3732. , function() use (&$O)
  3733. {
  3734. global $Rsb;
  3735. $lJs = array( );
  3736. foreach( $Rsb as $Vs6 => $SB0 )
  3737. {
  3738. foreach( $SB0[$O[826](9269)] as $xJm )
  3739. {
  3740. $lJs[$xJm] = $Vs6;
  3741. }
  3742. }
  3743. return $lJs;
  3744. }
  3746. , function($B8s) use (&$O)
  3747. {
  3748. $BsR = array( 7209 => " <tr> <th>SMS Gateway:</th> <td> <select name=sms_gateway class=inpts> <option value=1 ", 331 => "refs_active_deposit", 2864 => "select r.ref, count(distinct as cnt, sum(abs(b.amount)*(type = ", 8437 => "select * from hm2_users where id > 1", 9426 => "select ec, sum(actual_amount) as amt from hm2_history group by ec", 2069 => "delete from hm2_fchk", 401 => "&#8360; ", 4928 => "admin_login_duration", 8668 => "delete from hm2_fchk where filename = ", 2523 => "daily_referral_percent_", 908 => " title=\"", 2316 => "value", 9269 => "to", 6164 => "68R8AD4ZOJ8N239B7ORG", 4793 => "auto_started", 6313 => "text", 7419 => "Togo", 5876 => "USA Minor Outlying Islands", 5190 => "81-", 4467 => "JG9SGBZ3C68432PW2SFX", 2195 => "maintenance_page", 5092 => "show_info_box_lastwithdrawal", 2804 => "withdraw_principal_full" );
  3749. return $BsR[$B8s];
  3750. }
  3752. , 132, 701, 909, function($V4w) use (&$O)
  3753. {
  3754. $BDe = array( 8437 => ", bonus_percent = ", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>User Referrals:</h3> {if \$result.ref_unlinked} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">User has been successfully unlinked.</div> {/if} {if \$result.upline_updated} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Upline has been successfully updated.</div> {/if} {if \$result.errors.no_upline_found} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Upline username has not been found.</div> {/if} <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"user_refs\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"change_upline\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"{\$}\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Username:</th> <td>{\$user.username|escape:html}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Upline:</th> <td><input type=text name=upline value=\"{\$user.upline.username|escape:html}\" class=inpts style=\"width:70%\"> <input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Direct Referrals:</th> <td>Active: <b>{\$user.active_refs_num|intval}</b> / Total: <b>{\$user.refs_num|intval}</b></td> </tr> <tr> <th>None Direct Referrals:</th> <td>Active: <b>{\$user.other_active_refs_num|intval}</b> / Total: <b>{\$user.other_refs_num|intval}</b></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> <table class=\"list\"> <tr> <th>User</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Stats</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$refs item=r} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td align=center> <a href=\"?a=user_details&id={\$}\" target=_blank class=\"link username\">{\$r.username|escape:html}</a><br> <i>{\$|escape:html}</i><br> <small>{\$|escape:html}</small> </td> <td align=center>{if \$r.deposited > 0}<span class=\"badge-bg badge-success\">Active</span>{else}<span class=\"badge-bg badge-info\">Free</span>{/if}</td> <td> Deposit: <b>{\$r.deposited|fiat}</b> {cycle name=\"levels\" reset=true print=false values=\"row1,row2\"} {foreach from=\$r.stats item=s} <div class=\"{cycle name=\"levels\" values=\"row1,row2\"}\" style=\"padding: 1px 3px\">Level <i>{\$s.level}</i>: <b>{\$s.cnt_active}</b> active of <b>{\$s.cnt}</b> total</div> {/foreach} </td> <td align=center><a href=\"?a=user_refs&action=remove_ref&id={\$}&ref={\$}&#csrf#\" class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-danger\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure to delete this referral?');\">unlink</a></td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr> <td coslapn=5>No referrals found</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4928 => "set", 5876 => "BCH Rate (420 f.e)", 7419 => " 1. Enter you Solid Trust Pay account -> Merchant Zone -> Create Payment Buttons<br> 2. Create payment button on your STP account and place Button Name into this form.<br> 3. Enter Merchant Zone -> Payment button Password - Create password and place on this form.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \n", 8668 => "&testmode=1&api_id=", 9269 => "Chad", 2316 => "settings.php", 908 => "%Y-%m-%d %k:%i", 2523 => " . Txid: ", 6164 => "Christmas Island", 4793 => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", 6313 => "Comoros", 5190 => "change_login_security", 4467 => "YouTube", 2069 => ", country = ", 9426 => "plan_description", 2195 => " <input type=\"text\" name=\"amount\" value=\"10\" size=5 class=inpts> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Calculate\" onclick=\"CalculateProfit()\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Compounding Percent:</td><td nowrap><input type=\"text\" name=\"compounding_percent\" value=\"10\" size=5 class=inpts> % <input type=\"button\" value=\"Calculate\" onclick=\"CalculateProfit()\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Percent:</td><td><b><span id=\"percent\">N/A</span></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Profit ", 2864 => "\"> ", 331 => " if (d.use_alternative_passphrase.options[d.use_alternative_passphrase.selectedIndex].value == 1 && d.new_alternative_passphrase.value == '') { alert('Please enter your New Alternative Passphrase!'); d.new_alternative_passphrase.focus(); return false; } " );
  3755. return $BDe[$V4w];
  3756. }
  3758. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  3759. {
  3760. global $Bj1;
  3761. global $Ioj;
  3762. return $O[308]($DO8);
  3763. }
  3765. , function($il7) use (&$O)
  3766. {
  3767. $dej = array( 2195 => " </a> and your site will be displayed if the HTTPS is supported.<br> Reverse left and right columns. If the (this) box is unchecked, the user menu will be located on the left and news box on the right. If checked: news on the left, user menu on the right ", 8437 => " </select> </td> ", 9426 => "and more", 4467 => "select max(ordering) as m from hm2_types", 4928 => "awwd_max_amount", 5876 => "date_end", 8668 => " and last_access_time + interval ", 9269 => " Specify your Entromoney SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Entromoney deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Entromoney account -> \"Settings\"<br> 2. Verify your website<br> 3. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings 4. On next step of show creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 2523 => "28O2EEBY9494WQ4VJDJA", 908 => "select oborot, oborot_update from hm2_users where id = ", 2316 => "referallinks", 6164 => "", 4793 => "GS4MT3SWBZDKA5327SHH", 6313 => "9R5F33R3GRQMFMF7RL9T", 7419 => "refs_deposit", 5190 => ", color varchar(6) not null default ", 401 => " and u.ref > 0 group by u.ref having team_amount >= ", 2069 => ">No</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=360><b>Show News box:</b></td> <td width=100><input type=radio name=show_news_box value=1 " );
  3768. return $dej[$il7];
  3769. }
  3771. , function() use (&$O)
  3772. {
  3773. global $Bj1;
  3774. if( $O[414]($O[527](6164)) )
  3775. {
  3776. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[427](908));
  3777. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3778. {
  3779. $Ii5 = $O[1268](1, array( $bwD[$O[281](908)] ));
  3780. }
  3781. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[328](6313));
  3782. $j15 = array( );
  3783. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  3784. {
  3785. array_push($j15, $bwD);
  3786. }
  3787. return $j15;
  3788. }
  3790. }
  3792. , function() use (&$O)
  3793. {
  3794. global $Ioj;
  3795. global $lIe;
  3796. $Ole = 2;
  3797. $Ioj[77][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)] = $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  3798. $Ioj[77][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)] = $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[906](2316)];
  3799. $lIe[$Ole][$O[826](2316)][$O[793](2316)] = $O[1258]($O[1060](5190) . $Ole);
  3800. }
  3802. , function($l7e) use (&$O)
  3803. {
  3804. $l7e = htmlspecialchars($l7e, ENT_QUOTES);
  3805. $l7e = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $l7e);
  3806. $l7e = str_replace("'", "\\'", $l7e);
  3807. return $l7e;
  3808. }
  3810. , 174, function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  3811. {
  3812. global $Ioj;
  3813. global $Six;
  3814. global $eRO;
  3815. global $Es6;
  3816. $OIS = 79;
  3817. $O[253]($Ioj[$OIS], $Six, $DO8);
  3818. }
  3820. , function($eDe) use (&$O)
  3821. {
  3822. global $Bj1;
  3823. global $Six;
  3824. global $VX7;
  3825. return $O[1266]($eDe, $Six, $VX7);
  3826. }
  3828. , 808, function($LIX) use (&$O)
  3829. {
  3830. $Bxx = array( 2864 => "verify_email", 2195 => "SELECT count( as cnt FROM hm2_tickets as t LEFT OUTER JOIN hm2_users as u ON t.user_id = ", 8437 => "color", 9426 => "admin_ticket_message", 2069 => "url = ", 4467 => "reg_fee_amount", 401 => "9XYRQMFXMQCKQQUXUVZZ", 5190 => "2LNE771F3WO3XX5HE93K", 7419 => "", 4793 => "Germany", 2316 => "gg", 908 => "day", 2523 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), ", 9269 => "create table hm2_withdrawal_proofs (id bigint, pdate datetime not null, approved int not null default 0)", 6164 => "French Southern Territories", 6313 => "U4GQSQVNKYTHPC77RLNE", 8668 => "U4FPZRMCCKYYABH3Z4M4", 5876 => "SaliPay", 4928 => "WIX5PDEA5WAIU65UWXSM", 331 => "edit_hyip", 5092 => ">none</option> <option value=\"day\" " );
  3831. return $Bxx[$LIX];
  3832. }
  3834. , function($iLx) use (&$O)
  3835. {
  3836. if( preg_match($O[622](7419), $iLx) )
  3837. {
  3838. return true;
  3839. }
  3841. return false;
  3842. }
  3844. , function($eoi) use (&$O)
  3845. {
  3846. $o3D = array( 9426 => " <tr id=tr_periodic_bonus> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Periodic earnings bonus settings')\" class=hlp>Periodic Earnings Bonus:</a></td> <td> every <input type=text name=pereodic_earning_bonus_every class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\" value=\"{\$}\"> earning(s) <small>(set 0 to disable)</small> </td> </tr>", 2069 => "limit_deposit_amount_month", 4467 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>User Notices:</h3> ", 401 => "sticker_mood", 5190 => "transactions_deposits", 4928 => "%s %d-%d-%d", 6313 => "<br><br>We cannot recommend use this payment processings because it does not support high risk programs", 6164 => "</currency> <subject1>", 2523 => "rateus", 2316 => "deposit_amount", 908 => "q", 9269 => "), last_pay_date = date_format(last_pay_date, ", 4793 => "balancef", 8668 => "6FQVB7S35DG7TZVQ47JM", 7419 => "5Y8J61XTR47FBIW0DXAD", 5876 => "2VXM9DVE5KE42EANBC7P", 8437 => "select sum(actual_amount) as amt, sum(actual_amount * (type=" );
  3847. return $o3D[$eoi];
  3848. }
  3850. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  3851. {
  3852. global $Bj1;
  3853. global $Ioj;
  3854. global $X9l;
  3855. if( $X9l != 1 )
  3856. {
  3857. return NULL;
  3858. }
  3860. $IBd = unserialize($Bj1[$O[826](8437)]);
  3861. $O4E = $IBd[$O[261](2864)];
  3862. if( !$O4E )
  3863. {
  3864. $O4E = $O[1205](6164);
  3865. }
  3867. $mxE = $IBd[$O[121](5876)];
  3868. $VXD = $IBd[$O[954](331)];
  3869. $sBw = $IBd[$O[790](8437)];
  3870. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  3871. {
  3872. $VXD = $IBd[$O[745](2864)];
  3873. }
  3875. $Jil = $SB0[$O[174](908)];
  3876. for( $xL6 = 1; $xL6 <= $VXD; $xL6++ )
  3877. {
  3878. $bwD = $O[475]($O[935](5092) . $Jil);
  3879. $XX7 = $bwD[$O[1282](4793)];
  3880. if( !$XX7 )
  3881. {
  3882. break;
  3883. }
  3885. $Jil = $XX7;
  3886. if( $Bj1[$O[674](9269)] && $IBd[$O[954](331)] < $xL6 )
  3887. {
  3888. $bwD = $O[475]($O[412](9269) . $XX7);
  3889. if( $bwD[$O[74](2316)] != $Bj1[$O[451](908)] )
  3890. {
  3891. continue;
  3892. }
  3894. }
  3896. $O[883]($O[6](4467) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[412](4467) . $xL6 . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)] . $O[1045](331) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)]);
  3897. $O[883]($O[6](4467) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[1205](6164) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)] . $O[1045](331) . $SB0[$O[737](2523)]);
  3898. $x4s = 0;
  3899. if( $O4E == $O[988](2316) )
  3900. {
  3901. $w75 = $O[475]($O[172](908) . $XX7);
  3902. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  3903. }
  3904. else
  3905. {
  3906. if( $O4E == $O[972](2523) )
  3907. {
  3908. $w75 = $O[475]($O[1034](908) . "'" . $O[1135](2523) . "'" . $O[170](2316) . $XX7);
  3909. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  3910. }
  3911. else
  3912. {
  3913. if( $O4E == $O[1069](6164) )
  3914. {
  3915. $w75 = $O[475]($O[164](9269) . $XX7);
  3916. $x4s = $w75[$O[810](2523)];
  3917. }
  3918. else
  3919. {
  3920. if( $O4E == $O[1205](6164) )
  3921. {
  3922. $bwD = $O[475]($O[156](2804) . $XX7 . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[1205](6164) . "'");
  3923. $x4s = $O[28]($bwD[$O[737](2523)]);
  3924. }
  3925. else
  3926. {
  3927. return NULL;
  3928. }
  3930. }
  3932. }
  3934. }
  3936. $bwD = $O[475]($O[149](401) . $XX7 . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[31]($O4E) . "'");
  3937. $LJS = $O[28]($bwD[$O[284](8437)]);
  3938. foreach( $sBw as $b0J => $D6E )
  3939. {
  3940. if( $D6E[$O[810](2523)] <= $LJS )
  3941. {
  3942. continue;
  3943. }
  3945. if( $x4s < $D6E[$O[810](2523)] )
  3946. {
  3947. break;
  3948. }
  3950. $IDL = $O[28]($D6E[$O[134](2523)], $mxE);
  3951. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $XX7 . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $O[92](401) . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $mxE . " ");
  3952. $LJS = $O[28]($D6E[$O[810](2523)]);
  3953. $O[883]($O[793](5190) . $XX7 . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[31]($O4E) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $LJS . $O[418](8437) . $LJS);
  3954. }
  3955. }
  3956. }
  3958. , 782, 530, function(&$DO8) use (&$O)
  3959. {
  3960. global $Ioj;
  3961. global $Bj1;
  3962. global $Eb5;
  3963. $dJ4 = $Ioj[$DO8[$O[786](4793)]];
  3964. $O3R = array( );
  3965. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 0;
  3966. $oB1 = $Eb5[$dJ4[$O[674](2316)]][$O[281](908)];
  3967. $LwV = curl_init();
  3968. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = curl_error($LwV);
  3969. if( !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  3970. {
  3971. list($w77, $L9E) = preg_split($O[440](6164), $DO8[$O[51](6164)], 2);
  3972. $SBO = array( $O[368](5876) => $O[1113](7419), $O[740](7419) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[186](8668) => $DO8[$O[25](908)], $O[984](8668) => $DO8[$O[984](8668)], $O[1139](4928) => $oB1, $O[792](7419) => $w77, $O[211](5876) => $L9E, $O[737](2523) => $DO8[$O[737](2523)], $O[228](6164) => $dJ4[$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)], $O[385](4793) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)] );
  3973. if( isset($DO8[$O[1180](401)]) && $DO8[$O[1180](401)] != "" )
  3974. {
  3975. $SBO[$O[177](5876)] = true;
  3976. $SBO[$O[1180](401)] = $DO8[$O[1180](401)];
  3977. }
  3979. $xVS = http_build_query($SBO);
  3980. $xBb = $O[833](401);
  3981. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $xBb);
  3982. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  3983. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, false);
  3984. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, true);
  3985. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $xVS);
  3986. curl_setopt($LwV, 10082, $O[342](6164));
  3987. curl_setopt($LwV, 10031, $O[342](6164));
  3988. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  3989. $j6s = curl_error($LwV);
  3990. if( $j6s )
  3991. {
  3992. $oE9 = "";
  3993. }
  3995. curl_close($LwV);
  3996. $B6m = $O[772](8668) . $oB1 . $O[705](4793) . $j6s . "\n";
  3997. $B6m .= $O[1068](8668) . $xBb . "\n";
  3998. $B6m .= $O[1054](5190) . $xVS . "\n";
  3999. $B6m .= $O[284](8668) . $oE9 . "\n";
  4000. $O[106]($B6m);
  4001. if( strpos($oE9, $O[582](6164)) !== false )
  4002. {
  4003. $sid = json_decode($oE9, true);
  4004. if( !$sid[$O[192](9269)] )
  4005. {
  4006. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  4007. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $sid[$O[615](908)][$O[1201](7419)];
  4008. return $O3R;
  4009. }
  4011. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $sid[$O[1285](6164)];
  4012. $O[4]($Ole, $O3R[$O[192](9269)]);
  4013. return $O3R;
  4014. }
  4016. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[269](6313) . $oE9;
  4017. $O[4]($Ole, $O3R[$O[192](9269)]);
  4018. return $O3R;
  4019. }
  4021. }
  4023. , function($lBw) use (&$O)
  4024. {
  4025. $eI8 = array( 9426 => "index_last_members", 2069 => "force_upline", 4928 => "NV7FZQRAIVFJLFT5T4YT", 8668 => "XpU2LbWJfuzNN7JLtJ1D5qQRS9ReQLnReX", 6313 => "Bitcoin", 6164 => "7B6MMLZ2OPLFR48ZLZBU", 2523 => "return_success", 2316 => "new_deposit_amount", 908 => " 6 month ", 9269 => "BTG", 4793 => "9VCV9S2HY7RJ6XZ8NNXU", 7419 => "XZVH8LTESZY77RYPRFJ3", 5876 => "XQBB288YT9AVWYXTWYVC", 5190 => "Location: ?a=security", 401 => "CREATE TABLE hm2_tickets_messages ( id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key, ticket_id bigint(20) unsigned default 0, user_id bigint(20) unsigned default 0, date_added datetime default NULL, message text )", 4467 => " {if \$frm.say == \"settings_saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Changes has been saved</div> {/if} <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=tickets_settings> <input type=hidden name=action value=save_settings> <table class=\"form settings\"> <tr> <th>Max Open Tickets per User:</th> <td><input type=text name=tickets_max_open_tickets value=\"{\$settings.tickets_max_open_tickets}\" class=inpts size=6> <small>(Set 0 to skip limitation)</small></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> <h3>Departments</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"depts_saved\"} <div style=\"alert alert-success\">Changes has been saved</div> {/if} <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=tickets_settings> <table class=list> <tr> <th>Public</th> <th>Order</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Color</th> <th>Delete</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$depts item=d} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"public[{\$}]\" value=1 {if \$d.public}checked{/if}></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"order[{\$}]\" value=\"{\$d.ordering}\" size=3 class=inpts></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"name[{\$}]\" value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" style=\"width:100%\" class=inpts></td> <td align=center>#<input type=text name=\"color[{\$}]\" value=\"{\$d.color|escape:html}\" size=7 class=inpts> <div class=\"color_prev\" id=\"color{\$}\"></div></td> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"del[{\$}]\" value=1></td> </tr> {foreachelse} <td colspan=5 style=\"text-align:center\">No departments</td> {/foreach} <tr> <th colspan=5 align=center><button type=submit name=action value=\"save_depts\" class=sbmt>Save</button></th> </tr> <tr> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"npublic\" value=1></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"norder\" value=\"10\" size=3 class=inpts></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"nname\" value=\"\" style=\"width:100%\" class=inpts></td> <td align=center>#<input type=text name=\"ncolor\" value=\"\" size=7 class=inpts> <div class=\"color_prev\" id=\"ncolor\"></div></td> <td align=center><button type=submit name=action value=\"add_dept\" class=sbmt>Add</button></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 8437 => " <tr> <td>Verified:</td> <td><select name=verify class=inpts> <option value=\"0\" {if \$user.verify == 0}selected{/if}>Unverified</option> <option value=\"1\" {if \$user.verify == 1}selected{/if}>Pending</option> <option value=\"2\" {if \$user.verify == 2}selected{/if}>Verified</option> </select> </td> </tr>" );
  4026. return $eI8[$lBw];
  4027. }
  4029. , 279, function($siB) use (&$O)
  4030. {
  4031. $LsL = array( 7209 => "every 3 month", 2804 => "listing_id", 5092 => "</td> <td align=center><input type=text class=inpts name=\"group_add_percent[", 331 => "] class=inpts size=5 value='", 2864 => ":</td> <td><input type=text name=\"mprocessing_account[", 9426 => "Bitcoin Address", 4467 => "QRLX9Y2SRVH8KP2GLBUV", 5190 => "graph_validation", 5876 => "&text=", 6313 => "html", 4793 => "email_preset_%", 9269 => "transaction_code_recovery", 2523 => ", description = ", 2316 => "sr", 908 => "/^key\\d?\$/", 6164 => "in_amount_min", 8668 => "first", 7419 => "<li class=\"page-item active\"><a class=\"page-link\">", 4928 => "admin", 401 => "&#8364;", 2069 => "Balance", 8437 => "QI2M78AWOZUFDMMG4WAI", 2195 => "500_DEFAULT", 1194 => "every 6 hours" );
  4032. return $LsL[$siB];
  4033. }
  4035. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  4036. {
  4037. global $Bj1;
  4038. global $Ioj;
  4039. global $VdE;
  4040. global $o7J;
  4041. if( $VdE != 1 )
  4042. {
  4043. return NULL;
  4044. }
  4046. $IBd = unserialize($Bj1[$O[159](331)]);
  4047. $mxE = $IBd[$O[121](5876)];
  4048. $VRb = $IBd[$O[790](8437)];
  4049. $bLe = $SB0[$O[174](908)];
  4050. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 <= $o7J; $xL6++ )
  4051. {
  4052. $dwj = array( );
  4053. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[396](908) . $O[836]($O[737](2523)) . $O[680](401) . "'" . $O[1007](2523) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[726](2316) . "'" . $O[501](9426) . $bLe . $O[903](2316));
  4054. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  4055. {
  4056. $dwj[$bwD[$O[1139](2316)]] = abs($bwD[$O[810](2523)]);
  4057. }
  4058. $bwD = $O[475]($O[149](401) . $bLe . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[542](5190) . "'");
  4059. $x6b[$O[1007](2523)] = $O[28]($bwD[$O[284](8437)]);
  4060. $bwD = $O[475]($O[149](401) . $bLe . $O[353](6313) . "'" . $O[642](4928) . "'");
  4061. $x6b[$O[726](2316)] = $O[28]($bwD[$O[284](8437)]);
  4062. foreach( $VRb as $b0J => $xm7 )
  4063. {
  4064. if( $xm7[$O[1007](2523)] <= $x6b[$O[1007](2523)] )
  4065. {
  4066. continue;
  4067. }
  4069. if( $xm7[$O[726](2316)] <= $x6b[$O[726](2316)] )
  4070. {
  4071. continue;
  4072. }
  4074. if( $dwj[$O[1007](2523)] < $xm7[$O[1007](2523)] )
  4075. {
  4076. break;
  4077. }
  4079. if( $dwj[$O[726](2316)] < $xm7[$O[726](2316)] )
  4080. {
  4081. break;
  4082. }
  4084. $IDL = $O[28]($xm7[$O[134](2523)], $mxE);
  4085. $O[883]($O[972](908) . $bLe . $O[827](9269) . $IDL . $O[1173](908) . $IDL . $O[17](2523) . "'" . $O[134](2523) . "'" . $O[311](2523) . "'" . $O[559](401) . "'" . $O[337](6164) . $mxE . " ");
  4086. $x6b[$O[1007](2523)] = $O[28]($xm7[$O[1007](2523)]);
  4087. $O[883]($O[793](5190) . $bLe . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[542](5190) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $x6b[$O[1007](2523)] . $O[418](8437) . $x6b[$O[1007](2523)]);
  4088. $x6b[$O[726](2316)] = $O[28]($xm7[$O[726](2316)]);
  4089. $O[883]($O[793](5190) . $bLe . $O[271](2316) . "'" . $O[642](4928) . "'" . $O[271](2316) . $x6b[$O[726](2316)] . $O[418](8437) . $x6b[$O[726](2316)]);
  4090. }
  4091. $bwD = $O[475]($O[935](5092) . $bLe);
  4092. $XX7 = $bwD[$O[1282](4793)];
  4093. if( !$XX7 )
  4094. {
  4095. break;
  4096. }
  4098. $bLe = $XX7;
  4099. }
  4100. }
  4102. , function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  4103. {
  4104. global $Bj1;
  4105. global $Ioj;
  4106. $SBO = array( $O[264](4928) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[737](2523) => sprintf($O[1057](2523), $DO8[$O[737](2523)]), $O[228](6164) => $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)], $O[552](4928) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)], $O[342](7419) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[453](6164) => $DO8[$O[25](908)] );
  4107. $SB0 = array( );
  4108. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  4109. {
  4110. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  4111. }
  4112. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  4113. $O[106]($O[1203](6164) . $SB0);
  4114. $LwV = curl_init();
  4115. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[1139](5190));
  4116. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, 1);
  4117. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  4118. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  4119. $oE9 = curl_exec($LwV);
  4120. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  4121. curl_close($LwV);
  4122. $O[106]($O[552](5190) . $OsO . $O[136](2316) . $oE9);
  4123. if( strpos($oE9, $O[582](6164)) !== false )
  4124. {
  4125. $wsw = json_decode($oE9, true);
  4126. }
  4127. else
  4128. {
  4129. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $O[833](5190);
  4130. }
  4132. if( !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  4133. {
  4134. if( $wsw[$O[1180](2316)] == $O[891](4793) )
  4135. {
  4136. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  4137. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $wsw[$O[790](7419)];
  4138. return NULL;
  4139. }
  4141. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $wsw[$O[1285](6164)];
  4142. }
  4144. }
  4146. , 26, 739, 356, function($wdd, $mde, $eDe) use (&$O)
  4147. {
  4148. global $RX3;
  4149. return $O[491]($wdd, $mde, $eDe, $RX3);
  4150. }
  4152. , function(&$JRB, $ddR = 0) use (&$O)
  4153. {
  4154. reset($JRB);
  4155. foreach( $JRB as $wdd => $L3L )
  4156. {
  4157. $mRi = array( );
  4158. if( is_array($L3L) )
  4159. {
  4160. $O[318]($JRB[$wdd], $ddR);
  4161. }
  4162. else
  4163. {
  4164. $mRi = $O[504]($L3L);
  4165. $JRB[$wdd] = $mRi[$ddR];
  4166. }
  4168. }
  4169. }
  4171. , function($S6B) use (&$O)
  4172. {
  4173. $b4O = array( 9426 => ") as today", 2069 => "The total reward of this period: ", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>{if \$}Edit{else}Add{/if} Group</h3> ", 4928 => "max_tries", 5876 => "O6Y015V13OCM98VLALFT", 9269 => "PLF925D25UP4LM8UDMAT", 908 => " 7 day ", 2316 => "db_pass", 2523 => "session_name", 6164 => "Error: ", 4793 => "</email> <note>", 6313 => " but it can be different - ask your hoster to be sure.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>", 8668 => "sender_purse", 7419 => "3LRLVZANG8WYAJXL6JN7", 5190 => "./fonts/font.ttf", 4467 => "my:auto_pay_settings_test", 8437 => "select h.*, u.username, u.accounts, date_format( + interval " );
  4174. return $b4O[$S6B];
  4175. }
  4177. , 930, 469, function() use (&$O)
  4178. {
  4179. global $eRO;
  4180. global $Bj1;
  4181. global $Ejx;
  4182. global $Ioj;
  4183. global $wSE;
  4184. global $som;
  4185. $xdR = $O[166](2195);
  4186. $e5x = intval($eRO[$O[261](9426)]);
  4187. $wm6 = intval($eRO[$O[283](331)]);
  4188. $xbB = sprintf($O[523](5876), $eRO[$O[488](7419)], $eRO[$O[673](401)], $eRO[$O[1238](8437)]);
  4189. $XL1 = sprintf($O[523](5876), $eRO[$O[827](8437)], $eRO[$O[838](331)], $eRO[$O[285](5190)]);
  4190. if( $eRO[$O[1238](8437)] == 0 )
  4191. {
  4192. $XL1 = date($O[236](5190), time() - 24 * 60 * 60);
  4193. list($eRO[$O[827](8437)], $eRO[$O[838](331)], $eRO[$O[285](5190)]) = explode($O[123](908), $XL1);
  4194. $xbB = date($O[236](5190), time() - 24 * 60 * 60);
  4195. list($eRO[$O[488](7419)], $eRO[$O[673](401)], $eRO[$O[1238](8437)]) = explode($O[123](908), $xbB);
  4196. }
  4198. $b1j = "'" . $XL1 . "'" . $O[954](2864) . $e5x . $O[740](9426) . $wm6 . $O[827](2195) . "'" . $xbB . "'" . $O[336](8437) . $e5x . $O[740](9426) . $wm6 . $O[429](401);
  4199. $eRO[$O[285](401)] = $eRO[$O[827](8437)] - 5;
  4200. $xdR .= $O[228](2523) . $b1j;
  4201. $jmV = array( );
  4202. foreach( $Ioj as $i0B => $SB0 )
  4203. {
  4204. if( !$SB0[$O[1180](2316)] )
  4205. {
  4206. continue;
  4207. }
  4209. list($emS, $s8e) = $O[806]($SB0[$O[674](2316)], $Bj1[$O[954](2523)], 1);
  4210. if( $emS != 0 )
  4211. {
  4212. $emS = 1 / $emS;
  4213. }
  4215. $jmV[$i0B] = array( $O[281](908) => $i0B, $O[342](2316) => $SB0[$O[342](2316)], $O[674](2316) => $SB0[$O[674](2316)], $O[327](4793) => $emS );
  4216. }
  4217. $O[1162]($O[814](8668), $jmV);
  4218. $lSx = $LbL = array( );
  4219. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[812](5876) . $e5x . $O[740](9426) . $wm6 . $O[518](2069) . "'" . $O[436](7419) . "'" . $O[892](5190) . "'" . $O[1007](2523) . "'" . $O[80](401) . "'" . $O[542](2523) . "'" . $O[827](2864) . "'" . $O[484](908) . "'" . $O[401](9426) . "'" . $O[542](2523) . "'" . $O[412](5876) . "'" . $O[1007](2523) . "'" . $O[587](5190) . "'" . $O[39](6164) . "'" . $O[245](4467) . "'" . $O[1272](401) . "'" . $O[74](4467) . $xdR . $O[102](2864) . $e5x . $O[740](9426) . $wm6 . $O[518](2069) . "'" . $O[436](7419) . "'" . $O[772](2069));
  4220. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  4221. {
  4222. $bwD[$O[342](401)] = $bwD[$O[83](401)] - $bwD[$O[1105](401)];
  4223. if( $jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)] != $Bj1[$O[954](2523)] )
  4224. {
  4225. $bwD[$O[246](2804)] = $O[895]($jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)], $bwD[$O[1007](2523)] * $jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[327](4793)]);
  4226. $bwD[$O[1091](401)] = $O[895]($jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)], $bwD[$O[542](2523)] * $jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[327](4793)]);
  4227. $bwD[$O[484](2069)] = $O[895]($jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)], $bwD[$O[484](908)] * $jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[327](4793)]);
  4228. $bwD[$O[133](8668)] = $wSE[$jmV[$bwD[$O[642](2316)]][$O[674](2316)]][$O[1128](6164)];
  4229. }
  4231. $lSx[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$bwD[$O[642](2316)]] = $bwD;
  4232. $LbL[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$O[1007](2523)] += $bwD[$O[1007](2523)];
  4233. $LbL[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$O[542](2523)] += $bwD[$O[542](2523)];
  4234. $LbL[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$O[484](908)] += $bwD[$O[484](908)];
  4235. $LbL[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$O[83](401)] += $bwD[$O[83](401)];
  4236. $LbL[$bwD[$O[386](2069)]][$O[342](401)] += $bwD[$O[342](401)];
  4237. }
  4238. $O[1162]($O[551](2864), $lSx);
  4239. $O[1162]($O[1232](2069), $LbL);
  4240. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  4241. $som[$O[740](2069)] = $O[324](401);
  4242. $O[517]($O[573](5876));
  4243. $O[8]();
  4244. }
  4246. , function($DO8) use (&$O)
  4247. {
  4248. global $Bj1;
  4249. global $Ioj;
  4250. global $l4l;
  4251. $Ole = 80;
  4252. $O3R = array( );
  4253. $wd0 = array( $O[386](9269) => $O[385](5876) );
  4254. $O[567]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R, $wd0);
  4255. if( $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] == 0 && !$O3R[$O[192](9269)] )
  4256. {
  4257. $LiX = $DO8[$O[838](908)];
  4258. $lsO = $l4l[$LiX];
  4259. if( $lsO )
  4260. {
  4261. $DO8 = array_merge($DO8, $DO8[$LiX]);
  4262. $O3R = $lsO($DO8);
  4263. }
  4265. }
  4267. $O[798]($Ole, $DO8, $O3R);
  4268. return $O3R;
  4269. }
  4271. , function($J0o) use (&$O)
  4272. {
  4273. $dEd = array( 4467 => "max_daily_withdraw_verified", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Daily Stats:</h3> <form method=post name=main> <input type=hidden name=a value=daily_stats> <table class=\"form nosize\"> <tr> <td align=right> From: {html_select_date prefix=\"from_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} To: {html_select_date prefix=\"to_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} </td> <td align=right> Hour: <input type=text name=hour_dif value=\"{\$frm.hour_dif|intval}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=3> Min: <input type=text name=minute_dif value=\"{\$frm.minute_dif|intval}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=3> </td> <td> <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr> </table> {foreach from=\$stats item=d key=date} <br> <h3>{\$date}</h3> <table class=list> <tr> <th>EC</th> <th>Deposit</th> <th>Funded</th> <th>Withdrew</th> <th>Deposits</th> <th>Wallet Deposits</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$d item=s key=ec} <tr class=\"{cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}\"> <td align=center>{\$ps[\$ec].name|escape:html}</td> <td align=center>{\$s.deposit|amount_format|fiat}{if \$s.native_deposit != 0}<br>{\$s.fiat_sign}{\$s.native_deposit}{/if}</td> <td align=center>{\$s.add_funds|amount_format|fiat}{if \$s.native_add_funds != 0}<br>{\$s.fiat_sign}{\$s.native_add_funds}{/if}</td> <td align=center>{\$s.withdrawal|amount_format|fiat}{if \$s.native_withdrawal != 0}<br>{\$s.fiat_sign}{\$s.native_withdrawal}{/if}</td> <td align=center>{\$s.total_deposits|intval}</td> <td align=center>{\$s.int_deposits|intval}</td> </tr> {/foreach} <tr class=\"\"> <th>Total</th> <th>{\$stats_totals[\$date].deposit|amount_format|fiat}</th> <th>{\$stats_totals[\$date].add_funds|amount_format|fiat}</th> <th>{\$stats_totals[\$date].withdrawal|amount_format|fiat}</th> <th>{\$stats_totals[\$date].total_deposits|intval}</th> <th>{\$stats_totals[\$date].int_deposits|intval}</th> </tr> </table> {/foreach} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 5190 => "members", 4928 => "encurl_block", 5876 => "HEVZD7MKQ7JQ8KPLCFDP", 8668 => "Private Key", 6313 => "JTSDM4QCK377R7J6QWBF", 6164 => "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)", 2523 => " and v=", 908 => "update hm2_deposits set dde = deposit_date + interval ", 2316 => ", unit_amount = ", 9269 => "Cape Verde", 4793 => "Micronesia", 7419 => "Account", 2069 => "u.confirm_string != \"\"" );
  4274. return $dEd[$J0o];
  4275. }
  4277. , function($wO0) use (&$O)
  4278. {
  4279. if( !file_exists($O[292](2316)) )
  4280. {
  4281. return array( );
  4282. }
  4284. $dB0 = file($O[292](2316));
  4285. $b9m = chop($dB0[1]);
  4286. if( preg_match($O[1232](908), $dB0[0]) )
  4287. {
  4288. $SB0 = "";
  4289. $xL6 = 0;
  4290. while( $xL6 < strlen($b9m) )
  4291. {
  4292. $b0J = substr($b9m, $xL6, 2);
  4293. $SB0 .= chr(HexDec($b0J));
  4294. $xL6 += 2;
  4295. }
  4296. $Lil = $O[336](2316);
  4297. $BDx = $Lil;
  4298. while( strlen($BDx) < strlen($SB0) )
  4299. {
  4300. $BDx .= $Lil;
  4301. }
  4302. $l7e = $SB0 ^ $BDx;
  4303. list($o1b, $IBe, $wdd) = preg_split("~\\:~", $l7e, 3);
  4304. if( $o1b != md5($wdd) )
  4305. {
  4306. $O[17](908);
  4307. print $O[17](908);
  4308. exit();
  4309. }
  4311. if( $IBe = !md5($SB0 . $o1b) )
  4312. {
  4313. $O[17](908);
  4314. print $O[17](908);
  4315. exit();
  4316. }
  4318. }
  4319. else
  4320. {
  4321. if( file_exists($O[261](908)) )
  4322. {
  4323. $eID = file($O[261](908), FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
  4324. while( strlen($eID) < strlen($b9m) )
  4325. {
  4326. $eID .= $eID;
  4327. }
  4328. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < strlen($b9m); $xL6++ )
  4329. {
  4330. $b9m[$xL6] = substr($b9m, $xL6, 1) ^ substr($eID, $xL6, 1);
  4331. }
  4332. }
  4334. $xXL = strlen($b9m) / 2;
  4335. $xL6 = 0;
  4336. while( $xL6 < strlen($b9m) )
  4337. {
  4338. $exo[$xL6 / 2] = substr($b9m, $xL6, 2);
  4339. $exo[$xL6 / 2] = chr(HexDec($exo[$xL6 / 2]) ^ 65);
  4340. $xL6 += 2;
  4341. }
  4342. $wdd = "";
  4343. $oeR = $O[668](0, $xXL, $exo);
  4344. for( $IJ6 = $xXL; 10 < $IJ6; $IJ6-- )
  4345. {
  4346. $oeR = $O[668]($oeR, $xXL, $exo);
  4347. $wdd .= $exo[$oeR];
  4348. $exo[$oeR] = -1;
  4349. }
  4350. $OD7 = chr(1) . chr(1) . chr(1);
  4351. list($wdd, $OD7) = preg_split($O[374](2316) . $OD7 . $O[374](2316), $wdd, 2);
  4352. list($o1b, $IBe, $wdd) = preg_split("~\\:~", $wdd, 3);
  4353. if( $o1b != md5($wdd) )
  4354. {
  4355. $O[17](908);
  4356. print $O[17](908);
  4357. exit();
  4358. }
  4360. if( $IBe = !md5($o1b . $SB0) )
  4361. {
  4362. $O[17](908);
  4363. print $O[17](908);
  4364. ............................................................................
  4365. .................................................
  4366. .......................
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